# Supporting Adult growthcleanr functions
# Supporting functions for adult piece of algorithm, ordered by step first used (if
# not a convenience function, or EWMA)
# convenience functions ----
#' convenience function -- see if numeric vector falls between two numbers
#' returns boolean vector
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
check_between <- function(vect, num_low, num_high, incl = TRUE){
if (incl){
vect <= num_high & vect >= num_low
} else {
vect < num_high & vect > num_low
#' convenience function -- round to the nearest .x
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
round_pt <- function(val, pt){
#' convenience function to get remainders for floats (a/b)
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
get_float_rem <- function(a, b){
return(abs(round(a/b) - (a/b)))
# EWMA functions ----
#' function to calculate as delta matrix for adults
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
as.matrix.delta_dn <- function(agedays) {
n <- length(agedays)
delta <- abs(matrix(rep(agedays, n), n, byrow = TRUE) - agedays)
#' Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) (daymont implementation)
#' \code{ewma} calculates the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) for a set of numeric observations over time.
#' @param agedays Vector of age in days for each z score (potentially transformed to adjust weighting).
#' @param meas Input vector of numeric MEASUREMENT data.
#' @param ewma.exp Exponent to use for weighting.
#' @param ewma.adjacent Specify whether EWMA values excluding adjacent measurements should be calculated. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return Data frame with 3 variables:
#' * The first variable (ewma.all) contains the EWMA at observation time
#' excluding only the actual observation for that time point.
#' * The second variable (ewma.before) contains the EWMA for each observation excluding both the actual observation
#' and the immediate prior observation.
#' * The third variable (ewma.after) contains the EWMA for each observation excluding both the actual observation
#' and the subsequent observation.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
ewma_dn <- function(agedays, meas, ewma.exp = -5, ewma.adjacent = TRUE) {
# 6. EWMA calculation description: Most of the next steps will involve calculating the exponentially weighted moving average for each subject and parameter. I will
# describe how to calculate EWMASDs, and will describe how it needs to be varied in subsequent steps.
# a. The overall goal of the EWMASD calculation is to identify the difference between the SD-score and what we might predict that DS-score should be, in order to
# determine whether it should be excluded.
# b. Only nonmissing SD-scores for a parameter that are not designated for exclusion are included in the following calculations.
# c. For each SD-score SDi and associated agedaysi calculate the following for every other measurement (SDj...SDn) and associated agedays (agedaysj...agedaysn) for the
# same subject and parameter
# i. (delta)Agej=agedaysj-agedaysi
# ii. EWMAZ=SDi=[(sigma)j->n(SDj*((5+(delta)Agej)^-1.5))]/[ (sigma)j->n((5+(delta)Agej)^-1.5)]
# iii. For most EWMASD calculations, there are 3 EWMASDs that need to be calculated. I will note if not all of these need to be done for a given step.
# 1. EWMASDall calculated as above
# 2. EWMAZbef calculated excluding the SD-score just before the SD-score of interest (sorted by agedays). For the first observation for a parameter for a
# subject, this should be identical to EWMASDall rather than missing.
# 3. EWMAZaft calculated excluding the measurement just after the SD-score of interest (sorted by agedays). For the lastobservation for a parameter for a subject,
# this should be identical to EWMASDall rather than missing.
# iv. For each of the three EWMASDs, calculate the dewma_*=SD-EWMASD
# d. EWMASDs and (delta)EWMASDs will change if a value is excluded or manipulated using one of the methods below, therefore EWMASDs and (delta)EWMASDs be recalculated for each
# step where they are needed.
# e. For these calculations, use variables that allow for precise storage of numbers (in Stata this is called 'double') because otherwise rounding errors can cause
# problems in a few circumstances
n <- length(agedays)
# initialize response variables
ewma.all <- ewma.before <- ewma.after <- vector('numeric', 0)
if (n > 0) {
# organize into data frame and sort into order of increasing age,
# but retain original sort order information in index
if (!all(agedays == cummax(agedays)))
warning("EWMA ordering is not sorted; double check") #add in a check to make sure the inputs are already sorted (they should be)
index <- order(agedays)
# calculate matrix of differences in age, and add 5 to each delta per Daymont algorithm
delta <- as.matrix.delta_dn(agedays)
delta <- ifelse(delta == 0, 0, (delta) ^ ewma.exp)
# calculate EWMAs, and return in order of original data
ewma.all[index] <- delta %*% meas / apply(delta, 1, sum)
if (ewma.adjacent) {
if (n > 2) {
delta2 = delta
delta2[col(delta2) == row(delta2) - 1] = 0
ewma.before[index] = delta2 %*% meas / apply(delta2, 1, sum)
delta3 = delta
delta3[col(delta3) == row(delta3) + 1] = 0
ewma.after[index] = delta3 %*% meas / apply(delta3, 1, sum)
} else {
ewma.before <- ewma.after <- ewma.all
# return all 3 EWMAs as a data frame
return(if (ewma.adjacent)
data.frame(ewma.all, ewma.before, ewma.after)
# step 1w, W BIV ----
#' function to remove BIVs, based on cutoffs for the given method
#' inputs:
#' subj_df: data frame with measurements of a given type
#' type: height, weight, or bmi
#' biv_df: data frame with BIV cutoffs for the given type
#' include: default FALSE, whether or not to include the endpoints
#' outputs:
#' logical, true if the given record should be removed due to being a BIV
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
remove_biv <- function(subj_df, type, biv_df, include = FALSE){
too_low <- remove_biv_low(subj_df, type, biv_df, include)
too_high <- remove_biv_high(subj_df, type, biv_df, include)
return(too_low | too_high)
#' function to remove only the low end of BIVs, based on cutoffs for the given
#' method (for intermediate processing only)
#' inputs:
#' subj_df: data frame with measurements of a given type
#' type: height, weight, or bmi
#' biv_df: data frame with BIV cutoffs for the given type
#' include: default FALSE, whether or not to include the endpoints
#' outputs:
#' logical, true if the given record should be removed due to being a BIV
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
remove_biv_low <- function(subj_df, type, biv_df, include = FALSE){
if (!include){
too_low <- subj_df$measurement < biv_df[type, "low"]
} else {
too_low <- subj_df$measurement <= biv_df[type, "low"]
#' function to remove only the high end of BIVs, based on cutoffs for the given
#' method (for intermediate processing only)
#' inputs:
#' subj_df: data frame with measurements of a given type
#' type: height, weight, or bmi
#' biv_df: data frame with BIV cutoffs for the given type
#' include: default FALSE, whether or not to include the endpoints
#' outputs:
#' logical, true if the given record should be removed due to being a BIV
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
remove_biv_high <- function(subj_df, type, biv_df, include = FALSE){
if (!include){
too_high <- subj_df$measurement > biv_df[type, "high"]
} else {
too_high <- subj_df$measurement >= biv_df[type, "high"]
# step 2w, W repeated values ----
#' Function to identify repeated values in WEIGHT values
#' adds two colummns to w_subj_df:
#' is_first_rv: is it the first repeated value?
#' is_rv: is it a repeated value that is not a first rv
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
identify_rv <- function(w_subj_df){
if (nrow(w_subj_df) > 0){
# follows a similar process to temp sde (step 3)
# identify which of these have duplicate values
tab_vals <- table(w_subj_df$meas_m)
dup_vals <- names(tab_vals)[tab_vals > 1] # coerces to character
# if there are any duplicate days, we want to identify the first
if (length(dup_vals) > 0){
# flag repeated values, as well as if it's a first value
w_subj_df$is_first_rv <- w_subj_df$is_rv <- FALSE
for (dv in dup_vals){
first_rv <- which(as.character(w_subj_df$meas_m) == dv)[1]
w_subj_df$is_first_rv[first_rv] <- TRUE
w_subj_df$is_rv[which(as.character(w_subj_df$meas_m) == dv)[-1]] <- TRUE
} else {
# no repeated values
w_subj_df$is_first_rv <- w_subj_df$is_rv <- FALSE
# step 3, temp extraneous ----
#' Function to identify temporary same days extraneous
#' adds a column to subj_df : "extraneous" designating whether or not the row is
#' temporarily extraneous (not to be considered in the future)
#' ptype: height or weight, weight excludes repeated values
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
temp_sde <- function(subj_df, ptype = "height"){
# identify which of these have duplicate days
tab_days <- table(subj_df$age_days)
dup_days <- names(tab_days)[tab_days > 1] # coerces to character
if (nrow(subj_df) >= 2){
# can't do this without having no duplicate days
med_wo <-
if (sum(!as.character(subj_df$age_days) %in% dup_days) > 0){
# get the median without duplicate days
if (ptype == "weight"){
} else {
rep(TRUE, nrow(subj_df))
# if it's weight, we also don't want to include RV in median calculation
# distribute that median out duplicate days
} else {
# for those with other nonduplicate parameters, make the median 0
subj_df$diff <- NA
subj_df$diff[as.character(subj_df$age_days) %in% dup_days] <-
abs(subj_df$measurement[as.character(subj_df$age_days) %in% dup_days] -
# flag extraneous values on the same day that is not the minimum distance
# from the median sd score
subj_df$extraneous <- FALSE
for (dd in dup_days){
minz <-which.min(subj_df$diff[as.character(subj_df$age_days) == dd])
subj_df$extraneous[as.character(subj_df$age_days) == dd][-minz] <-
} else if (nrow(subj_df) > 0){
# nothing is duplicate
subj_df$extraneous <- FALSE
# function to redo repeated values after you've done a temporary same day extraneous
# w_subj_df: weight subject data.table
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
redo_identify_rv <- function(w_subj_df){
# redo RVs just if any first RVs became extraneous
if (nrow(w_subj_df) > 0 & any(w_subj_df$extraneous & w_subj_df$is_first_rv)){
inc_df <- copy(w_subj_df[!w_subj_df$extraneous,])
inc_df <- identify_rv(inc_df)
# reassign new rvs to weight df -- ordered the same way
w_subj_df$is_first_rv <- w_subj_df$is_rv <- FALSE
w_subj_df$is_rv[w_subj_df$id %in% inc_df$id] <- inc_df$is_rv
w_subj_df$is_first_rv[w_subj_df$id %in% inc_df$id] <- inc_df$is_first_rv
# step 5, hundreds ----
#' function to identify hundred exclusions
#' inc_df: subj_df with temp extraneous/first rv removed
#' dewma: delta ewma, for metric
#' meas_col: meas_im or meas_m
#' hundreds: 100/200/300, etc.
#' ptype: param type, "weight" or "height"
#' mtype: m or imp (metric or imperial)
#' returns criteria (true if implausible)
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
rem_hundreds <- function(inc_df, dewma, meas_col, hundreds, ptype = "weight"){
# calculate difference between values -- ENDS ARE PROTECTED ON EITHER SIDE
inc_df$diff_prev <- c(NA, diff(unlist(inc_df[, meas_col, with = FALSE])))
inc_df$diff_next <- c(diff(unlist(inc_df[, meas_col, with = FALSE])), NA)
# state upper and lower limits (hundreds +/- 2)
# modifier for height vs weight
modifier <- if (ptype == "height"){
} else {
# conversion for imperial for weight (none for height)
div_modifier <- if (grepl("_m", meas_col) | ptype == "height"){
} else {
# these are metric limits
llimit <- (hundreds / div_modifier) - modifier
ulimit <- (hundreds / div_modifier) + modifier
# these are imperial limits
llimit_imp <- if (ptype == "height" | grepl("_m", meas_col)){
} else {
hundreds - 2*2.2046226
ulimit_imp <- if (ptype == "height" | grepl("_m", meas_col)){
} else {
hundreds + 2*2.2046226
# identify hundred exclusions -- only hundred down
exc_up <-
(check_between(dewma$dewma.all, llimit, ulimit)) &
(check_between(dewma$dewma.before, llimit, ulimit)) &
(check_between(dewma$dewma.after, llimit, ulimit)) &
(check_between(inc_df$diff_prev, llimit_imp, ulimit_imp) |
check_between(inc_df$diff_next, llimit_imp, ulimit_imp))
exc_down <-
(check_between(dewma$dewma.all, -ulimit, -llimit)) &
(check_between(dewma$dewma.before, -ulimit, -llimit)) &
(check_between(dewma$dewma.after, -ulimit, -llimit)) &
(check_between(inc_df$diff_prev, -ulimit_imp, -llimit_imp) |
check_between(inc_df$diff_next, -ulimit_imp, -llimit_imp))
exc_hundred <- if (ptype == "height"){
} else {
exc_down | exc_up
# end criteria depends on the number of distinct values
criteria <-
if ((ptype == "height" & length(unique(inc_df$meas_m)) > 2) |
(ptype == "weight" & length(inc_df$meas_m) > 2)){
} else {
exc_hundred &
if (ptype == "height"){
inc_df$meas_m < 100
} else {
inc_df$meas_m < 40 | inc_df$meas_m > 182
criteria[] <- FALSE
# step 6, unit errors ----
#' function to remove unit errors
#' inc_df: subj_df with temp extraneous/first rv removed
#' ptype: height or weight
#' returns criteria (true if implausible)
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
rem_unit_errors <- function(inc_df, ptype = "height"){
# add "unit error": metric encoded as imperial
inc_df$ue <- inc_df$meas_m * (if (ptype == "height"){ 2.54 } else {2.2046226})
# calculate ewma (using metric)
ewma_res <- ewma_dn(inc_df$age_days, inc_df$meas_m)
dewma <- (inc_df$meas_m- ewma_res)
# delta ewma with unit error
absdewma_ue <- abs(inc_df$ue - ewma_res)
colnames(dewma) <- colnames(absdewma_ue) <-
# calculate difference between values
inc_df$abs_ue_prev <- c(NA, abs(inc_df$ue[2:nrow(inc_df)] -
inc_df$abs_ue_next <- c(abs(inc_df$ue[1:(nrow(inc_df)-1)] -
inc_df$meas_m[2:nrow(inc_df)]), NA)
# identify unit error exclusions
exc_ue <- if (ptype == "height"){
dewma$dewma.all < -80 &
dewma$dewma.before < -80 &
dewma$dewma.after < -80 &
(absdewma_ue$dewma.all <= 2.54 | inc_df$abs_ue_prev <= 2.54 |
inc_df$abs_ue_next <= 2.54)
} else {
dewma$dewma.all > 40 &
dewma$dewma.before > 40 &
dewma$dewma.after > 40 &
(absdewma_ue$dewma.all <= 2 | inc_df$abs_ue_prev <= 2 |
inc_df$abs_ue_next <= 2)
# end criteria depends on the number of distinct values
criteria <-
if ((ptype == "height" & length(unique(inc_df$meas_m)) > 2) &
(ptype == "weight" & length(inc_df$meas_m) > 2)){
} else {
exc_ue &
if (ptype == "height"){
inc_df$meas_m < 100
} else {
inc_df$meas_m > 182
criteria[] <- FALSE
# step 7h, transpositions ----
# get ones/tens places of a given number
# returns vector of desired digits
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
get_num_places <- function(num, place){
place_map <- c(
"ones" = 1,
"tens" = 2
# there should always be a tens place -- BIVs filter out single digits
res <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(num), ""), function(x){
if ("." %in% x){
as.numeric(x[which(x == ".") - place_map[place]])
} else {
as.numeric(x[length(x) + 1 - place_map[place]])
#' function to switch the ones and tens place digit of a number
#' returns vector of switched numbers
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
switch_tens_ones <- function(num){
# gets 10s and ones digits
tens <- get_num_places(num, "tens")
ones <- get_num_places(num, "ones")
# get everything to the left of the tens place
left_num <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(num), ""), function(x){
if (length(x) == 2){
} else if ("." %in% x){
paste(x[1:(which(x == ".") - 3)], collapse = "")
} else {
paste(x[1:(length(x) + 1 - 3)], collapse = "")
# get everything to right of ones place
right_num <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(num), ""), function(x){
if ("." %in% x){
paste(x[(which(x == ".")):length(x)], collapse = "")
} else {
# return number with tens and ones place switched
return(as.numeric(paste0(left_num, ones, tens, right_num)))
#' function to calculate transpositions
#' inc_df: subj_df with temp extraneous/first rv removed
#' ptype: height or weight
#' returns criteria (true if implausible)
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
rem_transpositions <- function(inc_df, ptype = "height"){
# calculate ewma (using metric)
ewma_res <- ewma_dn(inc_df$age_days, inc_df$meas_m)
dewma <- (inc_df$meas_m- ewma_res)
colnames(dewma) <- paste0("d",colnames(ewma_res))
criteria <- rep(FALSE, nrow(inc_df))
for (mtype in c("m", "im")){
inc_df$transpo <- switch_tens_ones(
unlist(inc_df[, paste0("meas_", mtype), with = FALSE])
# if imperial, we want to convert to metric
if (mtype == "im"){
inc_df$transpo <- inc_df$transpo /
(if (ptype == "height"){ 2.54 } else {2.2046226})
inc_df$ones <- get_num_places(
unlist(inc_df[, paste0("meas_", mtype), with = FALSE]), "ones"
inc_df$tens <- get_num_places(
unlist(inc_df[, paste0("meas_", mtype), with = FALSE]), "tens"
absdewma_transpo <- abs(inc_df$transpo - ewma_res)
colnames(absdewma_transpo) <- paste0("d",colnames(ewma_res))
# calculate difference between values
inc_df$abs_transpo_prev <- c(NA, abs(inc_df$transpo[2:nrow(inc_df)] -
inc_df$abs_transpo_next <- c(abs(inc_df$transpo[1:(nrow(inc_df)-1)] -
inc_df$meas_m[2:nrow(inc_df)]), NA)
# transposition cutoff
tcut <- if (ptype == "height"){10} else {30}
# allowance for change in height/weight
allowance <- if (ptype == "height"){2.54} else {2}
# identify transposition exclusions
exc_transpo <-
((abs(dewma$dewma.all) > tcut &
abs(dewma$dewma.before) > abs(.9*dewma$dewma.all) &
abs(dewma$dewma.after) > abs(.9*dewma$dewma.all)) |
(abs(dewma$dewma.all) < -1*tcut &
abs(dewma$dewma.before) < abs(-.9*dewma$dewma.all) &
abs(dewma$dewma.after) < abs(-.9*dewma$dewma.all))) &
(absdewma_transpo$dewma.all <= allowance |
inc_df$abs_transpo_prev <= allowance |
inc_df$abs_transpo_next <= allowance) &
abs(inc_df$tens - inc_df$ones) >= 3
criteria <- criteria | exc_transpo
criteria[] <- FALSE
# step 10 hab, H distinct values ----
#' function to calculate height growth allowance
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
ht_allow <- function(velocity, ageyears1, ageyears2){
velocity*(log(ageyears2 - 16.9)) - (velocity*log(ageyears1 - 16.9))
#' function to generate height growth/loss groups
#' returns either empty lists or too long lists if it fails
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
ht_change_groups <- function(h_subj_df, cutoff, type = "loss"){
# already ordered by age
glist <- galist <- list()
# keep track of some current group variables
cg <- 1 # current group
glist[[cg]] <- setNames(h_subj_df$meas_m[1], h_subj_df$id[1])
galist[[cg]] <- h_subj_df$age_years[1]
for (m in 2:nrow(h_subj_df)){
cm <- h_subj_df$meas_m[m] # current measurement
# find range of group with current measurement added
crng <- max(c(glist[[cg]], cm)) - min(c(glist[[cg]], cm))
# store temporary difference between current and minimum/maximum
temp_mindiff <- min(glist[[cg]]) - cm
temp_maxdiff <- max(glist[[cg]]) - cm
# if the range is below 2 inches with the added value, add and move on
# we're also going to set the names on the measurements as ids for ease later
if (crng < (5.08 + .001)){
glist[[cg]] <- setNames(c(glist[[cg]], cm),
c(names(glist[[cg]]), h_subj_df$id[m]))
galist[[cg]] <- c(galist[[cg]], h_subj_df$age_years[m])
} else {
# otherwise, we add a new group for the current measurement
cg <- cg + 1
glist[[cg]] <- setNames(cm, h_subj_df$id[m])
galist[[cg]] <- h_subj_df$age_years[m]
# if there are too many groups, we're going to stop -- we're not doing
# this test
if (cg > cutoff){
# if you're going the wrong direction, you're out
if (type == "loss"){
if (temp_mindiff < -(5.08 + .001)){
glist <- galist <- list()
} else { # type is gain
if (temp_maxdiff > (5.08 + .001)){
glist <- galist <- list()
"meas" = glist,
"age" = galist
#' function to compare growth for 3D height groups
#' compare: before or first
#' returns whether or not to use original exclusions
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
ht_3d_growth_compare <- function(mean_ht, min_age, glist,
compare = "before"){
# preallocating on whether or not we want to go by original exclusion
origexc <- FALSE
for (i in 2:6){
# if there are no members of the group, we want to skip
if (i > length(glist)){
# for ease, creating reference variables
check_num <- if (compare == "before"){ i - 1} else {1}
ageyears1 <- min_age[check_num]
ageyears2 <- min_age[i]
mh1 <- mean_ht[check_num]
mh2 <- mean_ht[i]
# check based on growth
htcompare <- ifelse(ageyears2 > 25, 25, ageyears2)
# using short circuiting
hta <-
if ((htcompare - ageyears1) < 1){
ht_allow(20, ageyears1, htcompare)
} else if ((htcompare - ageyears1) <= 3){
ht_allow(15, ageyears1, htcompare)
} else if ((htcompare - ageyears1) > 3){
ht_allow(12, ageyears1, htcompare)
origexc <- origexc |
((mh2 - mh1) < 0 |
(mh2 - mh1) > hta)
# Step 9w, W extreme EWMA ----
#' Function to remove data based on exponentially-weighted moving average
#' (Daymont, et al.) for WEIGHT. Cutoff defaults adjusted for adults.
#' inputs:
#' subj_df: subject data frame, which has age in days and measurement
#' ewma_cutoff: EWMA past which considered invalid (center value). left and right
#' are .5 less.
#' outputs:
#' logical indicating whether to exclude a record
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
remove_ewma_wt <- function(subj_df, ewma_cutoff_low = 60,
ewma_cutoff_high = 100){
orig_subj_df <- subj_df
# all three need to be beyond a cutoff for exclusion
# exclude the most extreme, then recalculate again and again
rem_ids <- c()
change <- TRUE
iter <- 1
while (change){
# figure out time difference between points
agedays_bef <- c(Inf, diff(subj_df$age_days))
agedays_aft <- c(diff(subj_df$age_days), Inf)
# both year: different cutoffs if they're at least a year apart
both_year <- agedays_bef > 365.25 & agedays_aft > 365.25
# calculate ewma
ewma_res <- ewma_dn(subj_df$age_days, subj_df$meas_m)
dewma <- subj_df$meas_m - ewma_res
colnames(dewma) <- paste0("d",colnames(ewma_res))
criteria_low <-
!both_year &
((dewma$dewma.all > ewma_cutoff_low &
dewma$dewma.before > .9*dewma$dewma.all &
dewma$dewma.after > .9*dewma$dewma.all) |
(dewma$dewma.all < -1*ewma_cutoff_low &
dewma$dewma.before < -.9*dewma$dewma.all &
dewma$dewma.after < -.9*dewma$dewma.all))
criteria_high <-
both_year &
((dewma$dewma.all > ewma_cutoff_high &
dewma$dewma.before > .9*dewma$dewma.all &
dewma$dewma.after > .9*dewma$dewma.all) |
(dewma$dewma.all < -1*ewma_cutoff_high &
dewma$dewma.before < -.9*dewma$dewma.all &
dewma$dewma.after < -.9*dewma$dewma.all))
criteria_new <- criteria_low | criteria_high
criteria_new[] <- FALSE
if (all(!criteria_new)){
# if none of them are to be removed
change <- FALSE
# if using intermediate values, we want to keep some
} else {
# figure out the most extreme value and remove it and rerun
to_rem <- which.max(abs(dewma$dewma.all)[criteria_new])
# keep the ids that failed and remove
rem_ids[length(rem_ids)+1] <- unlist(subj_df[criteria_new,][to_rem, "id"])
subj_df <- subj_df[subj_df$id != rem_ids[length(rem_ids)],]
# update iteration
iter <- iter + 1
# check if this is viable -- you need at least three points, otherwise
# we're done
if (nrow(subj_df) < 3){
change <- FALSE
# form results into a logical vector
criteria <- rep(FALSE, nrow(orig_subj_df))
criteria[orig_subj_df$id %in% rem_ids] <- TRUE
# Step 11wb, W moderate EWMA ----
#' Function to remove data based on exponentially-weighted moving average
#' (Daymont, et al.) for WEIGHT. Moderate cutoff defaults adjusted for adults.
#' inputs:
#' full_inc_df: subject data frame, which has age in days and measurement
#' outputs:
#' logical indicating whether to exclude a record
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
remove_mod_ewma_wt <- function(full_inc_df){
inc_df <- copy(full_inc_df)
# exclude the most extreme, then recalculate again and again
rem_ids <- c()
change <- TRUE
iter <- 1
while (change){
# set a limit for wts to be percent of other wts, focused on lower wts
perc_limit <- rep(.7, nrow(inc_df))
perc_limit[inc_df$meas_m > 45] <- .4
# figure out time difference between points
ageyears_bef <- c(Inf, diff(inc_df$age_years))
ageyears_aft <- c(diff(inc_df$age_years), Inf)
minagediff <- ageyears_bef
minagediff[ageyears_aft < ageyears_bef] <-
ageyears_aft[ageyears_aft < ageyears_bef]
# convert to days - rounded
agedays_bef <- round(ageyears_bef*365.25)
agedays_aft <- round(ageyears_aft*365.25)
# figure out weight difference between points
wt_bef <- c(NA, diff(inc_df$meas_m))
wt_aft <- c(diff(inc_df$meas_m), NA)
# 'polation (inter/extra-polation)
# "interpolation" - between prior and next with error of 5 on either end
binerr_interpol <-
if (nrow(inc_df) >= 3){
c(NA, sapply(2:(nrow(inc_df)-1), function(x){
inc_df$meas_m[x-1]-5, inc_df$meas_m[x+1]+5) |
inc_df$meas_m[x+1]-5, inc_df$meas_m[x-1]+5)
}), NA)
} else {
c(NA, NA)
# extrapolation -- prior weights
lepolate_p <- binerr_lepolate_p <- c(rep(NA,2))
if (nrow(inc_df) >= 3){
for (x in 3:nrow(inc_df)){
slope <- (inc_df$meas_m[x-1] - inc_df$meas_m[x-2])/
(inc_df$age_days[x-1] - inc_df$age_days[x-2])
lepolate_p <- c(lepolate_p, round_pt(
inc_df$meas_m[x-1] +
# is current value between extrapolated and 2 previous
binerr_lepolate_p <- c(
inc_df$meas_m[x - 2] - 5, lepolate_p[x] + 5) |
lepolate_p[x] - 5, inc_df$meas_m[x - 2] + 5)
# extrapolation -- next weights
lepolate_n <- binerr_lepolate_n <- c()
if (nrow(inc_df) >= 3){
for (x in 1:(nrow(inc_df)-2)){
slope <- (inc_df$meas_m[x+1] - inc_df$meas_m[x+2])/
(inc_df$age_days[x+1] - inc_df$age_days[x+2])
lepolate_n <- c(lepolate_n, round_pt(
inc_df$meas_m[x+1] +
# is current value between extrapolated and 2 next
binerr_lepolate_n <- c(
inc_df$meas_m[x + 2] - 5, lepolate_n[x] + 5) |
lepolate_n[x] - 5, inc_df$meas_m[x + 2] + 5)
lepolate_n <- c(lepolate_n, rep(NA,2))
binerr_lepolate_n <- c(binerr_lepolate_n, rep(NA,2))
# compute "weight allow" how much change is allowed over time
wta <- 4 + 18*log(1 + (minagediff*12))
# cap at 60
wta[wta > 60] <- 60
# calculate ewma
ewma_res <- ewma_dn(inc_df$age_days, inc_df$meas_m)
dewma <- inc_df$meas_m - ewma_res
colnames(dewma) <- paste0("d",colnames(ewma_res))
# moderate EWMA exclusion criteria
exc_mod_ewma <-
(dewma$dewma.all > wta &
dewma$dewma.before > (.75*wta) &
dewma$dewma.after > (.75*wta)) |
(dewma$dewma.all < -1*wta &
dewma$dewma.before < (-1*.75*wta) &
dewma$dewma.after < (-1*.75*wta))
# alternate ewma criteria -- if difference with adjacent within wta and
# difference in agedays <= 14
# prior is close in age but far in weight
alt_ewma_exc <-
agedays_bef <= 14 &
abs(wt_bef) > wta &
(dewma$dewma.all > wta &
dewma$dewma.after > (.75*wta)) |
(dewma$dewma.all < -1*wta &
dewma$dewma.after < (-1*.75*wta))
# next is close in age but far in weight
alt_ewma_exc <- alt_ewma_exc |
(agedays_aft <= 14 &
abs(wt_aft) > wta &
(dewma$dewma.all > wta &
dewma$dewma.before > (.75*wta)) |
(dewma$dewma.all < -1*wta &
dewma$dewma.before < (-1*.75*wta)))
exc_mod_ewma[] <- FALSE
alt_ewma_exc[] <- FALSE
exc_mod_ewma <- exc_mod_ewma | alt_ewma_exc
# identify binerr criteria -- edge ones are marked as true
binerr_lepolate_n[] <- FALSE
binerr_lepolate_p[] <- FALSE
binerr_interpol[] <- FALSE
exc_binerr <- !binerr_lepolate_p & !binerr_lepolate_n & !binerr_interpol
# alternate binerr crtieria -- if difference with adjacent within wta and
# difference in agedays <= 14
alt_exc_binerr <-
agedays_bef <= 14 &
abs(wt_bef) > wta &
alt_exc_binerr <- alt_exc_binerr |
(agedays_aft <= 14 &
abs(wt_aft) > wta &
exc_binerr <- exc_binerr | alt_exc_binerr
exc_binerr[] <- FALSE
# ratio to ewma can also lead to exclusion
percewma <- inc_df$meas_m/ewma_res
exc_perc <- percewma$ewma.all < perc_limit &
percewma$ewma.before < perc_limit &
percewma$ewma.after < perc_limit
exc_perc[] <- FALSE
criteria_new <- (exc_mod_ewma & exc_binerr) | exc_perc
if (all(!criteria_new)){
change <- FALSE
} else {
# ewma ratio determines which to exclude -- highest ewmaratio
ewmaratio <- abs(dewma$dewma.all)/wta
# boost middle values -- be more strict
ewmaratio[-c(1, length(ewmaratio))] <-
ewmaratio[-c(1, length(ewmaratio))] + .2
# figure out the most extreme value and remove it and rerun
to_rem <- which.max(ewmaratio[criteria_new])
# keep the ids that failed and remove
rem_ids[length(rem_ids)+1] <- unlist(inc_df[criteria_new,][to_rem, "id"])
inc_df <- inc_df[inc_df$id != rem_ids[length(rem_ids)],]
# check if this is viable -- you need at least three points, otherwise
# we're done
if (nrow(inc_df) < 3){
change <- FALSE
# update iteration
iter <- iter + 1
# form results into a logical vector
criteria <- rep(FALSE, nrow(full_inc_df))
criteria[full_inc_df$id %in% rem_ids] <- TRUE
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