
Defines functions mkint sspdsty1 mspdsty1 ssden1

Documented in mkint mspdsty1 ssden1 sspdsty1

## Fit density model
ssden1 <- function(formula,type=NULL,data=list(),alpha=1.4,
    ## Obtain model frame and model terms
    mf <- match.call()
    mf$type <- mf$alpha <- NULL
    mf$id.basis <- mf$nbasis <- mf$seed <- NULL
    mf$domain <- mf$quad <- mf$quad <- NULL
    mf$prec <- mf$maxiter <- NULL
    mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    mf <- eval(mf,sys.frame(sys.parent()))
    cnt <- model.weights(mf)
    mf$"(weights)" <- NULL
    ## Use ssden for 1-D estimation
    if (dim(mf)[2]==1) stop("use ssden to estimate 1-D density")
    ## Generate sub-basis
    nobs <- dim(mf)[1]
    if (is.null(id.basis)) {
        if (is.null(nbasis))  nbasis <- max(30,ceiling(10*nobs^(2/9)))
        if (nbasis>=nobs)  nbasis <- nobs
        if (!is.null(seed))  set.seed(seed)
        id.basis <- sample(nobs,nbasis,prob=cnt)
    else {
        if (max(id.basis)>nobs|min(id.basis)<1)
            stop("gss error in ssden1: id.basis out of range")
        nbasis <- length(id.basis)
    ## Set domain and type, generate rho and quadrature
    if (is.null(quad)) quad <- as.list(NULL)
    rho <- rho.log <- as.list(NULL)
    rho.int <- rho.int2 <- NULL
    for (xlab in names(mf)) {
        x <- mf[[xlab]]
        if (is.factor(x)) {
            ## factor variable
            domain[[xlab]] <- NULL
            wt <- as.numeric(table(x))
            rho[[xlab]] <- wt/sum(wt)
            quad[[xlab]] <- list(pt=unique(x),wt=rho[[xlab]])
            rho.log[[xlab]] <- log(rho[[xlab]])
            rho.int <- c(rho.int,sum(rho[[xlab]]*log(rho[[xlab]])))
            rho.int2 <- c(rho.int2,sum(rho[[xlab]]*(log(rho[[xlab]]))^2))
        if (is.vector(x)&!is.factor(x)) {
            ## numerical vector
            if (is.null(domain[[xlab]])) {
                mn <- min(x)
                mx <- max(x)
                domain[[xlab]] <- c(mn,mx)+c(-1,1)*(mx-mn)*.05
            else domain[[xlab]] <- c(min(domain[[xlab]]),max(domain[[xlab]]))
            if (is.null(type[[xlab]]))
                type[[xlab]] <- list("cubic",domain[[xlab]])
            else {
                if (length(type[[xlab]])==1)
                    type[[xlab]] <- list(type[[xlab]][[1]],domain[[xlab]])
            form <- as.formula(paste("~",xlab))
            rho[[xlab]] <- ssden(form,data=mf,type=type[xlab],
            qd.wk <- rho[[xlab]]$quad
            rho.wk <- dssden(rho[[xlab]],qd.wk$pt)
            qd.wk$pt <- qd.wk$pt[[1]]
            qd.wk$wt <- rho.wk*qd.wk$wt
            quad[[xlab]] <- qd.wk
            rho.log[[xlab]] <- log(rho.wk)
            rho.int <- c(rho.int,sum(log(rho.wk)*qd.wk$wt))
            rho.int2 <- c(rho.int2,sum((log(rho.wk))^2*qd.wk$wt))
        if (is.matrix(x)) {
            ## numerical matrix
            if (is.null(quad[[xlab]])|is.null(quad))
                stop("gss error in ssden1: no default quadrature")
            else {
                qd.wk <- quad[[xlab]]
                qd.wk$pt <- data.frame(I(qd.wk$pt))
                colnames(qd.wk$pt) <- xlab
                form <- as.formula(paste("~",xlab))
                rho[[xlab]] <- ssden(form,data=mf,type=type[xlab],quad=qd.wk,
                rho.wk <- dssden(rho[[xlab]],qd.wk$pt)
                quad[[xlab]]$wt <- rho.wk*quad[[xlab]]$wt
                rho.log[[xlab]] <- log(rho.wk)
                rho.int <- c(rho.int,sum(log(rho.wk)*quad[[xlab]]$wt))
                rho.int2 <- c(rho.int2,sum((log(rho.wk))^2*quad[[xlab]]$wt))
    ## Generate terms
    term <- mkterm(mf,type)
    term$labels <- term$labels[term$labels!="1"]
    int <- mkint(mf,type,id.basis,quad,term,rho.log,rho.int)
    ## Generate s, r, and q
    s <- r <- NULL
    nq <- 0
    for (label in term$labels) {
        x <- mf[,term[[label]]$vlist]
        x.basis <- mf[id.basis,term[[label]]$vlist]
        nphi <- term[[label]]$nphi
        nrk <- term[[label]]$nrk
        if (nphi) {
            phi <- term[[label]]$phi
            for (i in 1:nphi) s <- cbind(s,phi$fun(x,nu=i,env=phi$env))
        if (nrk) {
            rk <- term[[label]]$rk
            for (i in 1:nrk) {
                nq <- nq+1
                r <- array(c(r,rk$fun(x,x.basis,nu=i,env=rk$env,out=TRUE)),c(nobs,nbasis,nq))
    if (!is.null(s)) {
        nnull <- dim(s)[2]
        ## Check s rank
        if (qr(s)$rank<nnull)
            stop("gss error in ssden1: unpenalized terms are linearly dependent")
    ## Use ssden for 1-D estimation
    if (nq==1) stop("use ssden to estimate density on 1-D continuous domain")
    ## Fit the model
    z <- mspdsty1(s,r,id.basis,cnt,int,prec,maxiter,alpha)
    ## Brief description of model terms
    desc <- NULL
    for (label in term$labels)
        desc <- rbind(desc,as.numeric(c(term[[label]][c("nphi","nrk")])))
    desc <- rbind(desc,apply(desc,2,sum))
    rownames(desc) <- c(term$labels,"total")
    colnames(desc) <- c("Unpenalized","Penalized")
    ## Return the results
    obj <- c(list(call=match.call(),mf=mf,cnt=cnt,terms=term,desc=desc,alpha=alpha,
    class(obj) <- c("ssden1","ssden")

## Fit multiple smoothing parameter density
mspdsty1 <- function(s,r,id.basis,cnt,int,prec,maxiter,alpha)
    nq <- dim(r)[3]
    ## initialization
    theta <- -log10(apply(r[id.basis,,],3,function(x)sum(diag(x))))
    r.wk <- int.r.wk <- 0
    for (i in 1:nq) {
        r.wk <- r.wk + 10^theta[i]*r[,,i]
        int.r.wk <- int.r.wk + 10^theta[i]*int$r[,i]
    int.wk <- list(r=int.r.wk,s=int$s)
    ## theta adjustment
    z <- sspdsty1(s,r.wk,r.wk[id.basis,],cnt,int.wk,prec,maxiter,alpha)
    theta <- theta + z$theta
    r.wk <- int.r.wk <- 0
    for (i in 1:nq) theta[i] <- 2*theta[i] + log10(t(z$c)%*%r[id.basis,,i]%*%z$c)
    for (i in 1:nq) {
        r.wk <- r.wk + 10^theta[i]*r[,,i]
        int.r.wk <- int.r.wk + 10^theta[i]*int$r[,i]
    int.wk <- list(r=int.r.wk,s=int$s)
    ## lambda search
    z <- sspdsty1(s,r.wk,r.wk[id.basis,],cnt,int.wk,prec,maxiter,alpha)
    lambda <- z$lambda
    theta <- theta + z$theta
    cd <- c(z$c,z$d)
    scal <- NULL
    ## return
    z$theta <- theta

## Fit single smoothing parameter density
sspdsty1 <- function(s,r,q,cnt,int,prec,maxiter,alpha)
    nxi <- dim(r)[2]
    nobs <- dim(r)[1]
    if (!is.null(s)) nnull <- dim(s)[2]
    else nnull <- 0
    nxis <- nxi+nnull
    if (is.null(cnt)) cnt <- 0
    if (sum(cnt)) wt <- cnt/sum(cnt)
    else wt <- 1/nobs
    ## cv function
    cv <- function(lambda) {
        fit <- .Fortran("dnewton10",
                        cd=as.double(cd), as.integer(nxis),
                        as.double(10^(lambda+theta)*q), as.integer(nxi),
                        as.double(cbind(10^theta*r,s)), as.integer(nobs),
                        as.double(sum(cnt)), as.double(cnt),
                        as.double(prec), as.integer(maxiter),
                        as.double(.Machine$double.eps), integer(nxis),
        if (fit$info==1) stop("gss error in ssden1: Newton iteration diverges")
        if (fit$info==2) warning("gss warning in ssden1: Newton iteration fails to converge")
        aa <- fit$wk[1:nobs]
        eta0 <- cbind(10^theta*r,s)%*%cd
        wwt <- wt*exp(-eta0)
        wwt <- wwt/sum(wwt)
        trc <- sum(wwt*exp(aa/(1-aa)))-1
        cv <- sum(c(10^theta*int$r,int$s)*cd) + log(scal) + alpha*trc
        alpha.wk <- max(0,log.la0-lambda-5)*(3-alpha) + alpha
        alpha.wk <- min(alpha.wk,3)
        adj <- ifelse (alpha.wk>alpha,(alpha.wk-alpha)*trc,0)
    ## initialization
    mu.r <- apply(wt*r,2,sum)
    v.r <- apply(wt*r^2,2,sum)
    mu.s <- apply(wt*s,2,sum)
    v.s <- apply(wt*s^2,2,sum)
    if (is.null(s)) theta <- 0
    else theta <- log10(sum(v.s-mu.s^2)/nnull/sum(v.r-mu.r^2)*nxi) / 2
    log.la0 <- log10(sum(v.r-mu.r^2)/sum(diag(q))) + theta
    ## lambda search
    cd <- rep(0,nxi+nnull)
    la <- log.la0
    tol <- 0
    scal <- NULL
    mn0 <- log.la0-6
    mx0 <- log.la0+6
    repeat {
        mn <- max(la-1,mn0)
        mx <- min(la+1,mx0)
        zz <- nlm0(cv,c(mn,mx))
        if ((min(zz$est-mn,mx-zz$est)>=1e-1)||
            (min(zz$est-mn0,mx0-zz$est)<1e-1)) break
        else la <- zz$est
    ## return
    jk1 <- cv(zz$est)
    c <- cd[1:nxi]
    if (nnull) d <- cd[nxi+(1:nnull)]
    else d <- NULL

## Calculate integrals of phi and rk for ssden1
mkint <- function(mf,type,id.basis,quad,term,rho,rho.int)
    ## Obtain model terms
    mt <- attr(mf,"terms")
    xvars <- as.character(attr(mt,"variables"))[-1]
    xfacs <- attr(mt,"factors")
    term.labels <- labels(mt)
    vlist <- xvars[as.logical(apply(xfacs,1,sum))]
    ## Set types for marginals    
    var.type <- NULL
    for (xlab in vlist) {
        x <- mf[,xlab]
        if (!is.null(type[[xlab]])) {
            ## Check consistency and set default parameters
            type.wk <- type[[xlab]][[1]]
                stop("gss error in mkint: unknown type")
            if (type.wk%in%c("ordinal","nominal")) {
                par.wk <- NULL
                if (!is.factor(x))
                    stop("gss error in mkint: wrong type")
            if (type.wk%in%c("cubic","linear")) {
                if (length(type[[xlab]])==1) {
                    mn <- min(x)
                    mx <- max(x)
                    par.wk <- c(mn,mx)+c(-1,1)*.05*(mx-mn)
                else par.wk <- type[[xlab]][[2]]
                if (is.factor(x)|!is.vector(x))
                    stop("gss error in mkint: wrong type")
            if (type.wk%in%c("per","cubic.per","linear.per")) {
                if (type.wk=="per") type.wk <- "cubic.per"
                if (length(type[[xlab]])==1)
                    stop("gss error in mkint: missing domain of periodicity")
                else par.wk <- type[[xlab]][[2]]
                if (is.factor(x)|!is.vector(x))
                    stop("gss error in mkint: wrong type")
            if (type.wk=="tp") {
                if (length(type[[xlab]])==1)
                    par.wk <- list(order=2,mesh=x,weight=1)
                else {
                    par.wk <- par.wk1 <- type[[xlab]][[2]]
                    if (length(par.wk1)==1)
                        par.wk <- list(order=par.wk1,mesh=x,weight=1)
                    if (is.null(par.wk$mesh)) par.wk$mesh <- x
                    if (is.null(par.wk$weight)) par.wk$weight <- 1
                if (dim(as.matrix(x))[2]!=dim(as.matrix(par.wk$mesh))[2])
                    stop("gss error in mkint: wrong dimension in normalizing mesh")
            if (type.wk=="sphere") {
                if (length(type[[xlab]])==1)
                    par.wk <- 2
                else par.wk <- type[[xlab]][[2]]
                if (!(par.wk%in%(2:4)))
                    stop("gss error in mkint: spherical order not implemented")
            if (type.wk=="custom") par.wk <- type[[xlab]][[2]]
        else {
            ## Set default types
            if (is.factor(x)) {
                ## categorical variable
                if (is.ordered(x)) type.wk <- "ordinal"
                else type.wk <- "nominal"
                par.wk <- NULL
            else {
                ## numerical variable
                if (is.vector(x)) {
                    type.wk <- "cubic"
                    mn <- min(x)
                    mx <- max(x)
                    par.wk <- c(mn,mx)+c(-1,1)*.05*(mx-mn)
                else {
                    type.wk <- "tp"
                    par.wk <- list(order=2,mesh=x,weight=1)
        var.type[[xlab]] <- list(type.wk,par.wk)
    ## Create phi and rk
    nbasis <- length(id.basis)
    nvar <- length(names(mf))
    s <- r <- s.rho <- r.rho <- NULL
    ns <- nq <- 0
    for (label in term.labels) {
        ns <- ns+term[[label]]$nphi
        nq <- nq+term[[label]]$nrk
        vlist <- xvars[as.logical(xfacs[,label])]
        x <- mf[,vlist]
        dm <- length(vlist)
        phi <- rk <- NULL
        if (dm==1) {
            type.wk <- var.type[[vlist]][[1]]
            xx <- mf[id.basis,vlist]
            xmesh <- quad[[vlist]]$pt
            if (type.wk%in%c("nominal","ordinal")) {
                ## factor variable
                if (type.wk=="nominal") fun <- mkrk.nominal(levels(x))
                else fun <- mkrk.ordinal(levels(x))
                if (nlevels(x)>2) {
                    ## rk
                    rk <- fun$fun(xmesh,xx,fun$env,TRUE)
                else {
                    ## phi
                    wk <- as.factor(names(fun$env$code)[1])
                    phi <- fun$fun(xmesh,wk,fun$env)
            if (type.wk=="cubic") {
                ## cubic splines
                range <- var.type[[vlist]][[2]]
                ## phi
                phi.fun <- mkphi.cubic(range)
                phi <- phi.fun$fun(xmesh,1,phi.fun$env)
                ## rk
                rk.fun <- mkrk.cubic(range)
                rk <- rk.fun$fun(xmesh,xx,rk.fun$env,TRUE)
            if (type.wk%in%c("cubic.per","linear","linear.per","sphere")) {
                ## cubic periodic, linear, and linear periodic splines
                range <- var.type[[vlist]][[2]]
                ## rk
                if (type.wk=="cubic.per") rk.fun <- mkrk.cubic.per(range)
                if (type.wk=="linear") rk.fun <- mkrk.linear(range)
                if (type.wk=="linear.per") rk.fun <- mkrk.linear.per(range)
                if (type.wk=="sphere") rk.fun <- mkrk.sphere(range)
                rk <- rk.fun$fun(xmesh,xx,rk.fun$env,TRUE)
            if (type.wk=="tp") {
                ## thin-plate splines
                par <- var.type[[vlist]][[2]]
                order <- par$order
                mesh <- par$mesh
                weight <- par$weight
                if (is.vector(x)) xdim <- 1
                else xdim <- dim(x)[2]
                ## phi
                phi.fun <- mkphi.tp(xdim,order,mesh,weight)
                nphi <- choose(xdim+order-1,xdim)-1
                if (nphi>0) {
                    for (nu in 1:nphi) {
                        phi <- cbind(phi,phi.fun$fun(xmesh,nu,phi.fun$env))
                ## rk
                rk.fun <- mkrk.tp(xdim,order,mesh,weight)
                rk <- rk.fun$fun(xmesh,xx,rk.fun$env,TRUE)
            if (type.wk=="custom") {
                ## user-defined
                par <- var.type[[vlist]][[2]]
                nphi <- par$nphi
                if (nphi>0) {
                    phi.fun <- par$mkphi(par$env)
                    for (nu in 1:nphi) {
                        phi <- cbind(phi,phi.fun$fun(xmesh,nu,phi.fun$env))
                rk.fun <- par$mkrk(par$env)
                rk <- rk.fun$fun(xmesh,xx,rk.fun$env,TRUE)
            wmesh <- quad[[vlist]]$wt
            if (!is.null(phi)) {
                s.rho.wk <- rho.int*sum(wmesh*phi)
                s.rho.wk[names(mf)==vlist] <- sum(wmesh*rho[[vlist]]*phi)
                s <- c(s,sum(wmesh*phi))
                s.rho <- c(s.rho,sum(s.rho.wk))
            if (!is.null(rk)) {
                r.rho.wk <- outer(apply(wmesh*rk,2,sum),rho.int)
                r.rho.wk[,names(mf)==vlist] <- apply(wmesh*rho[[vlist]]*rk,2,sum)
                r <- cbind(r,apply(wmesh*rk,2,sum))
                r.rho <- cbind(r.rho,apply(r.rho.wk,1,sum))
        else {
            bin.fac <- n.phi <- phi.list <- rk.list <- NULL
            for (i in 1:dm) {
                type.wk <- var.type[[vlist[i]]][[1]]
                if (type.wk%in%c("nominal","ordinal")) {
                    ## factor variable
                    if (type.wk=="nominal")
                        rk.wk <- mkrk.nominal(levels(x[[i]]))
                    else rk.wk <- mkrk.ordinal(levels(x[[i]]))
                    phi.wk <- rk.wk
                    n.phi <- c(n.phi,0)
                    bin.fac <- c(bin.fac,!(nlevels(x[[i]])>2))
                if (type.wk=="cubic") {
                    ## cubic or linear splines
                    range <- var.type[[vlist[i]]][[2]]
                    ## phi
                    phi.wk <- mkphi.cubic(range)
                    n.phi <- c(n.phi,1)
                    ## rk
                    rk.wk <- mkrk.cubic(range)
                    bin.fac <- c(bin.fac,0)
                if (type.wk%in%c("cubic.per","linear","linear.per","sphere")) {
                    ## cubic periodic, linear, or linear periodic splines
                    range <- var.type[[vlist[i]]][[2]]
                    n.phi <- c(n.phi,0)
                    phi.wk <- NULL
                    if (type.wk=="cubic.per") rk.wk <- mkrk.cubic.per(range)
                    if (type.wk=="linear") rk.wk <- mkrk.linear(range)
                    if (type.wk=="linear.per") rk.wk <- mkrk.linear.per(range)
                    if (type.wk=="sphere") rk.wk <- mkrk.sphere(range)
                    bin.fac <- c(bin.fac,0)
                if (type.wk=="tp") {
                    ## thin-plate splines
                    par <- var.type[[vlist[i]]][[2]]
                    order <- par$order
                    mesh <- par$mesh
                    weight <- par$weight
                    if (is.vector(x[[i]])) xdim <- 1
                    else xdim <- dim(x[[i]])[2]
                    phi.wk <- mkphi.tp(xdim,order,mesh,weight)
                    n.phi <- c(n.phi,choose(xdim+order-1,xdim)-1)
                    rk.wk <- mkrk.tp(xdim,order,mesh,weight)
                    bin.fac <- c(bin.fac,0)
                if (type.wk=="custom") {
                    ## user-defined
                    par <- var.type[[vlist[i]]][[2]]
                    n.phi <- c(n.phi,par$nphi)
                    if (par$nphi>0) phi.wk <- par$mkphi(par$env)
                    else phi.wk <- NULL
                    rk.wk <- par$mkrk(par$env)
                    bin.fac <- c(bin.fac,0)
                phi.list <- c(phi.list,list(phi.wk))
                rk.list <- c(rk.list,list(rk.wk))
            ## phi
            id0 <- names(mf)%in%vlist
            nphi <- term[[label]]$nphi
            iphi <- term[[label]]$iphi
            if (nphi>0) {
                for (nu in 1:nphi) {
                    ind <- nu - 1
                    s.wk <- 1
                    s.rho.wk <- rho.int
                    s.rho.wk[id0] <- 1
                    for (i in 1:dm) {
                        phi.wk <- phi.list[[i]]
                        xmesh <- quad[[vlist[i]]]$pt
                        if (bin.fac[i]) {
                            wk <- as.factor(names(phi.wk$env$code)[1])
                            phi <- phi.wk$fun(xmesh,wk,phi.wk$env)
                        else {
                            code <- ind%%n.phi[i] + 1
                            ind <- ind%/%n.phi[i]
                            phi <- phi.wk$fun(xmesh,code,phi.wk$env)
                        wmesh <- quad[[vlist[i]]]$wt
                        s.wk <- s.wk*sum(wmesh*phi)
                        id1 <- names(mf)==vlist[i]
                        s.rho.wk[id1] <- s.rho.wk[id1]*sum(wmesh*rho[[vlist[i]]]*phi)
                        s.rho.wk[!id1] <- s.rho.wk[!id1]*sum(wmesh*phi)
                    s <- c(s,s.wk)
                    s.rho <- c(s.rho,sum(s.rho.wk))
            ## rk
            n.rk <- ifelse(n.phi,2,1)
            nrk <- prod(n.rk) - as.logical(nphi)
            if (nrk>0) {
                for (nu in 1:nrk) {
                    ind <- nu - !nphi
                    r.wk <- 1
                    r.rho.wk <- outer(rep(1,nbasis),rho.int)
                    r.rho.wk[,id0] <- 1
                    for (i in 1:dm) {
                        code <- ind%%n.rk[i] + 1
                        ind <- ind%/%n.rk[i]
                        xx <- mf[id.basis,vlist[[i]]]
                        xmesh <- quad[[vlist[i]]]$pt
                        if (code==n.rk[i]) {
                            rk.wk <- rk.list[[i]]
                            rk <- rk.wk$fun(xmesh,xx,rk.wk$env,TRUE)
                        else {
                            rk <- 0
                            phi.wk <- phi.list[[i]]
                            for (j in 1:n.phi[i]) {
                                phix <- phi.wk$fun(xmesh,j,phi.wk$env)
                                phiy <- phi.wk$fun(xx,j,phi.wk$env)
                                rk <- rk + outer(phix,phiy)
                        wmesh <- quad[[vlist[i]]]$wt
                        r.wk <- r.wk*apply(wmesh*rk,2,sum)
                        id1 <- names(mf)==vlist[i]
                        r.rho.wk[,id1] <- r.rho.wk[,id1]*apply(wmesh*rho[[vlist[i]]]*rk,2,sum)
                        r.rho.wk[,!id1] <- r.rho.wk[,!id1]*apply(wmesh*rk,2,sum)
                    r <- cbind(r,r.wk)
                    r.rho <- cbind(r.rho,apply(r.rho.wk,1,sum))

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