
Defines functions plot.coshfit fit.cosh cosh.to.effmass sum.cosh

Documented in fit.cosh plot.coshfit

## sum_i (a_i cosh(m_i*t))
## a_i are the amplitudes, m_i the masses and t is a vector of times
sum.cosh <- function(masses, amplitudes, t){

## extract the effective mass from the sum of coshs
cosh.to.effmass <- function(masses, amplitudes, t, Thalf, type){
  if(type == "solve"){
    sapply(t, FUN=function(x) {invcosh(sum.cosh(masses, amplitudes, x-Thalf)/sum.cosh(masses, amplitudes, x+1-Thalf), timeextent=2*Thalf, t=x+1)})
  }else if(type == "acosh"){
    acosh((sum.cosh(masses, amplitudes, t-Thalf-1)+sum.cosh(masses, amplitudes, t-Thalf+1))/(2*sum.cosh(masses, amplitudes, t-Thalf)))
  ## the other types might be included as well...

## this fit-function works completely analogous to fit.effecitvemass
## but it fits the correlator directly to a sum of cosh-terms

#' Fits a sum of several \code{cosh}-functions
#' Performs a correlated fit of a sum of several \code{cosh}-functions
#' \eqn{\sum_i a_i \cosh(m_i t)} to data generated with
#' \code{bootstrap.effectivemass}. Requires the same input and produces
#' analogous output as \link{fit.effectivemass}.  The fit itself is performed
#' by \link{bootstrap.nlsfit}.
#' @param effMass An object of class \code{effectivemass} generated by a call
#' to \code{bootstrap.effectivemass}.  Either \code{effMass} or \code{cf} has
#' to be provided, but not both!
#' @param cf An object of class \code{cf_boot} generated by a call to
#' \code{bootstrap.cf}.  Either \code{cf} or \code{effMass} has to be provided,
#' but not both!
#' @param t1 The fit range. If several correlators are fitted, this is
#' automatically replicated accordingly. The fit range is adjusted such that
#' \code{NA}s are removed from the fit. They must fulfill \eqn{t_1<t_2}{t1<t2}.
#' For symmetric correlators, they must both run from 0 to \code{T/2-1},
#' otherwise from 0 to \code{T-1}.
#' @param t2 see t1
#' @param useCov Use the correlated chisquare. This works only for not too
#' noisy data.
#' @param m.init Initial guess of the effective mass, i.e. the smallest m_i.
#' @param par Array of length \code{2*n.cosh} with initial guesses for the
#' effective masses in the first \code{n.cosh} entries and initial guesses for
#' the amplitudes in the last \code{n.cosh} entries.
#' @param n.cosh Number of \code{cosh}-functions summed over.
#' @param adjust.n.cosh Only relevant, if \code{n.cosh=2}. If set to
#' \code{TRUE}, \code{n.cosh} can be adjusted to \code{n.cosh=1} automatically
#' in case the excited state cannot be resolved.
#' @param every Fit only a part of the data points. Indices that are not
#' multiples of \code{every} are skipped. If no value is provided, all points
#' are taken into account.
#' @param ...  Additional parameters passed to the fit function. But the fit
#' function is fixed and does not accept any arguments, so it will just crash.
#' Therefore, don't use this!
#' @return An object with class \code{coshfit} is returned. It contains all the
#' data of the input object \code{effMass} or the \code{cf} object as a member.
#' The following member objects are added:
#' \code{t0}: the object returned by the \code{optim} on the original data. The
#' format is as in \code{par}.
#' \code{t}: the bootstrap values of the results.
#' \code{se}: errors calculated via bootstrap on the results.
#' \code{ii}: the index array of data used in the fit.
#' \code{invCovMatrix}: the inverse covariance matrix.
#' \code{dof}: the degrees of freedom of the fit.
#' \code{chisqr}: Chi squared value of the fit.
#' \code{Qval}: p-value of the fit.
#' @author Johann Ostmeyer, \email{ostmeyer@@hiskp.uni-bonn.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{bootstrap.effectivemass}},
#' \code{\link{bootstrap.gevp}}, \code{\link{invertCovMatrix}},
#' \code{\link{bootstrap.nlsfit}}, \code{\link{fit.effectivemass}}
#' @keywords optim
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(samplecf)
#' samplecf <- bootstrap.cf(cf=samplecf, boot.R=99, boot.l=2, seed=1442556)
#' effmass <- fit.cosh(bootstrap.effectivemass(cf=samplecf), t1=15, t2=23)
#' summary(effmass)
#' plot(effmass, ylim=c(0.14,0.15))
fit.cosh <- function(effMass, cf, t1, t2, useCov=FALSE, m.init, par, n.cosh=2, adjust.n.cosh=FALSE, every, ...){
  if(missing(effMass) && missing(cf)){
    stop("effMass or cf has to be provided!\n")
    stopifnot(inherits(effMass, 'effectivemass'))
    cf = effMass$cf
    Thalf = effMass$Time/2
    use.effmass <- TRUE
    stopifnot(inherits(cf, 'cf_meta'))
    stopifnot(inherits(cf, 'cf_boot'))
    Thalf = cf$Time/2
    use.effmass <- FALSE

  stopifnot(t1+2*n.cosh < t2)
  stopifnot(0 <= t1)

  cf.save <- cf$cf.tsboot$t
  cf0.save <- cf$cf0
    ## some initial values, probably not optimal...
        m.init = effMass$effMass[t2]
        m.init = log(cf0.save[t2]/cf0.save[t2+1])
          stop("Please provide m.init or par. The fit does not converge stably otherwise.\n")
    if(n.cosh == 2){
      C1 = cf0.save[t1+1]
      C2 = cf0.save[t2+1]
      CMiddle = cf0.save[t1+2]
      a0 = C2/cosh(m.init*(t2-Thalf))
      C1 = C1-a0*cosh(m.init*(t1-Thalf))
      CMiddle = CMiddle-a0*cosh(m.init*(t1+1-Thalf))
      masses = c(m.init, acosh(C1/CMiddle))
      amplitudes = c(a0, C1/cosh(masses[[2]]*(t1-Thalf)))
      if(any(is.na(masses)) || any(is.na(amplitudes))){
        warning("The higher cosh-term cannot be resolved properly.\nA plateau fit is recommended.\n")
          message("Changing number of cosh-terms. Now n.cosh=1.\n")
          n.cosh = 1
          masses = c(m.init)
          amplitudes = c(a0)
          masses = c(0:(n.cosh-1)) + m.init
          amplitudes = cf0.save[t1+1]/n.cosh/cosh(masses*(t1-Thalf))
      masses = c(0:(n.cosh-1)) + m.init
      amplitudes = cf0.save[t1+1]/n.cosh/cosh(masses*(t1-Thalf))
    masses = par[1:n.cosh]
    amplitudes = par[(n.cosh+1):(2*n.cosh)]

  ## extract the relevant time slices
  ii <- c((t1+1):(t2+1))
    ii <- ii[which(ii%%every == 0)]
    ii.na <- which(is.na(cf0.save[ii]))
    ii <- ii[-ii.na]
  tt = ii-1-Thalf

  ## function to fit
  sum.cosh.fit <- function(par, x, ...) {
    sum.cosh(par[1:n.cosh], abs(par[(n.cosh+1):(2*n.cosh)]), x)
  ## corresponding Jacobian
  sum.cosh.jac <- function(par, x, ...) {
    df.dm <- x * t(abs(par[(n.cosh+1):(2*n.cosh)])* sinh(par[1:n.cosh]%o%x)) 
    df.da <- t(sign(par[(n.cosh+1):(2*n.cosh)]) * cosh(par[1:n.cosh]%o%x))
    return(cbind(df.dm, df.da))

  dy <- cf$tsboot.se[ii]
  boot.R <-cf$boot.R
  if (useCov) {
    fit.res <- bootstrap.nlsfit(fn = sum.cosh.fit,
                                par.guess = c(masses, amplitudes),
                                y = cf0.save[ii],
                                x = tt,
                                bsamples = cf.save[,ii],
                                gr = sum.cosh.jac,
                                CovMatrix = cov(cf.save[,ii]),
  } else {
    fit.res <- bootstrap.nlsfit(fn = sum.cosh.fit,
                                par.guess = c(masses, amplitudes),
                                y = cf0.save[ii],
                                x = tt,
                                bsamples = cf.save[,ii],
                                gr = sum.cosh.jac,

  opt.res <- fit.res$t0[1:(2*n.cosh)]
  opt.res[1:n.cosh] <- abs(opt.res[1:n.cosh])
  opt.res[(n.cosh+1):(2*n.cosh)] <- abs(opt.res[(n.cosh+1):(2*n.cosh)][order(opt.res[1:n.cosh])])
  opt.res[1:n.cosh] <- opt.res[1:n.cosh][order(opt.res[1:n.cosh])]

    ## now we bootstrap the fit
  massfit.tsboot <- abs(fit.res$t)
  if(n.cosh >= 2){
    massfit.tsboot[,(n.cosh+1):(2*n.cosh)] <- t(apply(massfit.tsboot, FUN=function(res) {res[(n.cosh+1):(2*n.cosh)][order(res[1:n.cosh])]}, MARGIN=1))
    massfit.tsboot[,1:n.cosh] <- t(apply(massfit.tsboot[,1:n.cosh], FUN=function(res) {res[order(res)]}, MARGIN=1))

    effMass <- list()
    effMass$cf <- cf
  effMass$coshfit <- list()
  effMass$coshfit$use.effmass <- use.effmass
  effMass$coshfit$t0 <- opt.res
  effMass$coshfit$t <- massfit.tsboot
  effMass$coshfit$se <- fit.res$se
  effMass$coshfit$n.cosh <- n.cosh
  effMass$t1 <- t1
  effMass$coshfit$t1 <- t1
  effMass$t2 <- t2
  effMass$coshfit$t2 <- t2
  effMass$coshfit$ii <- ii
  effMass$coshfit$useCov <- useCov
  effMass$coshfit$invCovMatrix <- fit.res$invCovMatrix
  effMass$dof <- length(ii)-2*n.cosh
  effMass$chisqr <- fit.res$chisqr
  effMass$coshfit$dof <- length(ii)-2*n.cosh
  effMass$coshfit$chisqr <- fit.res$chisqr
  effMass$coshfit$Qval <- fit.res$Qval
  attr(effMass, "class") <- c("coshfit", class(effMass))

#' Plot a cosh-fit
#' @param x An object generated by \code{fit.cosh}.
#' @param col.fitline Color in which the fit is visualized.
#' @param plot.mass,plot.corr The plot can show the fitted correlator
#' (\code{plot.corr}) as well as the corresponding effective mass
#' (\code{plot.mass}, if fitted with effMass).
#' @param ... graphical parameters to be passed on to \link{plotwitherror}
#' @return
#' No return value.
#' @export
plot.coshfit <- function(x, col.fitline = "black", plot.mass = TRUE, plot.corr = FALSE, ...) {
  effMass <- x
  stopifnot(inherits(effMass, 'coshfit'))
  if(!inherits(effMass, 'effectivemass')){
    plot.mass = FALSE
      plot.corr = TRUE

  t <- c(effMass$t1:effMass$t2)
  Thalf <- effMass$cf$Time/2
  n.cosh <- effMass$coshfit$n.cosh

  pcol <- col2rgb(col.fitline,alpha=TRUE)/255
  pcol[4] <- 0.65
  pcol <- rgb(red=pcol[1],green=pcol[2],blue=pcol[3],alpha=pcol[4])

    t.all <- effMass$t.idx
    suppressWarnings(plotwitherror(x=t.all-1, y=effMass$effMass[t.all], dy=effMass$deffMass[t.all], ...))

      Y <- cosh.to.effmass(effMass$coshfit$t0[1:n.cosh], effMass$coshfit$t0[(n.cosh+1):(2*n.cosh)], t, Thalf, type=effMass$type)
      Y.boot <- apply(effMass$coshfit$t, FUN=function(x) {cosh.to.effmass(x[1:n.cosh], x[(n.cosh+1):(2*n.cosh)], t, Thalf, type=effMass$type)}, MARGIN=1)
      se <- apply(Y.boot, MARGIN=1, FUN=sd, na.rm=TRUE)

      ## plot it
      polyval <- c(Y+se, rev(Y-se))
      polygon(x=c(t, rev(t)), y=polyval, col=pcol, lty=0, lwd=0.001, border=pcol)

      ## plot the fitted curve on top
      lines(x=t, y=Y, col=col.fitline, lwd=1.3)

    plot(effMass$cf, ...)

      Y <- sum.cosh(effMass$coshfit$t0[1:n.cosh], effMass$coshfit$t0[(n.cosh+1):(2*n.cosh)], t-Thalf)
      Y.boot <- apply(effMass$coshfit$t, FUN=function(x) {sum.cosh(x[1:n.cosh], x[(n.cosh+1):(2*n.cosh)], t-Thalf)}, MARGIN=1)
      se <- apply(Y.boot, MARGIN=1, FUN=sd, na.rm=TRUE)

      ## plot it
      polyval <- c(Y+se, rev(Y-se))
      polygon(x=c(t, rev(t)), y=polyval, col=pcol, lty=0, lwd=0.001, border=pcol)

      ## plot the fitted curve on top
      lines(x=t, y=Y, col=col.fitline, lwd=1.3)

#' Summarize a cosh-fit
#' @param object An object generated by \code{fit.cosh}.
#' @param verbose If set to \code{TRUE}, all fit results including the
#' correlation matrix of the fit parameters are showed. Otherwise only the
#' effective mass with error is given.
#' @param ... additional parameters to match generic \link{summary} arguments
#' @return
#' No return value.
#' @export
summary.coshfit <- function (object, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  effMass <- object
  cat("\n ** Result of", effMass$coshfit$n.cosh, "-fold cosh-fit **\n\n")
  cat("no. measurements\t=\t", length(effMass$cf$cf[,1]), "\n")
  cat("boot.R\t=\t", effMass$cf$boot.R, "\n")
  cat("boot.l\t=\t", effMass$cf$boot.l, "\n")
  cat("Time extent\t=\t", effMass$cf$Time, "\n")
  cat("NA count in fitted bootstrap samples:\t", length(which(is.na(effMass$cf$cf.tsboot$t[,effMass$coshfit$ii]))),
      "(",100*length(which(is.na(effMass$cf$cf.tsboot$t[,effMass$coshfit$ii])))/ length(effMass$cf$cf.tsboot$t[,effMass$coshfit$ii]), "%)\n")
  cat("time range from", effMass$coshfit$t1, " to ", effMass$coshfit$t2, "\n")
  if(verbose) {
    print(data.frame(m = effMass$coshfit$t0[1:effMass$coshfit$n.cosh], dm = effMass$coshfit$se[1:effMass$coshfit$n.cosh]))
    print(data.frame(a = effMass$coshfit$t0[(effMass$coshfit$n.cosh+1):(2*effMass$coshfit$n.cosh)], da = effMass$coshfit$se[(effMass$coshfit$n.cosh+1):(2*effMass$coshfit$n.cosh)]))
    fit.cor <- cor(effMass$coshfit$t[,1:(2*effMass$coshfit$n.cosh)], effMass$coshfit$t[,1:(2*effMass$coshfit$n.cosh)], use="na.or.complete")
    cat("m\t=\t", effMass$coshfit$t0[1], "\n")
    cat("dm\t=\t", effMass$coshfit$se[1], "\n")
  cat("chisqr\t=\t", effMass$coshfit$chisqr, "\n")
  cat("dof\t=\t", effMass$coshfit$dof, "\n")
      effMass$coshfit$chisqr/effMass$coshfit$dof, "\n")
  cat("Quality of the fit (p-value):",   effMass$coshfit$Qval, "\n")


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