Man pages for haploReconstruct
Reconstruction of Haplotype-Blocks from Time Series Data

ex_datExample data set
hbr-classAn S4 class storing results from haplotype-block...
initialize_SNP_time_seriesInitialization of time series data as input for haplotype...
inspect_window_avLink-hbr-methodHierachical clustering of haplotype-block marker for a window
inspect_window_dbScan-hbr-methodClustering with the dbscan algorithm
inspect_window-hbr-methodHaplotype-block marker inspection for a window
inspect_window_PCA-hbr-methodPCA of haplotype-block marker for a window
map-hbr-methodMap from reconstructed haplotype-blocks to windows
markers-hbr-methodMarkers of the specified reconstructed haplotype-block
number_hbr-hbr-methodThe number of reconstructed haplotype-block
plot_cluster_trajectories-hbr-methodMethod to visualize the trajectories for all identified...
plot_hbr_freq-hbr-methodPlots frequencies of a reconstructed haplotype-block along...
plot-hbr-methodMethod to visualize reconstructed haplotype-blocks
plot_marker_trajectories-hbr-methodMethod to visualize the trajectories for all markers in a...
reconstruct_hb-SNP_time_series-methodReconstruction of haplotype-blocks
rev_map-hbr-methodMap from windows to reconstructed haplotype-blocks
show-hbr-methodDisplay of a hbr object
show-SNP_time_series-methodDisplay of a SNP_time_series object
SNP_time_series-classAn S4 class storing time series data
summary-hbr-methodMethod to summarize information of reconstructed...
sync_to_frequenciesData input from a sync file
haploReconstruct documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:46 p.m.