

n <- 10
animals <- tibble::tibble(id_column = letters[1:n],
                          animal = sample(c("cat", "dog", "mouse", "rabbit"), n, TRUE),
                          weight = rexp(n, .5),
                          super =  sample(c("yes", "no"), n, TRUE),
                          num2 = rpois(n, 5),
                          y = rnorm(n))
  animodel <- machine_learn(animals, id_column, outcome = y, tune = FALSE, models = c("xgb", "glm"))
  glm_model <- animodel["glmnet"]
  animodel <- animodel["eXtreme Gradient Boosting"]
  multimodel <- machine_learn(animals, id_column, outcome = animal, tune = FALSE, models = c("rf"))
alt_list <- list(animal = c("dog", "cat"), weight = 0, super = c("yes", "no"))
def_pip <- pip(animodel, animals, new_values = alt_list)
allow_same_pip <- pip(animodel, animals, new_values = alt_list, allow_same = TRUE)

test_that("build_one_level_df", {
  animals_replaced <- build_one_level_df(animals, variable = "animal", level = "deer",
                                         one_variable_direction = NULL)
  expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(animals$animal, animals_replaced$current_value)))
  expect_true(all(animals_replaced$alt_value == "deer"))
  expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(animals$y, animals_replaced$y)))

  y_replaced <- build_one_level_df(animals, "y", 2, one_variable_direction = NULL)
  expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(animals$y, as.numeric(y_replaced$current_value))))
  expect_true(all(y_replaced$alt_value == 2))
  expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(y_replaced$animal, y_replaced$animal)))

test_that("permute_process_variables", {
  perm <- permute_process_variables(animals,
                                    list(animal = c("rat", "gopher"), y = 1:3),
                                    variable_direction = NULL)
  expect_equal(sum(perm$animal == "rat"), nrow(animals))
  expect_equal(sum(perm$y == 1), sum(perm$y == 2))
  expect_equal(sum(perm$y == 1), nrow(animals))
  expect_setequal(perm$process_variable_name, c("animal", "y"))

test_that("id columns are retained", {
  # From model_list
  expect_true("id_column" %in% names(def_pip))
  # Explicitly given
  ani2 <- mutate(animals, id2 = 1:n)
  m2 <- machine_learn(ani2, id_column, outcome = y, tune = FALSE, models = "xgb")
  pip2 <- pip(m2, ani2[1, ], alt_list)
  expect_true("id_column" %in% names(pip2))
  expect_false("id2" %in% names(pip2))
  pip3 <- pip(m2, ani2[1, ], alt_list, id = id2)
  expect_true("id2" %in% names(pip3))

test_that("repeated_factors works", {
  max_count <- function(d)
    count(d, id_column) %>% pull(n) %>% max()
  expect_true(max_count(def_pip) <= 3)
  expect_true(max_count(pip(animodel, animals, new_values = alt_list, n = 2)) <= 2)
  expect_true(max_count(pip(animodel, animals, new_values = alt_list, n = 1)) <= 1)

test_that("pip warns if unused variables are provided as potential modifieds", {
  # Ensure that animal was regularized to zero:
  expect_false("animal" %in% interpret(glm_model)$variable)
  expect_warning(pip(glm_model, animals, new_values = alt_list), "animal")

test_that("smaller_better", {
  rev_pip <- pip(animodel, animals, new_values = alt_list, smaller_better = FALSE)
    filter(rev_pip, improvement > 0),
    filter(def_pip, improvement > 0),
    by = c("id_column", "original_value", "modified_value")
  ) %>%
    nrow() %>%

test_that("variable_direction", {
  expect_error(pip(animodel, animals, alt_list, variable_direction = c(weight = 0)),
               "-1 or 1")
  expect_error(pip(animodel, animals, alt_list, variable_direction = c(super = 1)),
  expect_error(pip(animodel, animals, alt_list, variable_direction = c(not_a_var = 1)),
               "not present")

  weight_down <- pip(animodel, animals, alt_list, variable_direction = list(weight = -1))
  weight_down %>%
    filter(variable == "weight") %>%
    mutate(weight_decrease = modified_value <= original_value) %>%
    summarize(all_down = all(weight_decrease)) %>%
    pull(all_down) %>%

  weight_up <- pip(animodel, animals, alt_list, variable_direction = list(weight = 1))
  weight_up %>%
    filter(variable == "weight") %>%
    mutate(weight_increase = modified_value >= original_value) %>%
    summarize(all_up = all(weight_increase)) %>%
    pull(all_up) %>%

  new_vals <- list(weight = c(.1, .5, 1), num2 = c(5, 7))
  no_dir <- pip(animodel, animals, new_values = new_vals)
  w_dir <- pip(animodel, animals, new_values = new_vals,
               variable_direction = c(weight = -1, num2 = 1))
  no_dir %>%
    filter(variable == "weight", modified_value <= original_value) %>%
    select(-impact_rank) %>%
    all.equal(select(filter(w_dir, variable == "weight"), -impact_rank)) %>%
    isTRUE() %>%

  no_dir %>%
    filter(variable == "num2", modified_value >= original_value) %>%
    select(-impact_rank) %>%
    all.equal(select(filter(w_dir, variable == "num2"), -impact_rank)) %>%
    isTRUE() %>%

test_that("prohibited_transitions", {
  # Canonical format
  tr <- sum(
                original_value == "dog",
                modified_value == "cat")),
                original_value == "cat",
                modified_value == "dog"))
  expect_true(tr >= 1)
   no_dog_cat <- pip(animodel, animals, new_values = alt_list,
                    prohibited_transitions = list(animal = data.frame(from = "dog", to = "cat")))
  expect_false(any(with(no_dog_cat, (original_value == "dog" & modified_value == "cat"))))
  # Named columns can be in either order
  no_dog_cat_rev <- pip(animodel, animals, new_values = alt_list,
                        prohibited_transitions = list(animal = data.frame(to = "cat", from = "dog")))
  expect_false(any(with(no_dog_cat_rev, (original_value == "dog" & modified_value == "cat"))))
  # If names aren't to and from, column order gets it done
  no_dog_cat_unnamed <- pip(animodel, animals, new_values = alt_list,
                            prohibited_transitions = list(animal = data.frame(x1 = "dog", x2 = "cat")))
  expect_false(any(with(no_dog_cat_unnamed, (original_value == "dog" & modified_value == "cat"))))

  # Prohibiting transitions on two variables
  prohibit <- list(
    animal = data.frame(from = "dog", to = "cat"),
    super = data.frame(from = c("yes", "no"), to = "no")
  prohibit2 <- pip(animodel, animals, new_values = alt_list,
                   prohibited_transitions = prohibit)
  expect_false(any(with(prohibit2, (original_value == "dog" & modified_value == "cat"))))
  expect_false(any(with(prohibit2, (modified_value == "no"))))

test_that("allow_same", {
  expect_false(any(with(def_pip, original_value == modified_value)))
  expect_true(any(with(allow_same_pip, original_value == modified_value)))

test_that("prohibited_transitions trumps allow_same", {
  # Establish that without prohibited_transitions both variables have same transitions
  expect_true(any(with(allow_same_pip[allow_same_pip$variable == "animal", ],
                       original_value == modified_value)))
  expect_true(any(with(allow_same_pip[allow_same_pip$variable == "super", ],
                       original_value == modified_value)))
  # Disallow same transitions for animals only
  animal_same <- tibble::tibble(from = unique(animals$animal), to = from)
  no_self_animal <- pip(animodel, animals, new_values = alt_list, allow_same = TRUE,
                        prohibited_transitions = list(animal = animal_same))
  # Test that there are not animal-same transitions but are super-same transitions
  expect_false(any(with(no_self_animal[no_self_animal$variable == "animal", ],
                        original_value == modified_value)))
  expect_true(any(with(no_self_animal[no_self_animal$variable == "super", ],
                       original_value == modified_value)))

test_that("prohibited_transitions gives informative errors for formatting issues", {
  expect_error(pip(animodel, animals, new_values = alt_list,
                   prohibited_transitions = data.frame(from = "dog", to = "cat")),
               "named list")
  expect_error(pip(animodel, animals, new_values = alt_list,
                   prohibited_transitions = list(data.frame(from = "dog", to = "cat"))),
               "named list")
  expect_error(pip(animodel, animals, new_values = alt_list,
                   prohibited_transitions = list(c(from = "dog", to = "cat"))),
               "named list")
  expect_error(pip(animodel, animals, new_values = alt_list,
                   prohibited_transitions = list(rando = data.frame(from = "dog", to = "cat"))),

test_that("no rows coming back with prohibited transitions doesn't break", {
  pip(animodel, animals, new_values = list(num2 = 4),
      prohibited_transitions = list(num2 = data.frame(from = 5, to = 4))) %>%

test_that("prohibited_transitions works on integers", {
  no_pro <- pip(animodel, animals, new_values = list(num2 = 5))
  expect_true(any(with(no_pro, original_value == 4 & modified_value == 5)))
  w_pro <- pip(animodel, animals, new_values = list(num2 = 5),
               prohibited_transitions = list(num2 = data.frame(from = 4, to = 5)))
  expect_false(any(with(w_pro, original_value == 4 & modified_value == 5)))

test_that("prohibited_transitions warns on non-integer numerics", {
    pip(animodel, animals, new_values = list(weight = 1),
        prohibited_transitions = list(weight = data.frame(from = 5, to = 1))),

test_that("multiclass errors in pip", {
  expect_error(pip(multimodel, d = animals), "multiclass")

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