
Defines functions get_matrix_order.eval_matrix get_state_names.array get_state_names.eval_matrix replace_C split_along_dim eval_transition.uneval_matrix eval_transition check_matrix

Documented in check_matrix eval_transition

#' Check Markov Model Transition Matrix
#' Check whether a matrix fulfills the conditions to be a 
#' transition matrix.
#' This function is called by [eval_transition()]
#' and should not be used directly.
#' Checks whether all rows sum to 1 and all probabilities 
#' are between 0 and 1.
#' @param x a matrix.
#' @return `NULL`
#' @keywords internal
check_matrix <- function(x) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "array"))
  stopifnot(length(dim(x)) == 3)
  if (! isTRUE(all.equal(
    range(rowSums(x, dims = 2)),
    c(1, 1)))) {
    problem_rows <- which(rowSums(x, dims = 2) != 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
    problem_rows <- data.frame(
      cycle = problem_rows[,1], 
                               state = get_state_names(x)[problem_rows[,2]])
    problem_rows <- format.data.frame(problem_rows, justify = "left")
      "Not all transition matrix rows sum to 1:\n%s",
        "cycle: %s, state: %s",
        collapse = "\n")
  if (! all(x >= 0 & x <= 1)) {
    problem <- which(x < 0 | x > 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
    problem <- data.frame(problem)
    names(problem) <- c("cycle", "from", "to")
    states <- get_state_names(x)
    problem$from <- states[problem$from]
    problem$to <- states[problem$to]
    problem <- format.data.frame(problem, justify = "left")
      "Some transition probabilities are outside the interval [0 - 1]:\n%s",
        "cycle: %s, from: %s, to: %s",
        problem$cycle, problem$from, problem$to),
        collapse = "\n")

#' Evaluate Markov Model Transition Matrix
#' Evaluate a transition matrix using evaluated parameters.
#' Runs checks on the transition matrix during evaluation.
#' This functions has been heavily optimized, and thus can
#' be difficult to read. Good luck...
#' @param x an `uneval_matrix` object.
#' @param parameters an `eval_parameters` object.
#' @return An `eval_matrix` object (actually a list of 
#'   transition matrices, one per cycle).
#' @keywords internal
eval_transition <- function(x, parameters) {

#' @export
eval_transition.uneval_matrix <- function(x, parameters) {
  # update calls to dispatch_strategy()
  x <- dispatch_strategy_hack(x)
  x_tidy <- x
  p2 <- parameters
  p2$C <- -pi
  nr <- nrow(p2)
  tab_res <- lapply(x_tidy, function(x){
    res <- rlang::eval_tidy(x, data = p2, env = getOption("heemod.env"))
    if (length(res) == 1){
      return(rep(res, nr))

  # tab_res <- lapply(x_tidy, rlang::eval_tidy, p2) %>%
  #   as_tibble(.rows = nrow(p2))

  n <- get_matrix_order(x)
  array_res <- array(unlist(tab_res, use.names = FALSE), dim = c(nr, n, n))
  # possible optimisation
  # dont transpose
  # but tweak dimensions in replace_C
  for(i in seq_len(nr)){
    array_res[i,,] <- t(array_res[i,,])
  array_res <- structure(replace_C(array_res),
                         state_names = get_state_names(x))
    split_along_dim(array_res, 1),
    class = c("eval_matrix", "list"),
    state_names = get_state_names(x)

split_along_dim <- function(a, n) {
    if(n == 1){
        lapply(seq(dim(a)[1]), function(x) a[x, , ])
      } else {
        unlist(apply(a, n, list), use.names = F, recursive = F)

replace_C <- function(x) {
  posC <- x == -pi
  if (! all(rowSums(posC, dims = 2) <= 1)) {
    stop("Only one 'C' is allowed per matrix row.")

  x[posC] <- 0
  valC <- 1 - rowSums(x, dims = 2)[which(posC, arr.ind = TRUE)[, -3]] 
  x[posC] <- valC

#' @export
get_state_names.eval_matrix <- function(x, ...){
  attr(x, "state_names")

#' @export
get_state_names.array <- function(x, ...){
  attr(x, "state_names")

#' @export
get_matrix_order.eval_matrix <- function(x){

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