#' A class to sequentially estimate univariate and bivariate pdfs and cdfs along
#' with quantile functions in the univariate setting and nonparametric
#' correlations in the bivariate setting.
#' The hermite_estimator class provides a unified interface to the univariate
#' and bivariate Hermite series based estimators, leveraging generic methods and
#' S3 dispatch. Methods are included for the sequential or one-pass batch
#' estimation of the full probability density function and cumulative
#' distribution function in the univariate and bivariate settings. Sequential
#' or one-pass batch estimation methods are also provided for the full quantile
#' function in the univariate setting along with the Spearman and Kendall
#' correlation coefficients in the bivariate setting. Note that RcppParallel is
#' utilized to speed up batch updating in the univariate case. If one wishes to
#' switch to serial batch updating (typically slower), utilize
#' options(hermiter.parallel = FALSE).
#' @author Michael Stephanou <>
#' @param N An integer between 0 and 75. The upper bound has been chosen
#' as a value that yields an estimator that is reasonably fast and that remains
#' robust to numerical issues. The Hermite series based estimator is truncated
#' at N+1 terms.
#' @param standardize A boolean value. Determines whether the observations are
#' standardized, a transformation which often improves performance.
#' @param exp_weight_lambda A numerical value between 0 and 1. This parameter
#' controls the exponential weighting of the Hermite series based estimator.
#' If this parameter is NA, no exponential weighting is applied.
#' @param est_type A string value. Options are "univariate" or "bivariate".
#' @param observations A numeric vector or a numeric matrix. Note that for
#' univariate estimators, x is a numeric vector of observations to be
#' incorporated. For bivariate estimators, x is a numeric matrix with n rows for
#' n observations and 2 columns.
#' @return An S3 object of class hermite_estimator_univar or
#' hermite_estimator_bivar.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' hermite_est <- hermite_estimator(N = 50, standardize = TRUE,
#' est_type="univariate")
#' hermite_est <- hermite_estimator(N = 50, standardize = TRUE,
#' est_type="univariate", observations = c(1,2,3))
#' hermite_est <- hermite_estimator(N = 30, standardize = TRUE,
#' est_type="bivariate", observations = matrix(c(1,1,2,2,3,3),
#' nrow=3, ncol=2,byrow=TRUE))
#' }
hermite_estimator <-
function(N = NA,
standardize = TRUE,
exp_weight_lambda = NA, est_type = "univariate", observations = c()){
if (!(standardize == TRUE | standardize == FALSE)) {
stop("standardize can only take on values TRUE or FALSE.")
if (! {
if (!is.numeric(exp_weight_lambda)) {
stop("exp_weight_lambda must be numeric.")
if (exp_weight_lambda <= 0 | exp_weight_lambda > 1) {
stop("exp_weight_lambda must be a real number > 0 and <= 1.")
if ({
if (est_type=="univariate"){
if ({
return(hermite_estimator_univar(N = 50,standardize,exp_weight_lambda,
} else {
return(hermite_estimator_univar(N = 20,standardize,exp_weight_lambda,
else if (est_type=="bivariate"){
if ({
return(hermite_estimator_bivar(N = 30,standardize,exp_weight_lambda,
} else {
return(hermite_estimator_bivar(N = 20,standardize,exp_weight_lambda,
} else {
stop("Unknown estimator type.")
} else {
if (!is.numeric(N) | is.nan(N)) {
stop("N must be numeric.")
if (N < 0 | N > 75) {
stop("N must be >= 0 and N <= 75.")
if (est_type=="univariate"){
return(hermite_estimator_univar(N, standardize,exp_weight_lambda,
else if (est_type=="bivariate"){
return(hermite_estimator_bivar(N, standardize,exp_weight_lambda,
} else {
stop("Unknown estimator type.")
#' Merges two Hermite estimators
#' Note that the estimators must be of the same type to be merged i.e. both
#' estimators must have a consistent est_type, either "univariate" or
#' "bivariate". In addition, the N and standardize arguments must be the same
#' for both estimators in order to merge them. Finally, note that exponentially
#' weighted estimators cannot be merged. If the Hermite estimators are not
#' standardized, the merged estimator will be exactly equivalent to constructing
#' a single estimator on the data set formed by combining the data sets used to
#' update the respective hermite_estimator inputs. If the input Hermite
#' estimators are standardized however, then the equivalence will be approximate
#' but still reasonably accurate in most cases.
#' @param h_est_obj A hermite_estimator_univar or hermite_estimator_bivar
#' object.
#' The first Hermite series based estimator.
#' @param hermite_estimator_other A hermite_estimator_univar or
#' hermite_estimator_bivar object. The second Hermite series based estimator.
#' @return An object of class hermite_estimator_univar or
#' hermite_estimator_bivar.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' hermite_est_1 <- hermite_estimator(N = 10, standardize = FALSE,
#' observations = rnorm(30))
#' hermite_est_2 <- hermite_estimator(N = 10, standardize = FALSE,
#' observations = rnorm(30))
#' hermite_merged <- merge_pair(hermite_est_1, hermite_est_2)
#' }
merge_pair <- function(h_est_obj, hermite_estimator_other) {
UseMethod("merge_pair", h_est_obj)
#' Merges a list of Hermite estimators
#' Note that the estimators must be of the same type to be merged i.e. all
#' estimators must have a consistent est_type, either "univariate" or
#' "bivariate". In addition, the N and standardize arguments must be the same
#' for all estimators in order to merge them. Finally, note that exponentially
#' weighted estimators cannot be merged. If the Hermite estimators are not
#' standardized, the merged estimator will be exactly equivalent to constructing
#' a single estimator on the data set formed by combining the data sets used to
#' update the respective hermite_estimator inputs. If the input Hermite
#' estimators are standardized however, then the equivalence will be approximate
#' but still reasonably accurate in most cases.
#' @param hermite_estimators A list of hermite_estimator_univar or
#' hermite_estimator_bivar objects.
#' @return An object of class hermite_estimator_univar or
#' hermite_estimator_bivar.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' hermite_est_1 <- hermite_estimator(N = 10, standardize = FALSE,
#' observations = rnorm(30))
#' hermite_est_2 <- hermite_estimator(N = 10, standardize = FALSE,
#' observations = rnorm(30))
#' hermite_merged <- merge_hermite(list(hermite_est_1, hermite_est_2))
#' }
merge_hermite <- function(hermite_estimators) {
UseMethod("merge_hermite", hermite_estimators)
merge_hermite.list <- function(hermite_estimators){
if (length(hermite_estimators) == 0) {
stop("List must contain at least one Hermite estimator.")
if (length(hermite_estimators) == 1) {
all_classes <- lapply(hermite_estimators, FUN =
if (length(unique(all_classes)) >1) {
stop("List must contain Hermite estimators of a consistent type")
if (class(hermite_estimators[[1]])[1]=="hermite_estimator_univar"){
} else {
#' Updates the Hermite series based estimator sequentially
#' This method can be applied in sequential estimation settings.
#' @param h_est_obj A hermite_estimator_univar or hermite_estimator_bivar
#' object.
#' @param x A numeric vector or matrix. Observations to be incorporated into
#' the estimator. Note that for univariate estimators, x is a numeric vector
#' whereas for bivariate estimators, x is a numeric vector of length 2 or a
#' n x 2 matrix with n bivariate observations to be incorporated into the
#' estimator.
#' @return An object of class hermite_estimator_univar or
#' hermite_estimator_bivar.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' hermite_est <- hermite_estimator(N = 10, standardize = TRUE,
#' est_type="univariate")
#' hermite_est <- update_sequential(hermite_est, x = 2)
#' hermite_est <- hermite_estimator(N = 10, standardize = TRUE,
#' est_type="bivariate")
#' hermite_est <- update_sequential(hermite_est, x = c(1,2))
#' }
update_sequential <- function(h_est_obj, x) {
UseMethod("update_sequential", h_est_obj)
# An internal method to calculate running standard deviation from the scaled
# running variance.
calculate_running_std <- function(h_est_obj)
#' Estimates the probability density at one or more x values
#' This method calculates the probability density values at a vector of
#' x values in the univariate case. In the bivariate case, the method calculates
#' the probability density values for a matrix of x values, each row of which
#' represents a 2-d point.
#' The object must be updated with observations prior to the use of the method.
#' @param h_est_obj A hermite_estimator_univar or hermite_estimator_bivar
#' object.
#' @param x A numeric vector (univariate) or a numeric matrix (bivariate) of
#' values at which to calculate the probability density.
#' @param clipped A boolean value. This value determines whether
#' probability densities are clipped to be bigger than zero.
#' @param accelerate_series A boolean value. This value determines whether
#' Hermite series acceleration is applied.
#' @return A numeric vector of probability density values.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' hermite_est <- hermite_estimator(N = 10, standardize = TRUE,
#' est_type="univariate", observations = rnorm(30))
#' pdf_est <- dens(hermite_est, c(0, 0.5, 1))
#' hermite_est <- hermite_estimator(N = 10, standardize = TRUE,
#' est_type="bivariate", observations = matrix(rnorm(60),
#' nrow=30, ncol=2,byrow=TRUE))
#' pdf_est <- dens(hermite_est, matrix(c(0,0,0.5,0.5,1,1),nrow=3,
#' ncol=2,byrow=TRUE))
#' }
dens <- function(h_est_obj, x, clipped, accelerate_series = TRUE) {
UseMethod("dens", h_est_obj)
#' Estimates the cumulative probability at one or more x values
#' This method calculates the cumulative probability at a vector of
#' x values in the univariate case. In the bivariate case, the method calculates
#' the probability density values for a matrix of x values, each row of which
#' represents a 2-d point.
#' The object must be updated with observations prior to the use of the method.
#' @param h_est_obj A hermite_estimator_univar or hermite_estimator_bivar
#' object.
#' @param x A numeric vector (univariate) or a numeric matrix (bivariate).
#' Values at which to calculate the cumulative probability.
#' @param clipped A boolean value. This value determines whether
#' cumulative probabilities are clipped to lie between 0 and 1.
#' @param accelerate_series A boolean value. This value determines whether
#' Hermite series acceleration is applied.
#' @return A numeric vector of cumulative probability values.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' hermite_est <- hermite_estimator(N = 10, standardize = TRUE,
#' est_type="univariate", observations = rnorm(30))
#' cdf_est <- cum_prob(hermite_est, c(0, 0.5, 1))
#' hermite_est <- hermite_estimator(N = 10, standardize = TRUE,
#' est_type="bivariate", observations = matrix(rnorm(60),
#' nrow=30, ncol=2,byrow=TRUE))
#' cdf_est <- cum_prob(hermite_est, matrix(c(0,0,0.5,0.5,1,1),nrow=3,
#' ncol=2,byrow=TRUE))
#' }
cum_prob <- function(h_est_obj, x, clipped, accelerate_series = TRUE) {
UseMethod("cum_prob", h_est_obj)
#' Creates an object summarizing the CDF with associated generic methods print,
#' plot and summary.
#' The h_est_obj object must be updated with observations prior to the use of
#' the method.
#' @param h_est_obj A hermite_estimator_univar or hermite_estimator_bivar
#' object.
#' @param clipped A boolean value. This value determines whether
#' cumulative probabilities are clipped to lie between 0 and 1.
#' @param accelerate_series A boolean value. This value determines whether
#' Hermite series acceleration is applied.
#' @param x_lower A numeric value (univariate) or a numeric vector (bivariate).
#' This value determines the lower limit of x values at which to evaluate
#' the CDF.
#' @param x_upper A numeric value (univariate) or a numeric vector (bivariate).
#' This value determines the upper limit of x values at which to evaluate
#' the CDF.
#' @return A hcdf_univar or hcdf_bivar object.
hcdf <- function(h_est_obj, clipped = FALSE, accelerate_series = TRUE,
x_lower = NA, x_upper = NA) {
UseMethod("hcdf", h_est_obj)
#' Estimates the quantiles at a vector of probability values
#' This method utilizes the estimator (13) in paper Stephanou, Michael,
#' Varughese, Melvin and Iain Macdonald. "Sequential quantiles via Hermite
#' series density estimation." Electronic Journal of Statistics 11.1 (2017):
#' 570-607 <doi:10.1214/17-EJS1245>, with some modifications to improve the
#' stability of numerical root finding when using the bisection algorithm.
#' Note that this method is only applicable to the univariate Hermite
#' estimator i.e. est_type = "univariate".
#' The object must be updated with observations prior to the use of this method.
#' @param h_est_obj A hermite_estimator_univar object.
#' @param p A numeric vector. A vector of probability values.
#' @param algorithm A string. Two possible values 'interpolate' which is faster
#' but may be less accurate or 'bisection' which is slower but potentially more
#' accurate.
#' @param accelerate_series A boolean value. If set to TRUE, the series
#' acceleration methods described in:
#' Boyd, John P., and Dennis W. Moore. "Summability methods for
#' Hermite functions." Dynamics of atmospheres and oceans 10.1 (1986): 51-62.
#' are applied. If set to FALSE, then standard summation is applied.
#' @return A numeric vector. The vector of quantile values associated with the
#' probabilities p.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' hermite_est <- hermite_estimator(N = 10, standardize = TRUE,
#' est_type="univariate", observations = rnorm(30))
#' quant_est <- quant(hermite_est, c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75))
#' }
quant <- function(h_est_obj, p, algorithm="interpolate",
accelerate_series = TRUE) {
UseMethod("quant", h_est_obj)
#' Estimates the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
#' This method utilizes the estimator (8) in the paper Stephanou, Michael and
#' Varughese, Melvin. "Sequential estimation of Spearman rank correlation using
#' Hermite series estimators." Journal of Multivariate Analysis (2021)
#' <doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2021.104783> to calculate the Spearman rank correlation
#' coefficient. It is only applicable to the bivariate Hermite estimator
#' i.e. est_type = "bivariate".
#' The object must be updated with observations prior to the use of this method.
#' @param h_est_obj A hermite_estimator_bivar object.
#' @param clipped A boolean value. Indicates whether to clip Spearman's rank
#' correlation estimates to lie between -1 and 1.
#' @return A numeric value.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' hermite_est <- hermite_estimator(N = 10, standardize = TRUE,
#' est_type="bivariate", observations = matrix(rnorm(30*2), nrow=30,
#' ncol=2, byrow = TRUE))
#' spearmans_est <- spearmans(hermite_est)
#' }
spearmans <- function(h_est_obj, clipped = FALSE)
#' Estimates the Kendall rank correlation coefficient
#' This method calculates the Kendall rank correlation coefficient value. It
#' is only applicable to the bivariate Hermite estimator i.e. est_type =
#' "bivariate".
#' The object must be updated with observations prior to the use of this method.
#' @param h_est_obj A hermite_estimator_bivar object.
#' @param clipped A boolean value. Indicates whether to clip the Kendall rank
#' correlation estimates to lie between -1 and 1.
#' @return A numeric value.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' hermite_est <- hermite_estimator(N = 10, standardize = TRUE,
#' est_type="bivariate", observations = matrix(rnorm(30*2), nrow=30,
#' ncol=2, byrow = TRUE))
#' kendall_est <- kendall(hermite_est)
#' }
kendall <- function(h_est_obj, clipped = FALSE)
# Internal helper function for print methods.
describe_estimator <- function(h_est_obj, est_type){
if (est_type == "univariate") {
cat("Univariate Hermite Estimator:\n")
} else {
cat("Bivariate Hermite Estimator:\n")
cat(paste0("N = ",h_est_obj$N_param,"\n"))
cat(paste0("Standardize observations = ",h_est_obj$standardize_obs,"\n"))
if (!$exp_weight)){
cat(paste0("Exponential weighting for coefficents = TRUE, lambda = ",
} else {
cat(paste0("Exponential weighting for coefficents = FALSE","\n"))
cat(paste0("Number of observations = ",h_est_obj$num_obs,"\n"))
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