
Defines functions `%||%` getAxisTextSize power_trans transReverser bundleStrength getPath getCoordinates enumerateNodes enumerateClusters cartToCirc getPaths createBundles layoutSpread addCoord findTopNode dendrogramix_data icicle_data dendro_data createDendrogramixData createOutlierData createBarData createHeatData createIcicleData createDendroData getCol createOutlierTable createCompositeTable createBarTable createHeatTable createIceTable createDenTable outlying_elements plot_outlier_distribution plot.HierarchicalSet

Documented in outlying_elements plot.HierarchicalSet plot_outlier_distribution power_trans

#' @include hSet.R

#' Visualize hierarchical sets
#' This is the main visualization interface to HierarchicalSet object. By
#' changing the type argument you control which types of plots are produced. See
#' datails for a walkthrough of the different plot types. All plots are based on
#' ggplot2 but heavily modified using gtable. Because of this the return value
#' is always a gtable object, so it is not possible to add additional geoms, or
#' change scales etc. on the result of `plot()`.
#' @param x A HierarchicalSet object to plot.
#' @param label logical. Should sets be labeled.
#' @param type The type of plot to produce. See detail. The name of the type may
#' be abbreviated.
#' @param transform A string giving the scale transformation or a
#' [scales::trans()] object.
#' @param style A ggplot2 theme to use as basis for the plot. Defaults to
#' theme_bw().
#' @param quantiles The quantiles to split outlying elements up in for
#' outlying_elements plot. If length is above one a facetted plot will be
#' produced.
#' @param upperBound The upper quantile threshold to include. Defaults to 1
#' (i.e. everything is included)
#' @param tension The tension used for the hierarchical edge bundles in
#' outlying_elements plot. Defaults to 0.8
#' @param alpha The alpha level for the edge bundles. Defaults to 1
#' @param circular Logical. Should the hierarchical edge bundles be laid out in
#' a circular layout.
#' @param showHierarchy Logical. For intersectionStack plots, should a
#' dendrogram mapping union sizes be drawn above the icicle plot. For
#' outlying_elements plots should a dendrogram be plotted below (for circular) or
#' to the left (for linear) of the edge bundles.
#' @param evenHierarchy Logical. Should the heights of the dendrogram used for
#' constructing the edge bundles be evened out.
#' @param outliers A precomputed data.frame with outlier information, as
#' returned by [outlying_elements()].
#' @param ratio Should outliers be plotted as a ratio instead of the raw number.
#' If `NULL` the raw number is used, If `"min"` the raw number is
#' divided by the number of elements in the smallest set of the pair, if
#' `"max"` the largest set, and if `"mean"` the mean pair size.
#' @param n The number of coordinates to calculate for each edge in the
#' outlyingElements plot.
#' @param ... Currently ignored
#' @return A gtable object invisibly. This function is mainly called for the
#' side effect of creating a plot.
#' @details
#' Currently 4 different plottypes are available:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\strong{dendrogram}}{Plots a horizontal dendrogram with the x-value
#'   mapped to the intersection size divided by the union size. This plot very
#'   clearly shows the rise in heterogenity as more and more sets are joined,
#'   and clearly shows clusters of very similar sets.}
#'   \item{\strong{intersectStack}}{Plots a bottom-up icicleplot with height
#'   showing the size of the intersection. In essence this plot communicates the
#'   same type of information as a Venn-diagram, but in a scalable way and only
#'   showing the intersections along the hierarchy. Box color maps to the degree
#'   (number of sets) of the intersection making high-degree high-intersection
#'   as well as low-degree low-intersection boxes stand out.}
#'   \item{\strong{heatmap}}{Plots a traditional heatmap showing all 2-degree
#'   intersections. The sets are organized according to the hierarchy so the
#'   result should show a number of squares along the diagonal. If two very
#'   similar sets have been forced apart by the clustering, this will show up
#'   nicely as high value squares away from the diagonal.}
#'   \item{\strong{composite}}{Combines dendrogram, intersectStack and heatmap
#'   into a composite plot.}
#'   \item{\strong{outlyingElements}}{Plots intersects between two sets that are
#'   missing from the intersect of their shared top node as hierarchical edge
#'   bundles. It helps detect deviations from the global structure as defined
#'   by the hierarchcial clustering.}
#' }
#' @importFrom grid grid.draw grid.newpage
#' @export
plot.HierarchicalSet <- function(x, label = TRUE, type = 'dendrogram',
                                 transform=NULL, style=theme_bw(),
                                 quantiles = 0, upperBound = 1, tension = 0.8,
                                 alpha = 1, circular = TRUE,
                                 showHierarchy = !circular,
                                 evenHierarchy = circular, outliers = NULL,
                                 ratio = NULL, n = 50, ...) {
    types <- c(
    type <- match.arg(type, types)
    if (inherits(transform, 'trans') || length(transform) < 2) {
        transform <- lapply(c(types, 'bar'), function(x) transform)
        names(transform) <- c(types, 'bar')
    } else {
        if (is.null(names(transform))) {
            stop('Tranforms must be named when passing multiple values')
        transform <- as.list(transform)
        names(transform) <- sapply(names(transform),
                                   match.arg, choices = c(types, 'bar'))
    if (type %in% c('dendrogram', 'composite')) {
        denData <- createDendroData(clusters(x))
    if (type %in% c('intersectStack', 'composite')) {
        iceData <- createIcicleData(clusters(x))
    if (type %in% c('heatmap', 'composite')) {
        heatData <- createHeatData(x)
    if (type %in% c('composite')) {
        barData <- createBarData(sets(x)[,match(denData$labels$label,
    if (type %in% c('outlyingElements')) {
        outData <- createOutlierData(x, quantiles = quantiles,
                                     tension = tension, circular = circular,
                                     evenHierarchy = evenHierarchy,
                                     upperBound = upperBound,
                                     outliers = outliers, ratio = ratio, n = n)
    p <- switch(
        dendrogram = createDenTable(denData, style = style, label = label,
                                    transform = transform$dendrogram),
        intersectStack = createIceTable(iceData, style = style, label = label,
                                        transform = transform$intersectStack,
                                        showHierarchy = showHierarchy),
        heatmap = createHeatTable(heatData, style = style, label = label,
                                  transform = transform$heatmap),
        composite = createCompositeTable(
            denData, iceData, heatData, barData,
            style = style, label = label, transform = transform
        outlyingElements = createOutlierTable(outData, style, label, circular,
                                              showHierarchy, alpha, ...),
        stop('Unknown plot type')
    # grid.newpage()
    # grid.draw(p)
    # invisible(p)
#' Plot the outlying elements of a HierarchicalSet object
#' This function creates a scatter plot showing each outlying element as a
#' function of the number of sets it is present in and the number of times it
#' is outlying.
#' @param x A HierarchicalSet object
#' @param alpha The transparancy of the dots
#' @param outliers Precomputed outlying elements as returned from
#' [outlying_elements()]
#' @return This function is called for its side effects
#' @seealso [outlying_elements()] for extracting outlying element
#' information from a HierarchicalSet object
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data('twitter')
#' twitSet <- create_hierarchy(twitter)
#' plot_outlier_distribution(twitSet)
plot_outlier_distribution <- function(x, alpha = 0.3, outliers = NULL) {
    if (!inherits(x, 'HierarchicalSet')) {
        stop('plotOutDist only supports HierarchicalSet objects')
    if (is.null(outliers) || is.null(outliers$outliers)) {
        outliers <- outlying_elements(x, FALSE)
    out <- table(unlist(outliers$outliers))
    out <- data.frame(
        element = as.integer(names(out)),
        nOutlier = as.integer(out),
        nSets = rowSums(sets(x))[as.integer(names(out))]
    ggplot() +
        geom_point(aes_(x = ~nSets, y = ~nOutlier), data = out, alpha = alpha) +
        ggtitle(paste0(nrow(out), ' outlying elements out of ', n_elements(x))) +
        xlab('# of sets with element') +
        ylab('# of times element is outlier') +
#' Extract the outlying elements from each set pair
#' This function detects the outlying elements of each pair of sets in a
#' HierarchicalSet object. An outlying element is defined as an element in the
#' intersection of the two sets, but not in the intersection of their nearest
#' common set family in the hierarchy.
#' @param x A HierarchicalSet object
#' @param counts Should number of elements rather than the actual elements be
#' returned. Defaults to `TRUE`
#' @return A data.frame containing information on the outlying elements of each
#' set pair. Only pairs with outlying elements are returned. The 'setX' coloumn
#' contains the index of the first set in the pair and the 'setY' column
#' contains the index of the second set in the pair. If `counts = TRUE`
#' then the 'nOutliers' column contains the number of outlying elements for each
#' pair. If `counts = FALSE` the the 'outlier' column contains the index of
#' the outlying elements for each pair
#' @seealso [plot_outlier_distribution()] for plotting the
#' distribution  of outlying elements in a HierarchicalSet object
#' @importFrom stats is.leaf
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data('twitter')
#' twitSet <- create_hierarchy(twitter)
#' # Just get the counts
#' countOut <- outlying_elements(twitSet)
#' head(countOut)
#' # Or the actual elements
#' elemOut <- outlying_elements(twitSet, FALSE)
#' head(elemOut)
outlying_elements <- function(x, counts = TRUE) {
    newClusters <- lapply(clusters(x), dendrapply, function(x) {
        if (is.leaf(x)) {
            leafAttr <- attributes(x)
            x <- as.list(x)
            attributes(x) <- leafAttr
    outliers <- getOutliers(newClusters, x$sets@p, x$sets@i, counts)
    if (counts) {
            setX = outliers$from,
            setY = outliers$to,
            nOutliers = unlist(outliers$outliers)
    } else {
            setX = outliers$from,
            setY = outliers$to,
            outliers = I(outliers$outliers)
#' Based on createDenData create a gtable
#' @param data Data as returned by [createDenData()]
#' @param style A complete ggplot theme
#' @param label Logical should the sets be labelled
#' @param transform A trans object or the name of one from scales
#' @return A gtable object ready to draw
#' @noRd
createDenTable <- function(data, style, label = TRUE, transform = NULL, xaxis = 'bottom') {
    p <- ggplot()
    p <- p + style
    p <- p + theme(
        axis.title.y = element_blank(),
        axis.line.y = element_blank(),
        panel.border = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
        axis.text.y = element_text(hjust = 0)
    if (!label) {
        p <- p + theme(
            axis.text.y = element_blank()
    if (is.null(transform)) {
        transform <- 'identity'
    p <- p + xlab(expression(paste(lambda, "'") ~~ italic("heterogeneity")))
    p <- p + scale_x_continuous(trans = transReverser(transform),
                                expand = c(0, 0), position = xaxis)
    p <- p + scale_y_continuous(breaks = data$labels$x,
                                labels = data$labels$label, expand = c(0,0.5),
                                limits = c(1, max(data$labels$x)),
                                position = 'right')
    p <- p + geom_segment(aes_(y = ~x, x = ~y, yend = ~xend, xend = ~yend),
                          data = data$segments, lineend = 'round')
    p <- p + expand_limits(x = c(0, max(data$segments$y)*1.025))
#' Based on createIceData create a gtable
#' @param data Data as returned by [createIceData()]
#' @param style A complete ggplot theme
#' @param label Logical should the sets be labelled
#' @param yaxis The position of the y-axis
#' @param transform A trans object or the name of one from scales
#' @param showHierarchy Should a dendrogram be plotted on top
#' @return A gtable object ready to draw
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @importFrom grDevices axisTicks
#' @noRd
createIceTable <- function(data, style, label = TRUE, yaxis = 'left',
                           transform = NULL, showHierarchy = FALSE) {
    data$segments$type <- factor('Union', levels = c('Union', 'Intersection'))
    data$rectangles$type <- factor('Intersection', levels = c('Union', 'Intersection'))
    p <- ggplot() + style + theme(
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.text.x = element_text(
            angle = if (yaxis == 'left') 45 else 315,
            hjust = if (yaxis == 'left') 1 else 0,
            vjust = 1
        axis.line.x = element_blank(),
        panel.border = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
        axis.title.y = element_text(angle = if (showHierarchy) 90 else 0,
                                    vjust = if (showHierarchy) 1 else 0.5),
        axis.title.y.right = element_text(angle = if (showHierarchy) -90 else 0,
                                    vjust = if (showHierarchy) 1 else 0.5),
        axis.text.y = element_text(hjust = if (yaxis == 'left') 1 else 0)
    if (!label) {
        p <- p + theme(
            axis.text.x = element_blank(),
            axis.ticks.x = element_blank()
    if (is.null(transform)) {
        transform <- 'identity'
    tops <- data$rectangles[data$rectangles$degree == 1, ]
    xLoc <- (tops$xmin + tops$xmax) / 2
    tops <- data.frame(x = xLoc, xend = xLoc, y = tops$ymax,
                       yend = max(tops$ymax),
                       type = factor('Intersection', levels = c(
                           'Union', 'Intersection'

    if (showHierarchy) {
        p <- p + geom_segment(aes_(x = ~x, xend = ~xend, y = ~y,
                                   yend = ~yend),
                              data = data$segments, lineend = 'round')
        p <- p + facet_grid(type~., scales = 'free_y')
    p <- p + geom_segment(aes_(x = ~x, xend = ~xend, y = ~y,
                               yend = ~yend),
                          data = tops, color = 'lightgrey')
    p <- p + geom_rect(aes_(xmin = ~xmin, xmax = ~xmax, ymin = ~ymin,
                            ymax = ~ymax, fill = ~degree),
                       data = data$rectangles, color = I('white'))
    p <- p + scale_y_continuous(trans = transform, expand = c(0, 0), position = yaxis)
    p <- p + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = data$labels$x,
                                labels = data$labels$label)
    p <- p + scale_fill_gradientn(
        'Set family\nsize',
        colours = rev(brewer.pal(9, 'Greens')[-(1:2)]),
        trans = 'log10',
        breaks = axisTicks(log10(range(data$rectangles$degree)), log = TRUE),
        guide = guide_colorbar(override.aes = list(size = 0))
    if (showHierarchy) {
        p <- p + ylab('Size')
    } else {
        p <- p + ylab(expression(group('|', intersect(), '|')))

#' @importFrom gtable gtable_width
createHeatTable <- function(data, style, label = TRUE, transform = NULL, yaxis = 'left', xaxis = 'bottom') {
    p <- ggplot() + style + theme(
        axis.title = element_blank(),
        axis.text.x.bottom = element_text(
            angle = if (yaxis == 'left') 45 else 315,
            hjust = if (yaxis == 'left') 1 else 0,
            vjust = 1
        axis.text.x.top = element_text(
            angle = if (yaxis != 'left') 45 else 315,
            hjust = if (yaxis == 'left') 1 else 0,
            vjust = 0
        axis.line = element_blank(),
        panel.border = element_blank()
    if (is.logical(label)) {
        if (!label) {
            p <- p + theme(
                axis.text = element_blank(),
                axis.ticks = element_blank()
    } else if (!'x' %in% label) {
        p <- p + theme(
            axis.text.x = element_blank(),
            axis.ticks.x = element_blank()
    } else if (!'y' %in% label) {
        p <- p + theme(
            axis.text.y = element_blank(),
            axis.ticks.y = element_blank()
    if (is.null(transform)) {
        transform <- 'identity'

    p <- p + geom_rect2(aes(xmin = y - 0.5, xmax = y + 0.5, ymin = x - 0.5,
                            ymax = x + 0.5, colour = union), data = data$circles, fill = NA)
    p <- p + geom_path(aes(x = y, y = x, group = group), data = data$path,
                       color = I('white'))
    p <- p + geom_polygon(aes(x = x, y = y, group = group, fill = intersect),
                          data = data$path)
    p <- p + geom_rect(aes(xmin = x - 0.25, xmax = x + 0.25,
                            ymin = y - 0.25, ymax = y + 0.25, fill = intersect),
                       data = data$circles)
    p <- p + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = data$labels$x,
                                labels = data$labels$label, position = xaxis)
    p <- p + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = data$labels$x,
                                labels = data$labels$label, position = yaxis)
    p <- p + scale_fill_distiller('Intersect\nsize',
                                   trans = transform,
                                   palette = 'Blues',
                                   guide = 'colorbar',
                                   direction = 1)
    p <- p + scale_colour_distiller('Union\nsize', trans = transform,
                                  palette = 'Purples', guide = 'colorbar',
                                  direction = 1)
createBarTable <- function(data, style, label = TRUE, yaxis = 'left',
                           transform = NULL) {
    p <- ggplot() + style + theme(
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.text.x = element_text(
            angle = if (yaxis == 'left') 45 else 315,
            hjust = if (yaxis == 'left') 1 else 0,
            vjust = 1
        axis.line.x = element_blank(),
        panel.border = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
        axis.title.y = element_text(angle = if (yaxis == 'left') 90 else 270),
        axis.text.y = element_text(hjust = if (yaxis == 'left') 1 else 0)
    if (!label) {
        p <- p + theme(
            axis.text.x = element_blank(),
            axis.ticks.x = element_blank()
    if (is.null(transform)) {
        transform <- 'identity'
    p <- p + geom_bar(aes_(x = ~x, y = ~y), data = data, stat = 'identity')
    p <- p + ylab('# unique')
    p <- p + scale_y_continuous(trans = transform, expand = c(0, 0), position = yaxis)
    p <- p + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), breaks = data$x,
                                labels = data$label)

#' @importFrom gtable gtable gtable_add_grob
#' @importFrom grid unit.c nullGrob
#' @importFrom patchwork plot_spacer plot_layout plot_annotation
createCompositeTable <- function(den, ice, heat, bar, style, label, transform) {
    style2 <- style + theme(plot.margin = margin(0,0,0,0))
    den <- createDenTable(den, style = style2, label = FALSE,
                          transform = transform$dendrogram, xaxis = 'top')
    ice <- createIceTable(ice, style = style2, label = FALSE, yaxis = 'right',
                          transform = transform$intersectStack)
    heat <- createHeatTable(heat, style = style2, label = label, yaxis = 'right',
                            xaxis = 'top', transform = transform$heatmap)
    bar <- createBarTable(bar, style = style2, label = FALSE, yaxis = 'right',
                          transform = transform$bar)

    den +
        heat +
        plot_spacer() +
        bar +
        plot_spacer() +
        ice +
        plot_layout(ncol = 2, heights = c(4, 1, 4)) +
        plot_annotation(theme = style)
#' @importFrom gtable gtable_add_rows gtable_add_cols
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @importFrom viridis viridis
createOutlierTable <- function(data, style, label, circular, showHierarchy, alpha, colorGradient = NULL) {
    if (circular) {
        nPanels <- length(levels(data$bundles$group))
        p <- ggplot() + style + theme(
            axis.ticks = element_blank(),
            axis.text = element_blank(),
            axis.title = element_blank(),
            panel.grid = element_blank()
        if (is.null(data$bundles$ratio)) {
            p <- p + geom_path(aes_(x = ~x, y = ~y, group = ~id,
                                    color = ~nOutliers),
                               alpha = alpha, data = data$bundles)
        } else {
            p <- p + geom_path(aes_(x = ~x, y = ~y, group = ~id,
                                    color = ~ratio),
                               alpha = alpha, data = data$bundles)

        if (label) {
            data$labels$hjust <- ifelse(data$labels$x > 0, 0, 1)
            data$labels$vjust <- 0.5
            data$labels$angle <- ifelse(
                sign(data$labels$x) == 1,
                atan2(data$labels$y, data$labels$x)*180/pi,
                atan2(data$labels$y, data$labels$x)*180/pi - 180)
        if (nPanels > 1) {
            nColumns <-  if (label || showHierarchy) {
            } else {
            p <- p + facet_wrap(~group, ncol=nColumns) +
                expand_limits(x = c(-1, 1), y = c(-1, 1))
        } else if (label) {
            nColumns <- 1
            p  <- p + geom_text(aes_(x = ~x*1.02, y = ~y*1.02, hjust = ~hjust,
                                    vjust = ~vjust, angle = ~angle,
                                    label = ~label),
                                data = data$labels,
                                size = getAxisTextSize(style)*5/14)
            maxLength <- max(nchar(as.character(data$labels$label)))
            newLim <- c(-1, 1) * maxLength*0.08
            p <- p + expand_limits(x = newLim, y = newLim)
            p <- p + theme(panel.border = element_blank())
        } else {
            nColumns <- 1
            p <- p + expand_limits(x = c(-1, 1), y = c(-1, 1))
        p <- p + coord_fixed(clip = 'off')
        if (is.null(data$bundles$ratio)) {
            if (is.null(colorGradient)) colorGradient <- brewer.pal(9, 'YlOrRd')[-(1:2)]
            p <- p + scale_color_gradientn(
                '# Outlying\nelements',
                colours = colorGradient
        } else {
            if (is.null(colorGradient)) colorGradient <- rev(viridis(256, option = 'A'))
            p <- p + scale_color_gradientn(
                'Ratio of outlying\nelements',
                colours = colorGradient

        if ((label && nPanels > 1) || showHierarchy) {
            denP <- ggplot() + style + theme(
                axis.ticks = element_blank(),
                axis.text = element_blank(),
                axis.title = element_blank(),
                panel.grid = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank()
            denP <- denP + geom_segment(aes_(x = ~x, y = ~y, xend = ~xend,
                                            yend = ~yend),
                                        data = data$segments, lineend = 'round')
            if (label) {
                denP <- denP + geom_text(aes_(x = ~x*1.05, y = ~y*1.05,
                                             hjust = ~hjust, vjust = ~vjust,
                                             angle = ~angle, label = ~label),
                                         data = data$labels,
                                         size = getAxisTextSize(style)*5/14)
                maxLength <- nchar(as.character(data$labels$label))
                newLim <- c(-1, 1) * maxLength*0.12
                denP <- denP + expand_limits(x = newLim, y = newLim)
            p <- p + coord_fixed(clip = 'off')
            p <- p / denP
    } else {
        p <- ggplot() + style + theme(
            axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
            axis.text.x = element_blank(),
            axis.title = element_blank(),
            panel.grid = element_blank(),
            panel.border = element_blank(),
            axis.text.y = element_text(hjust = if (showHierarchy) 0.5 else 1),
            axis.ticks.y = element_blank()
        p <- p + geom_path(aes_(x = ~y, y = ~x, group = ~id,
                                color = ~nOutliers),
                           alpha = I(0.25), data = data$bundles)
        if (!label) {
            p <- p + theme(
                axis.text.y = element_blank()
        p <- p + scale_y_continuous(breaks = data$labels$x,
                                    labels = data$labels$label,
                                    limits = range(data$labels$x))
        p <- p + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0))
        p <- p + expand_limits(x = c(0, max(data$bundles$y)*1.025))
        p <- p + scale_color_gradientn(
            '# Outlying\nelements',
            colours = brewer.pal(9, 'YlOrRd')[-(1:2)]
        if (showHierarchy) {
            denP <- ggplot() + style + theme(
                axis.ticks = element_blank(),
                axis.text = element_blank(),
                axis.title = element_blank(),
                panel.grid = element_blank(),
                panel.border = element_blank()
            denP <- denP + geom_segment(aes_(x = ~y, y = ~x, xend = ~yend,
                                            yend = ~xend),
                                        data = data$segments, lineend = 'round')
            denP <- denP + scale_y_continuous(breaks = data$labels$x,
                                        labels = data$labels$label,
                                        limits = range(data$labels$x))
            denP <- denP + scale_x_reverse(expand = c(0.025, 0))
            denP <- denP + expand_limits(x = c(0, max(data$segments$y)*1.025))
            p <- denP | p
getCol <- function(n) {
    if (n <= 4) {
    } else if (n <= 6) {
    } else if (n <= 8) {
    } else {
        ceiling(sqrt(n) * 1.1)
createDendroData <- function(trees, type = 'rectangle') {
    plotData <- lapply(trees, dendro_data, type = type)
    labelJumps <- cumsum(sapply(plotData, function(x) nrow(x$labels)))
    labelJumps <- c(0, labelJumps[-length(labelJumps)])
    plotData <- Map(function(pdata, offset) {
        pdata$segments$x <- pdata$segments$x + offset
        pdata$segments$xend <- pdata$segments$xend + offset
        pdata$labels$x <- pdata$labels$x + offset
    }, pdata = plotData, offset = labelJumps)
        segments = do.call(rbind, lapply(plotData, `[[`, 'segments')),
        labels = do.call(rbind, lapply(plotData, `[[`, 'labels'))
createIcicleData <- function(trees) {
    treesRect <- lapply(trees, function(tree) {
        dendrapply(tree, function(x) {
            attr(x, 'height') <- attr(x, 'intersect')
    treesDen <- lapply(trees, function(tree) {
        dendrapply(tree, function(x) {
            attr(x, 'height') <- attr(x, 'union')
    plotData <- lapply(treesRect, icicle_data)
    plotData2 <- lapply(treesDen, dendro_data, type = 'rectangle')
    labelJumps <- cumsum(sapply(plotData, function(x) nrow(x$labels)))
    labelJumps <- c(0, labelJumps[-length(labelJumps)])
    plotData <- Map(function(pdata, pdata2, offset) {
        pdata$rectangles$xmin <- pdata$rectangles$xmin + offset
        pdata$rectangles$xmax <- pdata$rectangles$xmax + offset
        pdata$labels$x <- pdata$labels$x + offset
        pdata$segments <- pdata2$segments
        pdata$segments$x <- pdata$segments$x + offset
        pdata$segments$xend <- pdata$segments$xend + offset
    }, pdata = plotData, pdata2 = plotData2, offset = labelJumps)
        rectangles = do.call(rbind, lapply(plotData, `[[`, 'rectangles')),
        segments = do.call(rbind, lapply(plotData, `[[`, 'segments')),
        labels = do.call(rbind, lapply(plotData, `[[`, 'labels'))
createHeatData <- function(x) {
    denData <- createDendrogramixData(clusters(x))
    denData$circles <- pairSummary(sets(x)@p, sets(x)@i,
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums
createBarData <- function(sets) {
    elementSizes <- rowSums(sets)
    empty_el <- elementSizes == 0
    setUniques <- apply(sets, 2, function(x) {
        sum(!empty_el & x == elementSizes)
        x = seq_len(ncol(sets)),
        y = setUniques,
        label = colnames(sets)
#' @importFrom stats quantile
createOutlierData <- function(x, quantiles, tension, circular,
                              evenHierarchy = TRUE, upperBound = 1,
                              outliers = NULL, n = 50, ratio = NULL) {
    if (is.null(outliers)) {
        outliers <- outlying_elements(x)
    outliers <- outliers[order(outliers$nOutliers), ]
    if (!is.null(ratio)) {
        setLengths <- set_sizes(x)
        pairLengths <- switch(
            min = pmin(setLengths[outliers$setX], setLengths[outliers$setY]),
            max = pmax(setLengths[outliers$setX], setLengths[outliers$setY]),
            mean = (setLengths[outliers$setX] + setLengths[outliers$setY])/2,
            stop('ratio must be either "min", "max", or "mean"')
        outliers$ratio <- outliers$nOutliers / pairLengths
        splits <- quantile(outliers$ratio, quantiles)
        outliers$group <- NA
        for (i in seq_along(splits)) {
            outliers$group[outliers$ratio >= splits[i]] <- names(splits)[i]
        outliers$group[outliers$ratio > quantile(outliers$ratio, upperBound)] <- NA
        outliers <- outliers[!is.na(outliers$group),]
    } else {
        splits <- quantile(outliers$nOutliers, quantiles)
        outliers$group <- NA
        for (i in seq_along(splits)) {
            outliers$group[outliers$nOutliers >= splits[i]] <- names(splits)[i]
        outliers$group[outliers$nOutliers > quantile(outliers$nOutliers, upperBound)] <- NA
        outliers <- outliers[!is.na(outliers$group),]
    bundles <- createBundles(clusters(x), outliers[, 1:2], tension = tension,
                             circular = circular, detail = n)
    if (is.null(ratio)) {
        bundles$nOutliers <- outliers$nOutliers[bundles$id]
    } else {
        bundles$ratio <- outliers$ratio[bundles$id]
    bundles$group <- factor(outliers$group[bundles$id], levels = names(splits))
    if (evenHierarchy) {
        x$clusters <- lapply(clusters(x), layoutSpread)
    dendro <- createDendroData(clusters(x),
                               type = if (circular) 'triangle' else 'rectangle')
    if (circular) {
        yRange <- range(c(dendro$segments$y, dendro$segments$yend))
        xRange <- range(dendro$labels$x)
        circLab <- cartToCirc(dendro$labels, 1, yRange, xRange)
        circSeg <- cartToCirc(dendro$segments, 1, yRange, xRange)
        circSeg[, c('xend', 'yend')] <- cartToCirc(
                x = dendro$segments$xend,
                y = dendro$segments$yend
        dendro$labels$x <- circLab$x
        dendro$labels$y <- circLab$y
        dendro$segments <- circSeg
        bundles = bundles,
        segments = dendro$segments,
        labels = dendro$labels
createDendrogramixData <- function(trees) {
    plotData <- lapply(trees, dendrogramix_data)
    labelJumps <- cumsum(sapply(plotData, function(x) nrow(x$labels)))
    labelJumps <- c(0, labelJumps[-length(labelJumps)])
    plotData <- Map(function(pdata, offset) {
        pdata$path$min <- pdata$path$min + offset
        pdata$path$max <- pdata$path$max + offset
        pdata$labels$x <- pdata$labels$x + offset
    }, pdata = plotData, offset = labelJumps)
    plotData <- list(
        path = do.call(rbind, lapply(plotData, `[[`, 'path')),
        labels = do.call(rbind, lapply(plotData, `[[`, 'labels'))
    plotData$path <- do.call(
        rbind, lapply(1:nrow(plotData$path), function(i, d) {
            x = c(d$min[i], d$min[i], d$max[i]),
            y = c(d$min[i], d$max[i], d$max[i]),
            intersect = d$intersect[i],
            union = d$union[i],
            group = i
    }, d = plotData$path))
#' @importFrom stats is.leaf
dendro_data <- function(dendrogram, type) {
    if (is.leaf(dendrogram)) {
            segments = data.frame(x = numeric(), y = numeric(),
                                  xend = numeric(), yend = numeric()),
            labels = data.frame(x = 1, y = 0, label = attr(dendrogram, 'label'))
    } else {
        ggdendro::dendro_data(dendrogram, type = type)
#' @importFrom stats is.leaf
#' @importFrom utils tail
icicle_data <- function(dendrogram, base = 0, left = 1) {
    height <- attr(dendrogram, 'height')
    degree <- attr(dendrogram, 'members')
    if (is.leaf(dendrogram)) {
            rectangles = data.frame(
                xmin = left - 0.5, xmax = left + 0.5,
                ymin = base, ymax = height,
                degree = degree
            labels = data.frame(
                x = left, y = 0, label = attr(dendrogram, 'label'),
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    } else {
        data1 <- icicle_data(dendrogram[[1]], base = height, left = left)
        data2 <- icicle_data(dendrogram[[2]], base = height,
                             left = left + attr(dendrogram[[1]], 'members'))
        data3 <- data.frame(
            xmin = tail(data1$rectangles$xmin, 1),
            xmax = tail(data2$rectangles$xmax, 1),
            ymin = base, ymax = height, degree = degree
            rectangles = rbind(data1$rectangles, data2$rectangles, data3),
            labels = rbind(data1$labels, data2$labels)
#' @importFrom stats is.leaf
dendrogramix_data <- function(dendrogram, left = 1) {
    intersect <- attr(dendrogram, 'intersect')
    union <- attr(dendrogram, 'union')
    if (is.leaf(dendrogram)) {
            path = data.frame(
                min = left - 0.5, max = left + 0.5,
                intersect = intersect, union = union
            labels = data.frame(
                x = left, y = 0, label = attr(dendrogram, 'label'),
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    } else {
        data1 <- dendrogramix_data(dendrogram[[1]], left = left)
        data2 <- dendrogramix_data(dendrogram[[2]],
                             left = left + attr(dendrogram[[1]], 'members'))
        data3 <- data.frame(
            min = data1$path$min[1],
            max = data2$path$max[1],
            intersect = intersect, union = union
            path = rbind(data3, data1$path, data2$path),
            labels = rbind(data1$labels, data2$labels)
findTopNode <- function(den, i) {
    if (all(i %in% attr(den[[1]], 'memberSets'))) {
        findTopNode(den[[1]], i)
    } else if (all(i %in% attr(den[[2]], 'memberSets'))) {
        findTopNode(den[[2]], i)
    } else {
#' @importFrom stats is.leaf
addCoord <- function(clusters) {
    setCoord <- function(den, offset) {
        if (is.leaf(den)) {
            attr(den, 'coord') <- offset
        } else {
            den[[1]] <- setCoord(den[[1]], offset)
            den[[2]] <- setCoord(den[[2]], offset + attr(den[[1]], 'members'))
            attr(den, 'coord') <- offset + attr(den, 'midpoint')
    offsets <- cumsum(sapply(clusters, attr, 'members'))
    offsets <- c(0, offsets[-length(offsets)]) + 1
    Map(function(den, offset) {
        setCoord(den, offset)
    }, den = clusters, offset = offsets)
#' @importFrom stats is.leaf
layoutSpread <- function(den) {
    if (is.leaf(den)) {
        attr(den, 'height') <- 0
    } else {
        den[[1]] <- layoutSpread(den[[1]])
        den[[2]] <- layoutSpread(den[[2]])
        attr(den, 'height') <- max(sapply(den, attr, 'height')) + 1
createBundles <- function(clusters, pairs, tension=0.8, circular=FALSE,
                          detail = 100) {
    clusters <- lapply(clusters, layoutSpread)
    paths <- getPaths(clusters, pairs)
    if (circular) {
        paths$points <- cartToCirc(paths$points, 1)
    paths <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_along(paths$paths), function(pathInd) {
        data.frame(paths$points[paths$paths[[pathInd]], ], id = pathInd)
    if (tension != 1) {
        paths <- bundleStrength(paths, tension)
    splines <- getSplines(paths$x, paths$y, paths$id, detail)
    data.frame(x = splines$paths[,1], y = splines$paths[,2],
               id = splines$pathID)
getPaths <- function(clusters, pairs) {
    clusters <- enumerateClusters(addCoord(clusters))
    coordinates <- getCoordinates(clusters)
    if (length(clusters) > 1) {
        unconnectPoint <- nrow(coordinates) + 1
        coordinates[unconnectPoint, ] <- c(
            mean(sapply(clusters, attr, 'coord')),
            max(sapply(clusters, attr, 'height')) + 1,
    coordinates <- coordinates[order(coordinates$id),]
    paths <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(pairs)), function(i) {
        pair <- pairs[i,]
        if (length(clusters) != 1) {
            clustMember <- sapply(pair, function(j) {
                which(sapply(clusters, function(c) {
                    j %in% attr(c, 'memberSets')
        } else {
            clustMember <- c(1, 1)
        if (clustMember[1] != clustMember[2]) {
            path1 <- getPath(clusters[[clustMember[1]]], pair[1])
            path2 <- getPath(clusters[[clustMember[2]]], pair[2])
            path <- c(path1, unconnectPoint, rev(path2))
        } else {
            topNode <- findTopNode(clusters[clustMember[1]], pair)
            if (pair[2] %in% attr(topNode[[1]], 'memberSets')) pair <- rev(pair)
            path1 <- getPath(topNode[[1]], pair[1])
            path2 <- getPath(topNode[[2]], pair[2])
            path <- c(path1, attr(topNode, 'enumerator'), rev(path2))
        paths = paths,
        points = coordinates[, 1:2]
cartToCirc <- function(points, sep, yRange = range(points$y),
                       xRange = range(points$x)) {
    if (diff(yRange) == 0) {
        points$y <- 1
    } else {
        points$y <- 1 - (points$y - yRange[1])/diff(yRange)
    if (diff(xRange) == 0) {
        points$x <- 0
    } else {
        points$x <- (points$x - xRange[1])/(diff(xRange) + sep) * 2*pi
    data.frame(x = points$y*cos(points$x), y = points$y*sin(points$x))
enumerateClusters <- function(clusters) {
    for (i in seq_along(clusters)) {
        if (i == 1) {
            start <- 1
        } else {
            start <- attr(clusters[[i - 1]], 'enumerator') + 1
        clusters[[i]] <- enumerateNodes(clusters[[i]], start)
#' @importFrom stats is.leaf
enumerateNodes <- function(den, start) {
    if (is.leaf(den)) {
        attr(den, 'enumerator') <- start
    } else {
        den[[1]] <- enumerateNodes(den[[1]], start)
        den[[2]] <- enumerateNodes(den[[2]], attr(den[[1]], 'enumerator') + 1)
        attr(den, 'enumerator') <- attr(den[[2]], 'enumerator') + 1
#' @importFrom stats is.leaf
getCoordinates <- function(clusters) {
    getCoord <- function(den) {
        if (is.leaf(den)) {
                x = attr(den, 'coord'),
                y = attr(den, 'height'),
                id = attr(den, 'enumerator')
        } else {
            coord1 <- getCoord(den[[1]])
            coord2 <- getCoord(den[[2]])
                x = c(coord1$x, coord2$x, attr(den, 'coord')),
                y = c(coord1$y, coord2$y, attr(den, 'height')),
                id = c(coord1$id, coord2$id, attr(den, 'enumerator'))
    do.call(rbind, lapply(lapply(clusters, getCoord), data.frame))
#' @importFrom stats is.leaf
getPath <- function(den, leaf) {
    id <- attr(den, 'enumerator')
    if (!is.leaf(den)) {
        if (leaf %in% attr(den[[1]], 'memberSets')) {
            c(getPath(den[[1]], leaf), id)
        } else {
            c(getPath(den[[2]], leaf), id)
    } else {
#' @importFrom utils head tail
bundleStrength <- function(path, strength) {
    formula <- function(p, startInd, endInd, pathLengths) {
        start <- rep(p[startInd], pathLengths)
        range <- rep(p[endInd] - p[startInd], pathLengths)
        ind <- unlist(lapply(pathLengths, seq_len)) - 1
        length <- rep(pathLengths, pathLengths)
        strength*p + (1 - strength)*(start + (ind/(length - 1))*range)
    idInds <- split(seq_len(nrow(path)), path$id)
    pathLengths <- lengths(idInds)
    startInd <- sapply(idInds, head, n = 1)
    endInd <- sapply(idInds, tail, n = 1)
    path$x <- formula(path$x, startInd, endInd, pathLengths)
    path$y <- formula(path$y, startInd, endInd, pathLengths)
#' @importFrom scales as.trans trans_new asn_trans atanh_trans boxcox_trans date_trans exp_trans identity_trans log10_trans log1p_trans log2_trans logit_trans log_trans probability_trans probit_trans reciprocal_trans reverse_trans sqrt_trans time_trans
transReverser <- function(name) {
    transformOrig <- as.trans(name)
        name = paste0('reverse-', transformOrig$name),
        transform = function(x) {
        inverse = function(x) {
        breaks = transformOrig$breaks,
        format = transformOrig$format,
        domain = transformOrig$domain
#' Create a power transformation object
#' This function can be used to create a proper trans object that encapsulates
#' a power transformation (x^n).
#' @param n The degree of the power transformation
#' @return A trans object
#' @importFrom scales trans_new extended_breaks format_format
#' @importFrom MASS fractions
#' @export
power_trans <- function(n) {
        name = paste0("power of ", fractions(n)),
        transform = function(x) {
            x ^ n
        inverse = function(x) {
            x ^ (1/n)
        breaks = extended_breaks(),
        format = format_format(),
        domain = c(0, Inf)
getAxisTextSize <- function(theme, which = 'x') {
    baseElement <- paste0('axis.text.', which)
    path <- c(baseElement, 'axis.text', 'text')
    i <- 1
    size <- NA

    while (is.na(size) || inherits(size, 'rel')) {
        if (i > length(path)) stop('Could not determine axis text size')

        if (!is.null(theme[[path[i]]]$size)) {
            nextSize <- theme[[path[i]]]$size
            if (inherits(size, 'rel')) {
                size <- size * nextSize
                if (!inherits(nextSize, 'rel')) {
                    size <- as.numeric(size)
            } else {
                size <- nextSize
        i <- i + 1
`%||%` <- function(l, r) if (is.null(l)) r else l

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