#' @title Model summary
#' @export
#' @family summary
#' @description Summarize a fitted model in a table.
#' @details The `hb_summary()` function post-processes the results from
#' the model. It estimates marginal means of the response,
#' treatment effect, and other quantities of interest.
#' @return A tidy data frame with one row per group (e.g. treatment arm)
#' and the columns in the following list. Unless otherwise specified,
#' the quantities are calculated at the group-by-rep level.
#' Some are calculated for the current (non-historical) study only,
#' while others pertain to the combined dataset which includes
#' all historical studies.
#' * `group`: group index.
#' * `group_label`: original group label in the data.
#' * `rep`: rep index.
#' * `rep_label`: original rep label in the data.
#' * `data_mean`: observed mean of the response specific to the current
#' study.
#' * `data_sd`: observed standard deviation of the response
#' specific to the current study.
#' * `data_lower`: lower bound of a simple frequentist 95% confidence
#' interval of the observed data mean specific to the current study.
#' * `data_upper`: upper bound of a simple frequentist 95% confidence
#' interval of the observed data mean specific to the current study.
#' * `data_n`: number of non-missing observations in the combined dataset
#' (all studies).
#' * `data_N`: total number of observations (missing and non-missing)
#' in the combined dataset (all studies).
#' * `data_n_study_*`: number of non-missing observations in each study.
#' The suffixes of these column names are integer study indexes.
#' Call `dplyr::distinct(hbl_data(your_data), study, study_label)`
#' to see which study labels correspond to these integer indexes.
#' * `data_N_study_*`: total number of observations
#' (missing and non-missing) within each study.
#' The suffixes of these column names are integer study indexes.
#' Call `dplyr::distinct(hbl_data(your_data), study, study_label)`
#' to see which study labels correspond to these integer indexes.
#' * `response_mean`: Estimated posterior mean of the response
#' from the model. (Here, the response variable in the data
#' should be a change from baseline outcome.)
#' Specific to the current study.
#' * `response_sd`: Estimated posterior standard deviation of the mean
#' response from the model.
#' Specific to the current study.
#' * `response_variance`: Estimated posterior variance of the mean
#' response from the model.
#' Specific to the current study.
#' * `response_lower`: Lower bound of a 95% posterior interval on the mean
#' response from the model.
#' Specific to the current study.
#' * `response_upper`: Upper bound of a 95% posterior interval on the mean
#' response from the model.
#' Specific to the current study.
#' * `response_mean_mcse`: Monte Carlo standard error of `response_mean`.
#' * `response_sd_mcse`: Monte Carlo standard error of `response_sd`.
#' * `response_lower_mcse`: Monte Carlo standard error of `response_lower`.
#' * `response_upper_mcse`: Monte Carlo standard error of `response_upper`.
#' * `change_*`: same as the `response_*` columns, but for change
#' from baseline instead of the response. Not included if `response_type`
#' is `"change"` because in that case the response is already
#' change from baseline.
#' * `change_percent_*`: same as the `change_*` columns, but for the
#' *percent* change from baseline (from 0% to 100%).
#' Not included if `response_type`
#' is `"change"` because in that case the response is already
#' change from baseline.
#' Specific to the current study.
#' * `diff_*`: same as the `response_*` columns, but for treatment effect.
#' * `P(diff > EOI)`, `P(diff < EOI)`: CSF probabilities on the
#' treatment effect specified with the `eoi` and `direction`
#' arguments.
#' Specific to the current study.
#' * `effect_mean`: same as the `response_*` columns, but for the effect size
#' (diff / residual standard deviation).
#' Specific to the current study.
#' * `precision_ratio*`: same as the `response_*` columns,
#' but for the precision ratio, which compares within-study variance
#' to among-study variance. Only returned for the hierarchical model.
#' Specific to the current study.
#' @inheritParams hbl_mcmc_pool
#' @param mcmc A wide data frame of posterior samples returned by
#' [hbl_mcmc_hierarchical()] or similar MCMC function.
#' @param response_type Character of length 1: `"raw"` if the response
#' column in the data is the raw response, `"change"` if the response
#' columns is change from baseline. In the latter case, the `change_*`
#' columns in the output table are omitted because the response
#' is already a change from baseline. Must be one of `"raw"` or `"change"`.
#' @param eoi Numeric of length at least 1,
#' vector of effects of interest (EOIs) for critical success factors (CSFs).
#' @param direction Character of length `length(eoi)` indicating how
#' to compare the treatment effect to each EOI. `">"` means
#' Prob(treatment effect > EOI), and `"<"` means
#' Prob(treatment effect < EOI). All elements of `direction`
#' must be either `">"` or `"<"`.
#' @examples
#' if (!identical(Sys.getenv("HBL_TEST", unset = ""), "")) {
#' set.seed(0)
#' data <- hbl_sim_pool(
#' n_study = 2,
#' n_group = 2,
#' n_patient = 5,
#' n_rep = 3
#' )$data
#' tmp <- utils::capture.output(
#' suppressWarnings(
#' mcmc <- hbl_mcmc_hierarchical(
#' data,
#' chains = 1,
#' warmup = 10,
#' iter = 20,
#' seed = 0
#' )
#' )
#' )
#' hbl_summary(mcmc, data)
#' }
hbl_summary <- function(
response = "response",
response_type = "raw",
study = "study",
study_reference = max(data[[study]]),
group = "group",
group_reference = min(data[[group]]),
patient = "patient",
rep = "rep",
rep_reference = min(data[[rep]]),
covariates = grep("^covariate", colnames(data), value = TRUE),
constraint = FALSE,
eoi = 0,
direction = "<"
) {
true(constraint, is.logical(.), length(.) == 1, !anyNA(.))
true(mcmc,, !is.null(colnames(.)))
true(eoi, is.numeric(.), is.finite(.))
true(all(direction %in% c(">", "<")))
true(length(eoi) == length(direction))
true(length(eoi) > 0)
true(response_type, is.character(.), length(.) == 1, !anyNA(.))
true(response_type %in% c("raw", "change"))
data <- hbl_data(
data = data,
response = response,
study = study,
study_reference = study_reference,
group = group,
group_reference = group_reference,
patient = patient,
rep = rep,
rep_reference = rep_reference,
covariates = covariates
n_rep <- length(unique(data$rep))
x_alpha <- if_any(
sum(grepl("^alpha", colnames(mcmc))) == n_rep,
get_x_alpha_pool(data, constraint = constraint),
get_x_alpha(data, constraint = constraint)
x_delta <- get_x_delta(data, constraint = constraint)
x_beta <- get_x_beta(data = data, x_alpha = x_alpha, x_delta = x_delta)
samples_response <- get_samples_response(
mcmc = mcmc,
data = data,
x_alpha = x_alpha,
x_delta = x_delta
samples_change <- if_any(
identical(response_type, "raw"),
samples_diff <- get_samples_diff(samples_change)
samples_sigma <- get_samples_sigma(mcmc)
samples_effect <- get_samples_effect(samples_diff, samples_sigma)
table_data <- get_table_data(data)
table_data_n_study <- get_table_data_n_study(data)
table_data_N_study <- get_table_data_N_study(data)
table_data_current <- get_table_data_current(data)
table_response <- get_table_response(samples_response)
if (identical(response_type, "raw")) {
table_change <- get_table_change(samples_change)
table_diff <- get_table_diff(samples_diff)
table_eoi <- get_table_eoi(samples_diff, eoi, direction)
table_effect <- get_table_effect(samples_effect)
out <- tidyr::expand_grid(
group = sort(unique(samples_response$group)),
rep = sort(unique(samples_response$rep))
by <- c("group", "rep")
out <- dplyr::left_join(out, y = table_data, by = by)
out <- dplyr::left_join(out, y = table_data_n_study, by = by)
out <- dplyr::left_join(out, y = table_data_N_study, by = by)
out <- dplyr::left_join(out, y = table_data_current, by = by)
out <- dplyr::left_join(out, y = table_response, by = by)
if (identical(response_type, "raw")) {
out <- dplyr::left_join(out, y = table_change, by = by)
out <- dplyr::left_join(out, y = table_diff, by = by)
out <- dplyr::left_join(out, y = table_eoi, by = by)
out <- dplyr::left_join(out, y = table_effect, by = by)
if (any(grepl("^tau", colnames(mcmc)))) {
samples_tau <- get_samples_tau(mcmc)
samples_precision_ratio <- get_samples_precision_ratio(
samples_sigma = samples_sigma,
samples_tau = samples_tau,
data = data
table_precision_ratio <- get_table_precision_ratio(samples_precision_ratio)
out <- dplyr::left_join(out, y = table_precision_ratio, by = by)
groups <- dplyr::distinct(data, group, group_label, rep, rep_label)
out <- dplyr::left_join(x = out, y = groups, by = by)
get_samples_response <- function(mcmc, data, x_alpha, x_delta) {
index_max <- data$study == max(data$study)
data <- data[index_max,, drop = FALSE] # nolint
x_alpha <- x_alpha[index_max,, drop = FALSE] # nolint
x_delta <- x_delta[index_max,, drop = FALSE] # nolint
alpha <- t(as.matrix(mcmc[, grepl("^alpha", colnames(mcmc)), drop = FALSE]))
delta <- t(as.matrix(mcmc[, grepl("^delta", colnames(mcmc)), drop = FALSE]))
beta <- t(as.matrix(mcmc[, grepl("^beta", colnames(mcmc)), drop = FALSE]))
x_alpha <- Matrix::Matrix(x_alpha, sparse = TRUE)
x_delta <- Matrix::Matrix(x_delta, sparse = TRUE)
fitted <- x_alpha %*% alpha
fitted <- fitted + x_delta %*% delta
groups <- tibble::tibble(
study = data$study,
group = data$group,
rep = data$rep
groups$index <- paste(groups$study, groups$group, groups$rep)
groups$index <- ordered(groups$index, levels = unique(groups$index))
unique_groups <- groups[!duplicated(groups$index), ]
out <- apply(fitted, 2, function(sample) tapply(sample, groups$index, mean))
colnames(out) <- paste0("sample", seq_len(ncol(out)))
out <- tibble::as_tibble(out)
out$study <- unique_groups$study
out$group <- unique_groups$group
out$rep <- unique_groups$rep
data = out,
cols = tidyselect::starts_with("sample"),
names_to = "sample"
get_samples_change <- function(samples_response) {
baseline <- dplyr::filter(samples_response, rep == min(rep))
baseline <- dplyr::rename(baseline, value_baseline = value)
baseline$rep <- NULL
post <- dplyr::filter(samples_response, rep > min(rep))
out <- dplyr::left_join(
x = post,
y = baseline,
by = c("study", "group", "sample")
out$value_percent <- 100 * (out$value - out$value_baseline) /
out$value <- out$value - out$value_baseline
out$value_baseline <- NULL
get_samples_diff <- function(samples_change) {
control <- dplyr::filter(samples_change, group == min(group))
control <- dplyr::rename(control, value_control = value)
control$group <- NULL
treatment <- dplyr::filter(samples_change, group > min(group))
out <- dplyr::left_join(
x = treatment,
y = control,
by = c("study", "rep", "sample")
out$value <- out$value - out$value_control
out$value_control <- NULL
get_samples_sigma <- function(mcmc) {
out <- dplyr::select(mcmc, tidyselect::starts_with("sigma"))
out$sample <- paste0("sample", seq_len(nrow(out)))
out <- tidyr::pivot_longer(out, tidyselect::starts_with("sigma"))
out$study <- as.integer(gsub("sigma\\[|,.*$", "", out$name))
out$rep <- as.integer(gsub(".*,|\\]", "", out$name))
out <- dplyr::filter(out, study == max(study))
out$name <- NULL
get_samples_tau <- function(mcmc) {
out <- dplyr::select(mcmc, tidyselect::starts_with("tau"))
out$sample <- paste0("sample", seq_len(nrow(out)))
out <- tidyr::pivot_longer(out, tidyselect::starts_with("tau"))
out$rep <- as.integer(gsub("tau\\[|\\]", "", out$name))
out$name <- NULL
get_samples_effect <- function(samples_diff, samples_sigma) {
samples_diff$value_diff <- samples_diff$value
samples_diff$value <- NULL
samples_sigma$value_sigma <- samples_sigma$value
samples_sigma$value <- NULL
out <- dplyr::left_join(
x = samples_diff,
y = samples_sigma,
by = c("sample", "rep")
out$value <- out$value_diff / out$value_sigma
out$value_diff <- NULL
out$value_sigma <- NULL
get_samples_precision_ratio <- function(samples_sigma, samples_tau, data) {
n <- dplyr::count(
filter(data, study == max(study), !,
samples_sigma <- dplyr::rename(samples_sigma, sigma = value)
samples_tau <- dplyr::rename(samples_tau, tau = value)
out <- dplyr::left_join(
x = samples_sigma,
y = samples_tau,
by = c("rep", "sample")
out <- dplyr::left_join(x = out, y = n, by = "rep")
out$value <- (1 / out$tau ^ 2) /
((1 / out$tau ^ 2) + 1 / (out$sigma ^ 2 / out$n))
get_table_data <- function(data) {
dplyr::group_by(data, group, rep),
data_n = sum(!,
data_N = dplyr::n(),
.groups = "drop"
get_table_data_current <- function(data) {
q <- stats::qnorm(p = 0.975)
out <- dplyr::summarize(
dplyr::group_by(filter(data, study == max(study)), group, rep),
data_mean = mean(response, na.rm = TRUE),
data_sd = sd(response, na.rm = TRUE),
n = sum(!,
data_lower = data_mean - q * data_sd / sqrt(n),
data_upper = data_mean + q * data_sd / sqrt(n),
.groups = "drop"
out$n <- NULL
get_table_data_n_study <- function(data) {
out <- dplyr::summarize(
dplyr::group_by(data, study, group, rep),
n = sum(!,
.groups = "drop"
names_from = "study",
values_from = "n",
names_prefix = "data_n_study_",
values_fill = 0
get_table_data_N_study <- function(data) {
out <- dplyr::summarize(
dplyr::group_by(data, study, group, rep),
n = dplyr::n(),
.groups = "drop"
names_from = "study",
values_from = "n",
names_prefix = "data_N_study_",
values_fill = 0
get_table_response <- function(samples_response) {
dplyr::group_by(samples_response, group, rep),
response_mean = mean(value),
response_variance = stats::var(value),
response_sd = stats::sd(value),
response_lower = quantile(value, 0.025),
response_upper = quantile(value, 0.975),
response_mean_mcse = posterior::mcse_mean(value),
response_sd_mcse = posterior::mcse_sd(value),
response_lower_mcse = posterior::mcse_quantile(value, 0.025),
response_upper_mcse = posterior::mcse_quantile(value, 0.975),
.groups = "drop"
get_table_change <- function(samples_change) {
dplyr::group_by(samples_change, group, rep),
change_mean = mean(value),
change_lower = quantile(value, 0.025),
change_upper = quantile(value, 0.975),
change_mean_mcse = posterior::mcse_mean(value),
change_lower_mcse = posterior::mcse_quantile(value, 0.025),
change_upper_mcse = posterior::mcse_quantile(value, 0.975),
change_percent_mean = mean(value_percent),
change_percent_lower = quantile(value_percent, 0.025),
change_percent_upper = quantile(value_percent, 0.975),
change_percent_mean_mcse = posterior::mcse_mean(value_percent),
change_percent_lower_mcse = posterior::mcse_quantile(value_percent, 0.025),
change_percent_upper_mcse = posterior::mcse_quantile(value_percent, 0.975),
.groups = "drop"
get_table_diff <- function(samples_diff) {
dplyr::group_by(samples_diff, group, rep),
diff_mean = mean(value),
diff_lower = quantile(value, 0.025),
diff_upper = quantile(value, 0.975),
diff_mean_mcse = posterior::mcse_mean(value),
diff_lower_mcse = posterior::mcse_quantile(value, 0.025),
diff_upper_mcse = posterior::mcse_quantile(value, 0.975),
.groups = "drop"
get_table_eoi <- function(samples_diff, eoi, direction) {
out <- list()
for (index in seq_along(eoi)) {
section <- dplyr::summarize(
dplyr::group_by(samples_diff, group, rep),
value = if_any(
direction[index] == ">",
mean(value > eoi[index]),
mean(value < eoi[index])
name <- sprintf("P(diff %s %s)", direction[index], eoi[index])
section[[name]] <- section$value
section$value <- NULL
out[[index]] <- section
f = function(x, y) dplyr::left_join(x, y, by = c("group", "rep")),
x = out
get_table_effect <- function(samples_effect) {
dplyr::group_by(samples_effect, group, rep),
effect_mean = mean(value),
effect_lower = quantile(value, 0.025),
effect_upper = quantile(value, 0.975),
effect_mean_mcse = posterior::mcse_mean(value),
effect_lower_mcse = posterior::mcse_quantile(value, 0.025),
effect_upper_mcse = posterior::mcse_quantile(value, 0.975),
.groups = "drop"
get_table_precision_ratio <- function(samples_precision_ratio) {
dplyr::group_by(samples_precision_ratio, rep),
group = 1,
precision_ratio = mean(value),
precision_ratio_lower = quantile(value, 0.025),
precision_ratio_upper = quantile(value, 0.975)
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