hnp <-
function(object, sim=99, conf=.95, resid.type, maxit,
halfnormal=T, scale=F, plot.sim=T, verb.sim=F, warn=F,
how.many.out=F, print.on=F, paint.out=F, col.paint.out,
newclass=F, diagfun, simfun, fitfun, ...) {
if(!warn) options("warn"=-1)
# use method suitable for object class
if(newclass) {newhnp(object=object, sim=sim, conf=conf, halfnormal=halfnormal,
plot.sim=plot.sim, verb.sim=verb.sim, how.many.out=how.many.out,
print.on=print.on, paint.out=paint.out, col.paint.out=col.paint.out,
diagfun=diagfun, simfun=simfun, fitfun=fitfun, ...)
} else {
#setGeneric("hnp", def=hnp)
hnp.aodml <-
function(object, sim=99, conf=.95, resid.type, maxit,
halfnormal=T, scale=F, plot.sim=T, verb.sim=F, warn=F,
how.many.out=F, print.on=F, paint.out=F, col.paint.out, ...) {
# preparation and extraction of residuals
if(missing(maxit)) maxit <- 3000
if(object$family=="bb") {
if(missing(resid.type)) resid.type <- "pearson"
if(resid.type=="deviance") warning("Deviance residuals for beta-binomial models in aods3 do not work properly")
fam <- "betabin_aods3"
} else {
if(missing(resid.type)) resid.type <- "deviance"
fam <- "negbin_aods3"
if(halfnormal) {res <- sort(abs(aods3::residuals.aodml(object, type=resid.type)))
} else {res <- sort(aods3::residuals.aodml(object, type=resid.type))}
# producing the envelope bands
## negative binomial
if(fam=="negbin_aods3") {
cat("Negative binomial model (using aods3 package)", '\n') <- object$phi.scale
if(!="inverse") stop("Note that simulation is performed assuming the variance function is parameterized as Var(Y) = mu + mu^2/phi.", "\n", "Please set phi.scale='inverse' in your aodml call.", "\n")
dat <- object$dat
f.nb <- aods3::fitted.aodml(object)
phi <- aods3::fitted.aodml(object, what="phi")
rnb <- function(n, mu, phi) {
k <- if (length(n) > 1L)
else n
rpois(k, (mu * rgamma(k, phi))/phi)
y. <- lapply(rep(length(f.nb), sim), rnb, f.nb, phi)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("y.[[i]] ~", object$formula[3]))
phi.fmla <- object$phi.formula <- object$call$phi.start
fixp <- as.list(object$call$fixpar[-1])
lnk <- object$link
meth <- object$call$method
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(aods3::residuals.aodml(
aods3::aodml(formula=fmla, phi.formula=phi.fmla,,, fixpar=fixp, link=lnk, family="nb",
data=dat, method=meth, control=list(maxit=maxit)),type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(aods3::residuals.aodml(
aods3::aodml(formula=fmla, phi.formula=phi.fmla,,, fixpar=fixp, link=lnk, family="nb",
data=dat, method=meth, control=list(maxit=maxit)),type=resid.type)))}}
## beta-binomial
if(fam=="betabin_aods3") {
cat("Beta-binomial model (using aods3 package)", '\n')
dat <- object$dat
m. <- apply(object$resp, 1, sum) <- aods3::fitted.aodml(object)
phi <- aods3::fitted.aodml(object, what="phi")
rbb <- function(n, m, p, phi) {
a <- (1-phi)/phi*p
b <- (1-phi)/phi*(1-p)
P <- rbeta(n, a, b)
Y <- rbinom(n, m, P)
y. <- lapply(rep(length(, sim), rbb, m.,, phi)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("cbind(y.[[i]], m. - y.[[i]]) ~", object$formula[3]))
phi.fmla <- object$phi.formula <- object$phi.scale <- object$call$phi.start
fixp <- as.list(object$call$fixpar[-1])
lnk <- object$link
meth <- object$call$method
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(aods3::residuals.aodml(
aods3::aodml(formula=fmla, phi.formula=phi.fmla,,, fixpar=fixp, link=lnk, family="bb",
data=dat, method=meth, control=list(maxit=maxit)),type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(aods3::residuals.aodml(
aods3::aodml(formula=fmla, phi.formula=phi.fmla,,, fixpar=fixp, link=lnk, family="bb",
data=dat, method=meth, control=list(maxit=maxit)),type=resid.type)))}}
# now run .makehnp
.makehnp(obj=res, conf=conf, halfnormal=halfnormal, how.many.out=how.many.out,
paint.out=paint.out, col.paint.out=col.paint.out, print.on=print.on, plot.sim=plot.sim, ...)
##setMethod("hnp", "aodml", hnp.aodml)
hnp.aov <-
function(object, sim=99, conf=.95, resid.type, maxit,
halfnormal=T, scale=F, plot.sim=T, verb.sim=F, warn=F,
how.many.out=F, print.on=F, paint.out=F, col.paint.out, ...) {
# preparation and extraction of residuals
if(missing(resid.type)) resid.type="student"
if(resid.type=="partial") stop("resid.type should be one of 'deviance', 'pearson', 'response', 'working', 'student', 'standard'")
get.residuals <- function(obj, type="deviance") {
if(type=="student") {
} else if(type=="standard") {
} else resid(obj, type=type)
if(halfnormal) {res <- sort(abs(get.residuals(object, type=resid.type)))
} else {res <- sort(get.residuals(object, type=resid.type))}
# producing the envelope bands
cat("Gaussian model (aov object)", '\n')
X <- model.matrix(object)
dp <- sqrt(anova(object)$"Mean Sq"[length(anova(object)$"Mean Sq")])
y. <- lapply(rep(length(object$fit), sim), rnorm, object$fit, dp)
if(is.null(object$offset)) {
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(get.residuals(aov(y.[[i]] ~ X - 1), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(get.residuals(aov(y.[[i]] ~ X - 1), type=resid.type)))}}
} else {
data <- eval(eval(object)$call$data)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("y.[[i]] ~", paste(as.formula(paste(object$call)[2]))[3]))
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(get.residuals(aov(formula=fmla, data=data), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(get.residuals(aov(formula=fmla, data=data), type=resid.type)))}}
# now run .makehnp
.makehnp(obj=res, conf=conf, halfnormal=halfnormal, how.many.out=how.many.out,
paint.out=paint.out, col.paint.out=col.paint.out, print.on=print.on, plot.sim=plot.sim, ...)
###setMethod("hnp", "aov", hnp.aov)
hnp.aovlist <-
function(object, sim=99, conf=.95, resid.type, maxit,
halfnormal=T, scale=F, plot.sim=T, verb.sim=F, warn=F,
how.many.out=F, print.on=F, paint.out=F, col.paint.out,
newclass=F, diagfun, simfun, fitfun, ...) {
# preparation and extraction of residuals
if(!missing(resid.type)) warning("resid.type not implemented for 'aovlist' class object")
fam <- "gaussian.aovlist"
residuals.aovlist <- function(object, error.term = NULL, ...) {
aov.proj <- proj(object)
if (is.null(error.term))
res <- aov.proj[[length(object)]][, "Residuals"]
else res <- aov.proj[[error.term]][, "Residuals"]
fitted.aovlist <- function(object, error.term = NULL, ...) {
aov.proj <- proj(object)
no.strata <- length(object)
else no.strata <- which(names(aov.proj) == error.term)
fit <- aov.proj[["(Intercept)"]][, 1]
for(i in 2:no.strata) {
nterms <- ncol(aov.proj[[i]])
if(dimnames(aov.proj[[i]])[[2]][nterms] == "Residuals")
nterms <- nterms - 1
if(nterms > 0)
if(nterms == 1)
fit <- fit + aov.proj[[i]][, 1]
else fit <- fit + rowSums(aov.proj[[i]][, 1:nterms])
res <- residuals(object)
if(halfnormal) {res <- sort(abs(res))} else {res <- sort(res)}
# producing the envelope bands
cat("Gaussian model (aovlist object)", '\n')
data <- eval(attr(object, "call")$data)
msq <- summary(object)[[length(summary(object))]][[1]]$"Mean Sq"
dp <- sqrt(msq[length(msq)])
obj.fv <- fitted(object)
y. <- lapply(rep(length(obj.fv), sim), rnorm, obj.fv, dp)
xnam <- as.character(terms(object))[3]
fmla <- as.formula(paste("y.[[i]] ~", paste(xnam, collapse="+")))
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(residuals(aov(formula=fmla, data=data)))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(residuals(aov(formula=fmla, data=data))))}}
# now run .makehnp
.makehnp(obj=res, conf=conf, halfnormal=halfnormal, how.many.out=how.many.out,
paint.out=paint.out, col.paint.out=col.paint.out, print.on=print.on, plot.sim=plot.sim, ...)
##setMethod("hnp", "aovlist", hnp.aovlist)
hnp.gamlss <-
function(object, sim=99, conf=.95, resid.type, maxit,
halfnormal=T, scale=F, plot.sim=T, verb.sim=F, warn=F,
how.many.out=F, print.on=F, paint.out=F, col.paint.out, ...) {
# preparation and extraction of residuals
if(missing(maxit)) maxit <- 25
if(missing(resid.type)) resid.type <- "simple"
if(object$family[1]!="ZIBI"&object$family[1]!="ZIBB"&object$family[1]!="BB") stop("This function has been implemented for gamlss objects with family=ZIBI, ZIBB and BB")
fam <- object$family[1]
if(halfnormal) {res <- sort(abs(resid(object, type=resid.type)))
} else {res <- sort(resid(object, type=resid.type))}
# producing the envelope bands
## beta-binomial
if(fam=="BB") {
cat("Beta-binomial model (using gamlss)", '\n')
data <- eval(eval(object)$call$data)
m. <- object$bd <- fitted(object)
sig <- object$sigma.fv
y. <- lapply(rep(length(, sim), gamlss.dist::rBB,, sig, m.)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("cbind(y.[[i]],m.-y.[[i]]) ~ ", paste(object$mu.formula)[3]))
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res, sort(abs(resid(gamlss::gamlss(formula=fmla, family=gamlss.dist::BB, control=gamlss::gamlss.control(n.cyc=maxit), data=data), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res, sort(resid(gamlss::gamlss(formula=fmla, family=gamlss.dist::BB, control=gamlss::gamlss.control(n.cyc=maxit), data=data), type=resid.type)))}}
## zero-inflated binomial
if(fam=="ZIBI") {
cat("Zero-inflated binomial model (using gamlss)", '\n')
data <- eval(eval(object)$call$data)
m. <- object$bd
sig <- object$sigma.fv
f.zibi <- fitted(object)
y. <- lapply(rep(length(f.zibi), sim), gamlss.dist::rZIBI, m., f.zibi, sig)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("cbind(y.[[i]],m.-y.[[i]]) ~ ", paste(object$mu.formula)[3]))
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res, sort(abs(resid(gamlss::gamlss(formula=fmla, nu.formula=object$nu.formula, family=gamlss.dist::ZIBI, control=gamlss::gamlss.control(n.cyc=maxit), data=data), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res, sort(resid(gamlss::gamlss(formula=fmla, nu.formula=object$nu.formula, family=gamlss.dist::ZIBI, control=gamlss::gamlss.control(n.cyc=maxit), data=data), type=resid.type)))}}
## zero-inflated beta-binomial
if(fam=="ZIBB") {
cat("Zero-inflated beta-binomial model (using gamlss)", '\n')
data <- eval(eval(object)$call$data)
m. <- object$bd
f.zibb <- fitted(object)
sig <- object$sigma.fv
nu <- object$nu.fv
y. <- lapply(rep(length(f.zibb), sim), gamlss.dist::rZIBB, f.zibb, sig, nu, m.)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("cbind(y.[[i]],m.-y.[[i]]) ~ ", paste(object$mu.formula)[3]))
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res, sort(abs(resid(gamlss::gamlss(formula=fmla, nu.formula=object$nu.formula, family=gamlss.dist::ZIBB, control=gamlss::gamlss.control(n.cyc=maxit), data=data), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res, sort(resid(gamlss::gamlss(formula=fmla, nu.formula=object$nu.formula, family=gamlss.dist::ZIBB, control=gamlss::gamlss.control(n.cyc=maxit), data=data), type=resid.type)))}}
# now run .makehnp
.makehnp(obj=res, conf=conf, halfnormal=halfnormal, how.many.out=how.many.out,
paint.out=paint.out, col.paint.out=col.paint.out, print.on=print.on, plot.sim=plot.sim, ...)
#setMethod("hnp", "gamlss", hnp.gamlss)
hnp.glm <-
function(object, sim=99, conf=.95, resid.type, maxit,
halfnormal=T, scale=F, plot.sim=T, verb.sim=F, warn=F,
how.many.out=F, print.on=F, paint.out=F, col.paint.out, ...) {
# preparation and extraction of residuals
if(missing(maxit)) maxit <- 25
if(missing(resid.type)) resid.type <- "deviance"
if(resid.type=="partial") stop("resid.type should be one of 'deviance', 'pearson', 'response', 'working', 'student', 'standard'")
wg <- weights(object)
get.residuals <- function(obj, type="deviance") {
if(type=="student") {
} else if(type=="standard") {
} else resid(obj, type=type)
fam <- object$family$family
if(!"Negative", object$family$family)[1])) stop("Please use the glm.nb function available in package MASS or the aodml function available in package aods3 to fit negative binomial models.", "\n", "If you wish to use family=negative.binomial in the glm function, please check the package vignette for detailed instructions on how to supply your codes to the hnp function.")
link <- object$family$link
if(halfnormal) {res <- sort(abs(get.residuals(object, type=resid.type)))
} else {res <- sort(get.residuals(object, type=resid.type))}
# producing the envelope bands
## binomial
if(fam=="binomial") {
cat("Binomial model", '\n')
X <- model.matrix(object)
m. <- object$prior.weights
m2 <- ifelse(m.==0, 1, m.)
y. <- lapply(rep(length(object$fit), sim), rbinom, m., object$fit)
if(is.null(object$offset)) {
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(get.residuals(glm(cbind(y.[[i]],m.-y.[[i]]) ~ X - 1, family=binomial(link=link), weights=wg/m2, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(get.residuals(glm(cbind(y.[[i]],m.-y.[[i]]) ~ X - 1, family=binomial(link=link), weights=wg/m2, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), resid.type)))}}
} else {
fmla <- as.formula(paste("cbind(y.[[i]], m. - y.[[i]]) ~", paste(as.formula(paste(object$call)[2]))[3]))
if($data)) {
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=binomial(link=link), weights=wg/m2, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit), data=object$data), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=binomial(link=link), weights=wg/m2, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit), data=object$data), type=resid.type)))}}
} else {
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=binomial(link=link), weights=wg/m2, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=binomial(link=link), weights=wg/m2, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type)))}}
## quasibinomial
if(fam=="quasibinomial") {
cat("Quasi-binomial model", '\n')
X <- model.matrix(object)
m. <- object$prior.weights
m2 <- ifelse(m.==0, 1, m.)
phi <- summary(object)$dispersion
y. <- lapply(rep(length(object$fit), sim), rbinom, m., object$fit)
y. <- lapply(y., function(x) x*phi)
if(halfnormal) {res <- sort(abs((1/sqrt(phi))*get.residuals(object, type=resid.type)))
} else {res <- sort((1/sqrt(phi))*get.residuals(object, type=resid.type))}
if(is.null(object$offset)) {
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs((1/sqrt(phi))*get.residuals(glm(cbind(y.[[i]],m.*phi-y.[[i]]) ~ X - 1, family=binomial(link=link), weights=wg/m2, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort((1/sqrt(phi))*get.residuals(glm(cbind(y.[[i]],m.*phi-y.[[i]]) ~ X - 1, family=binomial(link=link), weights=wg/m2, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type)))}}
} else {
fmla <- as.formula(paste("cbind(y.[[i]], m.*phi - y.[[i]]) ~", paste(as.formula(paste(object$call)[2]))[3]))
if($data)) {
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs((1/sqrt(phi))*get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=quasibinomial(link=link), weights=wg/m2, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit), data=object$data), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort((1/sqrt(phi))*get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=quasibinomial(link=link), weights=wg/m2, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit), data=object$data), type=resid.type)))}}
} else {
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs((1/sqrt(phi))*get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=quasibinomial(link=link), weights=wg/m2, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort((1/sqrt(phi))*get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=quasibinomial(link=link), weights=wg/m2, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type)))}}
## Poisson
if(fam=="poisson") {
cat("Poisson model", '\n')
X <- model.matrix(object)
y. <- lapply(rep(length(object$fit), sim), rpois, object$fit)
if(is.null(object$offset)) {
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(get.residuals(glm(y.[[i]] ~ X - 1, family=poisson(link=link), weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(get.residuals(glm(y.[[i]] ~ X - 1, family=poisson(link=link), weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type)))}}
} else {
fmla <- as.formula(paste("y.[[i]] ~", paste(as.formula(paste(object$call)[2]))[3]))
if($data)) {
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=poisson(link=link), weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit), data=object$data), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=poisson(link=link), weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit), data=object$data), type=resid.type)))}}
} else {
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=poisson(link=link), weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=poisson(link=link), weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type)))}}
## quasi-Poisson
if(fam=="quasipoisson") {
cat("Quasi-Poisson model", '\n')
X <- model.matrix(object)
phi <- summary(object)$dispersion
if(phi > 1) {
rqpois <- function(n, mu, theta) rnbinom(n = n, mu = mu, size = mu/(theta-1))
y. <- lapply(rep(length(object$fit), sim), rqpois, object$fit, phi)
} else {
y. <- lapply(rep(length(object$fit), sim), rpois, object$fit)
y. <- lapply(y., function(x) x*phi)
if(halfnormal) {res <- sort(abs((1/sqrt(phi))*get.residuals(object, type=resid.type)))
} else {res <- sort((1/sqrt(phi))*get.residuals(object, type=resid.type))}
if(is.null(object$offset)) {
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs((1/sqrt(phi))*get.residuals(glm(y.[[i]] ~ X - 1, family=quasipoisson(link=link), weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort((1/sqrt(phi))*get.residuals(glm(y.[[i]] ~ X - 1, family=quasipoisson(link=link), weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type)))}}
} else {
fmla <- as.formula(paste("y.[[i]] ~", paste(as.formula(paste(object$call)[2]))[3]))
if($data)) {
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs((1/sqrt(phi))*get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=quasipoisson(link=link), weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit), data=object$data), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort((1/sqrt(phi))*get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=quasipoisson(link=link), weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit), data=object$data), type=resid.type)))}}
} else {
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs((1/sqrt(phi))*get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=quasipoisson(link=link), weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort((1/sqrt(phi))*get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=quasipoisson(link=link), weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type)))}}
## gamma
if(fam=="Gamma") {
cat("Gamma model", '\n')
X <- model.matrix(object)
mu <- predict(object, type="response")
fi <- (nrow(X)-ncol(X))/sum((resid(object,type="response")/mu)^2)
y. <- lapply(rep(length(object$fit), sim), rgamma, fi, fi/mu)
if(is.null(object$offset)) {
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(get.residuals(glm(y.[[i]] ~ X - 1, family=Gamma(link=link), weights=wg, start=coef(object), control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(get.residuals(glm(y.[[i]] ~ X - 1, family=Gamma(link=link), weights=wg, start=coef(object), control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type)))}}
} else {
fmla <- as.formula(paste("y.[[i]] ~", paste(as.formula(paste(object$call)[2]))[3]))
if($data)) {
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=Gamma(link=link), weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit), data=object$data), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=Gamma(link=link), weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit), data=object$data), type=resid.type)))}}
} else {
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=Gamma(link=link), weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=Gamma(link=link), weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type)))}}
## inverse gaussian
if(fam=="inverse.gaussian") {
cat("Inverse gaussian model", '\n')
X <- model.matrix(object)
rig <- function (n, mean, scale) {
if(length(n)>1) n <- length(n)
y <- rnorm(n)^2
mu2 <- 0 * y + mean^2
x <- mean + 0.5*scale*(mu2*y - mean*sqrt(4*mean*y/scale + mu2*y^2))
ind <- runif(n) > mean/(mean + x)
x[ind] <- mu2[ind]/x[ind]
n <- nrow(X)
p <- ncol(X)
y <- object$y
m <- predict(object, type="response")
lam <- (n-p)/sum((resid(object, type="response")/(m*sqrt(y)))^2)
y. <- lapply(rep(length(object$fit), sim), rig, fitted(object), 1/lam)
if(is.null(object$offset)) {
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(get.residuals(glm(y.[[i]] ~ X - 1, family=inverse.gaussian(link=link), weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(get.residuals(glm(y.[[i]] ~ X - 1, family=inverse.gaussian(link=link), weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type)))}}
} else {
fmla <- as.formula(paste("y.[[i]] ~", paste(as.formula(paste(object$call)[2]))[3]))
if($data)) {
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=inverse.gaussian(link=link), weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit), data=object$data), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=inverse.gaussian(link=link), weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit), data=object$data), type=resid.type)))}}
} else {
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=inverse.gaussian(link=link), weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=inverse.gaussian(link=link), weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type)))}}
## gaussian
if(fam=="gaussian") {
cat("Gaussian model (glm object)", '\n')
X <- model.matrix(object)
dp <- sqrt(summary(object)$deviance/summary(object)$df.residual)
y. <- lapply(rep(length(object$fit), sim), rnorm, object$fit, dp)
if(is.null(object$offset)) {
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(get.residuals(glm(y.[[i]] ~ X - 1, family=gaussian(link=link), control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(get.residuals(glm(y.[[i]] ~ X - 1, family=gaussian(link=link), control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type)))}}
} else {
fmla <- as.formula(paste("y.[[i]] ~", paste(as.formula(paste(object$call)[2]))[3]))
if($data)) {
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=gaussian(link=link), control=glm.control(maxit=maxit), data=object$data), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=gaussian(link=link), control=glm.control(maxit=maxit), data=object$data), type=resid.type)))}}
} else {
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=gaussian(link=link), control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(get.residuals(glm(formula=fmla, family=gaussian(link=link), control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type)))}}
# now run .makehnp
.makehnp(obj=res, conf=conf, halfnormal=halfnormal, how.many.out=how.many.out,
paint.out=paint.out, col.paint.out=col.paint.out, print.on=print.on, plot.sim=plot.sim, ...)
#setMethod("hnp", "glm", hnp.glm)
hnp.glmerMod <-
function(object, sim=99, conf=.95, resid.type, maxit,
halfnormal=T, scale=F, plot.sim=T, verb.sim=F, warn=F,
how.many.out=F, print.on=F, paint.out=F, col.paint.out, ...) {
# preparation and extraction of residuals
if(missing(maxit)) maxit <- 300
if(missing(resid.type)) resid.type <- "deviance"
if(resid.type=="partial") stop("resid.type should be one of 'deviance', 'pearson', 'response', 'working'")
.fam <- object@resp$family$family
if(.fam=="..1") stop("Please do not use update() when fitting another link function")
if(.fam!="poisson" & .fam!="binomial") stop("Function implemented for family='poisson' or family='binomial'")
if(.fam=="binomial") fam <- "binomial-normal"
if(.fam=="poisson") fam <- "poisson-normal"
link <- object@resp$family$link
if(halfnormal) {res <- sort(abs(residuals(object, type=resid.type)))
} else {res <- sort(residuals(object, type=resid.type))}
# producing the envelope bands
## binomial-normal
if(fam=="binomial-normal") {
cat("Binomial-normal model", '\n')
data <- eval(eval(object)@call$data)
rbn <- function(x) simulate(object)[,1][,1]
m. <- object@resp$weights
y. <- lapply(1:sim, rbn)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("cbind(y.[[i]], m.-y.[[i]]) ~", paste(as.formula(paste(object@call)[2]))[3]))
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(residuals(lme4::glmer(fmla, family=binomial(link=link), control=lme4::glmerControl(optCtrl=list(maxfun=maxit)), data=data), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(residuals(lme4::glmer(fmla, family=binomial(link=link), control=lme4::glmerControl(optCtrl=list(maxfun=maxit)), data=data), type=resid.type)))}}
## Poisson-normal
if(fam=="poisson-normal") {
cat("Poisson-normal model", '\n')
data <- eval(eval(object)@call$data)
rpn <- function(x) simulate(object)[,1]
y. <- lapply(1:sim, rpn)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("y.[[i]] ~", paste(as.formula(paste(object@call)[2]))[3]))
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(residuals(lme4::glmer(fmla, family=poisson, control=lme4::glmerControl(optCtrl=list(maxfun=maxit)), data=data), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(residuals(lme4::glmer(fmla, family=poisson, control=lme4::glmerControl(optCtrl=list(maxfun=maxit)), data=data), type=resid.type)))}}
# now run .makehnp
.makehnp(obj=res, conf=conf, halfnormal=halfnormal, how.many.out=how.many.out,
paint.out=paint.out, col.paint.out=col.paint.out, print.on=print.on, plot.sim=plot.sim, ...)
#setMethod("hnp", "glmerMod", hnp.glmerMod)
hnp.glmmadmb <-
function(object, sim = 99, conf = 0.95, resid.type, maxit,
halfnormal = T, scale = F, plot.sim = T, verb.sim = F,
warn = F, how.many.out = F, print.on = F, paint.out = F,
col.paint.out, newclass = F, diagfun, simfun, fitfun,
...) {
# preparation and extraction of residuals
if(missing(maxit)) maxit <- 300
if(missing(resid.type)) resid.type <- "response"
if(object$family[1]!="binom"&object$family[1]!="betabinom"|object$zeroInflation==F) stop("This function has been implemented for glmmadmb objects with family='binomial' and 'betabinomial' with zeroInflation=TRUE")
if(object$family[1]=="binom") fam <- "ZIBI_admb"
if(object$family[1]=="betabinom") fam <- "ZIBB_admb"
link <- object$link
if(halfnormal) {res <- sort(abs(resid(object, type=resid.type)))
} else {res <- sort(resid(object, type=resid.type))}
# producing the envelope bands
## zero-inflated binomial
if(fam=="ZIBI_admb") {
cat("Zero-inflated binomial model (using glmmADMB)", '\n')
data <- eval(eval(object)$call$data)
if(is.null(data)) stop("Please use the argument data within your glmmadmb call so that hnp() can use the dataset internally to refit the model with simulated samples")
rzibinom <- function(n, m, p, p0) {
Z <- rbinom(n, 1, p0)
B <- rbinom(n, m, p)
r <- Z * 0 + (1 - Z) * B
m. <- apply(object$frame[,1], 1, sum)
f.zibi <- fitted(object)
pz <- object$pz
y. <- lapply(rep(length(f.zibi), sim), rzibinom, m., f.zibi, pz)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("cbind(y.,m.-y.) ~ ", paste(object$terms)[3]))
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
datax <- data.frame(data, y.=y.[[i]], m.)
res <- cbind(res, sort(abs(resid(glmmADMB::glmmadmb(formula=fmla, family="binomial", link=link, zeroInflation=T, admb.opts=glmmADMB::admbControl(maxfn=maxit), data=datax), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
datax <- data.frame(data, y.=y.[[i]], m.)
res <- cbind(res, sort(resid(glmmADMB::glmmadmb(formula=fmla, family="binomial", link=link, zeroInflation=T, admb.opts=glmmADMB::admbControl(maxfn=maxit), data=datax), type=resid.type)))}}
## zero-inflated beta-binomial
if(fam=="ZIBB_admb") {
cat("Zero-inflated beta-binomial model (using glmmADMB)", '\n')
data <- eval(eval(object)$call$data)
if(is.null(data)) stop("Please use the argument data within your glmmadmb call so that hnp() can use the dataset internally to refit the model with simulated samples")
rbb <- function(n, m, p, phi) {
a <- (1-phi)/phi*p
b <- (1-phi)/phi*(1-p)
P <- rbeta(n, a, b)
Y <- rbinom(n, m, P)
rzibetabin <- function(n, m, p, p0, phi) {
Z <- rbinom(n, 1, p0)
B <- rbb(n, m, p, phi)
r <- Z * 0 + (1 - Z) * B
m. <- apply(object$frame[,1], 1, sum)
pz <- object$pz
f.zibb <- fitted(object)/(1-pz)
phi <- 1/object$alpha
y. <- lapply(rep(length(f.zibb), sim), rzibetabin, m., f.zibb, pz, phi)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("cbind(y.,m.-y.) ~ ", paste(object$terms)[3]))
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
datax <- data.frame(data, y.=y.[[i]], m.)
res <- cbind(res, sort(abs(resid(glmmADMB::glmmadmb(formula=fmla, family="betabinomial", link=link, zeroInflation=T, admb.opts=glmmADMB::admbControl(maxfn=maxit), data=datax), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
datax <- data.frame(data, y.=y.[[i]], m.)
res <- cbind(res, sort(resid(glmmADMB::glmmadmb(formula=fmla, family="betabinomial", link=link, zeroInflation=T, admb.opts=glmmADMB::admbControl(maxfn=maxit), data=datax), type=resid.type)))}}
# now run .makehnp
.makehnp(obj=res, conf=conf, halfnormal=halfnormal, how.many.out=how.many.out,
paint.out=paint.out, col.paint.out=col.paint.out, print.on=print.on, plot.sim=plot.sim, ...)
#setMethod("hnp", "glmmadmb", hnp.glmmadmb)
hnp.hurdle <-
function(object, sim=99, conf=.95, resid.type, maxit,
halfnormal=T, scale=F, plot.sim=T, verb.sim=F, warn=F,
how.many.out=F, print.on=F, paint.out=F, col.paint.out, ...) {
# preparation and extraction of residuals
if(missing(maxit)) maxit <- 10000
if(missing(resid.type)) resid.type <- "pearson"
if(resid.type!="pearson"&resid.type!="response") stop("resid.type should be one of 'pearson', 'response'")
if(object$dist$zero!="binomial") stop("Zero distribution should be specified as 'binomial'")
if(object$dist$count=="poisson") fam <- "HP"
if(object$dist$count=="negbin") fam <- "HNB"
if(object$dist$count=="geometric") stop("This function has not been implemented yet for hurdle geometric models")
if(halfnormal) {res <- sort(abs(residuals(object, type=resid.type)))
} else {res <- sort(residuals(object, type=resid.type))}
# producing the envelope bands
## hurdle Poisson
if(fam=="HP") {
cat("Hurdle Poisson model", '\n')
X <- model.matrix(object, type="count")
Z <- model.matrix(object, type="zero") <- object$link
rtruncpois <- function(n, mu) {
if(length(n) > 1) n <- length(n)
if(any(mu==0)) mu[mu==0] <- min(mu[mu!=0])
r <- rep(0, n)
for(i in 1:n) {
while(r[i]==0) r[i] <- rpois(1, mu[i])
rHP <- function(n, mu, p) {
Z <- rbinom(n, 1, p)
P <- rtruncpois(n, mu)
r <- Z * 0 + (1 - Z) * P
} <- predict(object, type="zero")[ > 1] <- 1[ < 0] <- 0
nsim <- 1
while(nsim < (sim+1)) {
y. <- lapply(rep(length(object$fit), sim), rHP, predict(object, type="count"),
if(is.null(object$offset$count) & is.null(object$offset$zero)) {
if(halfnormal) {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(residuals(pscl::hurdle(y.[[i]] ~ X - 1 | Z - 1,, control=pscl::hurdle.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type))))}, silent=TRUE)
} else {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(residuals(pscl::hurdle(y.[[i]] ~ X - 1 | Z - 1,, control=pscl::hurdle.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type)))}, silent=TRUE)}
} else {
data <- eval(eval(object)$call$data)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("y.[[i]] ~", object$formula[3]))
if(length(grep("offset", fmla)) > 0) {
if(halfnormal) {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(residuals(pscl::hurdle(formula=fmla,, control=pscl::hurdle.control(maxit=maxit), data=data), type=resid.type))))}, silent=TRUE)
} else {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(residuals(pscl::hurdle(formula=fmla,, control=pscl::hurdle.control(maxit=maxit), data=data), type=resid.type)))}, silent=TRUE)}
} else {
obj.offset <- object$offset$count
if(halfnormal) {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(residuals(pscl::hurdle(formula=fmla,, offset=obj.offset, control=pscl::hurdle.control(maxit=maxit), data=data), type=resid.type))))}, silent=TRUE)
} else {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(residuals(pscl::hurdle(formula=fmla,, offset=obj.offset, control=pscl::hurdle.control(maxit=maxit), data=data), type=resid.type)))}, silent=TRUE)}
nsim <- ncol(cbind(res))
res <- res[,1:(sim+1)]
## hurdle negative binomial
if(fam=="HNB") {
cat("Hurdle negative binomial model", '\n')
X <- model.matrix(object, type="count")
Z <- model.matrix(object, type="zero") <- object$link
rtruncnegbin <- function(n, mu, theta) {
if(length(n) > 1) n <- length(n)
if(any(mu==0)) mu[mu==0] <- min(mu[mu!=0])
r <- rep(0, n)
for(i in 1:n) {
while(r[i]==0) r[i] <- rnegbin(1, mu[i], theta)
rHNB <- function(n, mu, theta, p) {
Z <- rbinom(n, 1, p)
NB <- rtruncnegbin(n, mu, theta)
r <- Z * 0 + (1 - Z) * NB
} <- predict(object, type="zero")[ > 1] <- 1[ < 0] <- 0
nsim <- 1
while(nsim < (sim+1)) {
y. <- lapply(rep(length(object$fit), sim), rHNB, predict(object, type="count"), object$theta,
if(is.null(object$offset$count) & is.null(object$offset$zero)) {
if(halfnormal) {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(residuals(pscl::hurdle(y.[[i]] ~ X - 1 | Z - 1, dist="negbin",, control=pscl::hurdle.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type))))}, silent=TRUE)
} else {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(residuals(pscl::hurdle(y.[[i]] ~ X - 1 | Z - 1, dist="negbin",, control=pscl::hurdle.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type)))}, silent=TRUE)}
} else {
data <- eval(eval(object)$call$data)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("y.[[i]] ~", object$formula[3]))
if(length(grep("offset", fmla)) > 0) {
if(halfnormal) {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(residuals(pscl::hurdle(formula=fmla, dist="negbin",, control=pscl::hurdle.control(maxit=maxit), data=data), type=resid.type))))}, silent=TRUE)
} else {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(residuals(pscl::hurdle(formula=fmla, dist="negbin",, control=pscl::hurdle.control(maxit=maxit), data=data), type=resid.type)))}, silent=TRUE)}
} else {
obj.offset <- object$offset$count
if(halfnormal) {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(residuals(pscl::hurdle(formula=fmla, dist="negbin",, offset=obj.offset, control=pscl::hurdle.control(maxit=maxit), data=data), type=resid.type))))}, silent=TRUE)
} else {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(residuals(pscl::hurdle(formula=fmla, dist="negbin",, offset=obj.offset, control=pscl::hurdle.control(maxit=maxit), data=data), type=resid.type)))}, silent=TRUE)}
nsim <- ncol(cbind(res))
res <- res[,1:(sim+1)]
# now run .makehnp
.makehnp(obj=res, conf=conf, halfnormal=halfnormal, how.many.out=how.many.out,
paint.out=paint.out, col.paint.out=col.paint.out, print.on=print.on, plot.sim=plot.sim, ...)
#setMethod("hnp", "hurdle", hnp.hurdle)
hnp.integer <-
function(object, sim=99, conf=.95, resid.type, maxit,
halfnormal=T, scale=F, plot.sim=T, verb.sim=F, warn=F,
how.many.out=F, print.on=F, paint.out=F, col.paint.out, ...) {
hnp.numeric(object=object, sim=sim, conf=conf, resid.type=resid.type, maxit=maxit,
halfnormal=halfnormal, scale=scale, plot.sim=plot.sim, verb.sim=verb.sim, warn=warn,
how.many.out=how.many.out, print.on=print.on, paint.out=paint.out, col.paint.out=col.paint.out, ...)
#setMethod("hnp", "integer", hnp.integer)
hnp.lm <-
function(object, sim=99, conf=.95, resid.type, maxit,
halfnormal=T, scale=F, plot.sim=T, verb.sim=F, warn=F,
how.many.out=F, print.on=F, paint.out=F, col.paint.out, ...) {
# preparation and extraction of residuals
if(missing(resid.type)) resid.type="student"
if(resid.type=="partial") stop("resid.type should be one of 'deviance', 'pearson', 'response', 'working', 'student', 'standard'")
get.residuals <- function(obj, type="deviance") {
if(type=="student") {
} else if(type=="standard") {
} else resid(obj, type=type)
if(halfnormal) {res <- sort(abs(get.residuals(object, type=resid.type)))
} else {res <- sort(get.residuals(object, type=resid.type))}
# producing the envelope bands
cat("Gaussian model (lm object)", '\n')
X <- model.matrix(object)
dp <- sqrt(anova(object)$"Mean Sq"[length(anova(object)$"Mean Sq")])
y. <- lapply(rep(length(object$fit), sim), rnorm, object$fit, dp)
if(is.null(object$offset)) {
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(get.residuals(lm(y.[[i]] ~ X - 1), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(get.residuals(lm(y.[[i]] ~ X - 1), type=resid.type)))}}
} else {
data <- eval(eval(object)$call$data)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("y.[[i]] ~", paste(as.formula(paste(object$call)[2]))[3]))
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(get.residuals(lm(formula=fmla, data=data), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(get.residuals(lm(formula=fmla, data=data), type=resid.type)))}}
# now run .makehnp
.makehnp(obj=res, conf=conf, halfnormal=halfnormal, how.many.out=how.many.out,
paint.out=paint.out, col.paint.out=col.paint.out, print.on=print.on, plot.sim=plot.sim, ...)
#setMethod("hnp", "lm", hnp.lm)
hnp.lmerMod <-
function(object, sim=99, conf=.95, resid.type, maxit,
halfnormal=T, scale=F, plot.sim=T, verb.sim=F, warn=F,
how.many.out=F, print.on=F, paint.out=F, col.paint.out, ...) {
# preparation and extraction of residuals
if(missing(maxit)) maxit <- 300
if(missing(resid.type)) resid.type <- "deviance"
if(resid.type=="partial") stop("resid.type should be one of 'deviance', 'pearson', 'response', 'working'")
if(halfnormal) {res <- sort(abs(residuals(object, type=resid.type)))
} else {res <- sort(residuals(object, type=resid.type))}
# producing the envelope bands
cat("Linear mixed-effects model (using lme4)", '\n')
data <- eval(eval(object)@call$data)
rlmm <- function(x) simulate(object)[,1]
y. <- lapply(1:sim, rlmm)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("y.[[i]] ~", paste(as.formula(paste(object@call)[2]))[3]))
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(residuals(lme4::lmer(fmla, control=lme4::lmerControl(optCtrl=list(maxfun=maxit)), data=data), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(residuals(lme4::lmer(fmla, control=lme4::lmerControl(optCtrl=list(maxfun=maxit)), data=data), type=resid.type)))}}
# now run .makehnp
.makehnp(obj=res, conf=conf, halfnormal=halfnormal, how.many.out=how.many.out,
paint.out=paint.out, col.paint.out=col.paint.out, print.on=print.on, plot.sim=plot.sim, ...)
#setMethod("hnp", "lmerMod", hnp.lmerMod)
hnp.multinom <-
function(object, sim=99, conf=.95, resid.type, maxit,
halfnormal=T, scale=F, plot.sim=T, verb.sim=F, warn=F,
how.many.out=F, print.on=F, paint.out=F, col.paint.out, ...) {
# preparation and extraction of residuals
if(!missing(maxit)) warning("multinom function does not let users modify maxit")
if(!missing(resid.type)) warning("resid.type not implemented for multinomial models")
fam <- "multinomial"
if(halfnormal) {res <- sort(abs(as.numeric(resid(object))))
} else {res <- sort(as.numeric(resid(object)))}
# producing the envelope bands
cat("Multinomial model", '\n')
X <- model.matrix(object)
ncat <- length(object$weights)
FN <- function(n, obj) {
a <- list()
for(i in 1:ncat) a[[i]] <- rmultinom(n, weights(obj)[i], fitted(obj)[i,])
y. <- lapply(rep(1, sim), FN, object)
if(is.null(attr(object$terms, "offset"))) {
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(as.numeric(resid(nnet::multinom(matrix(y.[[i]], nrow=ncat, byrow=T) ~ X - 1))))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(as.numeric(resid(nnet::multinom(matrix(y.[[i]], nrow=ncat, byrow=F) ~ X - 1)))))}}
} else {
data <- eval(eval(object)$call$data)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("matrix(y.[[i]], nrow=ncat, byrow=F) ~", as.formula(paste(object$call[2]))[3]))
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(as.numeric(resid(nnet::multinom(formula=fmla, data=data))))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(as.numeric(resid(nnet::multinom(formula=fmla, data=data)))))}}
# now run .makehnp
.makehnp(obj=res, conf=conf, halfnormal=halfnormal, how.many.out=how.many.out,
paint.out=paint.out, col.paint.out=col.paint.out, print.on=print.on, plot.sim=plot.sim, ...)
#setMethod("hnp", "multinom", hnp.multinom)
hnp.negbin <-
function(object, sim=99, conf=.95, resid.type, maxit,
halfnormal=T, scale=F, plot.sim=T, verb.sim=F, warn=F,
how.many.out=F, print.on=F, paint.out=F, col.paint.out, ...) {
# preparation and extraction of residuals
if(missing(maxit)) maxit <- 25
if(missing(resid.type)) resid.type <- "deviance"
if(resid.type=="partial") stop("resid.type should be one of 'deviance', 'pearson', 'response', 'working', 'student', 'standard'")
wg <- weights(object)
get.residuals <- function(obj, type="deviance") {
if(type=="student") {
} else if(type=="standard") {
} else resid(obj, type=type)
if(halfnormal) {res <- sort(abs(get.residuals(object, type=resid.type)))
} else {res <- sort(get.residuals(object, type=resid.type))}
# producing the envelope bands
cat("Negative binomial model (using MASS package)", '\n')
X <- model.matrix(object)
nsim <- 1
while(nsim < (sim+1)) {
y. <- lapply(rep(length(object$fit), sim), rnegbin, object$fit, object$theta)
if(is.null(object$offset)) {
if(halfnormal) {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(get.residuals(glm.nb(y.[[i]] ~ X - 1, weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type))))}, silent=TRUE)
} else {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(get.residuals(glm.nb(y.[[i]] ~ X - 1, weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type)))}, silent=TRUE)}
} else {
data <- eval(eval(object)$call$data)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("y.[[i]] ~", paste(as.formula(paste(object$call)[2]))[3]))
if(halfnormal) {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(get.residuals(glm.nb(formula=fmla, weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit), data=data), type=resid.type))))}, silent=TRUE)
} else {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(get.residuals(glm.nb(formula=fmla, weights=wg, control=glm.control(maxit=maxit), data=data), type=resid.type)))}, silent=TRUE)}
nsim <- ncol(cbind(res))
res <- res[,1:(sim+1)]
# now run .makehnp
.makehnp(obj=res, conf=conf, halfnormal=halfnormal, how.many.out=how.many.out,
paint.out=paint.out, col.paint.out=col.paint.out, print.on=print.on, plot.sim=plot.sim, ...)
#setMethod("hnp", "negbin", hnp.negbin)
hnp.numeric <-
function(object, sim=99, conf=.95, resid.type, maxit,
halfnormal=T, scale=F, plot.sim=T, verb.sim=F, warn=F,
how.many.out=F, print.on=F, paint.out=F, col.paint.out, ...) {
# producing envelope bands
cat("Half-normal plot with simulated envelope generated assuming the residuals are
normally distributed under the null hypothesis.", "\n")
if(scale) {
ex <- mean(object)
sdx <- sd(object)
cat("Estimated mean:", ex, "\n")
cat("Estimated variance:", sdx^2, "\n")
FN1 <- function(x) return(sort(abs(rnorm(x, ex, sdx))))
FN2 <- function(x) return(sort(abs(rnorm(x))))
FN3 <- function(x) return(sort(rnorm(x, ex, sdx)))
FN4 <- function(x) return(sort(rnorm(x)))
if(halfnormal) {
res1 <- sort(abs(object))
if(scale) {
res <- cbind(res1, sapply(rep(length(res1), sim), FN1))
} else {
res <- cbind(res1, sapply(rep(length(res1), sim), FN2))}
} else {
res1 <- sort(object)
if(scale) {
res <- cbind(res1, sapply(rep(length(res1), sim), FN3))
} else {
res <- cbind(res1, sapply(rep(length(res1), sim), FN4))}
# now run .makehnp
.makehnp(obj=res, conf=conf, halfnormal=halfnormal, how.many.out=how.many.out,
paint.out=paint.out, col.paint.out=col.paint.out, print.on=print.on, plot.sim=plot.sim, ...)
#setMethod("hnp", "numeric", hnp.numeric)
hnp.vglm <-
function(object, sim=99, conf=.95, resid.type, maxit,
halfnormal=T, scale=F, plot.sim=T, verb.sim=F, warn=F,
how.many.out=F, print.on=F, paint.out=F, col.paint.out, ...) {
# preparation and extraction of residuals
if(missing(maxit)) maxit <- 25
if(missing(resid.type)) resid.type <- "response"
if(resid.type!="response") stop("Only resid.type='response' residuals implemented")
if(object@family@vfamily=="betabinomial") fam <- "beta-binomial_VGAM"
if(object@family@vfamily=="zibinomial") fam <- "ZIB"
if(object@family@vfamily[1]!="betabinomial"&object@family@vfamily[1]!="zibinomial") stop("This function has been implemented for VGLM objects with family='betabinomial' and 'zibinomial' only")
if(sum(grep("zero", object@call, invert=T)==3)==1) {
if(fam=="beta-binomial_VGAM") zero <- 2 else zero <- NULL
} else {
if(length(grep(2, object@call[3]))==1) {
zero <- 2
} else {
if(length(grep(1, object@call[3]))==1) {
zero <- 1
} else {
zero <- NULL
if(halfnormal) {res <- sort(abs(VGAM::resid(object, type=resid.type)))
} else {res <- sort(VGAM::resid(object, type=resid.type))}
# producing the envelope bands
## beta-binomial
if(fam=="beta-binomial_VGAM") {
cat("Beta-binomial model (using VGAM package)", '\n')
data <- eval(eval(object)@call$data)
m. <- object@prior.weights <- object@fitted.values
rho <- object@misc$rho
y. <- lapply(rep(length(, sim), VGAM::rbetabinom, m.,, rho)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("cbind(y.[[i]],m.-y.[[i]]) ~ ", paste(object@terms$terms)[3]))
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res, sort(abs(VGAM::resid(VGAM::vglm(formula=fmla, family=VGAM::betabinomial(zero=zero), control=VGAM::vglm.control(maxit=maxit), data=data, subset=eval(eval(object)@call$subset)), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res, sort(VGAM::resid(VGAM::vglm(formula=fmla, family=VGAM::betabinomial(zero=zero), control=VGAM::vglm.control(maxit=maxit), data=data, subset=eval(eval(object)@call$subset)), type=resid.type)))}}
## zero-inflated binomial
if(fam=="ZIB") {
cat("Zero-inflated binomial model (using VGAM)", '\n')
data <- eval(eval(object)@call$data)
m. <- object@prior.weights
f.zib <- object@fitted.values
phi <- object@misc$pstr0
y. <- lapply(rep(length(f.zib), sim), VGAM::rzibinom, m., f.zib, phi)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("cbind(y.[[i]],m.-y.[[i]]) ~ ", paste(object@terms$terms)[3]))
if(halfnormal) {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res, sort(abs(VGAM::resid(VGAM::vglm(formula=fmla, family=VGAM::zibinomial(zero=zero), control=VGAM::vglm.control(maxit=maxit), data=data, subset=eval(eval(object)@call$subset)), type=resid.type))))}
} else {for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", i, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res, sort(VGAM::resid(VGAM::vglm(formula=fmla, family=VGAM::zibinomial(zero=zero), control=VGAM::vglm.control(maxit=maxit), data=data, subset=eval(eval(object)@call$subset)), type=resid.type)))}}
# now run .makehnp
.makehnp(obj=res, conf=conf, halfnormal=halfnormal, how.many.out=how.many.out,
paint.out=paint.out, col.paint.out=col.paint.out, print.on=print.on, plot.sim=plot.sim, ...)
#setMethod("hnp", "vglm", hnp.vglm)
hnp.zeroinfl <-
function(object, sim=99, conf=.95, resid.type, maxit,
halfnormal=T, scale=F, plot.sim=T, verb.sim=F, warn=F,
how.many.out=F, print.on=F, paint.out=F, col.paint.out, ...) {
# preparation and extraction of residuals
## zero-inflated Poisson
if(missing(maxit)) maxit <- 10000
if(missing(resid.type)) resid.type <- "pearson"
if(resid.type!="pearson"&resid.type!="response") stop("resid.type should be one of 'pearson', 'response'")
if(object$dist=="poisson") fam <- "ZIP"
if(object$dist=="negbin") fam <- "ZINB"
if(object$dist=="geometric") stop("This function has not been implemented yet for zero-inflated geometric models")
if(halfnormal) {res <- sort(abs(residuals(object, type=resid.type)))
} else {res <- sort(residuals(object, type=resid.type))}
# producing the envelope bands
if(fam=="ZIP") {
cat("Zero-inflated Poisson model", '\n')
X <- model.matrix(object, type="count")
Z <- model.matrix(object, type="zero") <- object$link
rZIP <- function(n, mu, p) {
Z <- rbinom(n, 1, p)
P <- rpois(n, mu)
r <- Z * 0 + (1 - Z) * P
nsim <- 1
while(nsim < (sim+1)) {
y. <- lapply(rep(length(object$fit), sim), rZIP, predict(object, type="count"), predict(object, type="zero"))
if(is.null(object$offset$count) & is.null(object$offset$zero)) {
if(halfnormal) {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(residuals(pscl::zeroinfl(y.[[i]] ~ X - 1 | Z - 1,, control=pscl::zeroinfl.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type))))}, silent=TRUE)
} else {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(residuals(pscl::zeroinfl(y.[[i]] ~ X - 1 | Z - 1,, control=pscl::zeroinfl.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type)))}, silent=TRUE)}
} else {
data <- eval(eval(object)$call$data)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("y.[[i]] ~", object$formula[3]))
if(length(grep("offset", fmla)) > 0) {
if(halfnormal) {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(residuals(pscl::zeroinfl(formula=fmla,, control=pscl::zeroinfl.control(maxit=maxit), data=data), type=resid.type))))}, silent=TRUE)
} else {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(residuals(pscl::zeroinfl(formula=fmla,, control=pscl::zeroinfl.control(maxit=maxit), data=data), type=resid.type)))}, silent=TRUE)}
} else {
obj.offset <- object$offset$count
if(halfnormal) {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(residuals(pscl::zeroinfl(formula=fmla,, offset=obj.offset, control=pscl::zeroinfl.control(maxit=maxit), data=data), type=resid.type))))}, silent=TRUE)
} else {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(residuals(pscl::zeroinfl(formula=fmla,, offset=obj.offset, control=pscl::zeroinfl.control(maxit=maxit), data=data), type=resid.type)))}, silent=TRUE)}
nsim <- ncol(cbind(res))
res <- res[,1:(sim+1)]
## zero-inflated negative binomial
if(fam=="ZINB") {
cat("Zero-inflated negative binomial model", '\n')
X <- model.matrix(object, type="count")
Z <- model.matrix(object, type="zero") <- object$link
rZINB <- function(n, mu, theta, p) {
Z <- rbinom(n, 1, p)
NB <- rnegbin(n, mu, theta)
r <- Z * 0 + (1 - Z) * NB
nsim <- 1
while(nsim < (sim+1)) {
y. <- lapply(rep(length(object$fit), sim), rZINB, predict(object, type="count"), object$theta, predict(object, type="zero"))
if(is.null(object$offset$count) & is.null(object$offset$zero)) {
if(halfnormal) {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(residuals(pscl::zeroinfl(y.[[i]] ~ X - 1 | Z - 1, dist="negbin",, control=pscl::zeroinfl.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type))))}, silent=TRUE)
} else {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(residuals(pscl::zeroinfl(y.[[i]] ~ X - 1 | Z - 1, dist="negbin",, control=pscl::zeroinfl.control(maxit=maxit)), type=resid.type)))}, silent=TRUE)}
} else {
data <- eval(eval(object)$call$data)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("y.[[i]] ~", object$formula[3]))
if(length(grep("offset", fmla)) > 0) {
if(halfnormal) {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(residuals(pscl::zeroinfl(formula=fmla, dist="negbin",, control=pscl::zeroinfl.control(maxit=maxit), data=data), type=resid.type))))}, silent=TRUE)
} else {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(residuals(pscl::zeroinfl(formula=fmla, dist="negbin",, control=pscl::zeroinfl.control(maxit=maxit), data=data), type=resid.type)))}, silent=TRUE)}
} else {
obj.offset <- object$offset$count
if(halfnormal) {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(abs(residuals(pscl::zeroinfl(formula=fmla, offset=obj.offset, dist="negbin",, control=pscl::zeroinfl.control(maxit=maxit), data=data), type=resid.type))))}, silent=TRUE)
} else {try(for(i in 1:sim) {
if(verb.sim) cat("Simulation", nsim + i - 1, "out of", sim, "\n")
res <- cbind(res,sort(residuals(pscl::zeroinfl(formula=fmla, offset=obj.offset, dist="negbin",, control=pscl::zeroinfl.control(maxit=maxit), data=data), type=resid.type)))}, silent=TRUE)}
nsim <- ncol(cbind(res))
res <- res[,1:(sim+1)]
# now run .makehnp
.makehnp(obj=res, conf=conf, halfnormal=halfnormal, how.many.out=how.many.out,
paint.out=paint.out, col.paint.out=col.paint.out, print.on=print.on, plot.sim=plot.sim, ...)
#setMethod("hnp", "zeroinfl", hnp.zeroinfl)
hnp.default <-
function(object, ...) {
stop("This function has not been implemented for objects of class '", class(object)[1],
"'. If you wish to supply your own fitting, simulation and diagnostic extration codes,
see ?hnp for details.")
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