
Defines functions kp_winprob kp_box

Documented in kp_box kp_winprob

#' **Get KenPom Game Box Score**
#' @param game_id Game id of game to pull
#' @param year Year of game to pull
#' @returns Returns a tibble of game box scores with names: away_team, home_team,
#'  linescore, officials
#'    **away_team**
#'    |col_name   |types     |
#'    |:----------|:---------|
#'    |hgt        |character |
#'    |wgt        |numeric   |
#'    |yr         |character |
#'    |number     |numeric   |
#'    |player     |character |
#'    |min        |numeric   |
#'    |o_rtg      |numeric   |
#'    |percent_ps |numeric   |
#'    |pts        |numeric   |
#'    |fgm_2      |numeric   |
#'    |fga_2      |numeric   |
#'    |fgm_3      |numeric   |
#'    |fga_3      |numeric   |
#'    |ftm        |numeric   |
#'    |fta        |numeric   |
#'    |or         |numeric   |
#'    |dr         |numeric   |
#'    |a          |numeric   |
#'    |to         |numeric   |
#'    |blk        |numeric   |
#'    |stl        |numeric   |
#'    |pf         |numeric   |
#'    |team       |character |
#'    |wp_note    |character |
#'    |game_id    |numeric   |
#'    |year       |numeric   |
#'    **home_team**
#'    |col_name   |types     |
#'    |:----------|:---------|
#'    |hgt        |character |
#'    |wgt        |numeric   |
#'    |yr         |character |
#'    |number     |numeric   |
#'    |player     |character |
#'    |min        |numeric   |
#'    |o_rtg      |numeric   |
#'    |percent_ps |numeric   |
#'    |pts        |numeric   |
#'    |fgm_2      |numeric   |
#'    |fga_2      |numeric   |
#'    |fgm_3      |numeric   |
#'    |fga_3      |numeric   |
#'    |ftm        |numeric   |
#'    |fta        |numeric   |
#'    |or         |numeric   |
#'    |dr         |numeric   |
#'    |a          |numeric   |
#'    |to         |numeric   |
#'    |blk        |numeric   |
#'    |stl        |numeric   |
#'    |pf         |numeric   |
#'    |team       |character |
#'    |wp_note    |character |
#'    |game_id    |numeric   |
#'    |year       |numeric   |
#'    **linescore**
#'    |col_name |types     |
#'    |:--------|:---------|
#'    |team     |character |
#'    |q1       |integer   |
#'    |q2       |integer   |
#'    |q3       |integer   |
#'    |q4       |integer   |
#'    |t        |integer   |
#'    **officials**
#'    |col_name      |types     |
#'    |:-------------|:---------|
#'    |official_id   |character |
#'    |official_name |character |
#'    |game_id       |numeric   |
#'    |year          |numeric   |
#' @importFrom cli cli_abort
#' @importFrom dplyr select filter mutate arrange bind_rows mutate_at rename
#' @importFrom tidyr everything separate
#' @import rvest
#' @import stringr
#' @export
#' @keywords Game Box Score
#' @family KenPom Boxscore Functions
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'   try(kp_box(game_id = 6, year = 2021))
#' }

kp_box <- function(game_id, year){
    expr = {
      if (!has_kp_user_and_pw()) stop("This function requires a KenPom subscription e-mail and password combination,\n      set as the system environment variables KP_USER and KP_PW.", "\n       See ?kp_user_pw for details.", call. = FALSE)

      browser <- login()

      if (!(is.numeric(year) && nchar(year) == 4 && year >= 2013)) {
        # Check if year is numeric, if not NULL
        cli::cli_abort("Enter valid year as a number (YYYY), data only goes back to 2013")
      ### Pull Data
      url <- paste0("https://kenpom.com/box.php?",
                    "g=", game_id,
                    "&y=", year)

      page <- rvest::session_jump_to(browser, url)
      teams <- page %>%
        xml2::read_html() %>%
        rvest::html_elements(".teamnav") %>%
        rvest::html_elements("b > a")
      teams <- dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(rvest::html_text(teams),
                                       function(x){data.frame(Team = x)}))

      refs <- (page %>%
                 xml2::read_html() %>%
                 rvest::html_elements(xpath = "//*[@id='half-column3']//span//div[4]") %>%

      ref_ranks <- page %>%
        xml2::read_html() %>%
        rvest::html_elements(xpath = "//*[@id='half-column3']//span//div[4]") %>%
      ref_ranks <- dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(rvest::html_text(ref_ranks),
                                           function(x){data.frame(Official.Rk = x)}))

      ref_ids <- dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(xml2::xml_attrs(refs),
      if (length(ref_ids) > 0) {
        ref_ids <- ref_ids %>%
          dplyr::filter(!stringr::str_detect(.data$href, "official")) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(ref_id = stringr::str_remove(stringr::str_remove(
            stringi::stri_extract_first_regex(.data$href, "=(.+)"), "="), "&(.+)")) %>%
          dplyr::select("ref_id") %>%
          dplyr::rename("OfficialId" = "ref_id")

      ref_names <- dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(rvest::html_text(refs),
                                           function(x){data.frame(OfficialName = x)}))

      ref_table <- dplyr::bind_cols(ref_ids, ref_names)
      ref_table$GameId <- game_id
      ref_table$Year <- year
      ref_table <- ref_table %>%
      linescore <- ((page %>%
                       xml2::read_html() %>%
                       rvest::html_elements("#linescore-table2"))[[1]]) %>%

      names(linescore)[1] <- "Team"
      linescore <- linescore %>%
      y <- list()
      for (i in 1:2) {
        x <- (page %>%
                xml2::read_html() %>%

        box_stat <- x %>%

        x <- x %>%
        x$Team <- teams[i,]
        x$WP.Note <- NA_character_
        x$WP.Note <- x[nrow(x),1][[1]]
        x <- x[1:(nrow(x) - 1),]
        header_cols <- c("Hgt-Wgt-Yr", "Number", "Player", "Min",
                         "ORtg", "%Ps", "Pts", "FGM2-A", "FGM3-A",
                         "FTM-A", "OR", "DR", "A",
                         "TO", "Blk", "Stl", "PF", "Team", "WP.Note")

        colnames(x) <- header_cols

        # box <- xml2::xml_text(box_stat)
          x <- x %>%
            tidyr::separate(col = "Hgt-Wgt-Yr",
                                     into = c("Hgt", "Wgt", "Yr"),
                                     sep = "\\s") %>%
            tidyr::separate(col = "FGM2-A",
                            into = c("FGM_2","FGA_2"),
                            sep = "-") %>%
            tidyr::separate(col = "FGM3-A",
                            into = c("FGM_3","FGA_3"),
                            sep = "-") %>%
            tidyr::separate(col = "FTM-A",
                            into = c("FTM","FTA"),
                            sep = "-") %>%
            dplyr::mutate_at(c("Wgt", "Number", "Min",
                               "ORtg", "%Ps", "Pts",
                               "FGM_2", "FGA_2",
                               "FGM_3", "FGA_3",
                               "FTM", "FTA",
                               "OR", "DR", "A", "TO",
                               "Blk", "Stl", "PF"), as.numeric)
        x <- x %>%
            GameId = game_id,
            Year = year) %>%
        y <- c(y,list(x))
      ### Store Data
      kenpom <- c(y,list(linescore),list(ref_table))
      names(kenpom) <- c("away_team", "home_team", "linescore", "officials")
    error = function(e) {
      message(glue::glue("{Sys.time()}: Invalid arguments or no box data for {game_id} available!"))
    warning = function(w) {
    finally = {

#' **Get KenPom Win Probability**
#' @param game_id Game id of game to pull
#' @param year Year of game to pull
#' @return Returns a named list of tibbles: winprob_dataset, game_data, runs
#'    **winprob_dataset**
#'    |col_name          |types     |
#'    |:-----------------|:---------|
#'    |period            |integer   |
#'    |wp                |numeric   |
#'    |time_left         |numeric   |
#'    |visitor_score     |integer   |
#'    |home_score        |integer   |
#'    |visitor_scoring   |integer   |
#'    |home_scoring      |integer   |
#'    |possession_team   |character |
#'    |possession_number |character |
#'    |game_id           |numeric   |
#'    |year              |numeric   |
#'    **game_data**
#'    |col_name               |types     |
#'    |:----------------------|:---------|
#'    |game_id                |character |
#'    |year                   |integer   |
#'    |full_date              |character |
#'    |date                   |character |
#'    |game_time              |character |
#'    |venue                  |character |
#'    |city                   |character |
#'    |team1                  |character |
#'    |team1score             |integer   |
#'    |team1_rk               |character |
#'    |team2                  |character |
#'    |team2score             |integer   |
#'    |team2_rk               |character |
#'    |dominance_season_rk    |character |
#'    |tension_season_rk      |character |
#'    |excitement_season_rk   |character |
#'    |lead_changes_season_rk |character |
#'    |minimum_wp_season_rk   |character |
#'    |dominance_rk           |character |
#'    |tension_rk             |character |
#'    |excitement_rk          |character |
#'    |lead_changes_rk        |character |
#'    |minimum_wp_rk          |character |
#'    |dominance              |character |
#'    |tension                |character |
#'    |excitement             |character |
#'    |favchg                 |character |
#'    |min_wp                 |character |
#'    **runs**
#'    |col_name |types   |
#'    |:--------|:-------|
#'    |start    |numeric |
#'    |end      |numeric |
#'    |visitor  |integer |
#'    |home     |integer |
#' @importFrom cli cli_abort
#' @importFrom dplyr select filter mutate arrange bind_rows bind_cols rename
#' @importFrom tidyr everything
#' @importFrom stringr str_remove str_extract_all
#' @import rvest
#' @export
#' @keywords Win Probability
#' @family KenPom Boxscore Functions
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'   try(kp_winprob(game_id = 1238, year = 2020))
#' }

kp_winprob <- function(game_id, year){
    expr = {
      if (!has_kp_user_and_pw()) stop("This function requires a KenPom subscription e-mail and password combination,\n      set as the system environment variables KP_USER and KP_PW.", "\n       See ?kp_user_pw for details.", call. = FALSE)
      browser <- login()
      if (!(is.numeric(year) && nchar(year) == 4 && year >= 2010)) {
        # Check if year is numeric, if not NULL
        cli::cli_abort("Enter valid year as a number (YYYY), data only goes back to 2010")
      url <- paste0("https://kenpom.com/winprob.php?",
                    "g=", game_id,
                    "&y=", year)

      page <- rvest::session_jump_to(browser, url)
      q <- (page %>%
              xml2::read_html() %>%
              rvest::html_elements("#content-header") %>%
              rvest::html_elements("script")) %>%

      r <-  stringr::str_extract(stringr::str_remove(q[2], "var dataset="),"(.+?)(?=; var runs=)")
      r <- gsub("'",'"', r)
      wp_dataset <- purrr::map_dfr(c(r), jsonlite::fromJSON)

      wp_dataset$GameId = game_id
      wp_dataset$Year = year
      wp_dataset <- wp_dataset %>%
        janitor::clean_names() %>%
          "Period" = "pd",
          "TimeLeft" = "tl",
          "VisitorScore" = "vs",
          "HomeScore" = "hs",
          "VisitorScoring" = "v_sc",
          "HomeScoring" = "h_sc",
          "PossessionTeam" = "p",
          "PossessionNumber" = "pn") %>%
      run_str <- stringr::str_extract(stringr::str_remove(q[2], "(.+)var runs="),"(.+?)(?=; var data=)")
      run_str <- gsub("'",'"', run_str)
      runs <- purrr::map_dfr(c(run_str), jsonlite::fromJSON)
      runs <- runs %>%
          "visitor" = "V",
          "home" = "H",
          "start" = "Start",
          "end" = "End"
      #---- game_data --------
      game_data_str <- stringr::str_remove(stringr::str_remove(q[2], "(.+)var data="),"makeWP\\(data\\);")
      vn <- data.frame(vn = t(gsub(pattern = "'","", stringr::str_remove(stringr::str_remove(stringr::str_extract_all(q[2], pattern = "venue:\'(.+)\', city:"), pattern = ", city:"), pattern = "venue:"))))
      cty <- data.frame(cty = t(gsub(pattern = "'","", stringr::str_remove(stringr::str_remove(stringr::str_extract_all(q[2], pattern = "city:\'(.+)\', gameTime:"), pattern = ", gameTime:"), pattern = "city:"))))
      gmtm <- data.frame(gmtm = t(gsub(pattern = "'","", stringr::str_remove(stringr::str_remove(stringr::str_extract_all(q[2], pattern = "gameTime:\'(.+)\', dominance:"), pattern = ", dominance:"), pattern = "gameTime:"))))
      dateofgame <- data.frame(dateofgame = t(gsub(pattern = "'","", stringr::str_remove(stringr::str_remove(stringr::str_extract_all(q[2], pattern = "dateOfGame:\'(.+)\', ymd:"), pattern = ", ymd:"), pattern = "dateOfGame:"))))
      game_data_str <- stringr::str_remove(game_data_str,pattern = "venue:\'(.+)\',(?= city:)")
      game_data_str <- stringr::str_remove(game_data_str,pattern = "city:\'(.+)\',(?= gameTime:)")
      game_data_str <- stringr::str_remove(game_data_str,pattern = "gameTime:\'(.+)\',(?= dominance:)")
      game_data_str <- stringr::str_remove(game_data_str,pattern = "dateOfGame:\'(.+)\',(?= ymd:)")
      game_data_str <- stringr::str_remove(game_data_str,pattern = ", input:(.+)(?=\\})")
      game_data_str <- gsub("\\{ ",'\\{ "', game_data_str)
      game_data_str <- gsub(", ",', "', game_data_str)
      game_data_str <- gsub(":",'":', game_data_str)
      game_data_str <- gsub("'",'"', game_data_str)
      game_data_str <- glue::glue('[{game_data_str}]')
      game_data <- purrr::map_dfr(c(game_data_str), jsonlite::fromJSON)
      game_data <- dplyr::bind_cols(game_data, vn, cty, gmtm, dateofgame)
      colnames(game_data) <- gsub(' ','',colnames(game_data))
      game_data <- game_data %>%
          "GameId" = "gid",
          "Full.Date" = "dateofgame",
          "Date" = "ymd",
          "GameTime" = "gmtm",
          "Venue" = "vn",
          "City" = "cty",
          "Team1.Rk" = "rank1",
          "Team1" = "team1",
          "Team1Score" = "score1",
          "Team2.Rk" = "rank2",
          "Team2" = "team2",
          "Team2Score" = "score2",
          "Dominance.Season.Rk" = "srank_dominance",
          "Tension.Season.Rk" = "srank_tension",
          "Excitement.Season.Rk" = "srank_excitement",
          "LeadChanges.Season.Rk"  = "srank_favchg",
          "MinimumWP.Season.Rk" = "srank_minWP",
          "Dominance.Rk" = "rank_dominance",
          "Tension.Rk" = "rank_tension",
          "Excitement.Rk" = "rank_excitement",
          "LeadChanges.Rk"  = "rank_favchg",
          "MinimumWP.Rk" = "rank_minWP") %>%
      game_data <- game_data %>%
      kenpom <- list(wp_dataset, game_data, runs)
      names(kenpom) <- c("winprob_dataset", "game_data", "runs")
    error = function(e) {
      message(glue::glue("{Sys.time()}: Invalid arguments or no win probability data for {game_id} available!"))
    warning = function(w) {
    finally = {


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hoopR documentation built on Nov. 26, 2023, 1:07 a.m.