
Defines functions skeletal_muscle_mass skeletal_muscle_mass_children spleen_mass_children skin_mass_bosgra pancreas_mass_children lung_mass_children liver_mass_children kidney_mass_children brain_mass bone_mass_age body_surface_area blood_mass_correct blood_weight

Documented in blood_mass_correct blood_weight body_surface_area bone_mass_age brain_mass kidney_mass_children liver_mass_children lung_mass_children pancreas_mass_children skeletal_muscle_mass skeletal_muscle_mass_children skin_mass_bosgra spleen_mass_children

#' Predict blood mass.
#' Predict blood mass based on body surface area and gender, using equations
#' from Bosgra et al. 2012
#' @param BSA Body surface area in m^2. May be a vector.
#' @param gender Either 'Male' or 'Female'. May be a vector.
#' @return A vector of blood masses in kg the same length as \code{BSA} and
#' \code{gender}.
#' @references Bosgra, Sieto, et al. "An improved model to predict 
#' physiologically based model parameters and their inter-individual variability 
#' from anthropometry." Critical reviews in toxicology 42.9 (2012): 751-767.
#' \insertRef{ring2017identifying}{httk}
#' @author Caroline Ring
#' @keywords httk-pop
#' @export blood_weight
blood_weight <- function(BSA, gender){
  #From Bosgra et al. 2012, eq 10 and 11
  bw[gender=='Male'] <- 3.33*BSA[gender=='Male']-0.81
  bw[gender=='Female'] <- 2.66*BSA[gender=='Female']-0.46

#' Find average blood masses by age.
#' If blood mass from \code{\link{blood_weight}} is negative or very small,
#' then just default to the mean blood mass by age. (Geigy Scientific Tables,
#' 7th ed.)
#' @param blood_mass A vector of blood masses in kg to be replaced with
#' averages.
#' @param age_months A vector of ages in months.
#' @param age_years A vector of ages in years.
#' @param gender A vector of genders (either 'Male' or 'Female').
#' @param weight A vector of body weights in kg.
#' @return A vector of blood masses in kg.
#' @references Geigy Pharmaceuticals, "Scientific Tables", 7th Edition, 
#' John Wiley and Sons (1970)
#' \insertRef{ring2017identifying}{httk}
#' @author Caroline Ring
#' @keywords httk-pop
#' @export blood_mass_correct
blood_mass_correct <- function(blood_mass, 
  blood_mass[age_months<3]<- 83.3*weight[age_months<3]/1000/1.06
                             c(3,6))]<- 87*
                             c(7,72))]<- 80*
                             c(73,120))]<- 75*
                             c(121,15*12))]<- 71*
  blood_mass[age_years>15 & 
    weight[age_years>15 & 
  blood_mass[age_years>15 & 
    weight[age_years>15 & 

#' Predict body surface area.
#' Predict body surface area from weight, height, and age, using Mosteller's
#' formula for age>18 and Haycock's formula for age<18
#' @param BW A vector of body weights in kg.
#' @param H A vector of heights in cm.
#' @param age_years A vector of ages in years.
#' @return A vector of body surface areas in cm^2.
#' @references Mosteller, R. D. "Simplified calculation of body surface area." 
#' N Engl J Med 317 (1987): 1098..
#' Haycock, George B., George J. Schwartz, and David H. Wisotsky. "Geometric 
#' method for measuring body surface area: a height-weight formula validated in 
#' infants, children, and adults." The Journal of pediatrics 93.1 (1978): 62-66.
#' \insertRef{ring2017identifying}{httk}
#' @author Caroline Ring
#' @keywords httk-pop
#' @export body_surface_area
body_surface_area <- function(BW, H, age_years) {
  #BW in kg, H in cm
  bsa <- rep(NA, length(BW))
  bsa[age_years>=18]<-sqrt(BW[age_years>=18]*H[age_years>=18]/3600) #Mosteller's formula -- for adults
  bsa[age_years<18] <- 0.024265*BW[age_years<18]^0.5378*H[age_years<18]^0.3964 # Haycock's formula -- for children/adolescents
  return(bsa*(100^2)) #convert bsa in m^2 to cm^2

#' Predict bone mass
#' Predict bone mass from age_years, height, weight, gender, using logistic
#' equations fit to data from Baxter-Jones et al. 2011, or for infants < 1
#' year, using equation from Koo et al. 2000 (See Price et al. 2003)
#' @param age_years Vector of ages in years.
#' @param age_months Vector of ages in months.
#' @param height Vector of heights in cm.
#' @param weight Vector of body weights in kg.
#' @param gender Vector of genders, either 'Male' or 'Female'.
#' @return Vector of bone masses.
#' @references 
#' Baxter-Jones, Adam DG, et al. "Bone mineral accrual from 8 to 30 years of age: 
#' an estimation of peak bone mass." Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 26.8 
#' (2011): 1729-1739.
#' Koo, Winston WK, and Elaine M. Hockman. "Physiologic predictors of lumbar 
#' spine bone mass in neonates." Pediatric research 48.4 (2000): 485-489.
#' Price, Paul S., et al. "Modeling interindividual variation in physiological 
#' factors used in PBPK models of humans." Critical reviews in toxicology 33.5 
#' (2003): 469-503.
#' \insertRef{ring2017identifying}{httk}
#' @author Caroline Ring
#' @keywords httk-pop
bone_mass_age <- function(age_years, age_months, height, weight, gender){
  #From data in Baxter-Jones et al. 2011: for males, bone mineral content in kg
  #obeys the following logistic equation: bone mass (kg) = 0.89983 + (2.99019 -
  #0.89983)/(1 + exp((14.17081-age_years)/1.58179)) derived from doing nls fit
  #using SSfpl to data in first col of Table 4 and using 13.5 as the age of PHV
  #(peak height velocity) for males as stated on page 1731 (i.e. adding 13.5 to
  #data in BAge column of Table 4)
  bmc <- rep(NA,length(age_years))
  fmale <- function(a){
    return(0.89983 + 
             (2.99019 - 0.89983)/
             (1 + exp((14.17081-a)/1.58179)))
  bmc[gender=='Male' & age_years>1] <- fmale(a=age_years[gender=='Male' & age_years>1])
  #Similarly, for females:
  #bone mineral content = 0.74042 + (2.14976 - 0.74042)/(1 + exp((12.35466-age_years)/1.35750))
  ffemale <- function(a){
    return(0.74042 + 
             (2.14976 - 0.74042)/
             (1 + exp((12.35466-a)/1.35750)))
  bmc[gender=='Female' &
        age_years>1] <- ffemale(a=age_years[gender=='Female' &
  #For infants < 1 year
  #Using equation from Koo et al. 2000
  #See Price et al. 2003 (P3M paper)
  #Note: age_months converted to age in days using WHO conversion,
  #1 month = 30.4375 days
  f_inf <- function(a.m,wt,ht){
  bmc[age_years<=1] <- f_inf(a.m=age_months[age_years<=1],
  #And deal with loss of bone density after age 50:
  #(see Looker et al. 2009)
  #Approximately 65% of the dry bone mass is mineral.
  bmc[gender=='Female' & age_years>=50] <- bmc[gender=='Female' & age_years>=50] -
    0.0056*age_years[gender=='Female' & age_years>=50]
  bmc[gender=='Male' & age_years>=50] <- bmc[gender=='Male' & age_years>=50] -
    0.0019*age_years[gender=='Male' & age_years>=50]
  bonemass <- bmc/0.65 #65% of dry bone mass is mineral

#' Predict brain mass.
#' Predict brain mass from gender and age.
#' @param gender Vector of genders, either 'Male' or 'Female'
#' @param age_years Vector of ages in years.
#' @return A vector of brain masses in kg.
#' @references 
#' \insertRef{ring2017identifying}{httk}
#' @author Caroline Ring
#' @keywords httk-pop
brain_mass <- function(gender, age_years){
  B<- rep(NA, length(gender))
  B[gender=='Male'] <- 0.405 #kg; brain mass at birth
  B[gender=='Female'] <- 0.373 #kg; brain mass at birth
  brain.mean.mass <- B*((3.68 - 2.68*exp(-age_years/0.89)) * exp(-age_years/629))

#' Predict kidney mass for children
#' For individuals under age 18, predict kidney mass from weight, height, and
#' gender. using equations from Ogiu et al. 1997
#' @param weight Vector of weights in kg.
#' @param height Vector of heights in cm.
#' @param gender Vector of genders (either 'Male' or 'Female').
#' @return A vector of kidney masses in kg.
#' @references
#' Ogiu, Nobuko, et al. "A statistical analysis of the internal 
#' organ weights of normal Japanese people." Health physics 72.3 (1997): 368-383.
#' \insertRef{ring2017identifying}{httk}
#' @author Caroline Ring
#' @keywords httk-pop
kidney_mass_children <- function(weight, height, gender){
  km <- rep(NA, length(weight))
  #equations from Ogiu et al. 1997
  #For males
  km[gender=='Male'] <- (10.24*
                           sqrt(weight[gender=='Male'])+7.85)+ #left kidney
       sqrt(weight[gender=='Male'])+7.2) #right kidney
  #For females
  km[gender=='Female'] <- (10.65*
                             sqrt(weight[gender=='Female'])+6.11)+ #left kidney
       sqrt(weight[gender=='Female'])+6.55) #right kidney
  return(km/1000) #convert g to kg

#' Predict liver mass for children
#' For individuals under 18, predict the liver mass from height, weight, and
#' gender, using equations from Ogiu et al. 1997
#' @param height Vector of heights in cm.
#' @param weight Vector of weights in kg.
#' @param gender Vector of genders (either 'Male' or 'Female').
#' @return A vector of liver masses in kg.
#' @references 
#' Ogiu, Nobuko, et al. "A statistical analysis of the internal 
#' organ weights of normal Japanese people." Health physics 72.3 (1997): 368-383.
#' \insertRef{ring2017identifying}{httk}
#' @author Caroline Ring
#' @keywords httk-pop
liver_mass_children <- function(height, weight, gender){
  #equations from Ogiu et al. 1997
  #see also Price et al. 2003 (P3M paper)
  lm <- rep(NA, length(gender))
  lm[gender=='Male'] <- (576.9*height[gender=='Male']/100 +
                           8.9*weight[gender=='Male'] -
  lm[gender=='Female'] <- (674.3*height[gender=='Female']/100 +
                             6.5*weight[gender=='Female'] -

#' Predict lung mass for children
#' For individuals under 18, predict the liver mass from height, weight, and
#' gender, using equations from Ogiu et al. 1997
#' @param height Vector of heights in cm.
#' @param weight Vector of weights in kg.
#' @param gender Vector of genders (either 'Male' or 'Female').
#' @return A vector of lung masses in kg.
#' @references 
#' Ogiu, Nobuko, et al. "A statistical analysis of the internal 
#' organ weights of normal Japanese people." Health physics 72.3 (1997): 368-383.
#' Price, Paul S., et al. "Modeling interindividual variation in physiological 
#' factors used in PBPK models of humans." Critical reviews in toxicology 33.5 
#' (2003): 469-503.
#' \insertRef{ring2017identifying}{httk}
#' @author Caroline Ring
#' @keywords httk-pop
lung_mass_children <- function(height, weight, gender){
  #equations from Ogiu et al. 1997
  #see also Price et al. 2003 (P3M paper)
  lm <- rep(NA, length(gender))
  lm[gender=='Male'] <- ((29.08*height[gender=='Male']/100*
                            11.06) +
  lm[gender=='Female'] <- ((31.46*height[gender=='Female']/100*
                              1.43) +

#' Predict pancreas mass for children
#' For individuals under 18, predict the pancreas mass from height, weight, and
#' gender, using equations from Ogiu et al.
#' @param height Vector of heights in cm.
#' @param weight Vector of weights in kg.
#' @param gender Vector of genders (either 'Male' or 'Female').
#' @return A vector of pancreas masses in kg.
#' @references
#' Ogiu, Nobuko, et al. "A statistical analysis of the internal 
#' organ weights of normal Japanese people." Health physics 72.3 (1997): 368-383.
#' \insertRef{ring2017identifying}{httk}
#' @author Caroline Ring
#' @keywords httk-pop
pancreas_mass_children <- function(height, weight, gender){
  #equations from Ogiu et al. 1997
  #see also Price et al. 2003 (P3M paper)
  pm <- rep(NA, length(gender))
  pm[gender=='Male'] <- (7.46*height[gender=='Male']/100*
                           sqrt(weight[gender=='Male']) -
  pm[gender=='Female'] <- (7.92*height[gender=='Female']/100*
                             sqrt(weight[gender=='Female']) -

#' Predict skin mass
#' Using equation from Bosgra et al. 2012, predict skin mass from body surface
#' area.
#' @param BSA Vector of body surface areas in cm^2.
#' @return Vector of skin masses in kg.
#' @references Bosgra, Sieto, et al. "An improved model to predict 
#' physiologically based model parameters and their inter-individual variability 
#' from anthropometry." Critical reviews in toxicology 42.9 (2012): 751-767.
#' \insertRef{ring2017identifying}{httk}
#' @author Caroline Ring
#' @keywords httk-pop
skin_mass_bosgra <- function(BSA){
  wskin <- exp(1.64*(BSA/100^2)-1.93)

#' Predict spleen mass for children
#' For individuals under 18, predict the spleen mass from height, weight, and
#' gender, using equations from Ogiu et al. (1997)
#' @param height Vector of heights in cm.
#' @param weight Vector of weights in kg.
#' @param gender Vector of genders (either 'Male' or 'Female').
#' @references
#' Ogiu, Nobuko, et al. "A statistical analysis of the internal 
#' organ weights of normal Japanese people." Health physics 72.3 (1997): 368-383.
#' Price, Paul S., et al. "Modeling interindividual variation in physiological 
#' factors used in PBPK models of humans." Critical reviews in toxicology 33.5 
#' (2003): 469-503.
#' \insertRef{ring2017identifying}{httk}
#' @author Caroline Ring
#' @keywords httk-pop
#' @return A vector of spleen masses in kg.
spleen_mass_children <- function(height, weight, gender){
  #equations from Ogiu et al. 1997
  #see also Price et al. 2003 (P3M paper)
  sm <- rep(NA, length(gender))
  sm[gender=='Male'] <- (8.75*height[gender=='Male']/100*
                           sqrt(weight[gender=='Male']) +
  sm[gender=='Female'] <- (9.36*height[gender=='Female']/100*
                             sqrt(weight[gender=='Female']) +

#' Predict skeletal muscle mass for children
#' For individuals under age 18, predict skeletal muscle mass from gender and
#' age, using a nonlinear equation from Webber and Barr (2012)
#' @param gender Vector of genders (either 'Male' or 'Female').
#' @param age_years Vector of ages in years.
#' @return Vector of skeletal muscle masses in kg.
#' @references
#' Webber, Colin E., and Ronald D. Barr. "Age-and gender-dependent values of 
#' skeletal muscle mass in healthy children and adolescents." Journal of 
#' cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle 3.1 (2012): 25-29.
#' \insertRef{ring2017identifying}{httk}
#' @author Caroline Ring
#' @keywords httk-pop
skeletal_muscle_mass_children <- function(gender, age_years){
  #Equation from Webber and Barr (2012)
  if (gender=='Male'){
  } else if (gender=='Female'){
  smm <- (C1/(1+(C2*exp(-C3*age_years)))) + (C4/(1+exp(-C5*(age_years-C6))))

#' Predict skeletal muscle mass
#' Predict skeletal muscle mass from age, height, and gender.
#' For individuals over age 18, use allometrically-scaled muscle mass with an
#' age-based scaling factor, to account for loss of muscle mass with age
#' (Janssen et al. 2000). For individuals under age 18, use
#' \code{\link{skeletal_muscle_mass_children}}.
#' @param smm Vector of allometrically-scaled skeletal muscle masses.
#' @param age_years Vector of ages in years.
#' @param height Vector of heights in cm.
#' @param gender Vector of genders, either 'Male' or 'Female.'
#' @return Vector of skeletal muscle masses in kg.
#' @seealso \code{\link{skeletal_muscle_mass_children}}
#' @references
#' Janssen, Ian, et al. "Skeletal muscle mass and distribution in 468 men and
#' women aged 18-88 yer." Journal of Applied Physiology 89.1 (2000): 81-88
#' \insertRef{ring2017identifying}{httk}
#' @author Caroline Ring
#' @keywords httk-pop
skeletal_muscle_mass <- function(smm, age_years, height, gender){
  #Age-related decrease in skeletal muscle mass
  #Janssen et al. 2000 (see Figure 2)
  smm[gender=='Male' &
        age_years>18] <- smm[gender=='Male' &
                         age_years>18] -
    0.001*age_years[gender=='Male' &
  smm[gender=='Female' &
        age_years>18] <- smm[gender=='Female' &
                         age_years>18] -
    0.001*age_years[gender=='Female' &
  #below cutoff age use equation based on gender and age
  smm[gender=='Male' &
        age_years<=18]  <- skeletal_muscle_mass_children(gender='Male', 
                                                   age_years=age_years[gender=='Male' &
  smm[gender=='Female' &
        age_years<=18]  <- skeletal_muscle_mass_children(gender='Female', 
                                                   age_years=age_years[gender=='Female' &

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