# **********************************************************
# Author : Ezequiel Toum
# Licence : GPL V3
# Institution : IANIGLA-CONICET
# e-mail :
# **********************************************************
# hydrotoolbox package is distributed in the hope that it
# will be useful but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
# **********************************************************
#' Load native data files automatically
#' @description The method allows you to automatically load your native data
#' inside the \code{hydromet_station} slots.
#' @param obj a valid \code{hydromet_station} class object.
#' @param path string vector with the path(s) to the \code{file_name} argument.
#' If you set a single string it will be recycled for all the files.
#' @param file_name string vector with the native file(s) name(s).
#' @param slot_name string vector with the slot(s) where to set the file(s) or sheet(s).
#' @param by string vector with the time step of the series (e.g.: 'month',
#' day', '6 hour', '3 hour', '1 hour', '15 min' ). If you set it as \code{"none"},
#' the function will ignore automatic gap filling. If you set a single string,
#' it will be recycled for all the files.
#' @param out_name optional. A list containing string vectors with user
#' defined variable(s) column(s) name(s). The list length should be
#' equal to the \code{slot_name} length.
#' @param sheet Sheet to read (only excel files). Either a string vector
#' (the name of a sheet) or an integer vector (the position of the sheet).
#' This argument just make sense for excel files.
#' @param FUN function name for reading the data (e.g.: \code{read_csv()}). The method
#' will always use the \code{path + file} as first argument(s) to \code{FUN}.
#' @param ... \code{FUN} arguments to pass.
#' @return A \code{hydromet_station} object with the required data loaded inside.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # you can download the data from:
#' #
#' # set the data path
#' my_path <- "./home/my_folder/my_data"
#'# Rectangular data
#'# txt, csv, csv2 and others.
#'# See readr package.
#'#* Case 1: single file - many numeric variables
#'hm_create() %>%
#' hm_build_generic(path = my_path,
#' file_name = "ianigla_cuevas.csv",
#' slot_name = c("tair", "rh", "patm",
#' "precip", "wspd", "wdir",
#' "kin", "hsnow", "tsoil"),
#' by = c("hour"),
#' FUN = read_csv,
#' col_select = !Est & !YJday & ! & !bat.Volts
#' ) %>%
#' hm_show()
#' #* Case 2: multiple files (one per observation)
#'hm_create() %>%
#' hm_build_generic(path = my_path,
#' file_name = c("h_relativa_cuevas.csv",
#' "p_atm_cuevas.csv",
#' "precip_total_cuevas.csv",
#' "temp_aire_cuevas.csv",
#' "vel_viento_cuevas.csv"),
#' slot_name = c("rh", "patm", "precip",
#' "tair", "wspd"),
#' by = c("hour", "45 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "15 min"),
#' FUN = read_csv ) %>%
#' hm_show()
#'# Excel files
#'# Recommended package => readxl
#'#* Case 1: single file - one sheet - many numeric variables
#'hm_create() %>%
#' hm_build_generic(path = my_path,
#' file_name = "mnemos_guido.xlsx",
#' slot_name = c("qd"),
#' by = c("day"),
#' FUN = read_excel,
#' sheet = 1L,
#' skip = 3,
#' out_name = list("q_m3/s")
#' ) %>% hm_show()
#'#* Case 2: single file - multiple sheets (one per variable)
#'hm_create() %>%
#' hm_build_generic(path = my_path,
#' file_name = "mnemos_guido.xlsx",
#' slot_name = c("qd", "evap", "tair",
#' "tmax", "tmin"),
#' by = c(q = "day", evap = "day", tair = "6 hour",
#' tmax = "day", tmin = "day"),
#' FUN = read_excel,
#' sheet = c(1L:5L),
#' skip = 3,
#' out_name = list( c("q_m3/s", "flag"),
#' c("evap_mm", "flag"),
#' c("tair", "flag"),
#' c("tmax", "flag"),
#' c("tmin", "flag")
#' )
#' ) %>%
#' hm_show()
#'#* Case 3: multiple files - one sheet per file
#'hm_create() %>%
#' hm_build_generic(path = my_path,
#' file_name = c("discharge_daily.xlsx",
#' "air_teperature_subdaily.xlsx"),
#' slot_name = c("qd", "tair"),
#' by = c(q = "day", tair = "6 hour"),
#' FUN = read_excel,
#' sheet = c(1L, 1L),
#' skip = 3,
#' out_name = list( c("q_m3/s", "flag"),
#' c("tair", "flag"))
#' ) %>%
#' hm_show()
setGeneric(name = 'hm_build_generic',
def = function(obj,
by = "none",
out_name = NULL,
sheet = NULL,
FUN, ...)
#' @describeIn hm_build_generic build method for hydromet station object
## station
setMethod(f = 'hm_build_generic',
signature = 'hydromet_station',
definition = function(obj,
by = "none",
out_name = NULL,
sheet = NULL,
FUN, ...){
#* conditionals
#* obj
check_class(argument = obj,
target = 'hydromet_station',
arg_name = 'obj')
#* file_name
check_class(argument = file_name,
target = 'character',
arg_name = 'file_name')
#* path (invert the order because length issue)
check_class(argument = path,
target = 'character',
arg_name = 'path')
check_length(argument = path,
max_allow = length(file_name),
arg_name = 'path')
#* check the file(s) existence
check_string(argument = file_name,
target = list.files(path = path),
arg_name = 'file_name')
#* slot_name
check_class(argument = slot_name,
target = 'character',
arg_name = 'slot_name')
check_string(argument = slot_name,
target = setdiff(
x = slotNames("hydromet_station"),
y = slotNames("hydromet")
arg_name = 'slot_name')
#* by
check_class(argument = by,
target = 'character',
arg_name = 'by')
#* out_name (now is a list - for multiple files or sheets)
if( !is.null(out_name) ){
check_class(argument = out_name,
target = "list",
arg_name = "out_name")
#* check that every argument inside the list
#* is a character
n_list <- length(out_name)
for(i in 1:n_list){
check_class(argument = out_name[[i]],
target = "character",
arg_name = paste0( out_name[[i]]) )
#* check that every slot has an out_name
check_cross(ref_arg = slot_name,
eval_arg = out_name,
arg_names = c("slot_name", "out_name"))
#* sheet
if( !is.null(sheet) ){
check_class(argument = sheet,
target = c("character", "integer"),
arg_name = "sheet")
check_cross(ref_arg = slot_name,
eval_arg = sheet,
arg_names = c("slot_name", "sheet"))
#* function
n_files <- length(file_name)
excel_file <- ifelse(is.null(sheet), FALSE, TRUE)
my_station <- hm_create()
if( excel_file == FALSE ){
#* non-excel files
#* note: csv, csv2, txt, delim, lsv, fwf
#* and so on...
if(n_files == 1){
#* case 1: one file - many variables
full_path <- paste0(path, "/", file_name)
#1 load table
tb_raw <- FUN(full_path, ...)
#2 variable distribution
n_slots <- length(slot_name)
for(i in 1:n_slots){
tb_aux <- tb_raw[ , c(1, i+1)]
# assign col names
if( !is.null(out_name) ){
colnames(tb_aux) <- c("date", out_name[[i]])
# fill?
if( by != "none" ){
check_length(argument = by,
max_allow = 1,
arg_name = "by")
tb_aux <-
tb_aux %>%
fill_table(by = by)
out_txt <- paste0("hm_set(obj = my_station,",
slot_name[i], '=', "tb_aux", ")")
my_station <- eval( parse(text = out_txt) )
rm(tb_aux, out_txt)
# return object
validObject(object = my_station)
} else if(n_files > 1){
#* case 2: multiple file (one per variable)
if( !is.null(by) ){
check_length(argument = by,
max_allow = n_files,
arg_name = "by")
if( length(by) != n_files ){
# recycle
message("Recycling the first element in by argument...")
by <- rep(by[1], n_files)
for(i in 1:n_files){
full_path <- paste0(path, "/", file_name[i])
#1 load table
tb_raw <- FUN(full_path, ...) # this is the table
# fill?
if( by[i] != "none" ){
# con la segunda condición me aseguro
# que con el string vacío no rellene.
tb_raw <-
tb_raw %>%
fill_table(by = by[i])
#2 variable distribution
# assign col names
if( !is.null(out_name) ){
colnames(tb_raw) <- c("date", out_name[[i]])
# set table in slot
out_txt <- paste0("hm_set(obj = my_station,",
slot_name[i], '=', "tb_raw", ")")
my_station <- eval( parse(text = out_txt) )
rm(full_path, tb_raw, out_txt)
# return object
validObject(object = my_station)
} else if(excel_file == TRUE){
#* excel files
n_sheets <- length(sheet)
if( n_files == 1){
if(n_sheets == 1){
#* case 1 : one file - one sheet - all variables
full_path <- paste0(path, "/", file_name)
#1 load table
tb_raw <- FUN(full_path, sheet = sheet, ...)
#2 variable distribution
n_slots <- length(slot_name)
for(i in 1:n_slots){
tb_aux <- tb_raw[ , c(1, i+1)]
# assign col names
if( !is.null(out_name) ){
colnames(tb_aux) <- c("date", out_name[[i]])
# fill?
if( by != "none" ){
check_length(argument = by,
max_allow = 1,
arg_name = "by")
tb_aux <-
tb_aux %>%
fill_table(by = by)
out_txt <- paste0("hm_set(obj = my_station,",
slot_name[i], '=', "tb_aux", ")")
my_station <- eval( parse(text = out_txt) )
rm(tb_aux, out_txt)
# return object
validObject(object = my_station)
} else {
#* case 2 : one file - n sheets (one per variable)
full_path <- paste0(path, "/", file_name)
#2 variable distribution
n_slots <- length(slot_name)
check_cross(ref_arg = slot_name,
eval_arg = sheet,
arg_names = "sheet")
if( !is.null(by) ){
check_length(argument = by,
max_allow = n_slots,
arg_name = "by")
if( length(by) != n_slots ){
# recycle
message("Recycling the first element in by argument...")
by <- rep(by[1], n_sheets)
for(i in 1:n_slots){
#1 load table
tb_raw <- FUN(full_path, sheet = sheet[i],
...) # this is the table
# fill?
if( by[i] != "none" ){
tb_raw <-
tb_raw %>%
fill_table(by = by[i])
#2 variable distribution
# assign col names
if( !is.null(out_name) ){
colnames(tb_raw) <- c("date", out_name[[i]])
# set table in slot
out_txt <- paste0("hm_set(obj = my_station,",
slot_name[i], '=', "tb_raw", ")")
my_station <- eval( parse(text = out_txt) )
rm(tb_raw, out_txt)
# return object
validObject(object = my_station)
} else {
#* case 3 : multiple files - one sheet - one variable
#2 variable distribution
n_slots <- length(slot_name)
check_cross(ref_arg = slot_name,
eval_arg = sheet,
arg_names = c("slot_name", "sheet")
check_cross(ref_arg = file_name,
eval_arg = slot_name,
arg_names = c("file_name", "slot_name")
full_path <- paste0(path, "/", file_name)
if( !is.null(by) ){
check_length(argument = by,
max_allow = n_slots,
arg_name = "by")
if( length(by) != n_slots ){
# recycle
message("Recycling the first element in by argument...")
by <- rep(by[1], n_files)
for(i in 1:n_slots){
#1 load table
tb_raw <- FUN(full_path[i], sheet = sheet[i],
...) # this is the table
# fill?
if( by[i] != "none" ){
tb_raw <-
tb_raw %>%
fill_table(by = by[i])
#2 variable distribution
# assign col names
if( !is.null(out_name) ){
colnames(tb_raw) <- c("date", out_name[[i]])
# set table in slot
out_txt <- paste0("hm_set(obj = my_station,",
slot_name[i], '=', "tb_raw", ")")
my_station <- eval( parse(text = out_txt) )
rm(tb_raw, out_txt)
# return object
validObject(object = my_station)
} # end definition
)# end method
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