
Defines functions fill_table

Documented in fill_table

# **********************************************************
# Author       : Ezequiel Toum
# Licence      : GPL V3
# Institution  : IANIGLA-CONICET
# e-mail       : etoum@mendoza-conicet.gob.ar
# **********************************************************
# hydrotoolbox package is distributed in the hope that it
# will be useful but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
# **********************************************************
#' Find non-reported dates and fill them with \code{NA_*}
#' @description Automatically finds non recorded date periods and fills
#'  them with \code{NA_real_} values.
#' @param x data frame (or tibble) with class \code{Date} or \code{POSIX*}
#'  in the first column.
#' @param col_name string with column(s) name(s) to fill.
#' @param by string with a valid time step (e.g.: \code{"month",
#' "day", "6 hour", "3 hour", "1 hour", "15 min"}).
#' @return A data frame (or tibble) with the date and the filled numeric variable(s).
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # let's use a synthetic example to illustrate the use of the function
#' dates <- seq.Date(from = as.Date('1980-01-01'),
#'                  to = as.Date('2020-01-01'), by = 'day' )
#' var   <- runif(n = length(dates), min = 0, max = 100)
#' met_var <- data.frame(date = dates, random = var)[-c(50:100, 251, 38) , ]
#' met_var_fill <- fill_table(x = met_var, by = 'day')
fill_table <- function(x, col_name = 'all', by = NULL){
  #* conditionals
  #* x
  check_class(argument = x,
              target = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"),
              arg_name = 'x')

  check_class(argument = x[ , 1, drop = TRUE],
              target = c('Date', 'POSIXct', 'POSIXlt'),
              arg_name = 'x[ , 1]')

  # es necesario esto?
  # check_class(argument = c( as.matrix( x[ , -1] ) ),
  #             target = 'numeric', arg_name = 'x[ , -1]')

  #* col_name
  check_class(argument = col_name,
              target = 'character',
              arg_name = 'col_name')

  check_string(argument = col_name,
               target = c('all', colnames(x)[-1]),
               arg_name = 'col_name' )

    #* set first column as 'date'
  colnames(x) <- c('date', colnames(x)[-1] )

    #* arrange col_name arg if all
    if(col_name == 'all'){
      col_name <- colnames(x)

    } else{
      col_name <- c('date', col_name) # to include date column

  #* by
  check_class(argument = by,
              target = 'character',
              arg_name = 'by')

  check_length(argument = by,
               max_allow = 1,
               arg_name = 'by')

  #* function
  #* subset x to the required col_name arg
  table_s <- subset(x = x, select = col_name )

  #* first and last date
  n_row <- nrow(table_s)

  time_min <- table_s[1, 1, drop = TRUE]
  time_max <- table_s[n_row, 1, drop = TRUE]

  #* create complete time sequence
  hour_flag <- length( grep(pattern = 'hour', x = by) )
  min_flag  <- length( grep(pattern = 'min', x = by) )

    # if necessary coerce as.Date
  if( hour_flag == 0 & min_flag == 0 ){

    all_dates <- seq(from = as.Date( time_min ),
                     to = as.Date( time_max ),
                     by = by)

    # por si las fechas (no horarias), vienen cono datetime
    table_s$date <- as.Date(table_s$date)

  } else {
    time_zone <- attr(x = time_max, which = "tzone")

    all_dates <- seq(from = as.POSIXct( as.character(time_min),
                                        tz = time_zone ),
                     to = as.POSIXct( as.character(time_max),
                                      tz = time_zone),
                     by = by)


 #* merge data.frames
 if( class(x)[1] == "data.frame" ){
   table_out <-
     data.frame(date = all_dates) %>%
     merge(y = table_s, all.x = TRUE) %>%

 } else{
   table_out <-
     data.frame(date = all_dates) %>%
     merge(y = table_s, all.x = TRUE) %>%
     unique.data.frame() %>%

  #* return table


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hydrotoolbox documentation built on April 14, 2023, 12:34 a.m.