
iC10 <-
function (x, seed = 25435) 
    CN <- x$CN
    Exp <- x$Exp
    if (is.null(CN) & is.null(Exp)) {
        stop("Need to provide at least one source of data\n")
    if (!is.null(CN)) {
        if (!is.null(Exp)) {
            cat("running classifier with copy number and expression...\n")
            Exp <- as.matrix(Exp)
            rownames(x$train.CN) <- paste(rownames(x$train.CN), 
                "CN", sep = "_")
            rownames(x$train.Exp) <- paste(rownames(x$train.Exp), 
                "Exp", sep = "_")
            rownames(CN) <- paste(rownames(CN), "CN", sep = "_")
            rownames(Exp) <- paste(rownames(Exp), "Exp", sep = "_")
            data.pamr <- list(x = as.matrix(rbind(x$train.CN, 
                x$train.Exp)), y = x$train.iC10, genenames = c(rownames(x$train.CN), 
            model.train <- pamr.train(data.pamr)
            New <- rbind(CN, Exp)
            New <- impute.knn(New)$data
            cv <- pamr.cv(model.train, data = data.pamr)
            thr <- cv$threshold[which.min(cv$error)]
            Pred <- pamr.predict(model.train, newx = New, threshold = thr, 
                type = "class")
            Prob <- pamr.predict(model.train, newx = New, threshold = thr, 
                type = "posterior")
            Centroids <- pamr.predict(model.train, newx = New, 
                threshold = thr, type = "cent")
            names(Pred) <- colnames(New)
            cl.type <- "CN+Exp"
        else {
            cat("running classifier with only copy number...\n")
            if (sum(is.na(CN)) > 0) {
                ids <- which(apply(CN, 1, function(x) any(is.na(x))))
                x$train.CN <- x$train.CN[-ids, ]
                CN <- CN[-ids,,drop=F]
            rownames(x$train.CN) <- paste(rownames(x$train.CN), 
                "CN", sep = "_")
            rownames(CN) <- paste(rownames(CN), "CN", sep = "_")
            data.pamr <- list(x = as.matrix(x$train.CN), y = x$train.iC10, 
                genenames = rownames(x$train.CN))
            model.train <- pamr.train(data.pamr)
            New <- CN
            cv <- pamr.cv(model.train, data = data.pamr)
            thr <- cv$threshold[which.min(cv$error)]
            Pred <- pamr.predict(model.train, newx = New, threshold = thr, 
                type = "class")
            Prob <- pamr.predict(model.train, newx = New, threshold = thr, 
                type = "posterior")
            Centroids <- pamr.predict(model.train, newx = New, 
                threshold = thr, type = "cent")
            names(Pred) <- colnames(New)
            cl.type <- "CN"
    else {
        cat("running classifier with only expression...\n")
        Exp <- as.matrix(Exp)
        New <- as.matrix(Exp)
        rownames(x$train.Exp) <- paste(rownames(x$train.Exp), 
            "Exp", sep = "_")
        x$train.Exp <- impute.knn(as.matrix(x$train.Exp))$data
        data.pamr <- list(x = as.matrix(x$train.Exp), y = x$train.iC10, 
            genenames = rownames(x$train.Exp))
        New <- impute.knn(New)$data
        model.train <- pamr.train(data.pamr)
        cv <- pamr.cv(model.train, data = data.pamr)
        thr <- cv$threshold[which.min(cv$error)]
        Pred <- pamr.predict(model.train, newx = New, threshold = thr, 
            type = "class")
        Prob <- pamr.predict(model.train, newx = New, threshold = thr, 
            type = "posterior")
        Centroids <- pamr.predict(model.train, newx = New, threshold = thr, 
            type = "cent")
        names(Pred) <- colnames(New)
        cl.type <- "Exp"
    res <- list(class = Pred, posterior = Prob, centroids = Centroids, 
        fitted = New, map.cn = x$map.cn, map.exp = x$map.exp)
    attr(res, "classifier.type") <- cl.type
    attr(res, "CN.by.feat") <- attr(x, "CN.by.feat")
    attr(res, "Exp.by.feat") <- attr(x, "Exp.by.feat")
    attr(res, "ref") <- attr(x, "ref")
    class(res) <- "iC10"


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iC10 documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:22 p.m.