# Author: Qunhua Li
# Affiliation: UC Berkeley, Peter Bickel's group
# Reference:
# Q. Li, J. B. Brown, H. Huang and P. J. Bickel. (2011)
# Measuring reproducibility of high-throughput experiments.
# Annals of Applied Statistics. In press.
# Upon using this code, you automatically agree to cite the reference above
# in all publications that include results generated from this code or this
# R code itself.
# License: GPL-2
est.IDR <-
function(x, mu, sigma, rho, p, eps=0.001, max.ite=30){
# This is the main function estimates parameters from the copula mixture models
# Input:
# x: a m x n numeric matrix, where m is the number of replicates and n is
# the number of entries on each replicate
# mu, sigma, rho, p: starting values for mean, sd, correlation coefficient
# and mixing proportion of the reproducible component
# Output:
# (p, rho, mu, sigma): estimates
# loglik: the mixture likelihood at the end of iterations
# bic: bic
# e.z: proterior probability for each observation to be reproducible, i.e.
# 1-local idr
# loglik.trace: the trace of mixture likelihood
# Implementation details: iterate between the following two steps:
# 1. raw values are first transformed into pseudovalues
# 2. EM is used to compute the underlining structure, which is a mixture
# of two normals
conv <- function(old,new) abs(new-old) < eps*(1+abs(new))
x1 <- x[, 1]
x2 <- x[, 2]
x1.cdf.func <- ecdf(x1)
x2.cdf.func <- ecdf(x2)
afactor <- length(x1)/(length(x1) + 1)
x1.cdf <- x1.cdf.func(x1) * afactor
x2.cdf <- x2.cdf.func(x2) * afactor
para <- list()
para$mu <- mu
para$sigma <- sigma
para$rho <- rho
para$p <- p
j <- 1 <- TRUE
loglik.trace <- c()
loglik.inner.trace <- c()
z.1 <- get.pseudo.mix(x1.cdf, para$mu, para$sigma, para$rho,
z.2 <- get.pseudo.mix(x2.cdf, para$mu, para$sigma, para$rho,
while ( {
i <- 1
while ( {
e.z <- e.step.2normal(z.1, z.2, para$mu, para$sigma,
para$rho, para$p)
para <- m.step.2normal(z.1, z.2, e.z)
if (i > 1)
l.old <- <- loglik.2binormal(z.1, z.2, para$mu, para$sigma,
para$rho, para$p)
loglik.inner.trace[i] <-
if (i > 1) { <- !conv(loglik.inner.trace[i-1],loglik.inner.trace[i])
i <- i + 1
z.1 <- get.pseudo.mix(x1.cdf, para$mu, para$sigma, para$rho,
z.2 <- get.pseudo.mix(x2.cdf, para$mu, para$sigma, para$rho,
if (j > 1)
l.old.outer <- <- loglik.2binormal(z.1, z.2, para$mu, para$sigma,
para$rho, para$p)
loglik.trace[j] <-
if (j == 1) <- TRUE
else {
if (j > max.ite) <- FALSE
else <- !conv(l.old.outer,
j <- j + 1
idr <- 1 - e.z
o <- order(idr)
idr.o <- idr[o]
idr.rank <- rank(idr.o, ties.method = "max")
top.mean <- function(index, x) {
IDR.o <- sapply(idr.rank, top.mean, idr.o)
IDR <- idr
IDR[o] <- IDR.o
return(list(para = list(p = para$p, rho = para$rho, mu = para$mu,
sigma = para$sigma), loglik =, loglik.trace = loglik.trace,
idr = 1 - e.z, IDR = IDR))
#est.IDR.hist <- function(x, mu, sigma, rho, p, eps, max.ite=30){
# currently it is a placeholder, to add real function
# est <- est.IDR(x, mu, sigma, rho, p, eps, max.ite=30)
# return(est)
#est.IDR.discrete <- function(x, mu, sigma, rho, p, eps, max.ite=30){
# currently it is a placeholder, to add real function
# est <- est.IDR(x, mu, sigma, rho, p, eps, max.ite=30)
# return(est)
select.IDR <-
function(x, IDR.x, IDR.level){
# Select observations that exceeding a given IDR level
# Input:
# x: a m by n numeric matrix, where m= num of replicates,
# n=num of observations. Numerical values representing the
# significance of the observations, where signals are expected to have
# large values, for example, -log(p-value). Currently, m=2.
# IDR.x: Irreproducibile discovery rate for each entry of x.
# It is computed from est.IDR().
# IDR.level: IDR cutoff, a numerical value between [0,1].
# Output:
# x: Observations that are selected.
# n: Number of observations that are selected.
# IDR.level: IDR cutoff, a numerical value between [0,1].
is.selected <- IDR.x < IDR.level
x.selected <- x[is.selected,]
n.selected <- nrow(x.selected)
return(list(x=x.selected, n=n.selected, IDR.level=IDR.level))
get.correspondence <-
function(x1, x2, t, spline.df=NULL){
# compute the correspondence profile
# Input:
# x1: Data values or ranks of the data values on list 1, a vector of
# numeric values. Large values need to be significant signals. If small
# values represent significant signals, rank the signals reversely
# (e.g. by ranking negative values) and use the rank as x1.
# x2: Data values or ranks of the data values on list 2, a vector of
# numeric values. Large values need to be significant signals. If small
# values represent significant signals, rank the signals reversely
# (e.g. by ranking negative values) and use the rank as x1.
# t: A numeric vector between 0 and 1 in ascending order. t is the
# right-tail percentage.
# spline.df: Degree of freedom for spline, to control the smoothness of the
# smoothed curve.
# Output:
# psi: the correspondence profile in terms of the scale of percentage,
# i.e. between (0, 1)
# dpsi: the derivative of the correspondence profile in terms of the scale
# of percentage, i.e. between (0, 1)}
# psi.n: the correspondence profile in terms of the scale of the number of
# observations
# dpsi.n: the derivative of the correspondence profile in terms of the scale
# of the number of observations}
# Each object above is a list consisting of the following items:
# t: upper percentage (for psi and dpsi) or number of top ranked
# observations (for psi.n and dpsi.n)
# value: psi or dpsi
# smoothed.line: smoothing spline
# ntotal: the number of observations
# jump.point: the index of the vector of t such that psi(t[jump.point])
# jumps up due to ties at the low values. This only
# happends when data consists of a large number of discrete
# values, e.g. values imputed for observations
# appearing on only one replicate.
psi.dpsi <- get.uri.2d(x1, x2, t, t, spline.df)
psi <- list(t=psi.dpsi$tv[,1], value=psi.dpsi$uri,
smoothed.line=psi.dpsi$uri.spl, ntotal=psi.dpsi$ntotal,
dpsi <- list(t=psi.dpsi$t.binned, value=psi.dpsi$uri.slope,
smoothed.line=psi.dpsi$uri.der, ntotal=psi.dpsi$ntotal,
psi.n <- list(t=psi$t*psi$ntotal, value=psi$value*psi$ntotal,
ntotal=psi$ntotal, jump.point=psi$jump.point)
dpsi.n <- list(t=dpsi$t*dpsi$ntotal, value=dpsi$value,
ntotal=dpsi$ntotal, jump.point=dpsi$jump.point)
return(list(psi=psi, dpsi=dpsi, psi.n=psi.n, dpsi.n=dpsi.n))
get.uri.2d <-
function(x1, x2, tt, vv, spline.df=NULL){
o <- order(x1, x2, decreasing=TRUE)
# sort x2 by the order of x1
x2.ordered <- x2[o]
tv <- cbind(tt, vv)
ntotal <- length(x1) # number of peaks
uri <- apply(tv, 1, comp.uri, x=x2.ordered)
# compute the derivative of URI vs t using small bins
uri.binned <- uri[seq(1, length(uri), by=4)]
tt.binned <- tt[seq(1, length(uri), by=4)]
uri.slope <- (uri.binned[2:(length(uri.binned))] - uri.binned[1:(length(uri.binned)-1)])/(tt.binned[2:(length(uri.binned))] - tt.binned[1:(length(tt.binned)-1)])
# smooth uri using spline
# first find where the jump is and don't fit the jump
# this is the index on the left
# jump.left.old <- which.max(uri[-1]-uri[-length(uri)])
short.list.length <- min(sum(x1>0)/length(x1), sum(x2>0)/length(x2))
if(short.list.length < max(tt)){
jump.left <- which(tt>short.list.length)[1]-1
} else {
jump.left <- which.max(tt)
# reversed.index <- seq(length(tt), 1, by=-1)
# nequal <- sum(uri[reversed.index]== tt[reversed.index])
# temp <- which(uri[reversed.index]== tt[reversed.index])[nequal]
# jump.left <- length(tt)-temp
if(jump.left < 6){
jump.left <- length(tt)
uri.spl <- smooth.spline(tt[1:jump.left], uri[1:jump.left], df=6.4)
uri.spl <- smooth.spline(tt[1:jump.left], uri[1:jump.left], df=spline.df)
# predict the first derivative
uri.der <- predict(uri.spl, tt[1:jump.left], deriv=1)
invisible(list(tv=tv, uri=uri,
uri.slope=uri.slope, t.binned=tt.binned[2:length(uri.binned)],
uri.spl=uri.spl, uri.der=uri.der, jump.left=jump.left,
#plot.correspondence <-
# function(corr.profile, plot.type, plot.all){
# Plot the correspondence profile for the output from get.correspondence()
# Input:
# corr.profile: correspondence profile computed from get.correspondence()
# plot.type: "uri", "duri", "uri.n", "duri.n"
# "uri": upper rank intersection (y-axis) vs t (x-axis), where t is
# the percentage from upper side. This is the psi plot in the
# reference paper.
# "duri": derivative of upper rank intersaction (y-axis) vs t (x-axis).
# This is the psi' plot in the reference paper
# "uri.n": same as "uri", except that x-axis is the number of
# observations
# "duri.n": same as "duri", except that x-axis is the number of
# observations
# plot.all: logical value.
# If the rank lists consist of a large number of ties at the bottom
# (e.g. the same low value is imputed to the list for the observations
# that appear on only one list), it may be desirable to plot only
# observations before hitting the ties. True: plot all observations.
# False: plot observations before hitting the ties.
# if(plot.type=="uri"){
# plot correspondence curve on the scale of percentage
# if(plot.all){
# plot(corr.profile$psi$t, corr.profile$psi$value, xlab="t", ylab="psi", xlim=c(0, max(corr.profile$psi$t)), ylim=c(0, max(corr.profile$psi$value)), cex.lab=2)
# lines(corr.profile$psi$smoothed.line, lwd=4)
# abline(coef=c(0,1), lty=3)
# } else {
# If the rank lists consist of a large number of ties at the bottom
# (e.g. the same low value is imputed to the list for the observations
# that appear on only one list), it may be desirable to plot only
# observations before hitting the ties. Then it can be plotted using the
# following
# plot(corr.profile$psi$t[1:corr.profile$psi$jump.point], corr.profile$psi$value[1:corr.profile$psi$jump.point], xlab="t", ylab="psi", xlim=c(0, max(corr.profile$psi$t[1:corr.profile$psi$jump.point])), ylim=c(0, max(corr.profile$psi$value[1:corr.profile$psi$jump.point])), cex.lab=2)
# lines(corr.profile$psi$smoothed.line, lwd=4)
# abline(coef=c(0,1), lty=3)
# }
# } else {
# if(plot.type=="duri"){
# plot the derivative of correspondence curve on the scale of percentage
# plot(corr.profile$dpsi$t, corr.profile$dpsi$value, xlab="t", ylab="psi'", xlim=c(0, max(corr.profile$dpsi$t)), ylim=c(0, max(corr.profile$dpsi$value)), cex.lab=2)
# lines(corr.profile$dpsi$smoothed.line, lwd=4)
# abline(h=1, lty=3)
# } else {
# if(plot.type=="uri.n"){
# plot correspondence curve on the scale of the number of observations
# plot(corr.profile$psi.n$t, corr.profile$psi.n$value, xlab="t", ylab="psi", xlim=c(0, max(corr.profile$psi.n$t)), ylim=c(0, max(corr.profile$psi.n$value)), cex.lab=2)
# lines(corr.profile$psi.n$smoothed.line, lwd=4)
# abline(coef=c(0,1), lty=3)
# } else {
# plot the derivative of correspondence curve on the scale of the
# number of observations
# plot(corr.profile$dpsi.n$t, corr.profile$dpsi.n$value, xlab="t", ylab="psi'", xlim=c(0, max(corr.profile$dpsi.n$t)), ylim=c(0, max(corr.profile$dpsi.n$value)), cex.lab=2)
# lines(corr.profile$dpsi.n$smoothed.line, lwd=4)
# abline(h=1, lty=3)
# }
# }
# }
##################### start internal functions #############
comp.uri <-
function(tv, x){
# Internal function
# Compute the value of Psi and Psi' for a given t
# An internal function to compute Psi for a given (t, v)
# Input:
# tv: A vector of two numeric values, t and v. Both t and v are in [0,1]
# x: A numeric vector of x, sorted by the order of y
# Output:
# A numeric value of Psi(t, v)
n <- length(x)
qt <- quantile(x, prob=1-tv[1]) # tv[1] is t
sum(x[1:ceiling(n*tv[2])] >= qt)/n
d.binormal <-
function(z.1, z.2, mu, sigma, rho){
# Internal function
# Compute the log-density for parameterized bivariate Gaussian
# distribution N(mu, mu, sigma, sigma, rho).
# Input:
# z.1: a numerical data vector on coordinate 1.
# z.2: a numerical data vector on coordinate 1.
# mu: mean
# sigma: standard deviation
# rho: correlation coefficient
# Output:
# Log density of bivariate Gaussian distribution
# N(mu, mu, sigma, sigma, rho).
loglik <- (-log(2)-log(pi)-2*log(sigma) - log(1-rho^2)/2 - (0.5/(1-rho^2)/sigma^2)*((z.1-mu)^2 -2*rho*(z.1-mu)*(z.2-mu) + (z.2-mu)^2))
e.step.2normal <-
function(z.1, z.2, mu, sigma, rho, p){
# Internal function
# Expectation step in the EM algorithm for parameterized bivariate
# 2-component Gaussian mixture models with (1-p)N(0, 0, 1, 1, 0) +
# pN(mu, mu, sigma, sigma, rho).
# Input:
# z.1: a numerical data vector on coordinate 1.
# z.2: a numerical data vector on coordinate 2.
# mu: mean for the reproducible component.
# sigma: standard deviation of the reproducible component.
# rho: correlation coefficient of the reproducible component.
# p: mixing proportion of the reproducible component.
# Output:
# e.z: a numeric vector, where each entry represents the estimated expected
# conditional probability that an observation is in the reproducible
# component.
e.z <- p/((1-p)*exp(d.binormal(z.1, z.2, 0, 1, 0)-d.binormal(z.1, z.2, mu, sigma, rho))+ p)
get.pseudo.mix <-
function(x, mu, sigma, rho, p){
# Internal function
# Compute the pseudo values of a mixture model from the empirical CDF
# Input:
# x: A vector of values of empirical CDF
# mu: Mean of the reproducible component in the mixture model on the
# latent space
# sigma: Standard deviation of the reproducible component in the mixture
# model on the latent space
# rho: Correlation coefficient of the reproducible component in the
# mixture model on the latent space
# p: Mixing proportion of the reproducible component in the mixture model
# on the latent space
# Output:
# The values of a mixture model corresponding to the empirical CDF
# first compute cdf for points on the grid
# generate 200 points between [-3, mu+3*sigma]
nw <- 1000
w <- seq(min(-3, mu-3*sigma), max(mu+3*sigma, 3), length=nw)
w.cdf <- p*pnorm(w, mean=mu, sd=sigma) + (1-p)*pnorm(w, mean=0, sd=1)
i <- 1
quan.x <- rep(NA, length(x))
for(i in c(1:nw)){
index <- which(x >= w.cdf[i] & x < w.cdf[i+1])
quan.x[index] <- (x[index]-w.cdf[i])*(w[i+1]-w[i])/(w.cdf[i+1]-w.cdf[i]) +w[i]
index <- which(x < w.cdf[1])
quan.x[index] <- w[1]
index <- which(x > w.cdf[nw])
quan.x[index] <- w[nw]
loglik.2binormal <-
function(z.1, z.2, mu, sigma, rho, p){
# Internal function
# Compute the log-likelihood for parameterized bivariate 2-component Gaussian
# mixture models with (1-p)N(0, 0, 1, 1, 0) + pN(mu, mu, sigma,sigma, rho).
# Input:
# z.1: a numerical data vector on coordinate 1.
# z.2: a numerical data vector on coordinate 1.
# mu: mean for the reproducible component.
# sigma: standard deviation of the reproducible component.
# rho: correlation coefficient of the reproducible component.
# p: mixing proportion of the reproducible component.
# Output:
# Log-likelihood of the bivariate 2-component Gaussian mixture models
# $(1-p)N(0, 0, 1, 1, 0) + N(mu, mu, sigma, sigma, rho)$.
l.m <- sum(d.binormal(z.1, z.2, 0, 1, 0)+log(p*exp(d.binormal(z.1, z.2, mu, sigma, rho)-d.binormal(z.1, z.2, 0, 1, 0))+(1-p)))
m.step.2normal <-
function(z.1, z.2, e.z){
# Internal function
# Maximization step in the EM algorithm for parameterized bivariate
# 2-component Gaussian mixture models with $(1-p)N(0, 0, 1, 1, 0) +
# pN(mu, mu, sigma^2, sigma^2, rho)$.
# Input:
# z.1: a numerical data vector on coordinate 1.
# z.2: a numerical data vector on coordinate 2.
# e.z: a vector of expected conditional probability that the $i$th
# observation is reproducible.
# Output:
# Estimated parameters, basically a list including elements
# p: the estimated mixing proportion of the reproducible component.
# mu: the estimated mean for the reproducible component.
# sigma: the estimated standard deviation of the reproducible component.
# rho: the estimated correlation coefficient of the reproducible component.
p <- mean(e.z)
mu <- sum((z.1+z.2)*e.z)/2/sum(e.z)
sigma <- sqrt(sum(e.z*((z.1-mu)^2+(z.2-mu)^2))/2/sum(e.z))
rho <- 2*sum(e.z*(z.1-mu)*(z.2-mu))/(sum(e.z*((z.1-mu)^2+(z.2-mu)^2)))
return(list(p=p, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, rho=rho))
select.IDR <-
function(x, IDR.x, IDR.level){
is.selected <- IDR.x < IDR.level
x.selected <- x[is.selected,]
n.selected <- nrow(x.selected)
return(list(x=x.selected, n=n.selected, IDR.level=IDR.level))
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