
Defines functions mage_ma_single

Documented in mage_ma_single

#' Calculates Mean Amplitude of Glycemic Excursions (see "mage")
#' @description This function is an internal function used by "mage". The function will calculate the Mean Amplitude of Glycemic Excursions (MAGE) on \strong{all} the values of the inputted data set. To calculate separate MAGE values for a group of subjects, use the "mage" function.
#' @author Nathaniel Fernandes
#' @details See "mage".
#' @inheritParams CGMS2DayByDay
#' @param short_ma Integer for period length of the short moving average. Must be positive and less than "long_ma", default value is 5. (Recommended <15)
#' @param long_ma Integer for period length for the long moving average, default value is 32. (Recommended >20)
#' @param type One of "plus", "minus", "auto" (Default: auto). Algorithm will either calculate MAGE+ (nadir to peak), MAGE- (peak to nadir), or automatically choose based on the first countable excursion.
#' @param plot Boolean. Returns ggplot if TRUE.
#' @param title Title for the ggplot. Defaults to "Glucose Trace - Subject [ID]"
#' @param xlab Label for x-axis of ggplot. Defaults to "Time"
#' @param ylab Label for y-axis of ggplot. Defaults to "Glucose Level"
#' @param show_ma Whether to show the moving average lines on the plot or not
#' @return The numeric MAGE value for the inputted glucose values or a ggplot if \code{plot = TRUE}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(example_data_1_subject)
#' mage_ma_single(
#'    example_data_1_subject,
#'    short_ma = 4,
#'    long_ma = 24,
#'    type = 'plus')
#' mage_ma_single(
#'    example_data_1_subject,
#'    inter_gap = 300)
#' mage_ma_single(
#'    example_data_1_subject,
#'    plot=TRUE,
#'    title="Patient X",
#'    xlab="Time",
#'    ylab="Glucose Level (mg/dL)",
#'    show_ma=FALSE)

mage_ma_single <- function(data, short_ma = 5, long_ma = 32, type = c('auto', 'plus', 'minus'),
                           plot = FALSE, dt0 = NULL, inter_gap = 45, tz = "",
                           title = NA, xlab = NA, ylab = NA, show_ma = FALSE) {

  ## 1. Preprocessing
  # 1a. Clean up Global Environment
  MA_Short = MA_Long = DELTA_SHORT_LONG = TP = id = .xmin = .xmax = NULL # TODO: if we're deleting them in the next line, isn't this extraneous??? I guess it is necessary: if it's not in the environment then it will throw a warning
  rm(list = c("MA_Short", "MA_Long", "DELTA_SHORT_LONG", "TP", ".xmin", ".xmax", "id"))

  # 1b. Sanitize the input data
  data = check_data_columns(data)

  # 1c. Split input data into discrete dates/time
  # > Use cgms2daybyday to interpolate over uniform grid
  data_ip <- CGMS2DayByDay(data, dt0 = dt0, inter_gap = inter_gap, tz = tz)

  # > Find first day and number of days
  day_one = lubridate::as_datetime(data_ip$actual_dates[1])
  ndays = length(data_ip$actual_dates)

  # Generate grid times by starting from day one and cumulatively summing
  # > replicate dt0 by number of measurements (total minutes/dt0)
  time_ip =  day_one + lubridate::minutes(
      rep(data_ip$dt0, ndays * 24 * 60 /data_ip$dt0)

  # 1d. Recalculate short_ma and long_ma because short and long are based on 5 minutes originally
  # > Multiply by 5 to get length in min
  # > Divide by dt0 to get rounded number of measurements that are roughly equal to short/long ma original definition
  short_ma = round(short_ma*5/data_ip$dt0)
  long_ma = round(long_ma*5/data_ip$dt0)

  ## 2. Process the Data
  # 2a. Change to interpolated data (times and glucose)
  # > change data into id, interpolated times, interpolated glucose (t to get rowwise)
  # > drop NA rows before first glucose reading
  # > then drop NA rows after last glucose reading
  .data <- data %>% # TODO: deprecated function - need some regression tests b4 change
    dplyr::reframe(id = id[1], time = time_ip, gl = as.vector(t(data_ip$gd2d))) %>%
    dplyr::slice(which(!is.na(gl))[1]:dplyr::n()) %>%
    dplyr::slice(1:utils::tail(which(!is.na(.data$gl)), 1)

  # 2b. Sanity Checks
  # 2b1. By definition, long > short MA. Note: could swap automatically, but might confuse user => prefer being explicit.
  if (short_ma >= long_ma){
    warning("The short moving average window size should be smaller than the long moving average window size for correct MAGE calculation. Return NA.")

  # 2b2. Is there sufficient data?
  nmeasurements = nrow(.data)
  if (nmeasurements < 7){
    warning("The number of measurements is too small for MAGE calculation.")
  } else if (nmeasurements < long_ma){
    warning("The total number of measurements is smaller than the long moving average. The value is adjusted to match: long_ma = # measurements.") # TODO: it doesn't really make sense to set these equal b/c long ma is just a horizontal line (mean of all data points) - should we force user to explicitly set it like 2b1???
    long_ma = nmeasurements

  # 2b3. Does interpolation create large gaps (longer than 12 hours)?
  # Label NA glucose as gap (gap = 1)
  gaps <- .data %>%
    dplyr::mutate(gap = dplyr::if_else(is.na(gl), 1, 0))

  # Find run length encoding of gap column
  # Subset to only runs corresponding to gaps
  runlen <- rle(gaps$gap)
  runlen <- runlen$lengths[runlen$values == 1]

  # If any gap run is longer than 12 hours, return message
  # since runlen counts by measurements, compare to number of measurements corresponding to 12hrs (720 mins)
  # take ceiling and add 1 to make edge cases less likely to give this message
  if (any(runlen > (ceiling(720/data_ip$dt0) + 1))) {
    message(paste0("Gap found in data for subject id: ", .data$id[1], ", that exceeds 12 hours."))

  # 2c. Calculate the moving average values
  .data <- .data %>%
    # rollmean doesn't work for NA's, switch to rollapply - # TODO: this seems like a development comment not critical to & obscuring computation. Remove?
    dplyr::mutate(MA_Short = zoo::rollapply(gl, width = short_ma, FUN = mean,
                                            # apply na.rm = TRUE to function mean # TODO: this seems like a development comment not critical to & obscuring computation. Remove?
                                            align = 'right', fill = NA, na.rm = TRUE),
                  MA_Long  = zoo::rollapply(gl, width = long_ma, FUN = mean,
                                            # apply na.rm = TRUE to function mean # TODO: this seems like a development comment not critical to & obscuring computation. Remove?
                                            align = 'right', fill = NA, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
    # fill in leading NA's from using rolling mean
    dplyr::mutate(MA_Short = replace(MA_Short, 1:short_ma, MA_Short[short_ma]),
                  MA_Long  = replace(MA_Long, 1:long_ma, MA_Long[long_ma]),
                  DELTA_SHORT_LONG = MA_Short - MA_Long)

  # 2d. Create a preallocated list of crossing point ids & type
  # Why is this a thousand? This is not great. # FIXED
  list_cross <- list("id" = rep.int(NA, nmeasurements), "type" = rep.int(NA, nmeasurements))
  list_cross$id[1] <- 1
  types = list2env(list(REL_MIN=0, REL_MAX=1))
  list_cross$type[1] <- ifelse(.data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG[1] > 0, types$REL_MAX, types$REL_MIN)
  count = 1
  for(i in 2:length(.data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG)) {
      !is.na(.data$gl[i]) && !is.na(.data$gl[i-1]) &&
      !is.na(.data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG[i]) && !is.na(.data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG[i-1])
    ) {

      # crossing point if DELTA changes sign or curr DELTA is 0
      if(.data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG[i] * .data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG[i-1] < 0 || (.data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG[i] == 0 && .data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG[i-1] != 0)) {
        count <- count + 1
        list_cross$id[count] <- i
        if(.data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG[i] < .data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG[i-1]) {
          list_cross$type[count] = types$REL_MIN
        } else {
          list_cross$type[count] = types$REL_MAX

  # Add last point to capture excursion at end
  list_cross$id[count+1] <- nrow(.data)
  list_cross$type[count+1] <- ifelse(.data$DELTA_SHORT_LONG[nrow(.data)] > 0, types$REL_MAX, types$REL_MIN)

  # Filter for non-na values then combine into a table
  list_cross$id <- list_cross$id[!is.na(list_cross$id)]
  list_cross$type <- list_cross$type[!is.na(list_cross$type)]

  crosses <- do.call(cbind.data.frame, list_cross)

  # 2e. Calculate min and max glucose values from ids and types in crosses + store indexes for plotting later
  num_extrema = nrow(crosses)-1
  minmax <- rep(NA_real_, num_extrema) # dynamically growing, could pre-allocate based on number of crossing - FIXED
  indexes <- rep(NA_real_, num_extrema)
  for(i in 1:num_extrema) {
    s1 <- crosses[i,1]    # indexes of crossing points
    s2 <- crosses[i+1,1]

    if(crosses[i, "type"] == types$REL_MIN) {
      minmax[i] <- min(.data$gl[s1:s2], na.rm = TRUE)
      indexes[i] <- which.min(.data$gl[s1:s2])+s1-1 # which.min/max will ignore NAs (index includes NAs but not counted max/min) # TODO: even I don't understand this comment LOL. I think it's extraneous
    } else {
      minmax[i] <- max(.data$gl[s1:s2], na.rm = TRUE)
      indexes[i] <- which.max(.data$gl[s1:s2])+s1-1

  ## 3. Calculate MAGE
  # 3a. Standard deviation
  standardD <- sd(.data$gl, na.rm = TRUE)

  # 3b. Calculate the valid excursion heights
  #     - heights: vector that will contain final heights
  #     - peak2nadir: measure excursion peak to nadir. unassigned (-1), false (0), true (1)
  #     - n: a counter that helps iterate through the turning points
  #     - tp_indexes: vector that will contain tp from valid excursions
  heights <- numeric()
  type <- match.arg(type)

  nadir2peak <- if(type == "plus") {
  } else if (type == "minus") {
  } else { -1 }

  n <- 1

  # Computation:
  # Filter the excursions maybe get ids:

  tp_indexes <- numeric()

  # currently, if the first is below, it moves on to next point (potentially want to accumulate)
  while(n < length(minmax)) {
    height1 <- minmax[n+1] - minmax[n]
    # Redefined variable type, not great
    type <- crosses[n+1, "type"]  ## crosses has 1 more element (from line 163-164) so add 1

    # Check if excursion is above SD. If smaller - go to next excursion.
    if(abs(height1) > standardD) {
      # Check if it was specified whether MAGE+ or MAGE- should be computed.
      # If not specified (-1), determine based on value of height1
      # height1 > 0 means it's nadir to peak
      if(nadir2peak == -1) { # Assigns nadir2peak
        nadir2peak <- ifelse(height1 > 0, 1, 0)

      # Once plus or minus is specified, only look at those excursions that match the type
      if(nadir2peak == type) {
        if(n+1 == length(minmax)) { # covers case where one before last
          height2 <- minmax[n+1]-minmax[n]

          if(abs(height2) >= standardD) { # append height2 to height
            tp_indexes <- append(tp_indexes, indexes[n]) # TODO: combine into one?
            tp_indexes <- append(tp_indexes, indexes[n+1])
            heights <- append(heights, abs(height2))
        else {
          x <- 1
          height2 <- 0
          while(!(abs(height2) >= standardD) && n+x+1 <= length(minmax)) {  # checks bounds
            height2 <- minmax[n+x+1]-minmax[n+x]

            if(abs(height2) >= standardD || n+x+1 == length(minmax)-1 || n+x+1 == length(minmax)) {
              # appends height2 to height
              tp_indexes <- append(tp_indexes, indexes[n])
              if(nadir2peak == 1) {
                heights <- append(heights, abs(minmax[n] - max(minmax[n:(n+x+1)])))
                tp_indexes <- append(tp_indexes, indexes[n + which.max(minmax[n:(n+x+1)])-1])
              } else {
                heights <- append(heights, abs(minmax[n]- min(minmax[n:(n+x+1)])))
                tp_indexes <- append(tp_indexes, indexes[n + which.min(minmax[n:(n+x+1)])-1])
              n <- n+x
            else {
              # this implicitly assumes you have min/max/min/max always alternating - does not work w/ GAPS
              x <- x + 2

    # increment loop variable
    n <- n + 1

  ## 4. Generate Plot of Data (if specified)
  if(plot) {

    # 4a. Label 'Peaks' and 'Nadirs'
    .data <- .data %>%
      dplyr::mutate(TP = dplyr::case_when(dplyr::row_number() %in% tp_indexes[seq(to=length(tp_indexes), by=2)] ~ ifelse(nadir2peak==0,"Peak","Nadir"),
                                          dplyr::row_number() %in% tp_indexes[1+seq(to=length(tp_indexes), by=2)] ~ ifelse(nadir2peak==0,"Nadir","Peak")))

    #Set a default Title
    title <- if(is.na(title)) {
      paste("Glucose Trace - Subject ", .data$id[1])
    } else { title }
    # 4b. Label Gaps in Data
    interval <- data_ip$dt0

    # filter out gl NAs to enable correct gap identification
    .data <- .data[complete.cases(.data$gl), ]

    # Find the start and end of each gap and merge/sort the two (Must do separately to solve the problem of "back to back" gaps not having correct start & end time)
    .gap_start <- .data %>%
      dplyr::filter(abs(difftime(time, dplyr::lead(time), units = "min")) > 2*interval)

    .gap_end <- .data %>%
      dplyr::filter(difftime(time, dplyr::lag(time), units = "min") > interval*2)

    .gaps <- rbind(.gap_start, .gap_end) %>%
      dplyr::arrange(time) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(time = dplyr::if_else(dplyr::row_number() %% 2 == 1, time+interval/2, time-interval/2)) # Offset the gap time slightly so not covering peaks/nadirs in some edge cases

    .gaps <- if(nrow(.gaps) %% 2 == 1) { .gaps[1:(nrow(.gaps)-1), ] } else { .gaps } # make the df even

    .gaps <- data.frame(.xmin = .gaps$time[c(TRUE, FALSE)],
                        .xmax = .gaps$time[c(FALSE, TRUE)])

    # extraneous for ggplot; need for plotly
    .ymin <- min(.data$gl)
    .ymax <- max(.data$gl)

    # 4c. Generate ggplot
    colors <- c("Short MA" = "#009E73", "Long MA" = "#D55E00","Nadir" = "blue", "Peak"="red")
    gap_colors <- c("Gap"="purple")
    .p <- ggplot2::ggplot(.data, ggplot2::aes(x=time, y=gl)) +
      ggplot2::ggtitle(title) +
      ggplot2::geom_point() +
      ggplot2::geom_point(data = subset(.data, .data$TP != ""), ggplot2::aes(color = TP), fill='white', size=2) +
      ggplot2::geom_rect(data=.gaps, ggplot2::aes(
        ymax=.ymax, fill = 'Gap'),
        alpha=0.2, inherit.aes = FALSE, show.legend = T, na.rm = TRUE) +
        legend.key = element_rect(fill='white'),
        legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      ) +
      ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = colors) +
      ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values=gap_colors) +
      ggplot2::labs(x=ifelse(!is.na(xlab), xlab, "Time"), y=ifelse(!is.na(ylab), ylab, 'Glucose Level'))

    if(show_ma == TRUE) {
      .p <- .p + ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(y = MA_Short, group = 1, color="Short MA")) + #Exclude for now because ggplot becomes too crowded
        ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(y = MA_Long, group = 2, color="Long MA"))

    # 4d. Return plot
    # return(.p)

  # 5. Return MAGE calculation
  if(length(heights) == 0) { # return 0 if no excursions are present

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