## File Name: immer_jml.R
## File Version: 1.016
immer_jml <- function(dat, A=NULL, maxK=NULL, center_theta=TRUE, b_fixed=NULL,
weights=NULL, irtmodel="PCM",
pid=NULL, rater=NULL, eps=.3, est_method="eps_adj",
maxiter=1000, conv=1E-5, max_incr=3, incr_fac=1.1, maxiter_update=10,
maxiter_line_search=6, conv_update=1E-5, verbose=TRUE,
use_Rcpp=TRUE, shortcut=TRUE )
time <- list( start=Sys.time() )
#-- process rating data
res <- immer_proc_data( dat=dat, pid=pid, rater=rater, weights=weights, maxK=maxK)
dat <- res$dat2.NA
pid <- res$pid
maxK <- res$maxK
K <- res$K
pseudoitems_design <- res$pseudoitems_design
use_weights <- FALSE
if (! is.null(weights)){
use_Rcpp <- TRUE
use_weights <- TRUE
#-- shortcut for analyzing the dataset
res <- immer_jml_proc_shortcut( dat=dat, pid=pid, shortcut=shortcut, weights=weights)
dat <- res$dat
pid <- res$pid
shortcut <- res$shortcut
N <- res$N
shortcut_index <- res$shortcut_index
weights <- res$weights
#-- sufficient statistics
dat0 <- dat
dat_resp <- 1 -
dat[ ] <- 0
I <- ncol(dat)
I_adj <- mean( rowSums(dat_resp) )
bc_adj_fac <- ( I_adj - 1 ) / I_adj
#-- create design matrix if not provided
res <- immer_create_design_matrix_A( maxK=maxK, A=A, b_fixed=b_fixed,
irtmodel=irtmodel )
A <- res$A
b_fixed <- res$b_fixed
irtmodel <- res$irtmodel
#-- scoring
maxK_M <- immer_matrix2(maxK, nrow=N)
max_pers <- rowSums( maxK_M * dat_resp )
sumscore_pers <- rowSums(dat)
eps_adjust_pers <- FALSE
eps_adjust_item <- FALSE
if (est_method=='eps_adj'){
eps_adjust_pers <- TRUE
eps_adjust_item <- TRUE
person <- data.frame(index=1L:N, sum_score=sumscore_pers, max_pers=max_pers )
if (eps_adjust_pers){
person$eps <- eps
max_pers1 <- maxK_M * dat_resp
person$N_adj <- rowSums( max_pers1 * (max_pers1 + 1 ) / 2 )
person$eps_i <- person$eps / person$N_adj
h1 <- ( person$max_pers - 2 * person$eps )/person$max_pers * person$sum_score
person$score_pers <- person$eps + h1
person$score_pers_adj <- immer_score_person_adjusted( sum_score=person$sum_score,
max_pers=person$max_pers, eps=eps)
} else {
person$eps <- eps
person$eps_i <- 0
person$score_pers <- immer_score_person_adjusted( sum_score=person$sum_score,
max_pers=person$max_pers, eps=eps)
dat_score <- array( dat_resp * person$eps_i, dim=c(N,I,K+1) )
dat_score2 <- dat_score
for (ii in 1L:I){
if (maxK[ii] < K){
dat_score[,ii, seq(maxK[ii]+2,K+1) ] <- 0
for (kk in 0:K){
dat_add <- ( dat[,ii]==kk )*( 1 - person$eps_i * (maxK[ii]+1) )*dat_resp[,ii]
dat_score[,ii,kk+1] <- dat_score[,ii,kk+1] + dat_add
dat_score2[,ii,kk+1] <- kk*dat_score[,ii,kk+1]
#-- sufficient statistics
score_pers <- rep(0,N)
for (kk in 1L:K){
score_pers <- score_pers + kk * rowSums( dat_score[,,kk+1] )
person$score_pers0 <- score_pers
score_pers <- person$score_pers
score_items0 <- matrix( NA, nrow=I, ncol=K)
score_items <- matrix( NA, nrow=I, ncol=K)
for (kk in 1L:K){
score_items0[,kk] <- colSums( (dat==kk)*dat_resp*weights, na.rm=TRUE )
score_items[,kk] <- colSums( dat_score[,,kk+1]*weights, na.rm=TRUE )
if ( ! eps_adjust_item){
score_items <- score_items0
dimA <- dim(A)
NX <- dim(A)[3]
ItemScore <- rep(0,NX)
for (xx in 1L:NX){
ItemScore[xx] <- sum( A[,,xx] * score_items )
#-- initial parameters
theta <- stats::qlogis( ( score_pers + .5) / ( max_pers + 1) )
theta <- immer_jml_center_theta( theta=theta, center_theta=center_theta )
xsi <- rep(0,NX)
b <- matrix(0, nrow=I, ncol=K)
if (is.null(b_fixed)){
b_fixed <- b
#-- process data
N <- length(theta)
I <- ncol(dat)
iter <- 0
iterate <- TRUE
if (use_Rcpp){
fct_item <- immer_jml_update_item_Rcpp
fct_theta <- immer_jml_update_theta_Rcpp
} else {
fct_item <- immer_jml_update_item_R
fct_theta <- immer_jml_update_theta_R
deviance <- Inf
parm_minimal <- list( deviance=deviance )
deviance.history <- rep(NA, maxiter)
#--- begin algorithm
while (iterate){
xsi0 <- xsi
theta0 <- theta
deviance0 <- deviance
#** update item parameters
args_item <- list( score_items=score_items, I=I, K=K, b=b, A=A, xsi=xsi,
theta=theta, N=N, dat_resp=dat_resp, max_incr=max_incr,
maxiter_update=maxiter_update, conv_update=conv_update,
b_fixed=b_fixed, ItemScore=ItemScore, shortcut_index=shortcut_index,
weights=weights, use_weights=use_weights )
res <- what=fct_item, args=args_item)
b <- res$b
xsi <- res$xsi
xsi_der2 <- res$xsi_der2
# probs <- res$probs
#** update person parameters
args_theta <- list( score_pers=score_pers, I=I, K=K, N=N, theta=theta,
b=b, dat_resp=dat_resp, maxiter_update=maxiter_update,
conv_update=conv_update, center_theta=center_theta,
max_incr=max_incr, shortcut_index=shortcut_index )
res <- what=fct_theta, args=args_theta)
theta <- res$theta
theta_der2 <- res$theta_der2
probs <- res$probs
#* trim theta increment
incr <- theta - theta0
max_incr <- max_incr/incr_fac
theta <- theta0 + immer_trim_increment(incr=incr, max_incr=max_incr)
#** calculate log-likelihood
loglike <- immer_jml_calc_loglike( dat_score=dat_score, probs=probs,
K=K, weights=weights)
deviance <- -2*loglike
if (verbose){
cat('* Iteration ', iter+1, '\n' )
#--- line search in case of non-decreasing deviance
if (deviance > deviance0 ){
# immer_jml_print_progress_line_search( verbose=verbose,
# deviance=deviance, digits_deviance=6)
lambda <- 1
lambda_fac <- 2
xsi_old <- xsi0
b_old <- b
probs_old <- probs
xsi_new <- xsi
theta_old <- theta0
theta_new <- theta
iter_in <- 0
maxiter_ls <- maxiter_line_search
while( ( deviance > deviance0 ) & ( iter_in < maxiter_ls ) ){
lambda <- lambda / lambda_fac
xsi <- xsi_old + lambda * ( xsi_new - xsi_old)
b <- immer_jml_calc_item_intercepts(A=A, xsi=xsi)
args_theta$b <- b
theta <- theta_old + lambda * ( theta_new - theta_old)
args_theta$maxiter_update <- maxiter_update
# args_theta$maxiter_update <- 1
args_theta$theta <- theta
# args_theta$theta <- theta_old
args_theta$center_theta <- FALSE
args_theta$max_incr <- 1
res <- what=fct_theta, args=args_theta)
theta <- res$theta
theta_der2 <- res$theta_der2
probs <- res$probs
loglike <- immer_jml_calc_loglike( dat_score=dat_score, probs=probs,
K=K, weights=weights)
deviance <- -2*loglike
iter_in <- iter_in + 1
# immer_jml_print_progress_line_search( verbose=verbose,
# deviance=deviance, digits_deviance=6)
if (iter_in >=maxiter_ls){
xsi <- .5*(xsi_old + xsi)
theta <- .5*(theta_old + theta)
b <- immer_jml_calc_item_intercepts(A=A, xsi=xsi)
} #-- end line search
deviance.history[iter+1] <- deviance
#--- collect result list
if ( deviance < parm_minimal$deviance ){
parm_minimal <- list( theta=theta, xsi=xsi, xsi_der2=xsi_der2,
probs=probs, iter_opt=iter + 1, b=b, deviance=deviance,
iter <- iter + 1
item_parm_change <- max( abs(xsi0-xsi))
pers_parm_change <- max( abs(theta0-theta))
if (iter >=maxiter ){ iterate <- FALSE }
if ( (item_parm_change < conv) & (pers_parm_change < conv )){
iterate <- FALSE
deviance_change <- abs(deviance0 - deviance) / abs(deviance)
if (deviance_change < 1E-12){ iterate <- FALSE }
if (verbose){
v2 <- paste0( ' | Deviance change=', round( deviance0 - deviance, 6) )
if ( iter==1){ v2 <- '' }
v1 <- paste0(' Deviance=', round( deviance, 6 ), v2, '\n',
' Item parm. change=', round(item_parm_change, 8) )
v1 <- paste0( v1, ' | Person parm. change=', round(pers_parm_change, 8) )
cat(v1, '\n')
#-- assign elements of parm_minimal
iter_opt <- NULL
envir <- environment()
res <- immer_attach_list_elements(x=parm_minimal, envir=envir)
if ( est_method !='jml_bc' ){
bc_adj_fac <- 1
if ( est_method %in% c('jml_bc','eps_adj') ){
xsi <- bc_adj_fac * xsi
b <- immer_jml_calc_item_intercepts(A=A, xsi=xsi, b_fixed=b_fixed)
args_theta$theta <- theta
args_theta$b <- b
if ( est_method=='eps_adj'){
args_theta$score_pers <- person$score_pers_adj
res <- what=fct_theta, args=args_theta)
theta <- res$theta
theta_der2 <- res$theta_der2
probs <- res$probs
#-- coompute standard errors
eps0 <- 1E-20
# se_adj <- bc_adj_fac
se_adj <- 1
xsi_se <- se_adj * sqrt( abs(1 / xsi_der2 ) + eps0)
theta_se <- sqrt( abs(1 / theta_der2 ) + eps0)
#-- information criteria
ic <- immer_jml_ic( loglike=loglike, N=N, center_theta=center_theta, xsi=xsi, I=I )
#--- reorder data if shortcut is used
if (shortcut){
ind <- order( shortcut_index$orig )
dat <- dat[ ind, ]
dat_resp <- dat_resp[ ind, ]
pid <- pid[ ind ]
theta <- theta[ind]
theta_se <- theta_se[ ind ]
dat_score <- dat_score[ ind,, ]
score_pers <- score_pers[ ind ]
#-- person parameters
person$theta <- theta
person$theta_se <- theta_se
sd_obs <- stats::sd(theta)
# average reliability
rel <- max( 0, 1 - mean(theta_se^2) / sd_obs^2 )
sd_lat <- sqrt( sd_obs^2 * rel )
person_desc <- list( mean=mean(theta), sd_obs=sd_obs, mle_rel=rel,
sd_lat=sd_lat, min=min(theta), max=max(theta) )
#-- item parameters
rownames(b) <- colnames(dat)
colnames(b) <- paste0('Cat', 1L:K)
item <- data.frame(item=colnames(dat), N=colSums(dat_resp),
M=colSums(dat * dat_resp) / colSums(dat_resp) )
item$SD <- colSums( dat^2 * dat_resp ) / colSums(dat_resp)
item$SD <- sqrt( item$SD - item$M^2 )
item <- data.frame( item, b )
names(xsi) <- dimnames(A)[[3]]
xsi_dfr <- data.frame(par=names(xsi), est=xsi, se=xsi_se )
#--- output
time$end <- Sys.time()
time$diff <- time$end - time$start
res <- list( b=b, item=item, theta=theta, theta_se=theta_se, xsi=xsi,
xsi_se=xsi_se, xsi_dfr=xsi_dfr, probs=probs, person=person,
person_desc=person_desc, shortcut_index=shortcut_index,
pid=pid, dat=dat, dat_score=dat_score, dat_resp=dat_resp,
score_pers=score_pers, score_items=score_items, eps=eps,
eps_adjust_pers=eps_adjust_pers, eps=eps,
eps_adjust_item=eps_adjust_item, est_method=est_method, A=A,
b_fixed=b_fixed, bc_adj_fac=bc_adj_fac, irtmodel=irtmodel,
iter=iter, iter_opt=iter_opt, loglike=loglike, deviance=deviance,
ic=ic, deviance.history=deviance.history,
pseudoitems_design=pseudoitems_design, CALL=CALL, time=time )
res$description <- 'Function immer_jml() | Joint maximum likelihood estimation'
class(res) <- 'immer_jml'
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