## ----include = FALSE----------------------------------------------------------
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>"
## ----setup, echo=FALSE,include=FALSE------------------------------------------
## ----echo=FALSE,results="asis"------------------------------------------------
files <- list.files("articles", "\\.Rmd$")
for (file in file.path("articles", files)) {
lines <- readLines(file, n = 10)
title_idx <- grep("^title: ", lines)
if (length(title_idx) > 0) {
title <- sub("^title: ", "", lines[title_idx[1]])
title <- sub('^"', "", title)
title <- sub('"$', "", title)
cat("* [",
sub("\\.Rmd", ".html", basename(file)),
sep = ""
## ----echo=FALSE,results="asis"------------------------------------------------
files <- list.files(".", "\\.Rmd$")
for (file in files) {
lines <- readLines(file, n = 10)
title_idx <- grep("^title: ", lines)
if (length(title_idx) > 0) {
title <- sub("^title: ", "", lines[title_idx[1]])
title <- sub('^"', "", title)
title <- sub('"$', "", title)
cat("* [",
sub("\\.Rmd", ".html", file),
sep = ""
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