
Defines functions autoplot.riskfactor as.data.frame.riskfactor print.riskfactor rating_factors rating_factors1

Documented in autoplot.riskfactor rating_factors rating_factors1

#' Include reference group in regression output
#' @description Extract coefficients in terms of the original levels of the
#'   coefficients rather than the coded variables.Use rating_factors() to
#'   compare the output obtained from two or more glm objects.
#' @param model a single glm object produced by `glm()`
#' @param model_data data.frame used to create glm object, this should only
#'   be specified in case the exposure is desired in the output, default
#'   value is NULL
#' @param exposure the name of the exposure column in `model_data`,
#'   default value is NULL
#' @param colname the name of the output column, default value is "estimate"
#' @param exponentiate logical indicating whether or not to exponentiate
#'   the coefficient estimates. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param round_exposure number of digits for exposure (default to 0)
#' @author Martin Haringa
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @importFrom dplyr full_join
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @importFrom stats terms
#' @importFrom utils stack
#' @examples
#' MTPL2a <- MTPL2
#' MTPL2a$area <- as.factor(MTPL2a$area)
#' x <- glm(nclaims ~ area, offset = log(exposure), family = poisson(),
#'  data = MTPL2a)
#' rating_factors1(x)
#' @export
rating_factors1 <- function(model, model_data = NULL, exposure = NULL, colname = "estimate",
                            exponentiate = TRUE, round_exposure = 0){
  xl <- model$xlevels
  model_nm <- deparse(substitute(model))
  exposure <- deparse(substitute(exposure))
  model_data_name <- deparse(substitute(model_data))

  if (inherits(model, c("restricted", "smooth"))) {
    stop("Input must be of class glm. Use refit_glm() first.",
         call. = FALSE)

  if (!inherits(model, c("glm", "refitsmooth", "refitrestricted"))) {
    stop("Input must be of class glm.",
         call. = FALSE)

  if ( inherits(model, "refitsmooth") ){
    x <- attr(model, "new_rf")

  if ( inherits(model, "refitrestricted") ){
    x <- attr(model, "new_rf_rst")

  xl_names <- NULL

  if (length(xl) > 0) {
    xl_names <- names(xl)
    xl_df <- stack(xl)
    xl_df[,c("ind","values")] <- lapply(xl_df[, c("ind","values")], as.character)
    xl_df$ind_values <- paste0(xl_df$ind, xl_df$values)

  if (is.null(xl)) {
    xl_df <- data.frame(ind = character(),
                        values = character(),
                        ind_values = character(),
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  if ( inherits(model, c("refitsmooth", "refitrestricted")) ) {
    x$ind <- as.character(x$risk_factor)
    x$values <- as.character(x$level)
    x$ind_values <- paste0(x$ind, x$values)
    x2 <- x[, c("ind", "values", "ind_values")]

    if (length(xl) > 0) {
      xl_df <- rbind(xl_df, x2)

    if (!length(xl)) {
      xl_df <- x2

    xl_names <- c(xl_names, unique(x$ind))

  names(xl_df)[names(xl_df) == "values"] <- "level"
  names(xl_df)[names(xl_df) == "ind"] <- "risk_factor"

  xl_names_in <- xl_names[which(xl_names %in% names(model_data))]
  xl_names_out <- setdiff(xl_names, xl_names_in)

  if (!is.null(model_data) & exposure != "NULL") {
    if (length(xl_names_in) > 0) {
      model_data <- as.data.frame(model_data)
      if (!exposure %in% names(model_data)) {
        stop(exposure, " is unknown in ", model_data_name,
             call. = FALSE)
      if (!is.numeric(model_data[[exposure]])) {
        stop(exposure, " should be numeric", call. = FALSE)
      if (length(xl_names_out) > 0) {
        message(paste0(xl_names_out, collapse = ", "),
                " not in ", model_data_name)
      xl_names_in <- xl_names_in[which(xl_names_in %in%
      exp_fn <- function(var1) {
        x <- model_data[!is.na(model_data[[var1]]), ]
        x <- data.table::data.table(x)[, lapply(.SD, sum, na.rm = TRUE),
                                       by = var1, .SDcols = exposure]
        names(x)[1] <- c("level")
        x$risk_factor <- var1
      listexp <- lapply(xl_names_in, exp_fn)
      dfexp <- do.call(rbind, listexp)
      dfexp$level <- as.character(dfexp$level)
      xl_df <- dplyr::left_join(xl_df, dfexp, by = c("level",
    else {
      message(paste0(xl_names_out, collapse = ", "),
              " not in ", model_data_name)

  ret <- coefficients(summary(model))
  ret <- cbind(ind = rownames(ret), data.frame(ret, row.names = NULL))
  coefs <- stats::coef(model)

  if (length(coefs) != nrow(ret)) {
    coefs <- stack(coefs)
    colnames(coefs)[colnames(coefs) == 'values'] <- 'Estimate'
    ret <- merge(x = coefs, y = ret, by = c("ind", "Estimate"), all.x = TRUE)

  coef <- coefficients(model)
  vals <- stack(coef)
  vals$pvalues <- as.numeric(ret[,5])
  vals$pvalues <- ifelse(is.na(vals$pvalues), -9e9, vals$pvalues)
  vals$ind <- as.character(vals$ind)

  if ( inherits(model, c("refitsmooth", "refitrestricted")) ) {
    xc <- x[, c("yhat", "ind_values")]
    colnames(xc)[1] <- "values"
    colnames(xc)[2] <- "ind"
    xc$pvalues <- NA
    xc$values <- log(xc$values)
    vals <- rbind(vals, xc)

  uit <- dplyr::full_join(xl_df, vals, by = c(ind_values = "ind"))
  uit$values <- ifelse(is.na(uit$pvalues), 0, uit$values)

  Terms <- terms(model)
  int <- attr(Terms, "intercept")
  uit$level <- ifelse(int == 1 & uit$ind_values == "(Intercept)",
                      "(Intercept)", uit$level)
  uit$risk_factor <- ifelse(int == 1 & uit$ind_values == "(Intercept)",
                            "(Intercept)", uit$risk_factor)
  uit$level <- ifelse(is.na(uit$level) & is.na(uit$risk_factor),
                      uit$ind_values, uit$level)
  uit$risk_factor <- ifelse(is.na(uit$risk_factor), uit$ind_values,

  if (isTRUE(exponentiate)) {
    uit$values <- exp(uit$values)

  if (int == 1) {
    int_row <- uit[uit$risk_factor == "(Intercept)", ]
    uit1 <- uit[uit$risk_factor != "(Intercept)", ]
    uit <- rbind(int_row, uit1)

  row.names(uit) <- NULL
  if (!is.null(model_data) & exposure != "NULL" & length(xl_names_in) > 0) {
    uit <- uit[, c("risk_factor", "level", "values", exposure, "pvalues")]
    uit[[exposure]] <- round(uit[[exposure]], round_exposure)
  else {
    uit <- uit[, c("risk_factor", "level", "values", "pvalues")]
  names(uit)[names(uit) == "values"] <- colname
  uit$pvalues <- ifelse(uit$pvalues < 0, NA, uit$pvalues)
  uit$pvalues <- vapply(uit$pvalues, function(x) make_stars(x),
                        FUN.VALUE = character(1))

#' Include reference group in regression output
#' @description Extract coefficients in terms of the original levels of the
#'   coefficients rather than the coded variables.
#' @param ... glm object(s) produced by `glm()`
#' @param model_data data.frame used to create glm object(s), this should only
#'   be specified in case the exposure is desired in the output, default value
#'   is NULL
#' @param exposure column in `model_data` with exposure, default value is NULL
#' @param exponentiate logical indicating whether or not to exponentiate the
#'   coefficient estimates. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param signif_stars show significance stars for p-values (defaults to TRUE)
#' @param round_exposure number of digits for exposure (defaults to 0)
#' @details A fitted linear model has coefficients for the contrasts of the
#'   factor terms, usually one less in number than the number of levels. This
#'   function re-expresses the coefficients in the original coding. This
#'   function is adopted from dummy.coef(). Our adoption prints a data.frame as
#'   output.
#' @return data.frame
#' @importFrom dplyr full_join
#' @importFrom utils stack
#' @importFrom stats coefficients
#' @author Martin Haringa
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' df <- MTPL2 %>%
#'   mutate(across(c(area), as.factor)) %>%
#'   mutate(across(c(area), ~biggest_reference(., exposure)))
#' mod1 <- glm(nclaims ~ area + premium, offset = log(exposure),
#' family = poisson(), data = df)
#' mod2 <- glm(nclaims ~ area, offset = log(exposure), family = poisson(),
#' data = df)
#' rating_factors(mod1, mod2, model_data = df, exposure = exposure)
#' @export
rating_factors <- function(..., model_data = NULL, exposure = NULL,
                           exponentiate = TRUE, signif_stars = TRUE,
                           round_exposure = 0){

  model_data_nm <- deparse(substitute(model_data))
  exposure_nm <- deparse(substitute(exposure))

  cols <- vapply(substitute(list(...))[-1], deparse, FUN.VALUE = character(1))

  rf_list <- list()
  for (i in seq_len(length(cols))){
    df <- eval.parent(substitute(
      rating_factors1(eval(parse( text = cols[i])),
                      model_data, exposure,
                      exponentiate = exponentiate,
                      round_exposure = round_exposure)
    names(df)[names(df) == "estimate"] <- paste0("est_", cols[i])
    names(df)[names(df) == "pvalues"] <- paste0("signif_", cols[i])
    rf_list[[paste0("m_", i)]] <- df

  if( model_data_nm != "NULL" & exposure_nm != "NULL" ) {
    rf_fj <- Reduce(function(dtf1, dtf2)
      dplyr::full_join(dtf1, dtf2,
                       by = c("risk_factor", "level", exposure_nm)), rf_list)
    rf_fj <- rf_fj[,c("risk_factor", "level", paste0("est_", cols),
                      paste0("signif_", cols), exposure_nm)]
  } else {
    rf_fj <- Reduce(function(dtf1, dtf2)
      dplyr::full_join(dtf1, dtf2, by = c("risk_factor", "level")), rf_list)
    rf_fj <- rf_fj[,c("risk_factor", "level", paste0("est_", cols),
                      paste0("signif_", cols))]

  if ( !isTRUE(signif_stars) ){
    rf_fj <- rf_fj[ , -which(names(rf_fj) %in% paste0("signif_", cols))]

  if ( !is.null(model_data)){
    lst_order <- lapply(names(model_data),
                        function(x) { attributes(model_data[[x]])$xoriginal })
    names(lst_order) <- names(model_data)
    lst_order <- lst_order[lengths(lst_order) != 0]

    if (length(lst_order) > 0){
      df_order <- stack(lst_order)
      names(df_order) <- c("level", "risk_factor")
      df_order <- df_order[, 2:1]
      df_order <- df_order[df_order$risk_factor %in% unique(rf_fj$risk_factor),]
      rf_fj$risk_factor <- as.character(rf_fj$risk_factor)
      df_order$risk_factor <- as.character(df_order$risk_factor)
      uit <- dplyr::full_join(df_order, rf_fj, by = c("risk_factor", "level"))
      rf_fj <- uit[order(match(uit$risk_factor, rf_fj$risk_factor)),]
      rownames(rf_fj) <- NULL

  rf_fj_stars <- NULL
  signif_levels <- NULL

  if ( isTRUE(signif_stars) ) {
    signif_levels <- cat("Significance levels: *** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01;
    * p < 0.05; . p < 0.1")
    rf_fj_stars <- rf_fj
    for (i in seq_len(length(cols))){
      pvalues_num <- round(rf_fj_stars[[paste0("est_", cols[i])]], 6)
      pvalues_char <- format(pvalues_num, digits = 6, nsmall = 2)
      stars_char <- rf_fj_stars[[paste0("signif_", cols[i])]]
      stars_char[is.na(stars_char)] <- ""
      rf_fj_stars[[paste0("est_", cols[i])]] <- format(paste0(pvalues_char, " ",
                                                       justify = "left")
    rf_fj_stars <- rf_fj_stars[ , -which(names(rf_fj_stars) %in%
                                           paste0("signif_", cols))]

  return(structure(list(df = rf_fj,
                        df_stars = rf_fj_stars,
                        models = cols,
                        exposure = exposure_nm,
                        model_data = model_data_nm,
                        expon = exponentiate,
                        signif_stars = signif_stars,
                        signif_levels = signif_levels),
                   class = "riskfactor"))

#' @export
print.riskfactor <- function(x, ...) {

  if ( isTRUE( x$signif_stars ) ){
    x1 <- x$signif_levels
    x1[!is.na(x1)] <- paste0("\033[34m", x1[!is.na(x1)], "\033[39m")
  } else{

#' @export
as.data.frame.riskfactor <- function(x, ...) {

  if ( isTRUE( x$signif_stars ) ){
    df <- x$df_stars
  } else{
    df <- x$df


#' Automatically create a ggplot for objects obtained from rating_factors()
#' @description Takes an object produced by `univariate()`, and plots the
#'   available input.
#' @param object riskfactor object produced by `rating_factors()`
#' @param risk_factors character vector to define which factors are included.
#'   Defaults to all risk factors.
#' @param ncol number of columns in output (default is 1)
#' @param labels show labels with the exposure (default is TRUE)
#' @param dec.mark control the format of the decimal point, as well as the mark
#'   between intervals before the decimal point, choose either "," (default) or
#'   "."
#' @param ylab modify label for the y-axis
#' @param fill color to fill histogram
#' @param color color to plot line colors of histogram (default is "skyblue")
#' @param linetype use different linetypes (default is FALSE)
#' @param ... other plotting parameters to affect the plot
#' @author Martin Haringa
#' @return a ggplot2 object
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom patchwork wrap_plots
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' df <- MTPL2 %>%
#'   mutate(across(c(area), as.factor)) %>%
#'   mutate(across(c(area), ~biggest_reference(., exposure)))
#' mod1 <- glm(nclaims ~ area + premium, offset = log(exposure),
#'  family = poisson(), data = df)
#' mod2 <- glm(nclaims ~ area, offset = log(exposure), family = poisson(),
#'  data = df)
#' x <- rating_factors(mod1, mod2, model_data = df, exposure = exposure)
#' autoplot(x)
autoplot.riskfactor <- function(object, risk_factors = NULL, ncol = 1,
                                labels = TRUE, dec.mark = ",",
                                ylab = "rate", fill = NULL, color = NULL,
                                linetype = FALSE, ...){

  df <- object$df
  models <- object$models
  models_nm <- paste0("est_", models)
  exposure_nm <- object$exposure
  expon <- object$expon

  df <- df[df$risk_factor != df$level, ]
  df_dt <- data.table::setDT(df)
  df_long_dt <- data.table::melt(df_dt,
                                 id.vars = names(df_dt)[!names(df_dt) %in%
                                 measure.vars = models_nm,
                                 variable.name = "model",
                                 value.name = "est")
  df_long <- data.table::setDF(df_long_dt)

  df_long$model <- gsub("^est_", "", df_long$model)

  if ( !isTRUE(expon) ){
    df_long$est = exp(df_long$est)

  if ( dec.mark == "," ){
    sep_fn <- function(x) format(x, big.mark = ".", decimal.mark = ",",
                                 scientific = FALSE)
  } else{
    sep_fn <- function(x) format(x, big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = ".",
                                 scientific = FALSE)

  if ( is.null(risk_factors) ){
    rf_names <- unique(df$risk_factor)
  } else if ( all(risk_factors %in% df$risk_factor)) {
    rf_names <- risk_factors
  } else{
    rf_diff <- setdiff(risk_factors, unique(df$risk_factor))
    stop(paste(rf_diff, collapse = ", "), " unknown risk_factor(s)",
         call. = FALSE)

  fig_list <- list()
  for ( i in seq_len(length(rf_names))){

    df1 <- df_long[df_long$risk_factor == rf_names[i],]
    df1[["level"]] <- factor(df1[["level"]], levels = unique(df1[["level"]]))

    if (exposure_nm != "NULL") {
      df1$s_axis_scale <- df1[[exposure_nm]] / max(df1[[exposure_nm]],
                                                   na.rm = TRUE) *
        max(df1[["est"]], na.rm = TRUE)
      df1$y_print <- round(df1[[exposure_nm]], 0)
      df1 <- df1[!is.na(df1$est),]
      df1_bar <- unique(df1[, c("risk_factor", "level", exposure_nm,
                                "s_axis_scale", "y_print")])

    if ( is.null(fill) & is.null(color) ){
      color <- "lightskyblue"
      fill <- lighten_color(color)[2]

    if ( is.null(fill) & !is.null(color) ){
      color <- color
      fill <- lighten_color(color)[2]

    if ( !is.null(fill) & is.null(color) ){
      fill <- fill
      color <- darken_color(fill)[3]

    fig_list[[paste0("p", i)]] <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = df1) +
      ggplot2::theme_minimal() +
      { if (exposure_nm == "NULL")
        ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(labels = sep_fn, limits = c(0, NA),
                                    expand = expansion(mult = c(0, 0.02))) } +
      { if (exposure_nm != "NULL")
        ggplot2::geom_bar(data = df1_bar,
                          aes(x = .data[["level"]],
                              y = .data[["s_axis_scale"]]),
                          stat = "identity",
                          color = color,
                          fill = fill,
                          alpha = 1) } +
      { if (exposure_nm != "NULL")
          labels = sep_fn,
          limits = c(0, NA),
          expand = expansion(mult = c(0, 0.02)),
          sec.axis = sec_axis(~ . * max(df1_bar[[exposure_nm]]) /
                              name = exposure_nm,
                              labels = sep_fn)) } +
      ggplot2::geom_point(aes(x = .data[["level"]],
                              y = .data[["est"]],
                              group = .data[["model"]],
                              color = .data[["model"]])) +
      { if ( length(models) == 1) theme(legend.position = "none") } +
      { if (isTRUE(linetype))
        ggplot2::geom_line(aes(x = .data[["level"]],
                               y = .data[["est"]],
                               group = .data[["model"]],
                               color = .data[["model"]],
                               linetype = .data[["model"]])) } +
      { if (!isTRUE(linetype))
        ggplot2::geom_line(aes(x = .data[["level"]],
                               y = .data[["est"]],
                               group = .data[["model"]],
                               color = .data[["model"]])) } +
      { if ( isTRUE(labels) & exposure_nm != "NULL")
          aes(x = .data[["level"]],
              y = .data[["s_axis_scale"]],
              label = sep_fn(.data[["y_print"]])),
          vjust = "inward",
          size = 3) } +
      ggplot2::labs(x = rf_names[i],
                    y = ylab) +
      ggplot2::theme(legend.title = element_blank())

  pl <- patchwork::wrap_plots(fig_list, ncol = ncol)

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