intsvy.log.pv <-
function(pvnames, x, cutoff, by, data, export=FALSE, name= "output", folder=getwd(), config) {
log.pv.input <- function(pvnames, x, cutoff, data, config) {
if (any(sapply(data[x], function(i) all(duplicated(i))))) {
return(data.frame("Coef."=NA, "Std. Error"=NA, "t value"=NA, "OR"=NA, "CI95low"=NA,
"CI95up"=NA, check.names=F))
# JK with weight variables
if (config$parameters$weights == "JK with weights") {
#pvnames <- paste0("^", config$variables$pvlabelpref, "*[0-9].*", pvnames)
#pvnames <- grep(pvnames, names(data), value = TRUE)
weights <- grep(paste0("^", config$variables$weightJK , ".*[0-9]+$"),
names(data), value = TRUE)
# remove missings in pvalues and weights
data <- data[complete.cases(data[, c(pvnames[1], weights[1], config$variables$weight)]), ]
# data is empty
if (sum([[pvnames[1]]])))==length(data[[pvnames[1]]])) {
result <- data.frame(NA, "Freq"=0, "Percentage"=NA, "Std.err."= NA)
names(result)[1] <- pvnames[1]
# Dependent binary variable
di <-, function(pv) ifelse(data[[pv]] > cutoff, 1, 0)))
names(di) <- paste("DI", 1:length(pvnames), sep="")
data <- cbind(data, di)
# List of formulas for each PV
regform <- lapply(names(di), function(i) paste(i, "~", paste(x, collapse="+")))
# Replicate weighted coefficients for sampling error (PV1 only), normalised weights
coef.rp1 <- suppressWarnings(lapply(1:length(pvnames), function(m)
lapply(1:length(weights), function(rp) summary(glm(formula=as.formula(regform[[m]]),
family=quasibinomial("logit"), weights=data[[weights[rp]]], data=data)))))
# Retrieving coefficients
rp.coef <- lapply(1:length(pvnames), function(m) sapply(1:length(weights),
function(rp) coef.rp1[[m]][[rp]]$coefficients[,1]))
# Total weighted coefficient for each PV for imputation (between) error
reg.pv <- suppressWarnings(lapply(regform, function(pv)
summary(glm(formula=as.formula(pv), family=quasibinomial("logit"),
weights=nrow(data)*data[[config$variables$weight]]/sum(data[[config$variables$weight]]), data=data))))
pv.coef <- sapply(1:length(pvnames), function(pv) reg.pv[[pv]]$coefficients[, 1])
# Mean total coefficients (across PVs)
mean.coef <- apply(pv.coef, 1, mean)
# Sampling error (variance within)
var.w <- apply(sapply(1:length(pvnames), function(m)
apply((rp.coef[[m]] - pv.coef[,1])^2, 1, sum)), 1, mean)
# Imputation error (variance between)
var.b <- (1+1/length(pvnames))*apply(pv.coef, 1, var, na.rm=TRUE) <- (var.w+(1+1/length(pvnames))*var.b)^(1/2)
t.stat <- mean.coef/
# Odds ratios and confidence intervals
OR<- exp(mean.coef)
# OR confidence intervals
CI95low <- exp(mean.coef - 1.96*
CI95up <- exp(mean.coef + 1.96*
# Table with estimates <- round(data.frame("Coef."=mean.coef, "Std. Error", "t value"=t.stat,, CI95low, CI95up)), check.names=F),2)
# BRR / JK
if (config$parameters$weights == "BRR") {
# balanced repeated replication
# Replicate weighted %s (sampling error)
# in PISA
#pvnames <- paste0(pvnames, ".*[0-9]|[0-9].*", pvnames)
#pvnames <- grep(pvnames, names(data), value = TRUE)
weights <- grep(paste0("^", config$variables$weightBRR , ".*[0-9]+$"),
names(data), value = TRUE)
# remove missings in pvalues and weights
data <- data[complete.cases(data[, c(pvnames[1], weights[1], config$variables$weightFinal)]), ]
# Dependent binary variable
di <-, function(pv) ifelse(data[[pv]] > cutoff, 1, 0)))
names(di) <- paste("DI", 1:length(pvnames), sep="")
data <- cbind(data, di)
# List of formulas for each PV
regform <- lapply(names(di), function(i) paste(i, "~", paste(x, collapse="+")))
# Replicate weighted coefficients for sampling error (PVs), normalised weights
coef.rp <- suppressWarnings(lapply(regform, function(k) lapply(1:config$parameters$BRRreps, function(i)
summary(glm(formula=as.formula(k), family=quasibinomial("logit"),
# Retrieving coefficients
rp.coef <- lapply(1:length(pvnames), function(pv)
sapply(1:config$parameters$BRRreps, function(i)
# Total weighted coefficient for each PV for imputation (between) error
reg.pv <- suppressWarnings(lapply(regform, function(i)
summary(glm(formula=as.formula(i), family=quasibinomial("logit"),
weights=nrow(data)*data[[config$variables$weightFinal]]/sum(data[[config$variables$weightFinal]]), data=data))))
pv.coef <- sapply(1:length(pvnames), function(pv) reg.pv[[pv]]$coefficients[, 1])
# Mean total coefficients (across PVs)
mean.coef <- apply(pv.coef, 1, mean)
# Sampling error (variance within)
cc = 1/(length(weights)*(1-0.5)^2)
var.w <- apply(cc*sapply(lapply(1:length(pvnames),
function(pv) (rp.coef[[pv]]-pv.coef[,pv])^2),
function(e) apply(e, 1, sum)), 1, mean)
# Imputation error (variance between)
var.b <- (1/(length(pvnames)- 1))*apply(sapply(1:length(pvnames), function(pv)
(pv.coef[, pv] - mean.coef)^2), 1, sum) <- (var.w+(1+1/length(pvnames))*var.b)^(1/2)
t.stat <- mean.coef/
# Odds ratios and confidence intervals
OR<- exp(mean.coef)
# OR confidence intervals
CI95low <- exp(mean.coef - 1.96*
CI95up <- exp(mean.coef + 1.96*
# Table with estimates <- round(data.frame("Coef."=mean.coef, "Std. Error", "t value"=t.stat,, CI95low, CI95up)), check.names=FALSE), 2)
if (config$parameters$weights == "JK") {
# jack knife
#pvnames <- grep(pvnames, names(data), value = TRUE)
# Dependent binary variable
di <-, function(pv) ifelse(data[[pv]] > cutoff, 1, 0)))
names(di) <- paste("DI", 1:length(pvnames), sep="")
data <- cbind(data, di)
# List of formulas for each PV
regform <- lapply(names(di), function(i) paste(i, "~", paste(x, collapse="+")))
# Replicate weights
rp.wt <- sapply(1:max(data[[config$variables$jackknifeZone]]), function(rp)
ifelse(data[[config$variables$jackknifeZone]] == rp,
2*data[[config$variables$weight]]*data[[config$variables$jackknifeRep]], data[[config$variables$weight]]))
if (isTRUE(config$parameters$varpv1)) {
rp.wt.n <- nrow(data)*rp.wt/apply(rp.wt, 2, sum)
# Replicate weighted coefficients for sampling error (PV1 only), normalised weights
coef.rp1 <- suppressWarnings(lapply(1:max(data[[config$variables$jackknifeZone]]), function(rp)
family=quasibinomial("logit"), weights=rp.wt.n[, rp], data=data))))
# Retrieving coefficients
rp.coef <-, lapply(1:max(data[[config$variables$jackknifeZone]]), function(rp)
# Total weighted coefficient for each PV for imputation (between) error
reg.pv <- suppressWarnings(lapply(regform, function(pv)
summary(glm(formula=as.formula(pv), family=quasibinomial("logit"),
weights=nrow(data)*data[[config$variables$weight]]/sum(data[[config$variables$weight]]), data=data))))
pv.coef <- sapply(1:length(pvnames), function(pv) reg.pv[[pv]]$coefficients[, 1])
# Mean total coefficients (across PVs)
mean.coef <- apply(pv.coef, 1, mean)
# Sampling error (variance within)
var.w <- apply((rp.coef - pv.coef[,1])^2, 1, sum)/2
# Imputation error (variance between)
var.b <- (1+1/length(pvnames))*apply(pv.coef, 1, var, na.rm=TRUE) <- (var.w+(1+1/length(pvnames))*var.b)^(1/2)
t.stat <- mean.coef/
# Odds ratios and confidence intervals
OR<- exp(mean.coef)
# OR confidence intervals
CI95low <- exp(mean.coef - 1.96*
CI95up <- exp(mean.coef + 1.96*
# Table with estimates <- round(data.frame("Coef."=mean.coef, "Std. Error", "t value"=t.stat,, CI95low, CI95up)), check.names=F),2)
} else {
rp.wt2 <- sapply(1:max(data[[config$variables$jackknifeZone]]), function(x)
ifelse(data[[config$variables$jackknifeZone]] == x,
2*data[[config$variables$weight]]*ifelse(data[[config$variables$jackknifeRep]]==1,0,1), data[[config$variables$weight]]))
rp.wt <- cbind(rp.wt2, rp.wt)
rp.wt.n <- nrow(data)*rp.wt/apply(rp.wt, 2, sum)
# Replicate weighted coefficients for sampling error (PV1 only), normalised weights
coef.rp1 <- suppressWarnings(lapply(1:length(pvnames), function(m)
lapply(1:ncol(rp.wt), function(rp) summary(glm(formula=as.formula(regform[[m]]),
family=quasibinomial("logit"), weights=rp.wt.n[, rp], data=data)))))
# Retrieving coefficients
rp.coef <- lapply(1:length(pvnames), function(m) sapply(1:ncol(rp.wt),
function(rp) coef.rp1[[m]][[rp]]$coefficients[,1]))
# Total weighted coefficient for each PV for imputation (between) error
reg.pv <- suppressWarnings(lapply(regform, function(pv)
summary(glm(formula=as.formula(pv), family=quasibinomial("logit"),
weights=nrow(data)*data[[config$variables$weight]]/sum(data[[config$variables$weight]]), data=data))))
pv.coef <- sapply(1:length(pvnames), function(pv) reg.pv[[pv]]$coefficients[, 1])
# Mean total coefficients (across PVs)
mean.coef <- apply(pv.coef, 1, mean)
# Sampling error (variance within)
var.w <- apply(sapply(1:length(pvnames), function(m)
apply((rp.coef[[m]] - pv.coef[,1])^2, 1, sum)), 1, mean)
# Imputation error (variance between)
var.b <- (1+1/length(pvnames))*apply(pv.coef, 1, var, na.rm=TRUE) <- (var.w+(1+1/length(pvnames))*var.b)^(1/2)
t.stat <- mean.coef/
# Odds ratios and confidence intervals
OR<- exp(mean.coef)
# OR confidence intervals
CI95low <- exp(mean.coef - 1.96*
CI95up <- exp(mean.coef + 1.96*
# Table with estimates <- round(data.frame("Coef."=mean.coef, "Std. Error", "t value"=t.stat,, CI95low, CI95up)), check.names=F),2)
if (config$parameters$weights == "mixed_piaac") {
# mixed design, different for different coutnries
stop("Not implemented yet")
# If by no supplied, calculate for the complete sample
if (missing(by)) {
output <- log.pv.input(pvnames=pvnames, x=x, cutoff=cutoff, data=data, config=config)
} else {
output <- lapply(split(data, droplevels(data[by])), function(i)
log.pv.input(pvnames=pvnames, cutoff=cutoff, x=x, data=i, config=config))
if (export) {
write.csv(output, file=file.path(folder, paste(name, ".csv", sep="")))
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