#' Summarize costs of invasions over periods of time
#' This function summarizes the cumulative costs and average annual costs of
#' invasive alien species and breaks it down into regular periods of time, on
#' the basis
#' of cost estimates as they appeared in the provided in the source references
#' collected in the 'InvaCost' database
#' @param costdb The \bold{expanded 'InvaCost' database} output from
#' \code{\link{expandYearlyCosts}},
#' where costs occurring over several years are expanded over each year of impact.
#' @param cost.column Name of the cost column to use in \code{costdb} (usually,
#' choose between the exchange rate (default) or Purchase Power parity cost per
#' year)
#' @param year.column Name of the year column to use in \code{costdb}( usually,
#' "Impact_year" from \code{\link{expandYearlyCosts}}
#' @param in.millions If \code{TRUE}, cost values are transformed in
#' millions (to make graphs easier to read), otherwise if \code{FALSE}, cost
#' values are
#' not transformed.
#' @param minimum.year The starting year of the analysis. By default,
#' 1960 was chosen because it marks the period from which world bank data is
#' available for exchange rates and inflation values.
#' @param maximum.year The ending year for the analysis. By default, the last
#' year of \code{costdb} is chosen.
#' @param year.breaks A vector of breaks for the year intervals over which
#' you want to summarize cost values
#' @param include.last.year \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}. Defines if the last
#' year of the dataset is included in the last interval (\code{TRUE}) or is
#' considered as an interval of its own (\code{FALSE}). Generally only useful
#' if the last year is at the limit of an interval.
#' @return A \code{list} with 6 elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{}: the input data}
#' \item{\code{parameters}: parameters used to run the function. The
#' \code{minimum.year} and \code{maximum.year} are based on the input data
#' (i.e., the user may specify \code{minimum.year = 1960} but the input data may
#' only have data starting from 1970, hence the \code{minimum.year} will be
#' 1970)}
#' \item{\code{year.breaks}: the years used to define year intervals over which costs were calculated.}
#' \item{\code{cost.per.year}: the costs of invasions expressed per year,
#' as sums of all costs for each year}
#' \item{\code{}: the average annual cost of invasive Alien
#' species calculated
#' over the entire time period}
#' \item{\code{average.cost.per.period}: a data.frame containing the average
#' annual cost of invasive alien species calculated over each time interval}
#' }
#' The structure of this object can be seen using \code{str()}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{expandYearlyCosts}} to get the database in appropriate format.
#' @references \url{}
#' Leroy Boris, Kramer Andrew M, Vaissière Anne-Charlotte, Kourantidou Melina,
#' Courchamp Franck & Diagne Christophe (2022). Analysing economic costs
#' of invasive alien species with the invacost R package. Methods in Ecology
#' and Evolution. \doi{10.1111/2041-210X.13929}
#' @details
#' Missing data are ignored. However, note that the average for each
#' interval is always calculated on the basis of the full temporal range.
#' For example, if there is only data for 1968 for the 1960-1969 interval,
#' then the total cost for the interval will be equal to the cost of 1968, and the
#' average annual cost for 1960-1969 will be the cost of 1968 / 10.
#' @export
#' @author
#' Boris Leroy \email{}, Andrew Kramer, Anne-Charlotte
#' Vaissière, Christophe Diagne
#' @examples
#' data(invacost)
#' ### Cleaning steps
#' # Eliminating data with no information on starting and ending years
#' invacost <- invacost[-which($Probable_starting_year_adjusted)), ]
#' invacost <- invacost[-which($Probable_ending_year_adjusted)), ]
#' # Keeping only observed and reliable costs
#' invacost <- invacost[invacost$Implementation == "Observed", ]
#' invacost <- invacost[which(invacost$Method_reliability == "High"), ]
#' # Eliminating data with no usable cost value
#' invacost <- invacost[-which($Cost_estimate_per_year_2017_USD_exchange_rate)), ]
#' ### Expansion
#' \donttest{
#' db.over.time <- expandYearlyCosts(invacost,
#' startcolumn = "Probable_starting_year_adjusted",
#' endcolumn = "Probable_ending_year_adjusted")
#' ### Analysis
#' res <- summarizeCosts(db.over.time,
#' maximum.year = 2020) # Excluding data after 2020 (e.g. planned budgets)
#' res}
summarizeCosts <- function(
cost.column = "Cost_estimate_per_year_2017_USD_exchange_rate",
year.column = "Impact_year",
in.millions = TRUE,
minimum.year = 1960,
maximum.year = max(costdb[, year.column]),
year.breaks = seq(minimum.year, maximum.year, by = 10),
include.last.year = TRUE
if(nrow(costdb) == 0)
stop("costdb is an empty table.\n")
if(any([, cost.column])))
costdb <- costdb[-which([, cost.column])), ]
warning("There were NA values in the cost column, they have been removed.\n")
if(maximum.year < minimum.year)
stop("maximum.year is lower than minimum.year.\n")
if(any(costdb[, year.column] < minimum.year))
warning(paste0("There are ", length(unique(costdb$Cost_ID[which(costdb[, year.column] < minimum.year)])),
" cost values for periods earlier than ",
minimum.year, ", which will be removed.\n"))
costdb <- costdb[-which(costdb[, year.column] < minimum.year), ]
if(any(costdb[, year.column] > maximum.year))
warning(paste0("There are ", length(unique(costdb$Cost_ID[which(costdb[, year.column] > maximum.year)])),
" cost values for periods later than ",
" which will be removed.\n"))
costdb <- costdb[-which(costdb[, year.column] > maximum.year), ]
if(nrow(costdb) == 0)
stop("There are no costs in the database that are between minimum.year and maximum.year")
parameters <- list(cost.column = cost.column,
year.column = year.column,
in.millions = in.millions,
minimum.year = minimum.year,
maximum.year = maximum.year,
number.of.estimates = length(unique(costdb$Cost_ID)),
number.of.year.values = nrow(costdb))
costdb[, cost.column] <- costdb[, cost.column] / 1e6
if(!(maximum.year %in% year.breaks))
year.breaks <- c(year.breaks,
# Average cost of the entire period of time
total.cost <-,
min.year = minimum.year,
max.year = maximum.year))
# Average cost for each year
cost.per.year <- data.frame()
for (year in minimum.year:maximum.year)
cur.db <- costdb[which(costdb$Impact_year == year), ]
cost.per.year <- rbind(cost.per.year,,
} else
cost.per.year <-,
list(initial_year = year,
final_year = year,
time_span = 1,
total_cost = NA,
annual_cost = NA,
number_estimates = 0,
number_year_values = 0))
# In case requested periods are 1-year intervals
tmp <- cost.per.year
cost.per.year <- cost.per.year[, -which(colnames(cost.per.year) %in%
colnames(cost.per.year)[colnames(cost.per.year) == "initial_year"] <- "year"
colnames(cost.per.year)[colnames(cost.per.year) == "total_cost"] <- "cost"
# Average cost over each interval
if(all(diff(year.breaks) == 1))
period.costs <- tmp
} else
period.costs <- data.frame()
for (per in 1:(length(year.breaks) - 1))
period <- c(year.breaks[per:(per + 1)])
# Always include the last year in the last period
if(per == (length(year.breaks) - 1))
period[2] <- period[2] + 1
cur.db <- costdb[which(costdb$Impact_year >= period[1] &
costdb$Impact_year < period[2]), ]
period.costs <-,,
min.year = period[1],
max.year = period[2] - 1)))
} else
period.costs <-,
list(initial_year = period[1],
final_year = period[2] - 1,
time_span = length(period[1]:(period[2] - 1)),
total_cost = NA,
annual_cost = NA,
number_estimates = 0,
number_year_values = 0))
} else
for (per in 1:length(year.breaks))
if(per != length(year.breaks))
{ # When we are NOT at the last year: proceed as usual
period <- c(year.breaks[per:(per + 1)])
cur.db <- costdb[which(costdb$Impact_year >= period[1] &
costdb$Impact_year < period[2]), ]
period.costs <-,,
min.year = period[1],
max.year = period[2] - 1)))
} else
period.costs <-,
list(initial_year = period[1],
final_year = period[2] - 1,
time_span = length(period[1]:(period[2] - 1)),
total_cost = NA,
annual_cost = NA,
number_estimates = 0,
number_year_values = 0))
} else
{ # When we ARE at the last year: there is only one year so proceed differently
period <- c(year.breaks[c(per, per)])
cur.db <- costdb[which(costdb$Impact_year == period[1]), ]
period.costs <-,,
min.year = period[1],
max.year = period[2])))
} else
period.costs <-,
list(initial_year = period[1],
final_year = period[2],
time_span = length(period[1]:period[2]),
total_cost = NA,
annual_cost = NA,
number_estimates = 0,
number_year_values = 0))
results <- list( = costdb,
parameters = parameters,
year.breaks = year.breaks,
cost.per.year = cost.per.year, = total.cost,
average.cost.per.period = period.costs)
class(results) <- append("invacost.costsummary", class(results))
#' Calculate the cumulative and average annual cost over a single period of time
#' This simple function calculates the cumulative cost average annual cost of
#' invasive alien species over a single period of time. It is used internally
#' by \code{\link{summarizeCosts}}.
#' @param costdb The \bold{expanded 'InvaCost' database} output from
#' \code{\link{expandYearlyCosts}},
#' where annual costs occurring over several years are repeated for each year.
#' @param cost.column Name of the cost column to use in \code{costdb} (usually,
#' choose between the exchange rate (default) or Purchase Power Parity cost per
#' year)
#' @param year.column Name of the year column to use in \code{costdb}.
#' @param min.year The minimum year of the period (specify only if different from
#' the range of data)
#' @param max.year The minimum year of the period (specify only if different from
#' the range of data)
#' @return a named \code{list} with 5 elements
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{initial_year}: first year in the data}
#' \item{\code{final_year}: last year in the data}
#' \item{\code{time_span}: the difference between initial and final years.}
#' \item{\code{total_cost}: total cost.}
#' \item{\code{annual.cost}: cost per year}
#' \item{\code{number_estimates}: the number of cost estimates before expansion
#' via \code{\link{expandYearlyCosts}}}
#' \item{\code{number_year_values}: the number of costs per year included}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{expandYearlyCosts}} to get the database in appropriate format.
#' @export
#' @note
#' Arguments \code{min.year} and \code{max.year} do not filter the data. Only
#' specify them if you wish to change the interval over which averages are
#' calculated. For example, if your data have values from 1960 to 1964 but you
#' want to calculated the average value from 1960 to 1969, set
#' \code{min.year = 1960} and \code{max.year = 1969}.
#' However, if you want to calculate values for an interval narrower than your
#' data, filter the data BEFORE running this function.
#' @author
#' Boris Leroy \email{}, Andrew Kramer, Anne-Charlotte
#' Vaissière, Christophe Diagne
#' @references \url{}
#' Leroy Boris, Kramer Andrew M, Vaissière Anne-Charlotte, Kourantidou Melina,
#' Courchamp Franck & Diagne Christophe (2022). Analysing economic costs
#' of invasive alien species with the invacost R package. Methods in Ecology
#' and Evolution. \doi{10.1111/2041-210X.13929}
#' @examples
#' data(invacost)
#' ### Cleaning steps
#' # Eliminating data with no information on starting and ending years
#' invacost <- invacost[-which($Probable_starting_year_adjusted)), ]
#' invacost <- invacost[-which($Probable_ending_year_adjusted)), ]
#' # Keeping only observed and reliable costs
#' invacost <- invacost[invacost$Implementation == "Observed", ]
#' invacost <- invacost[which(invacost$Method_reliability == "High"), ]
#' # Eliminating data with no usable cost value
#' invacost <- invacost[-which($Cost_estimate_per_year_2017_USD_exchange_rate)), ]
#' ### Expansion
#' \donttest{
#' db.over.time <- expandYearlyCosts(invacost,
#' startcolumn = "Probable_starting_year_adjusted",
#' endcolumn = "Probable_ending_year_adjusted")
#' ### Analysis
#' res <- computeAvgTotCost(db.over.time,
#' min.year = 1960,
#' max.year = 2020) # Excluding data after 2020 (e.g. planned budgets)
#' res}
computeAvgTotCost <- function(
cost.column = "Cost_estimate_per_year_2017_USD_exchange_rate",
year.column = "Impact_year",
min.year = NULL,
max.year = NULL
initial_year <- ifelse(!is.null(min.year),
min(costdb[, year.column]))
final_year <- ifelse(!is.null(max.year),
max(costdb[, year.column]))
return(list(initial_year = initial_year,
final_year = final_year,
time_span = length(initial_year:final_year),
total_cost = sum(costdb[, cost.column]),
annual_cost = sum(costdb[, cost.column]) /
number_estimates = length(unique(costdb$Cost_ID)),
number_year_values = nrow(costdb)))
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