
#' R_s_S_dynamic
#' Simulating a Min Max periodic policy or also called R,s,S policy, R represents the ordering/review period, 
#' the Max is dynamically calculated based on a forecast vector. .
#' The Function takes a demand vector, mean of demand ,sd,lead time and requested service level to simulate an inventory system, 
#' orders are lost if inventory level is less than requested demand, also ordering is made at
#'  day t+1, metrics like item fill rate and cycle service level are calculated. 
#'  the min is calculated based on a normal distribution or a poisson distribution, also min can be set manually.
#'  Max - inventory position is ordered whenever inventory position reaches min at the priod of review 
#' @param  demand  A vector of demand in N time periods.
#' @param  forecast  the forecast vector of equal n periods to demand.
#' @param leadtime  lead time from order to arrival (order to delivery time)
#' @param Review_period  Integer, the number of periods where every order is allowed to be made.
#' @param service_level  cycle service level requested
#' @param initial_inventory_level  integer,Default is False and simulation starts with min as inventory level
#' @param Min_to_max  numeric, the ratio of min to max calculation , default 0.6 but can be changed manually.
#' @param min  integer,Default is False and min is calculated based on Min_to_max but can be set manually.
#' @param one_step_forecast logical, Default is true where demand lead time is calcluated as(forecast at period t * leadtime)
#' while if False, demand
#' leadtime is calculated as (forecast of period t to forecast of period t+leadtime-1)
#' @param shortage_cost  numeric,Default is FALSE shortage cost per unit of sales lost
#' @param inventory_cost  numeric,Default is FALSE inventory cost per unit.
#' @param ordering_cost  numeric,Default is FALSE ordering cost for every time an order is made.
#' @param distribution  distribution  to calculate safety stock based on demand distribution, current choices are 'normal'
#'  'poisson','gamma' and negative binomial 'nbinom'
#' @param error_metric  metric is currently 'rmse' and 'mae', this calculates the error from period 1 to period t unless metric_windows is set.
#' this contributes to the calculation of saftey stock. default is 'rmse'
#' @param metric_windows  integer, for exammple if it is set to 4 rmse for t is calculated from t-1 to t-4,default is FALSE
#' @param smoothing_error number between 0 and 1 to smooth the error as alpha x error[t] + (1-alpha)x error t-1, if metric_windows is used, smoothing 
#' error has to be FALSE
#' @param plot  Logical, Default is False, if true a plot is generated
#' @param Backlogs  Logical, Default is False, if true inventory level accounts for previous lost orders
#' @importFrom stats dnorm
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom stats optim
#' @importFrom stats optimize
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @importFrom stats ppois
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats qpois
#' @importFrom stats qgamma
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom  plotly ggplotly
#' @return a list of two date frames, the simulation and the metrics. the metrics are (1) shortage cost, (2) inventory cost which
#' is the cost of one unit of inventory in one period,(3) which is the average inventory level per period, (4) total orders made in the 
#' simulation, (5) ordering cost if any, (6) total lost sales if any,(7) average ordering quantity across all orders,(8) ordering
#' interval which is the average time between each order,(9) item fill rate,(10) cycle service level, (11) average saftey stock in each
#' period,(12) the average sales in every order,(13) overall root mean square error, (14) overall mean absolute error, 
#' (14) overall mean  error,(15) overall mean absolute percentage error,(16) the average flowttime which is the average time 
#' a unit spends on inventory and (17) the demand classification.
#' @author "haytham omar  email: <haytham@rescaleanalytics.com>"
#' @export
#' @examples
#'R_s_S_dynamic(demand = rpois(90,9),forecast = rpois(90,9),service_level = 0.9,
#'              leadtime = 10,Review_period = 10,min = 70,Backlogs=TRUE)

R_s_S_dynamic<-function (demand,forecast,leadtime, Review_period,service_level,initial_inventory_level=FALSE,
                         Min_to_max=0.6,min=FALSE,one_step_forecast=TRUE, shortage_cost = FALSE, 
                                 inventory_cost = FALSE, ordering_cost = FALSE,distribution= 'normal', 
                         error_metric= 'mse',metric_windows= FALSE,smoothing_error=0.2,plot=FALSE,Backlogs=TRUE) 
  L= leadtime
  N = length(demand)
  demand <- c(0, demand)
  forecast<- c(0,forecast)
  if (one_step_forecast== TRUE){
    dl<- forecast*(leadtime+Review_period)
  } else {
    dl<- rep(NA,length(demand)) 
    for (i in 1: length(dl)){
      dl[i]<- sum(forecast[i : min((i+leadtime+Review_period-1),length(dl))])
  error<- demand - forecast
  metric<- c(rep(NA,length(demand)))
  lambda<- mean(demand)
  order = rep(NA, N + 1)
  I = rep(NA, N + 1)
  IP = rep(NA, N + 1)
  sales = rep(NA, N + 1)
  recieved = rep(NA, N + 1)
  order[1] = 0
  if(error_metric == 'rmse'){
    if (metric_windows== FALSE & smoothing_error== FALSE){
      for (i in 2: length(demand)){
        metric[i]<- sqrt(mean((demand[1:i-1]- forecast[1:i-1])^2,na.rm = TRUE))
    } else if (metric_windows != FALSE & smoothing_error== FALSE) {
      for (i in 2: length(demand)){
        metric[i]<- sqrt(mean((demand[max((i- metric_windows),0):(i-1)]- forecast[max((i- metric_windows),0):(i-1)])^2,na.rm = TRUE))
    }else {
      for (i in 2: length(demand)){
        metric[i]<- sqrt(mean((demand[i]- forecast[i])^2,na.rm = TRUE))* smoothing_error+ (1- smoothing_error)* sqrt(mean((demand[i-1]- forecast[i-1])^2,na.rm = TRUE))
  if(error_metric == 'mae'){
    if (metric_windows== FALSE & smoothing_error== FALSE){
      for (i in 2: length(demand)){
        metric[i]<- mean(abs(demand[1:i-1]- forecast[1:i-1]),na.rm = TRUE)
    } else if (metric_windows != FALSE & smoothing_error== FALSE) {
      for (i in 2: length(demand)){
        metric[i]<- mean(abs(demand[max((i- metric_windows),0):(i-1)]- forecast[max((i- metric_windows),0):(i-1)]),na.rm = TRUE)
    }else {
      for (i in 2: length(demand)){
        metric[i]<- mean(abs(demand[i]- forecast[i]),na.rm = TRUE)* smoothing_error+ (1- smoothing_error)* mean(abs(demand[i-1]- forecast[i-1]),na.rm = TRUE)
  if(error_metric == 'mse'){
    if (metric_windows== FALSE & smoothing_error== FALSE){
      for (i in 2: length(demand)){
        metric[i]<- mean((demand[1:i-1]- forecast[1:i-1])^2,na.rm = TRUE)
    } else if (metric_windows != FALSE & smoothing_error== FALSE) {
      for (i in 2: length(demand)){
        metric[i]<- mean((demand[max((i- metric_windows),0):(i-1)]- forecast[max((i- metric_windows),0):(i-1)])^2,na.rm = TRUE)
    }else {
      for (i in 2: length(demand)){
        metric[i]<- mean((demand[i]- forecast[i])^2,na.rm = TRUE)* smoothing_error+ (1- smoothing_error)* mean((demand[i-1]- forecast[i-1])^2,na.rm = TRUE)
  classfication <- function(demand){
    intervals <- function(x){
      for (tmp in (1:length(x))){
    demand1 <- function(x){
    D <- demand1(demand)
    ADI <- mean(intervals(demand))
    CV2 <- (sd(D)/mean(D))^2
    if (ADI > (4/3)){
      if (CV2 > 0.5){
        Type <- "Lumpy"
        Type <- "Intermittent"
      if (CV2 > 0.5){
        Type <- "Erratic"
        Type <- "Smooth"
  demand_class= classfication(demand)
  sigmadl<- if (error_metric != 'mse'){ metric* sqrt(leadtime+Review_period)
  } else {
    sqrt(metric * (leadtime+Review_period))
  if(distribution== 'normal'){
    saftey_stock<- sigmadl *  qnorm( service_level)
  } else if(distribution== 'poisson'){
    saftey_stock<-  qpois(service_level, dl) - (dl)
  }else if (distribution== 'gamma'){
    alpha= dl ^2 / sigmadl^2
    beta <- dl / sigmadl^2
    saftey_stock<- qgamma(service_level,alpha,beta)-dl
    saftey_stock[is.nan(saftey_stock)]<- 0
  } else if (distribution== 'nbinom'){
    ComputeNBDoverR <- function(x, mu_R, sigm_R){
      if(sigm_R^2 <= mu_R){
        sigm_R<- 1.05 * sqrt(mu_R)
        z <- (sigm_R ^ 2) / mu_R
      if (z > 1){
         P0 <- (1 / z) ^ (mu_R / (z - 1))
        if (x == 0){
          PX <- P0
        } else {
          PX <- P0
          for (i in 1:x){
            PX = (((mu_R / (z - 1)) + i - 1) / i) * ((z - 1) / z) * PX
    saftey_stock<- rep(NA,length(dl))
    for(i in 2: length(dl)){
      x <- 0
      supp <- ComputeNBDoverR(x, dl[i], sigmadl[i])
      while (supp < service_level){
        x <- x + 1
        supp <- supp + ComputeNBDoverR(x, dl[i], sigmadl[i])
    saftey_stock[i]<- max(x- dl[i],0)
  Max= round(dl+saftey_stock,0)
  if( min== FALSE){
    min= round(Min_to_max*Max,0)
  } else {
    min= rep(min,length(demand))
  min[is.na(min)]<- round(mean(min,na.rm = TRUE),0)
  Max[is.na(Max)]<- round(mean(Max,na.rm = TRUE),0)
    IP[1] = I[1] =  Max[1]
  } else {
    IP[1] = I[1] =  initial_inventory_level
  ordering_time <- rep(rep(c(0, 1), c(Review_period - 1, 1)), 
  #order[t] = max((Max[t] - IP[t - 1]) * (ordering_time[t])* (IP[t - 1] <= min[t]),0)
  if(Backlogs != TRUE){
    for (t in 2:(L)) {
      sales[t] <- min(demand[t], I[t - 1])
      I[t] <- I[t - 1] - sales[t]
      order[t] = max((Max[t] - IP[t - 1]) * (ordering_time[t])* (IP[t - 1] <= min[t]),0)
      IP[t] <- IP[t - 1] + order[t] - sales[t]
    for (t in seq((L + 1), (N))) {
      sales[t] = min(demand[t], I[t - 1] + order[t - L])
      I[t] = I[t - 1] + order[t - L] - sales[t]
      order[t] = max((Max[t] - IP[t - 1]) * (ordering_time[t])* (IP[t - 1] <= min[t]),0)
      IP[t] = IP[t - 1] + order[t] - sales[t]
      recieved[t] <- order[t - L]
  }else {
    backlogs = rep(NA, N + 1)
    comu_backlogs = rep(NA, N + 1)
    expected=rep(NA, N + 1)
    order[1] = 0
    sales[1] <- 0
    expected[1]<- 0
    backlogs[1]<- 0
    for (t in 2:(L)) {
      sales[t] <- min(demand[t], I[t - 1])
      I[t] <- ifelse(I[t-1]-demand[t]- comu_backlogs[t-1]>0,I[t-1]-
      order[t] = max((Max[t] - IP[t - 1]) * (ordering_time[t])* (IP[t - 1] <= min[t]),0)
      expected[t]<- expected[t-1]+ order[t-1]
      backlogs[t]<- ifelse(I[t-1]< demand[t],abs(I[t-1]-demand[t]),0)
      comu_backlogs[t]<- ifelse(backlogs[t]>I[t-1] | backlogs[t]>0,comu_backlogs[t-1]+backlogs[t],0)
      IP[t] <- IP[t - 1] + order[t] - sales[t]
    for (t in seq((L + 1), (N))) {
      sales[t] <- min(demand[t], I[t - 1])
      recieved[t] <- order[t - L]
      I[t] <- ifelse(I[t-1]-demand[t]+recieved[t]- comu_backlogs[t-1]>0,I[t-1]-
      order[t] = max((Max[t] - IP[t - 1]) * (ordering_time[t])* (IP[t - 1] <= min[t]),0)
      expected[t]<- expected[t-1]+ order[t-1]- recieved[t]
      backlogs[t]<-  ifelse(I[t-1]< demand[t],abs(I[t-1]-demand[t]),0)
      comu_backlogs[t]<- ifelse(backlogs[t]>I[t-1] | backlogs[t]>0,comu_backlogs[t-1]+backlogs[t],0)
      IP[t] <- I[t]+ expected[t]- comu_backlogs[t]
  if (Backlogs != TRUE){
    data <- data.frame('period' = seq(1:(N + 1)), demand = demand, forecast=forecast,rolling_error= metric,
                       sales = sales, 'inventory_level' = I, inventory_position = IP,expected_demand_leadtime= dl,sigmadl= sigmadl,saftey_stock=saftey_stock,Review_period,
                       min = min, Max = Max, order = order, recieved = recieved)
    data$lost_order <- data$demand - data$sales
  } else  {
    data <- data.frame('period' = seq(1:(N + 1)), demand = demand, forecast=forecast,rolling_error= metric,
                       sales = sales, 'inventory_level' = I, inventory_position = IP,expected_demand_leadtime= dl,sigmadl= sigmadl,saftey_stock=saftey_stock,Review_period,
                       min = min, Max = Max, order = order, recieved = recieved,comu_backlogs=comu_backlogs)
    data$lost_order <- data$demand - data$sales
  metrics <- data.frame(shortage_cost = sum(data$lost_order, 
                                            na.rm = TRUE) * shortage_cost, inventory_cost = sum(data$inventory_level, na.rm = TRUE) * 
                          inventory_cost, average_inventory_level = mean(data$inventory_level, na.rm = TRUE),total_orders= length(which(data$order > 0)),ordering_cost = length(which(data$order > 0)) * ordering_cost,
                        total_lost_sales = sum(data$lost_order, na.rm = TRUE), average_ordering_quantity= mean(order[order>0],na.rm = TRUE),ordering_interval= paste0(round(length(demand)/length(which(data$order > 0)),2),'_periods'),
                        Item_fill_rate = 1 - (sum(data$lost_order, na.rm = TRUE)/sum(demand[1:(length(demand) - 1)])), 
                        cycle_service_level = 1 -(length(which(data$lost_order > 0))/(length(demand) - 1)), saftey_stock = mean(saftey_stock,na.rm = TRUE),
                        average_sales= mean(sales,na.rm = TRUE),rmse= sqrt(mean((demand-forecast)^2,na.rm=TRUE)),
                        mae= mean(abs(demand-forecast),na.rm = TRUE),me= mean(demand-forecast),mape= mean((abs(demand-forecast)/abs(demand))*100,na.rm=TRUE))
  metrics$"average_flow_time(throughput)"= metrics$average_inventory_level/metrics$average_sales
  metrics$demand_class<- demand_class$Type
  if(plot== TRUE){
      print(plotly::ggplotly(data[is.na(data[,c('sales','demand','order')])==FALSE,] %>% ggplot(aes(x= period,y= demand,color="demand"))+geom_line()+
              geom_point(aes(y=inventory_level,color="inventory level"))+
              theme_minimal()+geom_line(aes(y=order,color="order"))+ggtitle("R s S Dynamic Policy")))
  return(list(simu_data = data, metrics = metrics))

R_s_S_dynamic(demand = rpois(90,9),forecast = rpois(90,9),service_level = 0.95,distribution = 'nbinom',
                          leadtime = 2,Review_period = 10,min = 70,Backlogs=TRUE,plot = TRUE)

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