
Defines functions upgma_model_selection

Documented in upgma_model_selection

#' Model selection function based on a upgma grouping algorithm
#' \code{upgma_model_selection} function conducts a model selection procedure intended to find an optimal
#' partition that mimimize AIC values. Maximum likelihood estimation of model parameters
#' (Colonization, Extinction) or (Colonization, Extinction, Detectability, P_0) is performed
#' assuming either perfect detectability or imperfect detectability, respectively. In the latter case,
#' the input data frame should contain multiple transects per sampling time. This function can handle
#' missing data defining a heterogeneous sampling structure across the rows of the input data matrix.
## Details:
#' The output matrix contains a row for the S different binary partitions of the set of S groups.
#' Searches are conducted using Nelder-Mead simplex method in a bounded parameter space which means that in case a
#' neg loglikelihood (NLL) evaluation is called out from these boundaries, the returned value for this NLL
#' evaluation is artifically given as the maximum number the machine can hold. The input is a data frame
#' containing presence data per time (in cols) and sites (in rows). Different factors (for instance, OTU,
#' location, etc) can slide the initial data frame in their different levels, accordingly. Each initial group
#' (usually, species, OUTs, factors, ...) is named by a short-length-character label (ideally, 3 or 4 characters).
#' The length of Tags array should match the number of levels in which the given factor is subdivided. All labels
#' should have the same character length to fulfill memmory alignment requriement of the shared object called by
#' .C(...) function. I_0, I_1, I_2, and I_3 are model parameter keys. They are used to define a 4D-vector (Index).
#' The model parameter keys correspond to the colonization (0), extinction (1), detectability (2), and Phi_0 (3) model
#' parameters in case detectability is imperfect or, alternatively, only colonization (0) and extinction (1)
#' in case detectability is perfect. For instance, if (I_0, I_1) is (1, 0), searches will take place within
#' the paremeter space defined by extinction, as the first axis, and colonization, as the second.
## Input arguments:
#' @param  Data data frame containing presence data per time (in cols) and sites (in rows)
#' @param  Time an array of length n containing increasing sampling times
#' @param  Tags array of factor level names: name[i] is the level tag (short name) for the i-th level.
#' @param  Factor column number containing the 'data frame' factor used to split total data into level-based groups
#' @param  Colonization guess value to initiate search / parameter value
#' @param  Extinction guess value to initiate search / parameter value
#' @param  Detectability_Value guess value to initiate search / parameter value
#' @param  Phi_Time_0_Value guess value to initiate search / parameter value
#' @param  Tol stopping criteria of the search algorithm.
#' @param  MIT max number of iterations of the search algorithm.
#' @param  C_min min value for the possible range of colonization values
#' @param  C_MAX max value for the possible range of colonization values
#' @param  E_min min value for the possible range of colonization values
#' @param  E_MAX max value for the possible range of colonization values
#' @param  D_min min value for the possible range of colonization values
#' @param  D_MAX max value for the possible range of colonization values
#' @param  P_min min value for the possible range of colonization values
#' @param  P_MAX max value for the possible range of colonization values
#' @param  I_0 has to be 0, 1, 2, or 3. Defaults to 0
#' @param  I_1 has to be 0, 1, 2, or 3. Defaults to 1
#' @param  I_2 has to be 0, 1, 2, or 3. Defaults to 2
#' @param  I_3 has to be 0, 1, 2, or 3. Defaults to 3
#' @param  z dimension of the parameter subspace for which the optimization process will take place. Default is 2
#' @param  Verbose more/less (1/0) information about the optimization algorithm will be printed out.
#' @param  MV_FLAG missing value flag (to specify sites and times where no sample exists)
#' @param  PerfectDetectability TRUE means 'Perfect Detectability'. Of course, FALSE means 'Imperfect Detectability'
#' @useDynLib island
#' @export
#' @examples
## Example (Lakshadweep Islands)
#' \dontrun{
#' Data <- lakshadweepPLUS[[1]]
#' Guild_Tag = c("Alg", "Cor", "Mac", "Mic", "Omn", "Pis", "Zoo")
#' Time <- as.vector(c(2000, 2000, 2001, 2001, 2001, 2001, 2002, 2002, 2002,
#' 2002, 2003, 2003, 2003, 2003, 2010, 2010, 2011, 2011, 2011, 2011, 2012,
#' 2012, 2012, 2012, 2013, 2013, 2013, 2013))
#' R <- upgma_model_selection(Data, Time, Factor = 3, Tags = Guild_Tag,
#' PerfectDetectability = FALSE, z = 4)
#' Guild_Tag = c("Agt", "Kad", "Kvt")
#' R <- upgma_model_selection(Data, Time, Factor = 2, Tags = Guild_Tag,
#' PerfectDetectability = FALSE, z = 4)
#' }
#' @return The function generates, as an output, a Sx6 matrix with the following 6 columns (for the S different partitions):
#' (No of Model Parameters, NLL, AIC, AIC_c, AIC_d, AIC_w) which compares all upgma-generarated
#' partitions. It also produces .tex code to generate a table of the best grouping and a summary of the model selection process.

upgma_model_selection <- function( Data, Time, Factor, Tags,
                             Colonization = 1.0, Extinction = 1.0,
                             Detectability_Value = 0.5, Phi_Time_0_Value = 0.5,
                             Tol = 1.0E-08, MIT = 100,
                             C_MAX = 10.0, C_min = 0.0,
                             E_MAX = 10.0, E_min = 0.0,
                             D_MAX = 0.99, D_min = 0.0,
                             P_MAX = 0.99, P_min = 0.01,
                             I_0 = 0, I_1 = 1, I_2 = 2, I_3 = 3,
                             z = 2,
                             Verbose = 0,
                             MV_FLAG = 0.1,
                             PerfectDetectability = TRUE)
    No_C = 100;
    No_E = 100;
    No_D = 100;
    No_P = 100;
  # S: Number of levels in Factor considered in this classificion.
  #    Levels can be species, guilds, phylogentic groups, etc
    S <- length(Tags)
    L <- split(Data, Data[[Factor]])
    Sites <- integer(S)
    No_of_Times <- integer(S);
    Nc <- length(Time);       # Nc, No of sampling Times,
    N = 0;
    for (i in 1:S)
        Sites[i] <- nrow(L[[i]]);
        No_of_Times[i] = Nc;
        N <- N + Sites[i];
    if( N != nrow(Data) )
        return("Error: Total number of rows in data frame Data differs from the output of nrow(Data)");
  # N is now the total number of rows across all data matrices

  # Notice here how the array function fills Time_Vector
  # with the elemens of Time in a cyclic manner until
  # reaching a length given by its second argument.
    Time_Vector  <- array( Time, S*Nc );

    Factors <- Filter(is.factor, Data);
    No_of_Factors <- length(Factors[1,]);
    n <- No_of_Factors + 1

  # Merging Data frames in the right order and converting the
  # resulting data frame into a matrix also in the right ordering.
  # Notice that the merge command should take both the sort=FALSE
  # and all=TRUE options!!!
    Data_M <- merge(L[[1]],L[[2]],all=TRUE,sort=FALSE);
    if( S > 2 ) for (i in 3:S)  Data_M <- merge(Data_M, L[[i]],all=TRUE,sort=FALSE);
    D <- as.matrix(Data_M[1:nrow(Data_M),n:ncol(Data_M)]);
    P <- array( t(D), N*Nc );

    if (PerfectDetectability == TRUE) {
        Z <- 2;     # Maximum dimension of parameter space (Colonization, Extinction)
        if (z != Z) return("Error: Dimension of the model parameter space should be 2,
                      that is, the colonization-extinction 2D plane.");

        C_Range <- double(2); C_Range <- c(C_min, C_MAX);
        E_Range <- double(2); E_Range <- c(E_min, E_MAX);

        Index <- integer(4);             Index <- c(I_0, I_1, 2, 3);
        Discretization <- integer(4);    Discretization <- c(No_C, No_E, 1, 1);
  # MINIMIZATION should be always 1 for shared object compatibility.
        MINIMIZATION = 1;
        Result <- double(6*S);
                  as.integer(S), as.character(Tags),
                  as.double(P), as.integer(Sites),
                  as.double(Time_Vector), as.integer(No_of_Times),
                  as.double(Colonization), as.double(C_Range),
                  as.double(Extinction), as.double(E_Range),
                  as.integer(z), as.integer(Z),
                  as.integer(Index), as.integer(Discretization),
                  as.double(Tol), as.integer(MIT),
                  as.integer(Verbose), as.integer(MINIMIZATION),

  # Result corresponds to the 20th argument of the .C(...) call list.
  # Arguments are counted from 0 to the last.
  # Arg 0 is MODEL_SELECTION_UPGMA_R_FUNCTION, this is, the name
  # of the shared object.
        Result  <- Res[[20]];
    else {
        Z <- 4;     # Maximum dimension of parameter space (Col, Ext, Dtc, P_0)
        if (z != Z) return("Error: Dimension of the model parameter space should be 4,
                      that is, the colonization-extinction-detectability-P_0 hypervolum.");

        C_Range <- double(2); C_Range <- c(C_min, C_MAX);
        E_Range <- double(2); E_Range <- c(E_min, E_MAX);
        D_Range <- double(2); D_Range <- c(D_min, D_MAX);
        P_Range <- double(2); P_Range <- c(P_min, P_MAX);

        Index <- integer(4);             Index <- c(I_0, I_1, I_2, I_3);
        Discretization <- integer(4);    Discretization <- c(No_C, No_E, No_D, No_P);
  # MINIMIZATION should be always 1 for shared object compatibility.
        MINIMIZATION = 1;
        Result <- double(6*S);
                  as.integer(S), as.character(Tags),
                  as.double(P), as.integer(Sites),
                  as.double(Time_Vector), as.integer(No_of_Times),
                  as.double(Colonization), as.double(C_Range),
                  as.double(Extinction), as.double(E_Range),
                  as.double(Detectability_Value), as.double(D_Range),
                  as.double(Phi_Time_0_Value), as.double(P_Range),
                  as.integer(z), as.integer(Z),
                  as.integer(Index), as.integer(Discretization),
                  as.double(Tol), as.integer(MIT),
                  as.integer(Verbose), as.integer(MINIMIZATION),

  # Result corresponds to the 24th argument of the .C(...) call list.
  # Arguments are counted from 0 to the last.
  # Arg 0 is MODEL_SELECTION_UPGMA_R_FUNCTION, this is, the name
  # of the shared object.
        Result  <- Res[[24]];

    R <- t(array(Result, c(6, S)));

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