
Defines functions plot_pca_surface get_pca_predictions

Documented in get_pca_predictions plot_pca_surface

#' Return PCA predictions.
#' @export
#' @import mgcv
#' @import stats
#' @import grDevices
#' @import graphics
#' @import plotfunctions
#' @description Produces perspective or contour plot views of gam model 
#' predictions of the additive effects interactions.
#' The code is based on the script for \code{\link[mgcv]{vis.gam}}, 
#' but allows to cancel random effects.
#' @param x A gam object, produced by \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}} or 
#' \code{\link[mgcv]{bam}}.
#' @param pca.term Text string, name of model predictor that represents a 
#' principle component.
#' @param weights Named list with the predictors that are combined in the PC 
#' and their weights. See examples.
#' @param view A two-value vector containing the names of the two terms to 
#' plot. The two terms should be part of the PC. Note that 
#' variables coerced to factors in the model formula won't work as view 
#' variables.
#' @param cond A named list of the values to use for the other predictor 
#' terms (not in view). Used for choosing between smooths that share the 
#' same view predictors.
#' @param partial Logical value: whether or not to plot the partial effect 
#' (TRUE) or the summed effect (FALSE, default). 
#' @param select  A number, selecting a single model term for printing. e.g. 
#' if you want the plot for the second smooth term set select=2.
#' @param rm.ranef Logical: whether or not to remove random effects. 
#' Default is TRUE.
#' @param se If less than or equal to zero then only the predicted surface 
#' is plotted, but if greater than zero, then 3 surfaces are plotted, one at 
#' the predicted values minus se standard errors, one at the predicted 
#' values and one at the predicted values plus se standard errors.
#' @param xlim A two item array giving the lower and upper limits for the x-
#' axis scale. NULL to choose automatically.
#' @param ylim A two item array giving the lower and upper limits for the y-
#' axis scale. NULL to choose automatically.
#' @param n.grid  The number of grid nodes in each direction used for 
#' calculating the plotted surface. 
#' @param print.summary Logical: whether or not to print a summary.
#' Default set to the print info messages option 
#' (see \code{\link{infoMessages}}).
#' @param as.data.frame Logical: whether the output is returned as data 
#' frame (TRUE, default) or as list (FALSE).
#' @author Jacolien van Rij
#' @seealso \code{plot_pca_surface}, \code{\link[stats]{prcomp}}
#' @examples
#' data(simdat)
#' # add hypothetical correlated term:
#' simdat$predictor <-  (simdat$Trial+10)^.75 + rnorm(nrow(simdat))
#' # principal components analysis:
#' pca <- prcomp(simdat[, c('Trial', 'predictor')])
#' # only first PC term contributes:
#' summary(pca)
#' # get rotation (weights of predictors in PC):
#' pcar <- pca$rotation
#' # add PC1 to data:
#' simdat$PC1 <- pca$x[,1]
#' \dontrun{
#' # model:
#' m1 <- bam(Y ~ Group + te(Time, PC1, by=Group) 
#'     + s(Time, Subject, bs='fs', m=1, k=5), data=simdat)
#' # inspect surface:
#' fvisgam(m1, view=c('Time', 'PC1'), cond=list(Group='Children'),
#'     rm.ranef=TRUE)
#' # how does Trial contribute?
#' p <- get_pca_predictions(m1, pca.term='PC1', weights=pcar[,'PC1'], 
#'     view=c('Time', 'Trial'), cond=list(Group='Children'),
#'     rm.ranef=TRUE, partial=FALSE)
#' # Note that the range of Trial is estimated based on the values of PC1.
#' # A better solution is to specify the range:
#' p <- get_pca_predictions(m1, pca.term='PC1', weights=pcar[,'PC1'], 
#'     view=list(Time=range(simdat$Time), Trial=range(simdat$Trial)), 
#'     cond=list(Group='Children'),rm.ranef=TRUE, partial=FALSE)
#' # plotting of the surface:
#' plot_pca_surface(m1, pca.term='PC1', weights=pcar[,'PC1'], 
#'     view=c('Time', 'Trial'), cond=list(Group='Children'),rm.ranef=TRUE)
#' }
#' @family Functions for PCA interpretation
get_pca_predictions <- function(x, pca.term = NULL, weights = NULL, view = NULL, cond = list(), select = NULL, 
    n.grid = 30, se = 1.96, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, partial = TRUE, rm.ranef = NULL, as.data.frame = TRUE, 
    print.summary = getOption("itsadug_print")) {
    if (partial == TRUE) {
        if (is.null(select)) {
            stop("Specify a smooth term for which to extract the predictions with argument 'select'.")
        if (is.null(pca.term)) {
            pca.term <- x$smooth[[1]]$term[1]
            if (print.summary) {
                cat(sprintf("Predictor %s selected as PC term.\n", pca.term))
    v.names <- names(x$var.summary)
    obs <- c()
    if (is.null(pca.term)) {
        stop("Please specify pca term.")
    } else {
        if (!pca.term %in% v.names) {
            stop(paste(c("pca variable must be one of", v.names), collapse = ", "))
    # check cond
    if (!is.null(cond)) {
        cn <- names(cond)
        test <- sapply(cn, function(x) {
            if (length(unique(cond[[x]])) > 1) {
                stop("Do not specify more than 1 value for conditions listed in the argument cond.")
            } else {
    cond.0 <- cond
    if (is.null(view)) {
        stop("Specify view predictors for the x- and optionally y-axis.")
    } else {
        if (!is.list(view)) {
            if (length(view) > 2) {
                warning("View has more than two values. Only first two will be used.")
                view <- view[1:2]
            view.list <- list()
            for (i in view) {
                if (i %in% colnames(x$model)) {
                  view.list[[i]] <- range(x$model[, i], na.rm = TRUE)
                } else if (i %in% names(weights)) {
                  r.pc <- range(x$model[, pca.term], na.rm = TRUE)
                  other.pca.components <- list()
                  for (j in names(weights)) {
                    if (!j %in% view) {
                      if (j %in% names(cond)) {
                        other.pca.components[[j]] <- cond[[j]]
                  other <- 0
                  for (j in names(other.pca.components)) {
                    other <- other + weights[j] * other.pca.components[[j]]
                  other.pca.components <- NULL
                  if (sum(view %in% names(weights)) == 1) {
                    # option 1: only this view predictor is in PC
                    view.list[[i]] <- (r.pc - other)/weights[i]
                  } else if (sum(view %in% names(weights)) == 2) {
                    # option 2: two view predictors are in PC
                    view.list[[i]] <- (r.pc - other)/sum(weights[view])
                    warning("The ranges of the two view predictors are unknown, and will be assumed the same. It is in most cases better to specify the view predictors as a list, with (the range of) their values. See examples.")
            view = view.list
        # process view list
        for (i in 1:length(view)) {
            if (length(view[[i]]) == 2) {
                view[[i]] = seq(view[[i]][1], view[[i]][2], length = n.grid)
            } else if (length(view[[i]]) != nrow(x$model)) {
                el <- missing_est(x)
                if (is.null(el)) {
                  view[[i]] = seq(min(view[[i]], na.rm = TRUE), max(view[[i]], na.rm = TRUE), length = n.grid)
                } else {
                  tmp = 1:length(view[[1]])
                  tmp = tmp[!tmp %in% el]
                  if (length(view[[i]][tmp]) == nrow(x$model)) {
                    if (!names(view)[i] %in% v.names) {
                      x$model[, names(view)[i]] <- view[[i]][tmp]
                  view[[i]] = seq(min(view[[i]], na.rm = TRUE), max(view[[i]], na.rm = TRUE), length = n.grid)
            } else {
                if (!names(view)[i] %in% v.names) {
                  x$model[, names(view)[i]] <- view[[i]]
                view[[i]] = seq(min(view[[i]], na.rm = TRUE), max(view[[i]], na.rm = TRUE), length = n.grid)
    m1 <- view[[1]]
    m2 <- NULL
    if (length(view) >= 2) {
        m2 <- view[[2]]
        if (length(view) > 2) {
            warning("Only first two view predictors are being used.")
    view = names(view)[1:min(2, length(view))]
    if (!is.null(xlim)) {
        if (length(xlim) != 2) {
            warning("Invalid xlim values specified. Argument xlim is being ignored.")
        } else {
            m1 <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length = n.grid)
    if (!is.null(ylim)) {
        if (length(ylim) != 2) {
            warning("Invalid ylim values specified. Argument ylim is being ignored.")
        } else if (!is.null(m2)) {
            m2 <- seq(ylim[1], ylim[2], length = n.grid)
    # calculate PC1 values PC = a*view1 + b*view2
    other.pca.components <- list()
    if (!any(view %in% names(weights))) {
        stop("None of the view predictors are found in weights.")
    } else if (!all(names(weights) %in% view)) {
        miss <- names(weights)[!names(weights) %in% view]
        for (i in miss) {
            if (i %in% names(cond)) {
                other.pca.components[[i]] <- cond[[i]]
                miss <- miss[miss != i]
            } else {
                other.pca.components[[i]] <- 0
        if (length(miss) > 0) {
            warning(sprintf("The following predictors are set to 0 when calculating the effect of %s: %s", 
                pca.term, paste(miss, collapse = ", ")))
    if (length(other.pca.components) > 0) {
        tmp <- 0
        for (i in names(other.pca.components)) {
            tmp <- tmp + weights[i] * other.pca.components[[i]]
        other.pca.components <- tmp
    } else {
        other.pca.components <- 0
    newd <- NULL
    obs <- "empty"
    if (!is.null(m2)) {
        tmp <- expand.grid(m1 = m1, m2 = m2)
        names(tmp) <- view
        if (all(view %in% names(weights))) {
            tmp[, pca.term] <- weights[view[1]] * tmp[, view[1]] + weights[view[2]] * tmp[, view[2]] + other.pca.components
            if (sum(view %in% colnames(x$model)) == 1) {
                if (view[1] %in% colnames(x$model)) {
                  r.pc <- (x$model[, pca.term] - other.pca.components - weights[view[1]] * x$model[, view[1]])/weights[view[2]]
                  obs <- data.frame(x = x$model[, view[1]], y = r.pc, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                  names(obs) <- view
                } else {
                  r.pc <- (x$model[, pca.term] - other.pca.components - weights[view[2]] * x$model[, view[2]])/weights[view[1]]
                  obs <- data.frame(x = x$model[, view[2]], y = r.pc, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                  names(obs) <- view
            } else if (sum(view %in% colnames(x$model)) == 2) {
                obs <- x$model[, view]
            } else {
                r.pc <- (x$model[, pca.term] - other.pca.components)/(weights[view[1]] + weights[view[2]])
                obs <- data.frame(x = r.pc, y = r.pc, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                names(obs) <- view
        } else if (sum(view %in% names(weights)) == 1) {
            tmp[, pca.term] <- weights[view[view %in% names(weights)]] * tmp[, view[view %in% names(weights)]] + 
            if (sum(view %in% colnames(x$model)) == 1) {
                if (view[1] %in% names(weights)) {
                  r.pc <- (x$model[, pca.term] - other.pca.components)/weights[view[1]]
                  obs <- data.frame(x = r.pc, y = x$model[, view[2]], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                  names(obs) <- view
                } else if (view[2] %in% names(weights)) {
                  r.pc <- (x$model[, pca.term] - other.pca.components)/weights[view[2]]
                  obs <- data.frame(x = r.pc, y = x$model[, view[1]], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                  names(obs) <- view
            } else if (sum(view %in% colnames(x$model)) == 2) {
                obs <- data.frame(x = x$model[, view[1]], y = x$model[, view[2]], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                names(obs) <- view
        cond[[pca.term]] <- unique(tmp[, pca.term])
        cond[[view[1]]] <- m1
        cond[[view[2]]] <- m2
        if (partial == TRUE) {
            newd <- get_predictions(x, cond = cond, se = FALSE, f = 0, rm.ranef = FALSE, print.summary = FALSE)
            newd$fit <- NULL
            fv <- predict(x, newd, type = "terms", se.fit = ifelse(se > 0, TRUE, FALSE))
            smooth.names <- x$smooth[[select]]$label
            if (se > 0) {
                newd <- cbind(newd, fit = fv$fit[, smooth.names], se.fit = fv$se.fit[, smooth.names] * se)
            } else {
                newd <- cbind(newd, fit = fv[, smooth.names])
        } else {
            newd <- get_predictions(x, cond = cond, se = ifelse(se > 0, TRUE, FALSE), f = ifelse(se > 0, se, 
                1.96), rm.ranef = rm.ranef, print.summary = print.summary)
        # add new predictors
        newd <- merge(newd, tmp, by = colnames(newd)[colnames(newd) %in% colnames(tmp)], all = TRUE)
        newd <- newd[order(newd[, view[1]], newd[, view[2]]), ]
        tmp <- NULL
    } else {
        tmp <- data.frame(m1 = m1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        names(tmp) <- view
        tmp[, pca.term] <- weights[view[1]] * tmp[, view[1]] + other.pca.components
        cond[[pca.term]] <- unique(tmp[, pca.term])
        cond[[view[1]]] <- m1
        if (partial == TRUE) {
            newd <- get_predictions(x, cond = cond, se = FALSE, f = 0, rm.ranef = FALSE, print.summary = FALSE)
            newd$fit <- NULL
            fv <- predict(x, newd, type = "terms", se.fit = ifelse(se > 0, TRUE, FALSE))
            smooth.names <- x$smooth[[select]]$label
            if (se > 0) {
                newd <- cbind(newd, fit = fv$fit[, smooth.names], se.fit = fv$se.fit[, smooth.names] * se)
            } else {
                newd <- cbind(newd, fit = fv[, smooth.names])
        } else {
            newd <- get_predictions(x, cond = cond, se = ifelse(se > 0, TRUE, FALSE), f = ifelse(se > 0, se, 
                1.96), rm.ranef = rm.ranef, print.summary = print.summary)
        # add new predictors
        newd[, view[1]] <- tmp[, view[1]]
        ### newd[, view[2]] <- tmp[, view[2]] <- some way to extract these predictors
        newd <- newd[order(newd[, view[1]]), ]
        tmp <- NULL
    attr(newd, "partial") <- partial
    attr(newd, "select") <- select
    attr(newd, "rm.ranef") <- rm.ranef
    attr(newd, "se") <- se
    attr(newd, "weights") <- weights
    attr(newd, "view") <- view
    attr(newd, "obs") <- obs

#' Visualization of the effect predictors in nonlinear interactions with 
#' principled components.
#' @export
#' @import mgcv
#' @import stats
#' @import grDevices
#' @import graphics
#' @import plotfunctions
#' @description Produces perspective or contour plot views of gam model 
#' predictions of the additive effects interactions.
#' The code is based on the script for \code{\link[mgcv]{vis.gam}}, 
#' but allows to cancel random effects.
#' @param x A gam object, produced by \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}} or 
#' \code{\link[mgcv]{bam}}.
#' @param pca.term Text string, name of model predictor that represents a 
#' principle component.
#' @param weights Named list with the predictors that are combined in the PC 
#' and their weights. See examples.
#' @param view A two-value vector containing the names of the two terms to 
#' plot. The two terms should be part of the PC. Note that 
#' variables coerced to factors in the model formula won't work as view 
#' variables.
#' @param cond A named list of the values to use for the other predictor 
#' terms (not in view). Used for choosing between smooths that share the 
#' same view predictors.
#' @param partial Logical value: whether or not to plot the partial effect 
#' (TRUE) or the summed effect (FALSE, default). 
#' @param select Numeric value, model term. In case \code{partial=TRUE} a 
#' model term needs to be selected.
#' @param n.grid  The number of grid nodes in each direction used for 
#' calculating the plotted surface. 
#' @param too.far Plot grid nodes that are too far from the points defined by 
#' the variables given in view can be excluded from the plot. too.far 
#' determines what is too far. The grid is scaled into the unit square along 
#' with the view variables and then grid nodes more than too.far from the 
#' predictor variables are excluded.
#' @param rm.ranef Logical: whether or not to remove random effects. 
#' Default is TRUE.
#' @param col The colors for the facets of the plot.
#' @param color The color scheme to use for plots. One of 'topo', 'heat', 
#' 'cm', 'terrain', 'gray' or 'bw'. 
#' @param contour.col sets the color of contours when using plot.
#' @param nCol The number of colors to use in color schemes.
#' @param plotCI Logical: whether or not to plot the confidence intervals. 
#' The value of \code{se} determines the size of the CI.
#' @param add.color.legend Logical: whether or not to add a color legend. 
#' Default is TRUE. If FALSE (omitted), one could use the function
#' \code{\link{gradientLegend}} to add a legend manually at any position.
#' @param se If less than or equal to zero then only the predicted surface 
#' is plotted, but if greater than zero, then 3 surfaces are plotted, one at 
#' the predicted values minus se standard errors, one at the predicted 
#' values and one at the predicted values plus se standard errors.
#' @param plot.type one of 'contour' or 'persp' (default is 'contour').
#' @param zlim A two item array giving the lower and upper limits for the z-
#' axis scale. NULL to choose automatically.
#' @param xlim A two item array giving the lower and upper limits for the x-
#' axis scale. NULL to choose automatically.
#' @param ylim A two item array giving the lower and upper limits for the y-
#' axis scale. NULL to choose automatically.
#' @param print.summary Logical: whether or not to print a summary.
#' Default set to the print info messages option 
#' (see \code{\link{infoMessages}}).
#' @param transform Function for transforming the fitted values. 
#' Default is NULL.
#' @param transform.view List with two functions for transforming 
#' the values on the x- and y-axis respectively. If one of the axes 
#' need to be transformed, set the other to NULL (no transformation).
#' See examples below.
#' @param hide.label Logical: whether or not to hide the label 
#' (i.e., 'fitted values'). Default is FALSE.
#' @param dec Numeric: number of decimals for rounding the color legend. 
#' When NULL, no rounding (default). If -1, automatically determined.  
#' Note: if value = -1, rounding will be applied also when 
#' \code{zlim} is provided.
#' @param ... other options to pass on to persp, image or contour. In 
#' particular ticktype='detailed' will add proper axes labeling to the plots.
#' @author Jacolien van Rij
#' data(simdat)
#' # add hypothetical correlated term:
#' simdat$predictor <-  (simdat$Trial+10)^.75 + rnorm(nrow(simdat))
#' # principal components analysis:
#' pca <- prcomp(simdat[, c('Trial', 'predictor')])
#' # only first PC term contributes:
#' summary(pca)
#' # get rotation (weights of predictors in PC):
#' pcar <- pca$rotation
#' # add PC1 to data:
#' simdat$PC1 <- pca$x[,1]
#' # model:
#' m1 <- bam(Y ~ Group + te(Time, PC1, by=Group) 
#'     + s(Time, Subject, bs='fs', m=1, k=5), data=simdat)
#' # inspect surface:
#' fvisgam(m1, view=c('Time', 'PC1'), cond=list(Group='Children'),
#'     rm.ranef=TRUE)
#' # how does Trial contribute?
#' plot_pca_surface(m1, pca.term='PC1', weights=pcar[,'PC1'], 
#'     view=c('Time', 'Trial'), cond=list(Group='Children'),rm.ranef=TRUE)
#' # Note that the range of Trial is estimated based on the values of PC1.
#' # A better solution is to specify the range:
#' plot_pca_surface(m1, pca.term='PC1', weights=pcar[,'PC1'], 
#'     view=list(Time=range(simdat$Time), Trial=range(simdat$Trial)), 
#'     cond=list(Group='Children'),rm.ranef=TRUE)
#' # Partial effects:
#' pvisgam(m1, view=c('Time', 'PC1'), cond=list(Group='Children'),
#'     select=1, rm.ranef=TRUE)
#' # PCA:
#' plot_pca_surface(m1, pca.term='PC1', weights=pcar[,'PC1'], 
#'     partial=TRUE, select=1,
#'     view=list(Time=range(simdat$Time), Trial=range(simdat$Trial)), 
#'     cond=list(Group='Children'))
#' @seealso \code{\link{fvisgam}}, \code{\link{pvisgam}}
#' @family Functions for PCA interpretation
plot_pca_surface <- function(x, pca.term = NULL, weights = NULL, view = NULL, cond = list(), partial = FALSE, 
    select = NULL, se = -1, n.grid = 30, too.far = 0, rm.ranef = NULL, col = NA, color = "topo", contour.col = NULL, 
    nCol = 50, plotCI = FALSE, add.color.legend = TRUE, plot.type = "contour", xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, zlim = NULL, 
    print.summary = getOption("itsadug_print"), transform = NULL, transform.view = NULL, hide.label = FALSE, 
    dec = NULL, ...) {
    dnm <- names(list(...))
    v.names <- names(x$var.summary)
    if (length(view) < 2) {
        stop("Specify 2 view predictors in a list; see examples.")
    } else {
    newd <- get_pca_predictions(x = x, pca.term = pca.term, weights = weights, view = view, cond = cond, partial = partial, 
        select = select, n.grid = n.grid, se = se, rm.ranef = rm.ranef, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, print.summary = getOption("itsadug_print"))
    view = attr(newd, "view")
    m1 <- sort(unique(newd[, view[1]]))
    m2 <- sort(unique(newd[, view[2]]))
    x$model <- cbind(x$model, attr(newd, "obs"))
    # transform values x- and y-axes:
    errormessage <- function(name) {
        return(sprintf("Error: the function specified in transformation.view cannot be applied to %s-values, because infinite or missing values are not allowed.", 
    if (!is.null(transform.view)) {
        if (length(transform.view) == 1) {
            m1 <- sapply(m1, transform.view)
            m2 <- sapply(m2, transform.view)
            if (any(is.infinite(m1)) | any(is.nan(m1)) | any(is.na(m1))) {
            if (any(is.infinite(m2)) | any(is.nan(m2)) | any(is.na(m2))) {
            if (print.summary) {
                cat("\t* Note: The same transformation is applied to values of x-axis and y-axis.\n")
        } else if (length(transform.view) >= 2) {
            if (!is.null(transform.view[[1]])) {
                m1 <- sapply(m1, transform.view[[1]])
                if (any(is.infinite(m1)) | any(is.nan(m1)) | any(is.na(m1))) {
            if (!is.null(transform.view[[2]])) {
                m2 <- sapply(m2, transform.view[[2]])
                if (any(is.infinite(m2)) | any(is.nan(m2)) | any(is.na(m2))) {
            if (print.summary) {
                cat("\t* Note: Transformation function(s) applied to values of x-axis and / or y-axis.\n")
    too.far.raster <- rep(alpha("white", f = 0), nrow(newd))
    newd.toofar <- newd
    ex.tf = NULL
    if (too.far > 0) {
        ex.tf <- mgcv::exclude.too.far(newd[, view[1]], newd[, view[2]], x$model[, view[1]], x$model[, view[2]], 
            dist = too.far)
        newd.toofar$se.fit[ex.tf] <- newd.toofar$fit[ex.tf] <- NA
        too.far.raster[ex.tf] <- "white"
    # raster images are row-first, in contrast to images...
    too.far.raster <- matrix(too.far.raster, byrow = FALSE, n.grid, n.grid)
    too.far.raster <- as.raster(too.far.raster[nrow(too.far.raster):1, ])
    z <- matrix(newd$fit, byrow = TRUE, n.grid, n.grid)
    z.toofar <- matrix(newd.toofar$fit, byrow = TRUE, n.grid, n.grid)
    zlab <- colnames(x$model)[!colnames(x$model) %in% names(cond)][1]
    if (plotCI == FALSE | se <= 0) {
        z.fit <- newd$fit
        z.fit.toofar <- newd.toofar$fit
        if (!is.null(transform)) {
            z.fit <- sapply(z.fit, transform)
            z <- matrix(z.fit, byrow = TRUE, n.grid, n.grid)
            z.fit.toofar <- sapply(z.fit.toofar, transform)
        old.warn <- options(warn = -1)
        av <- matrix(c(0.5, 0.5, rep(0, n.grid - 1)), byrow = TRUE, n.grid, n.grid - 1)
        max.z <- max(z, na.rm = TRUE)
        z[is.na(z)] <- max.z * 10000
        z <- matrix(z, byrow = TRUE, n.grid, n.grid)
        surf.col <- t(av) %*% z %*% av
        surf.col[surf.col > max.z * 2] <- NA
        if (!is.null(zlim)) {
            if (length(zlim) != 2 || zlim[1] >= zlim[2]) 
                stop("Something wrong with zlim")
            if (!is.null(dec)) {
                if (dec == -1) {
                  dec <- getDec(min(zlim, na.rm = TRUE))
                zlim <- getRange(zlim, step = (0.1^dec), n.seg = 2)
            min.z <- zlim[1]
            max.z <- zlim[2]
        } else {
            if (!is.null(dec)) {
                if (dec == -1) {
                  dec <- getDec(min(z.fit.toofar, na.rm = TRUE))
                tmp <- getRange(range(z.fit.toofar, na.rm = TRUE), n.seg = 2, step = (0.1^dec))
            } else {
                tmp <- range(z.fit.toofar, na.rm = TRUE)
            # min.z <- min(z.fit, na.rm = TRUE) max.z <- max(z.fit, na.rm = TRUE)
            min.z <- tmp[1]
            max.z <- tmp[2]
        surf.col <- surf.col - min.z
        surf.col <- surf.col/(max.z - min.z)
        surf.col <- round(surf.col * nCol)
        con.col <- 1
        if (color == "heat") {
            pal <- heat.colors(nCol)
            con.col <- 3
        } else if (color == "topo") {
            pal <- topo.colors(nCol)
            con.col <- 2
        } else if (color == "cm") {
            pal <- cm.colors(nCol)
            con.col <- 1
        } else if (color == "terrain") {
            pal <- terrain.colors(nCol)
            con.col <- 2
        } else if (color == "bpy") {
            if (requireNamespace("sp", quietly = TRUE)) {
                pal <- sp::bpy.colors(nCol)
                con.col <- 1
            } else {
                warning("Package 'sp' needed for bpy color palette. Using topo.colors instead (default).")
                color <- "topo"
                pal <- topo.colors(nCol)
                con.col <- 2
        } else if (color == "gray" || color == "bw") {
            pal <- gray(seq(0.1, 0.9, length = nCol))
            con.col <- 1
        } else stop("color scheme not recognized")
        if (is.null(contour.col)) 
            contour.col <- con.col
        surf.col[surf.col < 1] <- 1
        surf.col[surf.col > nCol] <- nCol
        if (is.na(col)) 
            col <- pal[as.array(surf.col)]
        z <- matrix(z, byrow = TRUE, n.grid, n.grid)
        if (plot.type == "contour") {
            stub <- paste(ifelse("xlab" %in% dnm, "", ",xlab=view[1]"), ifelse("ylab" %in% dnm, "", ",ylab=view[2]"), 
                ifelse("main" %in% dnm, "", ",main=zlab"), ",...)", sep = "")
            if (color != "bw") {
                txt <- paste("image(m1,m2,z,col=pal,zlim=c(min.z,max.z)", stub, sep = "")
                eval(parse(text = txt))
                txt <- paste("contour(m1,m2,z,col=contour.col,zlim=c(min.z,max.z)", ifelse("add" %in% dnm, 
                  "", ",add=TRUE"), ",...)", sep = "")
                eval(parse(text = txt))
            } else {
                txt <- paste("contour(m1,m2,z,col=1,zlim=c(min.z,max.z)", stub, sep = "")
                eval(parse(text = txt))
            gfc <- getFigCoords("p")
            rasterImage(too.far.raster, xleft = gfc[1], xright = gfc[2], ybottom = gfc[3], ytop = gfc[4])
            if (add.color.legend) {
                gradientLegend(c(min.z, max.z), n.seg = 3, pos = 0.875, color = pal, dec = dec)
            if (hide.label == FALSE) {
                addlabel = "fitted values"
                if (!is.null(rm.ranef)) {
                  if (rm.ranef != FALSE) {
                    addlabel = paste(addlabel, "excl. random", sep = ", ")
                mtext(addlabel, side = 4, line = 0, adj = 0, cex = 0.75, col = "gray35", xpd = TRUE)
                if (!is.null(transform)) {
                  mtext("transformed", side = 4, line = 0.75, adj = 0, cex = 0.75, col = "gray35", xpd = TRUE)
        } else {
            stub <- paste(ifelse("xlab" %in% dnm, "", ",xlab=view[1]"), ifelse("ylab" %in% dnm, "", ",ylab=view[2]"), 
                ifelse("main" %in% dnm, "", ",main=zlab"), ",...)", sep = "")
            if (color == "bw") {
                op <- par(bg = "white")
                txt <- paste("persp(m1,m2,z,col=\"white\",zlim=c(min.z,max.z) ", stub, sep = "")
                eval(parse(text = txt))
            } else {
                txt <- paste("persp(m1,m2,z,col=col,zlim=c(min.z,max.z)", stub, sep = "")
                eval(parse(text = txt))
            if (hide.label == FALSE) {
                addlabel = "fitted values"
                if (!is.null(rm.ranef)) {
                  if (rm.ranef != FALSE) {
                    addlabel = paste(addlabel, "excl. random", sep = ", ")
                mtext(addlabel, side = 4, line = 0, adj = 0, cex = 0.75, col = "gray35", xpd = TRUE)
                if (!is.null(transform)) {
                  mtext("transformed", side = 4, line = 0.75, adj = 0, cex = 0.75, col = "gray35", xpd = TRUE)
    } else {
        z.fit <- newd$fit
        z.cil <- newd$fit - newd$CI
        z.ciu <- newd$fit + newd$CI
        if (!is.null(transform)) {
            z.fit <- sapply(z.fit, transform)
            z.cil <- sapply(z.cil, transform)
            z.ciu <- sapply(z.ciu, transform)
        if (color == "bw" || color == "gray") {
            subs <- paste("grey are +/-", se, "s.e.")
            lo.col <- "gray"
            hi.col <- "gray"
        } else {
            subs <- paste("red/green are +/-", se, "s.e.")
            lo.col <- "green"
            hi.col <- "red"
        if (!is.null(zlim)) {
            if (length(zlim) != 2 || zlim[1] >= zlim[2]) 
                stop("Something wrong with zlim")
            min.z <- zlim[1]
            max.z <- zlim[2]
        } else {
            z.max <- max(z.ciu, na.rm = TRUE)
            z.min <- min(z.cil, na.rm = TRUE)
        zlim <- c(z.min, z.max)
        z <- matrix(z.cil, byrow = TRUE, n.grid, n.grid)
        if (plot.type == "contour") 
            warning("sorry no option for contouring with errors: try plot.gam")
        stub <- paste(ifelse("xlab" %in% dnm, "", ",xlab=view[1]"), ifelse("ylab" %in% dnm, "", ",ylab=view[2]"), 
            ifelse("zlab" %in% dnm, "", ",zlab=zlab"), ifelse("sub" %in% dnm, "", ",sub=subs"), ",...)", sep = "")
        txt <- paste("persp(m1,m2,z,col=col,zlim=zlim", ifelse("border" %in% dnm, "", ",border=lo.col"), stub, 
            sep = "")
        eval(parse(text = txt))
        par(new = TRUE)
        z <- matrix(z.fit, byrow = TRUE, n.grid, n.grid)
        txt <- paste("persp(m1,m2,z,col=col,zlim=zlim", ifelse("border" %in% dnm, "", ",border=\"black\""), 
            stub, sep = "")
        eval(parse(text = txt))
        par(new = TRUE)
        z <- matrix(z.ciu, byrow = TRUE, n.grid, n.grid)
        txt <- paste("persp(m1,m2,z,col=col,zlim=zlim", ifelse("border" %in% dnm, "", ",border=hi.col"), stub, 
            sep = "")
        eval(parse(text = txt))
        if (hide.label == FALSE) {
            addlabel = "fitted values"
            if (!is.null(rm.ranef)) {
                if (rm.ranef != FALSE) {
                  addlabel = paste(addlabel, "excl. random", sep = ", ")
            mtext(addlabel, side = 4, line = 0, adj = 0, cex = 0.75, col = "gray35", xpd = TRUE)
            if (!is.null(transform)) {
                mtext("transformed", side = 4, line = 0.75, adj = 0, cex = 0.75, col = "gray35", xpd = TRUE)
    invisible(list(fv = newd, m1 = m1, m2 = m2, zlim = c(min.z, max.z), too.far = ex.tf, note = paste(ifelse(is.null(transform), 
        "type=lpmatrix, not on response scale", transform), sprintf("Model predictor %s is transformed back to %s and %s", 
        pca.term, view[1], view[2]), sep = ";")))

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itsadug documentation built on June 17, 2022, 5:05 p.m.