
Defines functions illumina check_illumina_args read_profile format_profile find_profile_file seq_sys_by_read_length builtin_illumina_profiles

Documented in illumina

# read profile fxns -----

#' Return table of information about built-in Illumina profiles.
#' @noRd
builtin_illumina_profiles <- function() {
    profiles <- utils::read.csv(
        text = paste('"name","read_length","read","file_name","abbrev"',
                     '"Genome Analyzer I",36,1,"EmpR36R1","GA1"',
                     '"Genome Analyzer I",36,2,"EmpR36R2","GA1"',
                     '"Genome Analyzer I",44,1,"EmpR44R1","GA1"',
                     '"Genome Analyzer I",44,2,"EmpR44R2","GA1"',
                     '"Genome Analyzer II",50,1,"EmpR50R1","GA2"',
                     '"Genome Analyzer II",50,2,"EmpR50R2","GA2"',
                     '"MiniSeq TruSeq",50,1,"MiniSeqTruSeqL50","MinS"',
                     '"Genome Analyzer II",75,1,"EmpR75R1","GA2"',
                     '"Genome Analyzer II",75,2,"EmpR75R2","GA2"',
                     '"NextSeq 500 v2",75,1,"NextSeq500v2L75R1","NS50"',
                     '"NextSeq 500 v2",75,2,"NextSeq500v2L75R2","NS50"',
                     '"HiSeq 1000",100,1,"Emp100R1","HS10"',
                     '"HiSeq 1000",100,2,"Emp100R2","HS10"',
                     '"HiSeq 2000",100,1,"HiSeq2000L100R1","HS20"',
                     '"HiSeq 2000",100,2,"HiSeq2000L100R2","HS20"',
                     '"HiSeq 2500",125,1,"HiSeq2500L125R1","HS25"',
                     '"HiSeq 2500",125,2,"HiSeq2500L125R2","HS25"',
                     '"HiSeq 2500",150,1,"HiSeq2500L150R1filter","HS25"',
                     '"HiSeq 2500",150,2,"HiSeq2500L150R2filter","HS25"',
                     '"HiSeqX v2.5 PCR free",150,1,"HiSeqXPCRfreeL150R1","HSXn"',
                     '"HiSeqX v2.5 PCR free",150,2,"HiSeqXPCRfreeL150R2","HSXn"',
                     '"HiSeqX v2.5 TruSeq",150,1,"HiSeqXtruSeqL150R1","HSXt"',
                     '"HiSeqX v2.5 TruSeq",150,2,"HiSeqXtruSeqL150R2","HSXt"',
                     '"MiSeq v1",250,1,"EmpMiSeq250R1","MSv1"',
                     '"MiSeq v1",250,2,"EmpMiSeq250R2","MSv1"',
                     '"MiSeq v3",250,1,"MiSeqv3L250R1","MSv3"',
                     '"MiSeq v3",250,2,"MiSeqv3L250R2","MSv3"', sep = "\n"),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    profiles <- profiles[order(profiles$read_length),]

#' Find a sequencing system for a built-in profile file for a given read length.
#' @inheritParams read_profile
#' @noRd
seq_sys_by_read_length <- function(read_length) {

    seq_sys <- ""
    if (read_length <= 44){
        seq_sys <- "GA1"
    } else if (read_length <= 75){
        seq_sys <- "GA2"
    } else if (read_length <= 100){
        seq_sys <- "HS20"
    } else if (read_length <= 150){
        seq_sys <- "HS25"
    } else if (read_length <= 250){
        seq_sys <- "MSv1"
    } else {
        stop("\nNo built-in Illumina profile can generate reads of length ",
             paste(read_length), ".", call. = FALSE)


#' Find a built-in, ART-style Illumina profile file.
#' @inheritParams read_profile
#' @return The filename to be read from `read_profile`.
#' @noRd
find_profile_file <- function(seq_sys, read_length, read) {

    profile_df <- builtin_illumina_profiles()

    criteria1 <- profile_df$name == seq_sys | profile_df$abbrev == seq_sys
    if (sum(criteria1) == 0) {
        print(profile_df[!duplicated(profile_df$name), c("name", "abbrev")],
              row.names = FALSE)
        stop("\nThe desired Illumina platform name isn't available. ",
             "See printed data frame above for names and abbreviations of ",
             "those available.", call. = FALSE)
    criteria2 <- criteria1 & profile_df$read_length >= read_length
    if (sum(criteria2) == 0) {
        message(paste(unique(profile_df$read_length[criteria1]), collapse = " "))
        stop("\nFor the desired Illumina platform, this package doesn't have ",
             "a read length that's as long as you want. ",
             "See printed values above for lengths that are available.",
             call. = FALSE)
    criteria3 <- criteria2 & profile_df$read == read
    if (sum(criteria3) == 0) {
        stop("\nFor the desired Illumina platform and read length, ",
             "this package only has a profile for read number ",
             paste(ifelse(read == 1, 2, 1)), ".", call. = FALSE)

    profile_fn <- paste0(profile_df$file_name[criteria3][1], ".txt.gz")
    profile_fn <- system.file("art_profiles", profile_fn, package = "jackalope",
                              mustWork = TRUE)


#' Check profile's information for validity and format it for use in a sampler class.
#' @param profile_info List of info read from the profile file.
#' @inheritParams read_profile
#' @noRd
format_profile <- function(profile_info, read_length) {

    pos <- sapply(profile_info, function(x) x$pos)
    if (min(pos) > 0) stop("\nMinimum profile position should be zero.", call. = FALSE)
    if (max(pos) < (read_length-1)) {
        stop("\nMaximum profile position should be >= read_length - 1.", call. = FALSE)

    nts <- sapply(profile_info, function(x) x$nt)

    qual_probs <- rep(list(NA), 4)
    quals <- rep(list(NA), 4)
    names(qual_probs) <- names(quals) <- c("T", "C", "A", "G")

    for (nt in names(qual_probs)) {
        probs_nt <- lapply(profile_info[nts == nt], function(x) x$probs)
        qual_nt <- lapply(profile_info[nts == nt], function(x) x$quals)
        pos_nt <- sapply(profile_info[nts == nt], function(x) x$pos)
        if (!identical(0:(length(pos_nt) - 1), pos_nt)) {
            stop("\nFor nucleotide ", nt, " in the profile, the positions ",
                 "aren't a vector from 0 to length(positions) - 1.", call. = FALSE)
        if (length(probs_nt) != length(qual_nt)) {
            stop("\nFor nucleotide ", nt, " in the profile, the number of ",
                 "positions for qualities isn't the same as for the quality ",
                 "probabilities.", call. = FALSE)
        if (length(probs_nt) < read_length) {
            stop("\nFor nucleotide ", nt, " in the profile, it doesn't provide at ",
                 "least as many positions as your desired read length.", call. = FALSE)
        if (any(sapply(probs_nt, length) != sapply(qual_nt, length))) {
            stop("\nFor nucleotide ", nt, " in the profile, at least ",
                 "one of the positions has a number of qualities that doesn't ",
                 "match with the number of quality probabilities.", call. = FALSE)
        # Order by position:
        probs_nt <- probs_nt[order(pos_nt)]
        qual_nt <- qual_nt[order(pos_nt)]
        pos_nt <- pos_nt[order(pos_nt)]
        # Remove unnecessary positions if necessary:
        if (length(probs_nt) > read_length) {
            probs_nt <- probs_nt[1:read_length]
            qual_nt <- qual_nt[1:read_length]
            pos_nt <- pos_nt[1:read_length]
        qual_probs[[nt]] <- probs_nt
        quals[[nt]] <- qual_nt

    # Names no longer needed
    names(qual_probs) <- names(quals) <- NULL

    return(list(qual_probs = qual_probs, quals = quals))


#' Read an ART-style Illumina profile file.
#' Note: this function will need to be run twice for paired-end reads.
#' @param profile_fn File name of custom ART-style profile file for Illumina reads.
#' @param seq_sys The name of a built-in Illumina platform.
#' @param read_length Desired read length. Used to shorten the output vectors of
#'     qualities and quality-probabilities if `read_length` is less than the number of
#'     positions specified in the profile.
#' @param read Which read to get the profile from.
#' @return A list of qualities and quality-probabilities for each nucleotide and
#'     position on read. I wouldn't recommend printing this list
#'     because it's quite lengthy.
#' @noRd
read_profile <- function(profile_fn, seq_sys, read_length, read) {

    if (!is.null(profile_fn) && !is.null(seq_sys)) {
        stop("\nFor Illumina sequencing, the user should never provide both a custom ",
             "profile file and a sequencing system.", call. = FALSE)
    if (is.null(profile_fn) && is.null(seq_sys)) {
        seq_sys <- seq_sys_by_read_length(read_length)
    if (is.null(profile_fn)) {
        profile_fn <- find_profile_file(seq_sys, read_length, read)

    if (grepl("\\.gz$", profile_fn)) {
        gz <- gzfile(profile_fn, 'rt')
        profile_str <- readLines(gz)
    } else profile_str <- readLines(profile_fn)

    profile_str <- profile_str[grepl("^T|^C|^A|^G", profile_str)]
    profile_str <- strsplit(profile_str, "\t")
    profile_info <-
        lapply(seq(1, length(profile_str), 2),
               function(i) {
                   nn <- length(profile_str[[i]])
                   probs_ <- as.numeric(profile_str[[i+1]][3:nn])
                   if (nn > 3) probs_ <- probs_ - c(0, probs_[1:(nn-3)])
                   probs_ <- probs_ / sum(probs_)
                   quals_ <- as.integer(profile_str[[i]][3:nn])
                   if (!identical(profile_str[[i]][1:2], profile_str[[i+1]][1:2])) {
                       stop("\nInput profile file does not have proper format. ",
                            "The two lines specifying quality and distances should ",
                            "always have the same values for nucleotide and position.",
                            call. = FALSE)
                   if (length(profile_str[[i]]) != length(profile_str[[i+1]])) {
                       stop("\nInput profile file does not have proper format. ",
                            "The two lines specifying quality and distances should ",
                            "always have the same number of tab-delimited columns.",
                            call. = FALSE)
                   list(nt = profile_str[[i]][1],
                        pos = as.integer(profile_str[[i]][2]),
                        quals = quals_,
                        probs = probs_)

    final_info <- format_profile(profile_info, read_length)



# info functions -----

#' Check Illumina arguments for validity.
#' @noRd
check_illumina_args <- function(obj, n_reads,
                                read_length, paired,
                                frag_mean, frag_sd,
                                seq_sys, profile1, profile2,
                                ins_prob1, del_prob1,
                                ins_prob2, del_prob2,
                                frag_len_min, frag_len_max,
                                haplotype_probs, barcodes, prob_dup,
                                compress, comp_method, n_threads, read_pool_size,
                                show_progress) {

    # Checking types:

    if (!inherits(obj, c("ref_genome", "haplotypes"))) {
        stop("\nWhen providing info for the Illumina sequencer, ",
             "the object providing the sequence information should be ",
             "of class \"ref_genome\" or \"haplotypes\".", call. = FALSE)

    for (x in c("read_length", "n_reads", "n_threads", "read_pool_size")) {
        z <- eval(parse(text = x))
        if (!single_integer(z, 1)) err_msg("illumina", x, "a single integer >= 1")
    if (!is_type(compress, "logical", 1) && !single_integer(compress, 1, 9)) {
        err_msg("illumina", "compress", "a single logical or integer from 1 to 9")
    if (!is_type(comp_method, "character", 1) || !comp_method %in% c("gzip", "bgzip")) {
        err_msg("illumina", "comp_method", "\"gzip\" or \"bgzip\"")
    for (x in c("paired", "matepair", "sep_files", "compress", "show_progress")) {
        z <- eval(parse(text = x))
        if (!is_type(z, "logical", 1)) err_msg("illumina", x, "a single logical.")
    for (x in c("frag_mean", "frag_sd")) {
        z <- eval(parse(text = x))
        if (!single_number(z) || z <= 0) err_msg("illumina", x, "a single number > 0")
    for (x in c("ins_prob1", "del_prob1", "ins_prob2", "del_prob2", "prob_dup")) {
        z <- eval(parse(text = x))
        if (!single_number(z, 0, 1)) err_msg("illumina", x,
                                             "a single number in range [0,1].")
    for (x in c("seq_sys", "profile1", "profile2")) {
        z <- eval(parse(text = x))
        if (!is.null(z) && !is_type(z, "character", 1)) {
            err_msg("illumina", x, "NULL or a single string")
    for (x in c("frag_len_min", "frag_len_max")) {
        z <- eval(parse(text = x))
        if (!is.null(z) && !single_integer(z, 1)) {
            err_msg("illumina", x, "NULL or a single integer >= 1")
    if (!is.null(haplotype_probs) &&
        (!is_type(haplotype_probs, c("numeric", "integer")) ||
         any(haplotype_probs < 0) ||
         all(haplotype_probs == 0))) {
        err_msg("illumina", "haplotype_probs", "NULL or a numeric/integer vector",
                "with no values < 0 and at least one value > 0")
    if (!is.null(barcodes) && !is_type(barcodes, "character")) {
        err_msg("illumina", "barcodes", "NULL or a character vector")

    # Checking for proper profile info:
    if (paired) {
        if (!is.null(profile1) && is.null(profile2)) {
            stop("\nFor Illumina paired-end reads, if you provide a custom profile for ",
                 "read 1, you must also provide a file for read 2.", call. = FALSE)
        } else if (is.null(profile1) && !is.null(profile2)) {
            stop("\nFor Illumina paired-end reads, if you provide a custom profile for ",
                 "read 2, you must also provide a file for read 1.", call. = FALSE)
    } else if (!is.null(profile2)) {
        stop("\nFor Illumina single-end reads, it makes no sense to provide ",
             "a custom profile for read 2. ",
             "Terminating here in case this was a mistake.", call. = FALSE)

    # Checking proper haplotype_probs
    if (!is.null(haplotype_probs) && !inherits(obj, "haplotypes")) {
        stop("\nFor Illumina sequencing, it makes no sense to provide ",
             "a vector of probabilities of sequencing each haplotype if the ",
             "`obj` argument is of class \"ref_genome\". ",
             "Terminating here in case this was a mistake.", call. = FALSE)
    if (!is.null(haplotype_probs) && inherits(obj, "haplotypes") &&
        length(haplotype_probs) != obj$n_haps()) {
        err_msg("illumina", "haplotype_probs",
                "a vector of the same length as the number of haplotypes in the",
                "`obj` argument, if `obj` is of class \"haplotypes\".",
                "Use `obj$n_haps()` to see the number of haplotypes")
    # Similar checks for barcodes
    if (!is.null(barcodes)) {
        if (!inherits(obj, "haplotypes") && length(barcodes) != 1) {
            stop("\nFor Illumina sequencing, it makes no sense to provide ",
                 "a vector of multiple barcodes if the `obj` argument is ",
                 "of class \"ref_genome\". ",
                 "Terminating here in case this was a mistake.", call. = FALSE)
        if (inherits(obj, "haplotypes") && length(barcodes) != obj$n_haps()) {
            err_msg("illumina", "barcodes",
                    "a vector of the same length as the number of haplotypes in the",
                    "`obj` argument, if `obj` is of class \"haplotypes\".",
                    "Use `obj$n_haps()` to see the number of haplotypes")
        n_weirdo_chars <- sapply(strsplit(barcodes, ""),
                                 function(x) sum(!x %in% c("T", "C", "A", "G")))
        if (any(n_weirdo_chars > 0)) {
            err_msg("illumina", "barcodes", "NULL or a character vector with only the",
                    "characters \"T\", \"C\", \"A\", and \"G\" present")


# Illumina doc -----
#' Create and write Illumina reads to FASTQ file(s).
#' From either a reference genome or set of variant haplotypes, create Illumina reads
#' from error profiles and write them to FASTQ output file(s).
#' I encourage you to cite the reference below in addition to `jackalope` if you use
#' this function.
#' @section Sequencing profiles:
#' This section outlines how to use the `seq_sys`, `profile1`,
#' and `profile2` arguments.
#' If all arguments are `NULL` (their defaults), a sequencing system is chosen
#' based on the read length.
#' If, however, one or more arguments has been provided, then how they're provided
#' should depend on whether you want single- or paired-end reads.
#' __For single-end reads__
#' - `profile2` should be `NULL`.
#' - Only `seq_sys` or `profile1` should be provided, not both.
#'  __For paired-end reads__
#' - If providing `seq_sys`, don't provide either `profile1` or `profile2`.
#' - If providing `profile1`, you must also provide `profile2` (they can be the
#'   same if you want) and you cannot provide `seq_sys`.
#' @section Sequencing systems:
#' Sequencing system options are the following, where, for each system,
#' "name" is the full name, "abbrev" is the abbreviated name,
#' "max_len" indicates the maximum allowed read length,
#' and
#' "paired" indicates whether paired-end sequencing is allowed.
#' \tabular{llll}{
#' name                 \tab abbrev   \tab max_len \tab paired \cr
#' Genome Analyzer I    \tab GA1      \tab 44      \tab Yes   \cr
#' Genome Analyzer II   \tab GA2      \tab 75      \tab Yes   \cr
#' HiSeq 1000           \tab HS10     \tab 100     \tab Yes   \cr
#' HiSeq 2000           \tab HS20     \tab 100     \tab Yes   \cr
#' HiSeq 2500           \tab HS25     \tab 150     \tab Yes   \cr
#' HiSeqX v2.5 PCR free \tab HSXn     \tab 150     \tab Yes   \cr
#' HiSeqX v2.5 TruSeq   \tab HSXt     \tab 150     \tab Yes   \cr
#' MiniSeq TruSeq       \tab MinS     \tab 50      \tab No    \cr
#' MiSeq v1             \tab MSv1     \tab 250     \tab Yes   \cr
#' MiSeq v3             \tab MSv3     \tab 250     \tab Yes   \cr
#' NextSeq 500 v2       \tab NS50     \tab 75      \tab Yes   \cr
#' }
#' @section ID lines:
#' The ID lines for FASTQ files are formatted as such:
#' `@<genome name>-<chromosome name>-<starting position>-<strand>[/<read#>]`
#' where the part in `[]` is only for paired-end Illumina reads, and where `genome name`
#' is always `REF` for reference genomes (as opposed to haplotypes).
#' @param obj Sequencing object of class `ref_genome` or `haplotypes`.
#' @param out_prefix Prefix for the output file(s), including entire path except
#'     for the file extension.
#' @param n_reads Number of reads you want to create.
#' @param read_length Length of reads.
#' @param paired Logical for whether to use paired-end reads.
#'     This argument is changed to `TRUE` if `matepair` is `TRUE`.
#' @param frag_mean Mean of the Gamma distribution that generates fragment sizes.
#'     Defaults to `400`.
#' @param frag_sd Standard deviation of the Gamma distribution that generates
#'     fragment sizes.
#'     Defaults to `100`.
#' @param matepair Logical for whether to simulate mate-pair reads.
#'     Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param seq_sys Full or abbreviated name of sequencing system to use.
#'     See "Sequencing systems" section for options.
#'     See "Sequencing profiles" section for more information on how this argument,
#'     `profile1`, and `profile2` are used to specify profiles.
#'     Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param profile1 Custom profile file for read 1.
#'     See "Sequencing profiles" section for more information on how this argument,
#'     `profile2`, and `seq_sys` are used to specify profiles.
#'     Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param profile2 Custom profile file for read 2.
#'     See "Sequencing profiles" section for more information on how this argument,
#'     `profile1`, and `seq_sys` are used to specify profiles.
#'     Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param ins_prob1 Insertion probability for read 1. Defaults to `0.00009`.
#' @param del_prob1 Deletion probability for read 1. Defaults to `0.00011`.
#' @param ins_prob2 Insertion probability for read 2. Defaults to `0.00015`.
#' @param del_prob2 Deletion probability for read 2. Defaults to `0.00023`.
#' @param frag_len_min Minimum fragment size. A `NULL` value results in the read length.
#'     Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param frag_len_max Maximum fragment size.
#'     A `NULL` value results in `2^32-1`, the maximum allowed value.
#'     Defaults to `NULL`
#' @param haplotype_probs Relative probability of sampling each haplotype.
#'     This is ignored if sequencing a reference genome.
#'     `NULL` results in all having the same probability.
#'     Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param barcodes Character vector of barcodes for each haplotype, or a single barcode
#'     if sequencing a reference genome. `NULL` results in no barcodes.
#'     Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param prob_dup A single number indicating the probability of duplicates.
#'     Defaults to `0.02`.
#' @param sep_files Logical indicating whether to make separate files for each haplotype.
#'     This argument is coerced to `FALSE` if the `obj` argument is not
#'     a `haplotypes` object.
#'     Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param compress Logical specifying whether or not to compress output file, or
#'     an integer specifying the level of compression, from 1 to 9.
#'     If `TRUE`, a compression level of `6` is used.
#'     Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param comp_method Character specifying which type of compression to use if any
#'     is desired. Options include `"gzip"` and `"bgzip"`.
#'     This is ignored if `compress` is `FALSE`, and it throws an error if
#'     it's set to `"gzip"` when `n_threads > 1` (since I don't have a method to
#'     do gzip compression in parallel).
#'     Defaults to `"bgzip"`.
#' @param n_threads The number of threads to use in processing.
#'     If `compress` is `TRUE` or `> 0` (indicating compressed output),
#'     setting `n_threads` to `2` or more makes this function first create an
#'     uncompressed file/files using `n_threads` threads, then compress that/those
#'     file/files also using `n_threads` threads.
#'     There is no speed increase if you try to use multiple threads to create
#'     compressed output on the fly, so that option is not included.
#'     If you want to be conservative with disk space (by not having an uncompressed
#'     file present even temporarily), set `n_threads` to `1`.
#'     Threads are NOT spread across chromosomes or haplotypes, so you don't need to
#'     think about these when choosing this argument's value.
#'     However, all threads write to the same file/files, so there are diminishing
#'     returns for providing many threads.
#'     This argument is ignored if the package was not compiled with OpenMP.
#'     Defaults to `1`.
#' @param read_pool_size The number of reads to store before writing to disk.
#'     Increasing this number should improve speed but take up more memory.
#'     Defaults to `1000`.
#' @param show_progress Logical for whether to show a progress bar.
#'     Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param overwrite Logical for whether to overwrite existing FASTQ file(s) of the
#'     same name, if they exist.
#' @return Nothing is returned.
#' @export
#' @usage illumina(obj,
#'          out_prefix,
#'          n_reads,
#'          read_length,
#'          paired,
#'          frag_mean = 400,
#'          frag_sd = 100,
#'          matepair = FALSE,
#'          seq_sys = NULL,
#'          profile1 = NULL,
#'          profile2 = NULL,
#'          ins_prob1 = 0.00009,
#'          del_prob1 = 0.00011,
#'          ins_prob2 = 0.00015,
#'          del_prob2 = 0.00023,
#'          frag_len_min = NULL,
#'          frag_len_max = NULL,
#'          haplotype_probs = NULL,
#'          barcodes = NULL,
#'          prob_dup = 0.02,
#'          sep_files = FALSE,
#'          compress = FALSE,
#'          comp_method = "bgzip",
#'          n_threads = 1L,
#'          read_pool_size = 1000L,
#'          show_progress = FALSE,
#'          overwrite = FALSE)
#' @references
#' Huang, W., L. Li, J. R. Myers, and G. T. Marth. 2012. ART: a next-generation
#' sequencing read simulator. \emph{Bioinformatics} \strong{28}:593–594.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' rg <- create_genome(10, 100e3, 100)
#' dir <- tempdir(TRUE)
#' illumina(rg, paste0(dir, "/illumina_reads"), n_reads = 100,
#'          read_length = 100, paired = FALSE)
#' }
illumina <- function(obj,
                     frag_mean = 400,
                     frag_sd = 100,
                     matepair = FALSE,
                     seq_sys = NULL,
                     profile1 = NULL,
                     profile2 = NULL,
                     ins_prob1 = 0.00009,
                     del_prob1 = 0.00011,
                     ins_prob2 = 0.00015,
                     del_prob2 = 0.00023,
                     frag_len_min = NULL,
                     frag_len_max = NULL,
                     haplotype_probs = NULL,
                     barcodes = NULL,
                     prob_dup = 0.02,
                     sep_files = FALSE,
                     compress = FALSE,
                     comp_method = "bgzip",
                     n_threads = 1L,
                     read_pool_size = 1000L,
                     show_progress = FALSE,
                     overwrite = FALSE) {

    # We want `paired` to be coerced to TRUE if we want mate-pair sequencing
    # I'm doing this here to make `paired` not required.
    if (matepair) paired <- TRUE

    # Check for improper argument types:
    check_illumina_args(obj, n_reads, read_length, paired,
                        frag_mean, frag_sd, matepair, seq_sys, profile1, profile2,
                        ins_prob1, del_prob1, ins_prob2, del_prob2,
                        frag_len_min, frag_len_max, haplotype_probs, barcodes, prob_dup,
                        compress, comp_method, n_threads, read_pool_size, show_progress)

    out_prefix <- path.expand(out_prefix)
    fns <- NULL
    # Doesn't make sense to have separate files for reference genome:
    if (inherits(obj, "ref_genome")) sep_files <- FALSE
    if (!sep_files) {
        fns <- paste0(out_prefix, "_R", 1:ifelse(paired, 2, 1), ".fq")
    } else {
        fns <- lapply(obj$hap_names(),
                      function(x) sprintf("%s_%s_R%i.fq", out_prefix, x,
                                          1:ifelse(paired, 2, 1)))
        fns <- c(fns, recursive = TRUE)
    check_file_existence(fns, compress, overwrite)

    # Set compression level:
    if (is_type(compress, "logical", 1) && compress) compress <- 6 # default compression
    if (is_type(compress, "logical", 1) && !compress) compress <- 0 # no compression

    if (n_threads > 1 && compress > 0 && comp_method == "gzip") {
        stop("\nCompression using gzip cannot be performed using multiple threads. ",
             "Please use bgzip compression instead.")

    # Change mean and SD to shape and scale of Gamma distribution:
    frag_len_shape <- (frag_mean / frag_sd)^2
    frag_len_scale <- frag_sd^2 / frag_mean

    if (is.null(frag_len_min)) frag_len_min <- read_length
    # (Because it's coerced to an unsigned 32-bit integer, values >= 2^32 will
    #  make the integer "overflow" and change to something you don't want.)
    if (is.null(frag_len_max) || frag_len_max > 2^32 - 1) frag_len_max <- 2^32 - 1
    if (frag_len_min > frag_len_max) {
        stop("\nFragment length min can't be less than the max. ",
             "For computational reasons, both should also be < 2^32, ",
             "and if `frag_len_min` is not provided, it's automatically changed ",
             "to the read length.", call. = FALSE)
    if (is.null(haplotype_probs) && inherits(obj, "haplotypes")) {
        haplotype_probs <- rep(1, obj$n_haps())
    if (is.null(barcodes) && inherits(obj, "haplotypes")) {
        barcodes <- rep("", obj$n_haps())
    } else if (is.null(barcodes)) barcodes <- ""

    prof_info1 <- read_profile(profile1, seq_sys, read_length, 1)
    qual_probs1  <- prof_info1$qual_probs
    quals1 <- prof_info1$quals

    qual_probs2 <- NULL
    quals2 <- NULL
    if (paired) {
        prof_info2 <- read_profile(profile2, seq_sys, read_length, 2)
        qual_probs2 <- prof_info2$qual_probs
        quals2 <- prof_info2$quals
    } else {
        qual_probs2 <- list(list(numeric(0)))
        quals2 <- list(list(numeric(0)))

    # Assembling list of arguments for inner cpp function:
    args <- list(out_prefix = out_prefix,
                 sep_files = sep_files,
                 compress = compress,
                 comp_method = comp_method,
                 n_reads = n_reads,
                 paired = paired,
                 matepair = matepair,
                 prob_dup = prob_dup,
                 n_threads = n_threads,
                 read_pool_size = read_pool_size,
                 frag_len_shape = frag_len_shape,
                 frag_len_scale = frag_len_scale,
                 frag_len_min = frag_len_min,
                 frag_len_max = frag_len_max,
                 qual_probs1 = as.name(quote(qual_probs1)),
                 quals1 = as.name(quote(quals1)),
                 ins_prob1 = ins_prob1,
                 del_prob1 = del_prob1,
                 qual_probs2 = as.name(quote(qual_probs2)),
                 quals2 = as.name(quote(quals2)),
                 ins_prob2 = ins_prob2,
                 del_prob2 = del_prob2,
                 barcodes = barcodes,
                 show_progress = show_progress)

    if (inherits(obj, "ref_genome")) {
        args <- c(args, list(ref_genome_ptr = obj$ptr()))
        args$sep_files <- NULL
        do.call(illumina_ref_cpp, args)
    } else if (inherits(obj, "haplotypes")) {
        args <- c(args, list(hap_set_ptr = obj$ptr(),
                             haplotype_probs = haplotype_probs))
        do.call(illumina_hap_cpp, args)
    } else {
        err_msg("illumina", "`obj`", "a \"ref_genome\" or \"haplotypes\" object")


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jackalope documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:58 a.m.