
Defines functions survst

Documented in survst

#' Function for survival starting values
#' Internal function to estimate the starting values for the EM algorithm for
#' the survival sub-model
#' @param survdat2 the survival data with original variables (factors and
#'   interaction terms not expanded), ordered by increasing survival time
#' @inheritParams jointmeta1
#' @inheritParams EMalgRandprop
#' @return A list of the results from the initial survival fit is returned. This
#'   list contains the following elements: \describe{
#'   \item{\code{beta2}}{a vector of the estimated coefficients for fixed
#'   effects included in the survival sub-model. If there are no fixed effects
#'   included in the survival sub-model then this returns \code{NULL}}.
#'   \item{\code{haz}}{the estimate of the baseline hazard estimated from the
#'   separate survival model.  If \code{strat = TRUE} then this is a list of
#'   length equal to the number of studies in the dataset, each element of which
#'   is a vector of length equal to the number of events in each study. If
#'   \code{strat = FALSE} then this is a vector of length equal to the number of
#'   events in the entire dataset.}
#'   \item{\code{rs}}{the number of events that have occured by the individual
#'   in question's survival time. If \code{strat = TRUE} then this is a list of
#'   length equal to the number of studies in the dataset, each element of which
#'   is a vector of length equal to the number of individuals in each study. If
#'   \code{strat = FALSE} then this is a vector of length equal to the number of
#'   individuals in the entire dataset.}
#'   \item{\code{sf}}{the survival times where at least one event was observed.
#'   If \code{strat = TRUE} then this is a list of length equal to the number of
#'   studies in the dataset, each element of which is a vector of length equal
#'   to the number of events in each study. If \code{strat = FALSE} then this is
#'   a vector of length equal to the number of events in the entire dataset.}
#'   \item{\code{nev}}{the number of events that occur at each unique event
#'   time.  If \code{strat = TRUE} then this is a list of length equal to the
#'   number of studies in the dataset, each element of which is a vector of
#'   length equal to the number of events in each study. If \code{strat = FALSE}
#'   then this is a vector of length equal to the number of events in the entire
#'   dataset.}
#'   \item{\code{log.like.surv}}{the value of the log-likelihood from the
#'   separate survival analysis}
#'   \item{\code{modelfit}}{the initial survival model fit, fitted using the
#'   \code{\link[survival]{coxph}} function from the
#'   \code{survival} package.}
#'   }
#' @keywords internal
#' @import survival
survst <- function(survdat, surv.formula, survdat2, strat, study.name = NULL) {
  survdat2 <- survdat2[order(survdat2[, 2]), ]
  n <- length(survdat[, 2])
  s <- survdat[, 2]
  cen <- survdat[, 3]
  study <- survdat[, 4]
  ids.surv <- survdat[, 1]
  p2 <- dim(survdat)[2] - 4
  studies <- unique(study)
  numstudies <- length(studies)
  if (strat == FALSE) {
    surv.start <- coxph(surv.formula, data = survdat, x = TRUE)
    surv.start.f <- survfit(surv.start)
    sf <- surv.start.f$time[surv.start.f$n.event != 0]
    nf <- length(sf)
    nev <- surv.start.f$n.event[surv.start.f$n.event != 0]
    if (p2 > 0) {
      haz <- coxph.detail(surv.start)$hazard
    } else {
      haz <- surv.start.f$n.event/surv.start.f$n.risk
      haz <- haz[surv.start.f$n.event > 0]
    rs <- rep(1:nf, c(diff(match(sf, s)), n + 1 - match(sf, s)[nf]))
    if (cen[1] == 0) {
      rs <- c(rep(0, which(cen == 1)[1] - 1), rs)
    names(rs) <- survdat[, 1]
    beta2 <- coef(surv.start)
    ll <- surv.start$loglik - sum(cen)
    list(beta2 = beta2, haz = haz, rs = rs, sf = sf, nev = nev, log.like.surv = ll,
         modelfit = surv.start)
  } else {
    ids.bystudy <- lapply(1:numstudies, function(u) {
      ids.surv[which(survdat[, 4] == studies[u])]
    names(ids.bystudy) <- studies
    n.bystudy <- unlist(lapply(1:numstudies, function(u) {
    cen.bystudy <- lapply(1:numstudies, function(u) {
      cen[which(ids.surv %in% ids.bystudy[[u]])]
    names(cen.bystudy) <- studies
    s.bystudy <- lapply(1:numstudies, function(u) {
      s[which(ids.surv %in% ids.bystudy[[u]])]
    names(s.bystudy) <- studies
    surv.formula.strat <- as.character(surv.formula)
    surv.formula.strat[3] <- paste(surv.formula.strat[3], "+strata(",
                                   study.name, ")", sep = "", collapse = "")
    surv.formula.strat <- as.formula(paste(surv.formula.strat[2], surv.formula.strat[1],
                                           surv.formula.strat[3], sep = ""))
    surv.start <- coxph(surv.formula.strat, data = survdat, x = TRUE)
    surv.start.f <- survfit(surv.start)
    data <- data.frame(cbind(basehaz(surv.start), surv.start.f$n.event,
    if(grepl(study.name, data[1, 3])) {
      data.bystudy <- lapply(1:numstudies, function(u) {
        data[which(data[, 3] == paste(study.name, "=", studies[u], sep="")), ]
    } else {
      data.bystudy <- lapply(1:numstudies, function(u) {
        data[which(data[, 3] == studies[u]), ]
    names(data.bystudy) <- studies
    sf.bystudy <- lapply(1:numstudies, function(u) {
      data.bystudy[[u]][which(data.bystudy[[u]][, 4] != 0), 2]
    names(sf.bystudy) <- studies
    nf <- unlist(lapply(1:numstudies, function(u) {
    nev.bystudy <- lapply(1:numstudies, function(u) {
      data.bystudy[[u]][which(data.bystudy[[u]][, 4] != 0), 4]
    names(nev.bystudy) <- studies
    if (p2 > 0) {
      haz <- lapply(1:numstudies, function(u) {
        data.bystudy[[u]][which(data.bystudy[[u]][, 4] != 0), 1]
    } else {
      haz <- lapply(1:numstudies, function(u) {
        datatemp <- data.bystudy[[u]]
        temp <- datatemp[, 4]/datatemp[, 5]
        temp[which(temp != 0)]
    names(haz) <- studies
    rs <- lapply(1:numstudies, function(u) {
      eventslocs <- which(data.bystudy[[u]]$surv.start.f.n.event !=
      eventcounter <- 0
      loccounter <- 1
      temp <- c()
      for (i in 1:length(eventslocs)) {
        temp <- c(temp, rep(eventcounter, data.bystudy[[u]]$surv.start.f.n.risk[(loccounter)] -
        eventcounter <- eventcounter + 1
        loccounter <- eventslocs[i]
      temp <- c(temp, rep(length(eventslocs), length(ids.bystudy[[u]]) -
      names(temp) <- ids.bystudy[[u]]

    names(rs) <- studies
    beta2 <- coef(surv.start)
    ll <- surv.start$loglik - sum(as.numeric(do.call(c, cen.bystudy)))
    list(beta2 = beta2, haz = haz, rs = rs, sf = sf.bystudy, nev = nev.bystudy,
         log.like.surv = ll, modelfit = surv.start)

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