df <- data.frame(1:4, 4:7)
kbl(df, format = "latex") |>
        bold = TRUE,
        monospace = TRUE,
        underline = TRUE,
        italic = TRUE)
kbl(df, format = "latex") |>
    row_spec(3, angle = 45)
kbl(df, format = "latex") |>
    row_spec(3, font_size = 20)
kbl(df, format = "latex") |>
    row_spec(3, color = "blue", background = "pink")
kbl(df, format = "latex", booktabs = TRUE) |>
    kable_classic() |>
    row_spec(3, hline_after = TRUE)
collapse_rows_dt <- data.frame(
    C1 = c(rep("a", 10), rep("b", 5)),
    C2 = c(rep("c", 7), rep("d", 3), rep("c", 2), rep("d", 3)),
    C3 = 1:15,
    C4 = sample(c(0, 1), 15, replace = TRUE))
kbl(collapse_rows_dt[-1], format = "latex", align = "c", booktabs = T) %>%
    column_spec(1, bold = T, width = "5em") %>%
    row_spec(c(1:7, 11:12) - 1, extra_latex_after = "\\rowcolor{gray!6}") %>%
    collapse_rows(1, latex_hline = "none")
df <- data.frame(a = c("ab", "abc"), b = c("abcd", "abcde"))
kbl(df, format = "latex") |>
    row_spec(1, align = "r") |>
    row_spec(2, align = "c")
dfWithDot <- data.frame(
    A = c("A1", "A2", "A."),
    B1 = c("A1B1", "A2B1", "A.B1"),
    B2 = c("A1B2", "A2B2", "A.B2"),
    B3 = c("A1B3", "A2B3", "A.B3"),
    B. = c("A1B.", "A2B.", "A.B."))
kbl(dfWithDot, format = "latex") |>
    kable_styling(latex_options = "striped")
collapse_rows_dt <- data.frame(
    C1 = c(rep("a", 10), rep("b", 5)),
    C2 = c(rep("c", 7), rep("d", 3), rep("c", 2), rep("d", 3)),
    C3 = 1:15,
    C4 = sample(c(0, 1), 15, replace = TRUE))
kbl(collapse_rows_dt[-1], align = "c", booktabs = T, format = "latex") %>%
    column_spec(1, bold = T, width = "5em") %>%
    row_spec(c(1:7, 11:12) - 1, extra_latex_after = "\\rowcolor{gray!6}") %>%
    collapse_rows(1, latex_hline = "none")

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kableExtra documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:59 a.m.