
kapsNews <- function(){
	file.locate <- file.path(system.file(package = "kaps/inst"), "NEWS")

### Combined probability test 
Stouffer.test <- function(p, w) { # p is a vector of p-values
  if (missing(w)) {
    w <- rep(1, length(p))/length(p)
  } else {
    if (length(w) != length(p))
      stop("Length of p and w must equal!")
  Zi <- qnorm(1-p) 
  Z  <- sum(w*Zi)/sqrt(sum(w^2))
  p.val <- 1-pnorm(Z)
  return(c(Z = Z, p.value = p.val))

## Count minimum sample size
count.mindat <- function(formula, data, part = 10){
## output: the minimum number of samle size.

	formula <- as.Formula(formula)
	X <- model.part(formula, data, rhs = 1)
	subgr <- apply(X, 2, function(x) {
		res <- table(x) / length(x)
		res <- res[order(res, decreasing = FALSE)]
	res <- apply(subgr, 2, function(x, data, part){
		dat.prop <- x[length(x) - part]
		res <- floor(nrow(data) * dat.prop)
		data =  data, part = part
	names(res) <- NULL

## Calculate all possible subset
# from gRbase package
combnat <- function(x,m){
  if (length(x)==1 && is.numeric(x))
    x <- seq(x)
  if (length(x) < m)
    stop("Error in combnat: n < m\n")
  NCAND = as.integer(length(x))
  NSEL  = as.integer(m)
  NSET <- as.integer(choose(NCAND,NSEL))
  ANS  <- as.integer(rep.int(0, NSET*NSEL))
  #res <- .C("combnC", NSEL, NCAND, NSET, ANS, DUP=FALSE
  res <- .C("combnC", NSEL, NCAND, NSET, ANS
            ,PACKAGE="kaps" )[[4]]
  res <- x[res]
  dim(res) <- c(NSEL, NSET)  

## Calculate Chi-square and Adj. chi-square test statistics among subgroups.
adj.test <- function(x){
	data <- x@data
	data$subgroups <- x@groupID
	#data$group <- gr.sel[,index]
	f <- update(x@formula, . ~ subgroups)		
	test.stat <- survdiff(f, data = data)$chisq
	#v <- length(x@split.pt)
	#x.mean <- 1 - (2 / (9 * v))
	#x.std <- sqrt(2 / (9 * v))
	#WH <- (test.stat / v)^(1/3)
	#t <-(WH-x.mean)/(x.std)
	#WH <- ( (7/9) + sqrt(nu)*((test.stat/ nu )^(1/3) - 1 + (2 / (9 * nu))))^3
	#WH <- max(0, WH)
	### ouptut structure
	# over.stat = overall test statistic for selected candidate
	# pair.stat = pairwise test statistic for selected candidate
	# cube.stat = cube-root transformation
	# WH.stat = t statistic
	#return(c(over.stat = test.stat, pair.stat = x@X, cube.stat = WH, WH.stat = t))
	return(c(over.stat = test.stat, pair.stat = x@X))

## Median Survival Time, refered to the print.survfit() in the survival package
survmed <- function(surv,time, tol= 1.0e-5) {
	keep <- (!is.na(surv) & surv <(.5 + tol))
	if (!any(keep)) NA
	else {
		time <- time[keep]
		surv <- surv[keep]
		if (abs(surv[1]-.5) <tol  && any(surv< surv[1])) 
			(time[1] + time[min(which(surv<surv[1]))])/2
		else time[1]

## summary functions for adaptive staging algorithms
surv.yrs <- function(pt, surv, time){
	if(any(time == pt)) return(surv[time == pt])
	else {
		mod <- min(abs(time - pt))
		if(mod > 7) {
		if(any(time == (pt + mod))) return(surv[time ==(pt + mod)])
		else return(surv[time ==(pt - mod)])

## summary functions for kaps class
setMethod("summary","kaps", function(object,K){
	if(!missing(K)) object <- object@results[[which(object@groups == K)]]

	data <- object@data
	f <- update(object@formula, . ~ 1)
	surv.root <- survfit(f, data = data)
	rootS <- summary(surv.root)
	data$Group <- object@groupID 
	f <- update(object@formula, . ~ Group)
	surv.all <- survfit(f, data = data)
	objS <- summary(surv.all)
	subgr.surv <- list()
	subgr.time <- list()
	level.objS <- levels(objS$strata)
	for(i in 1:length(level.objS)) {
		subgr.surv[[i]] <- objS$surv[objS$strata == level.objS[i]] 
		subgr.time[[i]] <- objS$time[objS$strata == level.objS[i]] 
	gr.med <- objS$table[,"median"]
	root.med <-  rootS$table["median"]
	root.1 <- surv.yrs(pt = 12, surv = rootS$surv, time = rootS$time)
	root.3 <- surv.yrs(pt = 36, surv = rootS$surv, time = rootS$time)
	root.5 <- surv.yrs(pt = 60, surv = rootS$surv, time = rootS$time)
	root <- round(c(nrow(data), root.med, root.1, root.3, root.5), 3)
	names(root) <- NULL
	gr.1yrs <- mapply( surv.yrs, surv = subgr.surv, time = subgr.time, MoreArgs = list(pt = 12))
	gr.3yrs <- mapply( surv.yrs, surv = subgr.surv, time = subgr.time, MoreArgs = list(pt = 36))
	gr.5yrs <- mapply( surv.yrs, surv = subgr.surv, time = subgr.time, MoreArgs = list(pt = 60))
	obs <- table(object@groupID)
	obs <- as.vector(obs)
	names(obs) <- names(gr.med)
	res <- data.frame( 
		N = obs,
		Med = gr.med,
		yrs.1 = round(gr.1yrs,3),
		yrs.3 = round(gr.3yrs,3),
		yrs.5 = round(gr.5yrs,3)
	rownames(res) <- names(obs)
	res <- res[order(res$Med, decreasing = TRUE),]
	res <- rbind(All = root, res)

## print furnctions for an kaps S4 class
setMethod("print","kaps", function(x,K){
    cat("\nP-values of pairwise comparisons ")
    if(length(x@groups) == 1) {
	} else{
		if(!missing(K)) {
			# stopping rule 1
			# the range of K
			if(!(K %in% x@groups)) stop("Check the range of K in the fitted model. It does not match 'K' in the plot()")

			cat("when K =", K, " \n\n")
			index <- which(x@groups == K)
			Z <- x@Z[index]
			object <- x@results[[index]]
			object@call <- x@call
			object@formula <- x@formula
			object@results[[1]] <- x
			object@Z <- Z
	    } else {
	    	object <- x

		data <- object@data
		data$groupID <- object@groupID
		pair <- combn(unique(object@groupID),2)
		f <- update(object@formula, . ~ groupID)
		res <- c()
		for(i in 1:ncol(pair)){
			data.tmp <- data[data$groupID %in% pair[,i],]
			tmp <- survdiff(f, data = data.tmp, rho = object@Options@rho)
			res[i] <- 1 - pchisq(tmp$chisq, 1)
		# Adjsut P-values for Multiple Comparisons 
		pts = round(object@split.pt,2)
		res <- p.adjust(res, method = object@Options@p.adjust.methods)
		pair.mat <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(object@split.pt), nrow = length(pts))
		pair.mat[!upper.tri(pair.mat)] <- res
		pair.mat <- round(pair.mat, 4)
		## adjust split points
		tmps <- range(data[,object@split.var])
		pts <- c(tmps[1], pts, tmps[2])
		n.pts <- length(pts)
		colnames(pair.mat) <- paste(pts[-(n.pts:(n.pts-1))],"<",object@split.var,"<=", sep = "")
		colnames(pair.mat) <- paste(colnames(pair.mat),pts[-c(1,length(pts))], sep = "")
		colnames(pair.mat)[1] <- paste(pts[1],"<=",object@split.var,"<=",pts[2], sep = "")
		rownames(pair.mat) <- paste(pts[-c(1,length(pts))],"<",object@split.var,"<=", sep = "")
		rownames(pair.mat) <- paste(rownames(pair.mat), pts[-(1:2)],sep="")
		pair.mat <- ifelse(pair.mat < 1.0e-5, "<.0000", pair.mat)
		pair.mat <- ifelse(!is.na(pair.mat), pair.mat, "-")
		pair.mat <- as.data.frame(pair.mat)

	#cat("\nP-value adjustment method:" ,object@Options@p.adjust.methods, "\n")

setMethod("show", "kaps", function(object){
	cat("	K-Adaptive Partitioning for Survival Data\n\n")
	if (length(object@groups) >= 2){
		cat("Samples=",nrow(object@data), "				Optimal", names(object@groups[object@index]), "\n")
	} else {
		cat("Samples=",nrow(object@data), "				Optimal", names(object@groups), "\n")

	pts = round(object@split.pt,2)
	# need to calculate original p-values
	cat("\nSelecting a set of cut-off points:\n")
	spt = lapply(object@results, function(x) x@split.pt)
	spt <- sapply(spt, function(x) paste(x, collapse = ", "))

	Xk.stat <- zapsmall(object@Z, digits = 3) # overall test statistic
	Xk.stat.df <- (object@groups) - 1
	Xk.stat.p <- round(1 - pchisq(q = Xk.stat, df= Xk.stat.df),4) #overall p-value
	X.stat <- zapsmall(object@X, digits = 3)
	X.stat.df <- rep(1, length(X.stat))
	X.stat.p <- round(1 - pchisq(q = X.stat, df= X.stat.df),4) #overall p-value
	adj.p.value <- zapsmall(object@test.stat[2,], digits = 4)
	Signif <- symnum(adj.p.value, corr = FALSE, na = FALSE, 
			  cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1,1), 
			  symbols = c("***", "**", "*", "."," "))

	test.stat <- data.frame(
		Xk.stat = Xk.stat,
		Xk.df = Xk.stat.df,
		Xk.pvalue = Xk.stat.p,
		X.stat = X.stat,
		X.df = X.stat.df,
		X.pvalue = X.stat.p,
		adj.pvalue = adj.p.value,
		pts = spt,
		sig = format(Signif))

	#dimnames(test.stat) <- list(attr(object@groups,"names"), c("Xk", "df", "Pr(>|Xk|)", "X", "df", "Pr(>|X|)", "adj.Pr(|X|)", "cut-off points", ""))
	dimnames(test.stat) <- list(paste("K=",object@groups,sep=""), c("Xk", "df", "Pr(>|Xk|)", "X1", "df", "Pr(>|X1|)", "adj.Pr(|X1|)", "cut-off points", ""))
	cat("---\nSignif. codes: ", attr(Signif, "legend"), "\n")

	if(length(object@groupID) >= 1){
		cat("\nP-values of pairwise comparisons\n")
		data <- object@data
		data$groupID <- object@groupID
		pair <- combn(unique(object@groupID),2)
		f <- update(object@formula, . ~ groupID)
		res <- c()
		for(i in 1:ncol(pair)){
			data.tmp <- data[data$groupID %in% pair[,i],]
			tmp <- survdiff(f, data = data.tmp, rho = object@Options@rho)
			res[i] <- 1 - pchisq(tmp$chisq, 1)
		# Adjsut P-values for Multiple Comparisons 
		res <- p.adjust(res, method = object@Options@p.adjust.methods)
		pair.mat <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(object@split.pt), nrow = length(pts))
		pair.mat[!upper.tri(pair.mat)] <- res
		pair.mat <- round(pair.mat, 4)
		## adjust split points
		tmps <- range(data[,object@split.var])
		pts <- c(tmps[1], pts, tmps[2])
		n.pts <- length(pts)
		colnames(pair.mat) <- paste(pts[-(n.pts:(n.pts-1))],"<",object@split.var,"<=", sep = "")
		colnames(pair.mat) <- paste(colnames(pair.mat),pts[-c(1,length(pts))], sep = "")
		colnames(pair.mat)[1] <- paste(pts[1],"<=",object@split.var,"<=",pts[2], sep = "")
		rownames(pair.mat) <- paste(pts[-c(1,length(pts))],"<",object@split.var,"<=", sep = "")
		rownames(pair.mat) <- paste(rownames(pair.mat), pts[-(1:2)],sep="")
		pair.mat <- ifelse(pair.mat < 1.0e-5, "<.0000", pair.mat)
		pair.mat <- ifelse(!is.na(pair.mat), pair.mat, "-")
		pair.mat <- as.data.frame(pair.mat)
	#cat("\nP-value adjustment method:" ,object@Options@p.adjust.methods, "\n")

### panel function for Kaplan-Meier curves in nodes
## A standard tree plot with KM curves at the terminal nodes
## Soo-Heang Eo
setMethod("plot",signature(x = "kaps", y = "missing"), 
	function(x, y = NA, K, ...){
			# stopping rule 1
			# the range of K
			if(!(K %in% x@groups)) stop("Check the range of K in the fitted model. It does not match 'K' in the plot()")

			x <- x@results[[which(x@groups == K)]]
			legend("topright", legend = paste("G", 1:(length(x@split.pt)+1),sep = ""), 
				bty = "n", col = unique(x@groupID), lty = unique(x@groupID))
		} else{

			K <- x@groups[x@index]

		if(length(x@groups) == 1){
			x <- x@results[[1]]
			legend("topright", legend = paste("G", 1:(length(x@split.pt)+1),sep = ""), 
				bty = "n", col = unique(x@groupID), lty = unique(x@groupID))

		fvars <- all.vars(x@formula)
		par(mfrow = c(2,2))
		plot(x@data[,fvars[3]], x@data[,fvars[1]], pch = c(1,3)[x@data[,fvars[2]]+1] , 
			axes=FALSE, col= ifelse(x@data[,fvars[2]] == 1, "red2","blue"), xlab="", ylab="")
		mtext(fvars[3], side=1, line=3, cex=1.2)
		mtext("Survival months", side=2, line=2, cex=1.2)
		axis(2, at= c(12,24,48,72,96,120, 144, 168, 192, 216, 240), labels=c(12,24,48,72,96,120, 144, 168, 192, 216, 240))
		legend("topright",c("Event","Censored"), col=c("blue","red2"), cex=1, pch=c(1,3), bty = "n")
		r <- locfit.censor(x = x@data[,fvars[3]], y = x@data[,fvars[1]], cens= (1-x@data[,fvars[2]])) 
		lines(r, lwd=2, lty=1)
		legend("topright", legend = paste("G", 1:(length(x@split.pt)+1),sep = ""), 
			bty = "n", col = unique(x@groupID), lty = unique(x@groupID))

		plot(x@test.stat[1,], type = "b", col = "blue", xlab = "", ylab = "",axes = FALSE, ylim = c(0,max(x@test.stat[2,])),...)
		mtext("K", side=1, line=3, cex=1.2)
		mtext(substitute(paste(italic(p),"-values of ", X[k])), side = 2, line = 2, cex = 1.2)
		abline(h = 0.05, col = "gray", lty = 2)
		axis(side = 1, at = 1:ncol(x@test.stat), labels =  x@groups)
		axis(side = 2)

		plot(x@test.stat[2,], type = "b", col = colors()[630], xlab = "", ylab = "", ylim = c(0,ceiling(max(x@test.stat[2,]))), axes = FALSE,...)
		mtext("K", side=1, line=3, cex=1.2)
		mtext(substitute(paste(italic(p),"-values of ", X[1])), side = 2, line = 2, cex = 1.2)
		abline(h = 0.05, col = "gray", lty = 2)
		axis(side = 1, at = 1:ncol(x@test.stat), labels =  x@groups)
		axis(side = 2)

## plot Kaplan-Meire survival curves for termninal nodes
km.curve <- function(object, 
	x.lab = c(0,24,48,72,96,120, 144, 168, 192, 216, 240), lwd = 1.5, ...){

	object@data$groupID <- object@groupID 
	id.n <- length(unique(object@groupID))
	f <- update(object@formula, . ~ groupID)

	surv.all <- survfit(f, data = object@data)
	plot(surv.all, col= 1:id.n, lty = 1:id.n, axes=FALSE, cex=1, lwd= lwd, ...)
	mtext("Survival months", side=1, line=3, cex=1.2)
	mtext("Survival probability", side=2, line=3, cex=1.2)

	axis(1, at= x.lab, labels=x.lab)

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kaps documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:29 a.m.