k_gather: Retrieves the elements of indices 'indices' in the tensor...

View source: R/backend.R

k_gatherR Documentation

Retrieves the elements of indices indices in the tensor reference.


Retrieves the elements of indices indices in the tensor reference.


k_gather(reference, indices)



A tensor.


Indices. Dimension indices are 1-based. Note however that if you pass a tensor for indices they will be passed as-is, in which case indices will be 0 based because no normalizing of R 1-based axes to Python 0-based axes is performed.


A tensor of same type as reference.

Keras Backend

This function is part of a set of Keras backend functions that enable lower level access to the core operations of the backend tensor engine (e.g. TensorFlow, CNTK, Theano, etc.).

You can see a list of all available backend functions here: https://tensorflow.rstudio.com/reference/keras/index.html#backend.

keras documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:20 a.m.