
Defines functions autohint

Documented in autohint

# Automatically generated from all.nw using noweb
autohint <- function(ped, hints, packed=TRUE, align=FALSE) {
    ## full documentation now in vignette: align_code_details.Rmd
    ## REferences to those sections appear here as:
    ## Doc: AutoHint
    if (!is.null(ped$hints)) return(ped$hints)  #nothing to do
    n <- length(ped$id)
    depth <- kindepth(ped, align=TRUE)

    if (is.null(ped$relation)) relation <- NULL
    else  relation <- cbind(as.matrix(ped$relation[,1:2]), 
    if (!is.null(relation) && any(relation[,3] <4)) {
        temp <- (relation[,3] < 4)
        twinlist <- unique(c(relation[temp,1:2]))  #list of twin id's 
        twinrel  <- relation[temp,,drop=F]
        twinset <- rep(0,n)
        twinord <- rep(1,n)
        for (i in 2:length(twinlist)) {
            # Now, for any pair of twins on a line of twinrel, give both
            #  of them the minimum of the two ids
            # For a set of triplets, it might take two iterations for the
            #  smallest of the 3 numbers to "march" across the threesome.
            #  For quads, up to 3 iterations, for quints, up to 4, ....
            newid <- pmin(twinrel[,1], twinrel[,2])
            twinset[twinrel[,1]] <- newid
            twinset[twinrel[,2]] <- newid
            twinord[twinrel[,2]] <- pmax(twinord[twinrel[,2]], 
    else {
        twinset <- rep(0,n)
        twinrel <- NULL
    ## Doc: Shift
    shift <- function(id, sibs, goleft, hint, twinrel, twinset) {
        if (twinset[id]> 0)  { 
            shift.amt <- 1 + diff(range(hint[sibs]))  # enough to avoid overlap
            twins <- sibs[twinset[sibs]==twinset[id]]
            if (goleft) 
                 hint[twins] <- hint[twins] - shift.amt
            else hint[twins] <- hint[twins] + shift.amt
            mono  <- any(twinrel[c(match(id, twinrel[,1], nomatch=0),
                                   match(id, twinrel[,2], nomatch=0)),3]==1)
            if (mono) {
                # ok, we have to worry about keeping the monozygotics
                #  together within the set of twins.
                # first, decide who they are, by finding those monozygotic
                #  with me, then those monozygotic with the results of that
                #  iteration, then ....  If I were the leftmost, this could
                #  take (#twins -1) iterations to get us all
                monoset <- id
                rel2 <- twinrel[twinrel[,3]==1, 1:2, drop=F]
                for (i in 2:length(twins)) {
                    newid1 <- rel2[match(monoset, rel2[,1], nomatch=0),2]
                    newid2 <- rel2[match(monoset, rel2[,2], nomatch=0),1]
                    monoset <- unique(c(monoset, newid1, newid2))
                if (goleft) 
                       hint[monoset]<- hint[monoset] - shift.amt
                else   hint[monoset]<- hint[monoset] + shift.amt

        #finally, move the subject himself
        if (goleft) hint[id] <- min(hint[sibs]) -1   
        else        hint[id] <- max(hint[sibs]) +1

        hint[sibs] <- rank(hint[sibs])  # aesthetics -- no negative hints
    ## Doc: init-autohint
    if (!missing(hints)) {
        if (is.vector(hints)) hints <- list(order=hints)
        if (is.matrix(hints)) hints <- list(spouse=hints)
        if (is.null(hints$order)) horder <- integer(n)
        else horder <- hints$order
    else horder <- integer(n)

    for (i in unique(depth)) {
        who <- (depth==i & horder==0)  
        if (any(who)) horder[who] <- 1:sum(who) #screwy input - overwrite it

    if (any(twinset>0)) {
        # First, make any set of twins a cluster: 6.01, 6.02, ...
        #  By using fractions, I don't have to worry about other sib's values
        for (i in unique(twinset)) {
            if (i==0) next
            who <- (twinset==i)
            horder[who] <- mean(horder[who]) + twinord[who]/100

        # Then reset to integers
        for (i in unique(ped$depth)) {
            who <- (ped$depth==i)
            horder[who] <- rank(horder[who])  #there should be no ties

    if (!missing(hints)) sptemp <- hints$spouse
    else sptemp <- NULL
    plist <- align.pedigree(ped, packed=packed, align=align, 
                            hints=list(order=horder, spouse=sptemp))
    ## end doc init
    ## Doc: fixup, and findspouse/findsibs
    findspouse <- function(mypos, plist, lev, ped) {
        lpos <- mypos
        while (lpos >1 && plist$spouse[lev, lpos-1]) lpos <- lpos-1
        rpos <- mypos
        while(plist$spouse[lev, rpos]) rpos <- rpos +1
        if (rpos==lpos) stop("autohint bug 3")
        opposite <-ped$sex[plist$nid[lev,lpos:rpos]] != ped$sex[plist$nid[lev,mypos]]
        if (!any(opposite)) stop("autohint bug 4")  # no spouse
        spouse <- min((lpos:rpos)[opposite])  #can happen with a triple marriage
    findsibs <- function(mypos, plist, lev) {
        family <- plist$fam[lev, mypos]
        if (family==0) stop("autohint bug 6")
        which(plist$fam[lev,] == family)
    ## Doc: duporder
    duporder <- function(idlist, plist, lev, ped) {
        temp <- table(idlist)
        if (all(temp==1)) return (matrix(0L, nrow=0, ncol=3))
        # make an intial list of all pairs's positions
        # if someone appears 4 times they get 3 rows
        npair <- sum(temp-1)
        dmat <- matrix(0L, nrow=npair, ncol=3)
        dmat[,3] <- 2; dmat[1:(npair/2),3] <- 1
        i <- 0
        for (id in unique(idlist[duplicated(idlist)])) {
            j <- which(idlist==id)
            for (k in 2:length(j)) {
                i <- i+1
                dmat[i,1:2] <- j[k + -1:0]
        if (nrow(dmat)==1) return(dmat)  #no need to sort it
        # families touch?
        famtouch <- logical(npair)
        for (i in 1:npair) {
            if (plist$fam[lev,dmat[i,1]] >0) 
                 sib1 <- max(findsibs(dmat[i,1], plist, lev))
            else {
                spouse <- findspouse(dmat[i,1], plist, lev, ped)
                ##If spouse is marry-in then move on without looking for sibs
                    if (plist$fam[lev,spouse]==0) {famtouch[i] <- F; next}
                sib1 <- max(findsibs(spouse, plist, lev)) 
            if (plist$fam[lev, dmat[i,2]] >0)
                sib2 <- min(findsibs(dmat[i,2], plist, lev))
            else {
                spouse <- findspouse(dmat[i,2], plist, lev, ped)
                ##If spouse is marry-in then move on without looking for sibs
                    if (plist$fam[lev,spouse]==0) {famtouch[i] <- F; next}
                sib2 <- min(findsibs(spouse, plist, lev))
            famtouch[i] <- (sib2-sib1 ==1)
        dmat[order(famtouch, dmat[,1]- dmat[,2]),, drop=FALSE ]
    } ## duporder()
    ## Doc: fixup-2
    maxlev <- nrow(plist$nid)
    for (lev in 1:maxlev) {
        idlist <- plist$nid[lev,1:plist$n[lev]] #subjects on this level
        dpairs <- duporder(idlist, plist, lev, ped)  #duplicates to be dealt with
        if (nrow(dpairs)==0) next;  
        for (i in 1:nrow(dpairs)) {
            anchor <- spouse <- rep(0,2)
            for (j in 1:2) {
                direction <- c(FALSE, TRUE)[j]
                mypos <- dpairs[i,j]
                if (plist$fam[lev, mypos] >0) {
                    # Am connected to parents at this location
                    anchor[j] <- 1  #familial anchor
                    sibs <- idlist[findsibs(mypos, plist, lev)]
                    if (length(sibs) >1) 
                        horder <- shift(idlist[mypos], sibs, direction, 
                                        horder, twinrel, twinset)
                else {
                    #spouse at this location connected to parents ?
                    spouse[j] <- findspouse(mypos, plist, lev, ped)
                    if (plist$fam[lev,spouse[j]] >0) { # Yes they are
                        anchor[j] <- 2  #spousal anchor
                        sibs <- idlist[findsibs(spouse[j], plist, lev)]
                        if (length(sibs) > 1) 
                            horder <- shift(idlist[spouse[j]], sibs, direction, 
                                        horder, twinrel, twinset)
            # add the marriage(s)
            ## Doc: Fixup2
            id1 <- idlist[dpairs[i,1]]  # i,1 and i,2 point to the same person
            id2 <- idlist[spouse[1]]
            id3 <- idlist[spouse[2]]

            temp <- switch(paste(anchor, collapse=''),
                           "21" = c(id2, id1, dpairs[i,3]),   #the most common case
                           "22" = rbind(c(id2, id1, 1), c(id1, id3, 2)),
                           "02" = c(id2, id1, 0), 
                           "20" = c(id2, id1, 0), 
                           "00" = rbind(c(id1, id3, 0), c(id2, id1, 0)),
                           "01" = c(id2, id1, 2),
                           "10" = c(id1, id2, 1),

            if (is.null(temp)) { 
                warning("Unexpected result in autohint, please contact developer")
                return(list(order=1:n))  #punt
            else sptemp <- rbind(sptemp, temp)
        # Recompute, since this shifts things on levels below
        plist <- align.pedigree(ped, packed=packed, align=align, 
                                hints=list(order=horder, spouse=sptemp))   
    list(order=horder, spouse=sptemp)    

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kinship2 documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:14 a.m.