
Defines functions statdatKey keyTemplateStata keyTemplateSPSS keyLookup keyCrossRef keysPool keyCheck keysPoolCheck print.keyDiff keyDiff sortStanza naLast keyUpdate all.equal.keylong all.equal.key long2wide wide2long keyDiagnostic keyApply makeKeylist keyImport zapspace n2NA keyRead keySave varlabTemplate keyTemplate isNA checkValue_old is.data.frame.simple cleanDataFrame assignRecode assignMissing safeInteger

Documented in all.equal.key all.equal.keylong assignMissing assignRecode checkValue_old cleanDataFrame is.data.frame.simple isNA keyApply keyCheck keyCrossRef keyDiagnostic keyDiff keyImport keyLookup keyRead keySave keysPool keysPoolCheck keyTemplate keyTemplateSPSS keyTemplateStata keyUpdate long2wide makeKeylist n2NA naLast print.keyDiff safeInteger sortStanza statdatKey varlabTemplate wide2long zapspace

##' If a numeric variable has only integer values, then
##' make it an integer.
##' Users often accidentally create floating point numeric variables
##' when they really mean integers, such as c(1, 2, 3), when they
##' should have done c(1L, 2L, 3L). Before running \code{as.integer()}
##' to coerce the variable, we'd rather be polite and ask the variable
##' "do you mind being treated as if you are an integer?"  This
##' function checks to see if the variable is "close enough" to being
##' an integer, and then coerces as integer. Otherwise, it returns
##' NULL. And issues a warning.
##' First, calculate absolute value of differences between \code{x}
##' and \code{as.integer(x)}. Second, find out if the sum of those
##' differences is smaller than \code{tol}. If so, then x can
##' reasonably be coerced to an integer.
##' Be careful with the return. The correct return value for variables
##' that should not be coerced as integer is uncertain at this
##' point. We've tested various strategies, sometimes returning FALSE,
##' NULL, or just the original variable.
##' @param x a numeric variable
##' @param tol Tolerance value. Defaults to Machine$double.eps. See
##'     details.
##' @param vmax Maximum value allowed for an integer. Defaults to
##'     Machine$integer.max.
##' @param digits Digits value passed to the zapsmall
##'     function. Defaults to 7.
##' @param verbose Default FALSE: print warnings about x
##' @export
##' @return Either an integer vector or the original variable
##' @author Paul Johnson <pauljohn@@ku.edu> and Ben Kite
##'     <bakite@@ku.edu>
##' @examples
##' x1 <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
##' is.integer(x1)
##' is.double(x1)
##' is.numeric(x1)
##' (x1int <- safeInteger(x1))
##' is.integer(x1int)
##' is.double(x1int)
##' is.numeric(x1int)
##' x2 <- rnorm(100)
##' x2int <- safeInteger(x2)
##' head(x2int)
##' x3 <- factor(x1, labels = c(LETTERS[1:6]))
##' x3int <- safeInteger(x3)
safeInteger <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps,
                        digits = 7, vmax = .Machine$integer.max,
                        verbose = FALSE)
    if(!is.numeric(x)) {
        if (verbose) {
            messg <- paste("safeInteger: x must be numeric or integer.")

    if(max(x, na.rm = TRUE) > vmax) {
        messg <- paste0("Values in x exceed the maximum integer value of ",
                        vmax, ". ", "safeInteger cannot be used safely ",
                        "for this variable. Original value is returned.")

    } else {
        x <- zapsmall(x, digits)
        xnew <- as.integer(x)
        if (sum(abs(x - xnew), na.rm = TRUE) < tol) {
        } else {
            if (verbose) {
                messg <- paste("asInteger x:", paste(head(x), collapse=", "),
                               "... is not close enough to an integer")
    messg <- paste0("safeInteger should not have reached this point")

##' Set missing values
##' The missings values have to be carefully written, depending on the
##' type of variable that is being processed.
##' Version 0.95 of kutils introduced a new style for specification of
##' missing values.
##' @param x A variable
##' @param missings A string vector of semi-colon separated values,
##'     ranges, and/or inequalities.  For strings and factors, only an
##'     enumeration of values (or factor levels) to be excluded is
##'     allowed. For numeric variables (integers or floating point
##'     variables), one can specify open and double-sided intervals as
##'     well as particular values to be marked as missing. One can
##'     append particular values and ranges by
##'     "1;2;3;(8,10);[22,24];> 99;< 2". The double-sided interval is
##'     represented in the usual mathematical way, where hard
##'     bracketes indicate "closed" intervals and parentheses indicate
##'     open intervals.\enumerate{
##' \item "(a,b)" means values of x greater than a and smaller than b
##'     will be set as missing.
##' \item "[a,b]" is a closed interval, one which includes the
##'     endpoints, so a <= x <= b will be set as NA
##' \item "(a,b]" and "[a,b)" are acceptable.
##' \item "< a"  indicates all values smaller than a will be missing
##' \item  "<= a" means values smaller than or equal to a will be
##'     excluded
##' \item "> a" and ">= a" have comparable
##'     interpretations.
##' \item "8;9;10" Mark off specific values by
##' an enumeration. Be aware, however, that this is
##' useful only for integer variables.  As demonstrated in the
##' example, for floating point numbers, one must specify intervals.
##' \item For factors and character variables, the argument missings
##' can be written either as "lo;med;hi" or "c('lo','med','hi')" }
##' @param sep A separator symbol, ";" (semicolon) by default
##' @return A cleaned column in which R's NA symbol replaces values
##'     that should be missing
##' @export
##' @importFrom utils head
##' @author Paul Johnson <pauljohn@@ku.edu>
##' @examples
##' ## 1.  Integers.
##' x <- seq.int(-2L, 22L, by = 2L)
##' ## Exclude scores 8, 10, 18
##' assignMissing(x, "8;10;18")
##' ## Specify range, 4 to 12 inclusive
##' missings <- "[4,12]"
##' assignMissing(x, missings)
##' ## Not inclusive
##' assignMissing(x,  "(4,12)")
##' ## Set missing for any value smaller that 7
##' assignMissing(x, "< 7")
##' assignMissing(x, "<= 8")
##' assignMissing(x, "> 11")
##' assignMissing(x, "< -1;2;4;(7, 9);> 20")
##' ## 2. strings
##' x <- c("low", "low", "med", "high")
##' missings <- "low;high"
##' assignMissing(x, missings)
##' missings <- "med;doesnot exist"
##' assignMissing(x, missings)
##' ## Test alternate separator
##' assignMissing(x, "low|med", sep = "|")
##' ## 3. factors (same as strings, really)
##' x <- factor(c("low", "low", "med", "high"), levels = c("low", "med", "high"))
##' missings <- "low;high"
##' assignMissing(x, missings)
##' ## Previous same as
##' missings <- c("low", "high")
##' assignMissing(x, missings)
##' missings <- c("med", "doesnot exist")
##' assignMissing(x, missings)
##' ## ordered factor:
##' x <- ordered(c("low", "low", "med", "high"), levels = c("low", "med", "high"))
##' missings <- c("low", "high")
##' assignMissing(x, missings)
##' ## 4. Real-valued variable
##' set.seed(234234)
##' x <- rnorm(10)
##' x
##' missings <- "< 0"
##' assignMissing(x, missings)
##' missings <- "> -0.2"
##' assignMissing(x, missings)
##' ## values above 0.1 and below 0.7 are missing
##' missings <- "(0.1,0.7)"
##' assignMissing(x, missings)
##' ## Note that in floating point numbers, it is probably
##' ## futile to specify specific values for missings. Even if we
##' ## type out values to 7 decimals, nothing gets excluded
##' assignMissing(x, "-0.4879708;0.1435791")
##' ## Can mark a range, however
##' assignMissing(x, "(-0.487971,-0.487970);(0.14357, 0.14358)")
##' x
assignMissing <- function(x, missings = NULL, sep = ";"){
    if (is.null(missings)) return(x)
    if (is.character(missings)) missings <- zapspace(missings)
    missings <- unlist(strsplit(missings, split = sep, fixed = TRUE))
    missings <- na.omit(missings)
    missings <- zapspace(missings)
    missings <- gsub("-", " -", missings,  fixed = TRUE)
    ## If no NA  missings to remove, then return
    if (is.null(missings) | length(missings) == 0) return(x)

    if (is.character(x)){
        x[x %in% missings] <- NA

    if (is.logical(x)){
        missings <- as.logical(missings)
        x[x %in% missings] <- NA
    if (is.factor(x)){
        levels(x)[which(levels(x) %in% missings)] <- NA

    ## 20170203: TODO following is hard coded to look at first character,
    ## if space first, fails, used zapspace to address above, but that's
    ## stupid bandaid, better regex work would be solid.
    if (is.numeric(x)){
        ## is  numeric includes integer and double and numeric
        ## separate the elements that inequality signs
        hasineq <- missings[substr(missings, 1, 1) %in% c(">", "<", "(", "[")]
        hasnoineq <- setdiff(missings, hasineq)
        hasnoineq <- if (length(hasnoineq) > 0) paste("x == ", hasnoineq)

        ## (9 ->   x > 9
        ## [9 ->   x >= 9
        ins <- c(">", "<" , "(",     "[",     ")",     "]",  ",")
        outs <- c("x >", "x <", "x >", "x >= ", " > x", " >= x", " & ")
        ranges <- mgsub(ins, outs, hasineq, fixed = TRUE)

        for(rr in c(ranges, hasnoineq)){
            eval(parse(text = paste0("x[", rr, "] <- NA")))

    messg <- "Sorry, no missings assigned because variable type was unhandled"
    ## return unchanged input, didn't see what to do

##' A variable is transformed in an indicated way
##' In the variable key framework, the user might request
##' transformations such as the logarithm, exponential, or square
##' root. This is done by including strings in the recodes column,
##' such as "log(x + 1)" or "3 + 1.1 * x + 0.5 * x ^ 2". This
##' function implements the user's request by parsing the character
##' string and applying the indicated re-calculation.
##' In the variable key framework, this is applied to the raw data,
##' after missings are imposed.
##' @param x A column to be recoded
##' @param recode A character string using placeholder "x". See
##'     examples
##' @return A new column
##' @export
##' @author Paul Johnson <pauljohn@@ku.edu>
##' @examples
##' set.seed(234234)
##' x <- rpois(100, lambda = 3)
##' x <- x[order(x)]
##' str1 <- "log(x + 1)"
##' xlog <- assignRecode(x, recode = str1)
##' plot(xlog ~ x, type = "l")
##' mean(xlog, na.rm = TRUE)
##' str2 <- "x^2"
##' xsq <- assignRecode(x, recode = str2)
##' plot(xsq ~ x, type = "l")
##' str3 <- "sqrt(x)"
##' xsrt <- assignRecode(x, recode = str3)
assignRecode <- function(x, recode = NULL){
    y <- eval(parse(text = recode))

##' Check and Clean data.frame for usage with variable key functions
##' Checks that the data.frame is made up of simple individual
##' columns. Checks numeric columns to find out if they are acceptable
##' to treat as integers. If they are acceptable to treat as integers,
##' then convert those numeric to integer class variables.
##' @param dframe A data frame
##' @param safeNumericToInteger Default TRUE: Should we treat values
##'     which appear to be integers as integers? If a column is
##'     numeric, it might be safe to treat it as an integer.  In many
##'     csv data sets, the values coded c(1, 2, 3) are really
##'     integers, not floats c(1.0, 2.0, 3.0). See \code{safeInteger}.
##' @param trimws Defaults as "both", in meaning of \code{which}
##'     argument in \code{trimws} function.  Set as NULL if character
##'     variables must not be trimmed to eliminate white
##'     space. Otherwise, value should be one of \code{c("left",
##'     "right", "both")}.
##' @export
##' @return A checked and cleaned data frame
##' @keywords internal
##' @author Paul Johnson <pauljohn@@ku.edu>
cleanDataFrame <- function(dframe, safeNumericToInteger = TRUE, trimws = "both"){
        messg <- paste("keyUpdate: The dframe object must be a data frame")

    if (!(res <- is.data.frame.simple(dframe))) {
        messg <- paste(paste("cleanDataFrame checked if dframe elements are not single columns.",
                       "This frame has some elements that are not single columns.",
                       "The troublesome elements are:", collapse = ""),
                       paste(attr(res, "not_a_simple_column"), collapse = ", "))

    ## If integer-like columns exist, turn them into integers
    if (safeNumericToInteger){
        for(i in colnames(dframe)){
            if(is.numeric(dframe[ , i])
               && !is.null(tmp <- safeInteger(dframe[ , i])))
                dframe[ , i] <- tmp

    ## Clean characters that have leading spaces to delete space
    if (!is.null(trimws)){
        for(i in colnames(dframe)){
            if(is.character(dframe[ , i])){
                dframe[ , i] <- trimws(dframe[ , i], which = trimws)
            } else if (is.factor(dframe[ , i])){
                levels(dframe[ , i]) <- trimws(levels(dframe[ , i]))

##' Check if a data frame is a simple collection of columns (no lists
##' or matrices within)
##' Checks for the existence of dimensions within the data
##' frame. Returns FALSE if any object within dframe has non-null dim
##' value.
##' See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38902880/data-frame-in-which-elements-are-not-single-columns
##' @param dframe A data frame
##' @return Boolean, TRUE or FALSE. An attribute "not_a_simple_column"
##'     is created, indicating which of the elements in the dframe
##'     have dimensions
##' @author Paul Johnson <pauljohn@@ku.edu>
##' @export
##' @examples
##' N <- 100
##' mydf <- data.frame(x5 = rnorm(N),
##'                    x4 = rpois(N, lambda = 3),
##'                    x3 = ordered(sample(c("lo", "med", "hi"),
##'                    size = N, replace=TRUE)))
##' is.data.frame.simple(mydf)
##' mydf$amatr <- matrix(0, ncol = 2, nrow = NROW(mydf))
##' is.data.frame.simple(mydf)
##' mydf$amatr <- NULL
##' is.data.frame.simple(mydf)
##' mydf$adf <- mydf
##' is.data.frame.simple(mydf)
is.data.frame.simple <- function(dframe){
    no.dims <- function(x) {!is.null(dim(x))}
    elemdims <- sapply(dframe, no.dims)
    res <-  if(sum(elemdims) > 0) FALSE else TRUE
    attr(res, "not_a_simple_column") <- names(which(elemdims))

##' Compare observed values with the values listed
##' (presumably from a variable key).
##' This is purely diagnostic. It prints warnings in
##' either of 2 cases. 1)  observed data has values that
##' are not in the value_old, or 2) that value_old has
##' values that are not in the data.
##' @param x a variable, either character or factor
##' @param value_old a vector of old values for which we are checking
##' @param xname character string to use for x's name when printing output
##' @param diagnostic prints messages about variables if TRUE
##' @keywords internal
##' @return NULL
##' @author Paul Johnson <pauljohn@@ku.edu>
checkValue_old <- function(x, value_old, xname, diagnostic = FALSE){
    if (!is.factor(x) && !is.character(x)) return(NULL)
    ## if value_old is length 1 and is equal to NA, don't bother
    if(all(value_old %in% c("NA", NA))) return(NULL)
    xobs <- unique(x)
    keynotinobs <- value_old[!value_old %in% xobs]
    keynotinobs <- na.omit(keynotinobs)
    if (diagnostic && length(keynotinobs) > 0){
        messg <- paste("Data Check (variable", xname, ":)\n",
                     "Key values were not observed in the input data: ",
                     paste(keynotinobs, collapse = ", "), "\n")
    tobsnotinkey <- xobs[!xobs %in% value_old]
    tobsnotinkey <- na.omit(tobsnotinkey)
    if (diagnostic && length(tobsnotinkey) > 0) {
        messg <- paste("Data Check (variable", xname, ":)\n",
                       "These values in the input data were not in value_old: ",
                       paste(tobsnotinkey, collapse = ", "), "\n")

##' Check if values are R NA symbol or any one of the na.strings
##' elements
##' A value vector in the key will generally be a character
##' vector.  This utility is used to check if the characters
##' are either R missing or values in a list of characters that
##' represent missings.
##' @param x Input data vector
##' @param na.strings Vector of string values to be considered as
##'     missing. Defaults will match values that are equal to ., empty
##'     string, any number of white space elements, or charcter
##'     string N/A. We do not include `NA` by default because some
##'     projects use NA to mean "not appropriate".
##' @return Logical vector, TRUE if a value is either NA or in
##'     na.strings.
##' @export 
##' @examples
##' x1 <- c("TRUE", "FALSE", FALSE, TRUE, NA, "NA", ".", "N/A", " ", "")
##' x1na <- kutils:::isNA(x1)
##' cbind(x1, x1na)
isNA <- function(x, na.strings = c("\\.", "", "\\s+",  "N/A")){
    ismissing <- grepl(paste0("^", paste0(na.strings, collapse="$|^"), "$"), x)
    ismissing[is.na(x)] <- TRUE

##' Create variable key template (in memory or in a file)
##' A variable key is a human readable document that describes the
##' variables in a data set. A key can be revised and re-imported by R
##' to recode data. This might also be referred to as a
##' "programmable codebook."  This function inspects a data frame,
##' takes notice of its variable names, their classes, and legal
##' values, and then it creates a table summarizing that
##' information. The aim is to create a document that principal
##' investigators and research assistants can use to keep a project
##' well organized.  Please see the vignette in this package.
##' The variable key can be created in two formats, wide and long.
##' The original style of the variable key, wide, has one row per
##' variable. It has a style for compact notation about current values
##' and required recodes.  That is more compact, probably easier for
##' experts to read, but perhaps more difficult to edit. The long
##' style variable key has one row per value per variable.  Thus, in a
##' larger project, the long key can have many rows. However, in a
##' larger project, the long style key is easier to edit with a spread
##' sheet program.
##' After a key is created, it should be re-imported into R with the
##' \code{kutils::keyImport} function.  Then the key structure can
##' guide the importation and recoding of the data set.
##' Concerning the varlab attribute. Run \code{attr(key, "varlab"} to
##' review existing labels, if any.
##' Storing the variable labels in files requires some care because
##' the \code{rds}, \code{xlsx}, and \code{csv} formats have different
##' capabilities.  The \code{rds} storage format saves all attributes without
##' difficulty. In contrast, because \code{csv} and \code{xlsx} do not save
##' attributes, the varlabs are stored as separate character
##' matrices. For \code{xlsx} files, the varlab object is saved as a second
##' sheet in \code{xlsx} file, while in \code{csv} a second file suffixed
##' "-varlab.csv" is created. 
##' @param dframe A data frame
##' @param long Default FALSE.
##' @param sort Default FALSE. Should the rows representing the
##'     variables be sorted alphabetically? Otherwise, they appear in
##'     the order in which they were included in the original dataset.
##' @param file DEFAULT NULL, meaning no file is produced. Choose a
##'     file name ending in either "csv" (for comma separated
##'     variables), "xlsx" (compatible with Microsoft Excel), or "rds"
##'     (R serialization data). The file name will be used to select
##'     among the 3 storage formats. XLSX output requires the openxlsx
##'     package.
##' @param max.levels How high is the limit on the number of values
##'     for discrete (integer, character, and Date) variables?
##'     Default = 15. If observed number exceeds max.levels, we
##'     conclude the author should not assign new values in the key
##'     and only the missing value will be included in the key as a
##'     "placeholder". This does not affect variables declared as
##'     factor or ordered variables, for which all levels are included
##'     in all cases.
##' @param missings Values in exising data which should be treated as
##'     missing in the new key. Character string in format acceptable
##'     to the \code{assignMissing} function. Can be a string with
##'     several missing indicators"1;2;3;(8,10);[22,24];> 99;< 2".
##' @param missSymbol Default ".".  A character string used to
##'     represent missing values in the key that is created.  Relevant
##'     (mostly) for the key's \code{value_new} column. Default is the
##'     period, ".". Because R's symbol \code{NA} can be mistaken for
##'     the character string \code{"NA"}, we use a different
##'     (hopefully unmistakable) symbol in the key.
##' @param varlab A key can have a companion data structure for
##'     variable labels. Default is FALSE, but the value may also be
##'     TRUE or a named vector of variable labels, such as
##'     \code{c("x1" = "happiness", "x2" = "wealth")}. The labels
##'     become an attribute of the key object. See Details for
##'     information on storage of varlabs in saved key files.
##' @param safeNumericToInteger Default TRUE: Should we treat values
##'     which appear to be integers as integers? If a column is
##'     numeric, it might be safe to treat it as an integer.  In many
##'     csv data sets, the values coded c(1, 2, 3) are really
##'     integers, not floats c(1.0, 2.0, 3.0). See \code{safeInteger}.
##' @param trimws Default is "both", user can change to "left", "right", or
##'     set as NULL to avoid any trimming.
##' @return A key in the form of a data frame. May also be saved on
##'     disk if the file argument is supplied. The key may have an
##'     attribute "varlab", variable labels.
##' @export
##' @importFrom utils write.csv
##' @importFrom methods as
##' @author Paul Johnson <pauljohn@@ku.edu>
##' @examples
##' set.seed(234234)
##' N <- 200
##' mydf <- data.frame(x5 = rnorm(N),
##'                    x4 = rpois(N, lambda = 3),
##'                    x3 = ordered(sample(c("lo", "med", "hi"),
##'                    size = N, replace=TRUE),
##'                    levels = c("med", "lo", "hi")),
##'                    x2 = letters[sample(c(1:4,6), N, replace = TRUE)],
##'                    x1 = factor(sample(c("cindy", "bobby", "marcia",
##'                                         "greg", "peter"), N,
##'                    replace = TRUE)),
##'                    x7 = ordered(letters[sample(c(1:4,6), N, replace = TRUE)]),
##'                    x6 = sample(c(1:5), N, replace = TRUE),
##'                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
##' mydf$x4[sample(1:N, 10)] <- 999
##' mydf$x5[sample(1:N, 10)] <- -999
##' ## Note: If we change this example data, we need to save a copy in
##' ## "../inst/extdata" for packacing
##' dn <- tempdir()
##' write.csv(mydf, file = file.path(dn, "mydf.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
##' mydf.templ <- keyTemplate(mydf, file = file.path(dn, "mydf.templ.csv"),
##'                           varlab = TRUE)
##' mydf.templ_long <- keyTemplate(mydf, long = TRUE,
##'                             file = file.path(dn, "mydf.templlong.csv"),
##'                             varlab = TRUE)
##' mydf.templx <- keyTemplate(mydf, file = file.path(dn, "mydf.templ.xlsx"),
##'                             varlab = TRUE)
##' mydf.templ_longx <- keyTemplate(mydf, long = TRUE,
##'                              file = file.path(dn, "mydf.templ_long.xlsx"),
##'                              varlab = TRUE)
##' ## Check the varlab attribute
##' attr(mydf.templ, "varlab")
##' mydf.tmpl2 <- keyTemplate(mydf,
##'                          varlab = c(x5 = "height", x4 = "age",
##'                          x3 = "intelligence", x1 = "Name"))
##' ## Check the varlab attribute
##' attr(mydf.tmpl2, "varlab")
##' ## Try with the national longitudinal study data
##' data(natlongsurv)
##' natlong.templ <- keyTemplate(natlongsurv,
##'                           file = file.path(dn, "natlongsurv.templ.csv"),
##'                           max.levels = 15, varlab = TRUE, sort = TRUE)
##' natlong.templlong <- keyTemplate(natlongsurv, long = TRUE,
##'                    file = file.path(dn, "natlongsurv.templ_long.csv"), sort = TRUE)
##' if(interactive()) View(natlong.templlong)
##' natlong.templlong2 <- keyTemplate(natlongsurv, long = TRUE,
##'                       missings = "<0", max.levels = 50, sort = TRUE,
##'                       varlab = TRUE)
##' if(interactive()) View(natlong.templlong2)
##' natlong.templwide2 <- keyTemplate(natlongsurv, long = FALSE,
##'                       missings = "<0", max.levels = 50, sort = TRUE)
##' if(interactive()) View(natlong.templwide2)
##' all.equal(wide2long(natlong.templwide2), natlong.templlong2)
##' head(keyTemplate(natlongsurv, file = file.path(dn, "natlongsurv.templ.xlsx"),
##'              max.levels = 15, varlab = TRUE, sort = TRUE), 10)
##' head(keyTemplate(natlongsurv, file = file.path(dn, "natlongsurv.templ.xlsx"),
##'              long = TRUE, max.levels = 15, varlab = TRUE, sort = TRUE), 10)
##' list.files(dn)
keyTemplate <-
    function(dframe, long = FALSE, sort = FALSE,
             file = NULL, max.levels = 15, missings = NULL, missSymbol = ".",
             safeNumericToInteger = TRUE, trimws = "both", 
             varlab = FALSE)
    if (class(dframe)[1] != "data.frame"){
        MESSG <- paste("Warning: keyTemplate is intended for an R *data.frame*,",
                       "not subclasses like tibbles or data.tables.",
                       "keyTemplate coerced your input",
                       "with as.data.frame().\n")
        if (inherits(dframe, "data.frame")){
            ## Coerce without warning, but print message
        } else {
            ## Elevate the message to a warning
        dframe <- as.data.frame(dframe)
    dframe <- cleanDataFrame(dframe, safeNumericToInteger = safeNumericToInteger,
                             trimws = trimws)

    df.class <- sapply(dframe, function(x)class(x)[1])
    cn <- colnames(dframe)

    ## Keep at most max.levels elements, but always add an NA symbol
    ## if there is none.  Also, always keep value that are missing
    ## according to missings
    shortenValues <- function(x, max.levels, missings){
        xmiss <- assignMissing(x, missings)
        xnotmissing <- if (length(temp <- x[-which(is.na(xmiss))]) > 0) temp else NULL
        xismissing <- unique(x[which(is.na(xmiss))])
        if (!any(vapply(xismissing, is.na, logical(1)))) xismissing <- c(xismissing, NA)
        if (length(xnotmissing) <= max.levels) {
            xnotmissing <- xnotmissing[1:min(max.levels, length(xnotmissing))]
            df <- data.frame(value_old = c(xnotmissing, xismissing),
                             value_new = c(xnotmissing, rep(NA, length(xismissing))),
                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        } else {
            return(data.frame(value_old = NA, value_new = NA,
                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

    ## Returns all unique values, inserts NA at end if not present
    getUnique <- function(xname){
        ## For discrete variables integer, character, logical:
        if (df.class[[xname]] %in% c("integer", "character", "logical")){
            val <- unique(dframe[ , xname, drop = TRUE])
            ##pj 20170926: new sort method keeps missing on end, sets NA as missSymbol
            ##pj 20180502: tibble fails on following order function.
            val.sort <- val[order(val)]
            if(!NA %in% val.sort) val.sort <- c(val.sort, NA)
        ## For discrete variables factor, ordered:
        if (df.class[[xname]] %in% c("factor", "ordered")){
            return(c(levels(dframe[ , xname]), NA))
        ## if coercion check passes, then use "as" to coerce the missing
        if (checkCoercion(c(NA), df.class[[xname]])) {
            value <- NA
            mytext <- paste0("as.",  df.class[[xname]], "(value)")
            res <- eval(parse(text = mytext))
        } else{
            ## Give up trying to cast the NA type

    ## First, make a long key
    ## Generate a small key for one variable
    smallTemplate <- function(xname, missings = NULL){
        value_old <- getUnique(xname)
        valoldnew <- shortenValues(value_old,
                                   max.levels = max.levels,
                                   missings = missings)
        valoldnew[is.na(valoldnew)] <- missSymbol
        keysmall <- data.frame(name_old = xname, name_new = xname, 
                               class_old = df.class[[xname]],
                               class_new = df.class[[xname]],
                               value_old = as.character(valoldnew[ , "value_old"]),
                               value_new = as.character(valoldnew[ , "value_new"]),
                               missings = "",
                               recodes = "", 
                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    keyList <- lapply(cn, smallTemplate, missings = missings)

    key <- do.call("rbind", keyList)

        if (sort) key <- key[order(key$name_old, key$name_new), ]
        class(key) <- c("keylong", class(key))
     } else {
        ## else !long, so make a wide key
        key <- long2wide(key)
        rownames(key) <- key$name_old
        if (sort) key <- key[order(key$name_old), ]
        ## put in order of original data columns
        else key <- key[cn, ]

    attr(key, "missSymbol") <- missSymbol
    if (!missing(varlab) && !identical(varlab, FALSE)) {
        attr(key, "varlab") <- varlabTemplate(key, varlab)
        varlab <- TRUE
    if (!missing(file) && !is.null(file)){
        keySave(key, file, na_ = missSymbol, varlab = varlab)

##' Create Variable Label Template
##' Receive a key, create a varlab object, with columns
##'     \code{name_old} \code{name_new}, and \code{varlab}.
##' If not specified, a matrix is created with empty variable labels.
##' @param obj A variable key
##' @param varlab Default NULL, function will start from clean slate,
##'     a set of column labels that match \code{name_new}. User can
##'     specify values by providing a named vector of labels, e.g.,
##'     \code{c("x1" = "happiness", "x2" = "wealth")}, where the names
##'     are values to be matched against "name_new" in key.
##' @return Character matrix with columns \code{name_new} and \code{varlab}.
##' @export
##' @author Paul Johnson
##' @examples
##' mydf.path <- system.file("extdata", "mydf.csv", package = "kutils")
##' mydf <- read.csv(mydf.path, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
##' mydf.keywide1 <- keyTemplate(mydf, long = FALSE, sort = FALSE,
##'                     varlab = TRUE)
##' attr(mydf.keywide1, "varlab")
##' mydf.keywide2 <- keyTemplate(mydf, long = FALSE, sort = FALSE,
##'                     varlab = c("x3" = "fun"))
##' attr(mydf.keywide2, "varlab")
##' attr(mydf.keywide2, "varlab") <- varlabTemplate(mydf.keywide2,
##'                   varlab = c("x5" = "wealth", "x10" = "happy"))
##' attr(mydf.keywide2, "varlab")
##' attr(mydf.keywide2, "varlab") <- varlabTemplate(mydf.keywide2,
##'                   varlab = TRUE)
##' attr(mydf.keywide2, "varlab")
##' ## Target we are trying to match:
##' mydf.keylong <- keyTemplate(mydf, long = TRUE, sort = FALSE, varlab = TRUE)
##' attr(mydf.keylong, "varlab")
##' attr(mydf.keylong, "varlab") <- NULL
##' varlabTemplate(mydf.keylong)
##' attr(mydf.keylong, "varlab") <- varlabTemplate(mydf.keylong,
##'                    varlab = c("x3" = "wealth", "x10" = "happy"))
##' attr(mydf.keylong, "varlab")
##' attr(mydf.keylong, "varlab") <- varlabTemplate(mydf.keylong, varlab = TRUE)
##' attr(mydf.keylong, "varlab")
varlabTemplate <- function(obj, varlab = TRUE){
    if (identical(varlab, FALSE)){
    varlabs.orig <- attr(obj, "varlab")
        if (isTRUE(varlab)) {
            varlabs <- unique(obj[ , "name_new", drop = TRUE])
            names(varlabs) <- varlabs
        } else if (is.vector(varlab)){
        } else {
            MESSG <- paste("varlabTemplate input:",
                           paste(varlab, collapse = " "),
                           "is not understandable")

    varlabs.all <- unique(obj[ , "name_new"])
    names(varlabs.all) <- varlabs.all
    if (isTRUE(varlab)){
        ## don't change existing varlabs, only new ones
        ## replace from varlabs.orig into varlabs.all
        varlabs <- varlabs.all
        varlabs.addtokey <- varlabs.all[!names(varlabs.all) %in% names(varlabs.orig)]
        return(c(varlabs.orig, varlabs.addtokey))
    } else if (is.vector(varlab)){
        ## keep if in original and not in varlab
        keepinkey <- varlabs.orig[!names(varlabs.orig) %in% names(varlab)]
        ## add from varlab to replace
        replaceinkey <- varlab[names(varlab) %in% names(varlabs.orig)]
        addtokey <- varlab[!names(varlab) %in% names(varlabs.orig)]
        res <- c(keepinkey, replaceinkey, addtokey)
        if(any(duplicated(names(res)))) stop("varlabTemplate fail1")
        return(c(keepinkey, replaceinkey, addtokey))
    } else {
            MESSG <- paste("varlabTemplate input:",
                           paste(varlab, collapse = " "),
                           "is not understandable")

##' Save key as file after deducing type from suffix
##' This is specialized to saving of key objects, it is not a
##' general purpose function for saving things.  It scans the
##' suffix of the file name and then does the right thing.
##' In updates 2017-09, a varlab element was introduced.  The varlab
##' attribute of the object is saved.  The files created incorporate
##' the variable labels object in different ways. 1) XLSX: variable
##' labels a worksheet named "varlab" 2) CSV: variable labels saved in
##' a separate file suffixed "-varlab.csv". 3) RDS: varlab is an
##' attribute of the key object.
##' @param obj a variable key object
##' @param file file name. must end in "csv", "xlsx" or "rds"
##' @param na_ Value to insert to represent a missing score. Default
##'     ".".
##' @param varlab FALSE or TRUE. Default is FALSE, no new labels will
##'     be created. If a key object has a varlab already, it is saved
##'     with the key, always. This parameter controls whether a new
##'     varlab template should be created when the object is saved.
##'     If TRUE and obj has no varlab attribute, a new varlab template
##'     is created by the \code{varlabTemplate} function. If TRUE and
##'     a varlab attribute currently exists, but some variables are
##'     missing labels, then \code{varlabTemplate} is called to fill
##'     in new variable labels.
##' @return NULL if no file is created. Otherwise, a key object with
##'     an attribute varlab is returned.
##' @importFrom openxlsx addWorksheet writeDataTable saveWorkbook
##' @export
##' @author Paul Johnson <pauljohn@@ku.edu>
keySave <- function(obj, file, na_ = ".", varlab){
    obj[is.na(obj)] <- "."
    if (!missing(varlab) && !varlab %in% c(TRUE, FALSE)){
        MESSG <- "keySave varlab argument must be TRUE or FALSE"
    if (!is.null(attr(obj, "varlab"))){
        varlab <- TRUE
    }  else if (!missing(varlab) && !identical(varlab, FALSE)
                && is.null(attr(obj, "varlab"))) {
     ## varlab neither provided with key nor varlab == FALSE, so create
        attr(obj, "varlab") <- varlabTemplate(obj, varlab = TRUE)
        varlab <- TRUE
    } else {
        varlab <- FALSE
    if (length(grep("csv$", tolower(file))) > 0){
        write.csv(obj, file = file, na = na_, row.names = FALSE)
        if(!identical(varlab, FALSE) && !is.null(attr(obj, "varlab"))){
            varlab.orig <- attr(obj, "varlab")
            varlab.mat <- cbind("name_new" = names(varlab.orig),
                                "varlab" = varlab.orig)
                      file = gsub(".csv$", "-varlab.csv", file),
                      row.names = FALSE, na = na_)
    } else if (length(grep("xlsx$", tolower(file)))){
        wb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook()
        addWorksheet(wb, "key")
        writeDataTable(wb, sheet = "key", x = obj)
        if(!identical(varlab, FALSE) && !is.null(attr(obj, "varlab"))){
            varlab.orig <- attr(obj, "varlab")
            varlab.mat <- data.frame("name_new" = names(varlab.orig),
                                "varlab" = varlab.orig)
            addWorksheet(wb, "varlab")
            writeDataTable(wb, sheet = "varlab", x = varlab.mat)
        saveWorkbook(wb, file, overwrite = TRUE)
    } else if (length(grep("rds$", tolower(file)))){
        saveRDS(obj, file = file)
    } else {
        warning("keySave: unrecognized suffix. No file created")

##' Read file after deducing file type from suffix.
##' If the input is XLSX, sheets named "key" and "varlab" are
##' imported if the exist. If input is CSV, then the key
##' CSV file is imported and another file suffixed with "-varlab" is
##' imported if it exists.
##' The variable lables are a named vector saved as an attribute of
##' the key object.
##' @param file name of file to be imported, including path to
##'     file. file name must end in "csv", "xlsx" or "rds"
##' @param ... additional arguments for read.csv or read.xlsx.
##' @param na.strings Values to be converted to R missing symbol
##'     NA. Default is white space, "\\s+".
##' @return A data frame or matrix.
##' @importFrom utils read.csv
##' @importFrom openxlsx read.xlsx getSheetNames readWorkbook
##' @export
##' @author Paul Johnson <pauljohn@@ku.edu>
keyRead <- function(file, ..., na.strings = c("\\s+")){
    ## TODO: implement code to sort out the dots arguments, find
    ## which are aimed at read.xlsx or read.csv, and divide them. See
    ## peek() function example.
    dots <- list(...)
    readxlsxFormals <- names(formals(openxlsx::read.xlsx))
    readcsvFormals <- names(formals(read.csv))
    dotsforxlsx <- dots[readxlsxFormals[readxlsxFormals %in% names(dots)]]
    dotsforcsv <- dots[readcsvFormals[readcsvFormals %in% names(dots)]]
    if (!is.character(file) || !file.exists(file)){
        messg <- paste("keyRead: 'file' not found")
    } else {
        ## key is file name, so scan for suffix
        if (length(grep("xlsx$", tolower(file))) > 0){
            sheetNames <- getSheetNames(file)
            xlsxargs <- list(xlsxFile = file, sheet = "key", colNames = TRUE,
                             check.names = FALSE, na.strings = na.strings)
            xlsxargz <- modifyList(xlsxargs, dotsforxlsx)
            key <- do.call("readWorkbook", xlsxargz)
            ## Force columns to be of type "character"
            ## replace NAs with empty strings
            for(i in colnames(key)){
                if (!inherits(key[ , i], "character")) key[ , i] <- as.character(key[ , i])
                key[which(is.na(key[ ,i])), i] <- "."
            if ("varlab" %in% sheetNames){
                xlsxargz[["sheet"]] <- "varlab"
                varlab.mat <- tryCatch(do.call("readWorkbook", xlsxargz),
                                       finally = NULL)
                varlab <- varlab.mat[ , "varlab"]
                names(varlab) <- varlab.mat[ , "name_new"]
                attr(key, "varlab") <- varlab
        } else if (length(grep("csv$", tolower(file))) > 0){
            csvargs <- list(file = file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                            colClasses = "character", na.strings = na.strings)
            csvargz <- modifyList(csvargs, dotsforcsv)
            key <- do.call("read.csv", csvargz)
            filevarlab <- gsub("csv$", "-varlab.csv", file)
            if (file.exists(filevarlab)){
                csvargs[["file"]] <- filevarlab
                varlab.mat <- do.call("read.csv", csvargz)
                varlab <- varlab.mat[ , "varlab"]
                names(varlab) <- varlab.mat[ , "name_new"]
                attr(key, "varlab") <- varlab
        } else if (length(grep("rds$", tolower(file))) > 0){
            key <- readRDS(file)

##' Convert nothing to R missing(NA).
##' By "nothing", we mean white space or other indications of
##' nothingness.  Goal is to find character strings that users
##' might insert in a key to indicate missing values. Those things,
##' which are given default values in the argument nothings, will be
##' changed to NA.
##' Using regular expression matching, any value that has nothing
##' except for the indicated "nothing" values is converted to NA.  The
##' "nothing" values included by default are a period by itself (A SAS
##' missing value), an empty string, or white space, meaning " ", or
##' any number of spaces, or a tab.
##' @param x A character vector. If x is not a character vector, it is
##'     returned unaltered without warning.
##' @param nothings A vector of values to be matched by regular
##'     expressions as missing.  The default vector is c("\\.",
##'     "\\s"), where "\\." means a literal period (backslashes needed
##'     to escape the symbol which would otherwise match anything in a
##'     regular expression).
##' @param zapspace Should leading and trailing white space be
##'     ignored, so that, for example " . " and "." are both treated
##'     as missing.
##' @return A vector with "nothing" values replaced by R's NA symbol.
##'     Does not alter other values in the vector. Previous version
##'     had applied zapspace to non-missing values, but it no longer
##'     does so.
##' @author Paul Johnson <pauljohn@@ku.edu>
##' @export
##' @examples
##' gg <- c("", " ", "   ", "\t", "\t some", "some\t", " space first", ".",
##'        " . ")
##' n2NA(x = gg)
##' n2NA(x = gg, zapspace = FALSE)
##' n2NA(x = gg, nothings = c("\\s"), zapspace = FALSE)
##' n2NA(x = gg, nothings = c("\\."), zapspace = TRUE)
##' n2NA(x = gg, nothings = c("\\."), zapspace = FALSE)
n2NA <- function(x, nothings = c("\\.", "\\s"), zapspace = TRUE){
    if (!is.character(x)) {
    if (!zapspace){
        for(j in seq_along(nothings)){
            x[grep(paste0("^", nothings[j], "*$"), x)] <- NA
    } else {
        for(j in seq_along(nothings)){
            x[grep(paste0("^\\s*", nothings[j], "*\\s*$"), x)] <- NA

##' Convert leading or trailing white space and tab characters to nothing.
##' This eliminates any characters matched by the regular expression
##' `\\s` if they appear at the beginning of a string or at its
##' end. It does not alter spaces in the interior of a string. This
##' was created when I was not aware of R's \code{trimws} and the purpose
##' is the same. On our TODO list, we intend to eliminate this function
##' and replace its use with \code{trimws}
##' @param x A character vector
##' @return If x is a character vector, return is a character vector
##'     with leading and trailing white space values removed. If x is
##'     not a character vector, an unaltered x is returned.
##' @author Paul Johnson <pauljohn@@ku.edu>
##' @export
##' @examples
##' x <-  c("", " ", "   ", "\t", "\t some", "some\t", " space first")
##' zapspace(x)
zapspace <- function(x){
    if (!is.character(x)){
    y <- gsub("^\\s*", "", x)
    y <- gsub("\\s*$", "", y)

##' Import/validate a key object or import/validate a key from a file.
##' After the researcher has updated the key by filling in new names
##' and values, we import that key file. This function can import the
##' file by its name, after deducing the file type from the suffix, or
##' it can receive a key object from memory.
##' This can be either a wide or long format key file.
##' This cleans up variables in following ways.  1) \code{name_old}
##' and \code{name_new} have leading and trailing spaces removed 2)
##' \code{value_old} and \code{value_new} have leading and trailing
##' spaces removed, and if they are empty or blank spaces, then new
##' values are set as NA.
##' Policy change concerning empty "value_new" cells in input keys
##' (20170929).
##' There is confusion about what ought to happen in a wide key when
##' the user leaves value_new as empty or missing. Literally, this
##' means all values are converted to missing, which does not seem
##' reasonable. Hence, when a key is wide, and value_new is one of the
##' na.strings elements, we assume the value_new is to be copied
##' from value_old. That is to say, if value_new is not supplied,
##' the values remain same as in old data.
##' In a long key, the behavior is different.  Since the user can
##' specify each value for a variable in a separate row, the na.strings
##' appearing in value_new are treated as missing scores in the new
##' data set to be created.
##' @param key A key object (class key or keylong) or a file name
##'     character string (ending in csv, xlsx or rds).
##' @param ignoreCase In the use of this key, should we ignore
##'     differences in capitalization of the "name_old" variable?
##'     Sometimes there are inadvertent misspellings due to changes in
##'     capitalization. Columns named "var01" and "Var01" and "VAR01"
##'     probably should receive the same treatment, even if the key
##'     has name_old equal to "Var01".
##' @param sep Character separator in \code{value_old} and
##'     \code{value_new} strings in a wide key. Default is are "|".
##'     It is also allowed to use "<" for ordered variables. Use
##'     regular expressions in supplying separator values.
##' @param na.strings Values that should be converted to missing data.
##'     This is relevant in \code{name_new} as well as
##'     \code{value_new}. In spreadsheet cells, we treat "empty" cells
##'     (the string ""), or values like "." or "N/A", as missing with
##'     defaults ".", "", "\\s" (white space), and "N/A". Change that
##'     if those are not to be treated as missings.
##' @param ... additional arguments for read.csv or read.xlsx.
##' @param keynames Don't use this unless you are very careful. In our
##'     current scheme, the column names in a key should be
##'     c("name_old", "name_new", "class_old", "class_new",
##'     "value_old", "value_new", "missings", "recodes"). If your key
##'     does not use those column names, it is necessary to provide
##'     keynames in a format "our_name"="your_name". For example,
##'     keynames = c(name_old = "oldvar", name_new = "newname",
##'     class_old = "vartype", class_new = "class", value_old =
##'     "score", value_new = "val").
##' @param missSymbol Defaults to period "." as missing value
##'     indicator.
##' @export
##' @return key object, should be same "wide" or "long" as the input
##'     Missing symbols in value_old and value_new converted to ".".
##' @author Paul Johnson <pauljohn@@ku.edu>
##' @examples
##' mydf.key.path <- system.file("extdata", "mydf.key.csv", package = "kutils")
##' mydf.key <-  keyImport(mydf.key.path)
##' ## Create some dupes
##' mydf.key <- rbind(mydf.key, mydf.key[c(1,7), ])
##' mydf.key2 <- keyImport(mydf.key)
##' mydf.key2
##' ## create some empty value_new cells
##' mydf.key[c(3, 5, 7) , "value_new"] <- ""
##' mydf.key3 <- keyImport(mydf.key)
##' mydf.key3
##' mydf.keylong.path <- system.file("extdata", "mydf.key_long.csv", package = "kutils")
##' mydf.keylong <- keyImport(mydf.keylong.path)
##' ## testDF is a slightly more elaborate version created for unit testing:
##' testdf.path <- system.file("extdata", "testDF.csv", package = "kutils")
##' testdf <- read.csv(testdf.path, header = TRUE)
##' keytemp <- keyTemplate(testdf, long = TRUE)
##' ## A "hand edited key file"
##' keyPath <- system.file("extdata", "testDF-key.csv", package="kutils")
##' key <- keyImport(keyPath)
##' keydiff <- keyDiff(keytemp, key)
##' key2 <- rbind(key, keydiff$neworaltered)
##' key2 <- unique(key)
##' if(interactive())View(key2)
keyImport <- function(key, ignoreCase = TRUE,
                      sep = c(character = "\\|", logical = "\\|",
                              integer = "\\|", factor = "\\|",
                              ordered = "[\\|<]", numeric = "\\|")
                      , na.strings = c("\\.", "", "\\s+",  "N/A")
                      , missSymbol = "."
                      , ...
                      , keynames = NULL)
    if (is.character(key)) key <- keyRead(key)

    legalClasses = c("integer", "numeric", "double", "factor",
                     "ordered", "character", "logical")
    keynames.std <- c("name_old",

        ## User supplied keynames, so reverse their keynames
        ## to put corrected names onto the  key
        colnames(key) <- mapvalues(colnames(key), from = keynames,
                                   to = names(keynames), warn_missing=FALSE)
    ## Use partial matching to try to fix column names that editor
    ## may have altered accidentally. 
    ## If key does not include all of the expected
    ## names, this uses partial matching to replace the existing
    ## unrecognized names.
    if (any(!keynames.std %in% colnames(key))) { 
        key.oldnames <- colnames(key)
        ## Filter out oldnames that don't pmatch, rm the NAs
        key.oldnames.pmatches <- na.omit(key.oldnames[pmatch(key.oldnames, keynames.std)])
        keynames.std.pmatches <- keynames.std[pmatch(key.oldnames.pmatches, keynames.std)]
        colnames(key) <- mapvalues(colnames(key),
                                   from = key.oldnames.pmatches,
                                   to = keynames.std.pmatches)
    ## Now, what to do if columns are missing?
    ## if no "name_old" "class_old", "value_old", then quit
    ## if "name_new", "class_new", "value_new" missing, then copy from old.
    ## if "missings" and "recodes" are missing, create new full of ""
    ## TODO: omit blank rows
    cols.required <- c("name_old", "class_old", "value_old")
    cols.copyable <- c("name_new", "class_new", "value_new")
    cols.blankable <- c("missings", "recodes")
    if(any(!cols.required %in% colnames(key))){
        MESSG <- paste0("Key is missing columns: ",
                 paste0(cols.required[!cols.required %in% colnames(key)], collapse = " "))
    if(any(!cols.copyable %in% colnames(key))){
        cols.missing <- cols.copyable[!cols.copyable %in% colnames(key)]
        for(i in cols.missing) {
            j <- gsub("new$", "old", i)
            key[ , i] <- key[ ,j]
    if(any(!cols.blankable %in% colnames(key))){
        cols.missing <- cols.blankable[!cols.blankable %in% colnames(key)]
        for(i in cols.missing) {
            key[ , i] <- ""

    uniquifyNameNew <- function(key, long = FALSE){
        ## wide key easy!
            name_new_orig <- key[ , "name_new"]
            key[ , "name_new"] <- make.names(key[ , "name_new"], unique = TRUE)
            if (sumdupes <- sum(key[ , "name_new"] != name_new_orig)){
                MESSG <- paste("keyImport: Wide key with duplicated name_new values.",
                               sumdupes, " name_new values were altered:\n")
                print(key[name_new_orig != key[ , "name_new"], c("name_old", "name_new")])
            return(key[ , "name_new"])
        } else {
            ## long key, TODO 20171003: Difficult to get right for
            ## sure, so lets return an error now, think on it later.
            newindex <- paste0(key[ , "name_old"], "|",  key[ , "name_new"], "|",
                               key[ , "value_old"])
            dupes <- duplicated(newindex)
                cat("keyImport: These are duplicated rows in the key:\n")
                print(key[dupes, c("name_old", "name_new", "value_old")])
                MESSG <- paste("keyImport terminated: long key format is incorrect.")
            return(key[ , "name_new"])

    key.orig <- key

    ## Omit key rows in which name_new is a missing or na.string
    key <- key[!isNA(key$name_new), ]
    ## Deduce if this is a long key. If separators | < assume it is wide
    if (any(grepl("[\\|<]", key$value_old))) {
        ## There are separators, this is almost surely a wide key
        long <- FALSE
    } else {
        long <- TRUE
    if (!long){
        MESSG <- paste("keyImport guessed that is a wide format key.\n")
        ## Use the unique-ified key now
        key[ , "name_new"] <- uniquifyNameNew(key, long = FALSE)
        ## If wide key and value_new is empty/missing, make it a copy of value_old.
        ## Otherwise, the missing treatment sets all values as missing, which is pointless.
        ismissing <- isNA( key[ , "value_new"])
        key[ismissing, "value_new"] <- key[ismissing , "value_old"]
        key <- wide2long(key, sep)
        keysplit <- split(key, key[ , "name_new"])
        valcheck <- vapply(keysplit, function(keyvar){
            keyclass <- unique(keyvar$class_new)
            isTRUE(checkCoercion(keyvar$value_new,  unique(keyclass),
                                 na.strings = na.strings))
        }, logical(1))
            MESSG <- "value_new in key cannot be coerced to class_new\n"
            MESSG <- 
        rownames(key) <- NULL
    } else {
        key[ , "name_new"] <- uniquifyNameNew(key, long = TRUE)
        keyw <- long2wide(key)
        ## Use same trick as in import of wide key to replace empty value_new
        ## with value_old
        ismissing <- grepl(paste0("^", paste0(na.strings, collapse="$|^"), "$"), keyw[ , "value_new"])
        keyw[ismissing, "value_new"] <- keyw[ismissing , "value_old"]
        key <- wide2long(keyw)
    ## For Logicals: If value_new is 1 or 0, convert to TRUE/FALSE symbols
    key[key$class_new == "logical" & !is.na(key$value_new) & key$value_new == 1, "value_new"] <- TRUE
    key[key$class_new == "logical" & !is.na(key$value_new) & key$value_new == 0, "value_new"] <- FALSE
    key[key$class_old == "logical" & !is.na(key$value_old) & key$value_old == 1, "value_old"] <- TRUE
    key[key$class_old == "logical" & !is.na(key$value_old) & key$value_old == 0, "value_old"] <- FALSE
    key$missings <- gsub("<-", "< -", key$missings, fixed = TRUE)
    ## protect against user-inserted spaces (leading or trailing)
    key$name_old <- zapspace(key$name_old)
    key$name_new <- zapspace(key$name_new)
    ## if recode or missings are not supplied, we get logicals.
    ## handle empty missing/recode columns
    if (all(is.na(key$missings))) key$missings <- character(length(key$missings))
    if (all(is.na(key$recodes))) key$recodes <- character(length(key$recodes))
    ## If name_new is any missing symbol, remove from key
    remove <- key$name_old[key$name_new %in% na.strings]
    key <- key[!key$name_old %in% remove,]

    if (length(unique(remove)) >= 1){
        MESSG <- paste0("keyImport: Delete entries for ",
                        "variables because name_new is an na.string.\n") 

    ## if this is long key, following is safe. How about wide key?
    key$value_old <- trimws(key$value_old)
    key$value_new <- trimws(key$value_new)

    ## pj 20171002: following appears redundant
    ## key$value_old <- ifelse(is.na(key$value_old), missSymbol, key$value_old)
    ## key$value_new <- ifelse(is.na(key$value_new), missSymbol, key$value_new)
    key[key$value_new %in% na.strings, "value_new"] <- missSymbol
    key[key$value_old %in% na.strings, "value_old"] <- missSymbol
    ## Delete repeated rows:
    key <- key[!duplicated(key), ]

    if (any(!unique(key$class_new) %in% legalClasses)){
        messg <- paste("Unfamiliar class_new value\n",
                       paste(unique(key$class_new)[!unique(key$class_new) %in% legalClasses], collapse = ", ")

    if (long){
        class(key) <- c("keylong", "data.frame")
        attr(key, "ignoreCase") <- ignoreCase
        attr(key, "na.strings") <- na.strings
    } else {
        keywide <- long2wide(key)
        class(keywide) <- c("key", "data.frame")
        attr(keywide, "ignoreCase") <- ignoreCase
        attr(keywide, "na.strings") <- na.strings
    stop("keyImport should not reach this point")

##' Convert the variable key into a list of long keys, one for each variable.
##' A keylist element is a long key for one new variable. The new
##' variables are named by "name_old.name_new" for uniqueness.
##' If the key has one old variable being recoded 6 ways, that begets
##' 6 elements in the resulting list. Attributes including the classes
##' of the old and new variables are included.
##' @param key A key object or a file name, csv, xlsx or rds.
##' @param sep Separator regular expressions
##' @param na.strings Strings that will be treated as NA. This will be
##'     used only if the key object does not have an na.strings
##'     attribute.
##' @keywords internal
##' @return A list with one element per variable name, along with some
##'     attributes like class_old and class_new. The class is set as
##'     well, "keylist"
##' @author Paul Johnson <pauljohn@@ku.edu>
## ##' @examples
## ##' mydf.key.path <- system.file("extdata", "mydf.key.csv", package = "kutils")
## ##' mydf.key <-  keyImport(mydf.key.path)
## ##' mydf.key.keylist <- makeKeylist(mydf.key)
## ##' mydf.keylong.path <- system.file("extdata", "mydf.key_long.csv", package = "kutils")
## ##' mydf.keylong <- keyImport(mydf.keylong.path)
## ##' mydf.keylong.keylist
makeKeylist <- function(key,
                        sep = c(character = "\\|", logical = "\\|",
                              integer = "\\|", factor = "\\|",
                              ordered = "[\\|<]", numeric = "\\|"),
                        na.strings = c("\\.", "", "\\s+",  "N/A"))
    ## if x is in na.strings, return NA
    ## if "split" is NA or blank space or TAB, return unchanged x
    strsplit2 <- function(x, split, fixed = FALSE, perl = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE){
        if (is.na(n2NA(zapspace(split)))) return(x)
        if (is.na(n2NA(zapspace(x)))) return(NA)
        strsplit(x, split, fixed = fixed, perl = perl, useBytes = useBytes)

    ## if it is already a key list, return with no changes
    if (inherits(key,"keylist")) return(key)
    if (is.character(key)) key <- keyImport(key)
    if (inherits(key, "key")){
        long <- FALSE
    } else if (inherits(key, "keylong")){
        long <- TRUE
    ## Allow arguments to override na.strings from key?
    if (missing(na.strings) && !is.null(attr.na.strings <- attr(key, "na.strings"))){
        na.strings <- attr.na.strings
    if (!long){
        key <- wide2long(key)
    ## like unique, but it throws away white space, NA, and
    ## fails if there is more than one unique nonmissing value
    unique.one <- function(x){
        y <- unique(na.omit(n2NA(zapspace(x))))
        if (length(y) != 1){
            messg <- paste("Value of", deparse(substitute(x)), "not unique")
            stop (messg)

    ## Clean up the "name_new" column. Danger that 2 name_new
    ## values are same for different variables, but they must be
    ## unique named columns.
    name_new.unique <- unique(key$name_new)
    name_new.clean <- make.names(name_new.unique, unique = TRUE)
    names(name_new.clean) <- name_new.unique
    key[ , "name_new"] <- name_new.clean[key[, "name_new"]]
    ## Create a keylist member for a given key chunk
    makeOneVar <- function(keyds){
        name_old <- unique.one(keyds$name_old)
        name_new <- unique.one(keyds$name_new)
        class_old <- unique.one(keyds$class_old)
        class_new <- unique.one(keyds$class_new)
        recodes <- unique(na.omit(n2NA(zapspace(keyds$recodes))))
        recodes <- if(length(recodes) > 0) unlist(strsplit(recodes, split=";", fixed = TRUE))
        missings <- paste(na.omit(n2NA(zapspace(keyds$missings))), collapse = ";")
        value_new <- keyds$value_new
        value_old <- keyds$value_old
        if (class_old == "logical") {
            value_old[value_old == "TRUE"] <- TRUE
            value_old[value_old == "FALSE"] <- FALSE
        if (class_new == "logical") {
            value_new[value_new == "TRUE"] <- TRUE
            value_new[value_new == "FALSE"] <- FALSE
        value_new[isNA(value_new, na.strings)] <- NA
        value_old[isNA(value_old, na.strings)] <- NA
        ## If not a factor, cast new values with class_new. Don't do this to
        ## factors, though, leave as text
        if (!class_new %in% c("factor", "ordered") && class(value_new) != class_new){
            mytext <- paste0("value_new <- as.", class_new, "(value_new)")
            value_new <- eval(parse(text = mytext))
        values <- data.frame("value_old" = value_old,
                             "value_new" = value_new, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        list(name_old = name_old, name_new = name_new,
             class_old = class_old, class_new = class_new,
             values = values,  missings = missings, recodes = recodes)
    ## Make this a factor and control the ordering of the levels. Otherwise,
    ## split applies factor() and re-alphabetizes it.
    name_old.new <- paste0(key[ , "name_old"], ".", key[ , "name_new"])
    name_old.new <- factor(name_old.new, levels = unique(name_old.new))
    keysplit <- split(key, name_old.new, drop = FALSE)
    keylist <- lapply(keysplit, makeOneVar)

    attr(keylist, "na.strings") <- na.strings
    attr(keylist, "class_old") <- sapply(keylist, function(keyds) keyds$class_old)
    attr(keylist, "class_new") <- sapply(keylist, function(keyds) keyds$class_new)
    class(keylist) <- "keylist"

##' Apply variable key to data frame (generate recoded data frame)
##' This is the main objective of the variable key system.
##' @param dframe An R data frame
##' @param key A variable key object, of class either "key" or
##'     "keylong"
##' @param diagnostic Default TRUE: Compare the old and new data
##'     frames carefully with the keyDiagnostic function.
##' @param drop Default TRUE. True implies drop = c("vars",
##'     "vals"). TRUE applies to both variables ("vars") and values
##'     ("vals"). "vars" means that a column will be omitted from data
##'     if it is not in the key "name_old". Similarly, if anything
##'     except "." appears in value_old, then setting drop="vals"
##'     means omission of a value from key "value_old" causes
##'     observations with those values to become NA.  This is the
##'     original variable key behavior.  The drop argument allows
##'     "partial keys", beginning with kutils version 1.12. drop =
##'     FALSE means that neither values nor variables are omitted.
##'     Rather than TRUE, one can specify either drop = "vars", or
##'     drop = "vals".
##' @param safeNumericToInteger Default TRUE: Should we treat values
##'     which appear to be integers as integers? If a column is
##'     numeric, it might be safe to treat it as an integer.  In many
##'     csv data sets, the values coded c(1, 2, 3) are really
##'     integers, not floats c(1.0, 2.0, 3.0). See \code{safeInteger}.
##' @param trimws Default is "both", can change to "left", "right", or
##'     set as NULL to avoid any trimming.
##' @param ignoreCase Default TRUE. If column name is capitalized
##'     differently than name_old in the key, but the two are
##'     otherwise identical, then the difference in capitalization
##'     will be ignored.
##' @param debug Default FALSE. If TRUE, emit some warnings.
##' @return A new data.frame object, with renamed and recoded variables
##' @author Paul Johnson <pauljohn@@ku.edu>
##' @export
##' @importFrom plyr mapvalues
##' @examples
##' mydf.key.path <- system.file("extdata", "mydf.key.csv", package = "kutils")
##' mydf.key <-  keyImport(mydf.key.path)
##' mydf.path <- system.file("extdata", "mydf.csv", package = "kutils")
##' mydf <- read.csv(mydf.path, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
##' mydf2 <- keyApply(mydf, mydf.key)
##' nls.keylong.path <- system.file("extdata", "natlongsurv.key_long.csv", package = "kutils")
##' nls.keylong <- keyImport(nls.keylong.path, long = TRUE)
##' data(natlongsurv)
##' nls.dat <- keyApply(natlongsurv, nls.keylong)
keyApply <- function(dframe, key, diagnostic = TRUE,
                     safeNumericToInteger = TRUE, trimws = "both",
                     ignoreCase = TRUE,
                     drop = TRUE, debug = FALSE)
    legalClasses <- c("integer", "numeric", "double", "factor",
                      "ordered", "character", "logical")
    if(is.na(drop)|| is.null(drop)) stop("keyApply: drop argument is NA.")
    if (is.character(drop)){
        stopifnot(drop %in%  c("vars","vals"))
    if (is.logical(drop)){
        if(drop) drop <- c("vars", "vals")

    if (class(dframe)[1] != "data.frame"){
        MESSG <- paste("Warning: keyApply is intended for an R *data.frame*,",
                       "not subclasses like tibbles or data.tables.",
                       "keyApply coerced your input",
                       "with as.data.frame().\n")
        if (inherits(dframe, "data.frame")){
            ## Coerce without warning, but print message
        } else {
            ## Elevate the message to a warning
        dframe <- as.data.frame(dframe)
    dframe <- cleanDataFrame(dframe, safeNumericToInteger = safeNumericToInteger,
                             trimws = trimws)
    if (diagnostic) dforig <- dframe

    ## Need to snapshot class of input variables
    class_old.dframe <- sapply(dframe, function(x) class(x)[1])

    ## implement ignoreCase by keeping vector dfname_old.orig that we
    ## can use later to put old names back onto data frame.
    ## If key has multiple entries that are identcal after tolower(), will use
    ## first one.
    ## Keep vector of original names. If ignoreCase=FALSE, this changes nothing.
    dfname_old.orig <- colnames(dframe)
    if (ignoreCase){
        colnames(dframe) <- tolower(colnames(dframe))
    names(dfname_old.orig) <- colnames(dframe)
    ## Create vector to use for re-assignment later
    names(class_old.dframe) <- colnames(dframe)

    na.strings <- attr(key, "na.strings")
    ## TODO: figure out what to do if class_old does not match input data
    ## coerce existing column to type requested in data frame?

    ## keylist: a list of long keys, one per variable
    keylist <- makeKeylist(key)
    ## list for collecting new variables.
    xlist <- list()

    names_in_key <- unique(key$name_old)
    if (ignoreCase) names_in_key <- tolower(names_in_key)
    names_not_in_key <- setdiff(colnames(dframe), names_in_key)

    ## B/c "vars" in drop, copy over the variables that are
    ## not in the key.
    if(length(names_not_in_key) && (!"vars" %in% drop)){
        for(jj in names_not_in_key){
            mytext <- paste0("xlist[[\"", jj, "\"]] <- ", "dframe[ , jj]")
            eval(parse(text = mytext))

    ## Process variables in keylist, put into "xlist"
    for (v in keylist) {
            print(paste("\n debug"))
        ## Extract values for convenience
        values <- v$values
        oldVals <- v$values$value_old
        newVals <- v$values$value_new
        ## keep spare copy of original name
        v$name_old.orig <- v$name_old
        if(ignoreCase) v$name_old <- tolower(v$name_old)

        ## TODO: what if class_old does not match class of imported
        ## data?  Need to think through implications of doing something like
        ## xnew <- as(xnew, class_old)

        ## If variable name from key is not in the data frame, go to next variable.
        if (!v$name_old %in% colnames(dframe)){
            messg <- paste("keyApply: ", v$name_old.orig, "not in data.\n")

        ## DELETE VARIABLES from data frame
        ## If name_new is empty, then ignore that variable
        if (length(v$name_new) == 0 || isTRUE(isNA(unique(v$name_new)))){
            messg <- paste("keyApply: ", v$name_old.orig, "dropped.\n")
        ## Extract candidate variable to column, will recode xnew.
        xnew <- dframe[ , v$name_old]

        ## Apply missing codes
        if (length(v$missings) > 0){
            xnew <- assignMissing(xnew, v$missings)

        ## Be simple. If they have "recodes" in key, apply them.
        ## Ignore value_new. next().
        if (length(v$recodes) > 0 && !all(is.na(v$recodes))) {
            for (cmd in v$recodes) xnew <- assignRecode(xnew, cmd)
            if(!inherits(xnew, v$class_new)) {
                messg <- paste("keyApply: the key's recode function for the variable",
                               v$name_old, " did generate correct output class")
            mytext <- paste0("xlist[[\"", v$name_new, "\"]] <- ", "xnew")
            eval(parse(text = mytext))

        ## value_old and value_new are full of only NA, so
        ## only perform direct class conversions
        if (NROW(na.omit(values)) == 0 || length(na.omit(newVals)) == 0) {
            ## if coercion not safe, stop
            if(!isTRUE(checkCoercion(xnew, unique(v$class_new), na.strings))){
                stop("keyApply: coercion failed, ", unique(v$name_old.orig))
            if (v$class_new %in% c("factor", "ordered")){
                # no direct conversion to factors
                xnew1 <- factor(xnew, ordered=(v$class_new == "ordered"))  
            } else {
                eval(parse(text=paste0("xnew1 <- ", "as.", v$class_new, "(xnew)")))
            mytext <- paste0("xlist[[\"", v$name_new, "\"]] <- ", "xnew1")
            eval(parse(text = mytext))

        ## if vals is drop, following SHOULD set as missing scores in xnew that
        ## are not in the key 
        if("vals" %in% drop){
            xnew[!xnew %in% values$value_old] <- NA
            ## pj 20171006 the factor gotca killed this:
            ## xnew <- ifelse(xnew %in% values$value_old, xnew,  NA)

        ## If output is ordered or factor
        if(length(v$class_new) > 0 && v$class_new %in% c("ordered", "factor")){
            xnew2 <- plyr::mapvalues(xnew, from = values$value_old,
                                     to = values$value_new, warn_missing = FALSE)
            xnew2 <- factor(xnew2, levels = unique(values$value_new), 
                            ordered=(v$class_new == "ordered"))
            mytext <- paste0("xlist[[\"", v$name_new, "\"]] <- xnew2")
            eval(parse(text = mytext))

        ## if class from data frame is not same as class_old, then MUST cast
        ## as correct type. Could cast as character.
        if ((class(xnew)[1] != v$class_old) ||
           (v$class_old %in% c("ordered", "factor"))) {
            if(!isTRUE(checkCoercion(unique(xnew), unique(v$class_old), na.strings))){
                MESSG <- paste("keyApply:", unique(v$name_old.orig),
                               "input data cannot be coerced to original class.")
            xnew.orig <- xnew
            if(v$class_old %in% c("ordered", "factor")){
                ## creates factor with levels in value_old
                mytext1 <- paste0("xnew <- ", v$class_old, "(xnew, values$value_old)")
            } else {
                ## coerce to class_old
                mytext1 <- paste0("xnew <- as.", v$class_old, "(xnew)")
            eval(parse(text = mytext1))
        ##Class stays same, use mapvalues, only on values that differ:
        if (classsame <- v$class_new == v$class_old)
            ## keep only rows where value_old and value_new differ
            values <- values[!mapply(identical, values$value_old,
                                     values$value_new), ]
            xnew <- plyr::mapvalues(xnew, values[ , "value_old"],
                                    values[ ,"value_new"],
                                    warn_missing = FALSE)
            mytext <- paste0("xlist[[\"", v$name_new, "\"]] <- xnew")
            eval(parse(text = mytext))
        ## Special treatment to convert level values to integer/numeric values
        if (v$class_old %in% c("factor", "ordered") &&
            v$class_new %in% c("integer", "numeric", "double"))
            if(!isTRUE(checkCoercion(values$value_new, unique(v$class_new), na.strings))){
                ## Value new cannot be coerced numeric, should stop
                MESSG <- paste("key error:", v$name_old.orig, "value_new not consistent with class_new:\n")
            if(!isTRUE(checkCoercion(xnew, unique(v$class_new), na.strings))){
                ## Value new cannot be coerced numeric, should stop
                MESSG <- paste("key error: values of", v$name_old.orig,
                               "don't match class_new:\n")
            ## otherwise continue
            xnew2 <- plyr::mapvalues(xnew, values[ , "value_old"],
                                     values[ , "value_new"],
                                     warn_missing = FALSE)
            if(!isTRUE(checkCoercion(levels(xnew2), unique(v$class_new), na.strings))){
                MESSG <- paste("keyApply value error:", v$name_old, "levels don't match class_new.")
            xnew3 <- as(levels(xnew2)[xnew2], v$class_new)
            mytext <- paste0("xlist[[\"", v$name_new, "\"]] <- xnew3")
            eval(parse(text = mytext))
        ## convert for variables with new mapping of value_old to value_new
        ## need to run this if values differ or one is NA but other not
        valueDiff <- v$values$value_old != v$values$value_new
        if (any(valueDiff, na.rm = TRUE) || any(is.na(valueDiff))) {
            xnew <- plyr::mapvalues(xnew, values$value_old, values$value_new, warn_missing = FALSE)
            mytext1 <- paste0("xnew2 <- as.", v$class_new, "(xnew)")
            eval(parse(text = mytext1))
            mytext <- paste0("xlist[[\"", v$name_new, "\"]] <- xnew2")
            eval(parse(text = mytext))
        MESSG <- paste("keyApply:", v$name_old, "Logic error in value mapping.")
    ## How to pass stringsAsFactors=FALSE as argument? Only way is
    ## run through environment?
    stringsAsFactors.orig <-  unname(unlist(options("stringsAsFactors")))
    options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    dframe <- do.call(data.frame, xlist)
    options(stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors.orig )
    if(diagnostic) keyDiagnostic(dforig, dframe, keylist)

##' Diagnose accuracy of result from applying variable key to data
##' Compare the old and new data frames, checking for accuracy of
##' calculations in various ways.
##' CAUTION: This can print WIDE matrices.  Because the on-screen
##' output will be WIDE, make the display window WIDE!
##' Crosstabulate new variable versus old variable to see the coding
##' mismatches.  For tables of up to 10 values or so, that will be
##' satisfactory.
##' For numeric variables, it appears there is no good thing to do
##' except possibly to re-apply any transformations.
##' @param dfold Original data frame
##' @param dfnew The new recoded data frame
##' @param keylist The imported variable key that was used to
##'     transform dfold into dfnew.
##' @param max.values Show up to this number of values for the old
##'     variable
##' @param nametrunc Truncate column and row names. Needed if there
##'     are long factor labels and we want to fit more information on
##'     table. Default = 18 for new name, old name is 10 more
##'     characters (18 + 10 = 28).
##' @param wide Number of characters per row in printed
##'     output. Suggest very wide screen, default = 200.
##' @param confidential Should numbers in table be rounded to nearest
##'     "10" to comply with security standard enforced by some
##'     American research departments.
##' @return NULL
##' @author Paul Johnson <pauljohn@@ku.edu>
keyDiagnostic <- function(dfold, dfnew, keylist, max.values = 20,
                          nametrunc = 18, wide = 200, confidential = FALSE)

    ## TODO if class in dfnew does not match keylist specification, fail

    ## TODO think more deeply on warning signs of bad recoding.
    ## other summary of match and mismatch.

    width.orig <- options("width")
    options(width = wide)
    if (confidential) {
        roundAt <- -1
    } else {
        roundAt <- 2
    for (v in keylist){
        if (is.na(v$name_new) ||(length(v$name_new) == 0) || (!v$name_new %in% colnames(dfnew))){
            messg <- paste("Variable", v$name_new, "is not included in the new data frame")
        if (length(unique(dfnew[ , v$name_new])) <= max.values){
            name_new.trunc <- substr(v$name_new, 1, min(nchar(v$name_new), nametrunc))
            name_old.trunc <- paste0(substr(v$name_old, 1, min(nchar(v$name_old), nametrunc + 10)), " (old var)")
            print(round(table(dfnew[ , v$name_new], dfold[ , v$name_old],
                              exclude = NULL, dnn = c(name_new.trunc, name_old.trunc)), roundAt))
        } else {
            messg <- paste("Variable", v$name_new, "has", max.values,
                           "unique values.", "Too large for a table.")
    options(width = unlist(width.orig))

##' Convert a key object from wide to long format
##' This is not flexible, assumes columns are named in our canonical
##' style, which means the columns are named c("name_old", "name_new",
##' "class_old", "class_new", "value_old", "value_new").
##' @param key A variable key in the wide format
##' @param sep Default separator is the pipe, "\\|" for most
##'     variables, while ordered accepts pipe or less than, "\\|<". If
##'     the key did not follow those customs, other sep values may be
##'     specified for each variable class.
##' @return A long format variable key
##' @export
##' @author Paul Johnson <pauljohn@@ku.edu>
##' @examples
##' mydf.path <- system.file("extdata", "mydf.csv", package = "kutils")
##' mydf <- read.csv(mydf.path, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
##' ## Target we are trying to match:
##' mydf.keylong <- keyTemplate(mydf, long = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
##' mydf.key <- keyTemplate(mydf)
##' mydf.keywide2long <- wide2long(mydf.key)
##' ## rownames not meaningful in long key, so remove in both versions
##' row.names(mydf.keywide2long) <- NULL
##' row.names(mydf.keylong) <- NULL
##' all.equal(mydf.keylong, mydf.keywide2long)
wide2long <- function(key, sep = c(character = "\\|", logical = "\\|",
                              integer = "\\|", factor = "\\|",
                              ordered = "[\\|<]", numeric = "\\|"))
    makeOneVar <- function(x){
        value_old <- unlist(strsplit(x$value_old, sep[x$class_old]))
        value_new <- unlist(strsplit(x$value_new, sep[x$class_new]))
        if (length(value_old) == 0) value_old <- as.character("")
        if (length(value_new) == 0) value_new <- as.character("")
        values <- cbind(value_old, value_new)
        values <- unique(values)
        ## missings <- na.omit(unlist(strsplit(x$missings, ";")))
        missings <- c(x$missings, rep("", NROW(values) - length(x$missings)))
        ## recodes <- na.omit(unlist(strsplit(x$recodes, ";")))
        recodes <- c(x$recodes, rep("", NROW(values) - length(x$recodes)))

        zz <- data.frame(name_old = x$name_old,
                         name_new = x$name_new,
                         class_old = x$class_old,
                         class_new = x$class_new,
                         value_old = values[ , "value_old"],
                         value_new = values[ , "value_new"],
                         missings = missings,
                         recodes = recodes, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        zz <- sortStanza(zz)

    ## Unique-ify name_new
    key[ , "name_new"] <- make.names(key[ , "name_new"], unique = TRUE)
    ## keysplit
    name_old.new <- paste0(key[ , "name_old"], ".", key[ , "name_new"])
    name_old.new <- factor(name_old.new, levels = unique(name_old.new))
    ks <- split(key, name_old.new, drop = TRUE)
    ## build a "long stanza" for each variable
    ksl <- lapply(ks, makeOneVar)

    keylong <- do.call(rbind, lapply(ksl, as.data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
    attr(keylong, "na.strings") <- attr(key, "na.strings")
    attr(keylong, "varlab") <- attr(key, "varlab")
    class(keylong) <- c("keylong", "data.frame")

##' convert a key object from long to wide format
##' ##' This is not flexible, assumes columns are named in our canonical
##' style, which means the columns are named c("name_old", "name_new",
##' "class_old", "class_new", "value_old", "value_new").
##' @param keylong A variable key in the long format
##' @param na.strings Strings to be treated as missings in value_new
##' @param missSymbol Default is ".", character to insert in value when R NA is found.
##' @return A wide format variable key
##' @export
##' @author Paul Johnson <pauljohn@@ku.edu>
##' @examples
##' mydf.path <- system.file("extdata", "mydf.csv", package = "kutils")
##' mydf <- read.csv(mydf.path, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
##' ## A wide key we are trying to match:
##' mydf.key <- keyTemplate(mydf, long = FALSE, sort = TRUE)
##' mydf.key["x4", "missings"] <- "999"
##' ## A long key we will convert next
##' mydf.keylong <- keyTemplate(mydf, long = TRUE, sort = TRUE)
##' mydf.keylong[mydf.keylong[ , "name_old"] == "x4" &
##'     mydf.keylong[ , "value_old"] == "999", "missings"] <- "999"
##' mydf.long2wide <- long2wide(mydf.keylong)
##' all.equal(mydf.key, mydf.long2wide)
##' mydf.keylong.path <- system.file("extdata", "mydf.key_long.csv", package = "kutils")
##' mydf.keylong <- keyImport(mydf.keylong.path)
##' mydf.keywide <- long2wide(mydf.keylong)
##' mydf.keylong2 <- wide2long(mydf.keywide)
##' ## Is error if following not TRUE
##' all.equal(mydf.keylong2, mydf.keylong)
long2wide <- function(keylong, na.strings = c("\\.", "", "\\s+",  "N/A"),
                      missSymbol = "."){
    name_old.new <- paste0(keylong[ , "name_old"], ".", keylong[ , "name_new"])
    name_old.new <- factor(name_old.new, levels = unique(name_old.new))
    ##kls = keylong split.
    ## 20161215: why didn't I use keylist maker here?
    keylong[is.na(keylong[ , "value_new"]), "value_new"] <- missSymbol
    keylong[is.na(keylong[ , "value_old"]), "value_old"] <- missSymbol

    kls <- split(keylong, name_old.new, drop = TRUE)

    makeOneWide <- function(x){
        sep_old <- if("ordered" %in% unique(x$class_old)) "<" else "|"
        sep_new <- if("ordered" %in% unique(x$class_new)) "<" else "|"
        ## Replace "" with NA, then get rid of NAs
        if(is.null(x$missings) || all(is.na(x$missings))){
            missings <- ""
        } else {
            missings <- n2NA(unique(x$missings))
            missings <- if (all(is.na(missings))) "" else na.omit(missings)
        if(is.null(x$recodes) || all(is.na(x$recodes))) {
            recodes <- ""
        } else{
            recodes <- n2NA(unique(x$recodes))
            recodes <- if (all(is.na(recodes))) "" else na.omit(recodes)
        values <- cbind(value_old = x$value_old, value_new = x$value_new)
        values <- unique(values)
        values <- sortStanza(values)
        value_new.ismissing <- isNA(values[ , "value_new"])
            newvalues <- paste(values[ , "value_new"], collapse = sep_new)
        } else {
            newvalues <- "."
        list(name_old = unique(x$name_old),
             name_new = unique(x$name_new),
             class_old = unique(x$class_old),
             class_new = unique(x$class_new),
             value_old = paste(values[ , "value_old"], collapse = sep_old),
             value_new = newvalues,
             missings = paste(missings, collapse = ";"),
             recodes =  paste(recodes, collapse = ";"))

    keywide <- lapply(kls, makeOneWide)

    key <- do.call("rbind", lapply(keywide, data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
    class(key) <- c("key", "data.frame")
    attr(key, "na.strings") <- attr(keylong, "na.strings")
    attr(key, "varlab") <- attr(keylong, "varlab")

##' An all.equal method for variable wide keys
##' Disregards attributes by defaults. Before comparing the two keys,
##' the values are sorted by \code{"name_new")}.
##' @author Paul E. Johnson <pauljohn@@ku.edu>
##' @method all.equal key
##' @param target A wide variable key
##' @param current A wide variable key
##' @param ... Other arguments that are ignored
##' @param check.attributes Default FALSE
##' @export
all.equal.key <- function(target, current, ..., check.attributes = FALSE){
    target <- target[order(target[ , "name_new"]), ]
    current <- current[order(current[ , "name_new"]), ]
    reslt <- base::all.equal.list(target, current, check.attributes = FALSE)

##' An all.equal method for variable long keys
##' Disregards attributes by defaults. Before comparing the two keys,
##' the values are sorted by \code{"name_new")}.
##' @author Paul E. Johnson <pauljohn@@ku.edu>
##' @method all.equal keylong
##' @export
##' @param target A long variable key
##' @param current A long variable key
##' @param ... Other arguments that are ignored
##' @param check.attributes Default FALSE
all.equal.keylong <- function(target, current, ..., check.attributes = FALSE){
    target <- target[order(target[ , "name_new"],
                           target[ , "value_old"],
                           target[ , "value_new"]), ]
    current <- current[order(current[ , "name_new"],
                             current[ , "value_old"],
                             current[ , "value_new"]), ]
    reslt <- base::all.equal.list(target, current, check.attributes = FALSE)

##' Update a key in light of a new data frame (add variables and
##' values)
##' The following chores must be handled.
##' 1. If the data.frame has variables which are not currently
##' listed in the variable key's "name_old" variable, then new
##' variables are added to the key.
##' 2. If the data.frame has new values for the previously
##' existing variables, then those values must be added to the
##' keys.
##' 3. If the old key has "name_new" or "class_new" designated
##' for variables, those MUST be preserved in the new key
##' for all new values of those variables.
##' This function will not alter key values for "class_old",
##' "value_old" or "value_new" for variables that have no new
##' information.
##' This function deduces if the key provided is in the wide or long
##' format from the class of the object.
##' @param key A variable key
##' @param dframe A data.frame object.
##' @param append If long key, should new rows be added to the end of
##'     the updated key? Default is TRUE. If FALSE, new rows will be
##'     sorted with the original values.
##' @param safeNumericToInteger Default TRUE: Should we treat
##'     variables which appear to be integers as integers? In many csv
##'     data sets, the values coded \code{c(1, 2, 3)} are really
##'     integers, not floats \code{c(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)}. See
##'     \code{safeInteger}.
##' ## Need to consider implementing this:
##' ## @param ignoreCase
##' @export
##' @return Updated variable key.
##' @importFrom plyr rbind.fill
##' @author Ben Kite <bakite@ku.edu>
##' @examples
##' ## Original data frame has 2 variables
##' dat1 <- data.frame("Score" = c(1, 2, 3, 42, 4, 2),
##'                    "Gender" = c("M", "M", "M", "F", "F", "F"))
##' ## New data has all of original dat1, plus a new variable "Weight"
##' #and has new values for "Gender" and "Score"
##' dat2 <- plyr::rbind.fill(dat1, data.frame("Score" = 7,
##'            "Gender" = "other", "Weight" = rnorm(3)))
##' ## Create a long key for the original data, specify some
##' ## recodes for Score and Gender in value_new
##' key1.long <- keyTemplate(dat1, long = TRUE, varlab = TRUE)
##' key1.long$value_new <- gsub("42", "10", key1.long$value_new)
##' key1.long$value_new[key1.long$name_new == "Gender"] <-
##'        mgsub(c("F", "M"), c("female", "male"),
##'        key1.long$value_new[key1.long$name_new == "Gender"])  
##' key1.long[key1.long$name_old == "Score", "name_new"] <- "NewScore"
##' keyUpdate(key1.long, dat2, append = TRUE)
##' ## Throw away one row, make sure key still has Score values
##' dat2 <- dat2[-1,]
##' (key1.long.u <- keyUpdate(key1.long, dat2, append = FALSE))
##' ## Key change Score to character variable
##' key1.longc <- key1.long
##' key1.longc[key1.longc$name_old == "Score", "class_new"] <- "character"
##' keyUpdate(key1.longc, dat2, append = TRUE)
##' str(dat3 <- keyApply(dat2, key1.longc))
##' ## Now try a wide key
##' key1.wide <- keyTemplate(dat1)
##' ## Put in new values, same as in key1.long
##' key1.wide[key1.wide$name_old == "Score", c("name_new", "value_new")] <-
##'                             c("NewScore", "1|2|3|4|10|.")
##' key1.wide[key1.wide$name_old == "Gender", "value_new"] <- "female|male|."
##' ## Make sure key1.wide equivalent to key1.long:
##' ## If this is not true, it is a fail
##' all.equal(long2wide(key1.long), key1.wide, check.attributes = FALSE)
##' (key1.wide.u <- keyUpdate(key1.wide, dat2))
##' key1.long.to.wide <- long2wide(key1.long.u)
##' all.equal(key1.long.to.wide, key1.wide.u, check.attributes = FALSE)
##' str(keyApply(dat2, key1.wide.u))
##' mydf.key.path <- system.file("extdata", "mydf.key.csv", package = "kutils")
##' mydf.key <-  keyImport(mydf.key.path)
##' ##'
##' set.seed(112233)
##' N <- 20
##' ## The new Jan data arrived!
##' mydf2 <- data.frame(x5 = rnorm(N),
##'                     x4 = rpois(N, lambda = 3),
##'                     x3 = ordered(sample(c("lo", "med", "hi"),
##'                                        size = N, replace=TRUE),
##'                                 levels = c("med", "lo", "hi")),
##'                     x2 = letters[sample(c(1:4,6), N, replace = TRUE)],
##'                     x1 = factor(sample(c("jan"), N, replace = TRUE)),
##'                     x7 = ordered(letters[sample(c(1:4,6), N, replace = TRUE)]),
##'                     x6 = sample(c(1:5), N, replace = TRUE),
##'                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
##' mydf.key2 <- keyUpdate(mydf.key, mydf2)
##' mydf.key2
##' mydf.key2["x1", "value_old"] <- "cindy|bobby|jan|peter|marcia|greg|."
##' mydf.key2["x1", "value_new"] <- "Cindy<Bobby<Jan<Peter<Marcia<Greg<."
##' ##'
##' mydf.key.path <- system.file("extdata", "mydf.key.csv", package = "kutils")
##' mydf.path <- system.file("extdata", "mydf.csv", package = "kutils")
##' mydf <- read.csv(mydf.path, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
##' mydf3 <- rbind(mydf, mydf2)
##' ## Now recode with revised key
##' mydf4 <- keyApply(mydf3, mydf.key2)
##' rockchalk::summarize(mydf4)
keyUpdate <- function(key, dframe, append = TRUE,
                      safeNumericToInteger = TRUE)
    ## it is a long key, or convert it into one
    long <- TRUE
    if (class(key)[1] == "key") {
        key <- wide2long(key)
        long <- FALSE ## key in was wide
    if (class(key)[1] != "keylong") {
        messg <- paste("The key object is from the wrong class.")

    dframe <- cleanDataFrame(dframe, safeNumericToInteger = safeNumericToInteger)
    keynew <- keyTemplate(dframe, long = TRUE)
    if (isTRUE(all.equal(keynew, key))){
    ## pj 20170929 BIG QUESTION. If keyDiff is correct (still dont know),
    ## can't we use it, and then just take the neworaltered object and
    ## append to old key?  We never want to delete rows from key, just
    ## add new ones.  Maybe then need check for contradictions.

    ## CHECK: what does "long2wide" do when rows in a long key are
    ## "shuffled" or if the new values all exist at end of long key.

    nameval.old <- paste0(key$name_old, key$value_old)
    nameval.new <- paste0(keynew$name_old, keynew$value_old)
    ## Throw away previously observed name-value combinations
    ## Creates new rows to insert in original key long form
    keynew2 <- keynew[!nameval.new %in% nameval.old, ]

    ## if name_new and class_new are re-defined in old key,
    ## copy  those into new key
    name.old.new <- unique(key[ , c("name_old", "name_new")])
    rownames(name.old.new) <- name.old.new[ , "name_old"]

    ## Tricky if new variable arrived with data, can't just copy
    ## name_new without checking
    keynew2$name_new <- ifelse(keynew2$name_old %in% name.old.new[ , "name_old"],
                               name.old.new[keynew2$name_old, "name_new"],

    class.old.new <- unique(key[ , c("name_old", "class_old", "class_new")])
    rownames(class.old.new)<- class.old.new[ , "name_old"]
    ## for same-name_old cases, copy in class
    keynew2$class_new <- ifelse(keynew2$name_old %in% name.old.new[ , "name_old"],
                                class.old.new[keynew2$name_old, "class_new"],
    ## 20181127
    ## output <- rbind(key, keynew2)
    output <- keysPool(list(key, keynew2))
    ## User expects key returned in same format, keylong or key
    if(!long) {
        output <- long2wide(output)
        row.names(output) <- output$name_old
    } else {
        if (!append) {
            output <- output[order(output$name_old),]
            output <- naLast(output)
        row.names(output) <- seq(1, nrow(output), 1)
    attr(output, "na.strings") <- attr(key, "na.strings")

##' Sort key so that non missing values are first in the
##' value vector.
##' @keywords internal
##' @param key key, long or wide
##' @param byvar Default is "name_new", the column for sorting into blocks.
##' @param valvar The value variable on which sorting is to be done, "value_new".
##' @param na.strings vector of characters to be treated as NA
##' @return sorted key, with blocks that have the missings last
naLast <- function(key, byvar = "name_new", valvar = "value_new", 
                   na.strings = c("\\.", "", "\\s+",  "N/A"))
    ##keep attributes not equal to "names" and "row.names"
    attrs <- attributes(key)[!names(attributes(key)) %in% c("names", "row.names")]
    long <- if(inherits(key, "keylong")) TRUE else FALSE
    if(!long) key <- wide2long(key)
    keysplit <- split(key, key[ , byvar])
    for(jj in names(keysplit)) {
        keysplit[[jj]] <- sortStanza(keysplit[[jj]],
                                     na.strings = na.strings)
    key <- do.call(rbind, keysplit)
    if(!long) return(long2wide(key))
    ## else long return

##' Move missing values to last row in long key block
##' Receive key stanza and sort the rows so that the missing
##' values are last in the list. Leaves ordering of other rows
##' unchanged otherwise.
##' @param keyblock a variable key, or section of rows
##' @param valvar Default is "value_new", the column for sorting.
##' @param na.strings Stings to be treated as missing, along with R's
##'     NA symbol
##' @return keyblock, row re-arranged with missings last
##' @keywords internal
sortStanza <- function(keyblock, valvar = "value_new",
                       na.strings = c("\\.", "", "\\s+",  "N/A"))
    ordr <- seq_along(keyblock[ , valvar])
    ismissing <- isNA(keyblock[ , valvar])
    neworder <- c(ordr[!ismissing], ordr[ismissing])
    keyblock[neworder, , drop = FALSE]

##' Show difference between 2 keys
##' @param oldkey key, original 
##' @param newkey key, possibly created by keyUpdate or by user edits
##' @return NULL, or list with as many as 2 key difference data.frames,
##'  named "deleted" and "neworaltered"
##' @author Ben Kite <bakite@@ku.edu> and Paul Johnson <pauljohn@@ku.edu>
##' @export
##' @examples
##' dat1 <- data.frame("Score" = c(1, 2, 3, 42, 4, 2),
##'                    "Gender" = c("M", "M", "M", "F", "F", "F"))
##' ## First try with a long key
##' key1 <- keyTemplate(dat1, long = TRUE)
##' key1$value_new <- gsub("42", "10", key1$value_new)
##' key1$value_new[key1$name_new == "Gender"] <-
##'        mgsub(c("F", "M"), c("female", "male"),
##'        key1$value_new[key1$name_new == "Gender"])  
##' key1[key1$name_old == "Score", "name_new"] <- "NewScore"
##' dat2 <- data.frame("Score" = 7, "Gender" = "other", "Weight" = rnorm(3))
##' dat2 <- plyr::rbind.fill(dat1, dat2)
##' dat2 <- dat2[-1,]
##' key2 <- keyUpdate(key1, dat2, append = TRUE)
##' (kdiff <- keyDiff(key1, key2))
keyDiff <- function(oldkey, newkey){
    oldkey.name <- deparse(substitute(oldkey))
    newkey.name <- deparse(substitute(newkey))
    rownames(oldkey) <- paste0(rownames(oldkey), ".old")
    rownames(newkey) <- paste0(rownames(newkey), ".new")
    oldkey$key <- "old"
    newkey$key <- "new"
    xx <- rbind(oldkey, newkey)
    ## xx$top: is a duplicate of one that went before
    xx$top <- duplicated(xx[, -match("key", colnames(xx))])
    ## xx$bot: will be duplicated below
    xx$bot <- duplicated(xx[, -match(c("key", "top"), colnames(xx))], fromLast = TRUE)
    ## lines that are in old key but not in new key:
    deleted <- xx[xx$key == "old" & !xx$bot, -match(c("key", "top", "bot"), colnames(xx)) , drop = FALSE]
    ## in newkey but not old key
    neworaltered <- xx[xx$key == "new" & !xx$top, -match(c("key", "top", "bot"), colnames(xx)), drop = FALSE]

    if(NROW(deleted) == 0  && NROW(neworaltered)  == 0){
        print("There are no differences between these keys!")

    if(NROW(deleted) > 0)  {
        messg1 <- paste0("keyDiff: ", NROW(deleted),
                         " rows in ", oldkey.name,
                         " are not in ", newkey.name,
        attr(deleted, "message") <- messg1
    } else {
        deleted <- NULL
     if(NROW(neworaltered) > 0){
         messg2 <- paste0("keyDiff: ", NROW(neworaltered),
                          " rows in ", newkey.name,
                          " are not in ", oldkey.name, "\n")
         attr(neworaltered, "message") <- messg2
    output <- list(deleted = deleted,
                   neworaltered = neworaltered)
    class(output) <- "keyDiff"

##' Print a keyDiff object
##' @method print keyDiff
##' @export
##' @param x A keyDiff object
##' @param ... Other arguments passed through to print
##' @author Ben Kite <bakite@@ku.edu>
print.keyDiff <- function(x, ...){
        dat <- x[["deleted"]]
        cat(attr(dat, "message")) 
        print(dat, ...)
        dat <- x[["neworaltered"]]
        cat(attr(dat, "message"))
        print(x[["neworaltered"]], ...)

##' Compares keys from different data sets; finds differences classes of variables.

##' This used to check for similarity of keys from various data sets,
##' one precursor to either combining the keys or merging the data
##' sets themselves.
##' When several supposedly "equivalent" data sets are used
##' to generate variable keys, there may be trouble. If variables
##' with same name have different classes, keyApply might fail
##' when applied to one of the data sets.
##' This reports on differences in classes among keys. By default, it
##' looks for differences in "class_old", because that's where we
##' usually see trouble.
##' The output here is diagnostic. The keys can be fixed manually, or the
##' function keysPool can implement an automatic correction.
##' @param keys A list with variable keys.
##' @param col Name of key column to check for equivalence. Default is "class_old", but
##' "class_new" can be checked as well.
##' @param excludere Exclude variables matching a regular expression
##'     (re). Default example shows exclusion of variables that end in
##'     the symbol "TEXT".
##' @return Data.frame summarizing class differences among keys
##' @author Paul Johnson
##' @export
##' @examples
##' set.seed(234)
##' dat1 <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(100),
##'                    x2 = sample(c("Male", "Female"), 100, replace = TRUE),
##'                    x3_TEXT = "A", x4 = sample(1:10000, 100))
##' dat2 <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(100), x2 = sample(c("Male", "Female"),
##'                    100, replace = TRUE),
##'                    x3_TEXT = sample(1:100, 100),
##'                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
##' key1 <- keyTemplate(dat1)
##' key2 <- keyTemplate(dat2)
##' keys <- list(key1, key2)
##' keysPoolCheck(keys)
##' ## See problem in class_old
##' keysPoolCheck(keys, col = "class_old")
##' ## problems in class_new
##' keysPoolCheck(keys, col = "class_new")
##' keysPoolCheck(keys, excludere = "TEXT$")
keysPoolCheck <- function(keys, col = "class_old", excludere = "TEXT$"){
    ## How spot trouble? class_old changes among keys?
    classnameold <- lapply(keys, function(x) {
        fst <- x[!duplicated(x$name_old), ]
        res <- fst[ , c("name_old", col)]
        rownames(res) <- NULL

    for(i in 2:length(keys)){
        if (i == 2){
            classmerge <- merge(classnameold[[1]], classnameold[[2]],
                                by = "name_old", suffixes = c("1", "2"))
        } else {
            classmerge <- merge(classmerge, classnameold[[i]],
                                by = "name_old", suffixes = c("", i))
    ## ## Suppose all detected logicals should be integer (long story why)
    ## classmerge[classmerge == "logical"] <- "integer"
    ## ## Promote all integers to numeric
    ## classmerge[classmerge == "integer"] <- "numeric"

    classmerge$troublevar <- apply(classmerge, 1, function(x){length(unique(x[grep(col, names(x))])) > 1})
    classProblems <- classmerge[classmerge$troublevar, ]
    classProblems <- classProblems[!grepl(excludere, classProblems$name_old), ]

##' Check a key for consistency of names, values with classes.
##' Split the key into blocks of rows defined by "name_new". Within
##' these blocks, Perform these checks: 1. name_old must be
##' homogeneous (identical) within a block of rows. class_old and
##' class_new must also be identical.
##' 2. elements in "value_new" must be consistent with "class_new".
##' If values cannot be coerced to match the class specified by
##' class_new, there must be user error.
##' Same for "value_old" and "class_old".
##' @param key A variable key object.
##' @param colname Leave as default to check consistency between classes, values, and names.
##' One can specify a check only on "class_old" or "class_new", for example.  But now that
##' all work correctly, I suggest you leave the default.
##' @param na.strings A regular expression of allowed text strings that represent missings.
##' Now it amounts to any of these: ".", "NA", "N/A", or any white space or tab as signified by \\s+.
##' @return Profuse warnings and a list of failed key blocks.
##' @export
##' @author Paul Johnson <pauljohn@@ku.edu> and Ben Kite <bakite@@ku.edu>
keyCheck <- function(key,
                     colname = c("name_new", "class_old", "class_new"),
                     na.strings = c("\\.", "", "\\s+",  "N/A")){
    if (is.character(key)){
        key <- keyRead(key)
    if (prod(c("name_old", "name_new", "class_old", "class_new",
               "value_old", "value_new") %in% names(key)) != 1L){
        stop ("At a minimum a variable key needs to have the following columns: name_old, name_new, class_old, class_new, value_old, value_new")
    ## Deduce if this is a long key

    if(inherits(key, "keylong")) long = TRUE else long = FALSE

    if (!long){
        xx <- strsplit(key$value_old, split = "[|<]", fixed = FALSE)
        xx.l <- sapply(xx, length)
        yy <- strsplit(key$value_new, "[|<]", fixed = FALSE)
        yy.l <- sapply(yy, length)
        inconsistent <- xx.l != yy.l
        issues <- key[inconsistent, "name_old"]
        if (length(issues) > 0){
            stop (paste0("Value error, columns: ", issues))
    ## Transition from Ben's work to PJ's
    if(!inherits(key, "keylong")) keylong <- kutils::wide2long(key) else keylong <- key

    keysplit <- split(keylong, keylong[ , "name_new"])

    keyfails <- list()
    for(ii in intersect(c("name_old", "class_old", "class_new"), colname)){
            ## check same-value for all of "class_old", or "class_new"
            for(jj in names(keysplit)) {
                keyblock <- keysplit[[jj]]
                ## Stanza 1: check homogeneous colname = class_old(or new) values"
                if (length(unique(keyblock[ , ii])) > 1) {
                    warning(paste("Key Violation:", jj, ii,  "\n"), immediate. = TRUE)
                    keyfails[[jj]] <- keysplit[[jj]]
    for(ii in intersect(c("class_old", "class_new"), colname)){
        ## compare value_old(new) against
        ## class_old(new). If all non-missing cannot be coerced to
        ## indicated class, key should fail.
        for (jj in names(keysplit)) {
            keyblock <- keysplit[[jj]]
            value_col <- paste0("value_", gsub("class_(.*)", "\\1", ii))
            value <- keyblock[ , value_col]
            ## exclude any that have missing marker from na.strings
            value <- na.omit(value[!value %in% na.strings])
            testcol <- NA
            mytext <- paste0("testcol <- as.", keyblock[1, ii], "(value)")
            eval(parse(text = mytext))
            if (sum(is.na(testcol)) > 0L){
                warning(paste("Key value violation:", ii, jj, "\n"), immediate. = TRUE)
                keyfails[[jj]] <- keysplit[[jj]]
            ## did not fail yet, so return NULL for fails

    if (long){
        if (!identical(key, wide2long(long2wide(key)))){
            stop ("Key error: wide2long(long2wide(key)) fails.")
    } else {
        if (!identical(key, long2wide(wide2long(key)))){
            stop ("Key error: long2wide(wide2long(key)) fails.")
    if (length(keyfails) > 0){
        message("No errors were detected")

##' Homogenize class values and create a long key by pooling variable
##' keys.
##' For long-format keys, this is one way to correct for errors in
##' "class_old" or "class_new" for common variables. For a long key
##' created by stacking together several long keys, or for a list of
##' long keys, this will try to homogenize the classes by using a
##' "highest common denominator" approach.  If one key has x1 as a
##' floating point, but another block of rows in the key has x1 as
##' integer, then class must be changed to floating point
##' (numeric). If another section of a key has x1 as a character, then
##' character becomes the class.
##' Users might run keyTemplate on several data sets, arriving
##' at keys that need to be combined.  The long versions of the
##' keys can be stacked together by a function like \code{rbind}.
##' If the values class_old and class_new for a single variable are
##' inconsistent, then the "key stack" will fail the tests in keyCheck.
##' This function automates the process of fixing the class variables by
##' "promoting" classes where possible.
##' Begin with a simple example.  In one data set, the value of x is
##' drawn from integers 1L, 2L, 3L, while in another set it is
##' floating values like 1.1, 2.2. After creating long format keys,
##' and stacking them together, the values of class_old will clash.
##' For x, we will observe both "integer" and "numeric" in the
##' class_old column.  In that situation, the class_old for all of the
##' rows under consideration should be set as "numeric".
##' The promotion schemes are described by the variable classes, where
##' we have the most conservative changes first. The most destructive
##' change is when variables are converted from integer to character,
##' for example. The conservative conversion strategies are specified
##' in the classes variable, in which the last element in a vector
##' will be used to replace the preceeding classes.  For example,
##' c("ordered", "factor", "character") means that the class_old
##' values of "ordered" and "factor" will be replaced by "character".
##' The conversions specified by classes are tried, in order.
##' 1. logical -> integer
##' 2. integer -> numeric
##' 3. ordered -> factor
##' If their application fails to homogenize a vector, then class is
##' changed to "character". For example, when the value of class_old
##' observed is c("ordered", "numeric", "character"). In that case,
##' the class is promoted to "character", it is the least common
##' denominator.
##' @param keylong A list of long keys, or just one long key,
##'     presumably a result of rbinding several long keys.
##' @param keysplit Not often needed for user-level code. A list of
##'     key blocks, each of which is to be inspected and
##'     homogenized. Not used if a keylong argument is provided.
##' @param classes A list of vectors specifying legal promotions.
##' @param colnames Either c("class_old","class_new), ""class_old", or
##'     "class_new".  The former is the default.
##' @param textre A regular expression matching a column name to be
##'     treated as character. Default matches any variable name ending
##'     in "TEXT"
##' @return A class-corrected version of the same format as the input,
##'     either a long key or a list of key elements.
##' @author Paul Johnson <pauljohn@@ku.edu>
##' @export
##' @examples
##' dat1 <- data.frame(x1 = as.integer(rnorm(100)), x2 = sample(c("Apple", "Orange"),
##'                    100, replace = TRUE), x3 = ifelse(rnorm(100) < 0, TRUE, FALSE))
##' dat2 <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(100), x2 = ordered(sample(c("Apple", "Orange"),
##'                    100, replace = TRUE)), x3 = rbinom(100, 1, .5),
##'                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
##' key1 <- keyTemplate(dat1, long = TRUE)
##' key2 <- keyTemplate(dat2, long = TRUE)
##' keys2stack <- rbind(key1, key2)
##' keys2stack.fix <- keysPool(keys2stack)
##' keys2stack.fix2 <- keysPool(keys2stack.fix, colname = "class_new")
##' ## Sometimes this will not be able to homogenize
##' dat1 <- data.frame(x1 = as.integer(rnorm(100)),
##'                    x2 = sample(c("Apple", "Orange"), 100, replace = TRUE))
##' dat2 <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(100),
##'                    x2 = sample(c("Apple", "Orange"), 100, replace = TRUE),
##'                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
##' key1 <- keyTemplate(dat1, long = TRUE)
##' key2 <- keyTemplate(dat2, long = TRUE)
##' ## Create a stack of keys for yourself
##' keys2stack <- rbind(key1, key2)
##' keys.fix <- keysPool(keys2stack)
##' ## We will create stack of keys for you
##' keys.fix2 <- keysPool(list(key1, key2)) 
##' ## View(keys.fix)
##' ## View(keys.fix2)
##' ## If you have wide keys, convert them with wide2long, either by
##' key1 <- keyTemplate(dat1)
##' key2 <- keyTemplate(dat2)
##' keysstack.wide <- rbind(wide2long(key1), wide2long(key2))
##' keys.fix <- keysPool(keysstack.wide)
##' ## or
##' keysPool(list(wide2long(key1), wide2long(key2)))
keysPool <- function(keylong = NULL, keysplit = NULL,
                        classes = list(c("logical", "integer"),
                                       c("integer", "numeric"),
                                       c("ordered", "factor"),
                                       c("factor", "character")),
                        colnames = c("class_old","class_new"),
                        textre = "TEXT$")

    if (is.list(keylong) && !is.data.frame(keylong)){
        islongkey <- vapply(keylong, function(x){
            inherits(x, "keylong")
        }, logical(1))
        if (any(!islongkey)){
            MESSG <- "All elements in keylong list must be long keys"
        keylong <- do.call(rbind, keylong)
    if (!is.null(keylong)){
        if (!is.null(keysplit)){
            warning("keysplit is ignored because keylong was not null")
        if (!inherits(keylong, "keylong")) {
            stop("keylong is not recognized as a long key")
        } else {
        if (missing(keysplit)) keysplit <- split(keylong, keylong[ , "name_new"])
    } else {
        if (is.null(keysplit)) {
            stop("A key or keysplit argument must be provided")

    ## Change the values of colname (say, class_old) to equal the last value of classes.
    ## keyblock: a row block from a variable key
    ## classes: vector of classes, the last of which is the acceptable one, to replace
    ## the others.
    ## colname: either "class_old" or "class_new"
    classClean <- function (keyblock, colnames = colnames, classes)
        for (col in colnames) {
            keyblock[keyblock[ , col] %in% classes[-length(classes)], col] <- classes[length(classes)]

    ## if mixed, promote all to last named class
    for(i in seq_along(keysplit)){
        keyblock <- keysplit[[i]]
        if (length(unique(keyblock[, colnames[1]])) == 1) next() # use first col if two
        ## Special case. Any variable matching textre
        if (any(grepl(textre, names(keysplit)[i], ignore.case = TRUE))) {
            for (col in colnames) {
                keyblock[ , col] <- "character"
            keysplit[[i]] <- unique(keyblock)

        for (j in classes) {
            keyblock <- classClean(keyblock, colnames = colnames, classes = j)
            keysplit[[i]] <- unique(keyblock)
            if (length(unique(keyblock[, colnames[1]])) == 1) {

        if (length(unique(keyblock[, colnames[1]])) > 1) {
            MESSG <- paste("Cannot painlessly reduce key classes to homogeneous class.",
                           names(keysplit)[i], "changing class to character")
            warning(paste0(names(keysplit)[i], " ", paste(unique(keyblock[ , colnames[1]]),
                                                    collapse = " + "), ". ", MESSG), immediate. = TRUE)
            for (col in colnames) {
                keyblock[ , col] <- "character"
            keysplit[[i]] <- unique(keyblock)
            ##warning(paste(names(keysplit)[i], "changing class to character"), immediate. = TRUE)

    ## If a key came in, give back a key
        keystack <- do.call(rbind, keysplit)
        class(keystack) <- c("keylong", "data.frame")
    ## If a keysplit was passed in, give that back

##' Checks a key for dangerous matches of old and new values in a key
##' for different levels.
##' Positions in a long key are referred to as levels. If a value is
##' mismatched at levels 1 and 3, this means that issues are in rows 1
##' and 3 of the section of the given variable in a long key.
##' @title keyCrossRef
##' @param key A variable key, ideally a long key. If a wide key is
##'     provided it is converted to long.
##' @param ignoreClass Classes that should be excluded from
##'     check. Useful when many integer variables are being reverse-
##'     coded. Takes a string or vector.
##' @param verbose Should a statement about the number of issues
##'     detected be returned? Defaults to FALSE.
##' @param lowercase Should old and new values be passed through
##'     tolower function? Defaults to FALSE.
##' @return Presents a warning for potentially problematic key
##'     sections. Return is dependent on verbose argument.
##' @author Ben Kite <bakite@@ku.edu>
##' @examples
##' dat <- data.frame(x1 = sample(c("a", "b", "c", "d"), 100, replace = TRUE),
##'                   x2 = sample(c("Apple", "Orange"), 100, replace = TRUE),
##'                   x3 = ordered(sample(c("low", "medium", "high"), 100, replace = TRUE),
##'                   levels = c("low", "medium", "high")),
##'                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
##' key <- keyTemplate(dat, long = TRUE)
##' ## No errors with a fresh key.
##' kutils:::keyCrossRef(key, verbose = TRUE)
##' key[1:2, "value_new"] <- c("b", "a")
##' key[5, "value_new"]
##' key[7:9, "value_new"] <- c("high", "medium", "low")
##' kutils:::keyCrossRef(key)
##' kutils:::keyCrossRef(key, ignoreClass = c("ordered", "character"), verbose = TRUE)
keyCrossRef <- function(key, ignoreClass = NULL, verbose = FALSE, lowercase = FALSE){
    if(!inherits(key, "keylong")){
        key <- kutils::wide2long(key)
    keysplit <- split(key, key[ , "name_new"])
    problems <- 0
    for (k in keysplit){
        if (k[1, "class_new"] %in% ignoreClass){
        N <- nrow(k)
        for (r in 1:length(k[,"value_new"])){
            i <- k[r, "value_new"]
            others <- k[seq(1, N)[!seq(1,N) %in% r],"value_old"]
            if (isTRUE(lowercase)){
                i <- tolower(i)
                others <- tolower(others)
            if (i %in% others){
                problems <- problems + 1
                warning(k[1, "name_new"], ": The value of \"", i, "\" is at level ",
                        r, " in value_new, but \"", i,
                        "\" is also the value at level ",
                        which(k[,"value_old"] == i), " in value_old.")
    if (isTRUE(verbose)){
        if (problems == 0){
            return("No potentially problematic value matches across levels detected.")
        } else {
            return(paste0("There are ", problems,
                          " potential issues with this key that need to be considered"))


##' Look for old (or new) names in variable key
##' Use the key to find the original name of a variable that has been
##' renamed, or find the new name of an original variable.  The
##' \code{get} argument indicates if the \code{name_old} or
##' \code{name_new} is desired.
##' If \code{get = "name_old"}, the return is a character vector, with
##' one element per value of \code{x}.  If there is no match for a
##' value of \code{x}, the value NA is returned for that
##' value. However, if \code{get = "name_new"}, the return might be
##' either a vector (one element per value of \code{x}) or a list with
##' one element for each value of \code{x}.  The list is returned when
##' a value of \code{x} corresponds to more than one element in
##' \code{name_old}.
##' @param x A variable name. If \code{get = "name_old"}, then
##'     \code{x} is a value for \code{name_new}. If \code{get =
##'     "name_new"}, \code{x} should be a value for \code{name_old}.
##' @param key Which key should be used
##' @param get Either "name_old" (to retrieve the original name) or
##'     "name_new" (to get the new name)
##' @return A vector or list of matches between x and either name_new
##'     or name_old elements in the key.
##' @author Paul Johnson
##' @export
##' @examples
##' mydf.key.path <- system.file("extdata", "mydf.key.csv", package = "kutils")
##' mydf.key <-  keyImport(mydf.key.path)
##' mydf.key$name_new <- paste0("new_", mydf.key$name_new)
##' keyLookup("new_x5", mydf.key, get = "name_old")
##' keyLookup(c("new_x6", "new_x1"), mydf.key, get = "name_old")
##' keyLookup(c("x6", "x1"), mydf.key, get = "name_new")
##' keyLookup(c("asdf", "new_x1"), mydf.key, get = "name_old")
##' mydf.key <- rbind(mydf.key,
##'                  c("x3", "x3f",  "ordered", "factor", "","","",""))
##' keyLookup(c("x3"), mydf.key, get = "name_new")
##' keyLookup(c("x1", "x3", "x5"), mydf.key, get = "name_new")
keyLookup <- function(x, key, get = "name_old"){
    if(!length(match.arg(get, c("name_old", "name_new")))){
        MESSG <- "keyLookup: get must be 'name_old' or 'name_new'"
    if(class(key)[1] == "keylong"){
        key <- long2wide(key)
    if(get == "name_old"){
        if (any(duplicated(key$name_new))){
            MESSG <- paste0("keyLookup finds duplicates in 'name_new'")
        target <- key$name_new[match(x, key$name_new, nomatch = NA)]
    ## else get == "name_new"
    target <- sapply(x, function(jj){
        fits <- key[which(key$name_old %in% jj), "name_new"]

    for(jj in names(target)){
        if(!length(target[[jj]])) {
            MESSG <- paste("No value in name_old matches:", jj)
            target[jj] <- NULL
        } else if (length(target[[jj]]) > 1){
            MESSG <- paste0("Note: name_old '", jj,
                            "' matches several values in name_new: ",
                            paste(target[[jj]], collapse = ", "))
    if(length(target) == 0 || is.null(target)){

##' Import an SPSS file, create a key representing the numeric ->
##' factor transition
##' This is a way to keep track of the scores that are used in the SPSS file.
##' It is also an easy way to start a new variable key that makes it convenient
##' to work on the value_new column with R text functions.
##' @param dat A character string path to the SPSS file
##' @param long TRUE returns a long key, otherwise a wide key
##' @return A variable key (long or wide)
##' @importFrom foreign read.spss
##' @export
##' @author Paul Johnson <pauljohn@@ku.edu>
keyTemplateSPSS <- function(dat, long = TRUE){
    datf <- read.spss(dat, max.value.labels = 15, to.data.frame = TRUE,
                      use.value.labels = TRUE)
    datn <- read.spss(dat, to.data.frame = TRUE, use.value.labels = FALSE)
    key <- statdatKey(datf, datn, long)

##' Import a Stata (version 12 or lower) file, create a key
##' representing the numeric -> factor transition
##' This is a way to keep track of the scores that are used in the Stata file.
##' It is also an easy way to start a new variable key that makes it convenient
##' to work on the value_new column with R text functions.
##' @param dat A character string path to the Stata file
##' @param long TRUE returns a long key, otherwise a wide key
##' @return A variable key (long or wide)
##' @importFrom foreign read.dta
##' @export
##' @author Paul Johnson <pauljohn@@ku.edu>
keyTemplateStata <- function(dat, long = TRUE){
    datf <- read.dta(dat, convert.factors = TRUE)
    datn <- read.dta(dat, convert.factors = FALSE)
    key <- statdatKey(datf, datn, long)

##' keyFactors: private function that does work for keyTemplateSPSS and
##' key template Stata
##' @param datf Data frame with factors
##' @param datn Numeric data frame
##' @param long Should the result be a long or wide key
statdatKey <- function(datf, datn, long = TRUE){
    numericTF <- vapply(datf, is.numeric, logical(1)) 
    notnumeric <- colnames(datf)[!numericTF]
    isnumeric <- colnames(datf)[numericTF]
    partA <- lapply(isnumeric, function(i) {
        data.frame(name_old = i, name_new = i,
                   class_old = class(datf[ , i])[1], class_new = class(datf[ , i])[1],
                   value_old = ".", value_new = ".", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    partB <- lapply(notnumeric, function(i) {
        val <- unique(datn[ , i])
        val <- val[order(val)]
        val.level <- datf[match(val, datn[ , i]),  i]
        data.frame(name_old = i, name_new = paste0(i, "f"),
                                   class_old = class(datn[ , i])[1], class_new = class(datf[ , i])[1],
                                   value_old = val, value_new = val.level, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        ## match(datn[match(levels(datf$Q76), datf$Q76),"Q76"])
    keylong <- rbind(do.call(rbind, partA), do.call(rbind, partB))
    ## 20180418: variables did not come out in same order as SPSS.
    keywide <- long2wide(keylong)
    rownames(keywide) <- keywide$name_old
    keywide <- keywide[colnames(datf), ]
    if (!long) return(keywide)
    ## else turn the wide key long

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