
Defines functions argumentstep argumentrange contagdiscstate

Documented in contagdiscstate

# This file contains about 20 lines of code from the spatstat package. These lines are used for clean creation of fv objects.

#' @title Disc State Contagion
#' @export contagdiscstate
#' @description Calculates the disc-state contagion landscape metric as described in (Hingee, 2016; Hingee, 2019). The
#'   disc-state contagion landscape metric describes the entropy (mixing) between four
#'   possible states of a disc: \enumerate{ \item the disc is completely
#'   contained in \eqn{\Xi} \item the disc does not intersect \eqn{\Xi} \item
#'   the centre of the disc is in \eqn{\Xi} but the disc is not contained in
#'   \eqn{\Xi} \item the disc intersects \eqn{\Xi} but the centre is outside
#'   \eqn{\Xi} }
#'   Disc-state contagion is a function of the disc radius.
#'   The main difference to classical contagion (O'Neill, 1988) is that disc-state contagion
#'   is based on the spherical contact distribution instead of pixel neighbours.
#'   One impact of this design is that the distance with which to quantify the
#'   mixing between \eqn{\Xi} and the background may be chosen by the user by
#'   choosing the disc radius (for classical contagion this distance is fixed by
#'   the map resolution).
#'   Note: to create \code{fv} objects the function copies about 20 lines of code from the \pkg{spatstat} collection of packages.
#' @param XiH Conditional spherical contact distribution function for \eqn{\Xi}.
#'   Typically this is an \code{fv} object but could also be a vector of values.
#'   In applications \code{XiH} would likely be estimated from a binary map
#'   using \code{\link[spatstat.explore]{Hest}} in \pkg{spatstat.explore}.
#' @param XicH Conditional spherical contact distribution for the complement of
#'   \eqn{\Xi}. This is called the Conditional Core Probability in Hingee 2016.
#'   Typically this is an \code{fv} object but could also be a vector of values.
#'   In applications \code{XiH} would likely be estimated from a binary map using
#'   \code{\link[spatstat.explore]{Hest}} in \pkg{spatstat.explore}.
#' @param p  The coverage probability of \eqn{\Xi}. Can be estimated from binary maps using \code{\link{coverageprob}}.
#' @param normalise Optional. If TRUE \code{contagdiscstate} normalises the
#'   results so that all RACS return a value between 0 and 1. Default is FALSE.
#' @details \code{XiH} should be a function of radius that contains (estimates of) the
#'   probability of a disc of radius \eqn{r} not intersecting \eqn{\Xi} if the
#'   disc's centre is not in \eqn{\Xi} \deqn{\code{XiH}(r) = P(B_r(x) \subseteq
#'   \Xi^c | x \in \Xi^c).} Similarly \code{XicH} should be (an estimate of) the
#'   probability of a disc being fully contained in \eqn{\Xi} given its centre
#'   is in \eqn{\Xi} \deqn{\code{XicH}(r)\approx P(B_r(x) \subseteq \Xi | x \in
#'   \Xi).} These can both be obtained using \code{\link{Hest}} in
#'   \pkg{spatstat}. For \code{XicH} take care to apply \code{Hest} to the complement
#'   of \eqn{\Xi} with the observation window \eqn{W}.
#'   If \code{normalise} is \code{TRUE} then the result is divided by
#'   \eqn{-2ln(2)} and increased by 1 so that contagion will always be between 0
#'   and 1.
#' @return If \code{XiH} is an \code{fv} object then an \code{fv} object is returned.
#' If \code{XiH} is a vector then the returned object is a vector the same length as \code{XiH} with each element
#'   corresponding to the contagion at each \code{r} value of \code{XiH}.

#' @references 
#' Hingee, K.L. (2016) Statistics for patch observations. \emph{International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences} pp. 235-242. Prague: ISPRS.
#' Hingee, K.L. (2019) \emph{Spatial Statistics of Random Closed Sets for Earth Observations}. PhD: Perth, Western Australia: University of Western Australia. Submitted.
#' O'Neill, R.V., Krummel, J.R., Gardner, R.H., Sugihara, G., Jackson, B., DeAngelis, D.L., et al. (1988) Indices of landscape pattern. \emph{Landscape Ecology}, 1, 153-162.
#' @examples
#' xi <- heather$coarse
#' obswindow <- Frame(heather$coarse)
#' p <- coverageprob(xi, Frame(xi))
#' xiH <- Hest(xi, W = obswindow) #Sph. Contact Distrution Estimate
#' xicH <- Hest(complement.owin(xi), W = obswindow) #Conditional Core Prob. Estimate
#' contagion <- contagdiscstate(xiH, xicH, p)
#' @keywords spatial nonparametric 
contagdiscstate <- function(XiH, XicH, p, normalise=FALSE){
  returnfv <- FALSE
  unitnames <- NULL
  if (is.fv(XiH) && is.fv(XicH)) {
    returnfv <- TRUE
    unitnames <- unitname(XiH)
    fvin <- list(XiH = XiH, XicH = XicH)
    XiHf <- spatstat.explore::as.function.fv(XiH, value = ".y", extrapolate = TRUE)
    XicHf <- spatstat.explore::as.function.fv(XicH, value = ".y", extrapolate = TRUE)
    argranges <- lapply(list(XiH = XiH, XicH = XicH), argumentrange)
    ## determine finest resolution (from spatstat)
    xsteps <- sapply(fvin, argumentstep)
    finest <- which.min(xsteps)
    ## extract argument values (from spatstat)
    xvals <- with(fvin[[finest]], .x)
    fvwlargestarg <- which.max(list(XiH = argranges$XiH[[2]],
                                   XicH = argranges$XicH[[2]]))
    xvals <- c(xvals,
      with(fvin[[fvwlargestarg]], .x)[
        with(fvin[[fvwlargestarg]], .x) > max(xvals)

    XiH <- XiHf(xvals)
    XicH <- XicHf(xvals)
  probofstate <- matrix(NA, nrow = 4, ncol = length(XiH))
  rownames(probofstate) <- c("P11", "P10", "P01", "P00")
  probofstate["P11", ] <- p * (1 - XicH)
  probofstate["P10", ] <- p * XicH
  probofstate["P00", ] <- (1 - p) * (1 - XiH)
  probofstate["P01", ] <- (1 - p) * (XiH)

  tempstates <- probofstate
  tempstates[probofstate < 1E-8] <- 1
  contag <- colSums(probofstate * log(tempstates))
  if (normalise) {
    contag <- 1 + contag / (-2 * log(2))
  if (returnfv) {
  return(spatstat.explore::fv(data.frame(r = xvals,
                       contag = contag),
            valu = "contag",
            desc = c("radius",
                   paste(ifelse(normalise, "normalised", "unnormalised"),
                         "SCD contagion estimate")),
            unitname = unitnames

#copied from spatstat code
argumentrange <- function(f) {
  range(with(f, .x))
#copied from spatstat code
argumentstep <- function(f) {
  mean(diff(with(f, .x)))

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