
Defines functions no_trajectories_duplicate_time is_data no_empty_trajectories is_valid_postprob has_lcMethod_args is_class_defined has_same_modelData has_same_ids is_valid_cluster_name is_at has_colnames is_newdata is_named warn_that `%c%`

Documented in has_lcMethod_args is_data is_valid_postprob no_empty_trajectories no_trajectories_duplicate_time

# used internally for creating more readable chained validation statements
`%c%` = function(x, y) {
  c(x, y)

warn_that = function(
    msg = NULL,
    prepend = '',
    append = '',
    immediate = TRUE,
    show = TRUE,
    env = parent.frame()
) {
  result = assertthat::see_if(..., env = env, msg = msg)

  if (isFALSE(show) || isTRUE(result)) {
  } else {
    warning(prepend, attr(result, 'msg'), append, immediate. = immediate)

is_named = function(x) {
  !is.null(names(x)) && noNA(names(x))

assertthat::on_failure(is_named) = function(call, env) {
  x = call$x
  if (is.null(x)) {
    paste0(deparse(call$x), ' is not named')
  } else {
    paste0('some elements of ', deparse(call$x), ' are not named')

is_newdata = function(x) {
  is.null(x) || is.data.frame(x)

assertthat::on_failure(is_newdata) = function(call, env) {
  paste0(deparse(call$x), ' is not valid newdata (data.frame or NULL)')

has_colnames = function(x, which) {
  if (missing(which)) {
  } else {
    all(which %in% colnames(x))

assertthat::on_failure(has_colnames) = function(call, env) {
  x = eval(call$x, env)

  if (hasName(call, 'which')) {
    which = eval(call$which, env)
      ' does not have all of column name(s): "',
      paste0(which, collapse = '", "'),
  } else {
    paste0(deparse(call$x), ' does not have any column names')

is_at = function(x) {
  is.numeric(x) && noNA(x) && !any(is.infinite(x))

assertthat::on_failure(is_at) = function(call, env) {
  x = call$x
  valid = validate_that(

  paste0('"at" argument of ', deparse(call$x), ' is not valid: ', valid)

is_valid_cluster_name = function(x, clusters = clusterNames(model), model) {

  if (is.factor(x)) {
    noNA(x) && all(levels(x) %in% clusters)
  } else {
    is.character(x) && all(unique(x) %in% clusters)

assertthat::on_failure(is_valid_cluster_name) = function(call, env) {
  x = eval(call$x, env)
  clusters = eval(call$clusters, env)

  if (is.character(x) || is.factor(x)) {
    if (anyNA(x)) {
      sprintf('cluster names vector %s should not contain NAs', deparse(call$x))
    } else {
        'cluster names vector %s contains unexpected elements: expecting "%s"',
        paste0(clusters, collapse = '", "')
  else {
    sprintf('cluster names vector %s should be character or factor', deparse(call$x))

has_same_ids = function(m1, m2) {
  assert_that(is.lcModel(m1), is.lcModel(m2))
  isTRUE(all.equal(ids(m1), ids(m2)))

assertthat::on_failure(has_same_ids) = function(call, env) {
  m1 = eval(call$m1, env)
  m2 = eval(call$m2, env)
    'models were not trained on the same ids, or in a different order: ',
    paste0(all.equal(ids(m1), ids(m2)), collapse = '\n')

has_same_modelData = function(m1, m2) {
  assert_that(is.lcModel(m1), is.lcModel(m2))
  isTRUE(all.equal(model.data(m1), model.data(m2)))

assertthat::on_failure(has_same_modelData) = function(call, env) {
  m1 = eval(call$m1, env)
  m2 = eval(call$m2, env)
    'models were not trained on the same dataset: ',
    paste0(all.equal(model.data(m1), model.data(m2)), collapse = '\n')

is_class_defined = function(x) {

assertthat::on_failure(is_class_defined) = function(call, env) {
  sprintf('The class "%s" is not defined.\nYou are likely running a custom method or model on a parallel cluster worker without loading the class definitions and methods.',
    class(eval(call$x, env)))

#' @export
#' @name latrend-assert
#' @rdname assert
#' @title latrend-specific assertions
#' @description Assertions and checks that may be of use for custom model implementations.
#' @param object The object to test.
#' @param which The argument names. Ellipsis (`...`) will be ignored.
#' @keywords internal
has_lcMethod_args = function(object, which) {

  argNames = setdiff(which, '...')
  all(has_name(object, argNames))

assertthat::on_failure(has_lcMethod_args) = function(call, env) {
  object = eval(call$object, env)
  argNames = setdiff(eval(call$which, env), '...')
  missingNames = setdiff(argNames, names(object))
    ' is missing required argument(s): ',
    paste0('"', missingNames, '"', collapse = ', ')

#' @export
#' @rdname assert
#' @description Check whether the input is a valid posterior probability matrix (for the given model).
#' @param pp The posterior probability `matrix`.
#' @param model The `lcModel` object. Optional.
is_valid_postprob = function(pp, model = NULL) {
  assert_that(is.null(model) || is.lcModel(model))

  clusColsOK = is.null(model) || ncol(pp) == nClusters(model)

  is.matrix(pp) &&
    is.numeric(pp) &&
    clusColsOK &&
    noNA(pp) &&
    min(pp) >= 0 &&
    max(pp) <= 1 &&
      rep(1, nrow(pp)),
      check.attributes = FALSE,
      use.names = FALSE

assertthat::on_failure(is_valid_postprob) = function(call, env) {
  pp = eval(call$pp, env)
  model = eval(call$model, env)

  if (!is.null(model)) {
    clusVal = validate_that(ncol(pp) == nClusters(model))
    if (clusVal) {

    is.matrix(pp) &&
    is.numeric(pp) &&
    noNA(pp) &&
    min(pp) >= 0 &&
    max(pp) <= 1 &&
    isTRUE(all.equal(rowSums(pp), rep(1, nrow(pp))))

#' @export
#' @rdname assert
#' @description Check whether the dataset does not contain trajectories without any observations.
#' Requires Id column to be factor.
#' @param ids Optional `character vector` of trajectory identifiers that are expected to be present in the data.
no_empty_trajectories = function(data, id, ids) {
    has_name(data, id),

  if (missing(ids)) {
    ids = levels(data[[id]])

  if (length(ids) == 0) {
  } else {
    all(ids %in% data[[id]])

assertthat::on_failure(no_empty_trajectories) = function(call, env) {
  data = eval(call$data, env) %>% as.data.table()
  id = eval(call$id, env)

  if (hasName(call, 'ids')) {
    ids = eval(call$ids, env)
  } else {
    ids = levels(data[[id]])

  missingIds = setdiff(ids, unique(data[[id]]))

    'The dataset contains %d trajectories that have no observations:\n  %s',
    paste0('"', missingIds, '"', collapse = ', ')

#' @export
#' @rdname assert
#' @description Check whether the provided `data.frame` represents a longitudinal dataset
#' @param id The trajectory identifier column name. Optional.
#' @param time The time column name. Optional.
#' @param response The response column name. Optional.
is_data = function(data, id, time, response) {
    missing(id) || is.string(id),
    missing(time) || is.string(time),
    missing(response) || is.string(response)

    nrow(data) > 0,
    missing(id) || hasName(data, id) && noNA(data[[id]]),
    missing(time) || hasName(data, time) && noNA(data[[time]]),
    missing(response) || hasName(data, response)

assertthat::on_failure(is_data) = function(call, env) {
  data = eval(call$data, env)

  if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
    return ('Dataset must be a data.frame')
  } else if (nrow(data) == 0) {
    return ('Dataset must contain at least 1 row')

  if (hasName(call, 'id')) {
    id = eval(call$id, env)
    if (!hasName(data, id)) {
      return (sprintf('Dataset is missing id column "%s"', id))
    } else if (anyNA(data[[id]])) {
      return (sprintf('Dataset id column "%s" contains NAs', id))

  if (hasName(call, 'time')) {
    time = eval(call$time, env)
    if (!hasName(data, time)) {
      return (sprintf('Dataset is missing time column "%s"', time))
    } else if (anyNA(data[[time]])) {
      return (sprintf('Dataset time column "%s" contains NAs', time))

  if (hasName(call, 'response')) {
    response = eval(call$response, env)
    if (!hasName(data, response)) {
      return (sprintf('Dataset is missing response column "%s"', response))

  stop('uncaught assertion failure. please report')

#' @export
#' @rdname assert
#' @description Check whether the dataset does not contain trajectories with duplicate observation moments.
no_trajectories_duplicate_time = function(data, id, time) {
  assert_that(is_data(data, id, time))

  all(as.data.table(data)[, anyDuplicated(get(..time)) == 0, by = c(id)]$V1)

assertthat::on_failure(no_trajectories_duplicate_time) = function(call, env) {
  data = eval(call$data, env) %>% as.data.table()
  id = eval(call$id, env)
  time = eval(call$time, env)

  dtTraj = data[, .(Dupe = anyDuplicated(get(..time)) > 0), by = c(id)] %>%
    .[Dupe == TRUE]

    'The dataset contains %d trajectories that have duplicate observation moments:\n Ids: %s',
    paste0('"', dtTraj[[id]], '"', collapse = ', ')

#' @export
#' @rdname assert
#' @description Check the number of observation moments for each trajectory
#' @param min The minimum required number.
are_trajectories_length = function(data, min = 1, id, time) {
    is_data(data, id, time),
    is.count(min + 1L)

  data = as.data.table(data)
  all(data[, uniqueN(get(time)), by = c(id)]$V1 >= min)

assertthat::on_failure(are_trajectories_length) = function(call, env) {
  data = eval(call$data, env) %>% as.data.table()
  id = eval(call$id, env)
  time = eval(call$time, env)
  min = eval(call$min, env)

  dtTraj = data[, .(Moments = uniqueN(get(time))), by = c(id)] %>%
    .[Moments < min]

    'The dataset contains %d trajectories that have fewer than %d observations moments.\n Ids:\n  %s',
    paste0('"', as.character(dtTraj[[id]]), '"', collapse = ', ')

#' @export
#' @rdname assert
#' @description Check whether all trajectories have the same number of observation moments, and are observed at the same moments in time.
#' @param id The id variable
#' @param time The time variable
are_trajectories_equal_length = function(data, id, time) {
  assert_that(is_data(data, id, time))
  data = as.data.table(data)
  nTimes = uniqueN(data[[time]])

  all(data[, .N == nTimes && uniqueN(get(time)) == nTimes, by = c(id)]$V1)

assertthat::on_failure(are_trajectories_equal_length) = function(call, env) {
  data = eval(call$data, env) %>% as.data.table()
  id = eval(call$id, env)
  time = eval(call$time, env)

  nTimes = uniqueN(data[[time]])
  # check for trajectories with multiple observations at the same moment in time
  dtMult = data[, .(HasMult = anyDuplicated(get(time))), by = c(id)] %>%
    .[HasMult == TRUE]

  if (any(dtMult$HasMult)) {
      'The dataset contains %d trajectories that have multiple observations at the same moment in time.\n Ids:\n  %s',
  } else {
    # check for equal length, which implies identical observation times
    dtLen = data[, .(IsEqualLen = .N == nTimes)] %>%
      .[IsEqualLen == FALSE]
      'The dataset contains %d trajectories that are of a different length than %d or have different observation times, whereas all trajectories are required to be fully aligned in time and length.\n Ids:\n  %s',

#' @export
#' @rdname assert
#' @description Check whether all trajectories don't contain any NA observations.
have_trajectories_noNA = function(data, id, response) {
  assert_that(is_data(data, id, response = response))


assertthat::on_failure(have_trajectories_noNA) = function(call, env) {
  data = eval(call$data, env) %>% as.data.table()
  id = eval(call$id, env)
  response = eval(call$response, env)

  dtMissing = data[, .(NaCount = sum(is.na(get(response)))), by = c(id)] %>%
    .[NaCount > 0]

    'The dataset contains %d trajectories with NA observations in "%s". To fix this, either remove or impute these observations.\nList of trajectories that contain NA observations:\n  %s',
    paste0('"', as.character(dtMissing[[id]]), '" (', dtMissing$NaCount, ')', collapse = ', ')

#' @export
#' @rdname assert
#' @description Check whether there are no trajectories that are only comprised of NA observations
no_trajectories_allNA = function(data, id, response) {
  assert_that(is_data(data, id, response = response))

  data = as.data.table(data)
  !any(data[, all(is.na(get(..response))), by = c(id)]$V1)

assertthat::on_failure(no_trajectories_allNA) = function(call, env) {
  data = eval(call$data, env) %>% as.data.table()
  id = eval(call$id, env)
  response = eval(call$response, env)

  dtAllNA = data[, .(AllNA = all(is.na(get(..response)))), by = c(id)] %>%
    .[AllNA == TRUE]

    'The dataset contains %d trajectories that only comprise NA observations in "%s". \nList of trajectories that only contain NAs:\n  %s',
    paste0('"', as.character(dtAllNA[[id]]), '"', collapse = ', ')

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latrend documentation built on March 31, 2023, 5:45 p.m.