
Defines functions zibreg_information information.zibreg zibreg_score score.zibreg zibreg_logL logLik.zibreg print.zibreg print.summary.zibreg summary.zibreg residuals.zibreg predict.zibreg family.zibreg coef.zibreg vcov.zibreg zibreg TN.zibreg PD

Documented in PD zibreg

##' Dose response calculation for binomial regression models
##' @title Dose response calculation for binomial regression models
##' @param model Model object or vector of parameter estimates
##' @param intercept Index of intercept parameters
##' @param slope Index of intercept parameters
##' @param prob Index of mixture parameters (only relevant for
##' \code{zibreg} models)
##' @param x Optional weights
##' length(x)=length(intercept)+length(slope)+length(prob)
##' @param level Probability at which level to calculate dose
##' @param ci.level Level of confidence limits
##' @param vcov Optional estimate of variance matrix of parameter
##' estimates
##' @param family Optional distributional family argument
##' @param EB Optional ratio of treatment effect and adverse effects
##' used to find optimal dose (regret-function argument)
##' @author Klaus K. Holst
##' @export
PD <- function(model,intercept=1,slope=2,prob=NULL,x,level=0.5,
        ci.level=0.95,vcov,family, EB=NULL) {
    if (is.vector(model)) {
        beta <- model
        if (missing(vcov)) stop("vcov argument needed")
        if (missing(family)) stop("family argument needed")
    } else beta <- coef(model)
    if (missing(vcov)) vcov <- stats::vcov(model)
    if (missing(family)) family <- stats::family(model)
    N <- length(intercept)+length(slope)+length(prob)
    if (length(intercept)<length(beta)) {
        B.intercept <- rep(0,length(beta));
        if (!missing(x)) {
            if (length(x)!=N) stop("x should be of same length as the total length of 'intercept','slope','prob'")
            B.intercept[intercept] <- x[seq_len(length(intercept))]
        } else B.intercept[intercept] <- 1
    } else {
        B.intercept <- intercept
    if (length(slope)<length(beta)) {
        B.slope <- rep(0,length(beta));
        if (!missing(x))
            B.slope[slope] <- x[length(intercept)+seq_len(length(slope))]
            B.slope[slope] <- 1
    } else {
        B.slope <- slope
    if (!is.null(prob)) {
        if (length(prob)<length(beta)) {
            B.prob <- rep(0,length(beta));
            if (!missing(x))
                B.prob[prob] <- x[length(intercept)+length(slope)+seq_len(length(prob))]
                B.prob[prob] <- 1
        } else {
            B.prob <- prob
    if (is.null(prob)) B.prob <- NULL
    B <- rbind(B.intercept,B.slope,B.prob)
    S <- B%*%vcov%*%t(B)
    b <- as.vector(B%*%beta)

    f <- function(b) {
        mylevel <- level
        if (!is.null(EB)) {
            if (is.null(prob)) stop("Index of mixture-probability parameters needed")
            pi0 <- family$linkinv(b[3])
            mylevel <- 1-(1-pi0)/pi0*(EB)/(1-EB)

    xx <- f(b)
    Dxx <- -1/b[2]*rbind(1,xx)
    if (!is.null(EB))
        Dxx <- numDeriv::grad(f,b)
    se <- diag(t(Dxx)%*%S%*%Dxx)^0.5
    res <- cbind(Estimate=xx,"Std.Err"=se)
    alpha <- 1-ci.level
    alpha.str <- paste(c(alpha/2,1-alpha/2)*100,"",sep="%")
    res <- cbind(res,res[,1]-qnorm(1-alpha/2)*res[,2],res[,1]+qnorm(1-alpha/2)*res[,2])
    colnames(res)[3:4] <- alpha.str
    rownames(res) <- paste0(round(1000*attributes(xx)$level)/10,"%")

TN.zibreg <- function(object,data=model.frame(object),p=coef(object),intercept=1,slope=2,alpha=0.95,...) {
    pp <- predict(object,link=FALSE,p=p,newdata=data)
    X <- attributes(pp)$grad$beta
    Z <- attributes(pp)$grad$gamma
    db1 <- db2 <- matrix(0,nrow(X),ncol(X))
    db1[,intercept] <- X[,intercept]
    db2[,slope[1]] <- 1; db2[,slope[-1]] <- X[,slope[-1]]
    b1 <- as.vector(db1%*%p[object$beta.idx])
    b2 <- as.vector(db2%*%p[object$beta.idx])
    ginv <-  object$family$linkinv
    dginv <- object$family$mu.eta ## D[linkinv]
    g <- object$family$linkfun
    dg <- function(x) 1/dginv(g(x)) ## Dh^-1 = 1/(h'(h^-1(x)))
    pi0 <- ginv(pp[,2])
    A2 <- dginv(pp[,2])
    dpi0 <- rbind(apply(Z,2,function(z) A2*z))
    h <- function(pi0) (alpha+pi0-1)/(alpha*pi0)
    dh <- function(pi0) (1-alpha)/(alpha*pi0^2)
    lev <- h(pi0)
    eta <- g(lev)
    detad2 <- rbind(apply(dpi0,2,function(z) dg(lev)*dh(pi0)*z))
    val <- (eta-b1)/b2
    dvald1 <- -(db1+db2*val)/b2
    ##  structure(g(coef(object)),grad=grad(g,coef(object)))

##' Regression model for binomial data with unkown group of immortals (zero-inflated binomial regression)
##' @title Regression model for binomial data with unkown group of immortals
##' @param formula Formula specifying
##' @param formula.p Formula for model of disease prevalence
##' @param data data frame
##' @param family Distribution family (see the help page \code{family})
##' @param offset Optional offset
##' @param start Optional starting values
##' @param var Type of variance (robust, expected, hessian, outer)
##' @param ... Additional arguments to lower level functions
##' @author Klaus K. Holst
##' @export
##' @examples
##' ## Simulation
##' n <- 2e3
##' x <- runif(n,0,20)
##' age <- runif(n,10,30)
##' z0 <- rnorm(n,mean=-1+0.05*age)
##' z <- cut(z0,breaks=c(-Inf,-1,0,1,Inf))
##' p0 <- lava:::expit(model.matrix(~z+age) %*% c(-.4, -.4, 0.2, 2, -0.05))
##' y <- (runif(n)<lava:::tigol(-1+0.25*x-0*age))*1
##' u <- runif(n)<p0
##' y[u==0] <- 0
##' d <- data.frame(y=y,x=x,u=u*1,z=z,age=age)
##' head(d)
##' ## Estimation
##' e0 <- zibreg(y~x*z,~1+z+age,data=d)
##' e <- zibreg(y~x,~1+z+age,data=d)
##' compare(e,e0)
##' e
##' PD(e0,intercept=c(1,3),slope=c(2,6))
##' B <- rbind(c(1,0,0,0,20),
##'            c(1,1,0,0,20),
##'            c(1,0,1,0,20),
##'            c(1,0,0,1,20))
##' prev <- summary(e,pr.contrast=B)$prevalence
##' x <- seq(0,100,length.out=100)
##' newdata <- expand.grid(x=x,age=20,z=levels(d$z))
##' fit <- predict(e,newdata=newdata)
##' plot(0,0,type="n",xlim=c(0,101),ylim=c(0,1),xlab="x",ylab="Probability(Event)")
##' count <- 0
##' for (i in levels(newdata$z)) {
##'   count <- count+1
##'   lines(x,fit[which(newdata$z==i)],col="darkblue",lty=count)
##' }
##' abline(h=prev[3:4,1],lty=3:4,col="gray")
##' abline(h=prev[3:4,2],lty=3:4,col="lightgray")
##' abline(h=prev[3:4,3],lty=3:4,col="lightgray")
##' legend("topleft",levels(d$z),col="darkblue",lty=seq_len(length(levels(d$z))))
zibreg <- function(formula,formula.p=~1,data,family=stats::binomial(),offset=NULL,start,var="hessian",...) {
    md <- cbind(model.frame(formula,data),model.frame(formula.p,data))
    y <- md[,1]
    X <- model.matrix(formula,data)
    Z <- model.matrix(formula.p,data)
    beta.idx <- seq(ncol(X)); gamma.idx <- seq(ncol(Z))+ncol(X)
    if (missing(start)) start <- rep(0,ncol(X)+ncol(Z))
    op <- nlminb(start,function(x)
    beta <- op$par[beta.idx]; gamma <- op$par[gamma.idx]
    cc <- c(beta,gamma)
    names(cc) <- c(colnames(X),paste0("pr:",colnames(Z)))
    bread <- Inverse(zibreg_information(beta,gamma,y,X,Z,offset,type="hessian",...))
    if (tolower(var[1])%in%c("robust","sandwich")) {
        meat <- zibreg_information(beta,gamma,y,X,Z,offset,family,type="outer",...)
        V <- bread%*%meat%*%bread
    } else {
        V <- bread
    n <- length(y)
    colnames(V) <- rownames(V) <- names(cc)
    res <- list(coef=cc,opt=op,beta=beta,gamma=gamma,
                formula=formula,formula.p=formula.p, y=y, X=X, Z=Z, offset=offset, vcov=V, model.frame=md,family=family)
    class(res) <- "zibreg"
    res$fitted.values <- predict(res)

##' @export
vcov.zibreg <- function(object,...) object$vcov

##' @export
coef.zibreg <- function(object,...) object$coef

##' @export
family.zibreg <- function(object,...) object$family

##' @export
predict.zibreg <- function(object,p=coef(object),gamma,newdata,link=TRUE,subdist=FALSE,...) {
    newf <- as.formula(paste("~",as.character(object$formula)[3]))
    if (missing(newdata)) {
        X <- object$X; Z <- object$Z
    } else {
        X <- model.matrix(newf,newdata)
        Z <- model.matrix(object$formula.p,newdata)
    if (length(p)==length(object$beta)+length(object$gamma)) {
        gamma <- p[object$gamma.idx]
        p <- p[object$beta.idx]
    ginv <- object$family$linkinv
    dginv <- object$family$mu.eta ## D[linkinv]
    Xbeta <- as.vector(X%*%p)
    Zgamma <- as.vector(Z%*%gamma)
    if (!link) {
        res <- cbind(beta=Xbeta,gamma=Zgamma)
    Pred <- ginv(Xbeta)
    p0 <- ginv(Zgamma)
    A1 <- dginv(Xbeta)
    A2 <- dginv(Zgamma)
    if (subdist) {
        dgamma <- apply(Z,2,function(z) A2*z)
        dbeta <- apply(X,2,function(x) A1*x)
        res <- cbind(subdist=Pred,pr=p0)
    Pred <- p0*Pred
    A1 <- p0*A1
    A2 <- Pred*dginv(Zgamma)
    dgamma <- apply(Z,2,function(z) A2*z)
    dbeta <- apply(X,2,function(x) A1*x)
    attributes(Pred)$grad <- cbind(dbeta,p0*dgamma)

##' @export
residuals.zibreg <- function(object,newdata,...) {
    if (missing(newdata)) {
        y <- object$y
    } else {
        y <- model.frame(object$formula,newdata)[,1]

##' @export
summary.zibreg <- function(object,level=0.95,pr.contrast,...) {
    alpha <- 1-level
    alpha.str <- paste(c(alpha/2,1-alpha/2)*100,"",sep="%")
    cc <- cbind(coef(object),diag(vcov(object))^0.5)
    pval <- 2*(pnorm(abs(cc[,1]/cc[,2]),lower.tail=FALSE))
    qq <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)
    cc <- cbind(cc[,1],cc[,1]-qq*cc[,2],cc[,1]+qq*cc[,2],pval)
    colnames(cc) <- c("Estimate",alpha.str,"P-value")
    pr.names <- unlist(lapply(rownames(cc)[object$gamma.idx],
                              function(x) substr(x,4,nchar(x))))
    if (missing(pr.contrast)) {
        withIntercept <- pr.names[1]=="(Intercept)"
        pr.contrast <- diag(length(object$gamma.idx))
        if (withIntercept) pr.contrast[,1] <- 1
    pr.cc <- cbind(pr.contrast%*%cc[object$gamma.idx,1],
    pr.cc <- object$family$linkinv(cbind(pr.cc[,1],pr.cc[,1]-qq*pr.cc[,2],pr.cc[,1]+qq*pr.cc[,2]))
    colnames(pr.cc) <- colnames(cc)[1:3]
    ## B <- cbind(0,cbind(0,pr.contrast))
    ## print(compare(object,contrast=B))
    pr.rnames <- c()
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(pr.contrast))) {
        Bidx <- which(pr.contrast[i,]!=0)
        Bval <- pr.contrast[i,Bidx]; Bval[Bval==1] <- ""
        pr.rnames <- c(pr.rnames,
                       paste0(paste0(Bval,paste0("{",pr.names[Bidx],"}"),collapse=" + ")))
    rownames(pr.cc) <- pr.rnames

    return(structure(list(coef=cc, prevalence=pr.cc),class="summary.zibreg"))

##' @export
print.summary.zibreg <- function(x,...) {
    cat("\nPrevalence probabilities:\n")

##' @export
print.zibreg <- function(x,...) {

##' @export
logLik.zibreg <- function(object,beta=object$beta,gamma=object$gamma,data,offset=object$offset,indiv=FALSE,...) {
    if (!missing(data)) {
        y <- model.frame(object$formula,data)[,1]
        X <- model.matrix(object$formula,data)
        Z <- model.matrix(object$formula.p,data)
zibreg_logL <- function(beta,gamma,y,X,Z,offset=NULL,family=stats::binomial(),indiv=FALSE,...) {
    ginv <- family$linkinv
    n <- nrow(X)
    Xbeta <- as.vector(X%*%beta)
    Zgamma <- as.vector(Z%*%gamma)
    p0 <- ginv(Zgamma)
    if (!is.null(offset)) Xbeta <- Xbeta+offset
    Pr <- p0*ginv(Xbeta)
    loglik <- y*log(Pr)+(1-y)*log(1-Pr)
    if (indiv) return(loglik)
    loglik <- sum(loglik)

##' @export
score.zibreg <- function(x,beta=x$beta,gamma=x$gamma,data,offset=x$offset,indiv=FALSE,...) {
    if (!missing(data)) {
        y <- model.frame(x$formula,data)[,1]
        X <- model.matrix(x$formula,data)
        Z <- model.matrix(x$formula.p,data)
        s <- zibreg_score(beta,gamma,y,X,Z,offset,x$family,indiv=indiv,...)
    } else {
        s <- zibreg_score(beta,gamma,x$y,x$X,x$Z,offset,x$family,indiv=indiv,...)
    if (indiv) colnames(s) <- names(x$coef) else names(s) <- names(x$coef)

zibreg_score <- function(beta,gamma,y,X,Z,offset=NULL,family=stats::binomial(),indiv=FALSE,...) {
    ginv <- family$linkinv
    dginv <- family$mu.eta ## D[linkinv]
    Xbeta <- as.vector(X%*%beta)
    Zgamma <- as.vector(Z%*%gamma)
    p0 <- ginv(Zgamma)
    if (!is.null(offset)) Xbeta <- Xbeta+offset
    Pr <- p0*ginv(Xbeta)
    A0 <- (y/Pr  - (1-y)/(1-Pr))
    A1 <- A0*p0*dginv(Xbeta)
    A2 <- A0*ginv(Xbeta)*dginv(Zgamma)
    dbeta <- apply(X,2,function(x) A1*x)
    dgamma <- apply(Z,2,function(z) A2*z)
    ss <- cbind(dbeta,dgamma)
    if (indiv) return(ss)

##' @export
information.zibreg <- function(x,beta=x$beta,gamma=x$gamma,data,offset=x$offset,type=c("robust","outer","obs"),...) {
    if (!missing(data)) {
        y <- model.frame(x$formula,data)[,1]
        X <- model.matrix(x$formula,data)
        Z <- model.matrix(x$formula.p,data)
        I <- zibreg_information(beta,gamma,y,X,Z,offset,x$family,type=type,...)
    } else {
        I <- zibreg_information(beta,gamma,x$y,x$X,x$Z,offset,x$family,type=type,...)
    colnames(I) <- rownames(I) <- names(x$coef)

zibreg_information <- function(beta,gamma,y,X,Z,offset=NULL,family=stats::binomial(),type=c("outer","obs","robust"),...) {
    if (tolower(type[1])%in%c("obs","hessian")) {
        beta.idx <- seq(ncol(X)); gamma.idx <- seq(ncol(Z))+ncol(X)
        I <- -numDeriv::jacobian(function(x)
    if (tolower(type[1])%in%c("robust","sandwich")) {
        I <- zibreg_information(beta,gamma,y,X,Z,offset,family,type="obs")
        J <- zibreg_information(beta,gamma,y,X,Z,offset,family,type="outer")
    S <- zibreg_score(beta,gamma,y,X,Z,offset,family,indiv=TRUE,...)

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