
Defines functions pairwiseTables

# this function is written by Myrsini Katsikatsou

############################## pairwiseTables FUNCTION ########################
# This function can be public. It gets as an input a raw data set of ordinal
# variables and it returns a list of all pairwise frequency tables.
# The input arguments of the function:
# data : matrix or data frame containing the data. The rows correspond to
#       different observations and the columns to different observed categorical
#       (ordinal or nominal) variables. No continuous variables or covariates
#       should be contained in data. If the variables contained in the data are
#       distinguished into indicators of exogenous latent variables (lv) and
#       indicators of endogenous latent variables, those for exogenous lv should
#       be presented first (in the first columns of data) followed by the
#       indicators for endogenous lv.
# var.levels: NULL or vector or list, specifies the levels (response categories)
#            for each categorical variable contained in data.
#            If NULL, the levels encoutered in data are used. If a response
#            category is not observed in the data, then var.levels should be
#            defined.
#            If vector, that implies that all variables have the same levels as
#            given in the vector.
#            If list, the components of the list are vectors, as many as the
#            number of variables in data. Each vector gives the levels of
#            the corresponding categorical variable in data.
# no.x : NULL or integer, gives the number of indicators for exogenous lv.
#        The default value is NULL indicating that data contains only
#        indicators of exogenous latent variables.
# perc : TRUE/FALSE. If FALSE the observed frequencies are reported, otherwise
#        the observed percentages are given.
# na.exclude : TRUE/FALSE. If TRUE, listwise deletion is applied to data.
#              Otherwise, cases with missing values are preserved and and an
#              extra level with label NA is included in the tables.

# The output of the function:
# It is a list of three components: $pairTables, $VarLevels and $Ncases_del.
# pairTables : a list of so many tables as the number of variable pairs formed
#              by data. If there are indicators of both exogenous and endogenous
#              variables, then first all the matrices referring to pairs of
#              indicators of exogenous lv are reported, followed by all the
#              matrices referring to pairs of indicators of endogenous lv, which
#              in turn folowed by all the matrices of pairs: one indicator of an
#              exogenous - one indicator of an endogenous lv.
# VarLevels : a list of as many vectors as the number of variables in the data.
#             Each vector gives the levels/ response categories of each variable
# Ncases_del : An integer reporting the number of cases deleted by data because
#              of missing values (listwise deletion) when na.exclude=TRUE.

pairwiseTables <- function(data, var.levels=NULL, no.x=NULL,
                           perc=FALSE, na.exclude=TRUE) {

 # data in right format?
 if ( (!is.matrix(data)) & (!is.data.frame(data)) ) {
  stop("data is neither a matrix nor a data.frame")

 # at least two variables
 no.var <- dim(data)[2]
 if(no.var<2) {
    stop("there are less than 2 variables")

 # no.x < no.var  ?
 if(no.x > no.var) {
    stop("number of indicators for exogenous latent variables is larger than the total number of variables in data")

 # if data as matrix, transforma as data.frame
 if(is.matrix(data)) {
    data <- as.data.frame(data)

 # listwise deletion
 if(na.exclude) {
    old.data <- data
    data <- na.omit(data)

 # all columns of data.frame should be of class factor so that function levels
 # can be applied
 if(!all(sapply(data,class)=="factor")) {
   if(nrow(data)>1) {
      data <- data.frame( sapply(data,factor) )
   } else {
      data <- apply(data,2,factor)
      data <- as.data.frame( matrix(data, nrow=1) )

 # the levels observed for each variable, obs.levels is a list
 obs.levels <- lapply(data,levels)

 # number of variables in data same as number of vectors in var.levels
 if(is.list(var.levels) && no.var!= length(var.levels) ) {
    stop("the length of var.levels does not match the number of variables of the given data set")

 # create var.levels if a list is not given
 old.var.levels <- var.levels
 if(!is.list(old.var.levels)) {
    if(is.null(old.var.levels) ) {
       var.levels <- obs.levels
    } else {
       var.levels <- vector("list", no.var)
       var.levels <- lapply(var.levels, function(x){x <- old.var.levels} )
 names(var.levels) <- names(data)

 # also check that obs.levels exist in the object var.levels given by the user, i.e. old.var.levels
 if(is.list(old.var.levels)) {
    for(i in 1:no.var) {
        if(!all( obs.levels[[i]] %in% old.var.levels[[i]]))
           stop("levels observed in data are not mentioned in var.levels")
 } else if (is.vector(old.var.levels)) {
    if(!all(apply(na.omit(data), 2, function(x){x %in% old.var.levels})))
        stop("levels observed in data are not mentioned in var.levels")

 no.given.levels <- sapply(var.levels, length)

 # assign the right levels for each variable as given in object var.levels if it is not the case
 # it is not the case when the observed levels are a subgroup of the var.levels given
 if(!is.null(old.var.levels)) {
    no.obs.levels <- sapply(obs.levels, length)
    if(!all(no.obs.levels==no.given.levels) ) {
       index <- c(1:no.var)[no.obs.levels!=no.given.levels]
       for(i in index) {
           data[,i] <- factor(data[,i] , levels=var.levels[[i]])

 # compute the bivariate frequency tables
 # Split first into two cases: a) only indicators of exogenous latent variables
 # b) otherwise
 if(is.null(no.x) || no.x==no.var) {
    pairs.index <- utils::combn(no.var,2)
    no.pairs <- dim(pairs.index)[2]
    res <- vector("list", no.pairs)
    for(i in 1:no.pairs ) {
        res[[i]] <- table( data[, pairs.index[,i] ],  useNA="ifany" )
 } else {
    no.y <- no.var - no.x
    pairs.xixj.index <- utils::combn(no.x,2)  # row 1 gives i index, row 2 j index, j runs faster than i
    pairs.yiyj.index <- utils::combn(no.y,2)
    pairs.xiyj.index <- expand.grid(1:no.y, 1:no.x)
    pairs.xiyj.index <- rbind( pairs.xiyj.index[,2], pairs.xiyj.index[,1] ) # row 1 gives i index, row 2 j index, j runs faster than i

    no.pairs.xixj <- dim(pairs.xixj.index)[2]
    no.pairs.yiyj <- dim(pairs.yiyj.index)[2]
    no.pairs.xiyj <- dim(pairs.xiyj.index)[2]
    no.all.pairs <- no.pairs.xixj + no.pairs.yiyj + no.pairs.xiyj

    data.x <- data[,1:no.x]
    data.y <- data[,(no.x+1):no.var]

    res <- vector("list", no.all.pairs)
    for(i in 1:no.pairs.xixj) {
        res[[i]] <- table(data.x[,pairs.xixj.index[,i]], useNA="ifany" )

    j <- 0
    for(i in (no.pairs.xixj+1):(no.pairs.xixj+no.pairs.yiyj) ) {
        j <- j+1
        res[[i]] <- table(data.y[,pairs.yiyj.index[,j]], useNA="ifany" )

    j <-0
    for(i in (no.pairs.xixj+no.pairs.yiyj+1):no.all.pairs ) {
        j <- j+1
        res[[i]] <- table(cbind(data.x[,pairs.xiyj.index[1,j], drop=FALSE],
                                data.y[,pairs.xiyj.index[2,j], drop=FALSE]),
                          useNA="ifany" )

 # if percentages are asked
 if (perc) {
   Nobs <- dim(data)[1]
   res <- lapply(res, function(x){x/Nobs} )

 #Ncases_del = the number of cases deleted because they had missing values
 if (na.exclude) {
   Ncases_deleted <- dim(old.data)[1] - dim(data)[1]
 } else {
   Ncases_deleted <- 0

 list(pairTables=res, VarLevels=var.levels, Ncases_del= Ncases_deleted)

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lavaan documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:08 p.m.