
Defines functions lav_cfa_jamesstein_rel lav_cfa_jamesstein_ce lav_cfa_jamesstein_internal lav_cfa_jamesstein

# James-Stein estimator
# Burghgraeve, E., De Neve, J., & Rosseel, Y. (2021). Estimating structural
# equation models using James-Stein type shrinkage estimators. Psychometrika,
# 86(1), 96-130.
# YR 08 Feb 2023: - first version in lavaan, cfa only (for now)

lav_cfa_jamesstein <- function(S,
                               Y                  = NULL, # raw data
                               marker.idx         = NULL,
                               lambda.nonzero.idx = NULL,
                               theta              = NULL,  # vector!
                               theta.bounds       = TRUE,
                               aggregated         = FALSE) { # aggregated?
    # dimensions
    nvar <- ncol(S); nfac <- length(marker.idx)
    stopifnot(length(theta) == nvar)
    N <- nrow(Y)
    stopifnot(ncol(Y) == nvar)

    # overview of lambda structure
    B <- LAMBDA <- B.nomarker <- matrix(0, nvar, nfac)
    lambda.marker.idx <- (seq_len(nfac) - 1L)*nvar + marker.idx
    B[lambda.marker.idx ] <- LAMBDA[lambda.marker.idx ]  <- 1L
    B[lambda.nonzero.idx] <- B.nomarker[lambda.nonzero.idx] <- 1L

    # Nu
    NU <- numeric(nvar)

    # do we first 'clip' the theta values so they are within standard bounds?
    # (Question: do we need the 0.01 and 0.99 multipliers?)
    diagS <- diag(S)
    if(theta.bounds) {
        # lower bound
        lower.bound <- diagS * 0 # * 0.01
        too.small.idx <- which(theta < lower.bound)
        if(length(too.small.idx) > 0L) {
            theta[ too.small.idx ] <- lower.bound[ too.small.idx ]

        # upper bound
        upper.bound <- diagS * 1 # * 0.99
        too.large.idx <- which(theta > upper.bound)
        if(length(too.large.idx) > 0L) {
            theta[ too.large.idx ] <- upper.bound[ too.large.idx ]

    # compute conditional expectation conditional on the scaling indicator
    E.JS1 <- lav_cfa_jamesstein_ce(Y = Y, marker.idx = marker.idx,
                                       resvars.markers = theta[marker.idx])

    # compute LAMBDA
    for(f in seq_len(nfac)) {
        nomarker.idx <- which(B.nomarker[,f] == 1)
        Y.nomarker.f <- Y[, nomarker.idx, drop = FALSE]

        # regress no.marker.idx data on E(\eta|Y)
        fit <- lm(Y.nomarker.f ~ E.JS1[ ,f, drop = FALSE])

        # extract 'lambda' values
        LAMBDA[nomarker.idx, f] <- drop(coef(fit)[-1,])

        # (optional) extract means
        # NU[nomarker.idx] <- drop(coef(fit)[1,])

        if(aggregated) {

            # local copy of 'scaling' LAMBDA
            LAMBDA.scaling <- LAMBDA

            J <- length(nomarker.idx)
            for(j in seq_len(J)) {
                # data without this indicator
                j.idx    <- nomarker.idx[j]
                no.j.idx <- c(marker.idx[f],nomarker.idx[-j])
                Y.agg <- Y[,  no.j.idx, drop = FALSE]
                Y.j   <- Y[,     j.idx, drop = FALSE]

                # retrieve estimated values scaling JS
                lambda.JS.scaling <- LAMBDA.scaling[no.j.idx, f, drop = FALSE]

                # optimize the weights
                starting.weights <- rep(1/J, times = J)
                w <- optim(par = starting.weights,
                           fn = lav_cfa_jamesstein_rel,
                           data = Y.agg,
                           resvars = theta[no.j.idx])$par

                # make sure the weights sum up to 1
                w.optim <- w/sum(w)

                # compute aggregated indicator using the optimal weights
                y_agg <- t(t(w.optim) %*% t(Y.agg))

                # compute error variance of the aggregated indicator
                var_eps_agg <- drop(t(w.optim) %*%
                     diag(theta[no.j.idx], nrow = length(no.j.idx)) %*% w.optim)

                # compute conditional expectation using aggregated indicator
                tmp <- lav_cfa_jamesstein_ce(Y = y_agg, marker.idx = 1L,
                          resvars.markers = var_eps_agg)
                CE_agg <- tmp / drop(w.optim %*% lambda.JS.scaling)

                # compute factor loading
                fit <- lm(Y.j ~ CE_agg)
                LAMBDA[j.idx, f] <- drop(coef(fit)[-1])

                # (optional) extract means
                # NU[j.idx] <- drop(coef(fit)[1,])
            } # j
        } # aggregate

    } # f

    out <- list(lambda = LAMBDA, nu = NU)

# internal function to be used inside lav_optim_noniter
# return 'x', the estimated vector of free parameters
lav_cfa_jamesstein_internal <- function(lavobject      = NULL, # convenience
                                        # internal slot
                                        lavmodel       = NULL,
                                        lavsamplestats = NULL,
                                        lavpartable    = NULL,
                                        lavpta         = NULL,
                                        lavdata        = NULL,
                                        lavoptions     = NULL,
                                        theta.bounds   = TRUE) {

    if(!is.null(lavobject)) {
        stopifnot(inherits(lavobject, "lavaan"))

        # extract slots
        lavmodel       <- lavobject@Model
        lavsamplestats <- lavobject@SampleStats
        lavpartable    <- lavobject@ParTable
        lavpta         <- lavobject@pta
        lavdata        <- lavobject@Data
        lavoptions     <- lavobject@Options

    # no structural part!
    if(any(lavpartable$op == "~")) {
        stop("lavaan ERROR: JS(A) estimator only available for CFA models (for now)")
    # no BETA matrix! (i.e., no higher-order factors)
    if(!is.null(lavmodel@GLIST$beta)) {
        stop("lavaan ERROR: JS(A) estimator not available for models the require a BETA matrix")
    # no std.lv = TRUE for now
    if(lavoptions$std.lv) {
        stop("lavaan ERROR: JS(A) estimator not available if std.lv = TRUE")

    nblocks <- lav_partable_nblocks(lavpartable)
    stopifnot(nblocks == 1L) # for now
    b <- 1L
    sample.cov <- lavsamplestats@cov[[b]]
    nvar <- nrow(sample.cov)
    lv.names <- lavpta$vnames$lv.regular[[b]]
    nfac <- length(lv.names)
    marker.idx <- lavpta$vidx$lv.marker[[b]]
    lambda.idx <- which(names(lavmodel@GLIST) == "lambda")
    lambda.nonzero.idx <- lavmodel@m.free.idx[[lambda.idx]]
    # only diagonal THETA for now...
    theta.idx <- which(names(lavmodel@GLIST) == "theta") # usually '2'
    m.theta <- lavmodel@m.free.idx[[theta.idx]]
    nondiag.idx <- m.theta[!m.theta %in% lav_matrix_diag_idx(nvar)]
    if(length(nondiag.idx) > 0L) {
        warning("lavaan WARNING: this implementation of JS/JSA does not handle correlated residuals yet!")

    # 1. obtain estimate for (diagonal elements of) THETA
    #    for now we use Spearman per factor
    B <- matrix(0, nvar, nfac)
    lambda.marker.idx <- (seq_len(nfac) - 1L)*nvar + marker.idx
    B[lambda.marker.idx ] <- 1L
    B[lambda.nonzero.idx] <- 1L
    theta <- numeric(nvar)
    for(f in seq_len(nfac)) {
         ov.idx <- which(B[,f] == 1L)
         S.fac <- sample.cov[ov.idx, ov.idx, drop = FALSE]
         theta[ov.idx] <- lav_cfa_theta_spearman(S.fac, bounds = "wide")
    THETA <- diag(theta, nrow = nvar)

    # 2. run James-Stein algorithm
    Y <- lavdata@X[[1]] # raw data
    aggregated <- FALSE
    if(lavoptions$estimator == "JSA") {
       aggregated <- TRUE
    out <- lav_cfa_jamesstein(S = sample.cov, Y = Y, marker.idx = marker.idx,
                              lambda.nonzero.idx = lambda.nonzero.idx,
                              theta = theta,
                              # experimental
                              theta.bounds = theta.bounds,
                              aggregated = aggregated)
    LAMBDA <- out$lambda

    # 3. PSI
    PSI <- lav_cfa_lambdatheta2psi(lambda = LAMBDA, theta = theta,
                                   S = sample.cov, mapping = "ML")

    # store matrices in lavmodel@GLIST
    lavmodel@GLIST$lambda <- LAMBDA
    lavmodel@GLIST$theta  <- THETA
    lavmodel@GLIST$psi    <- PSI

    # extract free parameters only
    x <- lav_model_get_parameters(lavmodel)

    # apply bounds (if any)
    if(!is.null(lavpartable$lower)) {
        lower.x <- lavpartable$lower[lavpartable$free > 0]
        too.small.idx <- which(x < lower.x)
        if(length(too.small.idx) > 0L) {
            x[ too.small.idx ] <- lower.x[ too.small.idx ]
    if(!is.null(lavpartable$upper)) {
        upper.x <- lavpartable$upper[lavpartable$free > 0]
        too.large.idx <- which(x > upper.x)
        if(length(too.large.idx) > 0L) {
            x[ too.large.idx ] <- upper.x[ too.large.idx ]


# Conditional expectation (Section 2.1, eq. 10)
lav_cfa_jamesstein_ce <- function(Y = NULL,
                                  marker.idx = NULL,
                                  resvars.markers = NULL) {

    Y <- as.matrix(Y)

    # sample size
    N <- nrow(Y)
    N1 <- N - 1
    N3 <- N - 3

    # markers only
    Y.marker <- Y[ ,marker.idx, drop = FALSE]

    # means and variances
    MEAN <- colMeans(Y.marker, na.rm = TRUE)
    VAR <- apply(Y.marker, 2, var, na.rm = TRUE)

    # 1 - R per maker
    oneminR <- N3 * resvars.markers / (N1 * VAR)

    # R per marker
    R <- 1 - oneminR

    # create E(\eta | Y)
    E.eta.cond.Y <- t( t(Y.marker) * R  +  oneminR * MEAN )


# Reliability function used to obtain the weights (Section 4, Aggregation)
lav_cfa_jamesstein_rel <- function(w = NULL, data = NULL, resvars = NULL) {

    # construct weight vector
    w <- matrix(w, ncol = 1)

    # construct aggregated indicator: y_agg = t(w) %*% y_i
    y_agg <- t(t(w) %*% t(data))

    # calculate variance of aggregated indicator
    var_y_agg <- var(y_agg)

    # calculate error variance of the aggregated indicator
    var_eps_agg <- t(w) %*% diag(resvars) %*% w

    # reliability function to be maximized
    rel <- (var_y_agg - var_eps_agg) %*% solve(var_y_agg)

    # return value

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