
Defines functions lav_fit_fiml_corrected lav_fit_catml_dwls

# utility functions needed to compute various (robust) fit measures:
# - lav_fit_catml_dwls (for 'robust' RMSEA/CFI if data is cateogrical)
# - lav_fit_fiml_corrected (correct RMSEA/CFI if data is incomplete)

# compute scaling-factor (c.hat3) for fit.dwls, using fit.catml ingredients
# see:
#     Savalei, V. (2021) Improving Fit Indices In SEM with categorical data.
#     Multivariate Behavioral Research, 56(3), 390-407.

# YR Dec 2022: first version
# YR Jan 2023: catml_dwls should check if the input 'correlation' matrix
#              is positive-definite (or not)

lav_fit_catml_dwls <- function(lavobject, check.pd = TRUE) {

    # empty list
    empty.list <- list(XX3 = as.numeric(NA), df3 = as.numeric(NA),
                       c.hat3 = as.numeric(NA), XX3.scaled = as.numeric(NA),
                       XX3.null = as.numeric(NA), df3.null = as.numeric(NA),
                       c.hat3.null = as.numeric(NA))

    # limitations
    if( !lavobject@Model@categorical ||
         lavobject@Options$conditional.x ||
         length(unlist(lavobject@pta$vnames$ov.num)) > 0L ) {
    } else {
        lavdata        <- lavobject@Data
        lavsamplestats <- lavobject@SampleStats

    # check if input matrix (or matrices) are all positive definite
    # (perhaps later, we can rely on 'smoothing', but not for now
    pd.flag <- TRUE
    if(check.pd) {
        for(g in seq_len(lavdata@ngroups)) {
            COR <- lavsamplestats@cov[[g]]
            ev <- eigen(COR, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
            if(any(ev < .Machine$double.eps^(1/2))) {
                # non-pd!
                pd.flag <- FALSE
                # should we give a warning here? (not for now)
                #warning("lavaan WARNING: robust RMSEA/CFI could not be computed because the input correlation matrix is not positive-definite")
                # what should we do? return NA (for now)

    # 'refit' using estimator = "catML"
    fit.catml <- try(lav_object_catml(lavobject), silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(fit.catml, "try-error")) {

    XX3 <- fit.catml@test[[1]]$stat
    df3 <- fit.catml@test[[1]]$df

    # compute 'k'
    V      <- lavTech(fit.catml, "wls.v") # NT-ML weight matrix

    W.dwls <- lavTech(lavobject, "wls.v") # DWLS weight matrix
    Gamma  <- lavTech(lavobject, "gamma") # acov of polychorics
    Delta  <- lavTech(lavobject, "delta")
    E.inv  <- lavTech(lavobject, "inverted.information")

    fg <- unlist(lavsamplestats@nobs)/lavsamplestats@ntotal

    # Fixme: as we only need the trace, perhaps we could do this
    # group-specific? (see lav_test_satorra_bentler_trace_original)
    V.g <- V; W.dwls.g <- W.dwls; Gamma.f <- Gamma; Delta.g <- Delta
    for(g in seq_len(lavdata@ngroups)) {
        ntotal <- nrow(Gamma[[g]])
        nvar <- lavobject@Model@nvar[[g]]
        pstar <- nvar * (nvar - 1) / 2
        rm.idx <- seq_len(ntotal - pstar)

        # reduce
        Delta.g[[g]]  <- Delta[[g]][-rm.idx,,drop=FALSE]
        # reduce and weight
        W.dwls.g[[g]] <- fg[g] * W.dwls[[g]][-rm.idx, -rm.idx]
        V.g[[g]]      <- fg[g] * V[[g]] # should already have the right dims
        Gamma.f[[g]]  <- 1/fg[g] * Gamma[[g]][-rm.idx, -rm.idx]
    # create 'big' matrices
    W.dwls.all <- lav_matrix_bdiag(W.dwls.g)
    V.all      <- lav_matrix_bdiag(V.g)
    Gamma.all  <- lav_matrix_bdiag(Gamma.f)
    Delta.all  <- do.call("rbind", Delta.g)

    # compute trace
    WiU.all <- diag(nrow(W.dwls.all)) - Delta.all %*% E.inv %*% t(Delta.all) %*% W.dwls.all
    ks <- sum(diag(t(WiU.all) %*% V.all %*% WiU.all %*% Gamma.all))

    # convert to lavaan 'scaling.factor'
    c.hat3 <- ks/df3
    XX3.scaled <- XX3/c.hat3

    # baseline model
    XX3.null <- fit.catml@baseline$test[[1]]$stat
    if(is.null(XX3.null)) {
        XX3.null <- as.numeric(NA)
        df3.null <- as.numeric(NA)
        kbs <- as.numeric(NA)
        c.hat3.null <- as.numeric(NA)
    } else {
        df3.null <- fit.catml@baseline$test[[1]]$df
        kbs <- sum(diag(Gamma.all))
        c.hat3.null <- kbs/df3.null

    # return values
    list(XX3 = XX3, df3 = df3, c.hat3 = c.hat3, XX3.scaled = XX3.scaled,
         XX3.null = XX3.null, df3.null = df3.null, c.hat3.null = c.hat3.null)

# compute ingredients to compute FIML-Corrected RMSEA/CFI
# see:
#     Zhang X, Savalei V. (2022). New computations for RMSEA and CFI
#     following FIML and TS estimation with missing data. Psychological Methods.

lav_fit_fiml_corrected <- function(lavobject, version = "V3") {

    version <- toupper(version)
    if(!version %in% c("V3", "V6")) {
        stop("lavaan ERROR: only FIML-C(V3) and FIML-C(V6) are available.")

    # empty list
    empty.list <- list(XX3 = as.numeric(NA), df3 = as.numeric(NA),
                       c.hat3 = as.numeric(NA), XX3.scaled = as.numeric(NA),
                       XX3.null = as.numeric(NA), df3.null = as.numeric(NA),
                       c.hat3.null = as.numeric(NA))

    # limitations
    if( lavobject@Options$conditional.x ||
        lavobject@Data@nlevels > 1L ||
        !.hasSlot(lavobject, "h1") ||
        is.null(lavobject@h1$implied$cov[[1]]) ) {
    } else {
        lavdata        <- lavobject@Data
        lavsamplestats <- lavobject@SampleStats

        h1 <- lavTech(lavobject, "h1", add.labels = TRUE)
        COV.tilde      <- lapply(h1, "[[", "cov")
        MEAN.tilde     <- lapply(h1, "[[", "mean")
        sample.nobs    <- unlist(lavsamplestats@nobs)

    # 'refit' using 'tilde' (=EM/saturated) sample statistics
    fit.tilde <- try(lavaan(model = parTable(lavobject),
                            sample.cov = COV.tilde,
                            sample.mean = MEAN.tilde,
                            sample.nobs = sample.nobs,
                            sample.cov.rescale = FALSE,
                            information = "observed",
                            optim.method = "none",
                            se = "none",
                            test = "standard",
                            baseline = FALSE,
                            check.post = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(fit.tilde, "try-error")) {

    XX3 <- fit.tilde@test[[1]]$stat
    df3 <- fit.tilde@test[[1]]$df

    # compute 'k'

    # V3/V6: always use h1.information = "unstructured"!!
    lavobject@Options$h1.information <- c("unstructured", "unstructured")
    lavobject@Options$observed.information <- c("h1", "h1")
    fit.tilde@Options$h1.information <- c("unstructured", "unstructured")

    Wm <- Wm.g <- lav_model_h1_information_observed(  lavobject)
    Jm <-         lav_model_h1_information_firstorder(lavobject)
    Wc <- Wc.g <- lav_model_h1_information_observed(fit.tilde)
    if(version == "V3") {
        Gamma.f <- vector("list", length = lavdata@ngroups)
    Delta  <- lavTech(lavobject, "delta")
    E.inv  <- lavTech(lavobject, "inverted.information")
    #Wmi <- Wmi.g <- lapply(Wm, solve) ## <- how wrote this? (I did)
    Wmi <- Wmi.g <- try(lapply(Wm, lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse),
                        silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(Wmi, "try-error")) {

    fg <- unlist(lavsamplestats@nobs)/lavsamplestats@ntotal
    # Fixme: as we only need the trace, perhaps we could do this
    # group-specific? (see lav_test_satorra_bentler_trace_original)
    for(g in seq_len(lavdata@ngroups)) {
        # group weight
        Wc.g[[g]] <- fg[g] * Wc[[g]]
        Wm.g[[g]] <- fg[g] * Wm[[g]]
        Wmi.g[[g]]   <- 1/fg[g] * Wmi[[g]]

        # Gamma
        if(version == "V3") {
            Gamma.g <-  Wmi[[g]] %*% Jm[[g]] %*% Wmi[[g]]
            Gamma.f[[g]] <- 1/fg[g] * Gamma.g
    # create 'big' matrices
    Wc.all  <- lav_matrix_bdiag(Wc.g)
    Wm.all  <- lav_matrix_bdiag(Wm.g)
    Wmi.all <- lav_matrix_bdiag(Wmi.g)
    Delta.all  <- do.call("rbind", Delta)

    # compute trace
    U <- Wm.all - Wm.all %*% Delta.all %*% E.inv %*% t(Delta.all) %*% Wm.all

    # V3 or V6?
    if(version == "V3") {
        Gamma.all  <- lav_matrix_bdiag(Gamma.f)
        k.fimlc <-
            sum(diag(U %*% Wmi.all %*% Wc.all %*% Wmi.all %*% U %*% Gamma.all))
    } else {
        # V6
        k.fimlc <- sum(diag(Wc.all %*% Wmi.all %*% U %*% Wmi.all))

    # convert to lavaan 'scaling.factor'
    c.hat3 <- k.fimlc/df3
    XX3.scaled <- XX3/c.hat3

    # collect temp results
    out <- list(XX3 = XX3, df3 = df3,
                    c.hat3 = c.hat3, XX3.scaled = XX3.scaled,
                    XX3.null = as.numeric(NA), df3.null = as.numeric(NA),
                    c.hat3.null = as.numeric(NA))

    # baseline model
    fitB <- try(lav_object_independence(lavobject), silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(fitB, "try-error")) {
    # 'refit' using 'tilde' (=EM/saturated) sample statistics
    fitB.tilde <- try(lavaan(model = parTable(fitB),
                             sample.cov = COV.tilde,
                             sample.mean = MEAN.tilde,
                             sample.nobs = sample.nobs,
                             sample.cov.rescale = FALSE,
                             information = "observed",
                             optim.method = "none",
                             se = "none",
                             test = "standard",
                             baseline = FALSE,
                             check.post = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(fitB.tilde, "try-error")) {

    XX3.null <- fitB.tilde@test[[1]]$stat
    df3.null <- fitB.tilde@test[[1]]$df

    fitB@Options$h1.information <- c("unstructured", "unstructured")
    fitB@Options$observed.information <- c("h1", "h1")
    E.invB <- lavTech(fitB, "inverted.information")
    DeltaB <- lavTech(fitB, "Delta")
    DeltaB.all <- do.call("rbind", DeltaB)

    # trace baseline model
    UB <- Wm.all - Wm.all %*% DeltaB.all %*% E.invB %*% t(DeltaB.all) %*% Wm.all
    # V3 or V6?
    if(version == "V3") {
        kb.fimlc <-
          sum(diag(UB %*% Wmi.all %*% Wc.all %*% Wmi.all %*% UB %*% Gamma.all))
    } else {
        # V6
        kb.fimlc <- sum(diag(Wc.all %*% Wmi.all %*% UB %*% Wmi.all))

    # convert to lavaan 'scaling.factor'
    c.hat3.null <- kb.fimlc/df3.null

    # return values
    list(XX3 = XX3, df3 = df3, c.hat3 = c.hat3, XX3.scaled = XX3.scaled,
         XX3.null = XX3.null, df3.null = df3.null, c.hat3.null = c.hat3.null)

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lavaan documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:08 p.m.