
Defines functions lav_object_summary

# initial version: YR 03/05/2017

# major change: YR 14/06/2022 for 0.6-12
# - summary() is now silent if not printed
# - here, we only collect the necessary ingredients, and store them in a
#   a list
# - the result is a S3 class lavaan.summary
# - the actual printing is done by print.lavaan.summary (see lav_print.R)

# YR 26 July 2022: add fm.args= argument to change the way (some) fit measures
#                  are computed
# YR 24 Sept 2022: add efa= argument
# YR 19 Nov  2023: add remove.unused= argument
# TDJ 28 March 2024: deprecate std.nox= argument ("std.nox" can be %in% standardized=)

# create summary of a lavaan object
lav_object_summary <- function(object, header = TRUE,
                               fit.measures = FALSE,
                               fm.args =
                                   standard.test = "default",
                                   scaled.test = "default",
                                   rmsea.ci.level = 0.90,
                                   rmsea.h0.closefit = 0.05,
                                   rmsea.h0.notclosefit = 0.08
                               estimates = TRUE,
                               ci = FALSE,
                               fmi = FALSE,
                               standardized = FALSE,
                               std = standardized,
                               remove.step1 = TRUE,
                               remove.unused = TRUE,
                               cov.std = TRUE,
                               rsquare = FALSE,
                               efa = FALSE,
                               efa.args =
                                   lambda = TRUE,
                                   theta = TRUE,
                                   psi = TRUE,
                                   eigenvalues = TRUE,
                                   sumsq.table = TRUE,
                                   lambda.structure = FALSE,
                                   fs.determinacy = FALSE,
                                   se = FALSE,
                                   zstat = FALSE,
                                   pvalue = FALSE
                               modindices = FALSE) {
  # return a list with the main ingredients
  res <- list()

  # this is to avoid partial matching of 'std' with std.nox
  if (is.logical(std) && is.logical(standardized)) {
    standardized <- std || standardized
  } else {
    # At least 1 is not logical. Retain only valid standardization options.
    standardized <- intersect(union(tolower(std), tolower(standardized)),

  # create the 'short' summary
  if (header) {
    # 1. collect header information
    if (.hasSlot(object, "version")) {
      VERSION <- object@version
    } else {
      VERSION <- "pre 0.6"
    res$header <- list(
      lavaan.version = VERSION,
      sam.approach = (.hasSlot(object, "internal") &&
      optim.method = object@Options$optim.method,
      optim.iterations = object@optim$iterations,
      optim.converged = object@optim$converged

    # sam or sem?
    if (.hasSlot(object, "internal") &&
      !is.null(object@internal$sam.method)) {
      # SAM version

      # 2. sam header
      res$sam.header <-
          sam.method = object@internal$sam.method,
          sam.local.options = object@internal$sam.local.options,
          sam.mm.list = object@internal$sam.mm.list,
          sam.mm.estimator = object@internal$sam.mm.estimator,
          sam.struc.estimator = object@internal$sam.struc.estimator

      # 3. no EFA (for now)?

      # 4. summarize lavdata
      res$data <- lav_data_summary_short(object@Data)

      # 5a. sam local test statistics
      res$sam <- list(
        sam.method = object@internal$sam.method,
        sam.mm.table = object@internal$sam.mm.table,
        sam.mm.rel = object@internal$sam.mm.rel,
        sam.struc.fit = object@internal$sam.struc.fit,
        ngroups = object@Data@ngroups,
        group.label = object@Data@group.label,
        nlevels = object@Data@nlevels,
        level.label = object@Data@level.label,
        block.label = object@Data@block.label

      # 5b. global test statistics (for global only)
      if (object@internal$sam.method == "global") {
        res$test <- object@test
    } else {
      # SEM version

      # 2. summarize optim info (including estimator)
      nrow.ceq.jac <- nrow(object@Model@ceq.JAC)
      #if (object@Model@ceq.simple.only) {
        # not needed, as nrow.ceq.jac is already zero
      #  nrow.ceq.jac <- 0L
      cin.simple.only <- FALSE
      ceq.simple.only <- FALSE
      if (.hasSlot(object@Model, "cin.simple.only")) {
        cin.simple.only <- object@Model@cin.simple.only
      if (.hasSlot(object@Model, "ceq.simple.only")) {
        ceq.simple.only <- object@Model@ceq.simple.only
      nrow.cin.jac <- nrow(object@Model@cin.JAC)
      if (cin.simple.only) {
        nrow.cin.jac <- 0L
      if (ceq.simple.only && cin.simple.only) {
        nrow.con.jac <- 0L
        con.jac.rank <- 0L
      } else {
        nrow.con.jac <- nrow(object@Model@con.jac)
        con.jac.rank <- qr(object@Model@con.jac)$rank

      res$optim <- list(
        estimator = object@Options$estimator,
        estimator.args = object@Options$estimator.args,
        optim.method = object@Options$optim.method,
        npar = object@Model@nx.free,
        eq.constraints = object@Model@eq.constraints,
        nrow.ceq.jac = nrow.ceq.jac,
        nrow.cin.jac = nrow.cin.jac,
        nrow.con.jac = nrow.con.jac,
        con.jac.rank = con.jac.rank

      # 3. if EFA/ESEM, summarize rotation info
      if (.hasSlot(object@Model, "nefa") && object@Model@nefa > 0L) {
        res$rotation <-
            rotation = object@Options$rotation,
            rotation.args = object@Options$rotation.args

      # 4. summarize lavdata
      res$data <- lav_data_summary_short(object@Data)

      # 5. test statistics
      TEST <- object@test
      # TDJ: check for user-supplied h1 model
      if (!is.null(object@external$h1.model)) {
        stopifnot(inherits(object@external$h1.model, "lavaan"))
        ## update @test slot
        TEST <- lav_update_test_custom_h1(lav_obj_h0 = object,
                                          lav_obj_h1 = object@external$h1.model)@test
      # double check if we have attr(TEST, "info") (perhaps old object?)
      if (is.null(attr(TEST, "info"))) {
        lavdata <- object@Data
        lavoptions <- object@Options
        attr(TEST, "info") <-
            ngroups = lavdata@ngroups,
            group.label = lavdata@group.label,
            information = lavoptions$information,
            h1.information = lavoptions$h1.information,
            observed.information = lavoptions$observed.information
      res$test <- TEST
    } # regular sem
  } # header

  # efa-related info
  if (efa) {
    res$efa <- lav_efa_summary(object, efa.args = efa.args)
  } # efa

  # only if requested, add the additional fit measures
  if (fit.measures) {
    # some early warnings (to avoid a hard stop)
    if (object@Data@data.type == "none") {
        "fit measures not available if there is no data"))
    } else if (length(object@Options$test) == 1L &&
      object@Options$test == "none") {
        "fit measures not available if test = \"none\""))
    } else if (object@optim$npar > 0L && !object@optim$converged) {
        "fit measures not available if model did not converge"))
    } else {
      FIT <- lav_fit_measures(object,
        fit.measures = "default",
        fm.args = fm.args
      res$fit <- FIT

  # main ingredient: the parameter table
  if (estimates) {
    PE <- parameterEstimates(object,
      ci = ci, standardized = standardized,
      rsquare = rsquare, fmi = fmi,
      cov.std = cov.std,
      remove.eq = FALSE, remove.system.eq = TRUE,
      remove.ineq = FALSE, remove.def = FALSE,
      remove.nonfree = FALSE,
      remove.step1 = remove.step1,
      remove.unused = remove.unused,
      output = "text",
      header = TRUE
    res$pe <- as.data.frame(PE)

  # modification indices?
  if (modindices) {
    MI <- modificationIndices(object, standardized = TRUE, cov.std = cov.std)
    res$mi <- MI

  # create lavaan.summary S3 class
  class(res) <- c("lavaan.summary", "list")


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lavaan documentation built on Sept. 27, 2024, 9:07 a.m.