# LDW 26 Mar 2024: use option settings and store in cache environment
lavaan_cache_env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
# functions to handle warn/debug/verbose options
# (no longer in 'standard' options)
# if x not present returns the current value of opt.warn/debug/verbose
# if x present
# if x different from current value, assign x to current value and return TRUE
# else return FALSE
lav_warn <- function(x) {
optwarn <- get0("opt.warn", lavaan_cache_env, ifnotfound = TRUE)
if (missing(x)) {
} else {
setwarn <- as.logical(x)
if (setwarn != optwarn) {
if (setwarn) {
# because default TRUE, removing value is the same as setting to TRUE
rm("opt.warn", envir = lavaan_cache_env)
} else {
assign("opt.warn", FALSE, lavaan_cache_env)
} else {
lav_debug <- function(x) {
optdebug <- get0("opt.debug", lavaan_cache_env, ifnotfound = FALSE)
if (missing(x)) {
} else {
setdebug <- as.logical(x)
if (setdebug != optdebug) {
if (setdebug) {
assign("opt.debug", TRUE, lavaan_cache_env)
} else {
# because default FALSE, removing value is the same as setting to FALSE
rm("opt.debug", envir = lavaan_cache_env)
} else {
lav_verbose <- function(x) {
optverbose <- get0("opt.verbose", lavaan_cache_env, ifnotfound = FALSE)
if (missing(x)) {
} else {
setverbose <- as.logical(x)
if (setverbose != optverbose) {
if (setverbose) {
assign("opt.verbose", TRUE, lavaan_cache_env)
} else {
# because default FALSE, removing value is the same as setting to FALSE
rm("opt.verbose", envir = lavaan_cache_env)
} else {
# set the default options (including unspecified values "default")
lav_options_default <- function() {
if (exists("opt.default", lavaan_cache_env)) {
opt <- get("opt.default", lavaan_cache_env)
# ---------------- preparation -----------------
opt.default <- list()
opt.check <- list()
elm <- function(
name = NULL, # name of option, if length 2 first is sublist name
dflt = NULL, # default value
chr = NULL, # valid strings (names) and replacement values
nm = NULL, # valid numeric interval
bl = FALSE, # logical OK?
oklen = c(1L, 1L), # lengte > 1 OK, second negative to have a warning
# and not an error when length greater then abs(oklen[2])
num2int = FALSE # should numerical values be converted to int?
) {
stopifnot(any(length(name) == 1:2))
stopifnot(is.null(nm) || (length(nm) == 1 && grepl("^[][].*,.*[][]$", nm)))
stopifnot(length(bl) == 1, is.logical(bl))
stopifnot(is.null(chr) || is.character(chr))
stopifnot(length(oklen) == 2, oklen[1] <= abs(oklen[2]))
stopifnot(length(num2int) == 1, is.logical(num2int))
# prepare list to store for checking option
list2store <- list(oklen = oklen)
if (!is.null(chr)) {
if (is.null(names(chr))) names(chr) <- chr
list2store$chr <- chr
if (!is.null(nm)) { <- grepl("^\\[", nm) <- grepl("\\]$", nm)
elems <- as.numeric(strsplit(gsub("[][ ]", "", nm), ",")[[1]])
if (num2int) {
elems[elems == -Inf] <- -2e9
elems[elems == Inf] <- 2e9
elems <- as.integer(elems)
list2store$nm <- list(bounds = elems, =, =
if (bl) list2store$bl <- TRUE
if (num2int) list2store$num2int <- TRUE
# store default and list for checking
if (length(name) == 1) name <- c("", name)
if (name[1] != "") {
if (is.null(opt.default[[name[1]]])) { # make sure sublists exist
opt.default[[name[1]]] <<- list()
sublist <- list()
attr(sublist, "SUB") <- TRUE # indicate as sublist
opt.check[[name[1]]] <<- sublist
opt.default[[name[1]]][[name[2]]] <<- dflt
if (is.null(dflt)) opt.default[[name[1]]][name[2]] <<- list(NULL)
opt.check[[name[1]]][[name[2]]] <<- list2store
} else {
opt.default[[name[2]]] <<- dflt
if (is.null(dflt)) opt.default[name[2]] <<- list(NULL)
opt.check[[name[2]]] <<- list2store
elmdup <- function(
name = NULL, # name(s) of option
from = NULL # name(s) of option to duplicatie
) {
if (length(name) == 1) name <- c("", name)
if (length(from) == 1) from <- c("", from)
if (from[1] != "") {
from.default <- opt.default[[from[1]]][[from[2]]]
from.check <- opt.check[[from[1]]][[from[2]]]
} else {
from.default <- opt.default[[from[2]]]
from.check <- opt.check[[from[2]]]
if (name[1] != "") {
if (is.null(opt.default[[name[1]]])) { # make sure sublists exist
opt.default[[name[1]]] <<- list()
sublist <- list()
attr(sublist, "SUB") <- TRUE # indicate as sublist
opt.check[[name[1]]] <<- sublist
opt.default[[name[1]]][[name[2]]] <<- from.default
opt.check[[name[1]]][[name[2]]] <<- from.check
} else {
opt.default[[name[2]]] <<- from.default
opt.check[[name[2]]] <<- from.check
# ------------------------- store options --------------------------
elm("model.type", "sem", chr = c(lavaan = "lavaan", cfa = "cfa",
growth = "growth", sem = "sem", efa = "efa", path = "path",
unrestricted = "unrestricted"))
# global
elm("mimic", "lavaan", chr = c(default = "lavaan", lavaan = "lavaan",
regression = "lm", lisrel = "EQS",
eqs = "EQS", lm = "lm", mplus = "Mplus"
# model modifiers
elm("meanstructure", "default", chr = "default", bl = TRUE)
elm("", FALSE, bl = TRUE)
elm("", FALSE, bl = TRUE)
elm("", FALSE, bl = TRUE) # fix maker intercepts
# free lv means
elm("conditional.x", "default", chr = "default", bl = TRUE)
elm("fixed.x", "default", chr = "default", bl = TRUE)
elm("orthogonal", FALSE, bl = TRUE)
elm("orthogonal.x", FALSE, bl = TRUE)
elm("orthogonal.y", FALSE, bl = TRUE)
elm("", FALSE, bl = TRUE)
elm("correlation", FALSE, bl = TRUE) # correlation structure
elm("effect.coding", FALSE, chr = c("",
"loadings", "intercepts",
"", "",
"", ""),
bl = TRUE, oklen = c(0L, 6L))
elm("ceq.simple", FALSE, bl = TRUE) # treat simple eq cons special?
elm("parameterization", "default", c(
"default", "mml", "delta", "theta"))
elm("auto.fix.first", FALSE, bl = TRUE)
elm("auto.fix.single", FALSE, bl = TRUE)
elm("auto.var", FALSE, bl = TRUE)
elm("", FALSE, bl = TRUE)
elm("auto.cov.y", FALSE, bl = TRUE)
elm("", FALSE, bl = TRUE)
elm("", FALSE, bl = TRUE)
elm("auto.efa", FALSE, bl = TRUE)
# rotation
elm("rotation", "geomin", chr = c(crawfer = "cf", crawford.ferguson = "cf",
crawfordferguson = "cf", cf = "cf",
varimax = "varimax", quartimax = "quartimax", orthomax = "orthomax",
oblimin = "oblimin", quartimin = "quartimin", geomin = "geomin",
entropy = "entropy", mccammon = "mccammon", infomax = "infomax",
tandem1 = "tandem1", tandem2 = "tandem2", none = "none", promax = "promax",
oblimax = "oblimax", bentler = "bentler", simplimax = "simplimax",
target = "target", pst = "pst", cf.quartimax = "cf-quartimax",
cf.varimax = "cf-varimax", cf.equamax = "cf-equamax",
cf.parsimax = "cf-parsimax", cf.facparsim = "cf-facparsim",
bi.quartimin = "biquartimin",
biquartimin = "biquartimin", bi.geomin = "bigeomin", bigeomin = "bigeomin"
elm("", "bordered", chr = c("delta", "bordered"))
# rotation-args sublist
elm(c("rotation.args", "orthogonal"), FALSE, bl = TRUE)
elm(c("rotation.args", "row.weights"), "default", chr = c(
default = "default", kaiser = "kaiser", none = "none",
cureton.mulaik = "cm", cm = "cm"))
elm(c("rotation.args", "std.ov"), TRUE, bl = TRUE)
elm(c("rotation.args", "geomin.epsilon"), 0.001, nm = "]0, 0.01]")
# was 0.01 < 0.6-10
elm(c("rotation.args", "orthomax.gamma"), 1, nm = "[0, 1]")
elm(c("rotation.args", "cf.gamma"), 0, nm = "[0, 1]")
elm(c("rotation.args", "oblimin.gamma"), 0, nm = "[0, 1000]")
elm(c("rotation.args", "promax.kappa"), 4, nm = "[0, 1000]")
elm(c("rotation.args", "target"), matrix(0, 0, 0), oklen = c(0L, 1000L))
elm(c("rotation.args", "target.mask"), matrix(0, 0, 0), oklen = c(0L, 1000L))
elm(c("rotation.args", "rstarts"), 30L, nm = "[0, 1000000]")
elm(c("rotation.args", "algorithm"), "gpa", chr = c("gpa", "pairwise"))
elm(c("rotation.args", "reflect"), TRUE, bl = TRUE)
elm(c("rotation.args", ""), "index",
chr = c("sumofsquares", "index", "none"))
elm(c("rotation.args", "gpa.tol"), 1e-05, nm = "]0, 0.01]")
elm(c("rotation.args", "tol"), 1e-08, nm = "]0, 0.01]")
elm(c("rotation.args", "warn"), FALSE, bl = TRUE)
elm(c("rotation.args", "verbose"), FALSE, bl = TRUE)
elm(c("rotation.args", "jac.init.rot"), TRUE, bl = TRUE)
elm(c("rotation.args", "max.iter"), 10000L, nm = "[0, 1000000]")
# full data
elm("std.ov", FALSE, bl = TRUE)
elm("missing", "default", chr = c(
default = "default", ml = "ml", direct = "ml",
ml.x = "ml.x", direct.x = "ml.x", fiml.x = "ml.x", fiml = "ml",
two.stage = "two.stage", twostage = "two.stage", two.step = "two.stage",
twostep = "two.stage", robust.two.stage = "robust.two.stage",
robust.twostage = "robust.two.stage",
robust.two.step = "robust.two.stage",
robust.twostep = "robust.two.stage",
two.stage.robust = "robust.two.stage",
twostage.robust = "robust.two.stage",
two.step.robust = "robust.two.stage",
twostep.robust = "robust.two.stage",
listwise = "listwise", pairwise = "pairwise",
available.cases = "available.cases", doubly.robust = "doubly.robust"))
elm("sampling.weights.normalization", "total", chr = c(
"total", "group", "none"))
elm("samplestats", TRUE, bl = TRUE)
# summary data
elm("sample.cov.rescale", "default", bl = TRUE)
elm("sample.cov.robust", FALSE, bl = TRUE)
elm("sample.icov", TRUE, bl = TRUE)
elm("ridge", FALSE, bl = TRUE)
elm("ridge.constant", "default", chr = "default", nm = "[0, Inf[")
# multiple groups !!! group.label and group.partial capitals OK !!!
elm("group.label", NULL, oklen = c(0L, 100L)) # no checks
elm("group.equal", "", chr =
c("", "none", "loadings", "intercepts", "means", "composite.loadings",
"regressions", "residuals", "residual.covariances", "thresholds",
"lv.variances", "lv.covariances"), oklen = c(0L, 100L))
elm("group.partial", "", oklen = c(0L, 100L)) # no checks
elm("", FALSE, bl = TRUE)
# clusters
elm("level.label", NULL, oklen = c(0L, 100L)) # no checks
# estimation
elm("estimator", "default", chr = c(
none = "none", default = "default", wlsmv = "wlsmv", ml = "ml", mlr = "mlr",
mlf = "mlf", mlm = "mlm", mlmv = "mlmv", mlmvs = "mlmvs", gls = "gls",
wls = "wls", wlsm = "wlsm", uls = "uls", ulsm = "ulsm", ulsmv = "ulsmv",
pml = "pml", dls = "dls", ntrls = "ntrls", catml = "catml",
dwls = "dwls", wlsmvs = "wlsmvs", ulsmvs = "ulsmvs", fml = "fml",
umn = "fml", reml = "reml", mml = "mml", fabin = "fabin2",
fabin2 = "fabin2", fabin3 = "fabin3", mgm = "mgm", guttman = "mgm",
gutman = "mgm", gutmann = "mgm", guttman1952 = "mgm",
js = "js", jsa = "jsa", james.stein = "js",
james.stein.aggregated = "jsa", bentler = "bentler1982",
bentler1982 = "bentler1982", miiv = "miiv", iv = "miiv",
miiv.2sls = "miiv"
elmdup("estimator.orig", "estimator")
elm("estimator.args", list(), oklen = c(0L, 100L))
elm("likelihood", "default", chr = c("default", "normal", "wishart"))
elm("link", "default", chr = c("default", "logit", "probit"))
elm("representation", "default", chr = c(
default = "LISREL", lisrel = "LISREL", ram = "RAM"))
elm("", TRUE, bl = TRUE)
elm("bounds", "none", chr = c(
"none", "default", "standard", "user", "wide", "wide.zerovar", "pos.var",
"pos.ov.var", "")) # new in 0.6-6
elm("rstarts", 0L, nm = "[0, 1000]", num2int = TRUE) # new in 0.6-18
# inference
elm("se", "default", chr = c(
default = "default", none = "none", standard = "standard",
robust.huber.white = "robust.huber.white", robust = "robust",
robust.cluster = "robust.cluster",
robust.cluster.sem = "robust.cluster.sem",
sandwich = "robust.huber.white", robust.sem = "robust.sem",
two.stage = "two.stage", robust.two.stage = "robust.two.stage",
bootstrap = "bootstrap", boot = "bootstrap", first.order = "first.order",
robust.mlm = "robust.sem", robust.mlr = "robust.huber.white",
observed = "observed", expected = "expected"),
oklen = c(1L, -1L)
elm("test", "default", oklen = c(1L, 100L))
# checks for 'test' are in lav_test_rename !!!
# information (se + test)
elm("information", c("default", "default"), chr = c(
"default", "expected", "observed", "first.order"), oklen = c(1L, 2L))
elm("h1.information", c("structured", "structured"), chr = c(
"structured", "unstructured"), oklen = c(1L, 2L))
elm("observed.information", c("hessian", "default"), chr = c(
"default", "hessian", "h1"), oklen = c(1L, 2L))
# information se only
elm("information.meat", "default",
chr = c(default = "first.order", first.order = "first.order"))
elm("h1.information.meat", "default", chr = c(
"default", "structured", "unstructured"))
# information for 'Omega' (yuan-benter test only)
elm("omega.information", "default", chr = c(
"default", "expected", "observed"
elm("omega.h1.information", "default", chr = c(
"default", "structured", "unstructured"
elm("omega.information.meat", "default", chr = c(
default = "first.order", first.order = "first.order"
elm("omega.h1.information.meat", "default", chr = c(
"default", "structured", "unstructured"
# test statistic for scaling
elm("scaled.test", "standard", oklen = c(1L, 100L))
# old approach trace.UGamma2
elm("ug2.old.approach", FALSE, bl = TRUE)
# bootstrap
elm("bootstrap", 1000L, nm = "[1, Inf[", num2int = TRUE)
# gamma
elm("", FALSE, bl = TRUE)
elm("gamma.unbiased", FALSE, bl = TRUE)
# optimization
elm("control", list(), oklen = c(0L, 100L))
elm("optim.method", "default", chr = c(
"nlminb", "nlminb0", "nlminb1", "nlminb2",
"bfgs", "l.bfgs.b", "gn", "default", "noniter", "none", "em"
)) # gn for DLS, nlminb rest
elm("optim.attempts", 4L, nm = "[1, 4]")
elm("optim.force.converged", FALSE, bl = TRUE)
elm("optim.gradient", "analytic", chr = c(
analytic = "analytic", analytical = "analytic",
numeric = "numerical", numerical = "numerical"
elm("optim.init_nelder_mead", FALSE, bl = TRUE)
elm("optim.var.transform", "none", chr = c(
"none", "sqrt"
elm("optim.parscale", "none", chr = c(
none = "none", st = "standardized", stand = "standardized",
standardize = "standardized", standardized = "standardized"
elm("optim.partrace", FALSE, bl = TRUE)
elm("optim.dx.tol", 1e-03, nm = "]0, 0.01]") # not too strict
elm("optim.bounds", list(), oklen = c(0L, 100L))
elm("em.iter.max", 10000L, nm = "[100, 1e8]", num2int = TRUE)
elm("em.fx.tol", 1e-08, nm = "]0, 0.01]")
elm("em.dx.tol", 1e-04, nm = "]0, 0.01]")
elm("em.zerovar.offset", 0.0001, nm = "]0, 0.01]")
elm("em.h1.iter.max", 500L, nm = "[10, 1e7]", num2int = TRUE)
elm("em.h1.tol", 1e-05, nm = "]0, 0.01]") # was 1e-06 < 0.6-9
elm("em.h1.warn", TRUE, bl = TRUE)
elm("", 200L, nm = "[100, 1e8]", num2int = TRUE)
elm("", 10L, nm = "[1, 1e8]", num2int = TRUE)
elm("", 1e-05, nm = "]0, 0.01]")
# numerical integration
elm("integration.ngh", 21L, nm = "[1, 1000]", num2int = TRUE)
# parallel
elm("parallel", "no", chr = c(
"no", "multicore", "snow"
maxcpu <- max(1L, parallel::detectCores() - 1L)
elm("ncpus", maxcpu, nm = paste0("[1,", maxcpu, "]"))
elm("cl", NULL, oklen = c(0L, 1L))
elm("iseed", NULL, oklen = c(0L, 1L))
# categorical
elm("zero.add", c(0.5, 0.0), chr = "default",
nm = "[0, 1]", oklen = c(1L, -2L))
elm("zero.keep.margins", "default", chr = "default", bl = TRUE)
elm("zero.cell.warn", FALSE, bl = TRUE) # since 0.6-1
elm("allow.empty.cell", FALSE, bl = TRUE) # since 0.6-19
elm("cat.wls.w", TRUE, bl = TRUE) # since 0.6-18
# starting values (char values checked in lav_options_set())
elm("start", "default", oklen = c(1L, 1000L))
# sanity checks
elm("check.start", TRUE, bl = TRUE)
elm("", TRUE, bl = TRUE)
elm("check.gradient", TRUE, bl = TRUE)
elm("check.vcov", TRUE, bl = TRUE)
elm("", TRUE, bl = TRUE)
elm("", TRUE, bl = TRUE)
elm("", TRUE, bl = TRUE)
# more models/info
elm("h1", TRUE, bl = TRUE)
elm("baseline", TRUE, bl = TRUE)
elm("", TRUE, bl = TRUE)
elm("implied", TRUE, bl = TRUE)
elm("loglik", TRUE, bl = TRUE)
# storage of information
elm("store.vcov", "default", chr = "default", bl = TRUE)
# internal
elm("parser", "new", chr = c(old = "old", orig = "old", new = "new",
classic = "old"))
# categorical
elm("categorical", "default", chr = "default", bl = TRUE)
# ------------- store info in lavaan environment ---------------
assign("opt.default", opt.default, lavaan_cache_env)
assign("opt.check", opt.check, lavaan_cache_env)
# return defaults
# public function
lavOptions <- function(x = NULL, default = NULL, mimic = "lavaan") { # nolint
lavoptions <- lav_options_default()
# selection only
if (!is.null(x)) {
if (is.character(x)) {
# lower case only
x <- tolower(x)
# check if x is in names(lavoptions)
not.ok <- which(!x %in% names(lavoptions))
if (length(not.ok) > 0L) {
"option(s) %s not available", lav_msg_view(x[not.ok]))
x <- x[-not.ok]
# return requested option(s)
if (length(x) == 0L) {
} else {
} else {
lav_msg_stop(gettext("`x' must be a character string"))
} else {
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