# RAM representation
# initial version: YR 2021-10-04
lav_ram <- function(partable = NULL,
target = NULL,
extra = FALSE,
remove.nonexisting = TRUE) {
# prepare target list
if (is.null(target)) target <- partable
# not for categorical data (yet)
if (any(partable$op == "|")) {
lav_msg_stop(gettext("RAM representation is not (yet) supported for
categorical endogenous variables."))
# not for conditional.x = TRUE yet
conditional.x <- any(partable$exo > 0L & partable$op == "~")
if (conditional.x) {
lav_msg_stop(gettext("RAM representation is not (yet) supported
if conditional.x = TRUE"))
# prepare output
N <- length(target$lhs)
tmp.mat <- character(N)
tmp.row <- integer(N)
tmp.col <- integer(N)
# global settings
meanstructure <- any(partable$op == "~1")
categorical <- any(partable$op == "|") <- any(partable$lhs == "group" & partable$op == "%")
# number of blocks
nblocks <- lav_partable_nblocks(partable)
# always return ov.idx
ov.idx <- vector("list", nblocks)
ov.dummy.names.nox <- vector("list", nblocks)
ov.dummy.names.x <- vector("list", nblocks)
if (extra) {
REP.mmNames <- vector("list", nblocks)
REP.mmNumber <- vector("list", nblocks)
REP.mmRows <- vector("list", nblocks)
REP.mmCols <- vector("list", nblocks)
REP.mmDimNames <- vector("list", nblocks)
REP.mmSymmetric <- vector("list", nblocks)
for (g in 1:nblocks) {
# info from user model per block
ov.names <- vnames(partable, "ov", block = g)
nvar <- length(ov.names)
ov.idx[[g]] <- seq_len(nvar)
ov.dummy.names.nox[[g]] <- character(0)
ov.dummy.names.x[[g]] <- character(0)
lv.names <- vnames(partable, "lv", block = g)
both.names <- c(ov.names, lv.names)
nboth <- length(both.names)
# 1. "=~" indicators
idx <- which(target$block == g & target$op == "=~")
tmp.mat[idx] <- "A"
tmp.row[idx] <- match(target$rhs[idx], both.names)
tmp.col[idx] <- match(target$lhs[idx], both.names)
# 2. "~" regressions
idx <- which(target$block == g & (target$op == "~" |
target$op == "<~"))
tmp.mat[idx] <- "A"
tmp.row[idx] <- match(target$lhs[idx], both.names)
tmp.col[idx] <- match(target$rhs[idx], both.names)
# 3. "~~" variances/covariances
idx <- which(target$block == g & target$op == "~~")
tmp.mat[idx] <- "S"
tmp.row[idx] <- match(target$lhs[idx], both.names)
tmp.col[idx] <- match(target$rhs[idx], both.names)
# catch lower-elements in theta/psi
idx.lower <- which(tmp.mat == "S" & tmp.row > tmp.col)
if (length(idx.lower) > 0L) {
tmp <- tmp.row[idx.lower]
tmp.row[idx.lower] <- tmp.col[idx.lower]
tmp.col[idx.lower] <- tmp
# 4. "~1" means/intercepts
idx <- which(target$block == g & target$op == "~1")
tmp.mat[idx] <- "m"
tmp.row[idx] <- match(target$lhs[idx], both.names)
tmp.col[idx] <- 1L
# 5. "|" th
# not used yet
# 6. "~*~" scales
# not used yet
# 7. group weights
idx <- which(target$block == g & target$lhs == "group" &
target$op == "%")
tmp.mat[idx] <- "gw"
tmp.row[idx] <- 1L
tmp.col[idx] <- 1L
if (extra) {
# mRows
mmRows <- list(
ov.idx = 1L,
A = nboth,
S = nboth,
m = nboth,
gw = 1L
# mCols
mmCols <- list(
ov.idx = nvar,
A = nboth,
S = nboth,
m = 1L,
gw = 1L
# dimNames for LISREL model matrices
mmDimNames <- list(
ov.idx = list("ov.idx", ov.names),
A = list(both.names, both.names),
S = list(both.names, both.names),
m = list(both.names, "intercept"),
gw = list("group", "weight")
# isSymmetric
mmSymmetric <- list(
ov.idx = FALSE,
m = FALSE,
gw = FALSE
# which mm's do we need? (always include ov.idx, A and S)
IDX <- which(target$block == g)
mmNames <- c("ov.idx", "A", "S")
if (meanstructure) {
mmNames <- c(mmNames, "m")
if ("gw" %in% tmp.mat[IDX]) {
mmNames <- c(mmNames, "gw")
REP.mmNames[[g]] <- mmNames
REP.mmNumber[[g]] <- length(mmNames)
REP.mmRows[[g]] <- unlist(mmRows[mmNames])
REP.mmCols[[g]] <- unlist(mmCols[mmNames])
REP.mmDimNames[[g]] <- mmDimNames[mmNames]
REP.mmSymmetric[[g]] <- unlist(mmSymmetric[mmNames])
} # extra
} # nblocks
REP <- list(
mat = tmp.mat,
row = tmp.row,
col = tmp.col
# always return ov.idx attribute
attr(REP, "ov.idx") <- ov.idx
attr(REP, "ov.dummy.names.nox") <- ov.dummy.names.nox
attr(REP, "ov.dummy.names.x") <- ov.dummy.names.x
if (extra) {
attr(REP, "mmNames") <- REP.mmNames
attr(REP, "mmNumber") <- REP.mmNumber
attr(REP, "mmRows") <- REP.mmRows
attr(REP, "mmCols") <- REP.mmCols
attr(REP, "mmDimNames") <- REP.mmDimNames
attr(REP, "mmSymmetric") <- REP.mmSymmetric
# the model-implied variance/covariance matrix of the observed variables
lav_ram_sigmahat <- function(MLIST = NULL, delta = NULL) {
ov.idx <- as.integer(MLIST$ov.idx[1, ])
# get (I-A)^{-1}
IA.inv <- lav_matrix_inverse_iminus(A)
# compute Sigma for all ov and lv
VYeta <- tcrossprod(IA.inv %*% S, IA.inv)
# select only observed part
VY <- VYeta[ov.idx, ov.idx, drop = FALSE]
# if delta, scale
if (!is.null(MLIST$delta) && delta) {
nvar <- ncol(VY)
DELTA <- diag(MLIST$delta[, 1L], nrow = nvar, ncol = nvar)
VY <- DELTA %*% VY %*% DELTA
# VETA: the variance/covariance matrix of the latent variables only
lav_ram_veta <- function(MLIST = NULL) {
ov.idx <- as.integer(MLIST$ov.idx[1, ])
# get (I-A)^{-1}
IA.inv <- lav_matrix_inverse_iminus(A)
# compute Sigma for all ov and lv
VYeta <- tcrossprod(IA.inv %*% S, IA.inv)
# select only latent part
VETA <- VYeta[-ov.idx, -ov.idx, drop = FALSE]
# MuHat: the model-implied means/intercepts
lav_ram_muhat <- function(MLIST = NULL) {
ov.idx <- as.integer(MLIST$ov.idx[1, ])
m <- MLIST$m
# shortcut
if (is.null(m)) {
return(matrix(0, nrow = length(ov.idx), 1L))
# get (I-A)^{-1}
IA.inv <- lav_matrix_inverse_iminus(A)
# all means/intercepts
EYeta <- IA.inv %*% m
# select observed only
muhat <- EYeta[ov.idx, , drop = FALSE]
# derivative of 'Sigma' wrt the (freel) elements in A and/or S
lav_ram_dsigma <- function(m = "A",
idx = seq_len(length(MLIST[[m]])),
vech = TRUE) {
ov.idx <- as.integer(MLIST$ov.idx[1, ])
nvar <- length(ov.idx)
nboth <- nrow(A)
# shortcut for ov.idx, m, ...
if (!m %in% c("A", "S")) {
pstar <- nvar * (nvar + 1) / 2
return(matrix(0.0, nrow = pstar, ncol = length(idx)))
# get (I-A)^{-1}
IA.inv <- lav_matrix_inverse_iminus(A)
if (m == "A") {
L1 <- (IA.inv %*% S %*% t(IA.inv))[ov.idx, , drop = FALSE]
KOL.idx <- matrix(1:(nboth * nboth), nboth, nboth, byrow = TRUE)[idx]
DX <- (L1 %x% IA.inv[ov.idx, , drop = FALSE])[, idx, drop = FALSE] +
(IA.inv[ov.idx, , drop = FALSE] %x% L1)[, KOL.idx, drop = FALSE]
# this is not really needed (because we select idx=m.el.idx)
# but just in case we need all elements of beta...
DX[, which(idx %in% lav_matrix_diag_idx(nboth))] <- 0.0
} else if (m == "S") {
DX <- (IA.inv[ov.idx, , drop = FALSE] %x% IA.inv[ov.idx, , drop = FALSE])
# symmetry correction, but keeping all duplicated elements
# since we depend on idx=m.el.idx
lower.idx <- lav_matrix_vech_idx(nboth, diagonal = FALSE)
upper.idx <- lav_matrix_vechru_idx(nboth, diagonal = FALSE)
offdiagSum <- DX[, lower.idx] + DX[, upper.idx]
DX[, c(lower.idx, upper.idx)] <- cbind(offdiagSum, offdiagSum)
DX <- DX[, idx, drop = FALSE]
} else {
lav_msg_stop(gettext("wrong model matrix names:"), m)
# vech?
if (vech) {
v.idx <- lav_matrix_vech_idx(nvar)
DX <- DX[v.idx, , drop = FALSE]
# derivative of 'Mu' wrt the (free) elements in A and/or m
lav_ram_dmu <- function(m = "A",
idx = seq_len(length(MLIST[[m]])),
vech = TRUE) {
ov.idx <- as.integer(MLIST$ov.idx[1, ])
nvar <- length(ov.idx)
nboth <- nrow(A)
# shortcut for ov.idx, m, ...
if (!m %in% c("A", "m")) {
return(matrix(0.0, nrow = nvar, ncol = length(idx)))
# get (I-A)^{-1}
IA.inv <- lav_matrix_inverse_iminus(A)
if (m == "A") {
DX <- (t(IA.inv %*% MLIST$m) %x% IA.inv)[ov.idx, idx, drop = FALSE]
} else if (m == "m") {
DX <- IA.inv[ov.idx, idx, drop = FALSE]
} else {
lav_msg_stop(gettext("wrong model matrix names:"), m)
# derivative of ML/GLS objective function F wrt the free parameters
lav_ram_df <- function(MLIST = NULL, Omega = NULL, = NULL) {
ov.idx <- as.integer(MLIST$ov.idx[1, ])
nvar <- length(ov.idx)
nboth <- nrow(A)
# get (I-A)^{-1}
IA.inv <- lav_matrix_inverse_iminus(A)
# meanstructure?
meanstructure <- FALSE
if (!is.null( meanstructure <- TRUE
# pre-compute
tIA.inv <- t(IA.inv)
Omega..IA.inv..S..tIA.inv <- (Omega %*% IA.inv[ov.idx, , drop = FALSE] %*% S %*% t(IA.inv))
# 1. A
if (meanstructure) {
A.deriv <-
-1.0 * ((t(IA.inv)[, ov.idx, drop = FALSE] %*% ( %*% t(MLIST$m)) %*% t(IA.inv)) +
(tIA.inv[, ov.idx, drop = FALSE] %*% Omega..IA.inv..S..tIA.inv))
} else {
A.deriv <- -1.0 * (tIA.inv[, ov.idx, drop = FALSE] %*% Omega..IA.inv..S..tIA.inv)
# 2. S
S.deriv <- -1.0 * (tIA.inv[, ov.idx, drop = FALSE] %*% Omega %*% IA.inv[ov.idx, , drop = FALSE])
diag(S.deriv) <- 0.5 * diag(S.deriv)
if (meanstructure) {
m.deriv <- -1.0 * t(t( %*% IA.inv[ov.idx, , drop = FALSE])
} else {
m.deriv <- NULL
A = A.deriv,
S = S.deriv,
m = m.deriv
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