
Defines functions verifyIconLibrary leafletAwesomeMarkersDependencies leafletAmIonIconDependencies leafletAmFontAwesomeDependencies leafletAmBootstrapDependencies availableShapes parseValues leaflegendAddControl addLegendAwesomeIcon addLegendSymbol addLegendLine makeSymbolsSize sizeBreaks sizeNumeric addLegendSize addNa makeLegendCategorical addLegendFactor addLegendBin addLegendQuantile addTitle makeNumericVertical makeNumericHorizontal addLegendNumeric addSymbolsSize addSymbols makeSymbolIcons drawTriangle drawPolygon drawStar drawCross drawDiamond drawPlus makeLegendSymbol makeSvgUri coalesce_missing pchSvg symbolSvg makeSymbol addLegendImage

Documented in addLegendAwesomeIcon addLegendBin addLegendFactor addLegendImage addLegendLine addLegendNumeric addLegendQuantile addLegendSize addLegendSymbol addSymbols addSymbolsSize availableShapes makeSvgUri makeSymbol makeSymbolIcons makeSymbolsSize sizeBreaks sizeNumeric

#' Add a Legend with Images
#' Creates a legend with images that are embedded into a 'leaflet' map so that
#' images do not need to be packaged when saving a 'leaflet' map as HTML. Full
#' control over the label and title style. The 'leaflet' map is passed through
#' and the output is a control so that legend is fully integrated with other
#' functionalities.
#' @param map
#' a map widget object created from 'leaflet'
#' @param images
#' path to the image file
#' @param labels
#' labels for each image
#' @param title
#' the legend title, pass in HTML to style
#' @param labelStyle
#' character string of style argument for HTML text
#' @param orientation
#' stack the legend items vertically or horizontally
#' @param width
#' in pixels
#' @param height
#' in pixels
#' @param group
#' group name of a leaflet layer group
#' @param className
#' extra CSS class to append to the control, space separated
#' @param ...
#' arguments to pass to \link[leaflet]{addControl}
#' @return
#' an object from \link[leaflet]{addControl}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(leaflet)
#' data(quakes)
#' quakes1 <- quakes[1:10,]
#' colors <- c('blue', 'red', 'yellow', 'green', 'orange', 'purple')
#' i <- as.integer(cut(quakes$mag, breaks = quantile(quakes$mag, seq(0,1,1/6)),
#'                     include.lowest = TRUE))
#' leafImg <- system.file(sprintf('img/leaf-%s.png', colors),
#'                        package = 'leaflegend')
#' leafIcons <- icons(
#'   iconUrl = leafImg[i],
#'   iconWidth = 133/236 * 50, iconHeight = 50
#' )
#' leaflet(data = quakes) %>% addTiles() %>%
#'   addMarkers(~long, ~lat, icon = leafIcons) %>%
#'   addLegendImage(images = leafImg,
#'                  labels = colors,
#'                  width = 133/236 * 50,
#'                  height = 50,
#'                  orientation = 'vertical',
#'                  title = htmltools::tags$div('Leaf',
#'                                              style = 'font-size: 24px;
#'                                              text-align: center;'),
#'                  position = 'topright')
#'  # use raster images with size encodings
#'  height <- sizeNumeric(quakes$depth, baseSize = 40)
#'  width <- height * 38 / 95
#'  symbols <- icons(
#'    iconUrl = leafImg[4],
#'    iconWidth = width,
#'    iconHeight = height)
#'  probs <- c(.2, .4, .6, .8)
#'  leaflet(quakes) %>%
#'    addTiles() %>%
#'    addMarkers(icon = symbols,
#'               lat = ~lat, lng = ~long) %>%
#'    addLegendImage(
#'      images = rep(leafImg[4], 4),
#'      labels = round(quantile(height, probs = probs), 0),
#'      width = quantile(height, probs = probs) * 38 / 95,
#'      height = quantile(height, probs = probs),
#'      title = htmltools::tags$div(
#'        'Leaf',
#'        style = 'font-size: 24px; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 5px;'),
#'      position = 'topright', orientation = 'vertical')
addLegendImage <- function(
    title = NULL,
    labelStyle = 'font-size: 24px; vertical-align: middle;',
    orientation = c('vertical', 'horizontal'),
    width = 20,
    height = 20,
    group = NULL,
    className = 'info legend leaflet-control',
    ...) {
  stopifnot(length(images) == length(labels))
  stopifnot( all(width >= 0) && all(height >= 0) )
  orientation <- match.arg(orientation)
  if ( orientation == 'vertical' ) {
    htmlTag <- htmltools::tags$div
  } else {
    htmlTag <- htmltools::tags$span
  if ( inherits(images, 'svgURI') ) {
    images <- list(images)
  htmlElements <- Map(
    img = images,
    label = labels,
    htmlTag = list(htmlTag),
    width = width,
    height = height,
    maxWidth = max(width) * (orientation == 'vertical'),
    f =
      function(img, label, htmlTag, height, width, maxWidth) {
        marginWidth <- max(0, (maxWidth - width) / 2)
        imgStyle <- sprintf(
      'vertical-align: %s; margin: %spx; margin-right: %spx; margin-left: %spx',
      'middle', 5, marginWidth, marginWidth)
        if ( inherits(img, 'svgURI') ) {
          imgTag <- htmltools::tags$img(
            src = img,
            style = imgStyle,
            height = height,
            width = width
        } else {
          fileExt <- tolower(sub('.+(\\.)([a-zA-Z]+)', '\\2', img))
          stopifnot(fileExt %in% c('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg'))
          imgTag <- htmltools::tags$img(
            src = sprintf(
            style = imgStyle,
            height = height,
            width = width
        htmlTag(imgTag, htmltools::tags$span(label, style = labelStyle))
  htmlElements <- addTitle(title = title, htmlElements = htmlElements)
  leaflegendAddControl(map, html = htmltools::tagList(htmlElements),
                       className = className, group = group, ...)

#' Create Map Symbols for 'leaflet' maps
#' @param shape
#' the desired shape of the symbol, See \link[leaflegend]{availableShapes}
#' @param width
#' in pixels
#' @param height
#' in pixels
#' @param color
#' color of the symbol
#' @param fillColor
#' fill color of symbol
#' @param opacity
#' opacity of color
#' @param fillOpacity
#' opacity of fillColor
#' @param strokeWidth
#' width in pixels of symbol outline
#' @param ...
#' arguments to be passed to svg shape tag
#' @return
#' HTML svg element
#' @name mapSymbols
#' @export
makeSymbol <- function(shape, width, height = width, color, fillColor = color,
                       opacity = 1, fillOpacity = opacity, ...) {
  stopifnot(is.numeric(width) & is.numeric(height))
  stopifnot(is.numeric(opacity) & is.numeric(fillOpacity))
  if (shape %in% availableShapes()[['default']]) {
    svg <- symbolSvg(shape = shape,  width = width, height = height,
      color = color, fillColor = fillColor, opacity = opacity,
      fillOpacity = fillOpacity, ...)
  } else if (shape %in% availableShapes()[['pch']] || shape %in%
      (seq_along(availableShapes()[['pch']]) - 1)) {
    svg <- pchSvg(shape = shape,  width = width, height = height,
      color = color, fillColor = fillColor, opacity = opacity,
      fillOpacity = fillOpacity, ...)
  } else {
    stop('Argument "shape" is invalid. See `availableShapes()`.')
  strokeWidth <- 1
  if ( 'stroke-width' %in% names(list(...)) ) {
    strokeWidth <- list(...)[['stroke-width']]
  makeSvgUri(svg = svg, width = width, height = height,
    strokeWidth = strokeWidth)
symbolSvg <- function(shape, width, height, color, fillColor, opacity,
  fillOpacity, ...) {
  strokeWidth <- 1
  if ( 'stroke-width' %in% names(list(...)) ) {
    strokeWidth <- list(...)[['stroke-width']]
    'rect' = htmltools::tags$rect(
      id = 'rect',
      x = strokeWidth,
      y = strokeWidth,
      height = height,
      width = width,
      stroke = color,
      fill = fillColor,
      'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
      'fill-opacity' = fillOpacity,
    'circle' = htmltools::tags$circle(
      id = 'circle',
      cx = height / 2 + strokeWidth,
      cy = height / 2 + strokeWidth,
      r = height / 2,
      stroke = color,
      fill = fillColor,
      'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
      'fill-opacity' = fillOpacity,
    'triangle' = htmltools::tags$polygon(
      id = 'triangle',
      points = sprintf('%s,%s %s,%s %s,%s',
        height + strokeWidth,
        width + strokeWidth,
        height + strokeWidth,
        width / 2  + strokeWidth,
      stroke = color,
      fill = fillColor,
      'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
      'fill-opacity' = fillOpacity,
    'plus' = htmltools::tags$polygon(
      id = 'plus',
      points = drawPlus(width = width, height = height, offset = strokeWidth),
      stroke = color,
      fill = fillColor,
      'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
      'fill-opacity' = fillOpacity,
    'cross' = htmltools::tags$polygon(
      id = 'cross',
      points = drawCross(width = width, height = height, offset = strokeWidth),
      stroke = color,
      fill = fillColor,
      'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
      'fill-opacity' = fillOpacity,
    'diamond' = htmltools::tags$polygon(
      id = 'diamond',
      points = drawDiamond(width = width, height = height,
        offset = strokeWidth),
      stroke = color,
      fill = fillColor,
      'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
      'fill-opacity' = fillOpacity,
    'star' = htmltools::tags$polygon(
      id = 'star',
      points = drawStar(width = width, height = height, offset = strokeWidth),
      stroke = color,
      fill = fillColor,
      'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
      'fill-opacity' = fillOpacity,
    'stadium' = htmltools::tags$rect(
      id = 'stadium',
      x = strokeWidth,
      y = strokeWidth,
      height = height,
      width = width,
      rx = "25%",
      stroke = color,
      fill = fillColor,
      'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
      'fill-opacity' = fillOpacity,
    'line' = htmltools::tags$line(
      id = 'line',
      x1 = 0,
      x2 = width + strokeWidth * 2,
      y1 = height / 2 + strokeWidth,
      y2 = height / 2 + strokeWidth,
      stroke = color,
      'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
      'fill-opacity' = fillOpacity,
    'polygon' = htmltools::tags$polygon(
      id = 'polygon',
      points = drawPolygon(n = 5, width = width, height = height,
        offset = strokeWidth),
      stroke = color,
      fill = fillColor,
      'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
      'fill-opacity' = fillOpacity,
    stop('Invalid shape argument.')
pchSvg <- function(shape, width, height, color, fillColor, opacity,
  fillOpacity, ...) {
  hexPercentOffset <- .8
  strokeWidth <- 1
  if ( 'stroke-width' %in% names(list(...)) ) {
    strokeWidth <- list(...)[['stroke-width']]
  pchShape <-
      'open-rect' = htmltools::tags$g(
        transform = sprintf('translate(%f %f)', strokeWidth, strokeWidth),
          id = 'open-rect',
          x = 0,
          y = 0,
          height = height,
          width = width,
          stroke = color,
          fill = 'transparent',
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
      'open-circle' = htmltools::tags$g(
        transform = sprintf('translate(%f %f)', strokeWidth, strokeWidth),
          id = 'circle',
          cx = height / 2,
          cy = height / 2,
          r = height / 2,
          stroke = color,
          fill = 'transparent',
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
      'open-triangle' = htmltools::tags$g(
        transform = sprintf('translate(%f %f)', strokeWidth, strokeWidth),
          id = 'triangle',
          points = drawTriangle(width = width, height = height,
            offset = 0),
          stroke = color,
          fill = 'transparent',
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
      'simple-plus' = htmltools::tags$g(
        transform = sprintf('translate(%f %f)', strokeWidth, strokeWidth),
          id = 'pline1',
          x1 = 0,
          x2 = width,
          y1 = height / 2,
          y2 = height / 2,
          stroke = color,
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
          id = 'pline2',
          x1 = width / 2,
          x2 = width / 2,
          y1 = 0,
          y2 = height,
          stroke = color,
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
      'simple-cross' = htmltools::tags$g(
        transform = sprintf('translate(%f %f)', strokeWidth, strokeWidth),
          id = 'cline1',
          x1 = 0,
          x2 = width,
          y1 = 0,
          y2 = height,
          stroke = color,
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
          id = 'cline2',
          x1 = 0,
          x2 = width,
          y1 = height,
          y2 = 0,
          stroke = color,
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
      'open-diamond' =  htmltools::tags$polygon(
        id = 'diamond',
        points = drawDiamond(width = width, height = height,
          offset = strokeWidth),
        stroke = color,
        fill = 'transparent',
        'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
      'open-down-triangle' = htmltools::tags$polygon(
        id = 'triangle',
        points = drawTriangle(width = width, height = height,
          offset = strokeWidth),
        stroke = color,
        fill = 'transparent',
        'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
        transform = sprintf('rotate(180 %f %f)', height / 2 + strokeWidth,
          width / 2 + strokeWidth),
      'cross-rect' = htmltools::tags$g(
          id = 'cline1',
          x1 = strokeWidth,
          x2 = width + strokeWidth,
          y1 = strokeWidth,
          y2 = height + strokeWidth,
          stroke = color,
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
          id = 'cline2',
          x1 = strokeWidth,
          x2 = width + strokeWidth,
          y1 = height + strokeWidth,
          y2 = strokeWidth,
          stroke = color,
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
          id = 'open-rect',
          x = strokeWidth,
          y = strokeWidth,
          height = height,
          width = width,
          stroke = color,
          fill = 'transparent',
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
      'simple-star' = htmltools::tags$g(
          id = 'pline1',
          x1 = strokeWidth,
          x2 = width + strokeWidth,
          y1 = height / 2 + strokeWidth,
          y2 = height / 2 + strokeWidth,
          stroke = color,
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
          id = 'pline2',
          x1 = width / 2 + strokeWidth,
          x2 = width / 2 + strokeWidth,
          y1 = strokeWidth,
          y2 = height + strokeWidth,
          stroke = color,
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
          id = 'cline1',
          x1 = strokeWidth,
          x2 = width + strokeWidth,
          y1 = strokeWidth,
          y2 = height + strokeWidth,
          stroke = color,
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
          id = 'cline2',
          x1 = strokeWidth,
          x2 = width + strokeWidth,
          y1 = height + strokeWidth,
          y2 = strokeWidth,
          stroke = color,
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
      'plus-diamond' = htmltools::tags$g(
          id = 'pline1',
          x1 = strokeWidth,
          x2 = width + strokeWidth,
          y1 = height / 2 + strokeWidth,
          y2 = height / 2 + strokeWidth,
          stroke = color,
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
          id = 'pline2',
          x1 = width / 2 + strokeWidth,
          x2 = width / 2 + strokeWidth,
          y1 = strokeWidth,
          y2 = height + strokeWidth,
          stroke = color,
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
          id = 'diamond',
          points = drawDiamond(width = width, height = height,
            offset = strokeWidth),
          stroke = color,
          fill = 'transparent',
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
      'plus-circle' = htmltools::tags$g(
          id = 'pline1',
          x1 = strokeWidth,
          x2 = width + strokeWidth,
          y1 = height / 2 + strokeWidth,
          y2 = height / 2 + strokeWidth,
          stroke = color,
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
          id = 'pline2',
          x1 = width / 2 + strokeWidth,
          x2 = width / 2 + strokeWidth,
          y1 = strokeWidth,
          y2 = height + strokeWidth,
          stroke = color,
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
          id = 'circle',
          cx = height / 2 + strokeWidth,
          cy = height / 2 + strokeWidth,
          r = height / 2,
          stroke = color,
          fill = 'transparent',
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
      'hexagram' = htmltools::tags$g(
        transform = sprintf('translate(%f %f)', strokeWidth,
          strokeWidth + height * (1 - hexPercentOffset) / 2),
          id = 'triangle',
          points = drawTriangle(width = width * hexPercentOffset,
            height = height * hexPercentOffset,
            offset = 0),
          stroke = color,
          fill = 'transparent',
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
          transform = sprintf('rotate(180 %f %f) translate(%f %f)',
            height * hexPercentOffset / 2,
            width * hexPercentOffset / 2,
            -width * (1 - hexPercentOffset) / 2,
            -height * (1 - hexPercentOffset) / 2),
          id = 'triangle',
          points = drawTriangle(width = width * hexPercentOffset,
            height = height * hexPercentOffset,
            offset = 0),
          stroke = color,
          fill = 'transparent',
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
          transform = sprintf('translate(%f %f)',
            width * (1 - hexPercentOffset) / 2,
            -height * (1 - hexPercentOffset) / 2),
      'plus-rect' = htmltools::tags$g(
          id = 'pline1',
          x1 = strokeWidth,
          x2 = width + strokeWidth,
          y1 = height / 2 + strokeWidth,
          y2 = height / 2 + strokeWidth,
          stroke = color,
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
          id = 'pline2',
          x1 = width / 2 + strokeWidth,
          x2 = width / 2 + strokeWidth,
          y1 = strokeWidth,
          y2 = height + strokeWidth,
          stroke = color,
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
          id = 'open-rect',
          x = strokeWidth,
          y = strokeWidth,
          height = height,
          width = width,
          stroke = color,
          fill = 'transparent',
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
      'cross-circle' = htmltools::tags$g(
          id = 'cline1',
          x1 = strokeWidth,
          x2 = width + strokeWidth,
          y1 = strokeWidth,
          y2 = height + strokeWidth,
          stroke = color,
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
          id = 'cline2',
          x1 = strokeWidth,
          x2 = width + strokeWidth,
          y1 = height + strokeWidth,
          y2 = strokeWidth,
          stroke = color,
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
          id = 'circle',
          cx = height / 2 + strokeWidth,
          cy = height / 2 + strokeWidth,
          r = height / 2,
          stroke = color,
          fill = 'transparent',
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
      'triangle-rect' = htmltools::tags$g(
          id = 'triangle',
          points = drawTriangle(width = width, height = height,
            offset = strokeWidth),
          stroke = color,
          fill = 'transparent',
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
          id = 'open-rect',
          x = strokeWidth,
          y = strokeWidth,
          height = height,
          width = width,
          stroke = color,
          fill = 'transparent',
          'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
      'solid-rect' = htmltools::tags$rect(
        id = 'rect',
        x = strokeWidth,
        y = strokeWidth,
        height = height,
        width = width,
        stroke = 'transparent',
        fill = coalesce_missing(fillColor, color),
        'fill-opacity' = fillOpacity,
      'solid-circle-md' = htmltools::tags$circle(
        id = 'circle',
        cx = height / 2 + strokeWidth,
        cy = height / 2 + strokeWidth,
        r =  height *  3 / 4 / 2,
        stroke = 'transparent',
        fill = coalesce_missing(fillColor, color),
        'fill-opacity' = fillOpacity,
      'solid-triangle' = htmltools::tags$polygon(
        id = 'triangle',
        points = drawTriangle(width = width, height = height,
          offset = strokeWidth),
        stroke = 'transparent',
        fill = coalesce_missing(fillColor, color),
        'fill-opacity' = fillOpacity,
      'solid-diamond' = htmltools::tags$polygon(
        id = 'diamond',
        points = drawDiamond(width = width, height = height,
          offset = strokeWidth),
        stroke = 'transparent',
        fill = coalesce_missing(fillColor, color),
        'fill-opacity' = fillOpacity,
      'solid-circle-bg' = htmltools::tags$circle(
        id = 'circle',
        cx = height / 2 + strokeWidth,
        cy = height / 2 + strokeWidth,
        r =  height *  4 / 4 / 2,
        stroke = 'transparent',
        fill = coalesce_missing(fillColor, color),
        'fill-opacity' = fillOpacity,
      'solid-circle-sm' = htmltools::tags$circle(
        id = 'circle',
        cx = height / 2 + strokeWidth,
        cy = height / 2 + strokeWidth,
        r = height *  2 / 4 / 2,
        stroke = 'transparent',
        fill = coalesce_missing(fillColor, color),
        'fill-opacity' = fillOpacity,
      'circle' = htmltools::tags$circle(
        id = 'circle',
        cx = height / 2 + strokeWidth,
        cy = height / 2 + strokeWidth,
        r = height / 2,
        stroke = color,
        fill = fillColor,
        'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
        'fill-opacity' = fillOpacity,
      'rect' = htmltools::tags$rect(
        id = 'rect',
        x = strokeWidth,
        y = strokeWidth,
        height = height,
        width = width,
        stroke = color,
        fill = fillColor,
        'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
        'fill-opacity' = fillOpacity,
      'diamond' = htmltools::tags$polygon(
        id = 'diamond',
        points = drawDiamond(width = width, height = height,
          offset = strokeWidth),
        stroke = color,
        fill = fillColor,
        'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
        'fill-opacity' = fillOpacity,
      'triangle' = htmltools::tags$polygon(
        id = 'triangle',
        points = drawTriangle(width = width, height = height,
          offset = strokeWidth),
        stroke = color,
        fill = fillColor,
        'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
        'fill-opacity' = fillOpacity,
      'down-triangle' = htmltools::tags$polygon(
        id = 'triangle',
        points = drawTriangle(width = width, height = height,
          offset = strokeWidth),
        stroke = color,
        fill = fillColor,
        'stroke-opacity' = opacity,
        'fill-opacity' = fillOpacity,
        transform = sprintf('rotate(180 %f %f)', height / 2 + strokeWidth,
          width / 2 + strokeWidth),
  if (is.numeric(shape)) {
    shape <- shape + 1L
  } else {
    if (!shape %in% names(pchShape)) {
      stop(sprintf('"%s" is not a valid pch name', shape))
coalesce_missing <- function(x, y) {
  if (missing(x)) y else x
#' @param svg
#' inner svg tags for symbol
#' @name mapSymbols
#' @export
makeSvgUri <- function(svg, width, height, strokeWidth) {
  svgURI <-
          xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
          version = "1.1",
          width = width + strokeWidth * 2,
          height = height + strokeWidth * 2,
      ), reserved = TRUE))
  structure(svgURI, class = c(class(svgURI), 'svgURI'))

makeLegendSymbol <- function(label, labelStyle,
  imgStyle = "vertical-align: middle; margin: 1px;", ...) {
  shapeTag <- makeSymbol(...)
    htmltools::tags$img(src = shapeTag,
                        style = imgStyle),
                         style =
                           sprintf("vertical-align: middle; padding: 1px; %s",

drawPlus <- function(width, height, offset = 0) {
  x <- width * c(rep(c(.4, 0, .4, .6, 1, .6), each = 2), .4) + offset
  y <- height * c(0, rep(c(.4, .6, 1, .6, .4, 0), each = 2)) + offset
  paste(x, y, sep = ',', collapse = ' ')

drawDiamond <- function(width, height, offset = 0) {
  x <- width * c( .5, 0, .5, 1, .5) + offset
  y <- height * c(0, .5, 1, .5, 0) + offset
  paste(x, y, sep = ',', collapse = ' ')

drawCross <- function(width, height, offset = 0) {
  a <- sqrt(2) / 10
  x <- width *  c(a, 0, .5 - a, 0, a, .5, 1 - a, 1, .5 + a, 1, 1 - a, .5, a) +
  y <- height * c(0, a, .5, 1 - a, 1, .5 + a, 1, 1 - a, .5, a, 0, .5 - a, 0) +
  paste(x, y, sep = ',', collapse = ' ')
drawStar <- function(width, height, offset = 0) {
  x <- width * c(0.4, 0.4, 0.1414214, 0, 0.2585786, 0, 0, 0.2585786, 0,
                 0.1414214, 0.4, 0.4, 0.6, 0.6, 0.8585786, 1, 0.7414214, 1, 1,
                 0.7414214, 1, 0.8585786, 0.6, 0.6, 0.4) + offset
  y <- height * c(0, 0.2585786, 0, 0.1414214, 0.4, 0.4, 0.6, 0.6, 0.8585786, 1,
                  0.7414214, 1, 1, 0.7414214, 1, 0.8585786, 0.6, 0.6, 0.4, 0.4,
                  0.1414214, 0, 0.2585786, 0, 0) + offset
  paste(x, y, sep = ',', collapse = ' ')
drawPolygon <- function(n, width = 1, height = 1, offset = 0) {
  stopifnot(n > 0 || !is.integer(n))
  radians <- seq(-pi, pi, by = 2 * pi / n)
  if ( n %% 2 == 0 ) {
    x <- (cos(radians) + 1) * 1 / 2 * width + offset
    y <- (sin(radians) + 1) * 1 / 2 * height + offset
  } else {
    radians <- seq(-pi, pi, by = 2 * pi / n)
    x <- (sin(radians) + 1) * 1 / 2 * width + offset
    y <- (cos(radians) + 1) * 1 / 2 * height + offset
  paste(x, y, sep = ',', collapse = ' ')
drawTriangle <- function(width, height, offset) {
  sprintf('%s,%s %s,%s %s,%s',
    height + offset,
    width + offset,
    height + offset,
    width / 2  + offset,

#' @export
#' @rdname mapSymbols
makeSymbolIcons <- function(shape,
  fillColor = color,
  fillOpacity = opacity,
  strokeWidth = 1,
  height = width,
  ...) {
  symbols <- Map(
    shape = shape,
    width = width,
    height = height,
    color = color,
    fillColor = fillColor,
    opacity = opacity,
    fillOpacity = fillOpacity,
    `stroke-width` = strokeWidth,
    iconUrl = unname(symbols),
    iconAnchorX = width / 2,
    iconAnchorY = height / 2
#' @param map
#' a map widget object created from 'leaflet'
#' @param lng
#' a numeric vector of longitudes, or a one-sided formula of the form \code{~x}
#' where \code{x} is a variable in \code{data}; by default
#' (if not explicitly provided), it will be automatically inferred from data
#' by looking for a column named \code{lng}, \code{long}, or \code{longitude}
#' (case-insensitively)
#' @param lat
#' a vector of latitudes or a formula (similar to the \code{lng} argument; the
#' names \code{lat} and \code{latitude} are used when guessing the latitude
#' column from \code{data})
#' @param values
#' the values used to generate shapes; can be omitted for a single type of
#' shape
#' @param shape
#' the desired shape of the symbol, See \link[leaflegend]{availableShapes}
#' @param color
#' stroke color
#' @param fillColor
#' fill color
#' @param opacity
#' stroke opacity
#' @param fillOpacity
#' fill opacity
#' @param strokeWidth
#' stroke width in pixels
#' @param width
#' in pixels
#' @param height
#' in pixels
#' @param data
#' the data object from which the argument values are derived; by default, it
#' is the \code{data} object provided to \code{leaflet()} initially, but can be
#' overridden
#' @param ...
#' arguments to be passed to \link[leaflet]{addMarkers}
#' @export
#' @rdname mapSymbols
addSymbols <- function(
    fillColor = color,
    opacity = 1,
    fillOpacity = opacity,
    strokeWidth = 1,
    width = 20,
    height = width,
    data = leaflet::getMapData(map),
) {
  if (missing(shape)) {
    shape <- availableShapes()[['default']]
  if ( !missing(values) ) {
    values <- as.factor(parseValues(values, data))
    if ( length(levels(values)) > length(shape) ) {
      stop('values has more factor levels than shape. Maximum levels is 7')
    shape <- shape[values]
  } else {
    shape <- shape[1]
  if ( inherits(color, 'formula') ) {
    color <- parseValues(color, data)
  if ( inherits(fillColor, 'formula') ) {
    fillColor <- parseValues(fillColor, data)
  iconSymbols <- makeSymbolIcons(shape = shape, color = color,
                                 fillColor = fillColor, opacity = opacity,
                                 fillOpacity = fillOpacity,
                                 strokeWidth = strokeWidth, width = width,
                                 height = width)
  leaflet::addMarkers(map = map, lng = lng, lat = lat, icon = iconSymbols,
                      data = data, ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname mapSymbols
addSymbolsSize <- function(
    fillColor = color,
    opacity = 1,
    fillOpacity = opacity,
    strokeWidth = 1,
    baseSize = 20,
    data = leaflet::getMapData(map),
) {
  values <- parseValues(values, data)
  sizes <- sizeNumeric(values, baseSize)
  if ( inherits(color, 'formula') ) {
    color <- parseValues(color, data)
  if ( inherits(fillColor, 'formula') ) {
    fillColor <- parseValues(fillColor, data)
  addSymbols(map = map, lng = lng, lat = lat, shape = shape, color = color,
             fillColor = fillColor, opacity = opacity,
             fillOpacity = fillOpacity, strokeWidth = strokeWidth,
             width = sizes, data = data, ...)

#' Add Customizable Color Legends to a 'leaflet' map widget
#' Functions for more control over the styling of 'leaflet' legends.
#' The 'leaflet'
#' map is passed through and the output is a 'leaflet' control so that
#' the legends are integrated with other functionality of the API. Style
#' the text of the labels, the symbols used, orientation of the legend items,
#' and sizing of all elements.
#' @param map
#' a map widget object created from 'leaflet'
#' @param pal
#' the color palette function, generated from \link[leaflet]{colorNumeric}
#' @param values
#' the values used to generate colors from the palette function
#' @param bins
#' an approximate number of tick-marks on the color gradient for the
#' colorNumeric palette
#' @param title
#' the legend title, pass in HTML to style
#' @param shape
#' the desired shape of the symbol, See \link[leaflegend]{availableShapes}
#' @param orientation
#' stack the legend items vertically or horizontally
#' @param width
#' in pixels
#' @param height
#' in pixels
#' @param numberFormat
#' formatting functions for numbers that are displayed e.g. format, prettyNum
#' @param labelStyle
#' character string of style argument for HTML text
#' @param tickLength
#' in pixels
#' @param tickWidth
#' in pixels
#' @param decreasing
#' order of numbers in the legend
#' @param opacity
#' opacity of the legend items
#' @param fillOpacity
#' fill opacity of the legend items
#' @param group
#' group name of a leaflet layer group
#' @param labels
#' labels
#' @param naLabel
#' the legend label for NAs in values
#' @param className
#' extra CSS class to append to the control, space separated
#' @param data a data object. Currently supported objects are matrices, data
#'   frames, spatial objects from the \pkg{sp} package
#'   (\code{SpatialPoints}, \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame}, \code{Polygon},
#'   \code{Polygons}, \code{SpatialPolygons}, \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame},
#'   \code{Line}, \code{Lines}, \code{SpatialLines}, and
#'   \code{SpatialLinesDataFrame}), and
#'   spatial data frames from the \pkg{sf} package.
#' @param ...
#' arguments to pass to \link[leaflet]{addControl}
#' @export
#' @return
#' an object from \link[leaflet]{addControl}
#' @name addLeafLegends
#' @examples
#' library(leaflet)
#' data(quakes)
#' # Numeric Legend
#' numPal <- colorNumeric('viridis', quakes$depth)
#' leaflet() %>%
#'   addTiles() %>%
#'   addLegendNumeric(
#'     pal = numPal,
#'     values = quakes$depth,
#'     position = 'topright',
#'     title = 'addLegendNumeric (Horizontal)',
#'     orientation = 'horizontal',
#'     shape = 'rect',
#'     decreasing = FALSE,
#'     height = 20,
#'     width = 100
#'   ) %>%
#'   addLegendNumeric(
#'     pal = numPal,
#'     values = quakes$depth,
#'     position = 'topright',
#'     title = htmltools::tags$div('addLegendNumeric (Decreasing)',
#'     style = 'font-size: 24px; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 5px;'),
#'     orientation = 'vertical',
#'     shape = 'stadium',
#'     decreasing = TRUE,
#'     height = 100,
#'     width = 20
#'   ) %>%
#'   addLegend(pal = numPal, values = quakes$depth, title = 'addLegend')
#' # Quantile Legend
#' # defaults to adding quantile numeric break points
#' quantPal <- colorQuantile('viridis', quakes$mag, n = 5)
#' leaflet() %>%
#'   addTiles() %>%
#'   addCircleMarkers(data = quakes,
#'                    lat = ~lat,
#'                    lng = ~long,
#'                    color = ~quantPal(mag),
#'                    opacity = 1,
#'                    fillOpacity = 1
#'   ) %>%
#'   addLegendQuantile(pal = quantPal,
#'                     values = quakes$mag,
#'                     position = 'topright',
#'                     title = 'addLegendQuantile',
#'                     numberFormat = function(x) {prettyNum(x, big.mark = ',',
#'                     scientific = FALSE, digits = 2)},
#'                     shape = 'circle') %>%
#'   addLegendQuantile(pal = quantPal,
#'                     values = quakes$mag,
#'                     position = 'topright',
#'                     title = htmltools::tags$div('addLegendQuantile',
#'                                                 htmltools::tags$br(),
#'                                                 '(Omit Numbers)'),
#'                     numberFormat = NULL,
#'                     shape = 'circle') %>%
#'   addLegend(pal = quantPal, values = quakes$mag, title = 'addLegend')
#' # Factor Legend
#' # Style the title with html tags, several shapes are supported drawn with svg
#' quakes[['group']] <- sample(c('A', 'B', 'C'), nrow(quakes), replace = TRUE)
#' factorPal <- colorFactor('Dark2', quakes$group)
#' leaflet() %>%
#'   addTiles() %>%
#'   addCircleMarkers(
#'     data = quakes,
#'     lat = ~ lat,
#'     lng = ~ long,
#'     color = ~ factorPal(group),
#'     opacity = 1,
#'     fillOpacity = 1
#'   ) %>%
#'   addLegendFactor(
#'     pal = factorPal,
#'     title = htmltools::tags$div('addLegendFactor', style = 'font-size: 24px;
#'     color: red;'),
#'     values = quakes$group,
#'     position = 'topright',
#'     shape = 'triangle',
#'     width = 50,
#'     height = 50
#'   ) %>%
#'   addLegend(pal = factorPal,
#'             values = quakes$group,
#'             title = 'addLegend')
#' # Bin Legend
#' # Restyle the text of the labels, change the legend item orientation
# binPal <- colorBin('Set1', quakes$mag)
# leaflet() %>%
#   addTiles() %>%
#   addCircleMarkers(
#     data = quakes,
#     lat = ~ lat,
#     lng = ~ long,
#     color = ~ binPal(mag),
#     opacity = 1,
#     fillOpacity = 1
#   ) %>%
#   addLegendBin(
#     pal = binPal,
#     position = 'topright',
#     values = ~mag,
#     title = 'addLegendBin',
#     labelStyle = 'font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold;',
#     orientation = 'horizontal'
#   ) %>%
#   addLegend(pal = binPal,
#             values = quakes$mag,
#             title = 'addLegend')
#' # Group Layer Control
#' # Works with baseGroups and overlayGroups
# leaflet() %>%
#   addTiles() %>%
#   addLegendNumeric(
#     pal = numPal,
#     values = quakes$depth,
#     position = 'topright',
#     title = 'addLegendNumeric',
#     group = 'Numeric Data'
#   ) %>%
#   addLegendQuantile(
#     pal = quantPal,
#     values = quakes$mag,
#     position = 'topright',
#     title = 'addLegendQuantile',
#     group = 'Quantile'
#   ) %>%
#   addLegendBin(
#     pal = binPal,
#     position = 'bottomleft',
#     title = 'addLegendBin',
#     group = 'Bin',
#     values = ~mag
#   ) %>%
#   addLayersControl(
#     baseGroups = c('Numeric Data', 'Quantile'),  overlayGroups = c('Bin'),
#     position = 'bottomright'
#   )
addLegendNumeric <- function(map,
                             title = NULL,
                             #labelStyle = 'font-size: 24px;',
                             shape = c('rect', 'stadium'),
                             orientation = c('vertical', 'horizontal'),
                             width = 20,
                             height = 100,
                             bins = 7,
                             numberFormat = function(x) {
                               prettyNum(x, format = 'f', big.mark = ',',
                                         digits = 3, scientific = FALSE)
                             tickLength = 4,
                             tickWidth = 1,
                             decreasing = FALSE,
                             fillOpacity = 1,
                             group = NULL,
                             labels = NULL,
                             naLabel = 'NA',
                             className = 'info legend leaflet-control',
                             data = leaflet::getMapData(map),
                             ...) {
  stopifnot(attr(pal, 'colorType') == 'numeric')
  stopifnot(is.numeric(width) && is.numeric(height) && width >= 0 &&
               height >= 0)
  stopifnot(is.numeric(tickLength) && is.numeric(tickWidth) &&
               tickLength >= 0 && tickWidth >= 0)
  shape <- match.arg(shape)
  id <- sprintf('gradient-%s-%d',
                gsub('[[:punct:]]|\\s', '', deparse(match.call()[['values']])),
                length(map[["x"]][["calls"]]) + 1)
  values <- parseValues(values = values, data = data)
  rng <- range(values, na.rm = TRUE)
  breaks <- pretty(values, bins)
  orientation <- match.arg(orientation)
  vertical <- orientation == 'vertical'
  if (breaks[1] < rng[1]) {
    breaks[1] <- rng[1]
  if (breaks[length(breaks)] > rng[2]) {
    breaks[length(breaks)] <- rng[2]
  colors <- pal(breaks)
  hasNa <- any(is.na(values))
  if (vertical) {
    htmlElements <- makeNumericVertical(id = id, breaks = breaks,
      labels = labels, colors = colors, decreasing = decreasing,
      hasNa = hasNa, tickLength = tickLength, tickWidth = tickWidth,
      rng = rng, height = height, width = width, fillOpacity = fillOpacity,
      shape = shape, naColor = pal(NA), naLabel = naLabel, title = title,
      numberFormat = numberFormat)
  } else {
    htmlElements <- makeNumericHorizontal(id = id, breaks = breaks,
      labels = labels, colors = colors, decreasing = decreasing,
      hasNa = hasNa, tickLength = tickLength, tickWidth = tickWidth,
      rng = rng, height = height, width = width, fillOpacity = fillOpacity,
      shape = shape, naColor = pal(NA), naLabel = naLabel, title = title,
      numberFormat = numberFormat)
  leaflegendAddControl(map, html = htmlElements, className = className,
    group = group, ...)

makeNumericHorizontal <- function(id, breaks, labels, colors, decreasing, hasNa,
  tickWidth, tickLength, rng, height, width, fillOpacity, shape, naColor,
  naLabel, title, numberFormat) {
  x1 <- 0
  x2 <- 1
  y1 <- 0
  y2 <- 0
  outer <- c(1L, length(breaks))
  if (isTRUE(decreasing)) {
    x1 <- 1
    x2 <- 0
    labels <- rev(labels)
  scaledbreaks <- (breaks - rng[1]) / (rng[2] - rng[1])
  offsets <- sprintf('%.3f%%', scaledbreaks * 100)
  breaks <- breaks[outer]
  if (is.null(labels)) {
    labels <- numberFormat(breaks)
  colors <- colors
  scaledbreaks <- scaledbreaks[outer]
  svgwidth <- width
  svgheight <- height + tickLength
  rectx <- 0
  linex1 <- scaledbreaks * width
  linex2 <- scaledbreaks * width
  liney1 <- height
  liney2 <- height + tickLength
  naSize <- height
  labelStyle <- ''
  ry <- '0%'
  if ( shape == 'stadium' ) {
    ry <- '10%'
  rectround <- list(ry = ry)
  svgElement <- htmltools::tags$svg(
    width = svgwidth,
    height = svgheight,
        id = id,
        x1 = x1, y1 = y1, x2 = x2, y2 = y2,
          offset = offsets,
          'stop-color' = colors))
        c(height = height,
          width = width,
          x = rectx,
          'fill-opacity' = fillOpacity,
          fill = sprintf('url(#%s)', id)))
      x1 = linex1,
      x2 = linex2,
      y1 = liney1,
      y2 = liney2,
      'stroke-width' = tickWidth,
      stroke = 'black'
  cexAdj <- 1.22
  pixel2Inch <- 72
  textWidth <- graphics::strwidth(labels, units = 'inches', cex = cexAdj) *
  maxTextWidth <- max(textWidth)
  left1 <- 0
  if (textWidth[1] < maxTextWidth  ) {
    left1 <- (maxTextWidth / 2 - textWidth[1] / 2) / (width + maxTextWidth)
  left2 <- (width) / (width + maxTextWidth)
  if (textWidth[2] < maxTextWidth) {
    left2 <- (width + maxTextWidth / 2 - textWidth[2] / 2) / (width + maxTextWidth)
  maxTextWidth <- max(textWidth)
  htmlElements <- list(
      style = sprintf('margin-right: %spx; margin-left: %spx',
        maxTextWidth / 2, maxTextWidth / 2 ), svgElement),
      style = sprintf("width: %.3f; height: 1rem; position: relative; %s",
        width + maxTextWidth, labelStyle),
        style = sprintf("position:absolute; left:%.3f%%; top: 0%%;",
          left1 * 100),
        style = sprintf("position:absolute; left:%.3f%%; top: 0%%;",
          left2 * 100

  htmlElements <- addTitle(title = title, htmlElements = htmlElements)
  htmlElements <- addNa(hasNa = hasNa, htmlElements = htmlElements,
    shape = shape, labels = naLabel, colors = naColor, labelStyle = labelStyle,
    height = naSize, width = naSize, opacity = fillOpacity,
    fillOpacity = fillOpacity, strokeWidth = 0)

makeNumericVertical <- function(id, breaks, labels, colors, decreasing, hasNa,
  tickWidth, tickLength, rng, height, width, fillOpacity, shape, naColor,
  naLabel, title, numberFormat) {
  x1 <- 0
  x2 <- 0
  y1 <- 0
  y2 <- 1
  outer <- c(1, length(breaks))
  if (is.null(labels)) {
    labels <- numberFormat(breaks)[-outer]
  if (isTRUE(decreasing)) {
    y1 <- 1
    y2 <- 0
    labels <- rev(labels)
  scaledbreaks <- (breaks - rng[1]) / (rng[2] - rng[1])
  svgwidth <- width + tickLength
  svgheight <- height
  rectx <- 0
  linex1 <- width
  linex2 <- width + tickLength
  liney1 <- scaledbreaks[-outer] * height
  liney2 <- scaledbreaks[-outer] * height
  naSize <- width
  labelStyle <- ''
  rx <- '0%'
  if (shape == 'stadium') {
    rx <- '10%'
  rectround <- list(rx = rx)
  svgElement <- htmltools::tags$svg(
    width = svgwidth,
    height = svgheight,
    style = 'margin: 1px;',
        id = id,
        x1 = x1, y1 = y1, x2 = x2, y2 = y2,
          offset = sprintf('%.3f%%', scaledbreaks * 100),
          'stop-color' = colors))
        c(height = height,
          width = width,
          x = rectx,
          'fill-opacity' = fillOpacity,
          fill = sprintf('url(#%s)', id)))
      x1 = linex1,
      x2 = linex2,
      y1 = liney1,
      y2 = liney2,
      'stroke-width' = tickWidth,
      stroke = 'black'
  cexAdj <- 1.22
  pixel2Inch <- 72
  textWidth <- max(graphics::strwidth(labels, units = 'inches',
    cex = cexAdj)) * pixel2Inch
  textHeight <- max(graphics::strheight(labels, units = 'inches',
    cex = 1)) * pixel2Inch
  htmlElements <- list(htmltools::tags$div(style = 'display: flex;',
    htmltools::tags$div(svgElement, style = "margin-right: 5px"),
      style = sprintf("width: %.3fpx; height: %.3fpx; display: flex;
        justify-content: flex-end; position: relative; %s",
        textWidth, height, labelStyle),
      class = "container",
      Map(function(y, label) {
          style = sprintf("position:absolute; top: %.3f%%;", y),
        y = (scaledbreaks[-outer] - textHeight / height) * 100,
        label = labels
    , htmltools::tags$div(style = "width: 8px; position: relative;")
  htmlElements <- addTitle(title, htmlElements)
  htmlElements <- addNa(hasNa = hasNa, htmlElements = htmlElements,
    shape = shape, labels = naLabel, colors = naColor, labelStyle = labelStyle,
    height = naSize, width = naSize, opacity = fillOpacity,
    fillOpacity = fillOpacity, strokeWidth = 0)

addTitle <- function(title, htmlElements) {
  if (is.null(title)) {
  } else if (inherits(title, 'shiny.tag')) {
    title <- list(htmltools::div(title))
  } else if (is.character(title)) {
    title <- list(htmltools::div(htmltools::tags$strong(title)))
  } else {
    stop('Title must be character vector or an html tags object')
  append(htmlElements, title, after = 0)

#' @export
#' @rdname addLeafLegends
addLegendQuantile <- function(map,
                              title = NULL,
                              labelStyle = '',
                              shape = 'rect',
                              orientation = c('vertical', 'horizontal'),
                              width = 24,
                              height = 24,
                              numberFormat = function(x) {
                                prettyNum(x, big.mark = ',', scientific = FALSE,
                                          digits = 1)
                              opacity = 1,
                              fillOpacity = opacity,
                              group = NULL,
                              className = 'info legend leaflet-control',
                              naLabel = 'NA',
                              data = leaflet::getMapData(map),
                              ...) {
  stopifnot( attr(pal, 'colorType') == 'quantile' )
  stopifnot( width >= 0 && height >= 0 )
  orientation <- match.arg(orientation)
  probs <- attr(pal, 'colorArgs')[['probs']]
  values <- parseValues(values = values, data = data)
  if ( is.null(numberFormat) ) {
    labels <- sprintf(' %3.0f%% - %3.0f%%',
                      probs[-length(probs)] * 100,
                      probs[-1] * 100)

  } else {
    breaks <- stats::quantile(x = values, probs = probs, na.rm = TRUE)
    labels <- numberFormat(breaks)
    labels <- sprintf('%3.0f%% - %3.0f%% (%s - %s)',
                    probs[-length(probs)] * 100,
                    probs[-1] * 100,
  colors <- unique(pal(sort(values)))
  htmlElements <- makeLegendCategorical(shape = shape, labels = labels,
    colors = colors,
    labelStyle = labelStyle,
    height = height, width = width,
    opacity = opacity,
    fillOpacity = fillOpacity,
    orientation = orientation,
    title = title,
    hasNa = any(is.na(values)),
    naLabel = naLabel,
    naColor = pal(NA))
  leaflegendAddControl(map, html = htmltools::tagList(htmlElements),
                       className = className, group = group, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname addLeafLegends
addLegendBin <- function(map,
                         title = NULL,
                         labelStyle = '',
                         shape = 'rect',
                         orientation = c('vertical', 'horizontal'),
                         width = 24,
                         height = 24,
                         numberFormat = function(x) {
                           format(round(x, 3), big.mark = ',', trim = TRUE,
                                  scientific = FALSE)
                         opacity = 1,
                         fillOpacity = opacity,
                         group = NULL,
                         className = 'info legend leaflet-control',
                         naLabel = 'NA',
                         data = leaflet::getMapData(map),
                         ...) {
  stopifnot( attr(pal, 'colorType') == 'bin' )
  stopifnot( width >= 0 && height >= 0 )
  orientation <- match.arg(orientation)
  values <- parseValues(values = values, data = data)
  bins <- attr(pal, 'colorArgs')[['bins']]
  labels <- sprintf(' %s - %s', numberFormat(bins[-length(bins)]),
  colors <- pal((bins[-1] + bins[-length(bins)]) / 2 )
  htmlElements <- makeLegendCategorical(shape = shape, labels = labels,
    colors = colors,
    labelStyle = labelStyle,
    height = height, width = width,
    opacity = opacity,
    fillOpacity = fillOpacity,
    orientation = orientation,
    title = title,
    hasNa = any(is.na(values)),
    naLabel = naLabel,
    naColor = pal(NA))
  leaflegendAddControl(map, html = htmltools::tagList(htmlElements),
                       className = className, group = group, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname addLeafLegends
addLegendFactor <- function(map,
                            title = NULL,
                            labelStyle = '',
                            shape = 'rect',
                            orientation = c('vertical', 'horizontal'),
                            width = 24,
                            height = 24,
                            opacity = 1,
                            fillOpacity = opacity,
                            group = NULL,
                            className = 'info legend leaflet-control',
                            naLabel = 'NA',
                            data = leaflet::getMapData(map),
                            ...) {
  stopifnot( attr(pal, 'colorType') == 'factor' )
  stopifnot( width >= 0 && height >= 0 )
  orientation <- match.arg(orientation)
  values <- parseValues(values = values, data = data)
  hasNa <- any(is.na(values))
  values <- sort(unique(values))
  labels <- sprintf(' %s', values)
  colors <- pal(values)
  htmlElements <- makeLegendCategorical(shape = shape, labels = labels,
                                        colors = colors,
                                        labelStyle = labelStyle,
                                        height = height, width = width,
                                        opacity = opacity,
                                        fillOpacity = fillOpacity,
                                        orientation = orientation,
                                        title = title,
                                        hasNa = hasNa,
                                        naLabel = naLabel,
                                        naColor = pal(NA))
  leaflegendAddControl(map, html = htmltools::tagList(htmlElements),
                       className = className, group = group, ...)

makeLegendCategorical <- function(shape, labels, colors, labelStyle, height,
                              width, opacity, fillOpacity, orientation, title,
  hasNa, naLabel, naColor) {
  htmlElements <- Map(
    f = makeLegendSymbol,
    shape = shape,
    label = labels,
    color = colors,
    labelStyle = labelStyle,
    height = height,
    width = width,
    opacity = opacity,
    fillOpacity = fillOpacity,
    'stroke-width' = 1
  if ( orientation == 'vertical' ) {
    htmlElements <- lapply(htmlElements, htmltools::tagList,
  htmlElements <- addTitle(title = title, htmlElements = htmlElements)
  htmlElements <- addNa(hasNa = hasNa, htmlElements = htmlElements,
    shape = shape, labels = naLabel, colors = naColor, labelStyle = labelStyle,
    height = height, width = width, opacity = fillOpacity,
    fillOpacity = fillOpacity, strokeWidth = 1)

addNa <- function(hasNa, htmlElements, shape, labels, colors,
  labelStyle, height,  width, opacity, fillOpacity, strokeWidth) {
  if (hasNa) {
    naLegend <- list(htmltools::div(
      style = 'margin-top: .3rem;',
        shape = shape,
        label = labels,
        color = colors,
        labelStyle = labelStyle,
        height = height,
        width = width,
        opacity = opacity,
        fillOpacity = fillOpacity,
        'stroke-width' = strokeWidth,
        imgStyle = 'vertical-align: middle; margin: 1px;'
    htmlElements <- append(htmlElements, naLegend)

#' Add a legend for the sizing of symbols or the width of lines
#' @param map
#' a map widget object created from 'leaflet'
#' @param pal
#' the color palette function, generated from \link[leaflet]{colorNumeric}
#' @param values
#' the values used to generate sizes and if colorValues is not specified and
#' pal is given, then the values are used to generate  colors from the palette
#' function
#' @param title
#' the legend title, pass in HTML to style
#' @param shape
#' the desired shape of the symbol, See \link[leaflegend]{availableShapes}
#' @param orientation
#' stack the legend items vertically or horizontally
#' @param labelStyle
#' character string of style argument for HTML text
#' @param opacity
#' opacity of the legend items
#' @param fillOpacity
#' fill opacity of the legend items
#' @param breaks
#' an integer specifying the number of breaks or a numeric vector of the breaks
#' @param baseSize
#' re-scaling size in pixels of the mean of the values, the average value will
#' be this exact size
#' @param color
#' the color of the legend symbols, if omitted pal is used
#' @param fillColor
#' fill color of symbol
#' @param strokeWidth
#' width of symbol outline
#' @param numberFormat
#' formatting functions for numbers that are displayed e.g. format, prettyNum
#' @param group
#' group name of a leaflet layer group
#' @param className
#' extra CSS class to append to the control, space separated
#' @param data a data object. Currently supported objects are matrices, data
#'   frames, spatial objects from the \pkg{sp} package
#'   (\code{SpatialPoints}, \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame}, \code{Polygon},
#'   \code{Polygons}, \code{SpatialPolygons}, \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame},
#'   \code{Line}, \code{Lines}, \code{SpatialLines}, and
#'   \code{SpatialLinesDataFrame}), and
#'   spatial data frames from the \pkg{sf} package.
#' @param ...
#' arguments to pass to
#' \link[leaflet]{addControl} for addLegendSize
#' \link[base]{pretty} for sizeBreaks
#' \link[leaflegend]{makeSymbol} for makeSymbolsSize
#' @return
#' an object from \link[leaflet]{addControl}
#' @export
#' @name legendSymbols
#' @examples
#' library(leaflet)
#' data("quakes")
#' quakes <- quakes[1:100,]
#' numPal <- colorNumeric('viridis', quakes$depth)
#' sizes <- sizeNumeric(quakes$depth, baseSize = 10)
#' symbols <- Map(
#'   makeSymbol,
#'   shape = 'triangle',
#'   color = numPal(quakes$depth),
#'   width = sizes,
#'   height = sizes
#' )
#' leaflet() %>%
#'   addTiles() %>%
#'   addMarkers(data = quakes,
#'              icon = icons(iconUrl = symbols),
#'              lat = ~lat, lng = ~long) %>%
#'   addLegendSize(
#'     values = quakes$depth,
#'     pal = numPal,
#'     title = 'Depth',
#'     labelStyle = 'margin: auto;',
#'     shape = c('triangle'),
#'     orientation = c('vertical', 'horizontal'),
#'     opacity = .7,
#'     breaks = 5)
#' # a wrapper for making icons is provided
#' sizeSymbols <-
#' makeSymbolsSize(
#'   quakes$depth,
#'   shape = 'cross',
#'   fillColor = numPal(quakes$depth),
#'   color = 'black',
#'   strokeWidth = 1,
#'   opacity = .8,
#'   fillOpacity = .5,
#'   baseSize = 20
#' )
#' leaflet() %>%
#'   addTiles() %>%
#'   addMarkers(data = quakes,
#'              icon = sizeSymbols,
#'              lat = ~lat, lng = ~long) %>%
#'   addLegendSize(
#'     values = quakes$depth,
#'     pal = numPal,
#'     title = 'Depth',
#'     shape = 'cross',
#'     orientation = 'horizontal',
#'     strokeWidth = 1,
#'     opacity = .8,
#'     fillOpacity = .5,
#'     color = 'black',
#'     baseSize = 20,
#'     breaks = 5)
#' # Group layers control
#' leaflet() %>%
#'   addTiles() %>%
#'     addLegendSize(
#'       values = quakes$depth,
#'       pal = numPal,
#'       title = 'Depth',
#'       labelStyle = 'margin: auto;',
#'       shape = c('triangle'),
#'       orientation = c('vertical', 'horizontal'),
#'       opacity = .7,
#'       breaks = 5,
#'       group = 'Depth') %>%
#'     addLayersControl(overlayGroups = c('Depth'))
#' # Polyline Legend for Size
#' baseSize <- 10
#' lineColor <- '#00000080'
#' pal <- colorNumeric('Reds', atlStorms2005$MinPress)
#' leaflet() %>%
#'   addTiles() %>%
#'   addPolylines(data = atlStorms2005,
#'                weight = ~sizeNumeric(values = MaxWind, baseSize = baseSize),
#'                color = ~pal(MinPress),
#'                popup = ~as.character(MaxWind)) %>%
#'   addLegendLine(values = atlStorms2005$MaxWind,
#'                 title = 'MaxWind',
#'                 baseSize = baseSize,
#'                 width = 50,
#'                 color = lineColor) %>%
#'   addLegendNumeric(pal = pal,
#'                    title = 'MinPress',
#'                    values = atlStorms2005$MinPress)
addLegendSize <- function(map,
                          title = NULL,
                          labelStyle = '',
                          shape = 'rect',
                          orientation = c('vertical', 'horizontal'),
                          fillColor = color,
                          strokeWidth = 1,
                          opacity = 1,
                          fillOpacity = opacity,
                          breaks = 5,
                          baseSize = 20,
                          numberFormat = function(x) {
                            prettyNum(x, big.mark = ',', scientific = FALSE,
                                      digits = 1)
                          group = NULL,
                          className = 'info legend leaflet-control',
                          data = leaflet::getMapData(map),
                          ...) {
  values <- parseValues(values = values, data = data)
  sizes <- sizeBreaks(values, breaks, baseSize)
  if ( missing(color) ) {
    stopifnot( missing(color) & !missing(pal))
    colors <- pal(as.numeric(names(sizes)))
  } else {
    stopifnot(length(color) == 1 || length(color) == length(breaks))
    colors <- color
  if ( missing(fillColor) ) {
    if ( !missing(pal) ) {
      fillColors <- pal(as.numeric(names(sizes)))
    } else {
      fillColors <- colors
  } else {
    stopifnot(length(fillColor) == 1 || length(fillColor) == length(breaks))
    fillColors <- fillColor
  labels <- numberFormat(as.numeric(names(sizes)))
  if (length(names(breaks)) == length(breaks) && length(breaks) > 1) {
    labels <- names(breaks)
  symbols <- Map(makeSymbol,
                 shape = shape,
                 width = sizes,
                 height = sizes,
                 color = colors,
                 fillColor = fillColors,
                 opacity = opacity,
                 fillOpacity = fillOpacity,
                 `stroke-width` = strokeWidth)
  addLegendImage(map, images = symbols,
                 labels = labels,
                 title = title, labelStyle = labelStyle,
                 orientation = orientation, width = sizes, height = sizes,
                 group = group, className = className, ...)


#' @export
#' @rdname mapSymbols
sizeNumeric <- function(values, baseSize) {
  stopifnot(baseSize > 0)
  values / mean(values, na.rm = TRUE) * baseSize

#' @param breaks
#' an integer specifying the number of breaks or a numeric vector of the breaks;
#' if a named vector then the names are used as labels.
#' @param baseSize
#' re-scaling size in pixels of the mean of the values, the average value will
#' be this exact size
#' @param ...
#' arguments to pass to \code{pretty}
#' @export
#' @rdname mapSymbols
sizeBreaks <- function(values, breaks, baseSize, ...) {
  stopifnot(baseSize > 0)
  if ( length(breaks) == 1 ) {
    breaks <- pretty(values, breaks, ...)
  sizes <- breaks / mean(values, na.rm = TRUE) * baseSize
  stats::setNames(sizes, breaks)[breaks > 0 & breaks <= max(values)]

#' @export
#' @rdname mapSymbols
makeSymbolsSize <- function(values,
                          shape = 'rect',
                          opacity = 1,
                          fillOpacity = opacity,
                          strokeWidth = 1,
                          ) {
  stopifnot(strokeWidth >= 0)
  stopifnot(length(color) == 1 || length(color) == length(values))
  stopifnot(length(fillColor) == 1 || length(fillColor) == length(values))
  stopifnot(length(shape) < 2)
  sizes <- sizeNumeric(values, baseSize)
    shape = shape,
    width = sizes,
    height = sizes,
    color = color,
    fillColor = fillColor,
    opacity = opacity,
    fillOpacity = fillOpacity,
    strokeWidth = strokeWidth,
#' @param width
#' width in pixels of the lines
#' @export
#' @rdname legendSymbols
addLegendLine <- function(map,
                          title = NULL,
                          labelStyle = '',
                          orientation = c('vertical', 'horizontal'),
                          width = 20,
                          opacity = 1,
                          fillOpacity = opacity,
                          breaks = 5,
                          baseSize = 10,
                          numberFormat = function(x) {
                            prettyNum(x, big.mark = ',', scientific = FALSE,
                                      digits = 1)
                          group = NULL,
                          className = 'info legend leaflet-control',
                          data = leaflet::getMapData(map),
                          ...) {
  shape <- 'rect'
  values <- parseValues(values = values, data = data)
  sizes <- sizeBreaks(values, breaks, baseSize)
  if ( missing(color) ) {
    stopifnot( missing(color) & !missing(pal))
    colors <- pal(as.numeric(names(sizes)))
  } else {
    stopifnot(length(color) == 1 || length(color) == length(breaks))
    colors <- color
  labels <- numberFormat(as.numeric(names(sizes)))
  if (length(names(breaks)) == length(breaks) && length(breaks) > 1) {
    labels <- names(breaks)
  symbols <- Map(makeSymbol,
                 shape = shape,
                 width = width,
                 height = sizes,
                 color = 'transparent',
                 fillColor = colors,
                 opacity = opacity,
                 fillOpacity = fillOpacity,
                 `stroke-width` = 0)
  addLegendImage(map, images = symbols,
                 labels = labels,
                 title = title, labelStyle = labelStyle,
                 orientation = orientation, width = width, height = sizes,
                 group = group, className = className, ...)


#' @param height
#' in pixels
#' @export
#' @rdname legendSymbols
addLegendSymbol <- function(map,
                            title = NULL,
                            labelStyle = '',
                            orientation = c('vertical', 'horizontal'),
                            fillColor = color,
                            strokeWidth = 1,
                            opacity = 1,
                            fillOpacity = opacity,
                            width = 20,
                            height = width,
                            group = NULL,
                            className = 'info legend leaflet-control',
                            data = leaflet::getMapData(map),
) {
  if (missing(shape)) {
    shape <- availableShapes()[['default']]
  values <- sort(unique(as.factor(parseValues(values, data))))
  if ( length(levels(values)) > length(shape) ) {
    stop('values has more factor levels than shape. Maximum levels is 7')
  shape <- shape[values]
  if ( missing(color) ) {
    stopifnot( missing(color) & !missing(pal))
    colors <- pal(values)
  } else {
    stopifnot(length(color) == 1 || length(color) == length(values))
    colors <- color
  if ( missing(fillColor) ) {
    if ( !missing(pal) ) {
      fillColors <- pal(values)
    } else {
      fillColors <- colors
  } else {
    stopifnot(length(fillColor) == 1 || length(fillColor) == length(values))
    fillColors <- fillColor
  symbols <- Map(makeSymbol,
                 shape = shape,
                 width = width,
                 height = height,
                 color = colors,
                 fillColor = fillColors,
                 opacity = opacity,
                 fillOpacity = fillOpacity,
                 `stroke-width` = strokeWidth)
  addLegendImage(map, images = symbols,
                 labels = as.character(values),
                 title = title, labelStyle = labelStyle,
                 orientation = orientation, width = width, height = height,
                 group = group, className = className, ...)

#' Add a legend with Awesome Icons
#' @param map
#' a map widget object created from 'leaflet'
#' @param iconSet
#' a named list from \link[leaflet]{awesomeIconList}, the names will be the
#' labels in the legend
#' @param title
#' the legend title, pass in HTML to style
#' @param labelStyle
#' character string of style argument for HTML text
#' @param marker
#' whether to show the marker or only the icon
#' @param orientation
#' stack the legend items vertically or horizontally
#' @param group
#' group name of a leaflet layer group
#' @param className
#' extra CSS class to append to the control, space separated
#' @param ...
#' arguments to pass to \link[leaflet]{addControl}
#' @return
#' an object from \link[leaflet]{addControl}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(leaflet)
#' data(quakes)
#' iconSet <- awesomeIconList(
#'   `Font Awesome` = makeAwesomeIcon(icon = "font-awesome", library = "fa",
#'                                    iconColor = 'gold', markerColor = 'red',
#'                                    spin = FALSE,
#'                                    squareMarker = TRUE,
#'                                    iconRotate = 30,
#'   ),
#'   Ionic = makeAwesomeIcon(icon = "ionic", library = "ion",
#'                           iconColor = '#ffffff', markerColor = 'blue',
#'                           spin = TRUE,
#'                           squareMarker = FALSE),
#'   Glyphicon = makeAwesomeIcon(icon = "plus-sign", library = "glyphicon",
#'                               iconColor = 'rgb(192, 255, 0)',
#'                               markerColor = 'darkpurple',
#'                               spin = TRUE,
#'                               squareMarker = FALSE)
#' )
#' leaflet(quakes[1:3,]) %>%
#'   addTiles() %>%
#'   addAwesomeMarkers(lat = ~lat,
#'                     lng = ~long,
#'                     icon = iconSet) %>%
#'   addLegendAwesomeIcon(iconSet = iconSet,
#'                        orientation = 'horizontal',
#'                        title = htmltools::tags$div(
#'                          style = 'font-size: 20px;',
#'                          'Awesome Icons'),
#'                        labelStyle = 'font-size: 16px;') %>%
#'   addLegendAwesomeIcon(iconSet = iconSet,
#'                        orientation = 'vertical',
#'                        marker = FALSE,
#'                        title = htmltools::tags$div(
#'                          style = 'font-size: 20px;',
#'                          'Awesome Icons'),
#'                        labelStyle = 'font-size: 16px;')
addLegendAwesomeIcon <- function(map,
                                 title = NULL,
                                 labelStyle = '',
                                 orientation = c('vertical', 'horizontal'),
                                 marker = TRUE,
                                 group = NULL,
                                 className = 'info legend leaflet-control',
                                 ...) {
  stopifnot(inherits(iconSet, 'leaflet_awesome_icon_set'))
  stopifnot( !is.null(names(iconSet)) &&
               length(names(iconSet)) == length(iconSet) )
  orientation <- match.arg(orientation)
  if ( orientation == 'vertical' ) {
    wrapElements <- htmltools::tags$div
  } else {
    wrapElements <- htmltools::tags$span
  currentDepNames <- vapply(map$dependencies, getElement, name = 'name',
                            FUN.VALUE = 'character')
  iconLibraries <- unique(vapply(iconSet, getElement, name = 'library',
                                 FUN.VALUE = character(1)))
  iconLibraries <- c(
    fa = 'fontawesome',
    ion = 'ionicons',
    glyphicon = 'bootstrap')[iconLibraries]
  missingDeps <- setdiff(c('leaflet-awesomemarkers', iconLibraries),
  iconDeps <- c(
    `leaflet-awesomemarkers` = leafletAwesomeMarkersDependencies(),
    fontawesome = leafletAmFontAwesomeDependencies(),
    ion = leafletAmIonIconDependencies(),
    bootstrap = leafletAmBootstrapDependencies())[missingDeps]
  map$dependencies <- c(map$dependencies, unname(iconDeps))
  htmlElements <-
    Map(icon = iconSet,
        label = names(iconSet),
        f = function(icon, label) {
          markerClass <- ''
          if ( marker ) {
            markerClass <- sprintf(
              'awesome-marker-icon-%s awesome-marker %s',
              ifelse(icon[['squareMarker']], 'awesome-marker-square', ''))
          style = 'vertical-align: middle; display: inline-block; position: relative;',
              class = markerClass,
              htmltools::tags$i(class = sprintf('%1$s %1$s-%2$s %3$s',
                                                ifelse(icon[['spin']], 'fa-spin', '')),
                                style = sprintf('color: %s; %s; margin-right: 0px', icon[['iconColor']],
                                                ifelse(icon[['iconRotate']] == 0, '',
                                                       sprintf('-webkit-transform: rotate(%1$sdeg);-moz-transform: rotate(%1$sdeg);-o-transform: rotate(%1$sdeg);-ms-transform: rotate(%1$sdeg);transform: rotate(%1$sdeg);',
                                if ( !is.null(icon[['text']]) ) {
        htmltools::tags$span(label, style = sprintf('%s', labelStyle))
  htmlElements <- addTitle(title = title, htmlElements = htmlElements)
  leaflegendAddControl(map, html = htmltools::tagList(htmlElements),
                       className = className, group = group, ...)

leaflegendAddControl <- function(map,
                                 ...) {

  if ( !is.null(group) ) {
    leafLegendClassName <- paste('leaflegend-group', gsub('\\W', '', group),
                                 sep = '-')
    className <- paste(className, leafLegendClassName)

    lf <- leaflet::addControl(map, html = html, className = className, ...)
    htmlwidgets::onRender(lf, "
function(el, x) {
  var updateLeafLegend = function() {
    var controlGroups = document.querySelectorAll(
    controlGroups.forEach(g => {
      var groupName = g.nextSibling.innerText.substr(1);
      var className = 'leaflegend-group-' +
        groupName.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '');
      var checked = g.checked;
      document.querySelectorAll('.legend.' + className).forEach(l => {
        l.hidden = !checked;

  this.on('baselayerchange', el => updateLeafLegend())
  this.on('overlayadd', el => updateLeafLegend());
  this.on('overlayremove', el => updateLeafLegend());
  } else {
    leaflet::addControl(map, html = html, className = className, ...)

parseValues <- function(values, data) {
  if ( inherits(values, 'formula') ) {
    leaflet::evalFormula(values, data)
  } else {

#' Available shapes for map symbols
#' @return
#' list of available shapes
#' @export
availableShapes <- function() {
    'default' =
      c('rect', 'circle', 'triangle', 'plus', 'cross', 'diamond', 'star',
        'stadium', 'line', 'polygon'),
    'pch' =
      c('open-rect', 'open-circle', 'open-triangle', 'simple-plus',
        'simple-cross', 'open-diamond', 'open-down-triangle', 'cross-rect',
        'simple-star', 'plus-diamond', 'plus-circle', 'hexagram', 'plus-rect',
        'cross-circle', 'triangle-rect', 'solid-rect', 'solid-circle-md',
        'solid-triangle', 'solid-diamond', 'solid-circle-bg', 'solid-circle-sm',
        'circle', 'rect', 'diamond', 'triangle', 'down-triangle'

# Borrowed from "leaflet" package internal functions
leafletAmBootstrapDependencies <- function() {
    "bootstrap", "3.3.7", "htmlwidgets/plugins/Leaflet.awesome-markers",
    package = "leaflet", script = c("bootstrap.min.js"),
    stylesheet = c("bootstrap.min.css")))
leafletAmFontAwesomeDependencies <- function() {
    "fontawesome", "4.7.0", "htmlwidgets/plugins/Leaflet.awesome-markers",
    package = "leaflet", stylesheet = c("font-awesome.min.css")))
leafletAmIonIconDependencies <- function() {
    "ionicons", "2.0.1", "htmlwidgets/plugins/Leaflet.awesome-markers",
    package = "leaflet", stylesheet = c("ionicons.min.css")))
leafletAwesomeMarkersDependencies <- function() {
    "2.0.3", "htmlwidgets/plugins/Leaflet.awesome-markers",
    package = "leaflet", script = c("leaflet.awesome-markers.min.js"),
    stylesheet = c("leaflet.awesome-markers.css")))

verifyIconLibrary <- function(library) {
  bad <- library[!(library %in% c("glyphicon", "fa", "ion"))]
  if (length(bad) > 0) {
    stop("Invalid icon library names: ", paste(unique(bad), collapse = ", "))

Try the leaflegend package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

leaflegend documentation built on Aug. 19, 2023, 5:11 p.m.