#' Run a tutorial
#' Run a tutorial provided by an installed R package.
#' @examples
#' # display all "learnr" tutorials
#' available_tutorials("learnr")
#' # run basic example within learnr
#' \dontrun{
#' run_tutorial("hello", "learnr")
#' }
#' @param name Tutorial name (subdirectory within \code{tutorials/} directory of
#' installed `package`). Alternatively, if `package` is not provided, `name`
#' may be a path to a local tutorial R Markdown file or a local directory
#' containing a learnr tutorial. If `package` is provided, `name` must be the
#' tutorial name.
#' @param package Name of package. If `name` is a path to the local directory
#' containing a learnr tutorial, then `package` should not be provided.
#' @param shiny_args Additional arguments to forward to
#' \code{\link[shiny:runApp]{shiny::runApp}}.
#' @param clean When `TRUE`, the shiny prerendered HTML files are removed and
#' the tutorial is re-rendered prior to starting the tutorial.
#' @param as_rstudio_job Runs the tutorial in the background as an RStudio job.
#' This is the default behavior when `run_tutorial()` detects that RStudio is
#' available and can run jobs. Set to `FALSE` to disable and to run the
#' tutorial in the current R session.
#' When running as an RStudio job, `run_tutorial()` sets or overrides the
#' `launch.browser` option for `shiny_args`. You can instead use the
#' `shiny.launch.browser` global option in your current R session to set
#' the default behavior when the tutorial is run. See [the shiny options
#' documentation][shiny::getShinyOption()] for more information.
#' @param ... Unused. Included for future expansion and to ensure named
#' arguments are used.
#' @return Starts a Shiny server running the learnr tutorial.
#' @seealso \code{\link{safe}} and \code{\link{available_tutorials}}
#' @export
run_tutorial <- function(
name = NULL,
package = NULL,
shiny_args = NULL,
clean = FALSE,
as_rstudio_job = NULL
) {
checkmate::assert_character(name, any.missing = FALSE, max.len = 1, null.ok = TRUE)
checkmate::assert_character(package, any.missing = FALSE, max.len = 1, null.ok = TRUE)
if (is.null(name)) {
tutorials <- available_tutorials(package = package)
# The tutorial object must have a boolean `valid` indicating if a valid
# tutorial was found, and `dir` the normalized absolute path to the directory
# containing the tutorial. Optionally, a `file` item will also be included,
# indicating which specific tutorial will be run.
tutorial <-
if (is.null(package)) {
} else {
run_validate_tutorial_pkg(name, package)
if (!isTRUE(tutorial$valid)) {
run_stop_invalid_name(name = name, package = package)
# check for necessary tutorial package dependencies
# provide launch_browser if it's not specified in the shiny_args
if (is.null(shiny_args)) {
shiny_args <- list()
if (is.null(shiny_args$launch.browser)) {
is_interactive <- rlang::is_interactive() ||
identical(Sys.getenv("LEARNR_INTERACTIVE", "0"), "1")
shiny_args$launch.browser <- if (!is_interactive) {
} else {
getOption("viewer", utils::browseURL)
as_rstudio_job <-
(isTRUE(as_rstudio_job) && can_run_rstudio_job(stop_if_not = TRUE)) ||
(is.null(as_rstudio_job) && can_run_rstudio_job())
if (as_rstudio_job) {
run_tutorial_as_job(name, package, shiny_args = shiny_args, clean = clean)
render_args <-
# try to save a file to check for write permissions
tmp_save_file <- file.path(tutorial$dir, "__learnr_test_file")
# make sure it's deleted
if (file.exists(tmp_save_file)) {
}, add = TRUE)
# write to the test file
suppressWarnings(cat("test", file = tmp_save_file))
# if no errors have occurred, return an empty list of render_args
}, error = function(e) {
# Could not write in the tutorial folder
"Rendering tutorial in a temp folder since `learnr` does not have write permissions in the tutorial folder: ",
# Set rmarkdown args to render in tmp dir
# This will cause the tutorial to be re-rendered in each R session
temp_output_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "learnr", package, name)
if (!dir.exists(temp_output_dir)) {
dir.create(temp_output_dir, recursive = TRUE)
output_dir = temp_output_dir,
intermediates_dir = temp_output_dir,
knit_root_dir = temp_output_dir
if (isTRUE(clean)) {
# ensure hooks are available for a tutorial and clean up after run_tutorial()
if (!detect_installed_knitr_hooks()) {
# run within tutorial wd
withr::with_dir(tutorial$dir, {
if (!identical(Sys.getenv("SHINY_PORT", ""), "")) {
# is currently running in a server, do not allow for prerender (rmarkdown::render)
withr::local_envvar(c(RMARKDOWN_RUN_PRERENDER = "0"))
rmarkdown::run(file = tutorial$file, dir = tutorial$dir, shiny_args = shiny_args, render_args = render_args)
run_stop_invalid_name <- function(name = NULL, package = NULL, n_parent = 1) {
msg <- if (is.null(package)) {
"Could not find a learnr tutorial at '%s'. When `package` is not provided, `name` must be the path to a tutorial `.Rmd` or a directory containing a learnr tutorial.",
} else if (!is.null(name)) {
sprintf("'%s' is not the name of a tutorial in the package '%s'.", name, package)
} else {
"When `package` is provided, `name` must be the name of a tutorial in the package. Otherwise `name` is the path to a tutorial or the path to a directory containing a tutorial."
if (!is.null(package)) {
msg <- paste(msg, sprintf("Use `learnr::run_tutorial(package = \"%s\")` to list available tutorials in this package.", package))
stop(errorCondition(msg, call = = n_parent)))
run_validate_tutorial_path <- function(path = NULL) {
tutorial_file <- run_validate_tutorial_file(path)
if (isTRUE(tutorial_file$valid)) {
tutorial_dir <- run_validate_tutorial_dir(path)
if (isTRUE(tutorial_dir$valid)) {
list(valid = FALSE, dir = path)
run_validate_tutorial_dir <- function(path = NULL) {
if (is.null(path)) return(list(valid = FALSE, dir = NULL))
# remove trailing slash, otherwise file.exists() returns FALSE on Windows
# even if the directory exits. At this point we want to check that the input
# does or doesn't exist. If it doesn't we don't need to do any more tests
path <- sub("/+$", "", path)
if (!file.exists(path)) {
return(list(valid = FALSE, dir = path))
run_find_tutorial_rmd(path, stop_if_not = TRUE)
list(valid = TRUE, dir = normalizePath(path))
run_validate_tutorial_file <- function(path) {
# A tutorial is valid if it's a scalar path to a single existing file that is a shiny rmd
is_valid <- checkmate::test_character(path, len = 1, null.ok = FALSE, any.missing = FALSE) &&
utils::file_test("-f", path) &&
if (!isTRUE(is_valid)) {
return(list(valid = FALSE, dir = path))
list(valid = TRUE, file = basename(path), dir = normalizePath(dirname(path)))
run_validate_tutorial_pkg <- function(name, package) {
dir <- tryCatch(
get_tutorial_path(name, package),
error = identity
if (inherits(dir, "error")) {
call =, length(sys.calls())))
list(valid = TRUE, dir = dir)
run_check_is_shiny_rmd <- function(rmds) {
vapply(rmds, FUN.VALUE = logical(1), function(x) {
# this is one shortcut, we need a shiny prerendered or shinyrmd document
runtime <- rmarkdown::yaml_front_matter(x)[["runtime"]]
identical(runtime, "shinyrmd") || identical(runtime, "shiny_prerendered")
run_find_tutorial_rmd <- function(path, stop_if_not = FALSE) {
# TODO: replace when rstudio/rmarkdown#2236 is resolved
# see
# with a couple shortcuts because we know we need a learnr tutorial
rmds <- list.files(path, pattern = "^[^_].*\\.[Rrq][Mm][Dd]$")
names(rmds) <- rmds
rmds <- file.path(path, rmds)
if (length(rmds) == 0) {
if (isTRUE(stop_if_not)) {
stop.("No R Markdown files found in the directory ", path)
is_shiny_rmd <- run_check_is_shiny_rmd(rmds)
rmds <- basename(rmds[is_shiny_rmd])
if (length(rmds) == 0) {
if (isTRUE(stop_if_not)) {
stop.("No `shiny_prerenderd` or `shinyrmd` R Markdown files found in the directory ", path)
if (length(rmds) == 1) {
primary_rmds <- grepl("^(index|ui)[.]", tolower(rmds))
if (sum(primary_rmds) == 1) {
if (isTRUE(stop_if_not)) {
"Unable to determine which of multiple R Markdown files is the primary app. ",
"Name the primary app `index` with extension `.Rmd` or `.qmd`.",
"\ndirectory: ", path,
"\n rmds: ", paste(rmds, collapse = ", ")
run_clean_tutorial_prerendered <- function(path) {
rmd <- run_find_tutorial_rmd(path)
if (is.null(rmd)) {
rmarkdown::shiny_prerendered_clean(file.path(path, rmd))
}, error = function(err) {
msg <- sprintf(
'Could not clean shiny prerendered content. Error found while running `rmarkdown::shiny_prerendered_clean("%s")`:\n%s',
file.path(path, rmd),
#' Safe R CMD environment
#' By default, \code{callr::\link[callr]{rcmd_safe_env}} suppresses the ability
#' to open a browser window. This is the default execution environment within
#' \code{callr::\link[callr]{r}}. However, opening a browser is expected
#' behavior within the learnr package and should not be suppressed.
#' @examples
#' safe_env()
#' @return A list of envvars, modified from [callr::rcmd_safe_env()].
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
safe_env <- function() {
envs <- callr::rcmd_safe_env()
envs[!(names(envs) %in% c("R_BROWSER"))]
callr_try_catch <- function(...) {
# TODO when processx 3.2.0 is released, _downgrade_ to "interrupt" call instead of "system_command_interrupt".
# if a user sends an interrupt, return silently
system_command_interrupt = function(...) invisible(NULL)
#' Execute R code in a safe R environment
#' When rendering (or running) a document with R markdown, it inherits the
#' current R Global environment. This will produce unexpected behaviors,
#' such as poisoning the R Global environment with existing variables. By
#' rendering the document in a new, safe R environment, a \emph{vanilla},
#' rendered document is produced.
#' The environment variable \code{LEARNR_INTERACTIVE} will be set to \code{"1"}
#' or \code{"0"} depending on if the calling session is interactive or not.
#' Using \code{safe} should only be necessary when locally deployed.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Direct usage
#' safe(run_tutorial("hello", package = "learnr"))
#' # Programmatic usage
#' library(rlang)
#' expr <- quote(run_tutorial("hello", package = "learnr"))
#' safe(!!expr)
#' tutorial <- "hello"
#' safe(run_tutorial(!!tutorial, package = "learnr"))
#' }
#' @param expr expression that contains all the necessary library calls to
#' execute. Expressions within callr do not inherit the existing,
#' loaded libraries.
#' @param ... parameters passed to \code{callr::\link[callr]{r}}
#' @param show Logical that determines if output should be displayed
#' @param env Environment to evaluate the document in
#' @return The result of `expr`.
#' @export
safe <- function(expr, ..., show = TRUE, env = safe_env()) {
# do not make a quosure as the attached env is not passed.
# should be evaluated in a clean global context
expr <- rlang::enexpr(expr)
# "0" or "1"
learnr_interactive = as.character(as.numeric(isTRUE(interactive())))
withr::with_envvar(c(LEARNR_INTERACTIVE = learnr_interactive), {
function(.exp) {
library("learnr", character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE)
.exp = expr
show = show,
env = env
can_run_rstudio_job <- function(stop_if_not = FALSE) {
if (!rlang::is_interactive()) {
has_needed_pkgs <- vapply(
c("rstudioapi", "httpuv"), requireNamespace, logical(1), quietly = TRUE
if (any(!has_needed_pkgs)) {
if (isTRUE(stop_if_not)) {
rlang::check_installed(c("rstudioapi", "httpuv"), "Required to run a tutorial as an RStudio job")
# rstudioapi::jobRunScript is internally called runScriptJob
run_tutorial_as_job <- function(name, package = NULL, shiny_args = list(), clean = FALSE) {
if (!can_run_rstudio_job() || !requireNamespace("httpuv", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Cannot run tutorial as RStudio job")
if (is.null(shiny_args$port)) {
shiny_args$port <- httpuv::randomPort()
shiny_args$launch.browser <- function(url) {
message("\n+", strrep("-", getOption("width", 60) * 0.9), "+")
job_call_parent <- function(expr) {
expr <- rlang::parse_expr(expr)
utils::getFromNamespace("callRemote", "rstudioapi")(expr, .GlobalEnv)
sprintf('getOption("shiny.launch.browser", utils::browseURL)("%s")', url)
message("\u2713 Opened tutorial available at ", url)
}, error = function(e) {
message("\u2713 Open the tutorial in your browser: ", url)
message("! Stop or cancel this job to stop running the tutorial")
message("+", strrep("-", getOption("width", 60) * 0.9), "+\n")
host <- if (is.null(shiny_args$host)) "" else shiny_args$host
url <- sprintf("http://%s:%s", sub("^https?://", "", host), shiny_args$port)
call <- substitute(
name = name,
package = package,
shiny_args = shiny_args,
clean = clean,
as_rstudio_job = FALSE
name = name,
package = package,
shiny_args = shiny_args,
clean = clean
script <- paste(c("library(learnr)", deparse(call)), collapse = "\n")
tmpfile <- tempfile("run_tutorial", fileext = ".R")
writeLines(script, tmpfile)
# Set the job_name based on the tutorial title or name
file <- name
if (utils::file_test("-d", name)) {
rmd <- run_find_tutorial_rmd(name)
if (!is.null(rmd)) {
file <- file.path(name, rmd)
job_name <-
if (file.exists(sub("/+$", "", file))) {
paste("Tutorial:", rmarkdown::yaml_front_matter(file)$title)
} else {
sprintf("Tutorial: %s {%s}", name, package)
path = tmpfile,
workingDir = getwd(),
name = job_name
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.