
Defines functions createScript loadEnvi createMeta saveEnvi sourceFunctions loadLibraries addGitFolders makeGlobalVariable setupProj initProj createFolders setup_default

Documented in addGitFolders createFolders createMeta createScript initProj loadEnvi loadLibraries makeGlobalVariable saveEnvi setup_default setupProj sourceFunctions

#' Define working environment default settings
#'@details After adding new project settings run [setup_default()] to update and savew the default settings. For compatibility reasons you may also run [lutUpdate()].
#'@return  A list containing the default project settings
#'@param  new_folder_list containing a list of arbitrary folders to be generated
#'@param  new_folder_list_name name of this list
#'@param default name of default list
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Standard setup for baseSpatial
#' setup_default()
#' }
#' @name setup_default
#' @export setup_default
setup_default <- function(default = NULL, new_folder_list = NULL, new_folder_list_name = NULL) {
  # Read master configuration
  setup_default <- yaml::read_yaml(system.file("templates/", "config-default-projects.yml", package = "link2GI"))
  if (is.null(new_folder_list) & !is.null(default)) {
    setup_dflt <- setup_default[[default]]
  } else if (is.null(new_folder_list) & is.null(default)) {
    setup_dflt <- setup_default
  } else {
    setup_dflt <- setup_default
    setup_dflt[[new_folder_list_name]] <- new_folder_list
#' Compile folder list and create folders
#' @description  Compile folder list with absolut paths and create folders if
#' necessary.
#' @param root_folder root directory of the project.
#' @param folders list of subfolders within the project directory.
#' @param create_folders create folders if not existing already.
#' @return  List with folder paths and names.
#' @export createFolders
#' @aliases createFolder
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  createFolders(root_folder = tempdir(), folders = c('data/', 'data/tmp/'))
#' }
#' # Create folder list and set variable names pointing to the path values
createFolders <- function(root_folder, folders, create_folders = TRUE) {
  folders <- lapply(folders, function(f) {
    file.path(root_folder, f)
  folders <- folders[!duplicated(folders)]
  names(folders) <- basename(unlist(folders))
  tmplt <- unlist(folders)
  while (any(duplicated(names(folders)))) {
    tmplt <- dirname(tmplt)
    dplcts <- which(duplicated(names(folders), fromLast = FALSE) | duplicated(names(folders), fromLast = TRUE))
    names(folders)[dplcts] <- paste(basename(tmplt)[dplcts], names(folders[dplcts]), sep = "_")
  # Check paths for existance and create if necessary
  for (f in folders) {
    if (!file.exists(f))
      dir.create(f, recursive = TRUE)
#' Simple creation and reproduction of an efficient project environment
#' @description Set up the project environment with a defined folder structure, an RStudio project, initial scripts and configuration files and optionally with Git and Renv support.
#' @param root_folder root directory of the project.
#' @param folders list of sub folders within the project directory that will be created.
#' @param init_git logical: init git repository in the project directory.
#' @param init_renv logical: init renv in the project directory.
#' @param code_subfolder sub folders for scripts and functions within the project directory that will be created. The
#' folders src, src/functions and src/config are mandatory.
#' @param global logical: export path strings as global variables?
#' @param appendlibs  vector with the  names of libraries that are required for the initial project.
#' settings required for the project, such as additional libraries, optional settings, 
#' colour schemes, etc. Important: It should not be used to control the runtime
#' parameters of the scripts.  This file is not read in automatically, even if 
#' it is located in the 'fcts_folder' folder.
#' @param standard_setup select one of the predefined settings c('base', 'baseSpatial', 'advancedSpatial'). 
#' In this case, only the name of the base folder is required, but individual additional 
#' folders can be specified under 'folders' 
#' name of the git repository must be supplied to the function.
#' @param newsession open project in a new session? default is FALSE
#' @param loc_name  NULL by default, defines the research area of the analysis in the data folder as a subfolder and serves as a code tag
#' @param ymlFN filename for a yaml file containing a non standard_setup 
#' @param OpenFiles default NULL
#' @param openproject default NULL if TRUE the project is opened in a new session
#' @note For yaml based setup you need to use one of the default configurations 
#' c('base', 'baseSpatial','advancedSpatial') or you provide a yaml file this 
#' MUST contain the standard_setup arguments, where \code{ mysetup} is the yaml root, all other items are mandatory keywords that can be filled in as needed.  
#'  \preformatted{
#'   dataFolder:  
#'   docsFolder:  
#'   tmpFolder:   
#'   init_git: true/false 
#'   init_renv: true/false 
#'   code_subfolder: ['src', 'src/functions' , 'src/config'] 
#'   global: true/false 
#'   libs: 
#'   create_folders: true/false
#'   files:
#'    Alternatively you may set default_setup to NULL and provide the arguments via command line.
#' @details The function uses [setupProj] for setting up the folders. Once the project is creaeted, manage the overall
#' configuration of the project by the `src/functions/000_settings.R script`. It is sourced at the begining of the
#' template scripts that are created by default. Define additional constans, required libraries etc. in the
#' 000_settings.R at any time. If additonal folders are required later, just add them manually. They will be parsed as
#' part of the 000_settings.R and added to a variable called dirs that allows easy acces to any of the folders. Use
#' this variable to load/save data to avoid any hard coded links in the scripts except the top-level root folder which
#' is defined once in the main control script located at src/main.R.
#' @return dirs, i.e. a list containing the project paths.
#' @name initProj
#' @export initProj
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' root_folder <- tempdir() # Mandatory, variable must be in the R environment.
#' dirs <- initProj(root_folder = root_folder, standard_setup = 'baseSpatial')
#' }
initProj <- function(root_folder = ".", folders = NULL, init_git = NULL, init_renv = NULL, code_subfolder = c("src", "src/functions",
                                                                                                              "src/configs"), global = FALSE, openproject = NULL, newsession = TRUE, standard_setup = "baseSpatial", loc_name = NULL,
                     ymlFN = NULL, appendlibs = NULL, OpenFiles = NULL) {
  notes <- TRUE
  if (is.null(init_git))
    init_git <- FALSE
  if (is.null(init_renv))
    init_renv <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(loc_name))
    if (loc_name == "")
      loc_name <- NULL
  if (is.null(appendlibs))
    appendlibs <- "dplyr"
  if (is.null(openproject))
    openproject <- FALSE
  # Setup project directory structure
  if (standard_setup %in% c("base", "baseSpatial", "advancedSpatial")) {
    envrmt <- setup_default(standard_setup)
  } else {
    envrmt <- yaml::read_yaml(file = ymlFN)
  if (is.null(appendlibs)) {
    libs <- envrmt$libs
  } else {
    libs <- append(appendlibs, envrmt$libs)
  if (!is.null(code_subfolder) | length(code_subfolder) > 0) {
    code_subfolder <- unique(append(code_subfolder, envrmt$code_subfolder))
  } else {
    code_subfolder <- envrmt$code_subfolder
  projectDirList <- as.list(strsplit(names(envrmt)[grepl("Folder", names(envrmt))], split = "Folder", fixed = TRUE))
  if (is.null(loc_name)) {
    projectDirList <- append(projectDirList, file.path("data", envrmt$dataFolder))
    projectDirList <- append(projectDirList, file.path("docs", envrmt$docsFolder))
    projectDirList <- append(projectDirList, file.path("tmp", envrmt$tmpFolder))
  } else {
    projectDirList <- append(projectDirList, file.path("data", loc_name, envrmt$dataFolder))
    projectDirList <- append(projectDirList, file.path("docs", loc_name, envrmt$docsFolder))
    projectDirList <- append(projectDirList, file.path("tmp", loc_name, envrmt$tmpFolder))
  # append additional folders if defined by calling script
  if (!is.null(folders) && folders[[1]] != "") {
    projectDirList <- append(projectDirList, folders)
  if (is.null(folders)) {
    use_standard_setup <- TRUE
    dirs <- setupProj(root_folder = root_folder, folders = projectDirList, code_subfolder = code_subfolder, standard_setup = standard_setup,
                      libs = libs)
  } else {
    use_standard_setup <- FALSE
    dirs <- setupProj(root_folder = root_folder, folders = projectDirList, code_subfolder = code_subfolder, global = global,
                      libs = libs, standard_setup = NULL)
  # create R project and scripts
  brew::brew(system.file(sprintf("templates/%s.brew", "rstudio_proj"), package = "link2GI"), file.path(root_folder, paste0(basename(root_folder),
  brew::brew(system.file(sprintf("templates/%s.brew", "script_control"), package = "link2GI"), file.path(dirs$src, "main-control.R"))
  brew::brew(system.file(sprintf("templates/%s.brew", "pre-processing"), package = "link2GI"), file.path(dirs$src, "pre-processing.R"))
  brew::brew(system.file(sprintf("templates/%s.brew", "processing"), package = "link2GI"), file.path(dirs$src, "10-processing.R"))
  brew::brew(system.file(sprintf("templates/%s.brew", "post-processing"), package = "link2GI"), file.path(dirs$src, "post-processing.R"))
  brew::brew(system.file(sprintf("templates/%s.brew", "config-master-yml"), package = "link2GI"), file.path(dirs$config,
  brew::brew(system.file(sprintf("templates/%s.brew", standard_setup), package = "link2GI"), file.path(dirs$functions,
  brew::brew(system.file(sprintf("templates/%s.brew", "yml"), package = "link2GI"), file.path(dirs$config, "pre-processing.yml"))
  brew::brew(system.file(sprintf("templates/%s.brew", "yml"), package = "link2GI"), file.path(dirs$config, "processing.yml"))
  brew::brew(system.file(sprintf("templates/%s.brew", "yml"), package = "link2GI"), file.path(dirs$config, "post-processing.yml"))
  brew::brew(system.file(sprintf("templates/%s.brew", "readme"), package = "link2GI"), file.path(dirs$config, "README.md"))
  # Init git if (use_standard_setup) init_git <- setup_default()[[standard_setup[1]]]$init_git
  if (init_git) {
    if (!file.exists(file.path(root_folder, ".git"))) {
      git2r::init(root_folder)  #system(paste('git init', root_folder))
    template_path <- system.file(sprintf("templates/%s.brew", "gitignore"), package = "link2GI")
    brew::brew(template_path, file.path(root_folder, ".gitignore"))
  if (init_renv)
  if (openproject)
    rstudioapi::openProject(file.path(root_folder, paste0(basename(root_folder), ".Rproj")), newSession = newsession)
#' Setup project folder structure
#' @description Defines folder structures and creates them if necessary, loads
#' libraries, and sets other project relevant parameters.
#' @param root_folder root directory of the project.
#' @param folders list of sub folders within the project directory.
#' @param code_subfolder sub folders for scripts and functions within the 
#' project directory that will be created. The
#' folders src, src/functions and src/config are recommended.
#' @param global logical: export path strings as global variables?
#' @param libs  vector with the  names of libraries
#' @param setup_script Name of the installation script that contains all the 
#' settings required for the project, such as additional libraries, optional settings, 
#' colour schemes, etc. Important: It should not be used to control the runtime
#' parameters of the scripts.  This file is not read in automatically, even if 
#' it is located in the 'fcts_folder' folder.
#' @param fcts_folder  path of the folder holding the functions. All files in
#' this folder will be sourced at project start.
#' @param source_functions logical: should functions be sourced? Default is TRUE if fcts_folder exists.
#' @param standard_setup select one of the predefined settings c('base', 'baseSpatial', 'advancedSpatial'). 
#' In this case, only the name of the base folder is required, but individual additional 
#' folders can be specified under 'folders' 
#' name of the git repository must be supplied to the function.
#' @param create_folders default is TRUE  so create folders if not existing already.
#' @return A list containing the project settings.
#' @name setupProj
#' @export setupProj
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' setupProj(
#'   root_folder = '~/edu', folders = c('data/', 'data/tmp/'),
#'   libs = c('link2GI')
#' )
#' }
setupProj <- function(root_folder = tempdir(), folders = c("data", "data/tmp"), code_subfolder = NULL, global = FALSE, libs = NULL,
                      setup_script = "000_setup.R", fcts_folder = NULL, source_functions = !is.null(fcts_folder), standard_setup = NULL, create_folders = TRUE) {
  # setup_default() # new_folder_list=NULL,new_folder_list_name=NULL
  if (!is.null(standard_setup)) {
    dflt <- setup_default()[[standard_setup]]
    for (i in seq(length(dflt))) {
      assign(names(dflt[i]), dflt[[i]])
  # Add code folders to folders
  if (!is.null(code_subfolder)) {
    folders <- c(folders, code_subfolder)
  # Create folders
  folders <- createFolders(root_folder, folders, create_folders = create_folders)
  # Set global environment if necessary
  if (global)
    makeGlobalVariable(names = names(folders), values = folders)
  # Load and install libraries
  # Source functions
  if (source_functions)
    sourceFunctions(fcts_folder, setup_script)
#' Generates a variable with a certain value in the R environment
#' @description  Generates a variable with a certain value in the R environment.
#' @param names  vector with the  names of the variable(s)
#' @param values vector with values of the variable(s)
#' @name makeGlobalVariable
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # creates the global variable \\code{path_data} with the value \\code{~/data}
#' makeGlobalVariable(names = 'path_data', values = '~/data')
#' }
makeGlobalVariable <- function(names, values) {
  if (!exists("enivmaR"))
    enivmaR <- new.env(parent = globalenv())
  for (i in seq(length(names))) {
    if (exists(names[i], envir = enivmaR)) {
      warning(paste("The variable", names[i], "already exist in .GlobalEnv"))
    } else {
      assign(names[i], values[i], envir = enivmaR, inherits = TRUE)
#' Extent folder list by git repository
#' @description  Extent folder list by git repository and create subdirectories
#' according to default values.
#' @param folders list of subfolders within the project directory.
#' @name addGitFolders
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' addGitFolders(folders = c('data', 'data/tmp'), git_repository = 'myproject')
#' }
addGitFolders <- function(folders, git_repository = NULL, git_subfolders = NULL) {
  if (is.null(git_subfolders)) {
    folders <- c(folders, git_repository)
  } else {
    folders <- c(folders, file.path(git_repository, git_subfolders))
#' Load libraries and try to install missing ones
#' @description  Load libaries in the R environment and try to install misssing
#' ones.
#' @param libs  vector with the  names of libraries
#' @return  List indicating which library has been loaded successfully.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # loadLibraries(libs = C('link2GI'))
#' }
loadLibraries <- function(libs) {
  options(install.packages.check.source = "no")
  success <- lapply(libs, function(l) {
    if (!l %in% utils::installed.packages()) {
    require(l, character.only = TRUE)
  names(success) <- libs
  options(install.packages.check.source = "yes")
#' Source functions from standard or given directory
#' @description  Source functions into the R environment located in a specified
#' folder.
#' @param fcts_folder path of the folder holding the functions. All files in
#' this folder will be sourced at project start.
#' @return  Information if sourcing was successfull based on try function.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # sourceFunctions(fcts_folder = '~/project/src/fcts')
#' }
sourceFunctions <- function(fcts_folder, setup_script) {
  fcts <- list.files(fcts_folder, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
  if (TRUE %in% grepl(setup_script, fcts))
    fcts <- fcts[-grep(pattern = setup_script, x = fcts)]
  success <- lapply(fcts, function(f) {
    try(source(f), silent = TRUE)
  names(success) <- fcts
#' Saves data in rds format and adds a yaml metadata file.
#' @description Saves data in rds format and saves metadata in a corresponding yaml file.
#' @param variable name of the data variable to be saved.
#' @param file_path name and path of the rds file.
#' @param meta name of the metadata list.
#' @return NULL
#' @name saveEnvi
#' @export saveEnvi
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' a <- 1
#' meta <- list(a = 'a is a variable')
#' saveEnvi(a, file.path(tempdir(), 'test.rds'), meta)
#' }
saveEnvi <- function(variable, file_path, meta) {
  saveRDS(variable, file_path)
  yaml::write_yaml(meta, paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(file_path), ".yaml"))
#' Create list of metadata from project environment.
#' @description Create list of metadata from project environment.
#' @param prj_name name of the project
#' @return list of metadata.
#' @name createMeta
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' createMeta(tempdir())
#' }
createMeta <- function(prj_name) {
  meta <- list()
  meta$prj <- prj_name
  meta$git_commit <- system("git rev-parse HEAD", intern = TRUE)
#' Load data from rds format and associated yaml metadata file.
#' @description Load data from rds format and associated yaml metadata file.
#' @param file_path name and path of the rds file.
#' @return list of 2 containing data and metadata.
#' @name loadEnvi
#' @export loadEnvi
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' a <- 1
#' meta <- list(a = 'a is a variable')
#' saveEnvi(a, file.path(tempdir(), 'test.rds'), meta)
#' b <- loadEnvi(file.path(tempdir(), 'test.rds'))
#' }
loadEnvi <- function(file_path) {
  dat <- readRDS(file_path)
  meta <- yaml::read_yaml(paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(file_path), ".yaml"))
  return(list(dat = dat, meta = meta))
#' Create files or scripts from templates
#' @description Create files or scripts from brew templates supplied with the package.
#' @param new_file name of the file to be created
#' @param template template to be used for the new file ('script_function', 'script_control')
#' @param template_path path to template to be used 
#' @param notes logical: include notes from the template in the file
#' @return NULL
#' @name createScript
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' createScript()
#' }
createScript <- function(new_file = file.path(tempdir(), "tmp.R"), template = c("script_function", "script_control"), notes = TRUE,
                         template_path = system.file(sprintf("templates/%s.brew", template[1]), package = "link2GI")) {
  brew::brew(template_path, new_file)

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

link2GI documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:26 a.m.