
Defines functions runOTB parseOTBFunction parseOTBAlgorithms

Documented in parseOTBAlgorithms parseOTBFunction runOTB

#'@title Retrieve available OTB modules 
#'@name parseOTBAlgorithms
#'@description Read in the selected OTB module folder and create a list of available functions.
#'@param gili optional list of available `OTB` installations, if not specified, 
#'`linkOTB()` is called to automatically try to find a valid OTB installation 
#'@export parseOTBAlgorithms
#' \dontrun{
#' ## link to the OTB binaries
#' otblink<-link2GI::linkOTB()
#'  if (otblink$exist) {
#'  ## parse all modules
#'  moduleList<-parseOTBAlgorithms(gili = otblink)
#'  ## print the list
#'  print(moduleList)
#'  } 
#' }
parseOTBAlgorithms <- function(gili = NULL) {
  if (is.null(gili)) {
    otb <- link2GI::linkOTB()
    path_OTB <- otb$pathOTB
  } else path_OTB <- gili$pathOTB
  path_OTB <- ifelse(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows", utils::shortPathName(path_OTB), path_OTB)
  if (substr(path_OTB, nchar(path_OTB) - 1, nchar(path_OTB)) == "n/")
    path_OTB <- substr(path_OTB, 1, nchar(path_OTB) - 1)
  algorithms <- list.files(pattern = "otbcli", path = path_OTB, full.names = FALSE)
  algorithms <- substr(algorithms, 8, nchar(algorithms))
#'@title Retrieve the argument list from a selected OTB function
#'@name parseOTBFunction
#'@description retrieve the selected function and returns a full argument list with the default settings
#'@param algo either the number or the plain name of the `OTB` algorithm that is wanted. Note the correct (of current/selected version) information is provided by `parseOTBAlgorithms()`
#'@param gili optional list of available `OTB` installations, if not specified, 
#'`linkOTB()` is called to automatically try to find a valid OTB installation 
##'@export parseOTBFunction
#' \dontrun{
## link to the OTB binaries
#' otblink<-link2GI::linkOTB()
#' if (otblink$exist) {
#' ## parse all modules
#' algos<-parseOTBAlgorithms(gili = otblink)
#' ## take edge detection
#' cmdList<-parseOTBFunction(algo = algos[27],gili = otblink)
#' ## print the current command
#' print(cmdList)
#' }
#' }
#' ##+##
parseOTBFunction <- function(algo = NULL, gili = NULL) {
  if (is.null(gili)) {
    otb <- link2GI::linkOTB()
    path_OTB <- otb$pathOTB
  } else path_OTB <- gili$pathOTB
  if (identical(grep(path_OTB[[1]], pattern = "OTB-9"), !integer(0)))
    stop("OTB 9 due to unsolved errors calling 'otbenv.profile'  currently not supported")
  otb <- gili
  ocmd <- tmp <- list()
  otbcmd <- list()
  otbhelp <- list()
  otbtype <- list()
  # path_OTB = ifelse(Sys.info()['sysname']=='Windows', utils::shortPathName(path_OTB))
  if (algo != "" & otb$exist) {
    system("rm otb_module_dump.txt", intern = FALSE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)
    if (!identical(grep(path_OTB, pattern = "OTB-8."), integer(0))) {
      if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
        system(file.path(dirname(path_OTB[[1]]), "otbenv.bat"))
        system2(paste0(file.path(R.utils::getAbsolutePath(path_OTB), paste0("otbcli_", algo))), paste0(" -help >> ",
                                                                                                       file.path(R.utils::getAbsolutePath(tempdir()), paste0("otb_module_dump.txt 2>&1"))))
      } else {
        system(paste0(". ", dirname(path_OTB[[1]]), "/otbenv.profile"))
        system(paste0("env -i ", path_OTB, "otbcli ", algo, " -help >> ", file.path(R.utils::getAbsolutePath(tempdir()),
                                                                                    paste0("otb_module_dump.txt 2>&1"))))
    } else {
      if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
        # system(paste0(file.path(R.utils::getAbsolutePath(utils::shortPathName(path_OTB)),paste0('otbcli_',algo)),'
        # -help >> ' ,file.path(R.utils::getAbsolutePath(tempdir()),paste0('otb_module_dump.txt 2>&1')))),
        # system(paste0('env -i ', path_OTB, 'otbcli ', algo, ' -help >> ',
        # file.path(R.utils::getAbsolutePath(tempdir()), paste0('otb_module_dump.txt 2>&1'))))
        system2(paste0(file.path(R.utils::getAbsolutePath(path_OTB), paste0("otbcli_", algo))), paste0(" -help >> ",
                                                                                                       file.path(R.utils::getAbsolutePath(tempdir()), paste0("otb_module_dump.txt 2>&1"))))
      } else {
        system(paste0(". ", dirname(path_OTB[[1]]), "/otbenv.profile"))
        system(paste0("env -i ", path_OTB, "otbcli ", algo, " -help >> ", file.path(R.utils::getAbsolutePath(tempdir()),
                                                                                    paste0("otb_module_dump.txt 2>&1"))))
    # system(paste0('env -i ', path_OTB, 'otbcli ', algo, ' -help >> ',
    # file.path(R.utils::getAbsolutePath(tempdir()), paste0('otb_module_dump.txt 2>&1'))))
    ifelse(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows", txt <- readLines(paste0(tempdir(), "\\otb_module_dump.txt")), txt <- readLines(paste0(tempdir(),
    file.remove(file.path(tempdir(), "otb_module_dump.txt"))
    # Pull out the appropriate line
    args <- txt[grep("-", txt)]
    # obviously the format has changed. TODO if (Sys.info()['sysname']=='Linux') args <- args[-grep('http',args)]
    # Delete unwanted characters in the lines we pulled out
    args <- gsub("MISSING", "     ", args, fixed = TRUE)
    args <- gsub("\t", "     ", args, fixed = TRUE)
    args <- gsub(" <", "     <", args, fixed = TRUE)
    args <- gsub("> ", ">     ", args, fixed = TRUE)
    args <- gsub("          ", "   ", args, fixed = TRUE)
    args <- gsub("         ", "   ", args, fixed = TRUE)
    args <- gsub("        ", "   ", args, fixed = TRUE)
    args <- gsub("       ", "   ", args, fixed = TRUE)
    args <- gsub("      ", "   ", args, fixed = TRUE)
    args <- gsub("     ", "   ", args, fixed = TRUE)
    args <- gsub("    ", "   ", args, fixed = TRUE)
    args <- gsub("   ", "   ", args, fixed = TRUE)
    args <- strsplit(args, split = "   ")
    param <- list()
    otbcmd[[algo]] <- sapply(args, "[", 2)[[1]]
    # otbtype[[algo]] <- sapply(args, '[', 2:4)
    otbhelp[[algo]] <- sapply(args, "[", 2:4)
    for (j in 1:(length(args) - 1)) {
      drop <- FALSE
      default <- ""
      extractit <- FALSE
      ltmp <- length(grep("default value is", sapply(args, "[", 4)[[j]]))
      if (ltmp > 0)
        extractit <- TRUE
      if (extractit) {
        tmp <- strsplit(sapply(args, "[", 4)[[j]], split = "default value is ")[[1]][2]
        tmp <- strsplit(tmp, split = ")")[[1]][1]
        default <- tmp
      } else if (length(grep("(OTB-Team)", args[[j]])) > 0) {
        drop <- TRUE
      } else if (length(grep("(-help)", args[[j]])) > 0) {
        drop <- TRUE
      } else if (length(grep("(otbcli_)", args[[j]])) > 0) {
        drop <- TRUE
      } else if (length(grep("(-inxml)", args[[j]])) > 0) {
        drop <- TRUE
      } else if (length(grep("(mandatory)", sapply(args, "[", 4)[[j]])) > 0) {
        default <- "mandatory"
      } else if (sapply(args, "[", 4)[[j]] == "Report progress " & !is.na(sapply(args, "[", 4)[[j]] == "Report progress ")) {
        default <- "false"
      } else {
        default < sapply(args, "[", 4)[[j]]
      if (!drop & default != "") {
        arg <- sapply(args, "[", 2)[[j]]
        if (arg == "-in")
          arg <- "-input_in"
        if (arg == "-il")
          arg <- "-input_il"
        param[[paste0(substr(arg, 2, nchar(arg)))]] <- default
    if (length(ocmd) > 0)
      ocmd[[algo]] <- append(otbcmd, assign(algo, as.character(param))) else ocmd <- R.utils::insert(param, 1, algo)
    # params <- get_args_man(alg = 'otb:localstatisticextraction')
  } else {
    print("no valid algorithm provided")
  ## now parse help
  t <- ocmd
  t[[1]] <- NULL
  helpList <- list()
  for (arg in names(t)) {
    # if (arg =='input_in') arg<-'in' if (arg =='input_il') arg<-'il'
    if (arg != "progress") {
      system(paste0(path_OTB, "otbcli_", paste0(algo, " -help ", arg, paste0(" >> ", file.path(tempdir(), ocmd[[1]]),
                                                                             "-", arg, ".txt 2>&1"))))
      helpList[[arg]] <- unique(readLines(paste0(file.path(tempdir(), ocmd[[1]]), "-", arg, ".txt")))
      # file.remove(paste0(file.path(tempdir(),ocmd[[1]]),'-',arg,'.txt'),showWarnings = TRUE)
      drop <- grep(x = helpList[[arg]], pattern = "\\w*no version information available\\w*")
      drop <- append(drop, grep(x = helpList[[arg]], pattern = "^$"))
      helpList[[arg]] <- helpList[[arg]][-drop]
    } else if (arg == "progress")
      helpList[["progress"]] <- "Report progress: It must be 0, 1, false or true"
  ocmd$help <- helpList
#' Execute the OTB command via system call
#'@description Wrapper function that inserts the OTB command list into a system call compatible string and executes that command.  
#'@param otbCmdList the correctly populated OTB algorithm parameter list
#'@param gili optional list of available `OTB` installations, if not specified, 
#'`linkOTB()` is called to automatically try to find a valid OTB installation 
#'@param quiet boolean  if TRUE suppressing messages default is TRUE
#'@param retRaster boolean if TRUE a raster stack is returned default is FALSE
#'@param retCommand boolean if TRUE only the OTB API command is returned default is FALSE
#'@details #' Please NOTE: You must check the help to identify the correct input file argument ($input_in or $input_il). 
#' require(link2GI)
#' require(terra)
#' require(listviewer)
#' ## link to OTB
#' otblink<-link2GI::linkOTB()
#' if (otblink$exist) {
#'  root_folder<-tempdir()
#'  fn <- system.file('ex/elev.tif', package = 'terra')
#' ## for an image output example we use the Statistic Extraction, 
#' algoKeyword<- 'LocalStatisticExtraction'
#' ## extract the command list for the choosen algorithm 
#' cmd<-parseOTBFunction(algo = algoKeyword, gili = otblink)
#' ## Please NOTE:
#' ## You must check the help to identify the correct argument codewort ($input_in or $input_il)
#' listviewer::jsonedit(cmd$help)
#' ## define the mandatory arguments all other will be default
#' cmd$input_in  <- fn
#' cmd$out <- file.path(tempdir(),'test_otb_stat.tif')
#' cmd$radius <- 7
#' ## run algorithm
#' retStack<-runOTB(cmd,gili = otblink)
#' ## plot image
#' terra::plot(retStack)
#' ## for a data output example we use the 
#' algoKeyword<- 'ComputeImagesStatistics'
#' ## extract the command list for the chosen algorithm 
#' cmd<-parseOTBFunction(algo = algoKeyword, gili = otblink)
#' ## get help using the convenient listviewer
#' listviewer::jsonedit(cmd$help)
#' ## define the mandatory arguments all other will be default
#' cmd$input_il  <- file.path(tempdir(),'test.tif')
#' cmd$ram <- 4096
#' cmd$out.xml <- file.path(tempdir(),'test_otb_stat.xml')
#' cmd$progress <- 1
#' ## run algorithm
#' ret <- runOTB(cmd,gili = otblink, quiet = F)
#' ## as vector
#' print(ret)
#' ## as xml
#' XML::xmlParse(cmd$out)
#' }
runOTB <- function(otbCmdList = NULL, gili = NULL, retRaster = TRUE, retCommand = FALSE, quiet = TRUE) {
  if (is.null(gili)) {
    otb <- link2GI::linkOTB()
    path_OTB <- otb$pathOTB
  } else path_OTB <- gili$pathOTB
  otb_algorithm <- unlist(otbCmdList[1])
  otbCmdList[1] <- NULL
  otbCmdList$help <- NULL
  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows")
    otb_algorithm <- paste0(otb_algorithm, ".bat")
  if (names(otbCmdList)[1] == "input_in") {
    otbCmdList$input_in <- gsub(" ", "\\/ ", R.utils::getAbsolutePath(otbCmdList$input_in))
    names(otbCmdList)[1] <- "in"
  } else if (names(otbCmdList)[1] == "input_il") {
    otbCmdList$input_il <- gsub(" ", "\\/ ", R.utils::getAbsolutePath(otbCmdList$input_il))
    names(otbCmdList)[1] <- "il"
  } else if (names(otbCmdList)[1] == "io.il") {
    otbCmdList$io.il <- gsub(" ", "\\/ ", R.utils::getAbsolutePath(otbCmdList$io.il))
  if (!is.null(otbCmdList$mode)) {
    if (otbCmdList$mode == "vector") {
      outn <- otbCmdList$mode.vector.out
  if (!is.null(otbCmdList$out.xml)) {
    otbCmdList$out.xml <- gsub(" ", "\\/ ", R.utils::getAbsolutePath(otbCmdList$out.xml))
    outn <- otbCmdList$out.xml
  } else if (!is.null(otbCmdList$out)) {
    otbCmdList$out <- gsub(" ", "\\/ ", R.utils::getAbsolutePath(otbCmdList$out))
    outn <- otbCmdList$out
  } else if (!is.null(otbCmdList$io.out)) {
    otbCmdList$io.out <- gsub(" ", "\\/ ", R.utils::getAbsolutePath(otbCmdList$io.out))
    outn <- otbCmdList$io.out
    # xml2::read_xml(outn)
  if (!identical(grep(path_OTB, pattern = "OTB-8."), integer(0))) {
    command <- paste(paste0("otbcli_", otb_algorithm, " "), paste0("-", names(otbCmdList), " ", otbCmdList, collapse = " "))
  } else {
    command <- paste(paste0(path_OTB, "otbcli_", otb_algorithm, " "), paste0("-", names(otbCmdList), " ", otbCmdList,
                                                                             collapse = " "))
  command <- gsub("\\\\", "/", command)
  if (retCommand)
    return(command) else {
      if (quiet) {
        if (!identical(grep(path_OTB, pattern = "OTB-8."), integer(0)))
          system(file.path(dirname(as.character(path_OTB)), "otbenv.profile"))
        res <- system(command, ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE, intern = FALSE)
        if (retRaster) {
          # outn=gsub('\\/', '', path.expand(otbCmdList$out))
          if (xfun::file_ext(outn) == "tif") {
            rStack <- assign(tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(outn)), terra::rast(outn))
          } else if (xfun::file_ext(outn) == "xml") {
            # warning('NOTE: ', outn,' is not a raster\n')
          } else if (otbCmdList$mode == "vector") {
      } else {
        if (!identical(grep(path_OTB, pattern = "OTB-8."), integer(0)))
          system(file.path(dirname(path_OTB), "otbenv.profile"))
        ret <- system(command, ignore.stdout = FALSE, ignore.stderr = FALSE, intern = TRUE)
        lapply(ret, print)
        if (retRaster) {
          # outn=gsub('\\/', '', path.expand(otbCmdList$out))
          if (xfun::file_ext(outn) == "tif") {
            rStack <- assign(tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(outn)), terra::rast(outn))
          } else if (xfun::file_ext(outn) == "xml") {
            # warning('NOTE: ', outn,' is not a raster\n')
          } else if (otbCmdList$mode == "vector") {

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link2GI documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:26 a.m.