## ===== Subroutines for multMeta =========
cov2corNA <- function(x)
cv2cr <- x
cv2cr[!] <- cov2cor(matrix(x[!],
##diag(cv2cr) <- 1
intfun <- function(D,meanlog,sdlog,N) D*log(1+N/D)*dlnorm(D,meanlog,sdlog)
E.KN <- function(N,meanlog,sdlog,width=3)
## compute E(K|N) v.s. mD under D ~ dlnorm(meanlog,sdlog)
l <- integrate(f=intfun,lower=0,
upper=exp(meanlog - width * sdlog),
m <- integrate(f=intfun,
lower=exp(meanlog - width * sdlog),
upper=exp(meanlog + width * sdlog),
u <- integrate(f=intfun,
lower=exp(meanlog + width * sdlog), upper=Inf,
return(l + m + u)
cor2cov <- function(cor.mat,sd.vec)
cov.mat <- cor.mat
temp <- cov.mat*sd.vec ## each row of cov.mat is multiplied by each entry of sd.vec
temp <- t(t(temp)*sd.vec)
adjustPosDef <- function (mat,zero=1e-15)
eg <- eigen(mat)
if (sum(eg$values < zero) > 0) {
note <- "The non positive semi-definite-ness is adjusted by the truncation"
adjust.mat <- 0
for (i in 1:length(eg$values)) adjust.mat <- adjust.mat +
max(c(eg$values[i], zero)) * outer(eg$vector[, i],
eg$vector[, i])
if (!is.null(colnames(mat))) {
colnames(adjust.mat) <- colnames(mat)
rownames(adjust.mat) <- rownames(mat)
else {
adjust.mat <- mat
note <- "The matrix is already positive semi-definite"
return(list(adjust.mat = adjust.mat, note = note))
logL.G <- function(Y,ID,
## focused likelihood Pr(Yij | beta, G)
## gPre, gNre is a vector of length N
## if (is.null(vec.gNew)) labelnp <- rep(0,length(Y))
if (is.vector(X))
X <- matrix(X,ncol=1)
logL <- 0
uniID <- unique(ID)
for (ipat in 1 : length(uniID) )
patID <- uniID[ipat]
iY <- Y[ID==patID]
iX <- X[ID==patID,,drop=FALSE]
i.gPre <- vec.gPre[ipat]
logL <- logL + sum(dnbinom(iY,
return (logL)
logL.aGh.rGh <- function(Y,ID,
vec.aGs,vec.rGs ## LENGTH OF N
## focused likelihood Pr(Yij | beta, aGs[h], rGs[h])
## gPre, gNre is a vector of length N
## if (is.null(vec.gNew)) labelnp <- rep(0,length(Y))
if (is.vector(X))
X <- matrix(X,ncol=1)
logL <- 0
uniID <- unique(ID)
for (ipat in 1 : length(uniID) )
patID <- uniID[ipat]
iY <- Y[ID==patID]
iX <- X[ID==patID,,drop=FALSE]
aGh <- vec.aGs[ipat]
rGh <- vec.rGs[ipat]
Lchoose <- log.choose(a=exp(iX%*%vec.beta),n=iY)
logL <- logL + sum(Lchoose)+
return (logL)
log.choose <- function(a,n)
## Compute choose(a+n-1,n) for non-integer a
llk.FG_i <- function(ys,rs,aGs,bGs,ps)
## Pr( {Yij}_j=1^ni | beta, F_G )
## = prod_{j=1}^ni choose(rij+yij-1,yij)*sum_ih^M ps[ih]*beta(r_ip+ +aGs[ih], y_ip+ +bGs[ih])/beta(aGs[ih],bGs[ih])
## ys: length ni
## rs: length ni
## aGs: length M
## rGs: length M
## ps: length M
term1 <- sum(log.choose(a=rs,n=ys))
ratio <- exp(lbeta(sum(rs)+aGs,sum(ys)+bGs) - lbeta(aGs,bGs))
term2 <- log(sum(ps*ratio))
llk.FG <- function(Ys,Xs,ID,mat.beta,mat.aGs,mat.bGs,
## mat.aGs: B* by M where B* = length(useSample)
## mat.bGs: B* by M
## B* by M
uniID <- unique(ID)
llkeach <- rep(NA,nrow(mat.aGs))
for (iB in 1 : nrow(mat.aGs))
beta <- mat.beta[iB,]
aGs <- mat.aGs[iB,]
bGs <- mat.bGs[iB,]
ps <-[iB,]
temp.llk <- 0
for (ipat in 1 : length(uniID))
Yi <- Ys[ID==uniID[ipat]]
Xi <- Xs[ID==uniID[ipat],,drop=FALSE]
rs <- exp(Xi%*%beta) ## length ni
temp.llk <- temp.llk + llk.FG_i(ys=Yi,rs=rs,aGs=aGs,bGs=bGs,ps=ps)
if (!is.finite(temp.llk)) stop("!!")
llkeach[iB] <- temp.llk
getDIC.FG <- function(olmeNBB, data, ID, useSample, lower.alpha=0.0001,upper.alpha=0.99999,inc.alpha=0.0005)
## focused likelihood = P( Yi | beta, F_G )
alphas <- seq(lower.alpha,upper.alpha,inc.alpha)
## focused likelihood integrates out the component labels
## P( Yij, j=1,..,ni | beta, RE dist)
formula <- olmeNBB$para$formula
X <- model.matrix(object = formula, data = data)
Y <- model.response(model.frame(formula = formula, data = data))
if (olmeNBB$para$DP == 0) stop("Use getDIC for parametric Bayesian procedure")
if (is.vector(olmeNBB$beta))
olmeNBB$beta <- matrix(olmeNBB$beta, ncol = 1) <- -2*mean(llk.FG(Ys=Y,Xs=X,ID=ID,
mat.beta = olmeNBB$beta[useSample,, drop = FALSE],
mat.aGs = olmeNBB$aGs[useSample,, drop = FALSE],
mat.bGs = olmeNBB$rGs[useSample,, drop = FALSE], = olmeNBB$weightH1[useSample,,drop=FALSE]))
## compute the Pr( {Yij}_{j=1}^ni | bar.beta, bar.F_G)
## return a length(alphas) by length(B) matrix
qM <- dqmix(
weightH1 = olmeNBB$weightH1[useSample,],
aGs = olmeNBB$aGs[useSample,],
rGs = olmeNBB$rGs[useSample,],
alphas = alphas, ## the grid of points at which the density is evaluated
## bar.F_G is computed by averaging the estimated density at each grid of points
aggregate.dens <- colMeans(qM)
## bar.beta is average of beta^{(b)} after thinning
aggregate.beta <- colMeans(olmeNBB$beta[useSample,,drop=FALSE])
llk.pat <- 0
uniID <- unique(ID)
for (ipat in 1 : length(uniID))
ys <- Y[ID==uniID[ipat]]
xs <- X[ID==uniID[ipat],,drop=FALSE]
rs <- exp(xs%*%aggregate.beta)
## Pr( {Yij}_j=1^ni | bar.beta, bar.F_G) = int_0^1 prod_{j=1}^ni Pr( Yij | bar.beta, g) bar.f_G(g) dg
vec.dens <- rep(NA,length(alphas))
for (ialpha in 1 : length(alphas)){
vec.dens[ialpha]<- prod(dnbinom(ys,size=rs,prob=alphas[ialpha]))*aggregate.dens[ialpha]
llk.pat <- llk.pat + log(sum(vec.dens*inc.alpha))
D.hat <- -2 *llk.pat
effect.para <- - D.hat
DIC <- effect.para +
return(list(DIC = DIC, effect.para = effect.para))
getDIC_aGh.rGh.G <- function(olmeNBB,data,ID,useSample)
formula <- olmeNBB$para$formula
X <- model.matrix(object=formula,data=data)
Y <- model.response(model.frame(formula=formula,data=data))
## The effective number of parameters of the model is computed
## Dbar: posterior mean of the deviance bar(-2*logLlik) <- -2*mean(olmeNBB$logL[useSample]) ## + constant
## Dhat: -2*logLik(
if (is.vector(olmeNBB$beta)) olmeNBB$beta <- matrix(olmeNBB$beta,ncol=1)
##if (is.vector(olmeNBB$gNew)) olmeNBB$gNew <- matrix(olmeNBB$gNew,ncol=1)
##if (olmeNBB$para$Reduce){
if (olmeNBB$para$DP==0)
## parametric procedure:
olmeNBB$aGs_pat <- matrix(olmeNBB$aG,nrow=length(olmeNBB$aG),ncol=length(unique(ID)))
olmeNBB$rGs_pat <- matrix(olmeNBB$rG,nrow=length(olmeNBB$rG),ncol=length(unique(ID)))
## Pr( { Yij }_j=1^ni | beta, aGh, rGh)
D.hat <- -2*logL.aGh.rGh(Y=Y,ID=ID,X=X,
vec.beta = colMeans(olmeNBB$beta[useSample,,drop=FALSE]),
vec.aGs = colMeans(olmeNBB$aGs_pat[useSample,,drop=FALSE]),
vec.rGs = colMeans(olmeNBB$rGs_pat[useSample,,drop=FALSE])
## }else{
## ## Pr( { Yij }_j=1^ni | beta, G)
## D.hat <- -2*logL.G(Y=Y,ID=ID,X=X,
## vec.beta = colMeans(olmeNBB$beta[useSample,,drop=FALSE]),
## vec.gPre = colMeans(olmeNBB$g1s[useSample,,drop=FALSE])
## )
## }
effect.para <- - D.hat
DIC <- effect.para +
return (list(DIC=DIC,effect.para=effect.para))
getDIC <- function(olmeNBB, data,
ID, useSample=NULL,focus = c("FG","G","aGh.rGh","para"),
if (length(focus)==1) focus <- focus[1]
if (is.null(useSample)) useSample <- 1 : olmeNBB$para$B
## Pr(Yij | beta, aGs[h], rGs[h], pis[ih], ih=1,...,M ) works only for semiparametric procedure
if (focus== "FG")
re <- getDIC.FG(olmeNBB=olmeNBB, data=data,
ID=ID, useSample=useSample,
## Pr(Yij | beta, aGs[h], rGs[h], pis[ih])
## Pr(Yij | beta, G)
if (focus %in% c("G","aGh.rGh","para"))
re <- getDIC_aGh.rGh.G(olmeNBB=olmeNBB,data=data,
tempCdens <- function(mu,Sigma,Random){
eS <- eigen(Sigma)
ev <- eS$values;evec <- eS$vector
return( mu + evec %*% diag(ev) %*% (Random))
index.batch.Bayes <- function(data,labelnp,ID,olmeNBB,thin=NULL,printFreq=10^5,unExpIncrease=TRUE)
burnin <- olmeNBB$para$burnin
if (is.null(thin))
if (is.null(olmeNBB$para$thin)) thin <- 1
else thin <- olmeNBB$para$thin
formula <- olmeNBB$para$formula
X <- model.matrix(object=formula,data=data)
Y <- model.response(model.frame(formula=formula,data=data))
if (is.vector(X)) X <- matrix(X,ncol=1)
NtotAll <- length(Y)
if (nrow(X)!= NtotAll) stop ("nrow(X) != length(Y)")
if (length(ID)!= NtotAll) stop ("length(ID)!= length(Y)")
if (length(labelnp)!= NtotAll) stop ("labelnp!= length(Y)")
if (olmeNBB$para$DP==0)
olmeNBB$aGs <- matrix(olmeNBB$aG,ncol=1)
olmeNBB$rGs <- matrix(olmeNBB$rG,ncol=1)
olmeNBB$weightH1 <- matrix(1,ncol=1,nrow=length(olmeNBB$aGs))
useSample <- useSamp(thin=thin, burnin=burnin, B=nrow(olmeNBB$beta))
maxni <- max(tapply(rep(1,length(ID)),ID,sum))
## change the index of ID to numeric from 1 to # patients
temID <- ID
Npat <- length(unique(temID))
uniID <- unique(temID)
ID <- rep(NA,length(temID))
for (i in 1 : length(uniID))
ID[temID == uniID[i]] <- i
## ID starts from zero
mID <- ID-1
mat_betas <- olmeNBB$beta[useSample,,drop=FALSE]
mat_aGs <- olmeNBB$aGs[useSample,,drop=FALSE]
mat_rGs <- olmeNBB$rGs[useSample,,drop=FALSE]
mat_weightH1 <- olmeNBB$weightH1[useSample,,drop=FALSE]
B <- nrow(mat_betas)
M <- ncol(olmeNBB$aGs)
if (unExpIncrease){
re <- .Call("index_b_Bayes_UnexpIncrease",
as.numeric(Y), as.numeric(c(X)),
as.numeric(labelnp), as.integer(mID),
package ="lmeNBBayes")
re <- .Call("index_b_Bayes_UnexpDecrease",
as.numeric(Y), as.numeric(c(X)),
as.numeric(labelnp), as.integer(mID),
package ="")
re <- matrix(re[[1]],nrow=B,ncol=Npat,byrow=TRUE)
colnames(re) <- unique(temID)
rownames(re) <- paste("sim",1:B,sep="")
## the labelnp of patients only with 1 (new scans) labels are replaced by all 0 (old scans)
patwonew <- which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==0),ID,sum)==0)==1)
for (i in 1 : length(patwonew)) labelnp[ID == patwonew[i]] <- 0
patwoNorO <- which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==1),ID,sum)==0)==1)
if (length(patwoNorO)==0) patwoNorO <- NULL;
re[,patwoNorO] <- NA
res <- list()
res$condProb <- re
res$condProbSummary <- condProbCI(ID=temID,condProb=re)
res$para$labelnp <- labelnp
res$para$ID <-ID
res$para$CEL <- Y
res$para$thin <- thin
res$para$B <- B
res$para$burnin <- burnin
class(res) <- "IndexBatch"
condProbCI <- function(ID,condProb)
uniID <- unique(ID)
condProb <- cbind(
colnames(condProb) <- c("CondProb","SE","2.5%","97.5%")
rownames(condProb) <- uniID
newCat <- function(label1,label2)
## The length of label1 and label2 are the same
newCat <- rep(0,length(label1))
## label1 and label2 must be at the same length
for (ilabel1 in unique(label1))
for (ilabel2 in unique(label2))
newCat[label1==ilabel1 & label2 == ilabel2] <- paste(ilabel1,ilabel2,collapse=":",sep=":")
return (as.factor(newCat))
repeatAsID <-function(values,ID)
## ID does not have to be numerics
## values is a vector of length length(unique(ID))
ivalue <- 1
output <- rep(NA,length(ID))
for (iID in unique(ID))
output[ID==iID] <- values[ivalue]
ivalue <- ivalue + 1
return (output)
slim <- function(vec,ID)
uniID <- unique(ID)
re <- rep(NA,length(uniID))
for (i in 1 : length(uniID))
re[i] <- vec[ID==uniID[i]][1]
lnpara <- function(EX,SDX){
## log(D) ~ normal(mean=mulog,sd=sdlog)
## D ~ log-normal(meanlog=meanlog,sdlog=sdlog)
## Given the desired E(D) and SD(D), find meanlog = E(log(D)) and sdlog = SD(log(D)) parameters of log-normal
## E(logX) = exp(EX + SDX^2/2)
## Var(logX) = ( exp(SDX^2) - 1 )*exp(2*EX + SDX^2 ) = ( exp(SDX^2) - 1 )*( E(logX)^2 )
temp <- (SDX^2)/(EX^2)
meanlog <- log(EX)-log(temp+1)/2
sdlog <- sqrt(log(1+temp))
invlnpara <- function(meanlog,sdlog){
## log(D) ~ normal(mean=mulog,sd=sdlog)
## D ~ log-normal(meanlog=meanlog,sdlog=sdlog)
## Given the desired E(D) and SD(D), find meanlog = E(log(D)) and sdlog = SD(log(D)) parameters of log-normal
mean <- exp(meanlog+(sdlog^2)/2)
lnpara <- function(EX,SDX){
## log(D) ~ normal(mean=mulog,sd=sdlog)
## D ~ log-normal(meanlog=meanlog,sdlog=sdlog)
## Given the desired E(D) and SD(D), find meanlog = E(log(D)) and sdlog = SD(log(D)) parameters of log-normal
temp <- (SDX^2)/(EX^2)
meanlog <- log(EX)-log(temp+1)/2
sdlog <- sqrt(log(1+temp))
int.M <- function(D,M,mean.norm,sd.norm){
if (M == 1)
piM <- function(mean.norm=0, sd.norm=1, width=2,M) {
integral.l <- integrate(f=int.M, lower=0, upper=exp(mean.norm - width * sd.norm),
mean.norm=mean.norm, sd.norm=sd.norm,M=M)$value
integral.m <- integrate(f=int.M, lower=exp(mean.norm - width * sd.norm),
upper=exp(mean.norm + width * sd.norm),
mean.norm=mean.norm, sd.norm=sd.norm,M=M)$value
integral.u <- integrate(f=int.M, lower=exp(mean.norm + width * sd.norm), upper=Inf,
mean.norm=mean.norm, sd.norm=sd.norm,M=M)$value
return(integral.l + integral.m + integral.u)
lmeNBBayes <- function(formula, ## A vector of length sum ni, containing responses
## A sum ni by p matrix, containing covariate values. The frist column must be 1 (Intercept)
ID, ## A Vector of length sum ni, indicating patients
B = 105000, ## A scalar, the number of Gibbs iteration
burnin = 5000,
printFreq = B,
probIndex = FALSE,
thin =1, ## optional
labelnp=NULL, ## necessary if probIndex ==1
epsilonM = 1e-4,## nonpara
para = list(mu_beta = NULL,Sigma_beta = NULL,max_aG=30,mu_lnD=NULL,sd_lnD=NULL),
proposalSD = NULL
## Does not matter if DP=FALSE
Xmodmat <- model.matrix(object=formula,data=data)
covariatesNames<- colnames(Xmodmat)
Y <- model.response(model.frame(formula=formula,data=data))
## If ID is a character vector of length sum ni,
## it is modified to an integer vector, indicating the first appearing patient
## as 1, the second one as 2, and so on..
## This code generate samples from NBRE model with constant random effect ~ DP mixture of Beta
if (is.vector(Xmodmat)) Xmodmat <- matrix(Xmodmat,ncol=1)
NtotAll <- length(Y)
if (nrow(Xmodmat)!= NtotAll) stop ("nrow(Xmodmat) != length(Y)")
if (length(ID)!= NtotAll) stop ("length(ID)!= length(Y)")
if (!is.null(labelnp) & length(labelnp)!= NtotAll) stop ("labelnp!= length(Y)")
if (thinned.sample & (!is.numeric(thin)) & (!is.numeric(burnin)))
stop("If you only want thinned samples, you must give the thinning and burnin parameters")
dims <- dim(Xmodmat)
Ntot <- dims[1]
pCov <- dims[2]
## proposalSD
if (is.null(proposalSD)) proposalSD <- list()
if (is.null(proposalSD$min$aG)) proposalSD$min$aG <- 0.05
if (is.null(proposalSD$min$rG)) proposalSD$min$rG <- 0.05
if (is.null(proposalSD$min$beta)) proposalSD$min$beta <- 1e-4
if (is.null(proposalSD$max$aG)) proposalSD$max$aG <- 5
if (is.null(proposalSD$max$rG)) proposalSD$max$rG <- 5
if (is.null(proposalSD$max$beta)) proposalSD$max$beta <- 10
## prior para
if (is.null(para$mu_beta)) para$mu_beta <- rep(0,pCov)
if (is.null(para$Sigma_beta))para$Sigma_beta <- diag(10,pCov)
if (is.null(para$max_aG)) para$max_aG <- 30
## Checker
if (length(para$mu_beta)!=ncol(Xmodmat))
stop("The dimension of the fixed effect hyperparameter is wrong!")
if (!is.matrix(para$Sigma_beta) & length(para$Sigma_beta)==1) para$Sigma_beta <- matrix(para$Sigma_beta,1,1)
if (nrow(para$Sigma_beta) != ncol(Xmodmat) || ncol(para$Sigma_beta) != ncol(Xmodmat) ) stop()
if (DP)
## Additional arguments:
## para$mu_lnD, para$sd_lnD, their corresponding proposal variance's upper and lower bounds and M
EX <- 0.5
SDX <- 0.5
logDpara <- lnpara(EX=EX,SDX=SDX)
if (is.null(para$mu_lnD)){
para$mu_lnD <- logDpara$meanlog
if (is.null(para$sd_lnD)){
para$sd_lnD <- logDpara$sdlog
if (length(para$mu_lnD) != 1 ||length(para$sd_lnD) != 1) stop()
atlnD <- length(para$mu_beta)
if (is.null(proposalSD$min$lnD)) proposalSD$min$lnD <- 1e-6
if (is.null(proposalSD$max$lnD)) proposalSD$max$lnD <- 1
if (is.null(M)){
for (M in 1 : 1000)
EpiM <- piM(M=M,
if (EpiM < epsilonM ) break
eigenTemp <- eigen(para$Sigma_beta)
evalue_sigma_beta <- eigenTemp$values
evec_sigma_beta <- c(eigenTemp$vector)
if (min(evalue_sigma_beta) <= 0) stop("Sigma_beta must be positive definite!")
Inv_sigma_beta <- c( solve(para$Sigma_beta) )
X <- c(Xmodmat) ## {xij} = { x_{1,1},x_{2,1},..,x_{Ntot,1},x_{1,2},....,x_{Ntot,p} }
## change the index of ID to numeric from 1 to # patients
temID <- ID
N <- length(unique(temID))
uniID <- unique(temID)
ID <- rep(NA,length(temID))
for (i in 1 : length(uniID))
ID[temID == uniID[i]] <- i
mID <- ID-1
## the labelnp of patients only with 1 (new scans) labels are replaced by all 0 (old scans)
maxni <- max(tapply(rep(1,length(ID)),ID,sum))
Npat <- length(unique(ID))
if (probIndex)
## the labelnp of patients only with 1 (new scans) labels are replaced by all 0 (old scans)
patwonew <- which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==0),ID,sum)==0)==1)
for (i in 1 : length(patwonew)) labelnp[ID == patwonew[i]] <- 0
patwoNorO <- which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==1),ID,sum)==0)==1)
if (length(patwoNorO)==0) patwoNorO <- -1000;
labelnp <- rep(0,length(Y))
Btilde <- B
if (B %% thin != 0 ) stop("B %% thin !=0")
if (burnin %% thin !=0) stop("burnin %% thin !=0")
min_proposalSD <- c(aG=proposalSD$min$aG,rG=proposalSD$min$rG,beta=proposalSD$min$beta);
max_proposalSD <- c(aG=proposalSD$max$aG,rG=proposalSD$max$rG,beta=proposalSD$max$beta);
if (DP)
cat("\n M:",M)
min_proposalSD <- c( min_proposalSD,D=proposalSD$min$lnD)
max_proposalSD <- c( max_proposalSD,D=proposalSD$max$lnD)
if (length(min_proposalSD) != 4 ||length(max_proposalSD) != 4) stop()
re <- .Call("ReduceDmvn",
as.numeric(Y), ## REAL
as.numeric(X), ## REAL
as.integer(mID), ## INTEGER
as.integer(B), ## INTEGER
as.integer(maxni), ## INTEGER
as.integer(Npat), ## INTEGER
as.numeric(labelnp), ## REAL
as.numeric(para$mu_beta), ## REAL
as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta), ## REAL
as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta), ## REAL
as.numeric(para$mu_lnD), ## REAL
as.integer(burnin), ## INTEGER
package = "lmeNBBayes"
if (thinned.sample){
B <- (B - burnin)/thin
for ( i in 13 : 14 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],nrow=B,ncol=Npat,byrow=TRUE)
names(re) <- c("aGs","rGs","vs","weightH1",
for ( i in 1 : 4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],nrow=B,ncol=M,byrow=TRUE)
re[[5]] <- matrix(re[[5]],nrow=(Btilde-burnin)/thin,ncol=Npat,byrow=TRUE)
for ( i in 6 : 7 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],nrow=B,ncol=Npat,byrow=TRUE)
re[[8]] <- matrix(re[[8]],nrow=B,ncol= pCov,byrow=TRUE)## ncol= pCov or pCov + 1
if (probIndex)
## patients with no new scans
if (sum(patwoNorO < 0) > 1) patwoNorO <- NULL
re$condProb[,patwoNorO] <- NA
re$condProb <- NULL
names(re$prp) <- names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG","beta","D")
}else{ ## NOT DP
re <- .Call("Beta1reduce",
as.numeric(Y), ## REAL
as.numeric(X), ## REAL
as.integer(mID), ## INTEGER
as.integer(B), ## INTEGER
as.integer(maxni), ## INTEGER
as.integer(Npat), ## INTEGER
as.numeric(labelnp), ## REAL
as.numeric(para$mu_beta), ## REAL
as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta), ## REAL
as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta), ## REAL
as.integer(burnin), ## INTEGER
package = "lmeNBBayes"
if (thinned.sample){
B <- (B - burnin)/thin
re[[3]] <- matrix(re[[3]],nrow=B,ncol= Npat, byrow=TRUE) ##
re[[4]] <- matrix(re[[4]],nrow=B,ncol=pCov,byrow=TRUE)
re[[7]] <- matrix(re[[7]],nrow=(Btilde-burnin)/thin,ncol=Npat,byrow=TRUE)
names(re) <- c("aG","rG",
if (probIndex)
## patients with no new scans
if (sum(patwoNorO < 0) > 1) patwoNorO <- NULL
re$condProb[,patwoNorO] <- NA
names(re$prp) <- names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG","beta")
if (thinned.sample){
thin <- 1
burnin <- 0
if (probIndex)
re$para$labelnp <- labelnp
re$condProbSummary <- condProbCI(ID,re$condProb)
rownames(re$condProbSummary) <- uniID
re$para <- para
names(re$para$mu_beta) <- rownames(re$para$Sigma_beta)<-
colnames(re$para$Sigma_beta ) <- colnames(re$beta) <- covariatesNames
re$para$CEL <- Y
re$para$ID <- temID ## return original IDs
re$para$X <- Xmodmat
if (DP) re$para$M <- M
re$para$B <- B
re$para$burnin <- burnin
re$para$thin <- thin
re$para$probIndex <- probIndex
re$para$burnin <- burnin
re$para$DP <- DP
re$para$thinned.sample <- thinned.sample
re$para$formula <- formula
re$para$min_proposalSD <- min_proposalSD
re$para$max_proposalSD <- max_proposalSD
re$para$proposalSD <- proposalSD
class(re) <- "LinearMixedEffectNBBayes"
return (re)
print.LinearMixedEffectNBBayes <- function(x,...){
para <- x$para
if (is.vector(x$beta)) pCov <- 1 else pCov <- ncol(x$beta)
cat("\n -----Negative binomial mixed effect regression----- ")
if (para$DP){
cat("\n ---random effect is from DP mixture of beta distributions---")
cat("\n ---random effect is from a single beta distribution---")
cat("\n====INPUT==== ")
cat("\n formula: ");print(para$formula)
if (is.null(para$thin))
para$thin <- 1
cat(paste(" MCMC parameters: B=",para$B,", burnin=",para$burnin,", thin=",para$thin,sep=""))
##if (para$Reduce)
## {
cat("\n The target distribution in McMC is a partially marginalized posterior distribution")
cat("\n (random effects are integrated out).")
## }
cat("\n ------------------")
cat("\n [[Hyperparameters]] ")
cat("\n [Fixed Effect] ")
cat("\n beta ~ multivariate normal with mean and covariance matrix:\n ")
muSigma <- data.frame(para$mu_beta," | ",para$Sigma_beta);
colnames(muSigma) <- c("mean"," | ","covariance",rep(" ",pCov-1))
rownames(muSigma) <- names(para$mu_beta)
cat(paste(" [Random effect dist'n] aG,rG ~ Unif(min=",0.5,", max=",para$max_aG,")",sep=""))
if (para$DP){
cat(paste("\n [Precision parameter] D ~ Unif(min=",para$a_D,", max=",para$ib_D,")",sep=""))
cat(paste("\n [Truncation parameter] M = ",para$M,sep=""))
if (!is.null(para$thin))
useSample <- useSamp(B=para$B,thin=para$thin,burnin=para$burnin)
useSampleAll <- FALSE
cat("\n [Fixed effect]")
if (para$DP){
cat(" and [Precision parameter] \n")
bb <- cbind(x$beta[useSample,],x$D[useSample])
row.names = c( names(para$mu_beta),"D")
bb <- cbind(x$beta[useSample,])
row.names = names(para$mu_beta)
bsummary <- data.frame(colMeans(bb),apply(bb,2,sd),t(apply(bb,2,quantile,prob=c(0.025,0.975))),
row.names = row.names)
colnames(bsummary) <- c("Estimate","Std. Error","lower CI","upper CI")
cat("\n Reported estimates are posterior means computed after discarding burn-in")
if (para$thin==1){
cat(". No Thinning.")
cat(paste(" and thinning at every ",para$thin," samples.",sep=""))
cat("\n Posterior mean of the logLikelihood",mean(x$logL[useSample]))
cat("\n Acceptance Rate in Metropolice Hasting rates")
cat("\n ",paste(names(x$AR),round(x$AR,4),sep=":"))
if (para$probIndex)
cat("\n ===== Conditional probability index ======\n")
print.IndexBatch <- prIndex <- function(x,...)
condProb <- x$condProbSummary
ID <- x$para$ID
uniID <- unique(ID)
CEL <- x$para$CEL
labelnp <- x$para$labelnp
## condProb:: A length(uniID) by 3 matrix, first column: a point estimate,
## the second column lower CI, the third column upper CI
## index of patient, reorder the patients in the increasing ways of probability index1
Suborderps <- order(condProb[,1])
## ps[order(ps)[1]] == min(ps)
## contains the index (1,2,...,Npat) of pat in decreasing way of index1
orderps <- uniID[Suborderps]
## contains the ID (integer but the increment is not always 1) of pat in increasing way
r <- NULL
patwoNO <- patwNew0 <- rep(NA,length(uniID))
## m1G_1 must be > 0
## \hat{ E(1/G) } - 1
ii <- rep(NA,length(uniID))
for (i in 1 : length(uniID) )
i.orderp <- orderps[i]
pickedIndex <- ID==i.orderp
## vector of length ID, containing TRUE if the position agree with the observations of ID orderps[i]
pickedpt <- which(uniID==i.orderp)
## single element indicating the position of the orderps[i] in uniID
CELpat <- CEL[pickedIndex]
labelnppat <- labelnp[pickedIndex]
CELpat0 <- CELpat[labelnppat==0]
CELpat1 <- CELpat[labelnppat==1]
if (length(CELpat0)==0) CELpat0 <- "--"
if (length(CELpat1)==0)
CELpat1 <- "--"
patwNew0[i] <- FALSE
patwNew0[i] <- sum(CELpat1,na.rm=TRUE)>0 ## TRUE if patients have sum of CEL counts on new scan greater than zero
## Patients with no new/old scans are omitted at the end
patwoNO[i] <- ![pickedpt,1]) ## TRUE if patients have a new scan and old scan
r <- rbind(r,
## ======== printable format =========;
ii[i] <- paste(sprintf("%1.3f",condProb[pickedpt,1]),
" (",sprintf("%1.3f",condProb[pickedpt,3]),
outp <- cbind(ii,r)
colnames(outp) <- c("conditional probability","pre-scan","new-scan")
rownames(outp) <- orderps
cat("\n Estimated conditional probability index and its 95 % CI.")
if (!is.null(x$para$qsum))
cat("\n The scalar function to summarize new scans:",x$para$qsum)
if (sum(patwoNO&patwNew0) > 0) print(data.frame(outp[patwoNO&patwNew0,,drop=FALSE]))
else cat("\n No patient has CPI < 1")
cat("\n Patients are ordered by decreasing conditional probability.")
cat("\n Patients with no pre-scans or no new scans are not reported.")
cat("\n Patients whose new scans are all zero are not reported as conditional probability of such patients are always one.\n")
UsedPara <- function(olmeNBB,getSample=FALSE)
## If getSample=TRUE, then outputDPFit must be the output of getSample with mod=4/3
if (!getSample){
o <- olmeNBB$para
o <- olmeNBB
o$DP <- TRUE
UsedPara <- c(
if (o$DP){
return (UsedPara)
plotbeta <- function(shape1,shape2,poi=FALSE,col="red",lwd=1,lty=2)
xs <- seq(0,1,0.001)
if (!poi)plot(xs,dbeta(xs,shape1,shape2),type="l",col=col,lwd=lwd,lty=lty)
else points(xs,dbeta(xs,shape1,shape2),type="l",col=col,lwd=lwd,lty=lty)
plotlnorm <- function(mulog,sdlog,poi=FALSE,col="red")
xs <- seq(0,10,0.001)
if (!poi) plot(xs,dlnorm(xs,mulog,sdlog),type="l",col=col)
else points(xs,dlnorm(xs,mulog,sdlog),type="l",col=col)
useSamp <- function(thin,burnin,B)
temp <- (1:B)*thin
unadj <- temp[burnin < temp & temp <= B]
start <- unadj[1] - burnin -1
return (unadj-start)
dqmix <- function(weightH1,aGs,rGs,alphas=seq(0,0.99,0.01),dens=TRUE)
## return a B by length(alphas) matrix, containing the quantile estimates at each corresponding alphas
## weightH1s: B by M matrix
## aGs: B by M matrix
## rGs: B by M matrix
B <- nrow(aGs)
M <- ncol(aGs)
if(nrow(weightH1) != B) stop()
if(ncol(weightH1) != M)stop()
if(nrow(rGs) != B) stop()
if(ncol(rGs) != M) stop()
pis <- c(t(weightH1))
aGs <- c(t(aGs))
rGs <- c(t(rGs))
if (dens)
re <- .Call("mixdDist",
package ="lmeNBBayes")
re <- .Call("mixQDist",
package ="lmeNBBayes")
for (i in 1 : length(re)) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],nrow=B,ncol=length(alphas),byrow=TRUE)
return (re)
######## subroutines for getS ##############
## Functions to compute E(Yij) and Var(Yij) assuming regression coefficients are random
momBeta <- function(aG,rG,mu.alpha=1.298,sigma.alpha=0.262,dig="%1.2f")
## Y | G, alpha ~ NB(size=exp(alpha),prob=G)
## G ~ Beta(aG,rG)
## alpha ~ N(mu.alpha,sigma.alpha)
## E(Y) = E(E(E(Y|G,alpha))) = E(E( [1/G - 1]exp(alpha))) = [ E(1/G)-1 ]*E(exp(alpha))
## E(1/G) = ...some calculations... = (aG+rG-1)/(aG-1)
## exp(alpha) ~ logN(mu.alpha,sigma.alpha)
## E(Y) = ( (aG+rG-1)/(aG-1)-1 )*exp(mu.alpha + sigma.alpha^2/2 )
E1G <- (aG+rG-1)/(aG-1)
EexpAlpha <- exp(mu.alpha + sigma.alpha^2/2 )
EY <- ( E1G -1 )*EexpAlpha
## E(1/G^2) = (aG+rG-1)*(aG+rG-2)/((aG-1)*(aG-2))
E1G2 <- (aG+rG-1)*(aG+rG-2)/( (aG-1)*(aG-2))
## Var( exp(alpha)) = (exp(sigma.alpha^2) - 1)*exp(2*mu.alpha + sigma.alpha^2)
VexpAlpha <- (exp(sigma.alpha^2) - 1)*exp(2*mu.alpha + sigma.alpha^2)
## Var(Y) = Var_G( E(Y|G) ) + E_G( Var(Y|G) )
## = Var_G ( E_alpha ( E(Y|G,alpha))) + E_G( Var_alpha(E(Y|G,alpha)) + E_G( E_alpha( Var(Y|G,alpha)) )
## = Var_G ( 1/G - 1)*E( exp(alpha) )^2 + E_G(Var_alpha( [1/G - 1]exp(alpha) )) + E_G( E_alpha( exp(alpha)*([1-G]/ G^2 ) ))
## = Var_G ( 1/G )*E( exp(alpha) )^2 + E_G([1/G - 1]^2)*Var_alpha( exp(alpha)) + E_G([1-G]/(G^2)) *E_alpha( exp(alpha) )
## = (E(1/G^2)-E(1/G)^2)*E( exp(alpha) )^2
## + [E(1/G^2) - 2*E(1/G) + 1 ]*Var( exp(alpha))
## + [E(1/G^2)-E(1/G)]*E( exp(alpha) )
VarY <- (E1G2-E1G^2)*((EexpAlpha)^2) +
(E1G2 - 2*E1G + 1)*VexpAlpha +
(E1G2 - E1G)*EexpAlpha
momGL <- function(EG=1.820,VG=0.303,mu.alpha=1.298,sigma.alpha=0.262,dig="%1.2f")
## Y|G,alpha ~ NB(size=exp(alpha),prob=1/(G+1))
## G ~ dist(mean=EG,var=VG)
## alpha ~ N(mu.alpha,sigma.alpha)
EG2 <- VG + EG^2
EexpAlpha <- exp(mu.alpha + sigma.alpha^2/2 )
VexpAlpha <- (exp(sigma.alpha^2) - 1)*exp(2*mu.alpha + sigma.alpha^2)
## E(Y) = E(E(E(Y|G,alpha))) = E(E( G*exp(alpha))) = E(G)*E(exp(alpha))
EY <- EG*EexpAlpha
## Var(Y) = Var_G( E(Y|G) ) + E_G( Var(Y|G) )
## = Var_G ( E_alpha ( E(Y|G,alpha))) + E_G( Var_alpha(E(Y|G,alpha)) + E_G( E_alpha( Var(Y|G,alpha)) )
## = Var_G ( G*E( exp(alpha) ) ) + E_G( Var_alpha( G*exp(alpha) )) + E_G( E_alpha( exp(alpha)*G*(G+1) ))
## = Var_G ( G )*E(exp(alpha))^2 + E_G(G^2)*Var( exp(alpha) ) + E_G( G*(G+1))*E( exp(alpha) )
## = Var(G)*E(exp(alpha))^2 + E(G^2)*Var( exp(alpha) ) + ( E(G^2) + E(G) )*E( exp(alpha) )
VarY <- VG*(EexpAlpha^2) + EG2*VexpAlpha + (EG2 + EG)*EexpAlpha
F_inv_beta2 <- function(ps,aG1,rG1,aG2,rG2,pi)
quant <- rep(NA,length(ps))
for (i in 1 : length(ps))
p <- ps[i]
G = function (t) pi*pbeta(t,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)+(1-pi)*pbeta(t,shape1=aG2,shape2=rG2) - p
quant[i] <- uniroot(G,c(0,1000))$root
index.b.each <- function(Y,ID,labelnp,X,betas,aGs,rGs,pis)
M <- length(aGs)
## betas can be vector and X can be a matrix
if (is.vector(X)) X <- matrix(X,ncol=1);
## compute the conditional probability of
## observing Y_{i,new+} >= y_{i,new+} given observing Y_{i,pre+}=y_{i,pew+}
uniID <- unique(ID)
Npat <- length(uniID)
probs <- rep(NA,Npat)
for (ipat in 1 : Npat)
Yi <- Y[ID==uniID[ipat]]
Xi <- X[ID==uniID[ipat],,drop=FALSE]
labelnpi <- labelnp[ID==uniID[ipat]]
## step 1: compute y_{i,pre+} and y_{i,new+} for all the patients:
Ypresum <- sum(Yi[labelnpi==0])
Ynewsum <- sum(Yi[labelnpi==1])
if (sum(labelnpi==0)==0 | sum(labelnpi==1)==0 )
## no new scans or no pre scans; no way to calculate the prob index!
probs[ipat] <- NA
if (Ynewsum==0) ## If y_{i,new+} = 0 then the conditional prob of interest is one for that patient
probs[ipat] <- 1;
## step 2: compute X_{ij}^T beta for all i and j
rnewsum <- 0
rpresum <- 0
for (ivec in 1 : sum(ID==uniID[ipat]))
rij <- exp(sum(Xi[ivec,]*betas)) ## exp(Xij%*%beta)
if (labelnpi[ivec]==0) rpresum <- rpresum + rij ## sum_j exp(Xij%*%beta)
else if (labelnpi[ivec]==1) rnewsum <- rnewsum + rij
num <- 0
## step 3: compute the numerator sum_{k=0}^{y_{i,new+}-1} k
for (k in 0:(Ynewsum-1))
BoverB <- 0
for (ih in 1 : M )
if (pis[ih] == 0) next
BoverB <- BoverB + pis[ih]*exp(lbeta(rpresum+rnewsum+aGs[ih],k+Ypresum+rGs[ih])-lbeta(aGs[ih],rGs[ih]))
num <- num + exp(log.choose(rnewsum,n=k))*BoverB
##num <- num + gamma(rnewsum+k)/(gamma(rnewsum)*gamma(k+1))*BoverB
## step 4: compute denominator
den <- 0
for (ih in 1 : M )
if (pis[ih] == 0) next
den <- den + pis[ih]*exp( lbeta(rpresum+aGs[ih],Ypresum+rGs[ih]) - lbeta(aGs[ih],rGs[ih]) )
probs[ipat] <- 1- num/den
numfun.norm <- function(g,t,Rnp,Rpp,Ypp,ph,ah,rh)
denfun.norm <- function(g,Ypp,Rpp,ph,ah,rh)
index.gammas <- function(Y,ID,labelnp,X,betas,
shapes, ## shape
scales, ## scale
M <- length(shapes)
## betas can be vector and X can be a matrix
if (is.vector(X)) X <- matrix(X,ncol=1);
## compute the conditional probability of
## observing Y_{i,new+} >= y_{i,new+} given observing Y_{i,pre+}=y_{i,pew+}
uniID <- unique(ID)
Npat <- length(uniID)
probs <- rep(NA,Npat);
for (ipat in 1 : Npat)
pick <- ID==uniID[ipat]
Yi <- Y[pick]
Xi <- X[pick,,drop=FALSE]
labelnpi <- labelnp[pick]
## step 1: compute y_{i,pre+} and y_{i,new+} for all the patients:
Ypresum <- sum(Yi[labelnpi==0])
Ynewsum <- sum(Yi[labelnpi==1])
if (sum(labelnpi==0)==0 || sum(labelnpi==1)==0 )
## no new scans or no pre scans; no way to calculate the prob index!
probs[ipat] <- NA
if (Ynewsum==0) ## If y_{i,new+} = 0 then the conditional prob of interest is one for that patient
probs[ipat] <- 1;
## step 2: compute X_{ij}^T beta for all i and j
rnewsum <- 0
rpresum <- 0
for (ivec in 1 : sum(ID==ipat))
rij <- exp(sum(Xi[ivec,]*betas))
if (labelnpi[ivec]==0) rpresum <- rpresum + rij
else if (labelnpi[ivec]==1) rnewsum <- rnewsum + rij
num <- 0
## step 3: compute the numerator sum_{k=0}^{y_{i,new+}-1} k
for (k in 0:(Ynewsum-1))
for (ih in 1 : M )
if (pis[ih] == 0) next
num <- num + integrate(f=numfun.norm, lower=0, upper=Inf,
## step 4: compute denominator
den <- 0
for (ih in 1 : M )
if (pis[ih] == 0) next
den <- den +integrate(f=denfun.norm, lower=0, upper=Inf,
probs[ipat] <- 1 - num/den
numfun.YZ <- function(g,t,Rnp,Rpp,Ypp,ph,mu,sd)
denfun.YZ <- function(g,Ypp,Rpp,ph,mu,sd)
index.YZ <- function(Y,ID,labelnp,X,betas,
shape, ## shape
scale, ## scale
## betas can be vector and X can be a matrix
if (is.vector(X)) X <- matrix(X,ncol=1);
## compute the conditional probability of
## observing Y_{i,new+} >= y_{i,new+} given observing Y_{i,pre+}=y_{i,pew+}
uniID <- unique(ID)
Npat <- length(uniID)
probs <- rep(NA,Npat);
for (ipat in 1 : Npat)
Yi <- Y[ID==uniID[ipat]]
Xi <- X[ID==uniID[ipat],,drop=FALSE]
labelnpi <- labelnp[ID==uniID[ipat]]
## step 1: compute y_{i,pre+} and y_{i,new+} for all the patients:
Ypresum <- sum(Yi[labelnpi==0])
Ynewsum <- sum(Yi[labelnpi==1])
if (sum(labelnpi==0)==0 || sum(labelnpi==1)==0 )
## no new scans or no pre scans; no way to calculate the prob index!
probs[ipat] <- NA
if (Ynewsum==0) ## If y_{i,new+} = 0 then the conditional prob of interest is one for that patient
probs[ipat] <- 1;
## step 2: compute X_{ij}^T beta for all i and j
rnewsum <- 0
rpresum <- 0
for (ivec in 1 : sum(ID==ipat))
rij <- exp(sum(Xi[ivec,]*betas))
if (labelnpi[ivec]==0) rpresum <- rpresum + rij
else if (labelnpi[ivec]==1) rnewsum <- rnewsum + rij
num <- 0
## step 3: compute the numerator sum_{k=0}^{y_{i,new+}-1} k
for (k in 0:(Ynewsum-1))
num <- num + integrate(f=numfun.norm, lower=0, upper=Inf,
ah=shape,rh=scale)$value +
## step 4: compute denominator
den <- 0
den <- integrate(f=denfun.norm, lower=0, upper=Inf,
ah=shape,rh=scale)$value + integrate(f=denfun.YZ, lower=0, upper=Inf,
probs[ipat] <- 1 - num/den
rmvnorm <-
function (n, mean = rep(0, nrow(sigma)), sigma = diag(length(mean)),
method = c("eigen", "svd", "chol"), pre0.9_9994 = FALSE)
if (!isSymmetric(sigma, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
check.attributes = FALSE)) {
stop("sigma must be a symmetric matrix")
if (length(mean) != nrow(sigma)) {
stop("mean and sigma have non-conforming size")
sigma1 <- sigma
dimnames(sigma1) <- NULL
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(sigma1, t(sigma1)))) {
warning("sigma is numerically not symmetric")
method <- match.arg(method)
if (method == "eigen") {
ev <- eigen(sigma, symmetric = TRUE)
if (!all(ev$values >= -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) * abs(ev$values[1]))) {
warning("sigma is numerically not positive definite")
retval <- ev$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(ev$values), length(ev$values)) %*%
else if (method == "svd") {
sigsvd <- svd(sigma)
if (!all(sigsvd$d >= -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) * abs(sigsvd$d[1]))) {
warning("sigma is numerically not positive definite")
retval <- t(sigsvd$v %*% (t(sigsvd$u) * sqrt(sigsvd$d)))
else if (method == "chol") {
retval <- chol(sigma, pivot = TRUE)
o <- order(attr(retval, "pivot"))
retval <- retval[, o]
retval <- matrix(rnorm(n * ncol(sigma)), nrow = n, byrow = !pre0.9_9994) %*%
retval <- sweep(retval, 2, mean, "+")
colnames(retval) <- names(mean)
getS.StatInMed <- function(iseed = "random",
rev = 4,
dist = "b",
mod = 0,
probs = seq(0,0.99,0.01),
ts = seq(0.001,0.99,0.001),
trueCPI = FALSE,
Scenario = "SPMS"
## mod = 0: generate sample
## mod = 1: quantiles of the true populations at given probs
## mod = 2: densities of the true populations
## mod = 3: parameters of the simulation model
## dist = "b","b2","YZ"
piTRT <- 0.6736842
## if trueCPI == TRUE then returns the most precise conditional probability computed based on the
## treatment assignment
Npat <- 180; ## upto review 4, Npat=160 in total this number must be divisible by NpatEnterPerMonth
if (iseed=="random") set.seed(sample(1e+6,1)) else set.seed(iseed)
## The prior for regression coefficients beta
## (Intercept) trt010:timeInt1 trt011:timeInt1 trt010:timeInt2 trt011:timeInt2
## Estimated based on the 5 IFN-beta trials
if (Scenario == "full"){
## para.full$mu_beta
mu_beta <- round(c(1.3091326, 0.0150677, -0.7759003, -0.1715055, -1.0394682
## StatInMedFirstSubmission
## 1.3103072, 0.0145406, -0.7758956, -0.1718227, -1.0401282
## para.full$Sigma_beta
Sigma_beta <- matrix(round(c(
0.06093404, -0.02348381, -0.05339049, -0.02575333, -0.07351022,
-0.02348381, 0.01698531, 0.01337642, 0.01842227, 0.02813052,
-0.05339049, 0.01337642, 0.49999949, 0.04797195, 0.74974055,
-0.02575333, 0.01842227, 0.04797195, 0.02716636, 0.07697036,
-0.07351022, 0.02813052, 0.74974055, 0.07697036, 1.15908970
## StatInMedFirstSubmission
## 0.06001687, -0.02345988, -0.05568177, -0.02575713, -0.07730916,
## -0.02345988, 0.01706351, 0.01419726, 0.01859172, 0.02936096,
## -0.05568177, 0.01419726, 0.50037189, 0.04904017, 0.75136313,
## -0.02575713, 0.01859172, 0.04904017, 0.02754559, 0.07884069,
## -0.07730916, 0.02936096, 0.75136313, 0.07884069, 1.16294508
## para.full$mu_lnD
mu_lnD <- -0.7731277 ##StatInMedFirstSubmission -0.7565044
## para.full$sd_lnD
sd_lnD <-0.2559623 ##StatInMedFirstSubmission 0.2608056
}else if (Scenario == "SPMS"){
mu_beta <- round(c(1.25548248, 0.09307017, -0.89594757, -0.01817658, -1.05446830
## StatInMedFirstSubmission
## 1.25680296, 0.09376186, -0.89599224, -0.01692496, -1.05552658
## para.SPMS$Sigma_beta
Sigma_beta <- matrix(round(c(0.017934818, 0.006469281, -0.03534636, -0.008756420, -0.03344118,
0.006469281, 0.017793152, -0.08635236, -0.009483972, -0.11631098,
-0.035346364, -0.086352363, 0.56018192, 0.070573793, 0.77596421,
-0.008756420, -0.009483972, 0.07057379, 0.013904651, 0.09328106,
-0.033441184, -0.116310975, 0.77596421, 0.093281064, 1.10824255
## StatInMedFirstSubmission
## 0.017715774, 0.006411256, -0.03561045, -0.008621458, -0.03419703,
## 0.006411256, 0.017846706, -0.08644089, -0.009355102, -0.11660896,
## -0.035610451, -0.086440894, 0.56035742, 0.070343557, 0.77681689,
## -0.008621458, -0.009355102, 0.07034356, 0.013857689, 0.09321587,
## -0.034197026, -0.116608960, 0.77681689, 0.093215871, 1.10993034
## para.SPMS$mu_lnD
mu_lnD <- -0.4823671 ## StatInMedFirstSubmission-0.5175115
## para.SPMS$sd_lnD
sd_lnD <- 0.3556396 ## StatInMedFirstSubmission 0.3617086
if (mod == 3){
## return parameter information of selected model
outputMod3 <- list(mu_beta=mu_beta, Sigma_beta = Sigma_beta,mu_lnD=mu_lnD,sd_lnD=sd_lnD,Scenario=Scenario)
## Compute the E(Yij) at baseline for patients from each RE cluster
mu.alpha <- mu_beta[1]
sigma.alpha <- Sigma_beta[1,1]
if (dist == "b"){
aG1 <- 3
rG1 <- 0.8
if (mod %in% c(0,4:6)){
gs <- rbeta(Npat,aG1,rG1)
hs <- rep(1,Npat)
}else if (mod==1){
## mod = 1: quantiles of the true populations at given probs
}else if (mod==2){
## mod = 2: densities of the true populations
return (cbind(ts=ts,
dens=dbeta(ts,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)) )
}else if (mod == 3){
## mod = 3: parameters of the simulation model
c1 <- momBeta(aG1,rG1,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
outputMod3 <- c(outputMod3,list(K=1,c1=c1,aGs=c(aG1=aG1), rGs=c(rG1=rG1)))
}else if (dist == "b2"){
## mixture of two beta distributions
## cluster 1: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(2)*((aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)+1)=3.098636 ## at initial time
## cluster 2: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(2)*((aG2+rG2-1)/(aG2-1)+1)=7.037196 ## at initial time
pi <- 0.3
aG1 <- 10
rG1 <- 10
aG2 <- 20
rG2 <- 1
## generate the initial random effect values of everyone
if (mod %in% c(0,4:6)){
hs <- sample(1:2,Npat,c(pi,1-pi),replace=TRUE)
Npat_dist1 <- sum(hs==1)
Npat_dist2 <- sum(hs==2)
gs <- rep(NA,Npat)
gs[hs==1] <- rbeta(Npat_dist1,aG1,rG1);
gs[hs==2] <- rbeta(Npat_dist2,aG2,rG2);
}else if (mod==1){
return (cbind(probs=probs,
}else if (mod==2){
return (cbind(ts=ts,
}else if (mod == 3){
c1 <- momBeta(aG1,rG1,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
c2 <- momBeta(aG2,rG2,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
outputMod3 <- c(outputMod3,list(
}else if ( dist == "YZ"){
pi <- 0.85
alpha <- exp(-0.5)
## a bimodal distribution with 85 % of Gi from a gamma distribution with mean 0.647 and variance 2.374
scale <- 2.374/0.647*alpha
shape <- 0.647^2/2.374
mu <- 3*alpha
sd <- sqrt(0.25)*alpha
## generate the initial random effect values of everyone
if (mod %in% c(0,4:6) ){
hs <- sample(1:2,Npat,c(pi,1-pi),replace=TRUE)
Npat_dist1 <- sum(hs==1)
Npat_dist2 <- sum(hs==2)
gs <- rep(NA,Npat)
gs[hs==1] <- rgamma(Npat_dist1,shape=shape,scale=scale);
gs[hs==2] <- rnorm(Npat_dist2,mean=mu,sd=sd);
gs[gs < 0 ] <- 0
gs <- 1/(1+gs)
}else if (mod==1){
return ("this option is currently not available")
}else if (mod == 2){
ts.trans <-1/ts-1
return (cbind(ts=ts,
(pi*dgamma(ts.trans,shape=shape,scale=scale)+(1-pi)*dnorm(ts.trans,mean=mu,sd=sd) )*(1/ts^2)))
}else if (mod == 3){
c1 <- momGL(EG=shape*scale,VG=shape*(scale^2),mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha) ## expectation and variance of Y
c2 <- momGL(EG=mu,VG=sd^2,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
outputMod3 <- outputMod3 <- c(outputMod3,list(c1=c1,c2=c2,scale=scale,shape=shape,mu=mu,sd=sd,pi=pi,K=2))
## return parameter information of selected model
if (mod == 3) return (outputMod3)
## Generate regression coefficients of this dataset
betFull <- matrix(rmvnorm(n=1,mean=mu_beta,
trtAss.pat <- sample(0:1,Npat,c(1-piTRT,piTRT),replace=TRUE)
## Sequential samples
ni <- 10
NpatEnterPerMonth <- 15
DSMBVisitInterval <- 4 ## months
## === necessary for mod= 0, 3 and mod = 4
## d contains a full dataset
days <- NULL
for (ipatGroup in 1 : (Npat/NpatEnterPerMonth))
ScandaysForSingleGroup <- ipatGroup:(ipatGroup+ni-1)
days <- c(days,rep(ScandaysForSingleGroup,NpatEnterPerMonth))
Y <- XforFit <- XforTCPI <- NULL
## timeInt for all patients (used in model fit)
Xagg <- cbind(rep(1,ni),
zeros <- rep(0,ni)
Xplcb <- cbind(Xagg[,1], ## ni = 9
Xtrt <- cbind(Xagg[,1], ## ni = 9
for ( ipat in 1 : Npat)
## placebo
if (trtAss.pat[ipat]==0){
X <- Xplcb
}else if (trtAss.pat[ipat]==1) X <- Xtrt ## trt
## the number of repeated measures are the same
## we assume that the time effects occurs once after the treatments are in effect
got <- rnbinom(ni,size = exp(X%*%betFull), prob = gs[ipat])
Y <- c(Y,got)
## XforFit and XforTCPI must be the same if piTRT = 0
XforFit <- rbind(XforFit,Xagg)
if (trueCPI) XforTCPI <- rbind(XforTCPI,X)
colnames(XforFit) <- c("Intercept","timeInt1","timeInt2")
trtlabel <- factor(rep(trtAss.pat,each=ni),labels=c("plcb","trt"))
d <- data.frame(Y=Y,
gs = rep(gs,each=ni),
scan = rep(-1:(ni-2),Npat),
## day contains the day when the scan was taken
## 10 patients enter a trial every month
days = days,
hs = rep(hs,each=ni),
trtAss = trtlabel)
if (trueCPI){
d$XforTCPI <- XforTCPI
if (full) return (d)
## DSMB visit is assumed to be every 4 months
d <- subset(d,subset= days <= DSMBVisitInterval*rev)
d$labelnp <- rep(0,nrow(d))
d$labelnp[ DSMBVisitInterval*(rev-1) < d$days ] <- 1
## The first two scans (screening and base-line scans are treated as pre-scans)
d$labelnp[ d$scan <= 0 ] <- 0
betPlcb <- betFull[c(1,2,4)]
## cat("betFull",betFull)
if (mod == 0){
XX <- cbind(d$Intercept,d$timeInt1, d$timeInt2)
if (dist=="b")
temp <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=XX,
if (trueCPI){
tCPI <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=d$XforTCPI,
}else if (dist=="b2"){
temp <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=XX,
if (trueCPI){
tCPI <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=d$XforTCPI,
}else if (dist == "YZ"){
temp <- index.YZ(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=XX,
shape=shape, ## shape
scale=scale, ## scale
if (trueCPI){
tCPI <- index.YZ(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=d$XforTCPI,
shape=shape, ## shape
scale=scale, ## scale
d$betPlcb <- c(betPlcb,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(betPlcb)))
d$betFull <- c(betFull,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(betFull)))
d$probIndex <- c(temp,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(temp) ))
if (trueCPI){
d$probIndexTRUE <- c(tCPI,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(tCPI) ))
## Used in the first submission to Stat In Med
## getSNormUnblind <- function(iseed = "random",
## rev = 4,
## dist = "b",
## mod = 0,
## probs = seq(0,0.99,0.01),
## ts = seq(0.001,0.99,0.001),
## trueCPI = FALSE,
## full=FALSE,
## Scenario = "SPMS"
## )
## {
## ## mod = 0: generate sample
## ## mod = 1: quantiles of the true populations at given probs
## ## mod = 2: densities of the true populations
## ## mod = 3: parameters of the simulation model
## ## dist = "b","b2","YZ"
## piTRT <- 0.6736842
## ## if trueCPI == TRUE then returns the most precise conditional probability computed based on the
## ## treatment assignment
## Npat <- 180; ## upto review 4, Npat=160 in total this number must be divisible by NpatEnterPerMonth
## if (iseed=="random") set.seed(sample(1e+6,1)) else set.seed(iseed)
## ## The prior for regression coefficients beta
## ## (Intercept) trt010:timeInt1 trt011:timeInt1 trt010:timeInt2 trt011:timeInt2
## ## Estimated based on the 5 IFN-beta trials
## if (Scenario == "full"){
## ## para.full$mu_beta
## mu_beta <- round(c(1.3103072, 0.0145406, -0.7758956, -0.1718227, -1.0401282
## ##1.31044123, 0.01501563, -0.77578748, -0.17174723, -1.04176877
## ),4)
## ## para.full$Sigma_beta
## Sigma_beta <- matrix(round(c(
## 0.06001687, -0.02345988, -0.05568177, -0.02575713, -0.07730916,
## -0.02345988, 0.01706351, 0.01419726, 0.01859172, 0.02936096,
## -0.05568177, 0.01419726, 0.50037189, 0.04904017, 0.75136313,
## -0.02575713, 0.01859172, 0.04904017, 0.02754559, 0.07884069,
## -0.07730916, 0.02936096, 0.75136313, 0.07884069, 1.16294508),6)
## ,nrow=length(mu_beta),byrow=TRUE)
## ## round(c( 0.05220635, -0.02079985, -0.05010230, -0.02297177, -0.06964878,
## ## -0.02079985, 0.01395803, 0.01255353, 0.01580000, 0.02625352,
## ## -0.05010230, 0.01255353, 0.44997693, 0.04404106, 0.67839680,
## ## -0.02297177, 0.01580000, 0.04404106, 0.02295083, 0.07111575,
## ## -0.06964878, 0.02625352, 0.67839680, 0.07111575, 1.05203182),4)
## ## ,nrow=length(mu_beta),byrow=TRUE)
## ## para.full$mu_lnD
## mu_lnD <- -0.7565044 ##-0.7539186
## ## para.full$sd_lnD
## sd_lnD <- 0.2608056 #9.318458e-05
## }else if (Scenario == "SPMS"){
## ## para.SPMS$full
## mu_beta <- round(c(1.25680296, 0.09376186, -0.89599224, -0.01692496, -1.05552658),6)
## ##1.25549440, 0.09461850, -0.89751584, -0.01645465, -1.05669044),4)
## Sigma_beta <- matrix(round(c( 0.017715774, 0.006411256, -0.03561045, -0.008621458, -0.03419703,
## 0.006411256, 0.017846706, -0.08644089, -0.009355102, -0.11660896,
## -0.035610451, -0.086440894, 0.56035742, 0.070343557, 0.77681689,
## -0.008621458, -0.009355102, 0.07034356, 0.013857689, 0.09321587,
## -0.034197026, -0.116608960, 0.77681689, 0.093215871, 1.10993034),6),
## nrow=length(mu_beta),byrow=TRUE)
## mu_lnD <- -0.5175115 ##-0.5117792
## sd_lnD <- 0.3617086 ## 5.39951e-06
## }
## if (mod == 3){
## ## return parameter information of selected model
## outputMod3 <- list(mu_beta=mu_beta, Sigma_beta = Sigma_beta,mu_lnD=mu_lnD,sd_lnD=sd_lnD,Scenario=Scenario)
## ## Compute the E(Yij) at baseline for patients from each RE cluster
## mu.alpha <- mu_beta[1]
## sigma.alpha <- Sigma_beta[1,1]
## }
## if (dist == "b"){
## aG1 <- 3
## rG1 <- 0.8 ##0.8
## if (mod %in% c(0,4:6)){
## gs <- rbeta(Npat,aG1,rG1)
## hs <- rep(1,Npat)
## }else if (mod==1){
## ## mod = 1: quantiles of the true populations at given probs
## return(cbind(probs=probs,
## quantile=qbeta(probs,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)))
## }else if (mod==2){
## ## mod = 2: densities of the true populations
## return (cbind(ts=ts,
## dens=dbeta(ts,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)) )
## }else if (mod == 3){
## ## mod = 3: parameters of the simulation model
## c1 <- momBeta(aG1,rG1,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
## outputMod3 <- c(outputMod3,list(K=1,c1=c1,aGs=c(aG1=aG1), rGs=c(rG1=rG1)))
## }
## }else if (dist == "b2"){
## ## mixture of two beta distributions
## ## cluster 1: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(2)*((aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)+1)=3.098636 ## at initial time
## ## cluster 2: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(2)*((aG2+rG2-1)/(aG2-1)+1)=7.037196 ## at initial time
## pi <- 0.3
## aG1 <- 10
## rG1 <- 10
## aG2 <- 20
## rG2 <- 1
## ## generate the initial random effect values of everyone
## if (mod %in% c(0,4:6)){
## hs <- sample(1:2,Npat,c(pi,1-pi),replace=TRUE)
## Npat_dist1 <- sum(hs==1)
## Npat_dist2 <- sum(hs==2)
## gs <- rep(NA,Npat)
## gs[hs==1] <- rbeta(Npat_dist1,aG1,rG1);
## gs[hs==2] <- rbeta(Npat_dist2,aG2,rG2);
## }else if (mod==1){
## return (cbind(probs=probs,
## quantile=F_inv_beta2(ps=probs,aG1,rG1,aG2,rG2,pi=pi)))
## }else if (mod==2){
## return (cbind(ts=ts,
## dens=(pi*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)+(1-pi)*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG2,shape2=rG2))))
## }else if (mod == 3){
## c1 <- momBeta(aG1,rG1,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
## c2 <- momBeta(aG2,rG2,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
## outputMod3 <- c(outputMod3,list(
## K=2,c1=c1,c2=c2,
## aGs=c(aG1=aG1,aG2=aG2),
## rGs=c(rG1=rG1,rG2=rG2),
## pi=pi))
## }
## }else if ( dist == "YZ"){
## pi <- 0.85
## alpha <- exp(-0.5)
## ## a bimodal distribution with 85 % of Gi from a gamma distribution with mean 0.647 and variance 2.374
## scale <- 2.374/0.647*alpha
## shape <- 0.647^2/2.374
## mu <- 3*alpha
## sd <- sqrt(0.25)*alpha
## ## generate the initial random effect values of everyone
## if (mod %in% c(0,4:6) ){
## hs <- sample(1:2,Npat,c(pi,1-pi),replace=TRUE)
## Npat_dist1 <- sum(hs==1)
## Npat_dist2 <- sum(hs==2)
## gs <- rep(NA,Npat)
## gs[hs==1] <- rgamma(Npat_dist1,shape=shape,scale=scale);
## gs[hs==2] <- rnorm(Npat_dist2,mean=mu,sd=sd);
## gs[gs < 0 ] <- 0
## gs <- 1/(1+gs)
## }else if (mod==1){
## return (NULL)
## }else if (mod == 2){
## ts.trans <-1/ts-1
## return (cbind(ts=ts,
## (pi*dgamma(ts.trans,shape=shape,scale=scale)+(1-pi)*dnorm(ts.trans,mean=mu,sd=sd) )*(1/ts^2)))
## }else if (mod == 3){
## c1 <- momGL(EG=shape*scale,VG=shape*(scale^2),mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha) ## expectation and variance of Y
## c2 <- momGL(EG=mu,VG=sd^2,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
## outputMod3 <- outputMod3 <- c(outputMod3,list(c1=c1,c2=c2,scale=scale,shape=shape,mu=mu,sd=sd,pi=pi,K=2))
## }
## }
## ## return parameter information of selected model
## if (mod == 3) return (outputMod3)
## ## Generate regression coefficients of this dataset
## betFull <- matrix(rmvnorm(n=1,mean=mu_beta,
## sigma=Sigma_beta),ncol=1)
## trtAss.pat <- sample(0:1,Npat,c(1-piTRT,piTRT),replace=TRUE)
## ## Sequential samples
## ni <- 10
## NpatEnterPerMonth <- 15
## DSMBVisitInterval <- 4 ## months
## ## === necessary for mod= 0, 3 and mod = 4
## ## d contains a full dataset
## days <- NULL
## for (ipatGroup in 1 : (Npat/NpatEnterPerMonth))
## {
## ScandaysForSingleGroup <- ipatGroup:(ipatGroup+ni-1)
## days <- c(days,rep(ScandaysForSingleGroup,NpatEnterPerMonth))
## }
## Y <- XforFit <- XforTCPI <- NULL
## ## timeInt for all patients (used in model fit)
## Xagg <- cbind(rep(1,ni),
## c(rep(0,2),rep(1,4),rep(0,ni-6)),
## c(rep(0,6),rep(1,ni-6)))
## zeros <- rep(0,ni)
## Xplcb <- cbind(Xagg[,1], ## ni = 9
## Xagg[,2],
## zeros,
## Xagg[,3],
## zeros)
## Xtrt <- cbind(Xagg[,1], ## ni = 9
## zeros,
## Xagg[,2],
## zeros,
## Xagg[,3])
## for ( ipat in 1 : Npat)
## {
## ## placebo
## if (trtAss.pat[ipat]==0){
## X <- Xplcb
## }else if (trtAss.pat[ipat]==1) X <- Xtrt ## trt
## ## the number of repeated measures are the same
## ## we assume that the time effects occurs once after the treatments are in effect
## got <- rnbinom(ni,size = exp(X%*%betFull), prob = gs[ipat])
## Y <- c(Y,got)
## ## XforFit and XforTCPI must be the same if piTRT = 0
## XforFit <- rbind(XforFit,Xagg)
## if (trueCPI) XforTCPI <- rbind(XforTCPI,X)
## }
## colnames(XforFit) <- c("Intercept","timeInt1","timeInt2")
## trtlabel <- factor(rep(trtAss.pat,each=ni),labels=c("plcb","trt"))
## d <- data.frame(Y=Y,
## XforFit,
## ID=rep(1:Npat,each=ni),
## gs = rep(gs,each=ni),
## scan = rep(-1:(ni-2),Npat),
## ## day contains the day when the scan was taken
## ## 10 patients enter a trial every month
## days = days,
## hs = rep(hs,each=ni),
## trtAss = trtlabel)
## if (trueCPI){
## d$XforTCPI <- XforTCPI
## }
## if (full) return (d)
## ## DSMB visit is assumed to be every 4 months
## d <- subset(d,subset= days <= DSMBVisitInterval*rev)
## d$labelnp <- rep(0,nrow(d))
## d$labelnp[ DSMBVisitInterval*(rev-1) < d$days ] <- 1
## ## The first two scans (screening and base-line scans are treated as pre-scans)
## d$labelnp[ d$scan <= 0 ] <- 0
## betPlcb <- betFull[c(1,2,4)]
## if (mod == 0){
## XX <- cbind(d$Intercept,d$timeInt1, d$timeInt2)
## if (dist=="b")
## {
## temp <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=XX,
## betas=betPlcb,aGs=aG1,rGs=rG1,pis=1)
## if (trueCPI){
## tCPI <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=d$XforTCPI,
## betas=betFull,aGs=aG1,rGs=rG1,pis=1)
## }
## }else if (dist=="b2"){
## temp <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=XX,
## betas=betPlcb,aGs=c(aG1,aG2),rGs=c(rG1,rG2),pis=c(pi,1-pi))
## if (trueCPI){
## tCPI <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=d$XforTCPI,
## betas=betFull,aGs=c(aG1,aG2),rGs=c(rG1,rG2),pis=c(pi,1-pi))
## }
## }else if (dist == "YZ"){
## temp <- index.YZ(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=XX,
## betas=betPlcb,
## shape=shape, ## shape
## scale=scale, ## scale
## mu=mu,sd=sd,pi=pi)
## if (trueCPI){
## tCPI <- index.YZ(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=d$XforTCPI,
## betas=betFull,
## shape=shape, ## shape
## scale=scale, ## scale
## mu=mu,sd=sd,pi=pi)
## }
## }
## d$betPlcb <- c(betPlcb,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(betPlcb)))
## d$betFull <- c(betFull,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(betFull)))
## d$probIndex <- c(temp,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(temp) ))
## if (trueCPI){
## d$probIndexTRUE <- c(tCPI,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(tCPI) ))
## }
## return(d)
## }
## }
getTrueProb <- function(aG1=0.5,rG1=0.5,aG2=3,rG2=0.8,dist="gamma")
if (dist=="beta")
## compute P(G1 < G2) = int_{y1=0}^1 (int_{y2=y1}^1 beta(y2;a2,b2) dy2 )*beta(y1;a1,b1) dy1
insideIntBeta <- function(y1,a2,b2,a1,b1)
integrate(dbeta,shape1=a2,shape2=b2,lower=y1, upper=1)$value*dbeta(y1,shape1=a1,shape2=b1)
return (integrate(insideIntBeta,a2=aG2,b2=rG2,a1=aG1,b1=rG1,lower=0,upper=1)$value)
}else if (dist=="gamma")
## compute P(G1 < G2) = int_{y2=0}^Inf (int_{y1=0}^y1 gamma(y1;a1,b1) dy1 gamma(y2;a2,b2) dy2
insideIntGam <- function(y2,a2,b2,a1,b1)
integrate(dgamma,shape=a1,scale=b1,lower=0, upper=y2)$value*dgamma(y2,shape=a2,scale=b2)
return (integrate(insideIntGam,
mixgamma <- function(sp1,sc1,sp2,sc2,xs = seq(0,15,0.001),ylim=c(0,2),points=FALSE)
dg1 <- dgamma(xs,shape=sp1,scale=sc1)
dg2 <- dgamma(xs,shape=sp2,scale=sc2)
ys <- (1/2)*dg1+(1/2)*dg2
if (!points){
main=paste("The mixture of gamma distributions:\n 1/2*dgamma(shape=",
getM <- function(epsilonM,a_D,r_D,prob)
## returns the appropriate truncation number M
Dbig <- qgamma(prob,shape=a_D,scale=1/r_D)
return(round(1+ log(epsilonM)/(log(Dbig/(1+Dbig))),0))
Nuniq <-function(test,sampleindex=NULL){
if (is.null(sampleindex)){
tt <- apply(test$h1,1,unique)
tt <- apply(test$h1[sampleindex,],1,unique)
return( unlist(lapply(tt,length)))
colmeansd <- function (mat, name = NULL, sigDig = 2, sigDigSD = NULL,space=" ",na.rm=FALSE)
if (is.vector(mat))
mat <- matrix(mat, ncol = 1)
if (length(sigDig) == 1)
sigDig <- rep(sigDig, ncol(mat))
else if (length(sigDig) != ncol(mat))
stop("length(sigDig) != ncol(mat)")
if (length(sigDigSD) == 0)
sigDigSD <- sigDig
else if (length(sigDigSD) == 1)
sigDigSD <- rep(sigDigSD, ncol(mat))
else if (length(sigDigSD) != ncol(mat))
stop("length(sigDigSD) != ncol(mat)")
mea <- colMeans(mat,na.rm=na.rm)
sdd <- apply(mat, 2, sd,na.rm=na.rm)
re <- NULL
MysigDig <- paste("%1.", sigDig, "f", sep = "")
MysigDigSD <- paste("%1.", sigDigSD, "f", sep = "")
for (i in 1:ncol(mat)) {
if ([i])) {
re <- c(re, "------")
else {
re <- c(re, paste(sprintf(MysigDig[i], mea[i]),space, "(",
sprintf(MysigDigSD[i], sdd[i], 3), ")", sep = ""))
if (!is.null(name))
names(re) <- name
if (is.null(name) & !is.null(colnames(mat)))
names(re) <- colnames(mat)
## plotting the density of gamma dist'n with given shape and scale
xs <-seq(xmin,xmax,length.out=1000)
ys <- dgamma(xs,shape=shape,scale=scale)
## plotting the density of gamma dist'n with given shape and scale
xs <-seq(xmin,xmax,length.out=1000)
ys <- dgamma(xs,shape=shape,scale=scale)
plotnbinom <- function(size,prob,xmin=0,xmax=30,main="",size2=NULL,prob2=NULL,xlab="")
## plotting the density of gamma dist'n with given size and prob
xs <-xmin:xmax
ys <- dnbinom(xs,size=size,prob=prob)
if (!is.null(size2))
ys <- dnbinom(xs,size=size2,prob=prob2)
plotHistAcf<- function(postsample,up.burnin=3000,mainplot,mainhist,xlim=NULL,col="black",everythin=1)
samp <- postsample[-(1:up.burnin)]
samp <- samp[(1:(length(samp)/everythin))*everythin]
med <- median(samp)
if (is.null(xlim))
hist(samp,main=paste(mainhist," median:",round(med,3),sep=""))
hist(samp,main=paste(mainhist," median:",round(med,3),sep=""),
ci <- round(quantile(samp,prob=c(0.025,0.975)),2)
plotGs <- function(vec,main,xlim=c(0,8),upto=10,length.out=1000,breaks=seq(0,15,0.001),ylim)
med <- round(median(vec),3)
mea <- round(mean(vec),3)
main=paste(main," mean: ",mea," median: ",med,sep=""),
## density estimates are obtained at seq(0,upto,length.out=length.out)
estden <- density(vec,kernel = "gaussian",from=0,to=upto,n=length.out)
## ##=== Meta analysis function === ##
## rigamma <- function (n, shape, scale)
## {
## if (shape > 0 & scale > 0)
## 1/rgamma(n = n, shape=shape, scale=1/scale)
## else stop("rigamma: invalid parameters\n")
## }
## metaUnivGibb <- function(ys,
## ### a vector of length Nstudy, containing the observed estimates
## sigmas2,
## ### a vector of length Nstudy, containing the number of patients (or should it be the number of MS scan?) involved to estimate ys
## a=1,
## b=1,
## B=100000)
## {
## Nstudy <- length(ys)
## ## Model:
## ## ys[istudy] ~ N(mean=theta[istudy],sd=sqrt(sigmas2[istudy]))
## ## theta_i ~ N(mu,tau2)
## ## mu ~ unif(-1000,1000)
## ## tau2 ~ inv-gamma(shape=a,scale=b)
## ## where i = 1,...,Nstudy and Nstudy is the number of dataset
## ## In our MS clinical analysis context,
## ## y_i = hat.beta_i (i=1,..,p) or hat.logaG_i
## ## informative prior construction
## ## Y ~ inv-gamma(shape=a,scale=b) then E(Y)=b/(a-1) for a > 1, Var(Y)=b^2/((a-1)^2(a-2)) for a > 2
## ## a <= 2 => infinite variance
## postThetas <- matrix(NA,B,Nstudy)
## postMu <- rep(NA,B)
## postTau2 <- rep(NA,B)
## ## Initialization of unknown parameters
## thetas <- rep(0,Nstudy)
## mu <- mean(ys)
## tau2 <- mean(sigmas2)
## for (iB in 1 : B)
## {
## if (iB %% 5000 == 0) cat("\n",iB, "iterations are done" )
## ## Step 1: update theta_i
## for (istudy in 1 : Nstudy)
## {
## vari <- 1/(1/sigmas2[istudy]+1/tau2)
## thetas[istudy]<- rnorm(1,
## mean=(ys[istudy]/sigmas2[istudy] + mu/tau2)*vari,
## sd=sqrt(vari)
## )
## }
## mu <- rnorm(1,
## mean=sum(thetas)/Nstudy,
## sd=sqrt(tau2/Nstudy))
## tau2 <- rigamma(
## 1,
## shape=(Nstudy/2+a),
## scale=sum((thetas-mu)^2)/2+b
## )
## postThetas[iB,] <- thetas
## postMu[iB] <- mu
## postTau2[iB] <- tau2
## }
## return(list(theta=postThetas,mu=postMu,tau2=postTau2))
## }
## listMean <- function(listobj,useSample)
## {
## if (is.null(useSample))
## {
## useSample <- 1: length(listobj)
## }
## output <- listobj[[useSample[1]]]
## for (i in useSample[-1])
## {
## output <- output +listobj[[i]]
## }
## return (output/length(useSample))
## }
## metaMultGibb <- function(hat.betas,
## ## p by matrix, where p = # covariates
## sigmas2,
## ## a list of covariance matrix
## v0="uninfo",
## S0=NULL,
## B=10000)
## {
## ## TheWishart distribution is a multivariate analogue of the gamma distribution
## Nstudy <- ncol(hat.betas)
## p <- nrow(hat.betas)
## sigmas2Inv <- lapply(sigmas2,solve)
## ## Model:
## ## hat.betas[[istudy]] ~ mvnorm(mean=betas[,istudy], var=sigmas2[[istudy]])
## ## betas ~ mvnorm(mean=mu, var=tau2)
## ## :::: prior ::::
## ## mu[i] ~ unif(-1000,1000), i = 1,...,p
## ## tau2 ~ inv-wishart(v0,S0) <=> solve(tau2) ~ wishart(v0,solve(S0))
## ## where i = 1,...,Nstudy and Nstudy is the number of dataset
## ## In our MS clinical analysis context,
## ## y_i = hat.beta_i (i=1,..,p) or hat.logaG_i
## ## The default values of hyperparameters
## ## inverse-wisrt is centered at diag(p) with large variance
## ## p109 Hogg
## if (v0=="info"){
## v0 <- 10
## S0 <- diag(p)*(v0-p-1) ## Identity matrix
## }else if (v0=="uninfo"){
## v0 <- p + 2
## S0 <- diag(c(0.5,0.10)) ## Identity matrix
## }
## ## storages
## postBetas <- postTau2 <- list()
## postMu <- matrix(NA,p,B)
## ## Initialization of unknown parameters
## betas <- matrix(0,nrow=p,ncol=Nstudy)
## mu <- rowMeans(hat.betas)
## tau2 <- listSum(sigmas2)/Nstudy
## tau2Inv <- solve( tau2 )
## for (iB in 1 : B)
## {
## if (iB %% 5000 == 0) cat("\n",iB, "iterations are done" )
## ## Step 1: update betas[,istudy]
## for (istudy in 1 : Nstudy)
## {
## vari <- solve(tau2Inv+sigmas2Inv[[istudy]] )
## betas[,istudy]<- mvrnorm(1,
## mu=vari%*%( tau2Inv%*%mu+sigmas2Inv[[istudy]]%*%hat.betas[,istudy]),
## Sigma=vari
## )
## }
## mu <- mvrnorm(1,
## mu=rowSums(betas)/Nstudy,
## Sigma=tau2/Nstudy
## )
## ## temp <- 0; for (istudy in 1 : Nstudy) temp <- temp + (betas[,istudy]-mu)%*%t(betas[,istudy]-mu)
## ## generate sample from Inverse-Wishart distribution
## Sn <- S0 + (betas-mu)%*%t(betas-mu) ## outer product sum_{istudy} (betas[,istudy]-mu)%*%t(betas[,istudy]-mu)
## tau2Inv <- matrix(rWishart(n=1,
## df=v0+Nstudy,
## Sigma=solve(Sn)
## ),p,p)
## postMu[,iB] <- mu
## postTau2[[iB]] <- tau2 <- solve(tau2Inv)
## postBetas[[iB]] <- betas
## }
## return(list(betas=postBetas,mu=postMu,tau2=postTau2))
## }
## nbinREDPmix <- function(Y, ## A vector of length sum ni, containing responses
## X, ## A sum ni by p matrix, containing covariate values. The frist column must be 1 (Intercept)
## ID, ## A Vector of length sum ni, indicating patients
## B = 20000, ## A scalar, the number of Gibbs iteration
## M = NULL, ## A scalar, the truncation value
## labelnp,
## dist = 1, ## dist == 1 means the base distribution of the random effects are assumed to be
## max_aG = 3.0, ## from P0 = gamma(shape=aG,scale=1/rG)
## a_r = 3.0, ## where aG ~ Unif(0,max_aG ) and
## r_r = 0.2, ## rG ~ gamma(shape=a_r,scale=1/r_r)
## a_D = 0.5, ## small shape a.D and small scale ib.D put weights on both small and large values of D
## r_D = 2, ## D ~ gamma(shape=a.D,scale=1/r.D)
## a_qG = 20.0, ## qG ~ beta(shape1=a_qG,scale=r_qG)
## r_qG = 1.0,
## mu_beta = 0, ## hyperpara of beta: beta ~ norm(mu_beta,sd=sigma_beta)
## sigma_beta = 5,## hyperpara of beta: beta ~ norm(mu_beta,sd=sigma_beta)
## burnin = round(B/3),
## epsilonM = 0.001,
## prob = 0.999,
## printfFreq = B
## )
## {
## ## ==== Description of the parameters in code ====
## ## g1s: A vector of length N, containing the random effect 1 values for each pat
## ## g2s: A vector of length N, containing the random effect 2 values for each pat
## ## vs: A vector of length M, containing the parameters to construct pis
## ## weightH1(vs): A vector of length M, containing the probabilities of the categorical distribution of Hi, function of vs
## ## beta: A vector of length p, containing the coefficients
## ## h1s: A vector of length N, containing the cluster labels of RE1 of each observation, cluster index is between 1 and M+1
## ## h2s: A vector of length N, containing the cluster labels of RE2 of each observation, cluster index is between 1 and M+1
## ## aGs: A vector of length M, containing the shape parameters of the gamma distribution
## ## rGs: A vector of length M, containing the scale parameters of the gamma distribution
## ## ## === Model ===
## ## // 1) y_ij | Gij = gij,beta, ~ NB(r_ij,p_i)
## ## // where r_ij = exp(t(x_ij)*beta), p_{ij} = 1/(g_ij+1)
## ## // gij = g1i if j is in pre scan
## ## // = g2i if j is in new scan
## ## // and the distribution of g2i is specified as;
## ## // g2i = g1i with prob qG2
## ## // = g* with prob 1-qG2 (The default value of p.g2 = 0)
## ## //
## ## // 2) Gi|ih ~ gamma(shape=aGs[ih],scale=1/rGs[ih])
## ## // aGs[ih],ih=1,...,M ~ Unif(0,max_aG )
## ## // rGs[ih],ih=1,...,M ~ gamma(shape=a_r,scale=1/r_r)
## ## //
## ## // 3) beta[i] ~ normal(0,sigma_beta) i=1,..,p
## ## // 4) D ~ gamma(shape=a.D,scale=b.D)
## if (is.null(M)) M = getM(epsilonM=epsilonM,a_D=a_D,r_D=r_D,prob=prob)
## temID <- ID
## N <- length(unique(temID))
## uniID <- unique(temID)
## ID <- rep(NA,length(temID))
## for (i in 1 : length(uniID))
## {
## ID[temID == uniID[i]] <- i
## }
## ## The patients with labelnp = 1 (no old scans) for all repeated measures
## ## are treated as lack of new scans and used to estimate beta only.
## ## skip the computation of H2
## ## All patients have old scans
## ## the labelnp of patients only with 1 (new scans) labels are replaced by all 0 (old scans)
## patwonew <- which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==0),ID,sum)==0)==1)
## for (i in 1 : length(patwonew)) labelnp[ID == patwonew[i]] <- 0
## patwoONscan <- which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==1),ID,sum)==0)==1)
## if (length(patwoONscan)==0) patwoONscan <- -999;
## p <- ncol(X)
## X <- c(X) ## {xij} = { x_{1,1},x_{2,1},..,x_{Ntot,1},x_{1,2},....,x_{Ntot,p} }
## mID <- ID-1
## mpatwoONscan <- patwoONscan - 1
## maxni <- max(tapply(rep(1,length(ID)),ID,sum))
## Npat <- length(unique(ID))
## re <- .Call("res",
## as.numeric(Y), ## REAL
## as.numeric(X), ## REAL
## as.integer(mID), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(B), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(maxni), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(M), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(Npat), ## INTEGER
## as.numeric(labelnp), ## REAL
## as.numeric(max_aG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(a_r), ## REAL
## as.numeric(r_r), ## REAL
## as.numeric(a_D), ## REAL
## as.numeric(r_D), ## REAL
## as.numeric(a_qG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(r_qG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(mu_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.integer(mpatwoONscan),## INTEGER
## as.integer(dist), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(burnin), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(printfFreq),
## package = "lmeNBBayes"
## )
## for ( i in 1 : 5) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,Npat,byrow=TRUE)
## for ( i in 6 : 9) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
## re[[10]] <- matrix(re[[10]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
## names(re) <- c("h1","h2","g1","g2","j",
## "aG","rG","v","weightH1",
## "beta","D","qG","AR","prp")
## para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
## sigma_beta = sigma_beta,
## M = M,
## a_D = a_D,
## r_D = r_D,
## dist = dist,
## burnin = burnin,
## a_r = a_r,
## r_r = r_r,
## a_qG = a_qG,
## r_qG = r_qG,
## max_aG = max_aG,
## patwoONscan=(patwoONscan+1))
## re$para <- para
## names(re$AR) <-c("gs", "aG", paste("beta",1:p))
## re$hs <- re$h1 + 1
## re$h2s <- re$h2 + 1
## return(re)
## }
## nbinREDPmix2 <- function(Y, ## A vector of length sum ni, containing responses
## X, ## A sum ni by p matrix, containing covariate values. The frist column must be 1 (Intercept)
## ID, ## A Vector of length sum ni, indicating patients
## B = 20000, ## A scalar, the number of Gibbs iteration
## M = NULL, ## A scalar, the truncation value
## labelnp,
## dist = 1, ## dist == 1 means the base distribution of the random effects are assumed to be
## max_aG = 3.0, ## from P0 = gamma(shape=aG,scale=1/rG)
## ##a_r = 3.0, ## where aG ~ Unif(0,max_aG ) and
## ##r_r = 0.2, ## rG ~ gamma(shape=a_r,scale=1/r_r)
## a_D = 0.5, ## small shape a.D and small scale ib.D put weights on both small and large values of D
## r_D = 2, ## D ~ gamma(shape=a.D,scale=1/r.D)
## a_qG = 20.0, ## qG ~ beta(shape1=a_qG,scale=r_qG)
## r_qG = 1.0,
## mu_beta = 0, ## hyperpara of beta: beta ~ norm(mu_beta,sd=sigma_beta)
## sigma_beta = 5,## hyperpara of beta: beta ~ norm(mu_beta,sd=sigma_beta)
## burnin = round(B/3),
## epsilonM = 0.001,
## prob = 0.999,
## printfFreq = B
## )
## {
## ## ==== Description of the parameters in code ====
## ## g1s: A vector of length N, containing the random effect 1 values for each pat
## ## g2s: A vector of length N, containing the random effect 2 values for each pat
## ## vs: A vector of length M, containing the parameters to construct pis
## ## weightH1(vs): A vector of length M, containing the probabilities of the categorical distribution of Hi, function of vs
## ## beta: A vector of length p, containing the coefficients
## ## h1s: A vector of length N, containing the cluster labels of RE1 of each observation, cluster index is between 1 and M+1
## ## h2s: A vector of length N, containing the cluster labels of RE2 of each observation, cluster index is between 1 and M+1
## ## aGs: A vector of length M, containing the shape parameters of the gamma distribution
## ## rGs: A vector of length M, containing the scale parameters of the gamma distribution
## ## ## === Model ===
## ## // 1) y_ij | Gij = gij,beta, ~ NB(r_ij,p_i)
## ## // where r_ij = exp(t(x_ij)*beta), p_{ij} = 1/(g_ij+1)
## ## // gij = g1i if j is in pre scan
## ## // = g2i if j is in new scan
## ## // and the distribution of g2i is specified as;
## ## // g2i = g1i with prob qG2
## ## // = g* with prob 1-qG2 (The default value of p.g2 = 0)
## ## //
## ## // 2) Gi|ih ~ gamma(shape=aGs[ih],scale=1/rGs[ih])
## ## // aGs[ih],ih=1,...,M ~ Unif(0,max_aG )
## ## // rGs[ih],ih=1,...,M ~ gamma(shape=a_r,scale=1/r_r)
## ## //
## ## // 3) beta[i] ~ normal(0,sigma_beta) i=1,..,p
## ## // 4) D ~ gamma(shape=a.D,scale=b.D)
## if (is.null(M)) M = getM(epsilonM=epsilonM,a_D=a_D,r_D=r_D,prob=prob)
## temID <- ID
## N <- length(unique(temID))
## uniID <- unique(temID)
## ID <- rep(NA,length(temID))
## for (i in 1 : length(uniID))
## {
## ID[temID == uniID[i]] <- i
## }
## ## The patients with labelnp = 1 (no old scans) for all repeated measures
## ## are treated as lack of new scans and used to estimate beta only.
## ## skip the computation of H2
## ## All patients have old scans
## ## the labelnp of patients only with 1 (new scans) labels are replaced by all 0 (old scans)
## patwonew <- which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==0),ID,sum)==0)==1)
## for (i in 1 : length(patwonew)) labelnp[ID == patwonew[i]] <- 0
## patwoONscan <- which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==1),ID,sum)==0)==1)
## if (length(patwoONscan)==0) patwoONscan <- -999;
## p <- ncol(X)
## X <- c(X) ## {xij} = { x_{1,1},x_{2,1},..,x_{Ntot,1},x_{1,2},....,x_{Ntot,p} }
## mID <- ID-1
## mpatwoONscan <- patwoONscan - 1
## maxni <- max(tapply(rep(1,length(ID)),ID,sum))
## Npat <- length(unique(ID))
## re <- .Call("resBeta",
## as.numeric(Y), ## REAL
## as.numeric(X), ## REAL
## as.integer(mID), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(B), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(maxni), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(M), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(Npat), ## INTEGER
## as.numeric(labelnp), ## REAL
## as.numeric(max_aG), ## REAL
## ##as.numeric(a_r), ## REAL
## ##as.numeric(r_r), ## REAL
## as.numeric(a_D), ## REAL
## as.numeric(r_D), ## REAL
## as.numeric(a_qG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(r_qG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(mu_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.integer(mpatwoONscan),## INTEGER
## as.integer(dist), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(burnin), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(printfFreq),
## package = "lmeNBBayes"
## )
## for ( i in 1 : 5) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,Npat,byrow=TRUE)
## for ( i in 6 : 9) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
## re[[10]] <- matrix(re[[10]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
## names(re) <- c("h1","h2","g1","g2","j",
## "aG","rG","v","weightH1",
## "beta","D","qG","AR","prp")
## para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
## sigma_beta = sigma_beta,
## M = M,
## a_D = a_D,
## r_D = r_D,
## dist = dist,
## burnin = burnin,
## a_qG = a_qG,
## r_qG = r_qG,
## max_aG = max_aG,
## patwoONscan=(patwoONscan+1))
## re$para <- para
## names(re$AR) <-c("gs", "aG", paste("beta",1:p))
## re$hs <- re$h1 + 1
## re$h2s <- re$h2 + 1
## return(re)
## }
## getSampleOld <- function(
## iseed=911,
## rev=4,
## dist="b",
## mod=0,
## beta1=0,
## probs=seq(0,0.99,0.01),
## ts = seq(0,0.99,0.01)
## )
## {
## ## mod = 0: generate sample
## ## mod = 1: quantiles of the true populations
## ## mod = 2: densities of the true populations
## ni <- 11
## Npat <- 200;
## ni_rev <- c(5,8,11)[rev-1]
## set.seed(iseed)
## ## generate unobservable latent variables gs:
## if (dist=="g")
## {
## ## r.e. mixture of two gamma distributions
## ## cluster1: E(Y)=exp(0.5)*E(G) = exp(0.5)*sp1*sc1 = 0.4121803
## ## cluster2: E(Y)=exp(0.5)*E(G) = exp(0.5)*sp2*sc2 = 3.956931
## pi <- 0.7
## temp <- rmultinom(1,Npat,c(pi,1-pi))
## Npat_dist1 <- temp[1,1]
## Npat_dist2 <- temp[2,1]
## sp1 <- 0.5
## sc1 <- 0.5
## sp2 <- 3
## sc2 <- 0.8
## beta0 <- 0.5
## sampldist1 <- rgamma(Npat_dist1,shape=sp1,scale=sc1)
## sampldist2 <- rgamma(Npat_dist2,shape=sp2,scale=sc2)
## gsBASE <- c(sampldist1,sampldist2)
## gsBASE = 1/(1+gsBASE)
## if (mod==1)
## {
## F_inv_gam <- function(p,sp1,sc1,sp2,sc2,pi)
## {
## G = function (t)
## pi*pgamma(t,shape=sp1,scale=sc1)+(1-pi)*pgamma(t,shape=sp2,scale=sc2) - p
## return(uniroot(G,c(0,100))$root)
## }
## lq <- length(probs);
## quan <- rep(NA,lq);
## for (i in 1 : lq) quan[i] <- F_inv_gam(p=probs[i],sp1=sp1,sc1=sc1,sp2=sp2,sc2=sc2,pi=pi)
## quan = sort(1/(1+quan))
## return (rbind(probs=probs,quantile=quan))
## }else if (mod == 2){
## ts.trans <-1/ts-1
## return ((pi*dgamma(ts.trans,shape=sp1,scale=sc1)+(1-pi)*dgamma(ts.trans,shape=sp2,scale=sc2) )*(1/ts^2))
## }else if (mod == 3){
## return (list(beta0=beta0,K=2))
## }
## }else if (dist== "l")
## {
## ## single log-normal distribution
## ## E(Y)=exp(beta)*E(G)=exp(1)*exp(meanlog+sdlog^2/2)= 5.078419
## beta0 <- 1
## meanlog <- -2.5
## sdlog <- 2.5
## gsBASE <- rlnorm(Npat,meanlog=meanlog,sdlog=sdlog)
## gsBASE = 1/(1+gsBASE)
## quan <- qlnorm(probs,meanlog=meanlog,sdlog=sdlog)
## if (mod==1){
## return(
## rbind(probs=probs,
## quantile=sort(1/(1+quan))
## )
## )
## }else if (mod==2){
## ts.trans <-1/ts-1
## return(dlnorm(ts.trans,meanlog=meanlog,sdlog=sdlog)*(1/ts^2))
## }else if (mod == 3){
## return (list(beta0=beta0,K=1))
## }
## }
## else if (dist == "b")
## {
## ## single beta distribution
## ## E(1/G) = ...some calculations... = (aG+rG-1)/(aG-1)
## ## E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_{1/G}=exp(1)*((aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)+1)= 4.238999
## beta0 <- 1
## aG1 <- 15.3
## rG1 <- 8
## gsBASE <- rbeta(Npat,aG1,rG1)
## if (mod==1){
## return(
## rbind(probs=probs,
## quantile=qbeta(probs,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)
## )
## )
## }else if (mod==2){
## return (dbeta(ts,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1))
## }else if (mod == 3){
## return (list(beta0=beta0,K=1))
## }
## }else if (dist == "b2")
## {
## ## mixture of two beta distributions
## ## cluster 1: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(2)*((aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)+1)=3.098636 ## at initial time
## ## cluster 2: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(2)*((aG2+rG2-1)/(aG2-1)+1)=7.037196 ## at initial time
## pi <- 0.3
## temp <- rmultinom(1,Npat,c(pi,1-pi))
## Npat_dist1 <- temp[1,1]
## Npat_dist2 <- temp[2,1]
## beta0 <- 2
## aG1 <- 13
## rG1 <- 18
## aG2 <- 20
## rG2 <- 1
## sampldist1 <- rbeta(Npat_dist1,aG1,rG1);
## sampldist2 <- rbeta(Npat_dist2,aG2,rG2);
## gsBASE <- c(sampldist1,sampldist2)
## if (mod==1){
## F_inv_beta2 <- function(p,aG1,rG1,aG2,rG2,pi)
## {
## G = function (t) pi*pbeta(t,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)+(1-pi)*pbeta(t,shape1=aG2,shape2=rG2) - p
## return(uniroot(G,c(0,1000))$root)
## }
## lq <- length(probs);
## quant <- rep(NA,lq);
## for (i in 1 : lq) quant[i] <- F_inv_beta2(p=probs[i],aG1,rG1,aG2,rG2,pi=pi)
## return (rbind(probs=probs,quantile=quant))
## }
## else if (mod==2){
## return ((pi*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)+(1-pi)*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG2,shape2=rG2)) )
## }else if (mod == 3){
## return(list(beta0=beta0,K=2))
## }
## }
## else if (dist == "b3")
## {
## ## mixture of two beta distributions
## ## cluster 1: E(Y)=exp(beta)*mu_G=exp(0.5)*((aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)+1)=11.33496
## ## cluster 2: E(Y)=exp(beta)*mu_G=exp(0.5)*((aG2+rG2-1)/(aG2-1)+1)=5.035284
## ## cluster 3: E(Y)=exp(beta)*mu_G=exp(0.5)*((aG3+rG3-1)/(aG3-1)+1)=2.000417
## beta0 <- 1
## p1 <- 0.4
## p2 <- 0.1
## temp <- rmultinom(1,200,c(p1,p2,1-p1-p2))
## Npat_dist1 <- temp[1,1]
## Npat_dist2 <- temp[2,1]
## Npat_dist3 <- temp[3,1]
## aG1 <- 5
## rG1 <- 19.5
## aG2 <- 19.5
## rG2 <- 19.5
## aG3 <- 25
## rG3 <- 0.01
## sampldist1 <- rbeta(Npat_dist1,aG1,rG1);
## sampldist2 <- rbeta(Npat_dist2,aG2,rG2);
## sampldist3 <- rbeta(Npat_dist3,aG3,rG3);
## gsBASE <- c(sampldist1,sampldist2,sampldist3)
## if (mod==1)
## {
## F_inv_beta3 <- function(p,aG1,rG1,aG2,rG2,aG3,rG3,p1,p2)
## {
## G = function (t)
## p1*pbeta(t,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)+p2*pbeta(t,shape1=aG2,shape2=rG2)+(1-p1-p2)*pbeta(t,shape1=aG3,shape2=rG3)-p
## return(uniroot(G,c(0,1000))$root)
## }
## lq <- length(probs);
## quant <- rep(NA,lq);
## for (i in 1 : lq) quant[i] <- F_inv_beta3(p=probs[i],aG1,rG1,aG2,rG2,aG3,rG3,
## p1=p1,
## p2=p2)
## return (rbind(probs=probs,quantile=quant))
## }else if (mod==2)
## {
## return (p1*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)+p2*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG2,shape2=rG2)+(1-p1-p2)*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG3,shape2=rG3 ))
## }else if (mod == 3){
## return( list(beta0=beta0,K=3))
## }
## }
## Y <- NULL
## for ( ipat in 1 : Npat)
## {
## ## the number of repeated measures are the same
## got <- rnbinom(ni,size = exp(beta0+beta1*(1:ni)), prob = gsBASE[ipat])
## Y <- c(Y,got)
## }
## cat("beta0",beta0,"\n")
## d <- data.frame(Y=Y,
## X=rep(1,Npat*ni),
## ID=rep(1:Npat,each=ni),
## gsBASE1 = rep(gsBASE,each=ni),
## scan = rep(1:ni,Npat)
## )
## d <- subset(d,subset=scan <= ni_rev)
## d$labelnp <- rep(c(rep(0,ni_rev-3),rep(1,3)),Npat)
## return(d)
## }
## DPfitold <- function(Y, ## A vector of length sum ni, containing responses
## X, ## A sum ni by p matrix, containing covariate values. The frist column must be 1 (Intercept)
## ID, ## A Vector of length sum ni, indicating patients
## B = 105000, ## A scalar, the number of Gibbs iteration
## max_aG = 20.0, ## from P0 = gamma(shape=aG,scale=1/rG)
## mu_beta = NULL, ## hyperpara of beta: beta[ibeta] ~ norm(mu_beta[ibeta],sd=sigma_beta[ibeta])
## Sigma_beta = NULL, ## Beta24
## sigma_beta = NULL, ##
## burnin = 5000,
## printFreq = B,
## model=8,
## M=NULL,
## a_D=1,
## r_D=1,
## epsilonM=0.01, ## nonpara
## prob=0.9, ## nonpara
## labelnp=NULL,
## sd_eta=0.3, ## Beta13 and Beta23
## initial_beta=0.0,## Beta23
## a_qG=1, ## Beta14 and Beta24
## r_qG=1, ## Beta14 and Beta24
## mu_aG = 1.5, ## Beta24
## sd_aG = 0.75, ## Beta24
## mu_rG = 1.5, ## Beta24
## sd_rG = 0.75 ## Beta24
## )
## {
## Ntot <- length(Y)
## if (is.vector(X)) X <- matrix(X,ncol=1)
## pCov <- ncol(X)
## if (nrow(X)!= Ntot) stop ("nrow(X) != length(Y)")
## if (length(ID)!= Ntot) stop ("length(ID)!= length(Y)")
## if (is.null(sigma_beta)) sigma_beta <- rep(5,pCov)
## if (is.null(mu_beta)) mu_beta <- rep(0,pCov)
## if (is.null(labelnp)) labelnp <- rep(0,length(Y))
## ## if (is.null(M)) M = getM(epsilonM=epsilonM,a_D=a_D,r_D=r_D,prob=prob)
## ## change the index of ID to numeric from 1 to # patients
## temID <- ID
## N <- length(unique(temID))
## uniID <- unique(temID)
## ID <- rep(NA,length(temID))
## for (i in 1 : length(uniID))
## {
## ID[temID == uniID[i]] <- i
## }
## p <- pCov
## if( is.vector(X)) p <- 1
## X <- c(X) ## {xij} = { x_{1,1},x_{2,1},..,x_{Ntot,1},x_{1,2},....,x_{Ntot,p} }
## mID <- ID-1
## ## The patients with labelnp = 1 (no old scans) for all repeated measures
## ## are treated as lack of new scans and used to estimate beta only.
## ## skip the computation of H2
## ## All patients have old scans
## ## the labelnp of patients only with 1 (new scans) labels are replaced by all 0 (old scans)
## patwonew <- which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==0),ID,sum)==0)==1)
## for (i in 1 : length(patwonew)) labelnp[ID == patwonew[i]] <- 0
## patwoNS <- which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==1),ID,sum)==0)==1)
## if (length(patwoNS)==0) patwoNS <- -999;
## patwoNS <- patwoNS - 1
## maxni <- max(tapply(rep(1,length(ID)),ID,sum))
## Npat <- length(unique(ID))
## if (model==1)
## {
## ##parametric model: gi is constant over time
## labelnp <- rep(0,length(Y))
## re <- .Call("Beta1",
## as.numeric(Y), ## REAL
## as.numeric(X), ## REAL
## as.integer(mID), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(B), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(maxni), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(Npat), ## INTEGER
## as.numeric(labelnp), ## REAL
## as.numeric(mu_aG),
## as.numeric(sd_aG),
## as.numeric(mu_rG),
## as.numeric(sd_rG),
## as.numeric(mu_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.integer(burnin), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(printFreq),
## package = "lmeNBBayes"
## )
## re[[3]] <- matrix(re[[3]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
## re[[4]] <- matrix(re[[4]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
## names(re) <- c("aG","rG","gPre","beta","AR","prp")
## para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
## sigma_beta = sigma_beta,
## burnin = burnin,
## max_aG = max_aG
## )
## re$para <- para
## names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG", paste("beta",1:p))
## return(re)
## }
## else if (model==2)
## {
## ## parametric model: gi is allowed to change between new scan g1 and old scan g2 period
## ## g1 and g2 are assumed to be independent
## re <- .Call("Beta2",
## as.numeric(Y), ## REAL
## as.numeric(X), ## REAL
## as.integer(mID), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(B), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(maxni), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(Npat), ## INTEGER
## as.numeric(labelnp), ## REAL
## as.numeric(max_aG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(mu_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.integer(burnin), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(printFreq),
## package = "lmeNBBayes"
## )
## for ( i in 3:4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
## re[[5]] <- matrix(re[[5]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
## names(re) <- c("aG","rG","g1s","g2s","beta","AR","prp")
## para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
## sigma_beta = sigma_beta,
## burnin = burnin,
## max_aG = max_aG
## )
## re$para <- para
## names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG", paste("beta",1:p))
## return(re)
## }
## else if (model==3)
## {
## ## Nonparametric model: gi is constant over time
## labelnp <- rep(0,length(Y))
## if (is.null(M)) M <- getM(epsilonM=epsilonM,a_D=a_D,r_D=r_D,prob=prob)
## re <- .Call("Beta12",
## as.numeric(Y), ## REAL
## as.numeric(X), ## REAL
## as.integer(mID), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(B), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(maxni), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(Npat), ## INTEGER
## as.numeric(labelnp), ## REAL
## as.numeric(max_aG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(mu_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(a_D), ## REAL
## as.numeric(r_D), ## REAL
## as.integer(M),
## as.integer(burnin), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(printFreq),
## package = "lmeNBBayes"
## )
## ##
## for ( i in 1:4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
## for ( i in 5:6 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
## re[[7]] <- matrix(re[[7]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
## names(re) <- c("aG","rG","vs","weightH1",
## "h1s","g1s",
## "beta","D","AR","prp")
## para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
## sigma_beta = sigma_beta,
## burnin = burnin,
## max_aG = max_aG
## )
## re$para <- para
## names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG",paste("beta",1:p))
## return(re)
## }
## else if (model==4)
## {
## ## nonparametric model: gi is allowed to change between new scan g1 and old scan g2 period
## ## g1 and g2 are assumed to be independent
## if (is.null(M)) M <- getM(epsilonM=epsilonM,a_D=a_D,r_D=r_D,prob=prob)
## re <- .Call("Beta22",
## as.numeric(Y), ## REAL
## as.numeric(X), ## REAL
## as.integer(mID), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(B), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(maxni), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(Npat), ## INTEGER
## as.numeric(labelnp), ## REAL
## as.numeric(max_aG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(mu_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(a_D), ## REAL
## as.numeric(r_D), ## REAL
## as.integer(M), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(burnin), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(printFreq),
## package = "lmeNBBayes"
## )
## ##
## for ( i in 1:4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
## for ( i in 5:8 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
## re[[9]] <- matrix(re[[9]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
## names(re) <- c("aG","rG","vs","weightH1",
## "h1s","h2s","g1s","g2s",
## "beta","D","AR","prp")
## para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
## sigma_beta = sigma_beta,
## burnin = burnin,
## max_aG = max_aG,
## M=M,
## )
## re$para <- para
## names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG", paste("beta",1:p))
## return(re)
## }
## else if (model == 5)
## {
## min_prec_eta = 500
## max_prec_eta = 501
## re <- .Call("Beta13",
## as.numeric(Y), ## 1REAL
## as.numeric(X), ## 2REAL
## as.integer(mID), ## 3INTEGER
## as.integer(B), ## 4INTEGER
## as.integer(maxni), ## 5INTEGER
## as.integer(Npat), ## 6INTEGER
## as.numeric(labelnp), ## 7REAL
## as.numeric(min_prec_eta), ## 8REAL
## as.numeric(max_prec_eta), ## 9REAL
## as.numeric(max_aG), ## 10REAL
## as.numeric(mu_beta), ## 11REAL
## as.numeric(sigma_beta), ## 12REAL
## as.integer(burnin), ## 13INTEGER
## as.integer(printFreq), ## 14INTEGER
## package = "lmeNBBayes"
## )
## ##
## ## for ( i in 1:4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
## for ( i in 4 : 6 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
## re[[7]] <- matrix(re[[7]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
## names(re) <- c("aG","rG","prec_eta",
## "g1s","etas","g2s",
## "beta","AR","prp")
## para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
## sigma_beta = sigma_beta,
## burnin = burnin,
## max_aG = max_aG
## )
## re$para <- para
## names(re$AR) <-c("g1s","etas","aG", "rG", "prec_eta",paste("beta",1:p))
## return(re)
## }
## else if (model==6)
## {
## ## nonparametric model,
## if (is.null(M)) M <- getM(epsilonM=epsilonM,a_D=a_D,r_D=r_D,prob=prob)
## re <- .Call("Beta23",
## as.numeric(Y), ## REAL
## as.numeric(X), ## REAL
## as.integer(mID), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(B), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(maxni), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(Npat), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(M), ## INTEGER
## as.numeric(a_D), ## REAL
## as.numeric(r_D), ## REAL
## as.numeric(labelnp), ## REAL
## as.numeric(sd_eta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(max_aG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(mu_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.integer(burnin), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(printFreq), ## INTEGER
## as.numeric(initial_beta),
## package = "lmeNBBayes"
## )
## ##
## for ( i in 1 : 4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
## for ( i in 5 : 8 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
## re[[5]] <- re[[5]]+1 ## "h1s"
## re[[9]] <- matrix(re[[9]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
## names(re) <- c("aGs","rGs","vs","weightH1",
## "h1s","g1s","g2s","etas"
## ,"betas","D",##"prec_eta",
## "AR","prp")
## para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
## sigma_beta = sigma_beta,
## burnin = burnin,
## max_aG = max_aG,
## M=M,
## ID=ID,
## labelnp=labelnp,
## patWOnew=patwonew
## )
## re$para <- para
## names(re$AR) <- names(re$prp) <- c("g1s","etas",paste("aG",1:M,sep=""),
## paste("rG",1:M,sep=""),
## paste("beta",1:p,sep=""))##"prec_eta")
## re$MeanWH <- colMeans(re$weightH1);
## names(re$MeanWH) <- paste("cluster",1:M)
## return(re)
## }
## else if (model==7)
## {
## ## // Y_ij | Gij = gij ~ NB(size=exp(X_{ij}^T beta),prob=gij)
## ## // gij = g1 if j is in pre-scan
## ## // = g_new if j is in old-scan
## ## // g_new = Ji * g1 + (1-Ji) * g2
## ## // Ji ~ ber(qG)
## ## // qG ~ beta(a_qG,r_qG)
## ## // g1, g2 ~ beta(aG,rG)
## ## // beta ~ rnorm(mu_beta,sigma_beta)
## ## // aG, rG ~ unif(0,max_aG)
## re <- .Call("Beta14",
## as.numeric(Y), ## REAL
## as.numeric(X), ## REAL
## as.integer(mID), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(B), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(maxni), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(Npat), ## INTEGER
## as.numeric(labelnp), ## REAL
## as.numeric(a_qG),
## as.numeric(r_qG),
## as.numeric(max_aG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(mu_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(sigma_beta), ## REAL
## ##as.numeric(a_D), ## REAL
## ##as.numeric(r_D), ## REAL
## ##as.integer(M), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(burnin), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(printFreq),
## as.integer(patwoNS),
## package = "lmeNBBayes"
## )
## ##
## ## for ( i in 1:4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
## for ( i in 4 : 7 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
## re[[8]] <- matrix(re[[8]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
## names(re) <- c("aG","rG","qG",
## "gPre","g2s","gNew","js",
## "beta","AR","prp")
## para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
## sigma_beta = sigma_beta,
## burnin = burnin,
## B=B,
## max_aG = max_aG,
## patwoNS= patwoNS+1
## )
## re$para <- para
## names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG", paste("beta",1:p))
## return(re)
## }
## else if (model==8)
## {
## ## nonparametric model
## ## // Y_ij | Gij = gij ~ NB(size=exp(X_{ij}^T beta),prob=gij)
## ## // gij = g1 if j is in pre-scan
## ## // = g_new if j is in old-scan
## ## // g_new = Ji * g1 + (1-Ji) * g2
## ## // Ji ~ ber(qG)
## ## // qG ~ beta(a_qG,r_qG)
## ## // g1, g2 ~ sum_{h=1}^M pi_h beta(aG_h,rG_h)
## ## // beta ~ rnorm(mu_beta,sigma_beta)
## ## // aG, rG ~ unif(0,max_aG)
## ## nonparametric model,
## if (is.null(M)) M <- getM(epsilonM=epsilonM,a_D=a_D,r_D=r_D,prob=prob)
## if (is.null(Sigma_beta)) Sigma_beta <- diag(5,pCov)
## evalue_sigma_beta <- eigen(Sigma_beta, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
## if (min(evalue_sigma_beta) <= 0) stop("Sigma_beta must be positive definite!")
## Inv_sigma_beta <- c( solve(Sigma_beta) )
## re <- .Call("Beta24",
## as.numeric(Y), ## REAL
## as.numeric(X), ## REAL
## as.integer(mID), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(B), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(maxni), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(Npat), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(M), ## INTEGER
## as.numeric(labelnp), ## REAL
## as.numeric(a_qG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(r_qG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(mu_aG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(sd_aG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(mu_rG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(sd_rG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(mu_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(a_D), ## REAL
## as.numeric(r_D), ## REAL
## as.integer(burnin), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(printFreq),
## as.integer(patwoNS),
## package = "lmeNBBayes"
## )
## for ( i in 2 : 7 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
## for ( i in 8 : 11 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
## re[[12]] <- matrix(re[[12]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
## names(re) <- c("qG",
## "gPre","g2s","gNew","js","h1s","h2s",
## "weightH1","vs","aGs","rGs",
## "beta","AR","prp")
## re$para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
## sigma_beta = (Sigma_beta),
## burnin = burnin,
## M=M,
## B=B,
## model=model,
## mu_aG = mu_aG,
## sd_aG = sd_aG,
## mu_rG = mu_rG,
## sd_rG = sd_rG,
## a_D=a_D,
## r_D=r_D,
## a_qG=a_qG,
## r_qG=r_qG,
## Npat=N,
## Ntot=length(Y),
## patwoNS = patwoNS+1,
## CEL=Y,
## ID=ID
## )
## names(re$AR) <- names(re$prp) <- c(paste("aG",1:M,sep=""),
## paste("rG",1:M,sep=""),
## paste("beta",sep="")
## )
## re$h1s <- re$h1s + 1
## re$h2s <- re$h2s + 1
## re$MeanWH <- colMeans(re$weightH1);
## names(re$MeanWH) <- paste("cluster",1:M)
## return(re)
## }
## }
## getSample2 <- function(iseed=1,
## mod=1, ## mod==2 returns the simulation parameter
## aG1=10,rG1=10,aG2=20,rG2=1)
## {
## ## The random effect changes its value over time
## ## 20 % of patients switch their random effect values between pre and new scan period
## ## By review 2, 80 patients are recruited to the study
## Npat <- 100; ## Npat must be divisible by NpatEnterPerMonth
## beta0 <- 1.5
## beta1 <- 0.1
## set.seed(iseed)
## cat("\n\n beta0",beta0,"beta1",beta1,"\n\n")
## ## The number of patients entering the study per month
## DSMBVisitInterval <- 4 ## months
## ##
## ## I_{ij} follows a Markov Chain with two states 0/1 with transition probability p_{i0} = 0.9 and p_{i1}=0.1 for i = 0 or 1
## ## That is I_{ij} is more likely to stay at state 0.
## ##
## ## mixture of two beta distributions
## ## cluster 1: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(1)*((aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)+1)=3.098636 ## at initial time
## ## cluster 2: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(1)*((aG2+rG2-1)/(aG2-1)+1)=7.037196 ## at initial time
## Ys <- Gs <- Ispat <- ID <- Is <- NULL
## cat("\n\n Random effect changes at time 2, at time 3 (DSMB review) and at time 4 \n\n")
## Ys <- Gs <-Is <- NULL
## ni <- 6
## timecov <- c(0,0,1:(ni-2))
## NpatEach <- 5
## NpatEach1 <- 2
## Ispat <- matrix(c(
## rep(c(0,0,0,1,1,1),NpatEach),
## rep(c(1,1,1,0,0,0),NpatEach),
## rep(c(0,0,1,1,1,1),NpatEach1), ## NpatEach
## rep(c(0,0,0,0,1,1),NpatEach1),
## rep(c(1,1,0,0,0,0),NpatEach1),
## rep(c(1,1,1,1,0,0),NpatEach1),
## rep(rep(1,ni),40), ## 40
## rep(rep(0,ni),130) ## 130 reasonabl
## ),ncol=ni,byrow=TRUE)
## Npat <-nrow(Ispat)
## for (ipat in 1 : Npat)
## {
## gs <- ys <- NULL
## ## random effect corresponding to Ispat[ipat,ivec]==0
## g0 <- rbeta(1,shape1=aG2,shape2=rG2);
## g1 <- rbeta(1,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1);
## for (ivec in 1 : ni)
## {
## if (Ispat[ipat,ivec] == 0)
## {
## ys[ivec] <- rnbinom(1,size = exp(beta0+beta1*timecov[ivec]),prob = g0)
## gs <- c(gs,g0)
## }else if (Ispat[ipat,ivec] == 1)
## {
## ys[ivec] <- rnbinom(1,size = exp(beta0+beta1*timecov[ivec]),prob = g1)
## gs <- c(gs,g1)
## }
## }
## Ys <- c(Ys,ys)
## Gs <- c(Gs,gs)
## Is <- c(Is,Ispat[ipat,])
## }
## d <- data.frame(Y=Ys,gs=Gs,Is=Is,
## ID=rep(1:Npat,each=ni),
## days=rep(1:ni,Npat),
## X1=rep(1,Npat*ni),
## X2=rep(timecov,Npat))
## d$labelnp <- rep(0,nrow(d))
## d$labelnp[ 3 < d$days ] <- 1
## if (mod== 1)return(d)
## else if (mod == 2){
## ## return the parameter values:
## c1 <- momentsBeta(aG1=aG1,rG1=rG1,beta=beta0)
## c2 <- momentsBeta(aG1=aG2,rG1=rG2,beta=beta0)
## REclass <- REclass(d)
## return (list(c1=c1,c2=c2,beta0=beta0,beta1=beta1,aG1=aG1,rG1=rG1,aG2=aG2,rG2=rG2,REclass=REclass))
## }
## }
## REclass <- function(d)
## {
## d <- data.frame(d)
## Npat <- length(unique(d$ID))
## REclass <- rep(NA,Npat)
## for (ipat in 1 : Npat)
## {
## Is_pat <- d$Is[d$ID==ipat]
## if (identical(Is_pat,c(1,1,1,1,1,1))){REclass[ipat] <- 1}
## if (identical(Is_pat,c(0,0,0,0,0,0))){REclass[ipat] <- 2}
## if (identical(Is_pat,c(1,1,0,0,0,0))){REclass[ipat] <- 3}
## if (identical(Is_pat,c(0,0,0,0,1,1))){REclass[ipat] <- 4}
## if (identical(Is_pat,c(1,1,1,1,0,0))){REclass[ipat] <- 5}
## if (identical(Is_pat,c(0,0,1,1,1,1))){REclass[ipat] <- 6}
## if (identical(Is_pat,c(0,0,0,1,1,1))){REclass[ipat] <- 7}
## if (identical(Is_pat,c(1,1,1,0,0,0))){REclass[ipat] <- 8}
## }
## return(REclass)
## }
## getSample2 <- function(iseed=1,
## mod=1, ## mod==2 returns the simulation parameter
## aG1=10,rG1=10,aG2=20,rG2=1)
## {
## ## The random effect changes its value over time
## ## 20n % of patients switch their random effect values between pre and new scan period
## ## By review 2, 80 patients are recruited to the study
## Npat <- 100; ## Npat must be divisible by NpatEnterPerMonth
## beta0 <- 1.5
## beta1 <- 0.1
## set.seed(iseed)
## cat("\n\n beta0",beta0,"beta1",beta1,"\n\n")
## ## The number of patients entering the study per month
## DSMBVisitInterval <- 4 ## months
## ##
## ## I_{ij} follows a Markov Chain with two states 0/1 with transition probability p_{i0} = 0.9 and p_{i1}=0.1 for i = 0 or 1
## ## That is I_{ij} is more likely to stay at state 0.
## ##
## ## mixture of two beta distributions
## ## cluster 1: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(1)*((aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)+1)=3.098636 ## at initial time
## ## cluster 2: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(1)*((aG2+rG2-1)/(aG2-1)+1)=7.037196 ## at initial time
## Ys <- Gs <- Ispat <- ID <- Is <- NULL
## cat("\n\n Random effect changes at time 2, at time 3 (DSMB review) and at time 4 \n\n")
## Ys <- Gs <-Is <- NULL
## ni <- 6
## timecov <- c(0,0,1:(ni-2))
## NpatEach <- 5
## NpatEach1 <- 2
## Ispat <- matrix(c(
## rep(c(0,0,0,1,1,1),NpatEach),
## rep(c(1,1,1,0,0,0),NpatEach),
## rep(c(0,0,1,1,1,1),NpatEach1), ## NpatEach
## rep(c(0,0,0,0,1,1),NpatEach1),
## rep(c(1,1,0,0,0,0),NpatEach1),
## rep(c(1,1,1,1,0,0),NpatEach1),
## rep(rep(1,ni),40), ## 40
## rep(rep(0,ni),130) ## 130 reasonabl
## ),ncol=ni,byrow=TRUE)
## Npat <-nrow(Ispat)
## for (ipat in 1 : Npat)
## {
## gs <- ys <- NULL
## ## random effect corresponding to Ispat[ipat,ivec]==0
## g0 <- rbeta(1,shape1=aG2,shape2=rG2);
## g1 <- rbeta(1,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1);
## for (ivec in 1 : ni)
## {
## if (Ispat[ipat,ivec] == 0)
## {
## ys[ivec] <- rnbinom(1,size = exp(beta0+beta1*timecov[ivec]),prob = g0)
## gs <- c(gs,g0)
## }else if (Ispat[ipat,ivec] == 1)
## {
## ys[ivec] <- rnbinom(1,size = exp(beta0+beta1*timecov[ivec]),prob = g1)
## gs <- c(gs,g1)
## }
## }
## Ys <- c(Ys,ys)
## Gs <- c(Gs,gs)
## Is <- c(Is,Ispat[ipat,])
## }
## d <- data.frame(Y=Ys,gs=Gs,Is=Is,
## ID=rep(1:Npat,each=ni),
## days=rep(1:ni,Npat),
## X1=rep(1,Npat*ni),
## X2=rep(timecov,Npat))
## d$labelnp <- rep(0,nrow(d))
## d$labelnp[ 3 < d$days ] <- 1
## if (mod== 1)return(d)
## else if (mod == 2){
## ## return the parameter values:
## c1 <- momentsBeta(aG1=aG1,rG1=rG1,beta=beta0)
## c2 <- momentsBeta(aG1=aG2,rG1=rG2,beta=beta0)
## REclass <- REclass(d)
## return (list(c1=c1,c2=c2,beta0=beta0,beta1=beta1,aG1=aG1,rG1=rG1,aG2=aG2,rG2=rG2,REclass=REclass))
## }
## }
## getSampleS <- function(iseed=1,propTreat=2/3,RedFactor=0.5,detail=FALSE)
## {
## ## The subset of patients in treatment arm experience the treatment effect
## ## Those with treatment effect decrease the expectation of CEL counts by RedFactor at every time point.
## ## RedFactor is constant over time.
## ## propTreat is the proportion of the patients in treatment arm with treatment effect
## ## if full = TRUE then full dataset is returned and rev is ignored
## ni <- 8
## Npat <- 120;
## i.trt <- c(
## rep(1,round(Npat*propTreat*0.5)), ## 0.5 because half of the patients receive treatments
## rep(0,Npat-round(Npat*propTreat*0.5))
## )
## pi <- 0.3
## beta0 <- 1.5
## beta1 <- -0.05
## aG1 <- 10
## rG1 <- 10
## aG2 <- 20
## rG2 <- 1
## ## generate the initial random effect values of everyone
## hs <- sample(1:2,Npat,c(pi,1-pi),replace=TRUE)
## Npat_dist1 <- sum(hs==1)
## Npat_dist2 <- sum(hs==2)
## gsBASE <- rep(NA,Npat)
## gsBASE[hs==1] <- rbeta(Npat_dist1,aG1,rG1);
## gsBASE[hs==2] <- rbeta(Npat_dist2,aG2,rG2);
## ## generate samples for dist = "b","b3", "g", and "l" (except "b2")
## Y <- NULL
## timecov <- c(0,0,(1:(ni-2)))
## for ( ipat in 1 : Npat)
## {
## ## the number of repeated measures are the same
## ## we assume that the treatment effects occurs once after the screening and baseline
## got <- rnbinom(ni,size = exp(beta0+beta1*timecov)*RedFactor^(i.trt[ipat]*(timecov>0)), prob = gsBASE[ipat])
## Y <- c(Y,got)
## }
## ## cat("beta0",beta0,"\n")
## d <- data.frame(Y=Y,
## X1=rep(1,Npat*ni),
## X2=rep(timecov,Npat),
## labelnp=rep(c(rep(0,2),rep(1,ni-2)),Npat), ## the first two scans are pre-scans
## ID=rep(1:Npat,each=ni),
## gsBASE = rep(gsBASE,each=ni),
## Treat = rep(1:0,each=(Npat/2)*ni), ## the first half of the patients receive treatment
## effectTreat = rep(i.trt,each=ni),
## hs = rep(hs,each=ni)
## )
## if (detail)
## {
## E1G.1 <- momentsBeta(aG1,rG1,beta0)[3] ## E1G
## E1G.2 <- momentsBeta(aG2,rG2,beta0)[3]
## E1G <- E1G.1*pi+E1G.2*(1-pi)
## E1s<-c(E1G,E1G.1,E1G.2)
## names(E1s) <- c("Overall","H=1","H=2")
## for (i in 1 : length(E1s))
## {
## noTreatEffect <- (E1s[i]-1)*exp(beta0+beta1*timecov)*RedFactor^(0*(timecov>0))
## TreatEffect <- (E1s[i]-1)*exp(beta0+beta1*timecov)*RedFactor^(1*(timecov>0))
## rr <- rbind(noTreatEffect,TreatEffect)
## colnames(rr) <- timecov
## cat("\n The expected CEL counts E(Yt)",names(E1s)[i],"\n")
## print(rr)
## }
## }
## return(d)
## }
## ## E(K|N,D) digamma(D+N)-digamma(D) ~= D*log(1+N/D) D*log(1+N/D)
## K_N.D <- function(D,N=200) D*log(1+N/D)
## ## E(K|N) = E(E(K|N,D)) where D ~ gamma(shape=aD,scale1/rD)
## ## E(L|N) depends on aD and rD and N
## K_N <- function(aD,rD,N)
## {
## f <- function(D,N,rD,aD) log(1+N/D)*exp(-rD*D)*D^aD
## k <- integrate(f=f,N=N,rD=rD,aD=aD,lower=0,upper=Inf)
## return(k$value*rD^aD/gamma(aD))
## }
## K_NisK <- function(aD,rD,N,K)
## {
## return(K_N(aD,rD,N)-K)
## }
## nbinDPREchange <- function(Y, ## A vector of length sum ni, containing responses
## X, ## A sum ni by p matrix, containing covariate values. The frist column must be 1 (Intercept)
## ID, ## A Vector of length sum ni, indicating patients
## B = 105000, ## A scalar, the number of Gibbs iteration
## burnin = 5000,
## printFreq = B,
## M = NULL,
## labelnp, ## necessary if probIndex ==1
## epsilonM = 0.01,## nonpara
## para = list(mu_beta = NULL,Sigma_beta = NULL,a_D = 0.01, ib_D = 5,max_aG=30)
## )
## {
## ## This code generate samples from NBRE model with constant random effect ~ DP mixture of Beta
## if (is.vector(X)) X <- matrix(X,ncol=1)
## NtotAll <- length(Y)
## if (nrow(X)!= NtotAll) stop("nrow(X) != length(Y)")
## if (length(ID)!= NtotAll) stop("length(ID)!= length(Y)")
## if (length(labelnp)!= NtotAll) stop ("labelnp!= length(Y)")
## dims <- dim(X)
## Ntot <- dims[1]
## pCov <- dims[2]
## ## cat("pCov",pCov)
## if (is.null(para$mu_beta))
## {
## para$mu_beta <- rep(0,pCov)
## }
## mu_beta <- para$mu_beta
## if (is.null(M)) M <- round(1 + log(epsilonM)/log(para$ib_D/(1+para$ib_D)))
## if (is.null(para$Sigma_beta)) {
## para$Sigma_beta <- diag(5,pCov)
## }
## Sigma_beta = para$Sigma_beta
## evalue_sigma_beta <- eigen(Sigma_beta, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
## if (min(evalue_sigma_beta) <= 0) stop("Sigma_beta must be positive definite!")
## Inv_sigma_beta <- c( solve(Sigma_beta) )
## X <- c(X) ## {xij} = { x_{1,1},x_{2,1},..,x_{Ntot,1},x_{1,2},....,x_{Ntot,p} }
## ## change the index of ID to numeric from 1 to # patients
## temID <- ID
## N <- length(unique(temID))
## uniID <- unique(temID)
## ID <- rep(NA,length(temID))
## for (i in 1 : length(uniID))
## {
## ID[temID == uniID[i]] <- i
## }
## mID <- ID-1
## ## the labelnp of patients only with 1 (new scans) labels are replaced by all 0 (old scans)
## maxni <- max(tapply(rep(1,length(ID)),ID,sum))
## Npat <- length(unique(ID))
## ## the labelnp of patients only with 1 (new scans) labels are replaced by all 0 (old scans)
## patwonew <- which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==0),ID,sum)==0)==1)
## for (i in 1 : length(patwonew)) labelnp[ID == patwonew[i]] <- 0
## re <- .Call("gibbsREchange",
## as.numeric(Y), ## REAL
## as.numeric(X), ## REAL
## as.integer(mID), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(B), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(maxni), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(Npat), ## INTEGER
## as.numeric(labelnp), ## REAL
## as.numeric(para$max_aG),
## as.numeric(para$mu_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(para$a_D),
## as.numeric(para$ib_D),
## as.integer(M),
## as.integer(burnin), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(printFreq),
## package = "lmeNBBayes"
## )
## ##
## ## for ( i in 1:4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
## for ( i in 1 : 4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
## for ( i in 5 : 8 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,Npat,byrow=TRUE)
## re[[9]] <- matrix(re[[9]],B,pCov,byrow=TRUE)
## names(re) <- c("aGs","rGs","vs","weightH1",
## "h1s","h2s","g1s","g2s",
## "beta",
## "logL","D",
## "AR","prp")
## re$para <- para
## re$para$M <- M
## names(re$AR) <-names(re$prp) <- c("aG", "rG","beta","D")
## return (re)
## }
## DPfit <- function(Y, ## A vector of length sum ni, containing responses
## X, ## A sum ni by p matrix, containing covariate values. The frist column must be 1 (Intercept)
## ID, ## A Vector of length sum ni, indicating patients
## B = 105000, ## A scalar, the number of Gibbs iteration
## burnin = 5000,
## printFreq = B,
## model = "nonpara-unif",
## M = NULL,
## epsilonM = 0.01,## nonpara
## prob=0.9, ## nonpara
## labelnp=NULL,
## para = list(mu_beta = NULL,Sigma_beta = NULL,a_D = 1, r_D = 1, a_qG = 1, r_qG = 1,
## mu_aG = 0,sd_aG = 2, mu_rG = 0,sd_rG = 2, Nclust=NULL),
## initBeta=NULL
## )
## {
## Ntot <- length(Y)
## ## === prior input check =====##
## if (is.vector(X)) X <- matrix(X,ncol=1)
## if (nrow(X)!= Ntot) stop ("nrow(X) != length(Y)")
## if (length(ID)!= Ntot) stop ("length(ID)!= length(Y)")
## if (is.null(para$a_qG)){
## para$a_qG <- 1
## cat("\n a_qG needs to be specified!! set to 1")
## }
## a_qG = para$a_qG
## if (is.null(para$r_qG) ) {
## para$r_qG <- 1
## cat("\n r_qG needs to be specified!! set to 1")
## }
## r_qG = para$r_qG
## if (is.vector(X)) X <- matrix(X,ncol=1)
## pCov <- ncol(X)
## if (is.null(para$mu_beta))
## {
## para$mu_beta <- rep(0,pCov)
## }
## mu_beta = para$mu_beta
## if (is.null(para$Sigma_beta)) {
## para$Sigma_beta <- diag(5,pCov)
## }
## Sigma_beta = para$Sigma_beta
## if (is.null(labelnp)) labelnp <- rep(0,length(Y))
## KK <- para$Nclust
## if (!is.null(KK)){
## if (!is.null(para$a_D)) stop("Both KK and a_D are selected! must be one of them...")
## ## the total number of patients observed by irev^th review
## NtotID <- length(unique(ID))
## ## the number of patients whose new scans are observed at the irev^th review
## NnewID <- length(unique(ID[labelnp==1]))
## ## parameters
## para$a_D <- uniroot(f=K_NisK,interval=c(0.003,50),
## rD=para$r_D,N=(NtotID+NnewID)*2,K=KK)$root
## }
## a_D <- para$a_D
## if (is.null(M)) M <- round(1 + log(0.01)/log(5/(1+5)))
## ## change the index of ID to numeric from 1 to # patients
## temID <- ID
## N <- length(unique(temID))
## uniID <- unique(temID)
## ID <- rep(NA,length(temID))
## for (i in 1 : length(uniID))
## {
## ID[temID == uniID[i]] <- i
## }
## p <- pCov
## if( is.vector(X)) p <- 1
## X <- c(X) ## {xij} = { x_{1,1},x_{2,1},..,x_{Ntot,1},x_{1,2},....,x_{Ntot,p} }
## mID <- ID-1
## ## The patients with labelnp = 1 (no old scans) for all repeated measures
## ## are treated as lack of new scans and used to estimate beta only.
## ## skip the computation of H2
## ## All patients have old scans
## ## the labelnp of patients only with 1 (new scans) labels are replaced by all 0 (old scans)
## patwonew <- which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==0),ID,sum)==0)==1)
## for (i in 1 : length(patwonew)) labelnp[ID == patwonew[i]] <- 0
## patwoNS <- which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==1),ID,sum)==0)==1)
## if (length(patwoNS)==0) patwoNS <- -999;
## patwoNS <- patwoNS - 1
## maxni <- max(tapply(rep(1,length(ID)),ID,sum))
## Npat <- length(unique(ID))
## evalue_sigma_beta <- eigen(Sigma_beta, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
## if (min(evalue_sigma_beta) <= 0) stop("Sigma_beta must be positive definite!")
## Inv_sigma_beta <- c( solve(Sigma_beta) )
## if (model=="para-constantRE"| model==1)
## {
## if (is.null(para$mu_aG )){
## para$mu_aG <- 0.5
## cat("\n mu_aG needs to be specified!! set to 0.5")
## }
## mu_aG = para$mu_aG
## if (is.null(para$mu_rG)){
## para$mu_rG <- 0.5
## cat("\n mu_rG needs to be specified!! set to 0.5")
## }
## mu_rG = para$mu_rG
## if (is.null(para$sd_aG) ){
## para$sd_aG <- 2
## cat("\n mu_rG needs to be specified!! set to 2")
## }
## sd_aG = para$sd_aG
## if (is.null(para$sd_rG)) {
## para$sd_rG <- 2
## cat("\n mu_rG needs to be specified!! set to 2")
## }
## sd_rG = para$sd_rG
## ##parametric model: gi is constant over time
## labelnp <- rep(0,length(Y))
## re <- .Call("Beta1",
## as.numeric(Y), ## REAL
## as.numeric(X), ## REAL
## as.integer(mID), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(B), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(maxni), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(Npat), ## INTEGER
## as.numeric(labelnp), ## REAL
## as.numeric(mu_aG),
## as.numeric(sd_aG),
## as.numeric(mu_rG),
## as.numeric(sd_rG),
## as.numeric(mu_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.integer(burnin), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(printFreq),
## package = "lmeNBBayes"
## )
## re[[3]] <- matrix(re[[3]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
## re[[4]] <- matrix(re[[4]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
## names(re) <- c("aG","rG","gPre","beta","AR","prp")
## para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
## Sigma_beta = Sigma_beta,
## B=B,
## model="para-constantRE",
## burnin = burnin,
## mu_aG = mu_aG,
## sd_aG = sd_aG,
## mu_rG = mu_rG,
## sd_rG = sd_rG
## )
## re$para <- para
## names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG", "beta")
## return(re)
## }else if (model=="para"){
## ## // Y_ij | Gij = gij ~ NB(size=exp(X_{ij}^T beta),prob=gij)
## ## // gij = g1 if j is in pre-scan
## ## // = g_new if j is in old-scan
## ## // g_new = Ji * g1 + (1-Ji) * g2
## ## // Ji ~ ber(qG)
## ## // qG ~ beta(a_qG,r_qG)
## ## // g1, g2 ~ beta(aG,rG)
## ## // beta ~ rnorm(mu_beta,sigma_beta)
## ## // aG, rG ~ lognorm(mu_aG,sd_aG),lognorm(mu_rG,sd_rG)
## if (is.null(para$mu_aG )){
## para$mu_aG <- 0.5
## cat("\n mu_aG needs to be specified!! set to 0.5")
## }
## mu_aG = para$mu_aG
## if (is.null(para$mu_rG)){
## para$mu_rG <- 0.5
## cat("\n mu_rG needs to be specified!! set to 0.5")
## }
## mu_rG = para$mu_rG
## if (is.null(para$sd_aG) ){
## para$sd_aG <- 2
## cat("\n mu_rG needs to be specified!! set to 2")
## }
## sd_aG = para$sd_aG
## if (is.null(para$sd_rG) ) {
## para$sd_rG <- 2
## cat("\n mu_rG needs to be specified!! set to 2")
## }
## sd_rG = para$sd_rG
## re <- .Call("Beta14",
## as.numeric(Y), ## REAL
## as.numeric(X), ## REAL
## as.integer(mID), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(B), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(maxni), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(Npat), ## INTEGER
## as.numeric(labelnp), ## REAL
## as.numeric(a_qG),
## as.numeric(r_qG),
## as.numeric(mu_aG),
## as.numeric(sd_aG),
## as.numeric(mu_rG),
## as.numeric(sd_rG),
## as.numeric(mu_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.integer(burnin), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(printFreq),
## as.integer(patwoNS),
## package = "lmeNBBayes"
## )
## ##
## ## for ( i in 1:4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
## for ( i in 4 : 7 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
## re[[8]] <- matrix(re[[8]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
## names(re) <- c("aG","rG","qG",
## "gPre","g2s","gNew","js",
## "beta","AR","prp")
## para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
## Sigma_beta = Sigma_beta,
## B=B,
## model="para",
## burnin = burnin,
## mu_aG = mu_aG,
## sd_aG = sd_aG,
## mu_rG = mu_rG,
## sd_rG = sd_rG,
## a_qG=a_qG,
## r_qG=r_qG
## )
## re$para <- para
## names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG", "beta")
## return(re)
## }else if (model=="para-unif"){
## if (is.null(para$max_aG) ) para$max_aG <- 30
## max_aG <- para$max_aG
## ## // Y_ij | Gij = gij ~ NB(size=exp(X_{ij}^T beta),prob=gij)
## ## // gij = g1 if j is in pre-scan
## ## // = g_new if j is in old-scan
## ## // g_new = Ji * g1 + (1-Ji) * g2
## ## // Ji ~ ber(qG)
## ## // qG ~ beta(a_qG,r_qG)
## ## // g1, g2 ~ beta(aG,rG)
## ## // beta ~ rnorm(mu_beta,sigma_beta)
## ## // aG, rG ~ unif(0,max_aG)
## re <- .Call("Beta14Unif",
## as.numeric(Y), ## REAL
## as.numeric(X), ## REAL
## as.integer(mID), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(B), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(maxni), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(Npat), ## INTEGER
## as.numeric(labelnp), ## REAL
## as.numeric(a_qG),
## as.numeric(r_qG),
## as.numeric(max_aG),
## ## as.numeric(mu_aG),
## ## as.numeric(sd_aG),
## ## as.numeric(mu_rG),
## ## as.numeric(sd_rG),
## as.numeric(mu_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.integer(burnin), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(printFreq),
## as.integer(patwoNS),
## package = "lmeNBBayes"
## )
## ##
## ## for ( i in 1:4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
## for ( i in 5 : 8 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
## re[[9]] <- matrix(re[[9]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
## names(re) <- c("aG","rG","qG","logL",
## "gPre","g2s","gNew","js",
## "beta","AR","prp")
## para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
## Sigma_beta = Sigma_beta,
## B=B,
## model="para",
## burnin = burnin,
## max_aG = max_aG,
## ## mu_aG = mu_aG,
## ## sd_aG = sd_aG,
## ## mu_rG = mu_rG,
## ## sd_rG = sd_rG,
## a_qG=a_qG,
## r_qG=r_qG
## )
## re$para <- para
## names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG", "beta")
## return(re)
## }else if (model== "nonpara" | model==8){
## ## nonparametric model
## ## // Y_ij | Gij = gij ~ NB(size=exp(X_{ij}^T beta),prob=gij)
## ## // gij = g1 if j is in pre-scan
## ## // = g_new if j is in old-scan
## ## // g_new = Ji * g1 + (1-Ji) * g2
## ## // Ji ~ ber(qG)
## ## // qG ~ beta(a_qG,r_qG)
## ## // g1, g2 ~ sum_{h=1}^M pi_h beta(aG_h,rG_h)
## ## // beta ~ mvrnorm(mu_beta,sigma_beta)
## ## // aG ~lognorm(mu_aG,sd_aG)
## ## // rG ~ lognorm(mu_rG,sd_rG)
## ## nonparametric model,
## if (is.null(para$mu_aG )){
## para$mu_aG <- 0.5
## cat("\n mu_aG needs to be specified!! set to 0.5")
## }
## mu_aG = para$mu_aG
## if (is.null(para$mu_rG)){
## para$mu_rG <- 0.5
## cat("\n mu_rG needs to be specified!! set to 0.5")
## }
## mu_rG = para$mu_rG
## if (is.null(para$sd_aG) ){
## para$sd_aG <- 2
## cat("\n mu_rG needs to be specified!! set to 2")
## }
## sd_aG = para$sd_aG
## if (is.null(para$sd_rG) ) {
## para$sd_rG <- 2
## cat("\n mu_rG needs to be specified!! set to 2")
## }
## sd_rG = para$sd_rG
## if (is.null(para$r_D) ){
## cat("\n r_D needs to be specified!! set to 1")
## para$r_D <- 1
## }
## r_D = para$r_D
## re <- .Call("Beta24",
## as.numeric(Y), ## REAL
## as.numeric(X), ## REAL
## as.integer(mID), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(B), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(maxni), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(Npat), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(M), ## INTEGER
## as.numeric(labelnp), ## REAL
## as.numeric(a_qG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(r_qG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(mu_aG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(sd_aG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(mu_rG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(sd_rG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(mu_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(a_D), ## REAL
## as.numeric(r_D), ## REAL
## as.integer(burnin), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(printFreq),
## as.integer(patwoNS),
## package = "lmeNBBayes"
## )
## for ( i in 3 : 8 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
## for ( i in 9 : 12 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
## re[[13]] <- matrix(re[[13]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
## names(re) <- c("qG","D",
## "gPre","g2s","gNew","js","h1s","h2s",
## "weightH1","vs","aGs","rGs",
## "beta","AR","prp")
## re$para <- list(
## burnin = burnin,
## M=M,
## B=B,
## model=model,
## Npat=N,
## Ntot=length(Y),
## para
## )
## names(re$AR) <- names(re$prp) <- c(paste("aG",1:M,sep=""),
## paste("rG",1:M,sep=""),
## paste("beta",sep="")
## )
## re$h1s <- re$h1s + 1
## re$h2s <- re$h2s + 1
## re$MeanWH <- colMeans(re$weightH1);
## names(re$MeanWH) <- paste("cluster",1:M)
## return(re)
## }else if (model=="nonpara-unif"){
## ## nonparametric model D: is fixed
## ## // Y_ij | Gij = gij ~ NB(size=exp(X_{ij}^T beta),prob=gij)
## ## // gij = g1 if j is in pre-scan
## ## // = g_new if j is in old-scan
## ## // g_new = Ji * g1 + (1-Ji) * g2
## ## // Ji ~ ber(qG)
## ## // qG ~ beta(a_qG,r_qG)
## ## // g1, g2 ~ sum_{h=1}^M pi_h beta(aG_h,rG_h)
## ## // beta ~ mvrnorm(mu_beta,sigma_beta)
## ## // aG,rG ~ unif(0.0001,max_aG)
## ## nonparametric model,
## if (is.null(para$max_aG) ) para$max_aG <- 30
## max_aG <- para$max_aG
## if (is.null(para$max_D)) para$max_D <- 5
## maxD <- para$max_D
## if (is.null(initBeta)) initBeta <- rep(0, pCov)
## if (is.null(M)) M <- 10 ## Need to fix this
## re <- .Call("Beta24Unif",
## as.numeric(Y), ## REAL
## as.numeric(X), ## REAL
## as.integer(mID), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(B), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(maxni), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(Npat), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(M), ## INTEGER
## as.numeric(labelnp), ## REAL
## as.numeric(a_qG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(r_qG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(max_aG),
## ## as.numeric(mu_aG), ## REAL
## ## as.numeric(sd_aG), ## REAL
## ## as.numeric(mu_rG), ## REAL
## ## as.numeric(sd_rG), ## REAL
## as.numeric(mu_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(maxD), ## REAL
## ## as.numeric(r_D), ## REAL
## as.integer(burnin), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(printFreq),
## as.integer(patwoNS),
## as.numeric(initBeta),
## package = "lmeNBBayes"
## )
## for ( i in 4 : 9 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
## for ( i in 10 : 13 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
## re[[14]] <- matrix(re[[14]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
## names(re) <- c("qG","D","logL",
## "gPre","g2s","gNew","js","h1s","h2s",
## "weightH1","vs","aGs","rGs",
## "beta","AR","prp")
## para$mu_aG <- para$mu_rG <- para$sd_aG <- para$sd_rG <- para$a_D <- para$r_D <- NULL
## re$para <- list(
## burnin = burnin,
## M=M,
## B=B,
## model=model,
## Npat=N,
## Ntot=length(Y),
## a_qG=a_qG,
## r_qG=r_qG,
## max_aG=max_aG,
## mu_beta=mu_beta,
## Sigma_beta=Sigma_beta,
## maxD=maxD
## )
## names(re$AR) <- names(re$prp) <- c(paste("aG",1:M,sep=""),
## paste("rG",1:M,sep=""),
## paste("beta",sep=""),
## "D"
## )
## re$h1s <- re$h1s + 1
## re$h2s <- re$h2s + 1
## re$MeanWH <- colMeans(re$weightH1);
## names(re$MeanWH) <- paste("cluster",1:M)
## return(re)
## }
## }
## DevRatio <- function(gPre,gNew) ## gPre, gNew must be a matrix of length(useSample) by N
## {
## ## The deviation of CEL counts of single patient i from overall cohort at week j could be measured by:
## ## R_ij=E(Y_ij|G_ij)/E(Y_ij)= r_ij (1-g_ij)/gij * 1/(rij*(mu_{1/G}-1)) = (1-g_ij)/(gij*(mu_{1/G}-1))
## ## The change in the deviation R_ij at two time point could be measured by
## ## R_ij/R_ij' = (1-g_ij)/(gij*(mu_{1/G}-1))*(gij'*(mu_{1/G}-1))/(1-g_ij) = g_ij'*(1-g_ij)/(g_ij*(1-g_ij'))
## ## Hence the deviation ratio between the pre scan period and new scan period is:
## ## R_inew/R_ipre
## ## How much patient i increases the deviation from the overall trend between the pre-scan period and new-scan period
## ## the elemnt-wise operations
## m1G_1 <- mean(c(1/gPre,1/gNew)) - 1
## EYGpre <- 1/gPre - 1
## EYGnew <- 1/gNew - 1
## CI95_EYGpre <- apply(EYGpre,2,quantile,prob=c(0.5,0.025,0.975)) / m1G_1
## CI95_EYGnew <- apply(EYGnew,2,quantile,prob=c(0.5,0.025,0.975)) / m1G_1
## CI95_EYGpre[1,] <- colMeans(EYGpre)
## CI95_EYGnew[1,] <- colMeans(EYGnew)
## ##DevMat <- EYGnew/EYGpre ## B-Bburn by N
## ##CI95 <- apply(DevMat,2,quantile,prob=c(0.5,0.025,0.975))
## NewPre <- CI95_EYGnew[1,]/CI95_EYGpre[1,]
## ##CI95[1,] <- colMeans(DevMat)
## ##rownames(CI95)[1] <- "mean"
## rownames(CI95_EYGpre)[1] <- "mean"
## rownames(CI95_EYGnew)[1] <- "mean"
## if (!is.null(rownames(gPre)))
## {
## names(CI95) <- colnames(gPre)
## colnames(CI95_EYGpre) <- colnames(gPre)
## colnames(CI95_EYGnew) <- colnames(gPre)
## }
## re <- list(Ratio=NewPre,
## Rpre=CI95_EYGpre,
## Rnew=CI95_EYGnew)
## return (re)
## }
## test <- function(x,mu,Sigma)
## {
## InvSigma <- solve(Sigma)
## evalue <- eigen(Sigma, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
## .Call("tempFun",
## as.numeric(x),
## as.numeric(mu),
## as.integer(length(mu)),
## as.numeric(evalue),
## as.numeric(c(InvSigma)),
## package ="lmeNBBayes")
## }
## infoPriorTrt <- function(info.mean,info.var,p0s,add=0)
## {
## ## develop Informative prior under the random sample assumption
## ## p0s = c(Pr(plcb),Pr(trt))
## ## Save parameters
## input <- list(info.mean=info.mean,info.var=info.var,p0s=p0s,add=add)
## ## The number of 3-month interval during the followup
## Nint <- 3
## ## info.mean is a vector of length 1 + Nint*2 containing
## ## (Intercept) trt010:timeInt1 trt011:timeInt1 trt010:timeInt2 trt011:timeInt2 trt010:timeInt3 trt011:timeInt3
## ## alpha beta_plcb,1 beta_trt,1 beta_plcb,2 beta_trt,2 ,....
## ## which column of info.var corresponds to coefficients of placebo patients
## which.plcb <- c(2,4,6)
## which.trt <- which.plcb + 1
## ## the first entry of info.mean is intercept coefficient (alpha)
## m.alpha <- info.mean[1]
## m.betas.plcb <- info.mean[which.plcb]
## m.betas.trt <- info.mean[which.trt]
## m.beta01 <- rep(NA,Nint+1)
## ## The mean of the intercept term does not change
## m.tild.beta01[1] <- info.mean[1]
## s.tild.beta01 <- matrix(NA,Nint+1,Nint+1) ## + 1 for alpha (intercept)
## ## The variance of the intercept term does not change
## s.tild.beta01[1,1] <- info.var[1,1]
## for (itime1 in 1 : Nint)
## {
## m.bet0 <- m.betas.plcb[itime1]
## m.bet1 <- m.betas.trt[itime1]
## ## Extract the index to pick
## <- c(which.plcb[itime1],which.trt[itime1])
## Sigma <- info.var[,]
## mt <- moments.tildeBeta(mu=c(m.bet0,m.bet1),Sigma=Sigma,p0=p0s)
## m.tild.beta01[itime1+1] <- mt[1] ## mean tilde.beta[itime1]
## s.tild.beta01[itime1+1,itime1+1] <- mt[3] ## var(tilde.beta)
## ## Compute the covariance between tilde.beta and alpha
## mt <- moments.tildeBeta(mu=c(m.bet0,m.bet1,m.alpha),
## Sigma=info.var[c(,1), c(,1)],
## p0=p0s)
## s.tild.beta01[1,itime1+1] <- s.tild.beta01[itime1+1,1] <- mt - m.tild.beta01[1]*m.tild.beta01[itime1 + 1]
## if (itime1 > 1){
## for (itime2 in 1 : (itime1-1)){
## m.bet0.2 <- m.betas.plcb[itime2]
## m.bet1.2 <- m.betas.trt[itime2]
## which.pt2 <- c(which.plcb[itime2],which.trt[itime2])
## Sigma <- info.var[c(,which.pt2), c(,which.pt2)]
## mt <- moments.tildeBeta(mu=c(m.bet0,m.bet1,m.bet0.2,m.bet1.2),Sigma=Sigma,p0=p0s)
## s.tild.beta01[itime1+1,itime2+1] <- s.tild.beta01[itime2+1,itime1+1] <- mt - m.tild.beta01[itime1]*m.tild.beta01[itime2]
## }
## }
## }
## print("info.var before any truncation")
## print(s.tild.beta01)
## re <- adjustPosDef(mat=s.tild.beta01,zero=add)
## info.var <- re$adjust.mat;
## colnames(info.var) <- rownames(info.var) <- colnames(s.tild.beta01) <- rownames( s.tild.beta01) <- names(m.tild.beta01) <- c("alpha (intercept)",paste("tildeBeta",1:Nint,sep=""))
## print(paste("eigenvalue of the informative prior variance"))
## print(eigen(info.var))
## print(paste("correlation matrix of the informative prior variance"))
## print(cov2cor(info.var))
## return(list(info.mean.trt=m.tild.beta01,info.var.trt=info.var,
## para=list(input,orig.var=s.tild.beta01),note=re$note))
## }
## moments.tildeBeta <- function(mu,Sigma,p0s){
## ## mu = c(mu_{beta_{plcb,t}} mu_{beta_{trt,t}})
## ## p0s = c( Pr(plcb), Pr(trt) ) 2 by 1
## ## Sigma = Var(c(beta_{plcb,t},beta_{trt,t})) 2 by 2
## Ndim <- length(mu)
## if (length(p0s)==1) p0s[2] <- 1 - p0s[1]
## else if( sum(p0s)!=1 ) stop("Pr(placebo) + Pr(TRT) must be 1")
## if (length(p0s)!=2) stop("The length of p0s must be 2, each containing the pr(placebo), pr(trt)")
## if (dim(Sigma)[1]!=Ndim || dim(Sigma)[2]!=Ndim)
## stop("The dimension of Sigma does not much with the length of mu")
## evalue_sigma <- eigen(Sigma, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
## if (min(evalue_sigma) <= 0) stop("Sigma_beta must be positive definite!")
## Inv_sigma <- c( solve(Sigma) )
## if (Ndim==2){
## ## Compute E(beta.tilde) = int int log(exp(a0)*pi0 + exp(a1)*pi1)*f(a0,a1) da0 da1 where f(x,y) = joint pdf of (mu.beta_{0,t},mu.beta_{1,t})
## re <- .Call("EYP1or2",
## as.numeric(mu), as.numeric(evalue_sigma),
## as.numeric(Inv_sigma),
## as.numeric(p0s),
## package ="lmeNBBayes")[[1]]
## re[3] <- re[2] - re[1]^2 ## Variance
## names(re) <-c("E( log[exp(X1)P1+exp(X2)P2] )","E( log[exp(X1)P1+exp(X2)P2]^2 )","Var(log[exp(X1)P1+exp(X2)P2])")
## }else if (Ndim %in% 3:4){
## ## If ndim==4 compute E{ log(exp(X1)Pr(A1)+exp(X2)Pr(A2))*log(exp(X1')Pr(A1)+exp(X2')Pr(A2)) }
## ## mu[1] = placebo beta at time interval k
## ## mu[2] = trt beta at time interval k
## ## mu[3] = placebo beta at time interval k'
## ## mu[4] = trt beta at time interval k'
## ## If ndim==3 compute E{ X1*log(exp(X1')Pr(A1)+exp(X2')Pr(A2)) }
## ## mu[1:2] = c(E(beta.t.0), E(beta.t.1))
## ## mu[3] = E(alpha),
## ## Sigma[1:2,1:2]= Var(c(beta.t.0,beta.t.1)), Sigma[3,3] = Var(alpha)
## re <- .Call("EYPEXP",
## as.numeric(mu), as.numeric(evalue_sigma),
## as.numeric(Inv_sigma),
## as.numeric(p0s),
## as.integer(Ndim),
## package ="lmeNBBayes")[[1]]
## if (Ndim == 4) names(re) <- "E( log[exp(X1)P1+exp(X2)P2]*log[exp(X1')P1+exp(X2')P2] )"
## else if (Ndim == 3) names(re) <- "E( alpha*log[exp(X1')P1+exp(X2')P2] )"
## }
## return(re)
## }
## momentsBeta <- function(aG1,rG1,beta)
## {
## ## Y ~ NB(size=rij,prob=G)
## ## G ~ Beta(aG1,rG1)
## ## E(1/G) = ...some calculations... = (aG+rG-1)/(aG-1)
## ## E(Y)=exp(beta0)*(mu_{1/G}+1)=exp(1)*((aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)+1)
## ## Var(1/G) = E(1/G^2) - E(1/G)^2 = (aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)*( (aG1+rG1-2)/(aG1-2) - (aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1) ) = 0.06559506
## ## Var(Y) = rij*Var(1/G)*(rij+1) + rij*E(1/G)*(E(1/G)-1)
## ## calculate E(Y), Var(Y), E(1/G), and E(1/G^2) at initial time
## rij <- exp(beta) ## value of size parmeter at time zero
## E1G <- (aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)
## V1G <- (aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)*( (aG1+rG1-2)/(aG1-2) - (aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1) )
## EY <- rij*(E1G-1)
## VY <- rij*V1G*(rij+1)+rij*E1G*(E1G-1)
## return (c(EY=EY,SDY=sqrt(VY),
## E1G=E1G,V1G=V1G))
## }
## momentsGL <- function(EG,VG,beta)
## {
## ## Y ~ NB(size=rij,prob=1/(G+1))
## ## G ~ dist(mean=EG,var=VG)
## rij <- exp(beta)
## ## E(Y|G) = rij*G
## ## Var(Y|G) = rij*G*(G+1)
## ## E(Y)=E(E(Y|G))=rij*E(G)
## EY <- rij*EG
## ## Var(Y) = Var(E(Y|G)) + E(Var(Y|G))
## ## = Var(rij*G) + E(G*(G+1)*rij)
## ## = rij^2*Var(G) + rij*(E(G^2)+E(G))
## ## = rij^2*Var(G) + rij*(Var(G)+E(G)^2+E(G))
## VY <- rij^2*VG + rij*(VG+EG^2+EG)
## return (c(EY=EY,SDY=sqrt(VY),
## EG=EG,VG=VG))
## }
## paralnorm <- function(E,V=15^2){
## ## E: expectation of log-normally distributed r.v.
## ## V: variance of log-normally distributed r.v
## sd <- sqrt(log(V/E+1))
## mu <- log(E)-sd/2
## return(list(mu=mu,sd=sd))
## }
## F_inv_gam <- function(p,sp1,sc1,sp2,sc2,pi)
## {
## G = function (t)
## pi*pgamma(t,shape=sp1,scale=sc1)+(1-pi)*pgamma(t,shape=sp2,scale=sc2) - p
## return(uniroot(G,c(0,100))$root)
## }
## getSample <- function(
## iseed = 911,
## rev = 4,
## dist = "b",
## mod = 0,
## probs = seq(0,0.99,0.01),
## ts = seq(0.001,0.99,0.001),
## full = FALSE
## )
## {
## ## mod = 0: generate sample
## ## mod = 1: quantiles of the true populations
## ## mod = 2: densities of the true populations
## ## mod = 3: parameters of the simulation model
## ## mod = 4: parameters for uninformative prior
## ## dist = "b","b2","g"
## ## if full = TRUE then full dataset is returned and rev is ignored
## ni <- 11
## Npat <- 180; ## upto review 4, Npat=160 in total this number must be divisible by NpatEnterPerMonth
## NpatEnterPerMonth <- 15
## DSMBVisitInterval <- 4 ## months
## varInfoP <- c(0.1,0.01)
## ## === necessary for mod= 0, 3 and mod = 4
## ## d contains a full dataset
## days <- NULL
## for (ipatGroup in 1 : (Npat/NpatEnterPerMonth))
## {
## ScandaysForSingleGroup <- ipatGroup:(ipatGroup+ni-1)
## days <- c(days,rep(ScandaysForSingleGroup,NpatEnterPerMonth))
## }
## set.seed(iseed)
## if (dist=="g") ## need to went through by all mod=0,...,4
## {
## ## r.e. mixture of two gamma distributions
## pi <- 0.7
## sp1 <- 0.3; sc1 <- 0.5
## sp2 <- 4; sc2 <- 0.8
## beta0 <- 0.5
## beta1 <- 0
## hs <- sample(1:2,Npat,c(pi,1-pi),replace=TRUE)
## Npat_dist1 <- sum(hs==1)
## Npat_dist2 <- sum(hs==2)
## gsBASE <- rep(NA,Npat)
## gsBASE[hs==1] <- rgamma(Npat_dist1,shape=sp1,scale=sc1)
## gsBASE[hs==2] <- rgamma(Npat_dist2,shape=sp2,scale=sc2)
## gsBASE <- 1/(1+gsBASE)
## if (mod==1)
## {
## lq <- length(probs);
## quan <- rep(NA,lq);
## for (i in 1 : lq) quan[i] <- F_inv_gam(p=probs[i],sp1=sp1,sc1=sc1,sp2=sp2,sc2=sc2,pi=pi)
## quan = sort(1/(1+quan))
## return (rbind(probs=probs,quantile=quan))
## }else if (mod == 2){
## ts.trans <-1/ts-1
## return ((pi*dgamma(ts.trans,shape=sp1,scale=sc1)+(1-pi)*dgamma(ts.trans,shape=sp2,scale=sc2) )*(1/ts^2))
## }else if (mod == 3){
## c1 <- momentsGL(EG=sp1*sc1,VG=sp1*sc1^2,beta=beta0) ## expectation and variance of Y
## c2 <- momentsGL(EG=sp2*sc2,VG=sp2*sc2^2,beta=beta0)
## outputMod3 <- list(infoPara = list(mu_beta=c(beta0,beta1),
## Sigma_beta=diag(varInfoP),a_qG=100,r_qG=1),
## beta0=beta0,beta1=beta1,K=2,
## scales=c(sc1=sc1,sc2=sc2),
## shapes=c(sp1=sp1,sp2=sp2),
## c1=c1,c2=c2
## )
## }
## }else if (dist == "b"){
## beta0 <- 1
## beta1 <- -0.05
## aG1 <- 3
## rG1 <- 0.8
## gsBASE <- rbeta(Npat,aG1,rG1)
## hs <- rep(1,Npat)
## if (mod==1){
## return(
## rbind(probs=probs,
## quantile=qbeta(probs,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)
## )
## )
## }else if (mod==2){
## return (dbeta(ts,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1))
## }else if (mod == 3){
## c1 <- momentsBeta(aG1,rG1,beta0)
## outputMod3 <- list(infoPara = list(mu_beta=c(beta0,beta1),
## Sigma_beta=diag(varInfoP),
## max_aG=30
## ),##a_qG=10,r_qG=1),
## beta0=beta0,beta1=beta1,K=1,c1=c1, aGs=c(aG1=aG1),
## rGs=c(rG1=rG1))
## }
## }else if (dist == "b2")
## {
## ## mixture of two beta distributions
## ## cluster 1: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(2)*((aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)+1)=3.098636 ## at initial time
## ## cluster 2: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(2)*((aG2+rG2-1)/(aG2-1)+1)=7.037196 ## at initial time
## pi <- 0.3
## beta0 <- 1.5
## beta1 <- -0.05
## aG1 <- 10
## rG1 <- 10
## aG2 <- 20
## rG2 <- 1
## ## generate the initial random effect values of everyone
## hs <- sample(1:2,Npat,c(pi,1-pi),replace=TRUE)
## Npat_dist1 <- sum(hs==1)
## Npat_dist2 <- sum(hs==2)
## gsBASE <- rep(NA,Npat)
## gsBASE[hs==1] <- rbeta(Npat_dist1,aG1,rG1);
## gsBASE[hs==2] <- rbeta(Npat_dist2,aG2,rG2);
## if (mod==1){
## F_inv_beta2 <- function(p,aG1,rG1,aG2,rG2,pi)
## {
## G = function (t) pi*pbeta(t,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)+(1-pi)*pbeta(t,shape1=aG2,shape2=rG2) - p
## return(uniroot(G,c(0,1000))$root)
## }
## lq <- length(probs);
## quant <- rep(NA,lq);
## for (i in 1 : lq) quant[i] <- F_inv_beta2(p=probs[i],aG1,rG1,aG2,rG2,pi=pi)
## return (rbind(probs=probs,quantile=quant))
## }
## else if (mod==2){
## return ((pi*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)+(1-pi)*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG2,shape2=rG2)) )
## }else if (mod == 3){
## c1 <- momentsBeta(aG1,rG1,beta0)
## c2 <- momentsBeta(aG2,rG2,beta0)
## outputMod3 <- list(infoPara = list(mu_beta=c(beta0,beta1),
## Sigma_beta=diag(varInfoP),max_aG=30),
## beta0=beta0,beta1=beta1,K=2,c1=c1,c2=c2,
## aGs=c(aG1=aG1,aG2=aG2),
## rGs=c(rG1=rG1,rG2=rG2),
## pi=pi
## )
## }
## }
## if ( dist == "YZ")
## {
## pi <- 0.85
## alpha <- exp(-0.5)
## ## logalpha <- -0.5
## beta0 <- 0.905 ##0.405+0.5 beta - logalpha
## beta1 <- 0
## ## a bimodal distribution with 85 % of Gi from a gamma distribution with mean 0.647 and variance 2.374
## scale <- 2.374/0.647*alpha
## shape <- 0.647^2/2.374
## mu <- 3*alpha
## sd <- sqrt(0.25)*alpha
## ## generate the initial random effect values of everyone
## hs <- sample(1:2,Npat,c(pi,1-pi),replace=TRUE)
## Npat_dist1 <- sum(hs==1)
## Npat_dist2 <- sum(hs==2)
## gsBASE <- rep(NA,Npat)
## gsBASE[hs==1] <- rgamma(Npat_dist1,shape=shape,scale=scale);
## gsBASE[hs==2] <- rnorm(Npat_dist2,mean=mu,sd=sd);
## gsBASE[gsBASE < 0 ] <- 0
## gsBASE <- 1/(1+gsBASE)
## if (mod==1)
## {
## return (NULL)
## }else if (mod == 2){
## ts.trans <-1/ts-1
## return ((pi*dgamma(ts.trans,shape=shape,scale=scale)+(1-pi)*dnorm(ts.trans,mean=mu,sd=sd) )*(1/ts^2))
## }else if (mod == 3){
## outputMod3 <- list(infoPara = list(mu_beta=c(beta0,beta1),
## Sigma_beta=diag(varInfoP),max_aG=30),
## beta0=beta0,beta1=beta1,scale=scale,shape=shape,mu=mu,sd=sd,pi=pi,K=2
## )
## }
## }
## ## generate samples for dist = "b","b3", "g", and "l" (except "b2")
## Y <- NULL
## timecov <- c(0,0,(1:(ni-2)))
## for ( ipat in 1 : Npat)
## {
## ## the number of repeated measures are the same
## ## we assume that the time effects occurs once after the treatments are in effect
## got <- rnbinom(ni,size = exp(beta0+beta1*timecov), prob = gsBASE[ipat])
## Y <- c(Y,got)
## }
## ##cat("beta0",beta0,"\n")
## d <- data.frame(Y=Y,
## X1=rep(1,Npat*ni),
## X2=rep(timecov,Npat),
## ID=rep(1:Npat,each=ni),
## gsBASE = rep(gsBASE,each=ni),
## scan = rep(1:ni,Npat),
## ## day contains the day when the scan was taken
## ## 10 patients enter a trial every month
## days = days,
## hs = rep(hs,each=ni)
## )
## ## dSMB visit is assumed to be every 4 months
## if (full) return (d)
## d <- subset(d,subset= days <= DSMBVisitInterval*rev)
## d$labelnp <- rep(0,nrow(d))
## d$labelnp[ DSMBVisitInterval*(rev-1) < d$days ] <- 1
## ## The first two scans (screening and base-line scans are treated as pre-scans)
## d$labelnp[ d$X2==0 ] <- 0
## if (dist=="b2")
## {
## temp <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=cbind(d$X1,d$X2),
## betas=c(beta0,beta1),aGs=c(aG1,aG2),rGs=c(rG1,rG2),pis=c(pi,1-pi))
## d$probIndex <- c(temp,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(temp) ))
## }else if (dist=="b")
## {
## temp <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=cbind(d$X1,d$X2),
## betas=c(beta0,beta1),aGs=c(aG1),rGs=c(rG1),pis=c(1))
## d$probIndex <- c(temp,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(temp)) )
## }else if (dist=="g"){
## temp <- index.gammas(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=cbind(d$X1,d$X2),
## betas=c(beta0,beta1),
## shapes=c(sc1,sc2), ## shape
## scales=c(sp1,sp2), ## scale
## pis=c(pi,1-pi))
## d$probIndex <- c(temp,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(temp)) )
## }else if (dist == "YZ"){
## temp <- index.YZ(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=cbind(d$X1,d$X2),
## betas=c(beta0,beta1),
## shape=shape, ## shape
## scale=scale, ## scale
## mu=mu,
## sd=sd,
## pi=pi)
## d$probIndex <- c(temp,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(temp)) )
## }
## if (mod==0) return(d)
## Npat <- length(unique(d$ID))
## maxDs <- seq(0.01,5,0.01); Ktilde <- 2
## ekn <- E.KN(maxDs=maxDs,N=Npat)
## ib_D <- maxDs[min(which(ekn >= Ktilde))]
## a_D <- 0.0001
## if (mod==3){
## outputMod3$infoPara$ib_D <- ib_D
## outputMod3$infoPara$a_D <- a_D
## ##outputMod3$infoPara$maxD <- 5
## return(outputMod3)
## }else if (mod == 4){
## mu_beta <- rep(0,irev)
## Sigma_beta <- diag(rep(5,irev))
## outputMod4 <- list(
## mu_beta=mu_beta,Sigma_beta=Sigma_beta,
## ##a_qG=a_qG,r_qG=r_qG,
## a_D = a_D, ib_D=ib_D,
## ##maxD=5,
## max_aG = 30
## )
## return(list(UinfoPara=outputMod4))
## }
## }
## Meta <- function(full.mean, full.Sigma, freq=ceiling(B/5),B=10000,tooLarge=1.5,
## Jacknife=TRUE){
## ## function to compute the element-wise confidence intervals of correlation matrix for (beta, logD)
## ## via bootstrap.
## ## If the element-wise 95%CI of some elements of the correlation matrix are too large (i.e., larger than tooLarge),
## ## such estimates are set to 0.
## ## full.mean: a N by p matrix
## ## full.Sigma: List with N element, each element is p by p matrix
## ## freq: The frequency of printing
## Nstudy <- nrow(full.mean)
## p <- ncol(full.mean)
## ## Obtain the point estimates of mean vec. sd vec. and covariances using all the Nstudy
## if ( Jacknife ){
## multfull <- mvmeta(full.mean,S=full.Sigma)
## est.mean <- multfull$coefficient
## <- sqrt(diag(multfull$Psi))
## est.cov <- multfull$Psi
## est.cor <- cov2cor(est.cov)
## }else{
## multfull <- multMeta(hat.betas=t(full.mean),hat.sigmas2=full.Sigma,
## est.mean <- multfull$info.mean
## <- sqrt(diag(multfull$info.var))
## est.cov <- multfull$info.var
## est.cor <- cov2cor(est.cov)
## }
## ## Bootstrap starts here!
## if (Jacknife){
## ## Storages to correct the bootstrap estimates of mean vec. sd vec. and covariance matrix
## boot.cor <- matrix(NA,nrow=Nstudy,ncol=p^2)
## boot.mean <- <- matrix(NA,nrow=Nstudy,ncol=p)
## oneToNstudy <- 1 : Nstudy
## for (i.remove in 1 : Nstudy)
## {
## if (i.remove %% freq == 0) cat("\n sim ",ib)
## boot.Sigmas <- list()
## ib.temp <- 1
## for (ib in oneToNstudy[-i.remove])
## {
## ## A list with Nstudy elements containing bootstrap p by p sigmas
## boot.Sigmas[[ib.temp]] <- full.Sigma[[ib]]
## ib.temp <- ib.temp + 1
## }
## mult <- mvmeta( full.mean[-i.remove,], S=boot.Sigmas)
## boot.cor[i.remove,] <- ( c(cov2cor(mult$Psi)) - est.cor )^2
##[i.remove,] <- ( sqrt(diag(mult$Psi)) - )^2
## boot.mean[i.remove,] <- ( mult$coefficient - est.mean )^2
## }
## jSD.boot.cor <- matrix( sqrt((Nstudy-1)*colMeans(boot.cor)),
## nrow=p,ncol=p)
## <- sqrt( (Nstudy-1)*colMeans( )
## jSD.boot.mean <- sqrt( (Nstudy-1)*colMeans(boot.mean) )
## untrust <- jSD.boot.cor > 0.25
## }else{
## ## Storages to correct the bootstrap estimates of mean vec. sd vec. and covariance matrix
## boot.cor <- matrix(NA,nrow=B,ncol=p^2)
## boot.mean <- <- matrix(NA,nrow=B,ncol=p)
## for (ib in 1 : B)
## {
## if (ib %% freq == 0) cat("\n sim ",ib)
## samp.ind <- sample(1:Nstudy,Nstudy,replace=TRUE)
## boot.Sigmas <- list()
## for (i in 1 : Nstudy)
## {
## pick <- samp.ind[i]
## ## A list with Nstudy elements containing bootstrap p by p sigmas
## boot.Sigmas[[i]] <- full.Sigma[[pick]]
## }
## ## A Nstudy by p matrix. Each row contains bootstrap mean coefficient vector of length p
## boot.means <- full.mean[samp.ind,]
## ## Evaluate the mean vec., sd vec. and correlation matrix based on the bootstrap samples
## ## mult <- mvmeta(boot.means,S=boot.Sigmas)
## ## boot.cor[ib,] <- c(cov2cor(mult$Psi))
## ##[ib,] <- sqrt(diag(mult$Psi))
## ## boot.mean[ib,] <- mult$coefficient
## mult <- multMeta(hat.betas=t(boot.means),hat.sigmas2=boot.Sigmas,
## boot.cor[ib,] <- c(cov2cor(mult$info.var))
##[ib,] <- sqrt(diag(mult$info.var))
## boot.mean[ib,] <- mult$info.mean
## }
## cat("\n")
## probs <- c(0.025,0.975)
## CI.mean <- apply(boot.mean,2,quantile,probs=probs)
## <- apply(,2,quantile,probs=probs)
## CI.cor <- apply(boot.cor,2,quantile,probs=probs)
## CIl.cor <- matrix(c(CI.cor[1,]), nrow=p, ncol=p)
## CIu.cor <- matrix(c(CI.cor[2,]), nrow=p, ncol=p)
## colnames(CIl.cor) <- rownames(CIl.cor) <- colnames(CIu.cor) <- rownames(CIu.cor) <- colnames(full.mean)
## untrust <- CIu.cor-CIl.cor > tooLarge
## }
## ## The elements of covariance matrix whose bootstrap CI of corresponding correlations are tooLarge
## ## receive zero estimates
## est.cov.mod0 <- est.cov
## est.cov.mod0[untrust] <- 0
## ##
## if (sum(eigen(est.cov.mod0)$values < 0) > 0){
## note <- "The modified covariance matrix which replaces un-trustable estimates with zero is not positive definite"
## }else{
## note <- "The modified covariance matrix which replaces un-trustable estimates with zero is positive definite"
## }
## ## If the modified covariance matrix could be non-positive definite..
## est.cov.mod <- adjustPosDef(est.cov.mod0)$adjust
## muM <- muMult(hat.betas=t(full.mean),hat.sigmas2=full.Sigma,info.var=est.cov.mod)
## est.mean.mod <- muM$info.mean
## <- sqrt(diag(est.cov.mod))
## if (Jacknife){
## return(
## list(mean =
## list(est=est.mean,jSD = jSD.boot.mean,
## est.mod=est.mean.mod),
## sd =
## list(,jSD =,
## cor =
## list(est=est.cor,jSD = jSD.boot.cor,
## ## The elements of covariance matrix which
## est.mod0 = cov2cor(est.cov.mod0),
## est.mod = cov2cor(est.cov.mod)),
## cov =
## list(est=est.cov,
## est.mod0 = est.cov.mod0,
## est.mod = est.cov.mod),
## para = list(Nstudy=Nstudy,B=B,tooLarge=tooLarge,note=note))
## )
## }else{
## return(
## list(mean =
## list(est=est.mean,lower=CI.mean[1,],upper=CI.mean[2,],
## est.mod=est.mean.mod),
## sd =
## list(,[1,],[2,],
## cor =
## list(est=est.cor,lower=CIl.cor,upper=CIu.cor,
## ## The elements of covariance matrix which
## est.mod0 = cov2cor(est.cov.mod0),
## est.mod = cov2cor(est.cov.mod)),
## cov =
## list(est=est.cov,
## est.mod0 = est.cov.mod0,
## est.mod = est.cov.mod),
## para = list(Nstudy=Nstudy,B=B,tooLarge=tooLarge,note=note))
## )
## }
## }
## multMeta <- function(hat.betas,hat.sigmas2,
## {
## ## hat.betas: Ndim by Ndat matrix, each column contains estimated betas from a study, missing values are accepted
## ## hat.sigmas2: list of size Ndat, each element contains a estimated covariance matrix of estimator beta.
## ## The dimensions must agree with the maximum dimension of hat.betas among studies
## ## missing values are accepted
## ## Compute correlation of hat.betas from their covariance matrix
## corPhi <- lapply(hat.sigmas2,cov2corNA)
## Ndim <- nrow(hat.betas)
## Ndat <- ncol(hat.betas)
## if (is.null(rownames(hat.betas))) rownames(hat.betas) <- paste("beta",1:nrow(hat.betas),sep="")
## ro.inv.phi2s <- inv.phi2s <- inv.phi4s <- Q <- bar.betas <- matrix(NA,nrow=Ndim,ncol=Ndim)
## colnames(inv.phi4s) <- rownames(inv.phi4s) <- colnames(inv.phi2s) <- rownames(inv.phi2s) <-
## colnames(Q) <- rownames(Q) <- colnames(bar.betas) <- rownames(bar.betas) <- rownames(hat.betas)
## for (idim1 in 1 : Ndim)
## {
## betas <- hat.betas[idim1,] ## A vector of length N-study
## ## inv.phi2 =|sum_s 1/(SE(h.bet1[s])*SE(h.bet1[s])) sum_s 1/(SE(h.bet1[s])*SE(h.bet2[s])) sum_s 1/(SE(h.bet1[s])*SE(h.bet3[s])) |
## ## |sum_s 1/(SE(h.bet2[s])*SE(h.bet1[s])) sum_s 1/(SE(h.bet2[s])*SE(h.bet2[s])) sum_s 1/(SE(h.bet2[s])*SE(h.bet3[s])) |
## ## |sum_s 1/(SE(h.bet3[s])*SE(h.bet1[s])) sum_s 1/(SE(h.bet3[s])*SE(h.bet2[s])) sum_s 1/(SE(h.bet3[s])*SE(h.bet3[s])) |
## ## Extract the SD(hat.beta[idim1]) for each study then obtain the vector of 1/SE(hat.beta[idim1,istudy]) istudy=1,..,Ndat length Ndat
## inv.phi1s.1 <- 1/sqrt(unlist(lapply(hat.sigmas2,function(x) x[idim1,idim1])))
## for (idim2 in 1 : Ndim)
## {
## ## Extract the var(hat.beta[idim2]) similarly
## inv.phi1s.2 <- 1/sqrt(unlist(lapply(hat.sigmas2,function(x) x[idim2,idim2])))
## ## sum_{istudy=1}^{Ndat} 1/[ SE(hat.beta[idim1,istudy])*SE(hat.beta[idim2,istudy])]
## inv.phi2s[idim1,idim2] <- sum(inv.phi1s.1*inv.phi1s.2,na.rm=TRUE)
## ## inv.phi2 is Symmetric
## ## will be used for the computation of var(beta) (out side of this loop)
## ros <- unlist(lapply(corPhi,function(x) x[idim1,idim2]))
## ro.inv.phi2s[idim1,idim2] <- sum(ros*(inv.phi1s.1*inv.phi1s.2),na.rm=TRUE)
## inv.phi4s[idim1,idim2] <- sum((inv.phi1s.1*inv.phi1s.2)^2,na.rm=TRUE)
## ## Contains bar.beta1 in its diagonal. The off-diagonal entries contain the estimates of bar.beta2
## bar.betas[idim1,idim2] <- sum( betas*(inv.phi1s.1*inv.phi1s.2),na.rm=TRUE)/inv.phi2s[idim1,idim2]
## ## bar.betas is NOT symmetric
## ## bar.beta[i,j] = (sum_s h.beta_i[s]/(SE(h.bet_i[s])*SE(h.bet_j[s])) /[sum_s 1/{SE(h.bet_i[s])*SE(h.bet_j[s])}]
## }
## }
## ## Compute the Q-statistics
## ## (Computation of Q does not require the correlations among variables)
## for (idim1 in 1 : Ndim)
## {
## betas1 <- hat.betas[idim1,]
## phi1s.1 <- sqrt(unlist(lapply(hat.sigmas2,function(x) x[idim1,idim1])))
## for (idim2 in 1 : Ndim)
## {
## betas2 <- hat.betas[idim2,]
## phi1s.2 <- sqrt(unlist(lapply(hat.sigmas2,function(x) x[idim2,idim2])))
## bar.beta1 <- bar.betas[idim1,idim2]
## bar.beta2 <- bar.betas[idim2,idim1]
## Q[idim1,idim2] <- sum( (betas1-bar.beta1)*(betas2-bar.beta2)/(phi1s.1*phi1s.2),
## na.rm=TRUE)
## }
## }
## num <- Q - listSum(corPhi) + ro.inv.phi2s/inv.phi2s
## den <- inv.phi2s - inv.phi4s/inv.phi2s
## <- num/den
## ## could be NOT positive definite
## aPD<- adjustPosDef(
## note <- aPD$note
## info.var <- aPD$adjust.mat
## colnames(info.var) <- rownames(info.var) <- rownames(hat.betas)
## if (
## {
## muM <- muMult(hat.betas=hat.betas,hat.sigmas2=hat.sigmas2,info.var=info.var)
## info.mean <- muM$info.mean
## SEmu <- muM$SEmu
## ## varHatMu0 <- list()
## ## nums <- matrix(NA,ncol=Ndat,nrow=Ndim)
## ## dim.full <- nrow(hat.sigmas2[[1]])
## ## for (istudy in 1 : Ndat)
## ## {
## ## sig <- hat.sigmas2[[istudy]]
## ## ## reduced matrix that only contains the non missing entries
## ## which.notNA <- ![,1])
## ## <- sum(which.notNA)
## ## <- matrix(sig[!],
## ## <- matrix(info.var[!],
## ## inv.var <- solve( +
## ## varHatMu0[[istudy]] <- cbind(rbind(inv.var,matrix(NA,,,
## ## matrix(NA,nrow=dim.full,
## ## nums[which.notNA,istudy] <-inv.var%*%hat.betas[which.notNA,istudy]
## ## }
## ## varHatMu <- solve(listSum(varHatMu0))
## ## info.mean <- c( varHatMu%*%rowSums(nums,na.rm=TRUE))
## ## SEmu <- sqrt(diag(varHatMu))
## ## names(SEmu) <- paste("SE:",rownames(hat.betas))
## ## names(info.mean) <- rownames(hat.betas)
## }else{
## SEmu <- info.mean <- NULL
## }
## return(list(info.mean=info.mean,info.var=info.var,SEmu=SEmu,note=note,
## }
## getSNorm <- function(iseed = "random",
## rev = 4,
## dist = "b",
## mod = 0,
## probs = seq(0,0.99,0.01),
## ts = seq(0.001,0.99,0.001),
## trtAss = FALSE,
## trueCPI = FALSE,
## full=FALSE
## )
## {
## ## mod = 0: generate sample
## ## mod = 1: quantiles of the true populations at given probs
## ## mod = 2: densities of the true populations
## ## mod = 3: parameters of the simulation model
## ## dist = "b","b2","YZ"
## ## trtASS == FALSE then piTRT = 0 else piTRT = 0.674
## if (trtAss) piTRT <- 0.6736842 else piTRT <- 0
## ## if trueCPI == TRUE then returns the most precise conditional probability computed based on the
## ## treatment assignment
## Npat <- 180; ## upto review 4, Npat=160 in total this number must be divisible by NpatEnterPerMonth
## if (iseed=="random") set.seed(sample(1e+6,1)) else set.seed(iseed)
## ## The prior for regression coefficients beta
## ## (Intercept) trt010:timeInt1 trt011:timeInt1 trt010:timeInt2 trt011:timeInt2
## ## Estimated based on the 5 IFN-beta trials
## ## mult.INF$info.mean
## mu.beta <- round( c(1.38958538, 0.02353943, -1.07433384, -0.20072843, -1.37750990, -0.65131815),4 )
## ## mult.INF$info.var
## Sigma.beta <- matrix(round(c(0.08206687, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.0000000, -0.04902744,
## 0.00000000, 0.03136526, -0.04367466, 0.00000000, 0.0000000, 0.00000000,
## 0.00000000, -0.04367466, 0.06307239, 0.00000000, 0.0000000, 0.00000000,
## 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.03811573, 0.0000000, 0.00000000,
## 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.1427152, 0.00000000,
## -0.04902744, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.0000000, 0.03012234
## ),4),nrow=length(mu.beta),byrow=TRUE)
## if (mod == 3){
## ## return parameter information of selected model
## outputMod3 <- list(mu.beta=mu.beta, Sigma.beta = Sigma.beta)
## mu.alpha <- mu.beta[1]
## sigma.alpha <- Sigma.beta[1,1]
## }
## if (dist == "b"){
## aG1 <- 3
## rG1 <- 0.8 ##0.8
## if (mod %in% c(0,4:6)){
## gs <- rbeta(Npat,aG1,rG1)
## hs <- rep(1,Npat)
## }else if (mod==1){
## ## mod = 1: quantiles of the true populations at given probs
## return(cbind(probs=probs,
## quantile=qbeta(probs,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)))
## }else if (mod==2){
## ## mod = 2: densities of the true populations
## return (cbind(ts=ts,
## dens=dbeta(ts,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)) )
## }else if (mod == 3){
## ## mod = 3: parameters of the simulation model
## c1 <- momBeta(aG1,rG1,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
## outputMod3 <- c(outputMod3,list(K=1,c1=c1,aGs=c(aG1=aG1), rGs=c(rG1=rG1)))
## }
## }else if (dist == "b2"){
## ## mixture of two beta distributions
## ## cluster 1: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(2)*((aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)+1)=3.098636 ## at initial time
## ## cluster 2: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(2)*((aG2+rG2-1)/(aG2-1)+1)=7.037196 ## at initial time
## pi <- 0.3
## aG1 <- 10
## rG1 <- 10
## aG2 <- 20
## rG2 <- 1
## ## generate the initial random effect values of everyone
## if (mod %in% c(0,4:6)){
## hs <- sample(1:2,Npat,c(pi,1-pi),replace=TRUE)
## Npat_dist1 <- sum(hs==1)
## Npat_dist2 <- sum(hs==2)
## gs <- rep(NA,Npat)
## gs[hs==1] <- rbeta(Npat_dist1,aG1,rG1);
## gs[hs==2] <- rbeta(Npat_dist2,aG2,rG2);
## }else if (mod==1){
## return (cbind(probs=probs,
## quantile=F_inv_beta2(ps=probs,aG1,rG1,aG2,rG2,pi=pi)))
## }else if (mod==2){
## return (cbind(ts=ts,
## dens=(pi*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)+(1-pi)*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG2,shape2=rG2))))
## }else if (mod == 3){
## c1 <- momBeta(aG1,rG1,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
## c2 <- momBeta(aG2,rG2,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
## outputMod3 <- c(outputMod3,list(
## K=2,c1=c1,c2=c2,
## aGs=c(aG1=aG1,aG2=aG2),
## rGs=c(rG1=rG1,rG2=rG2),
## pi=pi))
## }
## }else if ( dist == "YZ"){
## pi <- 0.85
## alpha <- exp(-0.5)
## ## a bimodal distribution with 85 % of Gi from a gamma distribution with mean 0.647 and variance 2.374
## scale <- 2.374/0.647*alpha
## shape <- 0.647^2/2.374
## mu <- 3*alpha
## sd <- sqrt(0.25)*alpha
## ## generate the initial random effect values of everyone
## if (mod %in% c(0,4:6) ){
## hs <- sample(1:2,Npat,c(pi,1-pi),replace=TRUE)
## Npat_dist1 <- sum(hs==1)
## Npat_dist2 <- sum(hs==2)
## gs <- rep(NA,Npat)
## gs[hs==1] <- rgamma(Npat_dist1,shape=shape,scale=scale);
## gs[hs==2] <- rnorm(Npat_dist2,mean=mu,sd=sd);
## gs[gs < 0 ] <- 0
## gs <- 1/(1+gs)
## }else if (mod==1){
## return (NULL)
## }else if (mod == 2){
## ts.trans <-1/ts-1
## return (cbind(ts=ts,
## (pi*dgamma(ts.trans,shape=shape,scale=scale)+(1-pi)*dnorm(ts.trans,mean=mu,sd=sd) )*(1/ts^2)))
## }else if (mod == 3){
## c1 <- momGL(EG=shape*scale,VG=shape*(scale^2),mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha) ## expectation and variance of Y
## c2 <- momGL(EG=mu,VG=sd^2,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
## outputMod3 <- outputMod3 <- c(outputMod3,list(c1=c1,c2=c2,scale=scale,shape=shape,mu=mu,sd=sd,pi=pi,K=2))
## }
## }
## ## return parameter information of selected model
## if (mod == 3) return (outputMod3)
## ## Generate regression coefficients of this dataset
## betasFull <- matrix(rmvnorm(n=1,mean=mu.beta[-length(mu.beta)],
## sigma=Sigma.beta[-length(mu.beta),-length(mu.beta)]),ncol=1)
## ## if (mod == 0) print(paste(c("Intercept",
## ## "timeInt1.plcb","timeInt1.trt",
## ## "timeInt2.plcb","timeInt2.trt"),
## ## sprintf("%1.4f",betasFull),collapse=":",sep=""))
## ## Generate the treatment assignments 0 = placebo 1= trt
## trtAss.pat <- sample(0:1,Npat,c(1-piTRT,piTRT),replace=TRUE)
## ##print(trtAss.pat)
## ##print(piTRT)
## ## Sequential samples
## ni <- 10
## NpatEnterPerMonth <- 15
## DSMBVisitInterval <- 4 ## months
## ## === necessary for mod= 0, 3 and mod = 4
## ## d contains a full dataset
## days <- NULL
## for (ipatGroup in 1 : (Npat/NpatEnterPerMonth))
## {
## ScandaysForSingleGroup <- ipatGroup:(ipatGroup+ni-1)
## days <- c(days,rep(ScandaysForSingleGroup,NpatEnterPerMonth))
## }
## Y <- XforFit <- XforTCPI <- NULL
## ## timeInt for all patients (used in model fit)
## Xagg <- cbind(rep(1,ni),
## c(rep(0,2),rep(1,4),rep(0,ni-6)),
## c(rep(0,6),rep(1,ni-6)))
## Xplcb <- cbind(Xagg[,1], ## ni = 9
## Xagg[,2],
## rep(0,ni),
## Xagg[,3],
## rep(0,ni))
## Xtrt <- cbind(Xagg[,1], ## ni = 9
## rep(0,ni),
## Xagg[,2],
## rep(0,ni),
## Xagg[,3])
## for ( ipat in 1 : Npat)
## {
## ## placebo
## if (trtAss.pat[ipat]==0){
## X <- Xplcb
## }else if (trtAss.pat[ipat]==1) X <- Xtrt ## trt
## ## the number of repeated measures are the same
## ## we assume that the time effects occurs once after the treatments are in effect
## got <- rnbinom(ni,size = exp(X%*%betasFull), prob = gs[ipat])
## Y <- c(Y,got)
## ## XforFit and XforTCPI must be the same if piTRT = 0
## XforFit <- rbind(XforFit,Xagg)
## if (trueCPI) XforTCPI <- rbind(XforTCPI,X)
## }
## colnames(XforFit) <- c("Intercept","timeInt1","timeInt2")
## if (trtAss){
## trtlabel <- factor(rep(trtAss.pat,each=ni),labels=c("plcb","trt"))
## }else{
## trtlabel <- factor(rep(trtAss.pat,each=ni),labels=c("plcb"))
## }
## d <- data.frame(Y=Y,
## XforFit,
## ID=rep(1:Npat,each=ni),
## gs = rep(gs,each=ni),
## scan = rep(-1:(ni-2),Npat),
## ## day contains the day when the scan was taken
## ## 10 patients enter a trial every month
## days = days,
## hs = rep(hs,each=ni),
## trtAss = trtlabel)
## if (trueCPI){
## d$XforTCPI <- XforTCPI
## }
## if (full) return (d)
## ## DSMB visit is assumed to be every 4 months
## d <- subset(d,subset= days <= DSMBVisitInterval*rev)
## d$labelnp <- rep(0,nrow(d))
## d$labelnp[ DSMBVisitInterval*(rev-1) < d$days ] <- 1
## ## The first two scans (screening and base-line scans are treated as pre-scans)
## d$labelnp[ d$scan <= 0 ] <- 0
## betsAgg <- c(betasFull[1],
## aggBeta(bets=betasFull[2:3],piTRT=piTRT),
## aggBeta(bets=betasFull[4:5],piTRT=piTRT))
## if (mod == 0){
## XX <- cbind(d$Intercept,d$timeInt1, d$timeInt2)
## if (dist=="b")
## {
## temp <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=XX,
## betas=betsAgg,aGs=aG1,rGs=rG1,pis=1)
## if (trueCPI){
## tCPI <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=d$XforTCPI,
## betas=betasFull,aGs=aG1,rGs=rG1,pis=1)
## }
## }else if (dist=="b2"){
## temp <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=XX,
## betas=betsAgg,aGs=c(aG1,aG2),rGs=c(rG1,rG2),pis=c(pi,1-pi))
## if (trueCPI){
## tCPI <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=d$XforTCPI,
## betas=betasFull,aGs=c(aG1,aG2),rGs=c(rG1,rG2),pis=c(pi,1-pi))
## }
## }else if (dist == "YZ"){
## temp <- index.YZ(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=XX,
## betas=betsAgg,
## shape=shape, ## shape
## scale=scale, ## scale
## mu=mu,sd=sd,pi=pi)
## if (trueCPI){
## tCPI <- index.YZ(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=d$XforTCPI,
## betas=betasFull,
## shape=shape, ## shape
## scale=scale, ## scale
## mu=mu,sd=sd,pi=pi)
## }
## }
## d$betas <- c(betsAgg,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(betsAgg)))
## d$probIndex <- c(temp,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(temp) ))
## if (trueCPI){
## d$probIndexTRUE <- c(tCPI,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(tCPI) ))
## }
## return(d)
## }
## }
## ## ========================================================
## Sigma2Cholv <- function(Sigma,loc.0=NULL,loc.SAME=NULL)
## {
## if ( is.vector(loc.0)) loc.0 <- matrix(loc.0,nrow=1,ncol=4)
## if ( is.vector(loc.SAME)) loc.SAME <- matrix(loc.SAME,nrow=1,ncol=4)
## if ( !is.null(loc.SAME)){ if(ncol(loc.SAME)!= 4) stop()}
## ## transform Sigma2 to vector of length sum(1:q) - Nzero containing the vectorized entries of
## ## lower-triangle (nonzero) entries of the Cholesky decomposed Sigma
## q <- nrow(Sigma)
## Chol <- t(chol(Sigma))
## if (!is.null(loc.0)){
## for (irow in 1 : nrow(loc.0))
## {
## ir <- loc.0[irow,1]
## ic <- loc.0[irow,2]
## ## Sigma is symetric
## Chol[ir,ic] <- Chol[ic,ir] <- NA
## }
## }
## if (!is.null(loc.SAME)){
## for (irow in 1 : nrow(loc.SAME))
## {
## ## The Chol[loc.SAME[i,3], loc.SAME[i,4]] <- Chol[loc.SAME[i,1], loc.SAME[i,2] ]
## ir <- loc.SAME[irow,3]
## ic <- loc.SAME[irow,4]
## ## Sigma is symetric
## Chol[ir,ic] <- Chol[ic,ir] <- - Inf
## }
## }
## ## diagonal entries of the Cholesky decomposed matrix must be positive
## ## Cholv2Sigma takes exp() for all the diagonal entries
## ## So Sigma2Cholv which is an inverse function of Cholv2Sigma,
## ## must take log of all the diagonal entries of Cholvec.NA
## diag(Chol) <- log( diag(Chol))
## Cholvec.NA <- c(Chol[lower.tri(Chol, diag = TRUE)])
## loc.vec.SAME <- Cholvec.NA == -Inf & !
## loc.vec.0 <-
## return(list(Cholvec=Cholvec.NA[ !loc.vec.SAME & !loc.vec.0],
## q=q,
## loc.vec.SAME = loc.vec.SAME,
## loc.vec.0=loc.vec.0
## )
## )
## }
## Cholv2Sigma <- function(Cholvec,
## loc.0=NULL,loc.SAME=NULL,
## loc.vec.0,loc.vec.SAME,q)
## {
## if (is.vector(loc.0)) loc.0 <- matrix(loc.0,nrow=1,ncol=2)
## if (is.vector(loc.SAME))loc.SAME <- matrix(loc.SAME,nrow=1,ncol=4)
## ## Cholvec: vector of sum(1:q)-Nzero, containing only the nonzero entries of vectored off-diagonal entries of
## ## Cholesky decomposed matrix
## ## loc.0: Nzero by 2 matrix, containing the location corresponding to zero in Sigma
## Cholvec.NA <- rep(NA,sum(1:q))
## Cholvec.NA[ !loc.vec.0 & !loc.vec.SAME ] <- Cholvec
## Chol <- matrix(0,nrow=q,ncol=q)
## Chol[lower.tri(Chol, diag = TRUE)] <- Cholvec.NA
## ## Diagonal entries must be positive definite
## diag(Chol) <- exp(diag(Chol))
## ## Set 0 to the selected entries of covariance matrix noted in loc.0
## if (! is.null(loc.0))
## {
## for (irow in 1 : nrow(loc.0))
## {
## ir <- loc.0[irow,1]
## ic <- loc.0[irow,2]
## if (ic > 1) ic.vec <- 1:(ic-1) else ic.vec <- NULL
## Chol[ir,ic] <- - sum(Chol[ir,ic.vec]*Chol[ic,ic.vec])/Chol[ic,ic]
## }
## }
## ## Keep the correlation of pairs of each row of Chol[irow,] being the same
## if (! is.null(loc.SAME))
## {
## for (irow in 1 : nrow(loc.SAME))
## {
## ir1 <- loc.SAME[irow,1]
## ic1 <- loc.SAME[irow,2]
## ir2 <- loc.SAME[irow,3]
## ic2 <- loc.SAME[irow,4]
## ## The values located at (ir1,ic1) are copied into (ir2,ic2)
## ic1.vec <- 1:ic1
## if (ic2 > 1) ic2.vec <- 1:(ic2-1) else ic2.vec <- NULL
## ## Correlation term
## if ( ir2 %in% c(ir1,ic1) )
## {
## if (ir2 == ir1){
## not.ir2 <- ic1
## }else if(ir2 == ic1){
## not.ir2 <- ir1
## }
## cor.scale <- sqrt( sum(Chol[ic2,1:ic2]^2)/sum(Chol[not.ir2,1:not.ir2]^2) )
## }else{
## ## sum(Chol[ir2,1:ir2]^2)*
## ir2.vec <- (1:ir2)[! (1:ir2 %in% ic2)]
## cor.scale <- sqrt(sum(Chol[ic2,1:ic2]^2)/
## (sum(Chol[ir1,1:ir1]^2)*sum(Chol[ic1,1:ic1]^2)))
## }
## C <- cor.scale*(sum(Chol[ir1,ic1.vec]*Chol[ic1,ic1.vec])
## - sum(Chol[ir2,ic2.vec]*Chol[ic2,ic2.vec])
## )/Chol[ic2,ic2]
## signC <-sign(C)
## Chol[ir2,ic2] <- signC*C*sqrt(sum(Chol[ir2,ir2.vec]^2))/sqrt(1-C^2)
## }
## }
## ## Set 0 to the selected entries of covariance matrix
## while (sum( > 0 )
## {
## if (! is.null(loc.0))
## {
## for (irow in 1 : nrow(loc.0) )
## {
## ir <- loc.0[irow,1]
## ic <- loc.0[irow,2]
## if (ic > 1) ic.vec <- 1:(ic-1) else ic.vec <- NULL
## Chol[ir,ic] <- - sum(Chol[ir,ic.vec]*Chol[ic,ic.vec])/Chol[ic,ic]
## }
## }
## }
## ## Sigma
## return(Chol%*%t(Chol))
## }
## Cholv2Sigma <- function(Cholvec,loc.0=NULL,loc.NAs,q)
## {
## if (is.vector(loc.0)) loc.0 <- matrix(loc.0,nrow=1)
## ## Cholvec: vector of sum(1:q)-Nzero, containing only the nonzero entries of vectored off-diagonal entries of
## ## Cholesky decomposed matrix
## ## loc.0: Nzero by 2 matrix, containing the location corresponding to zero in Sigma
## ## loc.NAs: a vector of Nzero, containing the location corresponding to NA in Cholvec.NA
## ## where Cholvec.NA is an augmented vector of Cholvec with length sum(1:q)
## Cholvec.NA <- rep(NA,sum(1:q))
## Cholvec.NA[! loc.NAs] <- Cholvec
## Chol <- matrix(0,nrow=q,ncol=q)
## Chol[lower.tri(Chol, diag = TRUE)] <- Cholvec.NA
## diag(Chol) <- exp(diag(Chol))
## if (! is.null(loc.0))
## {
## for (irow in 1 : nrow(loc.0))
## {
## ir <- loc.0[irow,1]
## ic <- loc.0[irow,2]
## ic.vec <- (1:ic)[! (1:ic %in% ic)]
## Chol[ir,ic] <- - sum(Chol[ir,ic.vec]*Chol[ic,ic.vec])/Chol[ic,ic]
## }
## }
## ## Sigma
## return(Chol%*%t(Chol))
## }
## listSum <- function(listobj,burnin=0)
## {
## objex <- listobj[[1]]
## output <- rep(0,length(c(objex)))
## for (i in (burnin+1) : length(listobj))
## {
## lsO <- c(listobj[[i]])
## lsONA.TF <- !
## output[lsONA.TF] <- output[lsONA.TF] + lsO[lsONA.TF]
## }
## return (matrix(output,
## nrow=nrow(objex),
## ncol=ncol(objex)))
## }
## meta.rmlk <- function(ini.Psi=NULL,
## loc.0=NULL,loc.SAME=NULL,
## hat.sigmas2,hat.beta){
## ## location
## if (! is.null(loc.SAME)){
## colnames(loc.SAME) <- c("irow_keep","icol_keep","irow_change","icol_change")
## if (sum(loc.SAME[,1] <= loc.SAME[,2]) > 0 | sum(loc.SAME[,3] <= loc.SAME[,4]) >0 )
## stop("The pairs of loc.SAME must be from off-diagonal lower-triangle matrix.")
## }
## if (is.null(ini.Psi))
## {
## ini.Psi0 <- multMeta(hat.betas=hat.beta,hat.sigmas2=hat.sigmas2,$info.var
## if (!is.null(loc.0)){
## for (irow in 1 : nrow(loc.0))
## {
## ir <- loc.0[irow,1]
## ic <- loc.0[irow,2]
## ini.Psi0[ir,ic] <- ini.Psi0[ic,ir] <- 0
## }
## ini.Psi <- adjustPosDef(ini.Psi0)$adjust.mat
## }
## if (is.null(loc.0) & is.null(loc.SAME)){
## ini.Psi <- ini.Psi0
## }
## }
## temp <- Sigma2Cholv(Sigma=ini.Psi,loc.0=loc.0,loc.SAME=loc.SAME)
## opt <- optim(par=temp$Cholvec,
## fn=profile.nllk,
## loc.0=loc.0,loc.SAME = loc.SAME,
## loc.vec.0=temp$loc.vec.0,
## loc.vec.SAME=temp$loc.vec.SAME,
## q=temp$q,
## hat.beta=hat.beta,hat.sigmas2=hat.sigmas2
## )
## Psi <- Cholv2Sigma(opt$par,
## loc.0=loc.0,
## loc.SAME=loc.SAME,
## q=temp$q,
## loc.vec.0=temp$loc.vec.0,
## loc.vec.SAME=temp$loc.vec.SAME)
## if (!is.null(rownames(hat.beta)))rownames(Psi) <- colnames(Psi) <- rownames(hat.beta)
## nllk <- opt$value
## theta <- muMult(hat.betas=hat.beta,
## hat.sigmas2=hat.sigmas2,
## info.var=Psi,
## Ndat = ncol(hat.beta), Ndim=nrow(hat.beta))$info.mean
## return(list(theta=theta,Psi=Psi,nllk=nllk,loc.SAME=loc.SAME))
## }
## profile.nllk <- function(Cholvec,
## hat.beta,
## loc.0,loc.SAME,
## loc.vec.0,loc.vec.SAME,
## hat.sigmas2,
## q=nrow(hat.beta),Nstudy =length(hat.sigmas2)
## ){
## ## hat.beta is a q by Nstudy matrix
## Psi <- Cholv2Sigma(Cholvec=Cholvec,
## loc.0=loc.0,loc.SAME=loc.SAME,
## loc.vec.0=loc.vec.0,loc.vec.SAME=loc.vec.SAME,
## q=q)
## cat("\n\n Psi");print(Psi)
## ## Matrix with large condition number is rejected because such matrix is computationally singular
## if (rcond(Psi) < 1e-15) return(Inf)
## ## Update the overall mean with respect to the Psi
## hat.theta <- muMult(hat.betas=hat.beta,
## hat.sigmas2=hat.sigmas2,
## info.var=Psi,
## Ndat = Nstudy, Ndim=q)$info.mean
## Sigma.Psi <- lapply(hat.sigmas2,function(x) x + Psi)
## ## A vector of length Nstudy
## log.det.Sigma.Psi <- unlist(lapply(Sigma.Psi,function(x) log(det(x))))
## ## A list of Nstudy elements containing q by q matrix
## inv.Sigma.Psi <- lapply(Sigma.Psi,solve)
## ## A vector of length Nstudy
## det.inv.Sigma.Psi <- unlist(lapply(inv.Sigma.Psi, det))
## mahara.sum <- 0
## for (istudy in 1 : Nstudy)
## {
## disc <- matrix(hat.beta[,istudy] - hat.theta,ncol=1)
## mahara.sum <- mahara.sum + t(disc)%*%inv.Sigma.Psi[[istudy]]%*%disc
## }
## tem1 <- (Nstudy*q-q)*log(pi)
## tem2 <- sum(log.det.Sigma.Psi)
## tem3 <- log(sum(det.inv.Sigma.Psi))
## nllk <- c( (tem1 + tem2 + tem3 + mahara.sum)/2 )
## cat("\n nllk:",nllk)
## return(nllk )
## }
## muMult <- function(hat.betas,hat.sigmas2,info.var,Ndat = length(hat.sigmas2),Ndim=nrow(hat.sigmas2[[1]]))
## {
## ## NA is not accepted
## varHatMu0 <- list()
## nums <- matrix(NA,ncol=Ndat,nrow=Ndim)
## for (istudy in 1 : Ndat)
## {
## sig <- hat.sigmas2[[istudy]]
## ## reduced matrix that only contains the non missing entries
## varHatMu0[[istudy]] <- inv.var <- solve(info.var + sig)
## nums[,istudy] <-inv.var%*%hat.betas[,istudy]
## }
## varHatMu <- solve(listSum(varHatMu0))
## info.mean <- c( varHatMu%*%rowSums(nums,na.rm=TRUE))
## SEmu <- sqrt(diag(varHatMu))
## names(SEmu) <- paste("SE:",rownames(hat.betas))
## names(info.mean) <- rownames(hat.betas)
## return(list(SEmu=SEmu,info.mean=info.mean))
## }
## ==============
## gsLabelnp <- function(d,olmeNBB,useSample){
## ## d: simulated dataset from getSample
## ## olmeNBB: must be the output of DPfit with model="nonpara"
## ## This function returns the estimated random effects of patients at each time point.
## ## the output is a vector of length sum ni
## ## for example if a patient ipat has 5 scans and the first two are treated as pre-scans and the rest as new-scans,
## ## then the d$labelnp[d$ID== opat] = 0,0,1,1,1
## ## the output is output[d$ID==ipat] = gPre,gPre,gNew,gNew,gNew
## ## where gPre and gNew are the estimated random effects of patients
## ## nonparametric changing random effects
## Npat <- length(unique(d$ID))
## nolnp0TF <- tapply(d$labelnp==0,d$ID,sum) == 0 ## TRUE if patients do not have prescans d$labelnp==0
## nolnp1TF <- tapply(d$labelnp==1,d$ID,sum) == 0 ## TRUE if patients do not have newscans d$labelnp==1
## patwG2 <- which(! (nolnp0TF|nolnp1TF)) ## patients with both new scans and pre scans
## gPres <- colMeans(olmeNBB$gPre[useSample,]); gPres_Index <- (1:Npat) - 0.5 ## everyone has g1
## gNews <- colMeans(olmeNBB$gNew[useSample, olmeNBB$gNew[1,]!= -1000,drop=FALSE]); gNews_Index <- patwG2
## ## combine gPres_gNews in the right order; in the order how they appear in the dataset d
## gPres_gNews <- c(gPres,gNews)[order(c(gPres_Index,gNews_Index))]
## g_long <- repeatAsID(values=gPres_gNews,ID=newCat(d$ID,d$labelnp))
## return (g_long)
## }
## aggBeta <- function(bets,piTRT)
## {
## if (is.vector(bets)) bets <- matrix(bets,nrow=1)
## log(exp(bets[,1])*(1-piTRT)+exp(bets[,2])*piTRT)
## }
## rTildeBeta <- function(N.MC=1e+6,piTRT=0.6736842,
## info.mean,info.var,logDMVN=FALSE){
## samp <- rmvnorm(n=N.MC, mean = info.mean, sigma = info.var)
## which.plcb <- seq(2,length(info.mean)-2,2)
## which.trt <- which.plcb + 1
## alpha <- samp[,1]
## betas.plcb <- samp[,which.plcb]
## betas.trt <- samp[,which.trt]
## betatilde <- matrix(NA,nrow=N.MC,ncol=length(which.plcb))
## for (itime1 in 1 : ncol(betatilde))
## {
## betatilde[,itime1]<-aggBeta(bets=cbind(betas.plcb[,itime1],
## betas.trt[,itime1]),
## piTRT=piTRT)
## }
## re <- cbind(alpha,betatilde)
## colnames(re) <- c("alpha",paste("tildeBeta",1:length(which.plcb),sep=""))
## if (logDMVN){
## logDs <- samp[,length(info.mean)]
## re <- cbind(re,logD=logDs)
## }
## return(re)
## }
## aggBeta <- function(bets,piTRT)
## {
## if (is.vector(bets)) bets <- matrix(bets,nrow=1)
## log(exp(bets[,1])*(1-piTRT)+exp(bets[,2])*piTRT)
## }
## getS <- function(iseed = "random",
## rev = 4,
## dist = "b",
## mod = 0,
## probs = seq(0,0.99,0.01),
## ts = seq(0.001,0.99,0.001),
## full = FALSE,
## trtAss = FALSE,
## trueCPI = FALSE,
## {
## ## mod = 0: generate sample
## ## mod = 1: quantiles of the true populations at given probs
## ## mod = 2: densities of the true populations
## ## mod = 3: parameters of the simulation model
## ## mod = 4: parameters for uninformative prior
## ## mod = 5: parameters for informative prior under the placebo assumption
## ## mod = 6: parameters for informative prior under the random sample assumption
## ## dist = "b","b2","YZ"
## ## trtASS == FALSE then piTRT = 0 else piTRT = 0.674
## if (trtAss) piTRT <- 0.6736842 else piTRT <- 0
## ## if full = TRUE then full dataset is returned and rev is ignored
## ## if trueCPI == TRUE then returns the most precise conditional probability computed based on the
## ## treatment assignment
## Npat <- 180; ## upto review 4, Npat=160 in total this number must be divisible by NpatEnterPerMonth
## if (iseed=="random") set.seed(sample(1e+6,1)) else set.seed(iseed)
## ## The prior for regression coefficients beta
## if (IFN){
## ## prior only based on IFN datasets
## mu.beta <- c( 1.3863398, 0.0283592, -1.0780041, -0.1943629, -1.4005187)
## Sigma.beta <- matrix(round(c( 0.07080114, -0.03561139, 0.05512568, -0.03559668, 0.08999295,
## -0.03561139, 0.03365417, -0.04243730, 0.02763631, -0.05092112,
## 0.05512568, -0.04243730, 0.06099776, -0.02992216, 0.08058643,
## -0.03559668, 0.02763631, -0.02992216, 0.04543372, -0.03128294,
## 0.08999295, -0.05092112, 0.08058643, -0.03128294, 0.13064430),4),
## byrow=TRUE,5,5)
## }else{
## mu.beta <- c(1.29761146, 0.02762343, -0.71042449, -0.16054429, -0.92415434)
## Sigma.beta <- matrix(round(c( 0.06839318, -0.0230865954, -0.037123180, -0.02048146, -0.0697404833,
## -0.02308660, 0.0173408469, -0.000580806, 0.01097764, 0.0005858456,
## -0.03712318, -0.0005808060, 0.284828736, 0.02000585, 0.4364152673,
## -0.02048146, 0.0109776373, 0.020005847, 0.02616263, 0.0312899440,
## -0.06974048, 0.0005858456, 0.436415267, 0.03128994, 0.6989128826),4),
## byrow=TRUE,5,5)
## }
## if (mod == 3){
## ## return parameter information of selected model
## outputMod3 <- list(mu.beta=mu.beta, Sigma.beta = Sigma.beta)
## mu.alpha <- mu.beta[1]
## sigma.alpha <- Sigma.beta[1,1]
## }
## if (dist == "b"){
## aG1 <- 3
## rG1 <- 0.8 ##0.8
## if (mod %in% c(0,4:6)){
## gs <- rbeta(Npat,aG1,rG1)
## hs <- rep(1,Npat)
## }else if (mod==1){
## ## mod = 1: quantiles of the true populations at given probs
## return(cbind(probs=probs,
## quantile=qbeta(probs,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)))
## }else if (mod==2){
## ## mod = 2: densities of the true populations
## return (cbind(ts=ts,
## dens=dbeta(ts,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)) )
## }else if (mod == 3){
## ## mod = 3: parameters of the simulation model
## c1 <- momBeta(aG1,rG1,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
## outputMod3 <- c(outputMod3,list(K=1,c1=c1,aGs=c(aG1=aG1), rGs=c(rG1=rG1)))
## }
## }else if (dist == "b2"){
## ## mixture of two beta distributions
## ## cluster 1: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(2)*((aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)+1)=3.098636 ## at initial time
## ## cluster 2: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(2)*((aG2+rG2-1)/(aG2-1)+1)=7.037196 ## at initial time
## pi <- 0.3
## aG1 <- 10
## rG1 <- 10
## aG2 <- 20
## rG2 <- 1
## ## generate the initial random effect values of everyone
## if (mod %in% c(0,4:6)){
## hs <- sample(1:2,Npat,c(pi,1-pi),replace=TRUE)
## Npat_dist1 <- sum(hs==1)
## Npat_dist2 <- sum(hs==2)
## gs <- rep(NA,Npat)
## gs[hs==1] <- rbeta(Npat_dist1,aG1,rG1);
## gs[hs==2] <- rbeta(Npat_dist2,aG2,rG2);
## }else if (mod==1){
## return (cbind(probs=probs,
## quantile=F_inv_beta2(ps=probs,aG1,rG1,aG2,rG2,pi=pi)))
## }else if (mod==2){
## return (cbind(ts=ts,
## dens=(pi*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)+(1-pi)*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG2,shape2=rG2))))
## }else if (mod == 3){
## c1 <- momBeta(aG1,rG1,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
## c2 <- momBeta(aG2,rG2,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
## outputMod3 <- c(outputMod3,list(
## K=2,c1=c1,c2=c2,
## aGs=c(aG1=aG1,aG2=aG2),
## rGs=c(rG1=rG1,rG2=rG2),
## pi=pi))
## }
## }else if ( dist == "YZ"){
## pi <- 0.85
## alpha <- exp(-0.5)
## ## a bimodal distribution with 85 % of Gi from a gamma distribution with mean 0.647 and variance 2.374
## scale <- 2.374/0.647*alpha
## shape <- 0.647^2/2.374
## mu <- 3*alpha
## sd <- sqrt(0.25)*alpha
## ## generate the initial random effect values of everyone
## if (mod %in% c(0,4:6) ){
## hs <- sample(1:2,Npat,c(pi,1-pi),replace=TRUE)
## Npat_dist1 <- sum(hs==1)
## Npat_dist2 <- sum(hs==2)
## gs <- rep(NA,Npat)
## gs[hs==1] <- rgamma(Npat_dist1,shape=shape,scale=scale);
## gs[hs==2] <- rnorm(Npat_dist2,mean=mu,sd=sd);
## gs[gs < 0 ] <- 0
## gs <- 1/(1+gs)
## }else if (mod==1){
## return (NULL)
## }else if (mod == 2){
## ts.trans <-1/ts-1
## return (cbind(ts=ts,
## (pi*dgamma(ts.trans,shape=shape,scale=scale)+(1-pi)*dnorm(ts.trans,mean=mu,sd=sd) )*(1/ts^2)))
## }else if (mod == 3){
## c1 <- momGL(EG=shape*scale,VG=shape*(scale^2),mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha) ## expectation and variance of Y
## c2 <- momGL(EG=mu,VG=sd^2,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
## outputMod3 <- outputMod3 <- c(outputMod3,list(c1=c1,c2=c2,scale=scale,shape=shape,mu=mu,sd=sd,pi=pi,K=2))
## }
## }
## ## return parameter information of selected model
## if (mod == 3) return (outputMod3)
## ## Generate regression coefficients of this dataset
## betasFull <- matrix(rmvnorm(n=1,mean=mu.beta,sigma=Sigma.beta),ncol=1)
## ## if (mod == 0) print(paste(c("Intercept",
## ## "timeInt1.plcb","timeInt1.trt",
## ## "timeInt2.plcb","timeInt2.trt"),
## ## sprintf("%1.4f",betasFull),collapse=":",sep=""))
## ## Generate the treatment assignments 0 = placebo 1= trt
## trtAss.pat <- sample(0:1,Npat,c(1-piTRT,piTRT),replace=TRUE)
## ##print(trtAss.pat)
## ##print(piTRT)
## ## Sequential samples
## ni <- 11
## NpatEnterPerMonth <- 15
## DSMBVisitInterval <- 4 ## months
## ## === necessary for mod= 0, 3 and mod = 4
## ## d contains a full dataset
## days <- NULL
## for (ipatGroup in 1 : (Npat/NpatEnterPerMonth))
## {
## ScandaysForSingleGroup <- ipatGroup:(ipatGroup+ni-1)
## days <- c(days,rep(ScandaysForSingleGroup,NpatEnterPerMonth))
## }
## Y <- XforFit <- XforTCPI <- NULL
## ## timeInt for all patients (used in model fit)
## Xagg <- cbind(rep(1,ni),
## c(rep(0,2),rep(1,4),rep(0,ni-6)),
## c(rep(0,6),rep(1,ni-6)))
## Xplcb <- cbind(Xagg[,1], ## ni = 9
## Xagg[,2],
## rep(0,ni),
## Xagg[,3],
## rep(0,ni))
## Xtrt <- cbind(Xagg[,1], ## ni = 9
## rep(0,ni),
## Xagg[,2],
## rep(0,ni),
## Xagg[,3])
## for ( ipat in 1 : Npat)
## {
## ## placebo
## if (trtAss.pat[ipat]==0){
## X <- Xplcb
## }else if (trtAss.pat[ipat]==1) X <- Xtrt ## trt
## ## the number of repeated measures are the same
## ## we assume that the time effects occurs once after the treatments are in effect
## got <- rnbinom(ni,size = exp(X%*%betasFull), prob = gs[ipat])
## Y <- c(Y,got)
## ## XforFit and XforTCPI must be the same if piTRT = 0
## XforFit <- rbind(XforFit,Xagg)
## if (trueCPI) XforTCPI <- rbind(XforTCPI,X)
## }
## colnames(XforFit) <- c("Intercept","timeInt1","timeInt2")
## d <- data.frame(Y=Y,
## XforFit,
## ID=rep(1:Npat,each=ni),
## gs = rep(gs,each=ni),
## scan = rep(-1:(ni-2),Npat),
## ## day contains the day when the scan was taken
## ## 10 patients enter a trial every month
## days = days,
## hs = rep(hs,each=ni),
## trtAss =rep(trtAss.pat,each=ni))
## if (trueCPI){
## d$XforTCPI <- XforTCPI
## }
## ## DSMB visit is assumed to be every 4 months
## if (full) return (d)
## d <- subset(d,subset= days <= DSMBVisitInterval*rev)
## d$labelnp <- rep(0,nrow(d))
## d$labelnp[ DSMBVisitInterval*(rev-1) < d$days ] <- 1
## ## The first two scans (screening and base-line scans are treated as pre-scans)
## d$labelnp[ d$scan <= 0 ] <- 0
## betsAgg <- c(betasFull[1],
## aggBeta(bets=betasFull[2:3],piTRT=piTRT),
## aggBeta(bets=betasFull[4:5],piTRT=piTRT))
## if (mod == 0){
## XX <- cbind(d$Intercept,d$timeInt1, d$timeInt2)
## if (dist=="b")
## {
## temp <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=XX,
## betas=betsAgg,aGs=aG1,rGs=rG1,pis=1)
## if (trueCPI){
## tCPI <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=d$XforTCPI,
## betas=betasFull,aGs=aG1,rGs=rG1,pis=1)
## }
## }else if (dist=="b2"){
## temp <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=XX,
## betas=betsAgg,aGs=c(aG1,aG2),rGs=c(rG1,rG2),pis=c(pi,1-pi))
## if (trueCPI){
## tCPI <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=d$XforTCPI,
## betas=betasFull,aGs=c(aG1,aG2),rGs=c(rG1,rG2),pis=c(pi,1-pi))
## }
## }else if (dist == "YZ"){
## temp <- index.YZ(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=XX,
## betas=betsAgg,
## shape=shape, ## shape
## scale=scale, ## scale
## mu=mu,sd=sd,pi=pi)
## if (trueCPI){
## tCPI <- index.YZ(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=d$XforTCPI,
## betas=betasFull,
## shape=shape, ## shape
## scale=scale, ## scale
## mu=mu,sd=sd,pi=pi)
## }
## }
## d$betas <- c(betsAgg,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(betsAgg)))
## d$probIndex <- c(temp,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(temp) ))
## if (trueCPI){
## d$probIndexTRUE <- c(tCPI,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(tCPI) ))
## }
## return(d)
## }
## ## ======= mod == 4, 5 or 6 only get to here ===========
## Npat <- length(unique(d$ID))
## maxDs <- seq(0.01,5,0.01); Ktilde <- 2
## ekn <- E.KN(maxDs=maxDs,N=Npat)
## ib_D <- maxDs[min(which(ekn >= Ktilde))]
## a_D <- 0.0001
## if (mod == 4){
## ## Uninformative priors
## outputMod4 <- list(a_D = a_D, ib_D=ib_D, max_aG = 30)
## return(outputMod4)
## }else if (mod== 5){
## ## ======= mod == 5 or 6 only get to here ===========
## ## Informative priors under the placebo assumption
## if (IFN){
## ## Data is developed based only on IFN
## info.var <- matrix( round(c( 0.07080114, -0.03561139, -0.03559668,
## -0.03561139, 0.03365417, 0.02763631,
## -0.03559668, 0.02763631, 0.04543372
## ),4),nrow=3,ncol=3)
## info.mean <- c(1.3863398, 0.0283592, -0.1943629)
## }else{
## ## Data is developed based on ALL datasets
## info.var <- matrix( round(c( 0.06839318, -0.02308660, -0.02048146,
## -0.02308660, 0.01734085, 0.01097764,
## -0.02048146, 0.01097764, 0.02616263
## ),4),nrow=3,ncol=3)
## info.mean <- c(1.29761146, 0.02762343, -0.16054429)
## }
## modName <- "I.plcb"
## }else if (mod==6){
## ## Informative priors under the random sample assumption
## if (IFN){
## ## Data is developed based only on IFN
## info.var <- matrix(round(c(0.070822670, 0.001545587, 0.013108930,
## 0.001545587, 0.002311349, 0.004566084,
## 0.013108930, 0.004566084, 0.023280450
## ),4),nrow=3,ncol=3,byrow=TRUE)
## info.mean <- c(1.3864922, -0.5497916, -0.8054787)
## }else{
## ## Data is developed based on ALL datasets
## info.var <- matrix(round(c(0.06840140, -0.03005920, -0.04469143,
## -0.03005920, 0.07694164, 0.11925741,
## -0.04469143, 0.11925741, 0.20175429
## ),4),nrow=3,ncol=3,byrow=TRUE)
## info.mean <- c(1.2976255, -0.3690132, -0.5293237)
## }
## modName <- "I.RS"
## }
## if (sum(d$timeInt2) == 0)
## {
## pick.ind <- 1:2
## info.var <- info.var[pick.ind,pick.ind]
## info.mean <- info.mean[pick.ind]
## }
## infoPara <- list(max_aG=30, a_D=a_D, ib_D = ib_D,
## mu_beta=info.mean,
## Sigma_beta=info.var,
## mod=mod,modName=modName)
## return(infoPara)
## }
## lmeNBBayes <- function(formula, ## A vector of length sum ni, containing responses
## data,
## ## A sum ni by p matrix, containing covariate values. The frist column must be 1 (Intercept)
## ID, ## A Vector of length sum ni, indicating patients
## B = 105000, ## A scalar, the number of Gibbs iteration
## burnin = 5000,
## printFreq = B,
## M = NULL,
## probIndex = FALSE,
## thin =1, ## optional
## labelnp=NULL, ## necessary if probIndex ==1
## epsilonM = 1e-4,## nonpara
## para = list(mu_beta = NULL,Sigma_beta = NULL,max_aG=30),
## Reduce=1,
## thinned.sample=FALSE,
## Ddist=c("MVN","unif"),
## proposalSD = NULL
## ## Does not matter if DP=FALSE
## )
## {
## Xmodmat <- model.matrix(object=formula,data=data)
## covariatesNames<- colnames(Xmodmat)
## Y <- model.response(model.frame(formula=formula,data=data))
## ## If ID is a character vector of length sum ni,
## ## it is modified to an integer vector, indicating the first appearing patient
## ## as 1, the second one as 2, and so on..
## ## This code generate samples from NBRE model with constant random effect ~ DP mixture of Beta
## if (is.vector(Xmodmat)) Xmodmat <- matrix(Xmodmat,ncol=1)
## NtotAll <- length(Y)
## if (nrow(Xmodmat)!= NtotAll) stop ("nrow(Xmodmat) != length(Y)")
## if (length(ID)!= NtotAll) stop ("length(ID)!= length(Y)")
## if (!is.null(labelnp) & length(labelnp)!= NtotAll) stop ("labelnp!= length(Y)")
## if (thinned.sample & (!is.numeric(thin)) & (!is.numeric(burnin)))
## stop("If you only want thinned samples, you must give the thinning and burnin parameters")
## if (thinned.sample & (!Reduce))
## stop("Non-reduced MCMC must return ALL samples")
## if (length(Ddist) > 1) Ddist <- Ddist[1]
## dims <- dim(Xmodmat)
## Ntot <- dims[1]
## pCov <- dims[2]
## if (is.null(proposalSD)) proposalSD <- list()
## if (is.null(proposalSD$min$D)) proposalSD$min$D <- 0.02
## if (is.null(proposalSD$max$D)) proposalSD$max$D <- 2
## if (is.null(proposalSD$min$aG)) proposalSD$min$aG <- 0.05
## if (is.null(proposalSD$min$rG)) proposalSD$min$rG <- 0.05
## if (is.null(proposalSD$max$aG)) proposalSD$max$aG <- 5
## if (is.null(proposalSD$max$rG)) proposalSD$max$rG <- 5
## if (is.null(para$max_aG)) para$max_aG <- 30
## if (DP){
## if (Ddist == "unif")
## {
## if (is.null(para$mu_beta)) para$mu_beta <- rep(0,pCov)
## if (is.null(para$Sigma_beta)){
## para$Sigma_beta <- diag(10,pCov)
## }
## if (is.null(proposalSD$min$beta)) proposalSD$min$beta <- rep(diag(para$Sigma_beta)/1e+5,pCov)
## if (is.null(proposalSD$max$beta)) proposalSD$max$beta <- rep(diag(para$Sigma_beta)/1e+3,pCov)
## if (is.null(para$a_D ) ) para$a_D <- 1e-4
## if (is.null(para$ib_D) ) para$ib_D <- 0.5
## if (length(para$mu_beta)!=ncol(Xmodmat))
## stop("The dimension of the fixed effect hyperparameter is wrong!")
## if (is.null(M)) M <- round(1 + log(epsilonM)/log(para$ib_D/(1+para$ib_D)))
## }else if (Ddist == "MVN"){
## EX <- 0.5
## SDX <- 0.5
## logDpara <- lnpara(EX=EX,SDX=SDX)
## if (is.null(para$mu_beta)){ ## mu_beta is pCov + 1 length. The last entry corresponding to prior mean of log(D)
## para$mu_beta <- rep(0,pCov)
## para$mu_beta[pCov+1] <- logDpara$meanlog
## }
## if (is.null(para$Sigma_beta)){
## para$Sigma_beta <- diag(10,pCov+1)
## para$Sigma_beta[pCov+1,pCov+1] <- (logDpara$sdlog)^2
## }
## atlnD <- length(para$mu_beta)
## if (is.null(proposalSD$min$beta)) proposalSD$min$beta <- rep(diag(para$Sigma_beta[-atlnD])/1e+5,pCov)
## if (is.null(proposalSD$max$beta)) proposalSD$max$beta <- rep(diag(para$Sigma_beta[-atlnD])/1e+3,pCov)
## if (is.null(proposalSD$min$D)) proposalSD$min$D <- rep(diag(para$Sigma_beta[atlnD])/1e+3,pCov)
## if (is.null(proposalSD$max$D)) proposalSD$max$D <- rep(diag(para$Sigma_beta[atlnD])/1e+3,pCov)
## if (length(para$mu_beta)!=(ncol(Xmodmat)+1))
## stop("The dimension of the fixed effect and log(D) hyperparameter is wrong!")
## if (is.null(M)){
## for (M in 1 : 1000)
## {
## EpiM <- piM(M=M,
## mean.norm=para$mu_beta[pCov+1],
## sd.norm=sqrt(para$Sigma_beta[pCov+1,pCov+1]))
## if (EpiM < epsilonM ) break
## }
## }
## }
## }else{
## ## DP = FALSE
## if (is.null(para$mu_beta)) para$mu_beta <- rep(0,pCov)
## if (is.null(para$Sigma_beta))para$Sigma_beta <- diag(10,pCov)
## if (length(para$mu_beta)!=ncol(Xmodmat))
## stop("The dimension of the fixed effect hyperparameter is wrong!")
## }
## evalue_sigma_beta <- eigen(para$Sigma_beta, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
## if (min(evalue_sigma_beta) <= 0) stop("Sigma_beta must be positive definite!")
## Inv_sigma_beta <- c( solve(para$Sigma_beta) )
## X <- c(Xmodmat) ## {xij} = { x_{1,1},x_{2,1},..,x_{Ntot,1},x_{1,2},....,x_{Ntot,p} }
## ## change the index of ID to numeric from 1 to # patients
## temID <- ID
## N <- length(unique(temID))
## uniID <- unique(temID)
## ID <- rep(NA,length(temID))
## for (i in 1 : length(uniID))
## {
## ID[temID == uniID[i]] <- i
## }
## mID <- ID-1
## ## the labelnp of patients only with 1 (new scans) labels are replaced by all 0 (old scans)
## maxni <- max(tapply(rep(1,length(ID)),ID,sum))
## Npat <- length(unique(ID))
## if (probIndex)
## {
## ## the labelnp of patients only with 1 (new scans) labels are replaced by all 0 (old scans)
## patwonew <- which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==0),ID,sum)==0)==1)
## for (i in 1 : length(patwonew)) labelnp[ID == patwonew[i]] <- 0
## patwoNorO <- which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==1),ID,sum)==0)==1)
## if (length(patwoNorO)==0) patwoNorO <- -1000;
## }else{
## labelnp <- rep(0,length(Y))
## }
## Btilde <- B
## if (B %% thin != 0 ) stop("B %% thin !=0")
## if (burnin %% thin !=0) stop("burnin %% thin !=0")
## min_proposalSD <- c(aG=proposalSD$min$aG,rG=proposalSD$min$rG,beta=proposalSD$min$beta);
## max_proposalSD <- c(aG=proposalSD$max$aG,rG=proposalSD$max$rG,beta=proposalSD$max$beta);
## if (DP)
## {
## if (Reduce)
## {
## if (Ddist=="unif")
## {
## re <- .Call("ReduceGibbs",
## as.numeric(Y), ## REAL
## as.numeric(X), ## REAL
## as.integer(mID), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(B), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(maxni), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(Npat), ## INTEGER
## as.numeric(labelnp), ## REAL
## as.numeric(para$max_aG),
## as.numeric(para$mu_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(para$a_D),
## as.numeric(para$ib_D),
## as.integer(M),
## as.integer(burnin), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(printFreq),
## as.integer(probIndex),
## as.integer(thin),
## as.integer(thinned.sample),
## package = "lmeNBBayes"
## )
## }else if (Ddist=="MVN")
## {
## ##cat("\n para: max_aG",para$max_aG)
## ##cat("\n theta:",para$mu_beta)
## cat("\n M:",M)
## min_proposalSD <- c( min_proposalSD,D=proposalSD$min$D)
## max_proposalSD <- c( max_proposalSD,D=proposalSD$max$D)
## re <- .Call("ReduceDmvn",
## as.numeric(Y), ## REAL
## as.numeric(X), ## REAL
## as.integer(mID), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(B), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(maxni), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(Npat), ## INTEGER
## as.numeric(labelnp), ## REAL
## as.numeric(para$max_aG),
## as.numeric(para$mu_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.integer(M),
## as.integer(burnin), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(printFreq),
## as.integer(probIndex),
## as.integer(thin),
## as.integer(thinned.sample),
## as.double(min_proposalSD),
## as.double(max_proposalSD),
## package = "lmeNBBayes"
## )
## }
## if (thinned.sample){
## B <- (B - burnin)/thin
## }
## for ( i in 13 : 14 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],nrow=B,ncol=Npat,byrow=TRUE)
## names(re) <- c("aGs","rGs","vs","weightH1",
## "condProb","h1s","g1s",
## "beta",
## "D","logL",
## "AR","prp","aGs_pat","rGs_pat")
## }else{ ## Not Reduce
## if (Ddist == "unif")
## {
## re <- .Call("gibbs",
## as.numeric(Y), ## REAL
## as.numeric(X), ## REAL
## as.integer(mID), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(B), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(maxni), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(Npat), ## INTEGER
## as.numeric(labelnp), ## REAL
## as.numeric(para$max_aG),
## as.numeric(para$mu_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(para$a_D),
## as.numeric(para$ib_D),
## as.integer(M),
## as.integer(burnin), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(printFreq),
## as.integer(probIndex),
## as.integer(thin),
## package = "lmeNBBayes"
## )
## names(re) <- c("aGs","rGs","vs","weightH1",
## "condProb","h1s","g1s",
## "beta",
## "D","logL",
## "AR","prp")
## re$para$a_D <- para$a_D
## re$para$ib_D <- para$ib_D
## }
## }
## ##
## ## for ( i in 1:4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
## for ( i in 1 : 4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],nrow=B,ncol=M,byrow=TRUE)
## re[[5]] <- matrix(re[[5]],nrow=(Btilde-burnin)/thin,ncol=Npat,byrow=TRUE)
## for ( i in 6 : 7 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],nrow=B,ncol=Npat,byrow=TRUE)
## re[[8]] <- matrix(re[[8]],nrow=B,byrow=TRUE)[,1:pCov] ## ncol= pCov or pCov + 1
## if (probIndex)
## {
## ## patients with no new scans
## if (sum(patwoNorO < 0) > 1) patwoNorO <- NULL
## re$condProb[,patwoNorO] <- NA
## }else{
## re$condProb <- NULL
## }
## re$para$max_aG <- para$max_aG
## re$para$M <- M
## if (Ddist=="MVN")names(re$prp) <- names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG",paste("beta",1:pCov,sep=""),"D")
## }else{ ## NOT DP
## if (Reduce)
## {
## re <- .Call("Beta1reduce",
## as.numeric(Y), ## REAL
## as.numeric(X), ## REAL
## as.integer(mID), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(B), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(maxni), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(Npat), ## INTEGER
## as.numeric(labelnp), ## REAL
## as.numeric(para$max_aG),
## as.numeric(para$mu_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.integer(burnin), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(printFreq),
## as.integer(probIndex),
## as.integer(thin),
## as.integer(thinned.sample),
## as.double(min_proposalSD),
## as.double(max_proposalSD),
## package = "lmeNBBayes"
## )
## if (thinned.sample){
## B <- (B - burnin)/thin
## }
## }else{
## re <- .Call("Beta1",
## as.numeric(Y), ## REAL
## as.numeric(X), ## REAL
## as.integer(mID), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(B), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(maxni), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(Npat), ## INTEGER
## as.numeric(labelnp), ## REAL
## as.numeric(para$max_aG),
## as.numeric(para$mu_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta), ## REAL
## as.integer(burnin), ## INTEGER
## as.integer(printFreq),
## as.integer(probIndex),
## as.integer(thin),
## package = "lmeNBBayes"
## )
## }
## ##
## ## for ( i in 1:4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
## re[[3]] <- matrix(re[[3]],nrow=B,ncol= Npat, byrow=TRUE) ##
## re[[4]] <- matrix(re[[4]],nrow=B,byrow=TRUE)[,1:pCov] ## ncol=pCov
## re[[7]] <- matrix(re[[7]],nrow=(Btilde-burnin)/thin,ncol=Npat,byrow=TRUE)
## names(re) <- c("aG","rG",
## "g1s",
## "beta",
## "AR","prp",
## "condProb",
## "logL"
## )
## if (probIndex)
## {
## ## patients with no new scans
## if (sum(patwoNorO < 0) > 1) patwoNorO <- NULL
## re$condProb[,patwoNorO] <- NA
## }
## re$para$max_aG <- para$max_aG
## if (Reduce) names(re$prp) <- names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG",paste("beta",1:pCov,sep=""))
## else{ names(re$prp) <- names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG","beta")}
## }
## if (thinned.sample){
## thin <- 1
## burnin <- 0
## }
## if (probIndex)
## {
## re$para$labelnp <- labelnp
## re$condProbSummary <- condProbCI(ID,re$condProb)
## rownames(re$condProbSummary) <- uniID
## }
## re$para$CEL <- Y
## re$para$ID <- temID ## return original IDs
## re$para$X <- Xmodmat
## re$para$Sigma_beta <- para$Sigma_beta
## re$para$mu_beta <- para$mu_beta
## names(re$para$mu_beta[1:pCov]) <- rownames(re$para$Sigma_beta[1:pCov,])<-
## colnames(re$para$Sigma_beta[,1:pCov] ) <- colnames(re$beta) <- covariatesNames
## re$para$B <- B
## re$para$burnin <- burnin
## re$para$thin <- thin
## re$para$probIndex <- probIndex
## re$para$Reduce <- Reduce
## re$para$burnin <- burnin
## re$para$DP <- DP
## re$para$thinned.sample <- thinned.sample
## re$para$formula <- formula
## class(re) <- "LinearMixedEffectNBBayes"
## return (re)
## }
## inpheatmap <- function(mat)
## {
## B = nrow(mat)
## mat <- .Call("map_c",
## as.integer(c(mat)),
## as.integer(ncol(mat)),
## as.integer(B), package = "lmeNBBayes")/B
## diag(mat) = 1;
## return(mat);
## }
## hm <- function(matBN,
## aveCEL,
## main="",
## minbin=0.5)
## {
## ## This function is designed to summarize a dataset such that
## ## the random effects of the first 100 pat are from dist1 and
## ## the random effects of second 100 pat are from dist2.
## ## Input is a B by N matrix, each row contains the cluster labels
## ## Based on this input, first, compute the similarity matrix:
## inphm <- inpheatmap(matBN)
## m.hmps <- 1 - inphm
## ord <- 1:ncol(matBN)
## ## reorder the patients within dist1/dist2 based on the dissimilarity measure
## ## ord <- c(order.dendrogram(as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(m.hmps)))))
## spacedID <- rep(NA,ncol(matBN))
## for (i in 1 : ncol(matBN))
## {
## if (aveCEL[i] < 0.5 )
## spacedID[i] <- ""
## if (aveCEL[i] >= 0.5 & aveCEL[i] < 1 )
## spacedID[i] <- "-"
## else if (aveCEL[i] >= 1 & aveCEL[i] < 2 )
## spacedID[i] <- "--"
## else if (aveCEL[i] >= 2 & aveCEL[i] < 3 )
## spacedID[i] <- "---"
## else if (aveCEL[i] >= 3 & aveCEL[i] < 4 )
## spacedID[i] <- "----"
## else if (aveCEL[i] >= 4 & aveCEL[i] < 5 )
## spacedID[i] <- "-----"
## else if (aveCEL[i] >= 5 & aveCEL[i] < 6 )
## spacedID[i] <- "------"
## else if (aveCEL[i] >= 6 & aveCEL[i] < 7 )
## spacedID[i] <- "-------"
## else if (aveCEL[i] >= 7 & aveCEL[i] < 8 )
## spacedID[i] <- "--------"
## else if (aveCEL[i] >= 8 & aveCEL[i] < 9 )
## spacedID[i] <- "---------"
## else if (aveCEL[i] >= 9 & aveCEL[i] < 10)
## spacedID[i] <- "----------"
## else if (aveCEL[i] >= 10)
## spacedID[i] <- "-----------"
## }
## rownames(inphm) <- colnames(inphm) <- spacedID
## ## Finally, plot the levelplot
## library(lattice)
## xmins <- c(0.01,0.5,0.01,0.5)
## xmaxs <- c(0.49,1,0.49,1)
## ymins <- c(0.5,0.5,0.01,0.01)
## ymaxs <- c(1,1,0.51,0.51)
## levelplot(inphm[ord,ord],
## labels = list(cex=0.01),
## at = do.breaks(c(minbin, 1.01), 20),
## scales = list(x = list(rot = 90)),
## aspect = "iso",
## colorkey=list(text=3,labels=list(cex=2)),
## xlab= "",ylab="",
## region = TRUE,
## col.regions=gray.colors(100,start = 1, end = 0),
## main=paste(main,sep="")
## ##,par.settings=list(fontsize=list(text=15))
## )
## ## The posterior sample of label vector H1s contains the cluster labels.
## ## The distinct advantage of our DP mixture model is its ability to classify the patients into
## ## the un-prespecified number of clusters.
## ##
## ## Given B posterior samples of the label vectors of old scans H_1, for all combinations of the pairs of patients,
## ## the average times that paired patients belong to the same cluster are recorded to create single Npat by Npat
## ## similarity matrix.
## ## The level map is created with this similarity matrix where
## ## both row and column are reordered based on the result of hierarchical clustering on the similarity matrix (1-similarity matrix)
## ##
## }
## proG1LeG2 <- function(gsBbyN,g2sBbyN,beta=TRUE)
## {
## if (is.vector(gsBbyN))
## {
## gsBbyN <- matrix(gsBbyN,ncol=1)
## g2sBbyN <- matrix(g2sBbyN,ncol=1)
## }
## if(beta)
## {
## ## compare gPre >= gNew which is equivalent to
## ## (1-gPre)/gPre <= (1-gNew)/gNew
## temp <- gsBbyN
## gsBbyN <-g2sBbyN
## g2sBbyN <- temp
## }
## ##temp <- gsBbyN-g2sBbyN <= 0
## ## pG1G2 <- colMeans(temp)
## ##gsBbyN <- apply(gsBbyN,2,sort,decreasing=FALSE)
## ##g2sBbyN <- apply(g2sBbyN,2,sort,decreasing=FALSE)
## N <- ncol(gsBbyN)
## pG1G2 <- colMeans(gsBbyN < g2sBbyN)
## ## for (ipat in 1 : N)
## ## {
## ## g1 <- gsBbyN[,ipat]
## ## g2 <- g2sBbyN[,ipat]
## ## pG1G2[ipat] <- .Call("pG1LeG2_c",
## ## as.numeric(g1),
## ## as.numeric(g2),
## ## package = "lmeNBBayes"
## ## )
## ## }
## return(pG1G2)
## }
## tempCmat <- function(A,B){
## hi <- .Call("tempFun2",
## as.numeric(c(A)), as.integer(nrow(A)),as.integer(ncol(A)),
## as.numeric(c(B)), as.integer(ncol(B)),
## package="lmeNBBayes")[[1]]
## return(matrix(hi,nrow=Arow,ncol=Bcol))
## }
## tempC <- function(n,mu,Sigma){
## temp <- eigen(Sigma)
## evalue <- temp$value
## evec <- c(temp$vector)
## S <- matrix(NA,n,nrow(Sigma))
## for (i in 1 : n)
## S[i,] <- .Call("tempFun",as.numeric(mu),as.double(evalue),as.double(evec),package="lmeNBBayes")[[1]]
## return (S)
## }
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