
Defines functions cov2corNA intfun E.KN cor2cov logL.G logL.aGh.rGh log.choose llk.FG_i llk.FG getDIC.FG getDIC_aGh.rGh.G getDIC tempCdens index.batch.Bayes condProbCI newCat repeatAsID slim lnpara invlnpara lnpara int.M piM lmeNBBayes print.LinearMixedEffectNBBayes prIndex UsedPara plotbeta plotlnorm useSamp dqmix momBeta momGL F_inv_beta2 index.b.each numfun.norm denfun.norm index.gammas numfun.YZ denfun.YZ index.YZ getS.StatInMed getTrueProb mixgamma getM Nuniq pointsgamma plotgamma plotnbinom plotHistAcf plotGs

Documented in condProbCI dqmix E.KN getDIC getM getS.StatInMed index.batch.Bayes index.b.each index.YZ int.M llk.FG_i lmeNBBayes lnpara newCat Nuniq piM plotbeta plotgamma plotGs plotnbinom pointsgamma prIndex print.LinearMixedEffectNBBayes repeatAsID slim useSamp

## ===== Subroutines for multMeta =========
cov2corNA <- function(x)
  cv2cr <- x
  cv2cr[!is.na(x)] <- cov2cor(matrix(x[!is.na(x)],
  ##diag(cv2cr) <- 1

intfun <-  function(D,meanlog,sdlog,N)  D*log(1+N/D)*dlnorm(D,meanlog,sdlog)
E.KN <- function(N,meanlog,sdlog,width=3)
    ## compute E(K|N) v.s. mD under D ~ dlnorm(meanlog,sdlog)
    l <- integrate(f=intfun,lower=0,
                   upper=exp(meanlog - width * sdlog),
    m <- integrate(f=intfun,
                   lower=exp(meanlog - width * sdlog),
                   upper=exp(meanlog + width * sdlog),
    u <- integrate(f=intfun,
                   lower=exp(meanlog + width * sdlog), upper=Inf,
    return(l + m + u)

cor2cov <- function(cor.mat,sd.vec)
  cov.mat <- cor.mat
  temp <- cov.mat*sd.vec ## each row of cov.mat is multiplied by each entry of sd.vec
  temp <- t(t(temp)*sd.vec) 

adjustPosDef <- function (mat,zero=1e-15) 
    eg <- eigen(mat)
    if (sum(eg$values < zero) > 0) {
        note <- "The non positive semi-definite-ness is adjusted by the truncation"
        adjust.mat <- 0
        for (i in 1:length(eg$values)) adjust.mat <- adjust.mat + 
            max(c(eg$values[i], zero)) * outer(eg$vector[, i], 
                eg$vector[, i])
        if (!is.null(colnames(mat))) {
            colnames(adjust.mat) <- colnames(mat)
            rownames(adjust.mat) <- rownames(mat)
    else {
        adjust.mat <- mat
        note <- "The matrix is already positive semi-definite"
    return(list(adjust.mat = adjust.mat, note = note))

logL.G <- function(Y,ID,
    ## focused likelihood Pr(Yij | beta, G)
    ## gPre, gNre is a vector of length N
    ## if (is.null(vec.gNew)) labelnp <- rep(0,length(Y))

    if (is.vector(X))
      X <- matrix(X,ncol=1)
    logL <- 0
    uniID <- unique(ID)
    for (ipat in 1 : length(uniID) )
        patID <- uniID[ipat]
        iY <- Y[ID==patID]
        iX <- X[ID==patID,,drop=FALSE]
        i.gPre <- vec.gPre[ipat]
        logL <- logL + sum(dnbinom(iY,
    return (logL)

logL.aGh.rGh <- function(Y,ID,
                  vec.aGs,vec.rGs ## LENGTH OF N
    ## focused likelihood Pr(Yij | beta, aGs[h], rGs[h])
    ## gPre, gNre is a vector of length N
    ## if (is.null(vec.gNew)) labelnp <- rep(0,length(Y))
    if (is.vector(X))
      X <- matrix(X,ncol=1)
    logL <- 0
    uniID <- unique(ID)
    for (ipat in 1 : length(uniID) )
        patID <- uniID[ipat]
        iY <- Y[ID==patID]
        iX <- X[ID==patID,,drop=FALSE]
        aGh <- vec.aGs[ipat]
        rGh <- vec.rGs[ipat]
        Lchoose <- log.choose(a=exp(iX%*%vec.beta),n=iY)
        logL <- logL + sum(Lchoose)+
    return (logL)

log.choose <- function(a,n)
    ## Compute choose(a+n-1,n) for non-integer a
llk.FG_i <- function(ys,rs,aGs,bGs,ps)
  ## Pr( {Yij}_j=1^ni | beta, F_G )
  ##     = prod_{j=1}^ni choose(rij+yij-1,yij)*sum_ih^M ps[ih]*beta(r_ip+ +aGs[ih], y_ip+ +bGs[ih])/beta(aGs[ih],bGs[ih])
  ## ys: length ni
  ## rs: length ni
  ## aGs: length M
  ## rGs: length M
  ## ps: length M
  term1 <- sum(log.choose(a=rs,n=ys))
  ratio <- exp(lbeta(sum(rs)+aGs,sum(ys)+bGs) - lbeta(aGs,bGs))
  term2 <- log(sum(ps*ratio))
llk.FG <- function(Ys,Xs,ID,mat.beta,mat.aGs,mat.bGs,mat.ps)
    ## mat.aGs: B* by M where B* = length(useSample)
    ## mat.bGs: B* by M
    ## mat.ps:  B* by M
    uniID <- unique(ID)
    llkeach <- rep(NA,nrow(mat.aGs))
    for (iB in 1 : nrow(mat.aGs))
        beta <- mat.beta[iB,]
        aGs <- mat.aGs[iB,]
        bGs <- mat.bGs[iB,]
        ps <- mat.ps[iB,]

        temp.llk <- 0
        for (ipat in 1 : length(uniID))
            Yi <- Ys[ID==uniID[ipat]]
            Xi <- Xs[ID==uniID[ipat],,drop=FALSE]
            rs <- exp(Xi%*%beta) ## length ni
            temp.llk <- temp.llk + llk.FG_i(ys=Yi,rs=rs,aGs=aGs,bGs=bGs,ps=ps)
            if (!is.finite(temp.llk)) stop("!!")

        llkeach[iB] <- temp.llk

getDIC.FG <- function(olmeNBB, data, ID, useSample, lower.alpha=0.0001,upper.alpha=0.99999,inc.alpha=0.0005)
    ## focused likelihood = P( Yi | beta, F_G )
    alphas <- seq(lower.alpha,upper.alpha,inc.alpha)
    ## focused likelihood integrates out the component labels
    ## P( Yij, j=1,..,ni | beta, RE dist)
    formula <- olmeNBB$para$formula
    X <- model.matrix(object = formula, data = data)
    Y <- model.response(model.frame(formula = formula, data = data))

    if (olmeNBB$para$DP == 0) stop("Use getDIC for parametric Bayesian procedure")
    if (is.vector(olmeNBB$beta)) 
        olmeNBB$beta <- matrix(olmeNBB$beta, ncol = 1)
    D.bar <- -2*mean(llk.FG(Ys=Y,Xs=X,ID=ID,
                            mat.beta = olmeNBB$beta[useSample,, drop = FALSE],
                            mat.aGs  = olmeNBB$aGs[useSample,, drop = FALSE],
                            mat.bGs = olmeNBB$rGs[useSample,, drop = FALSE],
                            mat.ps = olmeNBB$weightH1[useSample,,drop=FALSE]))
    ## compute the Pr( {Yij}_{j=1}^ni | bar.beta, bar.F_G)
    ## return a length(alphas) by length(B) matrix
    qM <- dqmix(
                weightH1 = olmeNBB$weightH1[useSample,],
                aGs = olmeNBB$aGs[useSample,],
                rGs = olmeNBB$rGs[useSample,],
                alphas = alphas, ## the grid of points at which the density is evaluated
    ## bar.F_G is computed by averaging the estimated density at each grid of points
    aggregate.dens <- colMeans(qM)
    ## bar.beta is average of beta^{(b)} after thinning 
    aggregate.beta <- colMeans(olmeNBB$beta[useSample,,drop=FALSE])

    llk.pat <- 0
    uniID <- unique(ID)
    for (ipat in 1 : length(uniID))
        ys <- Y[ID==uniID[ipat]]
        xs <- X[ID==uniID[ipat],,drop=FALSE]
        rs <- exp(xs%*%aggregate.beta)
        ## Pr( {Yij}_j=1^ni | bar.beta, bar.F_G) = int_0^1 prod_{j=1}^ni Pr( Yij | bar.beta, g) bar.f_G(g) dg
        vec.dens <- rep(NA,length(alphas))
        for (ialpha in 1 : length(alphas)){
          vec.dens[ialpha]<- prod(dnbinom(ys,size=rs,prob=alphas[ialpha]))*aggregate.dens[ialpha]
        llk.pat <- llk.pat + log(sum(vec.dens*inc.alpha))
    D.hat <- -2 *llk.pat
    effect.para <- D.bar - D.hat
    DIC <- effect.para + D.bar
    return(list(DIC = DIC, effect.para = effect.para))

getDIC_aGh.rGh.G <- function(olmeNBB,data,ID,useSample)
  formula <- olmeNBB$para$formula
  X <- model.matrix(object=formula,data=data)
  Y <- model.response(model.frame(formula=formula,data=data))
  ## The effective number of parameters of the model is computed
  ## Dbar: posterior mean of the deviance bar(-2*logLlik)
  D.bar <- -2*mean(olmeNBB$logL[useSample]) ## + constant
  ## Dhat: -2*logLik(theta.bar)
  if (is.vector(olmeNBB$beta)) olmeNBB$beta <- matrix(olmeNBB$beta,ncol=1)
  ##if (is.vector(olmeNBB$gNew)) olmeNBB$gNew <- matrix(olmeNBB$gNew,ncol=1)
  ##if (olmeNBB$para$Reduce){
    if (olmeNBB$para$DP==0)
        ## parametric procedure:
        olmeNBB$aGs_pat <- matrix(olmeNBB$aG,nrow=length(olmeNBB$aG),ncol=length(unique(ID)))
        olmeNBB$rGs_pat <- matrix(olmeNBB$rG,nrow=length(olmeNBB$rG),ncol=length(unique(ID)))
    ## Pr( { Yij }_j=1^ni | beta, aGh, rGh)
    D.hat <- -2*logL.aGh.rGh(Y=Y,ID=ID,X=X,
                             vec.beta = colMeans(olmeNBB$beta[useSample,,drop=FALSE]), 
                             vec.aGs = colMeans(olmeNBB$aGs_pat[useSample,,drop=FALSE]),
                             vec.rGs = colMeans(olmeNBB$rGs_pat[useSample,,drop=FALSE])
  ## }else{
  ##   ## Pr( { Yij }_j=1^ni | beta, G)
  ##   D.hat <- -2*logL.G(Y=Y,ID=ID,X=X,
  ##                    vec.beta = colMeans(olmeNBB$beta[useSample,,drop=FALSE]),
  ##                    vec.gPre = colMeans(olmeNBB$g1s[useSample,,drop=FALSE])
  ##                    )
  ## }
  effect.para <- D.bar - D.hat
  DIC <- effect.para + D.bar
  return (list(DIC=DIC,effect.para=effect.para))

getDIC <- function(olmeNBB, data,
                  ID, useSample=NULL,focus = c("FG","G","aGh.rGh","para"), 
  if (length(focus)==1) focus <- focus[1]
  if (is.null(useSample)) useSample <- 1 : olmeNBB$para$B
  ## Pr(Yij | beta, aGs[h], rGs[h], pis[ih], ih=1,...,M ) works only for semiparametric procedure
  if (focus== "FG")
    re <- getDIC.FG(olmeNBB=olmeNBB, data=data,
                    ID=ID, useSample=useSample,
  ## Pr(Yij | beta, aGs[h], rGs[h], pis[ih])
  ## Pr(Yij | beta, G)
  if (focus %in% c("G","aGh.rGh","para"))
    re <- getDIC_aGh.rGh.G(olmeNBB=olmeNBB,data=data,

tempCdens <- function(mu,Sigma,Random){
  eS <- eigen(Sigma)
  ev <- eS$values;evec <- eS$vector
  return( mu + evec %*% diag(ev) %*% (Random))
index.batch.Bayes <- function(data,labelnp,ID,olmeNBB,thin=NULL,printFreq=10^5,unExpIncrease=TRUE)
    burnin <- olmeNBB$para$burnin
    if (is.null(thin))
        if (is.null(olmeNBB$para$thin))  thin <- 1
        else  thin <- olmeNBB$para$thin
    formula <- olmeNBB$para$formula
    X <- model.matrix(object=formula,data=data)
    Y <- model.response(model.frame(formula=formula,data=data))

    if (is.vector(X)) X <- matrix(X,ncol=1)
    NtotAll <- length(Y)
    if (nrow(X)!= NtotAll) stop ("nrow(X) != length(Y)")
    if (length(ID)!= NtotAll)  stop ("length(ID)!= length(Y)")
    if (length(labelnp)!= NtotAll)  stop ("labelnp!= length(Y)")
    if (olmeNBB$para$DP==0)
        olmeNBB$aGs <- matrix(olmeNBB$aG,ncol=1)
        olmeNBB$rGs <- matrix(olmeNBB$rG,ncol=1)
        olmeNBB$weightH1 <- matrix(1,ncol=1,nrow=length(olmeNBB$aGs))
    useSample <- useSamp(thin=thin, burnin=burnin, B=nrow(olmeNBB$beta))
    maxni <- max(tapply(rep(1,length(ID)),ID,sum))

    ## change the index of ID to numeric from 1 to # patients
    temID <- ID  
    Npat <- length(unique(temID))
    uniID <- unique(temID)
    ID <- rep(NA,length(temID))
    for (i in 1 : length(uniID))
        ID[temID == uniID[i]] <- i
    ## ID starts from zero
    mID <- ID-1

    mat_betas <- olmeNBB$beta[useSample,,drop=FALSE]
    mat_aGs <- olmeNBB$aGs[useSample,,drop=FALSE]
    mat_rGs <- olmeNBB$rGs[useSample,,drop=FALSE]
    mat_weightH1 <- olmeNBB$weightH1[useSample,,drop=FALSE]
    B <- nrow(mat_betas) 
    M <- ncol(olmeNBB$aGs)
    if (unExpIncrease){
      re <- .Call("index_b_Bayes_UnexpIncrease",
                  as.numeric(Y), as.numeric(c(X)),
                  as.numeric(labelnp), as.integer(mID),
                  package ="lmeNBBayes")
      re <- .Call("index_b_Bayes_UnexpDecrease",
                  as.numeric(Y), as.numeric(c(X)),
                  as.numeric(labelnp), as.integer(mID),
                  package ="")
    re <- matrix(re[[1]],nrow=B,ncol=Npat,byrow=TRUE)
    colnames(re) <- unique(temID)
    rownames(re) <- paste("sim",1:B,sep="")
    ## the labelnp of patients only with 1 (new scans) labels are replaced by all 0 (old scans)
    patwonew <- which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==0),ID,sum)==0)==1)
    for (i in 1 : length(patwonew)) labelnp[ID == patwonew[i]] <- 0
    patwoNorO <-  which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==1),ID,sum)==0)==1)
    if (length(patwoNorO)==0) patwoNorO <- NULL;

    re[,patwoNorO] <- NA

    res <- list()
    res$condProb <- re
    res$condProbSummary <- condProbCI(ID=temID,condProb=re)
    res$para$labelnp <- labelnp
    res$para$ID <-ID
    res$para$CEL <- Y
    res$para$thin <- thin
    res$para$B <- B
    res$para$burnin <- burnin
    class(res) <- "IndexBatch"

condProbCI <- function(ID,condProb)
    uniID <- unique(ID)
    condProb <- cbind(
    colnames(condProb) <- c("CondProb","SE","2.5%","97.5%")
    rownames(condProb) <- uniID

newCat <- function(label1,label2)
    ## The length of label1 and label2 are the same
    newCat <- rep(0,length(label1))
    ## label1 and label2 must be at the same length
    for (ilabel1 in unique(label1))
        for (ilabel2 in unique(label2))
            newCat[label1==ilabel1 & label2 == ilabel2] <- paste(ilabel1,ilabel2,collapse=":",sep=":")
    return (as.factor(newCat))

repeatAsID <-function(values,ID)
    ## ID does not have to be numerics
    ## values is a vector of length length(unique(ID))
    ivalue <- 1
    output <- rep(NA,length(ID))
    for (iID in unique(ID))
        output[ID==iID] <- values[ivalue]
        ivalue <- ivalue + 1
    return (output)

slim <- function(vec,ID)

    uniID <- unique(ID)
    re <- rep(NA,length(uniID))
    for (i in 1 : length(uniID))
        re[i] <- vec[ID==uniID[i]][1]

lnpara <- function(EX,SDX){
  ## log(D) ~ normal(mean=mulog,sd=sdlog) 
  ## D ~ log-normal(meanlog=meanlog,sdlog=sdlog)
  ## Given the desired E(D) and SD(D), find meanlog = E(log(D)) and sdlog = SD(log(D)) parameters of log-normal

  ## E(logX) = exp(EX + SDX^2/2)
  ## Var(logX) = ( exp(SDX^2) - 1 )*exp(2*EX + SDX^2 ) = ( exp(SDX^2) - 1 )*( E(logX)^2 )
  temp <- (SDX^2)/(EX^2) 
  meanlog <- log(EX)-log(temp+1)/2
  sdlog <- sqrt(log(1+temp))

invlnpara <- function(meanlog,sdlog){
  ## log(D) ~ normal(mean=mulog,sd=sdlog) 
  ## D ~ log-normal(meanlog=meanlog,sdlog=sdlog)
  ## Given the desired E(D) and SD(D), find meanlog = E(log(D)) and sdlog = SD(log(D)) parameters of log-normal
  mean <- exp(meanlog+(sdlog^2)/2)

lnpara <- function(EX,SDX){
  ## log(D) ~ normal(mean=mulog,sd=sdlog) 
  ## D ~ log-normal(meanlog=meanlog,sdlog=sdlog)
  ## Given the desired E(D) and SD(D), find meanlog = E(log(D)) and sdlog = SD(log(D)) parameters of log-normal

  temp <- (SDX^2)/(EX^2) 
  meanlog <- log(EX)-log(temp+1)/2
  sdlog <- sqrt(log(1+temp))

int.M <- function(D,M,mean.norm,sd.norm){
  if (M == 1)

piM <- function(mean.norm=0, sd.norm=1, width=2,M) {
  integral.l <- integrate(f=int.M, lower=0, upper=exp(mean.norm - width * sd.norm),
                          mean.norm=mean.norm, sd.norm=sd.norm,M=M)$value
  integral.m <- integrate(f=int.M, lower=exp(mean.norm - width * sd.norm),
                          upper=exp(mean.norm + width * sd.norm),
                          mean.norm=mean.norm, sd.norm=sd.norm,M=M)$value
  integral.u <- integrate(f=int.M, lower=exp(mean.norm + width * sd.norm), upper=Inf,
                          mean.norm=mean.norm, sd.norm=sd.norm,M=M)$value
  return(integral.l + integral.m + integral.u)

lmeNBBayes <- function(formula,          ##   A vector of length sum ni, containing responses
                       ##   A sum ni by p matrix, containing covariate values. The frist column must be 1 (Intercept)
                       ID,         ##   A Vector of length sum ni, indicating patients
                       B = 105000, ##     A scalar, the number of Gibbs iteration 
                       burnin = 5000,  
                       printFreq = B,
                       M = NULL,
                       probIndex = FALSE,
                       thin =1, ## optional
                       labelnp=NULL, ## necessary if probIndex ==1
                       epsilonM = 1e-4,## nonpara
                       para = list(mu_beta = NULL,Sigma_beta = NULL,max_aG=30,mu_lnD=NULL,sd_lnD=NULL),
                       proposalSD = NULL
                       ## Does not matter if DP=FALSE
    Xmodmat <- model.matrix(object=formula,data=data)
    covariatesNames<- colnames(Xmodmat)
    Y <- model.response(model.frame(formula=formula,data=data))
    ## If ID is a character vector of length sum ni,
    ## it is modified to an integer vector, indicating the first appearing patient
    ## as 1, the second one as 2, and so on..

    ## This code generate samples from NBRE model with constant random effect ~ DP mixture of Beta
    if (is.vector(Xmodmat)) Xmodmat <- matrix(Xmodmat,ncol=1)
    NtotAll <- length(Y)
    if (nrow(Xmodmat)!= NtotAll) stop ("nrow(Xmodmat) != length(Y)")
    if (length(ID)!= NtotAll)  stop ("length(ID)!= length(Y)")
    if (!is.null(labelnp) & length(labelnp)!= NtotAll)  stop ("labelnp!= length(Y)")
    if (thinned.sample & (!is.numeric(thin)) & (!is.numeric(burnin)))
      stop("If you only want thinned samples, you must give the thinning and burnin parameters")
    dims <- dim(Xmodmat)
    Ntot <- dims[1]
    pCov <- dims[2]
    ## proposalSD
    if (is.null(proposalSD)) proposalSD <- list() 
    if (is.null(proposalSD$min$aG))   proposalSD$min$aG <- 0.05
    if (is.null(proposalSD$min$rG))   proposalSD$min$rG <- 0.05
    if (is.null(proposalSD$min$beta)) proposalSD$min$beta <- 1e-4
    if (is.null(proposalSD$max$aG))   proposalSD$max$aG <- 5
    if (is.null(proposalSD$max$rG))   proposalSD$max$rG <- 5
    if (is.null(proposalSD$max$beta)) proposalSD$max$beta <- 10
    ## prior para
    if (is.null(para$mu_beta)) para$mu_beta <- rep(0,pCov)
    if (is.null(para$Sigma_beta))para$Sigma_beta <- diag(10,pCov)
    if (is.null(para$max_aG)) para$max_aG <- 30
    ## Checker
    if (length(para$mu_beta)!=ncol(Xmodmat))
      stop("The dimension of the fixed effect hyperparameter is wrong!")
    if (!is.matrix(para$Sigma_beta) & length(para$Sigma_beta)==1) para$Sigma_beta <- matrix(para$Sigma_beta,1,1)
    if (nrow(para$Sigma_beta) != ncol(Xmodmat) || ncol(para$Sigma_beta) != ncol(Xmodmat) ) stop()
    if (DP)
        ## Additional arguments:
        ## para$mu_lnD, para$sd_lnD, their corresponding proposal variance's upper and lower bounds and M
        EX <- 0.5
        SDX <- 0.5
        logDpara <- lnpara(EX=EX,SDX=SDX)
        if (is.null(para$mu_lnD)){
          para$mu_lnD <- logDpara$meanlog
        if (is.null(para$sd_lnD)){
          para$sd_lnD <- logDpara$sdlog
        if (length(para$mu_lnD) != 1 ||length(para$sd_lnD) != 1) stop()
        atlnD <- length(para$mu_beta)
        if (is.null(proposalSD$min$lnD)) proposalSD$min$lnD <- 1e-6
        if (is.null(proposalSD$max$lnD)) proposalSD$max$lnD <- 1
        if (is.null(M)){
          for (M in 1 : 1000)
              EpiM <- piM(M=M,
            if (EpiM < epsilonM ) break
    eigenTemp <- eigen(para$Sigma_beta)
    evalue_sigma_beta <- eigenTemp$values
    evec_sigma_beta <- c(eigenTemp$vector)
    if (min(evalue_sigma_beta) <= 0) stop("Sigma_beta must be positive definite!")
    Inv_sigma_beta <- c( solve(para$Sigma_beta) )

    X <- c(Xmodmat) ## {xij} = { x_{1,1},x_{2,1},..,x_{Ntot,1},x_{1,2},....,x_{Ntot,p} }

    ## change the index of ID to numeric from 1 to # patients
    temID <- ID  
    N <- length(unique(temID))
    uniID <- unique(temID)
    ID <- rep(NA,length(temID))
    for (i in 1 : length(uniID))
        ID[temID == uniID[i]] <- i
    mID <- ID-1
    ## the labelnp of patients only with 1 (new scans) labels are replaced by all 0 (old scans)
    maxni <- max(tapply(rep(1,length(ID)),ID,sum))
    Npat <- length(unique(ID))
    if (probIndex)
        ## the labelnp of patients only with 1 (new scans) labels are replaced by all 0 (old scans)
        patwonew <- which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==0),ID,sum)==0)==1)
        for (i in 1 : length(patwonew)) labelnp[ID == patwonew[i]] <- 0
        patwoNorO <-  which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==1),ID,sum)==0)==1)
        if (length(patwoNorO)==0) patwoNorO <- -1000;
        labelnp <- rep(0,length(Y))
    Btilde <- B
    if (B %% thin != 0 ) stop("B %% thin !=0")
    if (burnin %% thin !=0) stop("burnin %% thin !=0")
    min_proposalSD <- c(aG=proposalSD$min$aG,rG=proposalSD$min$rG,beta=proposalSD$min$beta);
    max_proposalSD <- c(aG=proposalSD$max$aG,rG=proposalSD$max$rG,beta=proposalSD$max$beta);
    if (DP)
        cat("\n M:",M)
        min_proposalSD <- c( min_proposalSD,D=proposalSD$min$lnD)
        max_proposalSD <- c( max_proposalSD,D=proposalSD$max$lnD)
        if (length(min_proposalSD) != 4 ||length(max_proposalSD) != 4) stop()

        re <- .Call("ReduceDmvn",
                    as.numeric(Y),           ## REAL
                    as.numeric(X),           ## REAL
                    as.integer(mID),         ## INTEGER
                    as.integer(B),           ## INTEGER
                    as.integer(maxni),       ## INTEGER
                    as.integer(Npat),        ## INTEGER
                    as.numeric(labelnp),     ## REAL
                    as.numeric(para$mu_beta),     ## REAL
                    as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
                    as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta),  ## REAL

                    as.numeric(para$mu_lnD),  ## REAL
                    as.integer(burnin),      ## INTEGER
                    package = "lmeNBBayes"
        if (thinned.sample){
          B <- (B - burnin)/thin
        for ( i in 13 : 14 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],nrow=B,ncol=Npat,byrow=TRUE)
        names(re) <- c("aGs","rGs","vs","weightH1",
        ## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8720550/how-to-return-array-of-structs-from-call-to-c-shared-library-in-r
        for ( i in 1 : 4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],nrow=B,ncol=M,byrow=TRUE)
        re[[5]]  <- matrix(re[[5]],nrow=(Btilde-burnin)/thin,ncol=Npat,byrow=TRUE)
        for ( i in 6 : 7 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],nrow=B,ncol=Npat,byrow=TRUE)
        re[[8]] <- matrix(re[[8]],nrow=B,ncol= pCov,byrow=TRUE)## ncol= pCov or pCov + 1
        if (probIndex)
            ## patients with no new scans
            if (sum(patwoNorO < 0) > 1) patwoNorO <- NULL
            re$condProb[,patwoNorO] <- NA
            re$condProb <- NULL
        names(re$prp) <- names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG","beta","D")

      }else{ ## NOT DP

        re <- .Call("Beta1reduce",
                    as.numeric(Y),           ## REAL
                    as.numeric(X),           ## REAL
                    as.integer(mID),         ## INTEGER
                    as.integer(B),           ## INTEGER
                    as.integer(maxni),       ## INTEGER
                    as.integer(Npat),        ## INTEGER
                    as.numeric(labelnp),     ## REAL
                    as.numeric(para$mu_beta),     ## REAL
                    as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
                    as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
                    as.integer(burnin),      ## INTEGER
                    package = "lmeNBBayes"
        if (thinned.sample){
          B <- (B - burnin)/thin
        re[[3]] <- matrix(re[[3]],nrow=B,ncol= Npat, byrow=TRUE) ## 
        re[[4]] <- matrix(re[[4]],nrow=B,ncol=pCov,byrow=TRUE)
        re[[7]]  <- matrix(re[[7]],nrow=(Btilde-burnin)/thin,ncol=Npat,byrow=TRUE)
        names(re) <- c("aG","rG",
        if (probIndex)
            ## patients with no new scans
            if (sum(patwoNorO < 0) > 1) patwoNorO <- NULL
            re$condProb[,patwoNorO] <- NA
        names(re$prp) <- names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG","beta")
    if (thinned.sample){
      thin <- 1
      burnin <- 0
    if (probIndex)
        re$para$labelnp <- labelnp
        re$condProbSummary <- condProbCI(ID,re$condProb)
        rownames(re$condProbSummary) <- uniID
    re$para <- para
    names(re$para$mu_beta) <- rownames(re$para$Sigma_beta)<-
      colnames(re$para$Sigma_beta ) <- colnames(re$beta) <- covariatesNames
    re$para$CEL <- Y
    re$para$ID <- temID ## return original IDs
    re$para$X <- Xmodmat
    if (DP) re$para$M <- M
    re$para$B <- B
    re$para$burnin <- burnin
    re$para$thin <- thin
    re$para$probIndex <- probIndex
    re$para$burnin <- burnin
    re$para$DP <- DP
    re$para$thinned.sample <- thinned.sample
    re$para$formula <- formula
    re$para$min_proposalSD <-  min_proposalSD
    re$para$max_proposalSD <-  max_proposalSD
    re$para$proposalSD <-  proposalSD
    class(re) <- "LinearMixedEffectNBBayes"
    return (re)

print.LinearMixedEffectNBBayes <- function(x,...){

    para <- x$para
    if (is.vector(x$beta)) pCov <- 1 else pCov <- ncol(x$beta)
    cat("\n -----Negative binomial mixed effect regression----- ")
    if (para$DP){
      cat("\n ---random effect is from DP mixture of beta distributions---")
      cat("\n ---random effect is from a single beta distribution---")

    cat("\n====INPUT==== ")

    cat("\n formula: ");print(para$formula)
    if (is.null(para$thin))
      para$thin <- 1
    cat(paste(" MCMC parameters: B=",para$B,", burnin=",para$burnin,", thin=",para$thin,sep=""))
    ##if (para$Reduce)
    ##  {
        cat("\n The target distribution in McMC is a partially marginalized posterior distribution")
        cat("\n (random effects are integrated out).")
    ##  }
    cat("\n ------------------")
    cat("\n [[Hyperparameters]] ")
    cat("\n [Fixed Effect]       ")
    cat("\n beta ~ multivariate normal with mean and covariance matrix:\n  ")
    muSigma <- data.frame(para$mu_beta,"   |   ",para$Sigma_beta);
    colnames(muSigma) <- c("mean","   |   ","covariance",rep(" ",pCov-1))
    rownames(muSigma) <- names(para$mu_beta)
    cat(paste(" [Random effect dist'n] aG,rG ~ Unif(min=",0.5,", max=",para$max_aG,")",sep=""))
    if (para$DP){
      cat(paste("\n [Precision parameter]      D ~ Unif(min=",para$a_D,", max=",para$ib_D,")",sep=""))
      cat(paste("\n [Truncation parameter]     M = ",para$M,sep=""))

    if (!is.null(para$thin))
        useSample <- useSamp(B=para$B,thin=para$thin,burnin=para$burnin)
        useSampleAll <- FALSE

    cat("\n [Fixed effect]")
    if (para$DP){
       cat(" and [Precision parameter] \n")
       bb <- cbind(x$beta[useSample,],x$D[useSample])
       row.names =  c( names(para$mu_beta),"D")
      bb <- cbind(x$beta[useSample,])
       row.names = names(para$mu_beta)
    bsummary <- data.frame(colMeans(bb),apply(bb,2,sd),t(apply(bb,2,quantile,prob=c(0.025,0.975))),
                           row.names =  row.names)
    colnames(bsummary) <- c("Estimate","Std. Error","lower CI","upper CI")
    cat("\n Reported estimates are posterior means computed after discarding burn-in")
    if (para$thin==1){
      cat(". No Thinning.")
      cat(paste(" and thinning at every ",para$thin," samples.",sep=""))
    cat("\n Posterior mean of the logLikelihood",mean(x$logL[useSample]))
    cat("\n Acceptance Rate in Metropolice Hasting rates")
    cat("\n ",paste(names(x$AR),round(x$AR,4),sep=":"))

    if (para$probIndex)
        cat("\n ===== Conditional probability index ======\n")

print.IndexBatch <- prIndex <- function(x,...)
    condProb <- x$condProbSummary
    ID <- x$para$ID
    uniID <- unique(ID)
    CEL <- x$para$CEL
    labelnp <- x$para$labelnp
    ## condProb:: A length(uniID) by 3 matrix, first column: a point estimate,
    ## the second column lower CI, the third column upper CI
    ## index of patient, reorder the patients in the increasing ways of probability index1 
    Suborderps <- order(condProb[,1])
    ## ps[order(ps)[1]] == min(ps)
    ## contains the index (1,2,...,Npat) of pat in decreasing way of index1
    orderps <- uniID[Suborderps]
    ## contains the ID (integer but the increment is not always 1) of pat in increasing way
    r <- NULL
    patwoNO <- patwNew0 <- rep(NA,length(uniID))
    ## m1G_1 must be > 0
    ## \hat{ E(1/G) } - 1
    ii <- rep(NA,length(uniID))
    for (i in 1 : length(uniID) )
        i.orderp <- orderps[i]
        pickedIndex <- ID==i.orderp
        ## vector of length ID, containing TRUE if the position agree with the observations of ID orderps[i]
        pickedpt <- which(uniID==i.orderp)
        ## single element indicating the position of the orderps[i] in uniID
        CELpat <- CEL[pickedIndex]
        labelnppat <- labelnp[pickedIndex]
        CELpat0 <- CELpat[labelnppat==0]
        CELpat1 <- CELpat[labelnppat==1]
        if (length(CELpat0)==0) CELpat0 <- "--"
        if (length(CELpat1)==0)
            CELpat1 <- "--"
            patwNew0[i] <- FALSE
        patwNew0[i] <- sum(CELpat1,na.rm=TRUE)>0 ## TRUE if patients have sum of CEL counts on new scan greater than zero
        ## Patients with no new/old scans are omitted at the end
        patwoNO[i] <- !is.na(condProb[pickedpt,1]) ## TRUE if patients have a new scan and old scan  
        r <- rbind(r,
        ## ======== printable format =========;
        ii[i] <- paste(sprintf("%1.3f",condProb[pickedpt,1]),
                         " (",sprintf("%1.3f",condProb[pickedpt,3]),
    outp <- cbind(ii,r)
    colnames(outp) <- c("conditional probability","pre-scan","new-scan")
    rownames(outp) <- orderps

    cat("\n Estimated conditional probability index and its 95 % CI.")
    if (!is.null(x$para$qsum))
      cat("\n The scalar function to summarize new scans:",x$para$qsum)
    if (sum(patwoNO&patwNew0) > 0) print(data.frame(outp[patwoNO&patwNew0,,drop=FALSE]))
    else cat("\n No patient has CPI < 1")
    cat("\n Patients are ordered by decreasing conditional probability.")
    cat("\n Patients with no pre-scans or no new scans are not reported.")
    cat("\n Patients whose new scans are all zero are not reported as conditional probability of such patients are always one.\n")

UsedPara <- function(olmeNBB,getSample=FALSE)
    ## If getSample=TRUE, then outputDPFit must be the output of getSample with mod=4/3
    if (!getSample){
      o <- olmeNBB$para
      o <- olmeNBB
      o$DP <- TRUE

    UsedPara <- c(
    if (o$DP){
    return (UsedPara)

plotbeta <- function(shape1,shape2,poi=FALSE,col="red",lwd=1,lty=2)
    xs <- seq(0,1,0.001)
    if (!poi)plot(xs,dbeta(xs,shape1,shape2),type="l",col=col,lwd=lwd,lty=lty)
    else points(xs,dbeta(xs,shape1,shape2),type="l",col=col,lwd=lwd,lty=lty)
plotlnorm <- function(mulog,sdlog,poi=FALSE,col="red")
    xs <- seq(0,10,0.001)
    if (!poi) plot(xs,dlnorm(xs,mulog,sdlog),type="l",col=col)
    else points(xs,dlnorm(xs,mulog,sdlog),type="l",col=col)

useSamp <- function(thin,burnin,B)
    temp <- (1:B)*thin
    unadj <- temp[burnin < temp & temp <= B]
    start <- unadj[1] - burnin -1
    return (unadj-start)

dqmix <- function(weightH1,aGs,rGs,alphas=seq(0,0.99,0.01),dens=TRUE)
    ## return a B by length(alphas) matrix, containing the quantile estimates at each corresponding alphas  
    ## weightH1s: B by M matrix
    ## aGs: B by M matrix
    ## rGs: B by M matrix
    B <- nrow(aGs)
    M <- ncol(aGs)
    if(nrow(weightH1) != B) stop()
    if(ncol(weightH1) != M)stop()
    if(nrow(rGs) != B) stop()
    if(ncol(rGs) != M) stop()
    pis <- c(t(weightH1))
    aGs <- c(t(aGs))
    rGs <- c(t(rGs))
    if (dens)
        re <- .Call("mixdDist",
                    package ="lmeNBBayes")
        re <- .Call("mixQDist",
                    package ="lmeNBBayes")
    for (i in 1 : length(re)) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],nrow=B,ncol=length(alphas),byrow=TRUE)
    return (re)

######## subroutines for getS ##############

## Functions to compute E(Yij) and Var(Yij) assuming regression coefficients are random
momBeta <- function(aG,rG,mu.alpha=1.298,sigma.alpha=0.262,dig="%1.2f")
    ## Y | G, alpha ~ NB(size=exp(alpha),prob=G)
    ## G ~ Beta(aG,rG)
    ## alpha ~ N(mu.alpha,sigma.alpha)

    ## E(Y) = E(E(E(Y|G,alpha))) = E(E( [1/G - 1]exp(alpha))) = [ E(1/G)-1 ]*E(exp(alpha))
    ## E(1/G) = ...some calculations... = (aG+rG-1)/(aG-1)
    ## exp(alpha) ~ logN(mu.alpha,sigma.alpha)

    ## E(Y) = ( (aG+rG-1)/(aG-1)-1 )*exp(mu.alpha + sigma.alpha^2/2 )
    E1G <- (aG+rG-1)/(aG-1)
    EexpAlpha <- exp(mu.alpha + sigma.alpha^2/2 )
    EY <- ( E1G -1 )*EexpAlpha

    ## E(1/G^2) = (aG+rG-1)*(aG+rG-2)/((aG-1)*(aG-2))
    E1G2 <- (aG+rG-1)*(aG+rG-2)/( (aG-1)*(aG-2))
    ## Var( exp(alpha)) = (exp(sigma.alpha^2) - 1)*exp(2*mu.alpha + sigma.alpha^2)
    VexpAlpha <- (exp(sigma.alpha^2) - 1)*exp(2*mu.alpha + sigma.alpha^2)
    ## Var(Y) = Var_G( E(Y|G) ) +  E_G( Var(Y|G) )
    ##        = Var_G ( E_alpha ( E(Y|G,alpha))) + E_G( Var_alpha(E(Y|G,alpha)) + E_G( E_alpha( Var(Y|G,alpha))  )
    ##        = Var_G ( 1/G - 1)*E( exp(alpha) )^2 + E_G(Var_alpha( [1/G - 1]exp(alpha) )) + E_G( E_alpha( exp(alpha)*([1-G]/ G^2 )   ))
    ##        = Var_G ( 1/G )*E( exp(alpha) )^2 + E_G([1/G - 1]^2)*Var_alpha( exp(alpha)) + E_G([1-G]/(G^2)) *E_alpha( exp(alpha) )
    ##        = (E(1/G^2)-E(1/G)^2)*E( exp(alpha) )^2
    ##        + [E(1/G^2) - 2*E(1/G) + 1 ]*Var( exp(alpha))
    ##        + [E(1/G^2)-E(1/G)]*E( exp(alpha) )

    VarY <- (E1G2-E1G^2)*((EexpAlpha)^2) +
      (E1G2 - 2*E1G + 1)*VexpAlpha +
        (E1G2 - E1G)*EexpAlpha


momGL <- function(EG=1.820,VG=0.303,mu.alpha=1.298,sigma.alpha=0.262,dig="%1.2f")
    ## Y|G,alpha ~ NB(size=exp(alpha),prob=1/(G+1))
    ## G ~ dist(mean=EG,var=VG)
    ## alpha ~ N(mu.alpha,sigma.alpha)

    EG2 <- VG + EG^2
    EexpAlpha <- exp(mu.alpha + sigma.alpha^2/2 )
    VexpAlpha <- (exp(sigma.alpha^2) - 1)*exp(2*mu.alpha + sigma.alpha^2)
    ## E(Y) = E(E(E(Y|G,alpha))) = E(E( G*exp(alpha))) = E(G)*E(exp(alpha))
    EY <- EG*EexpAlpha
    ## Var(Y) = Var_G( E(Y|G) ) +  E_G( Var(Y|G) )
    ##        = Var_G ( E_alpha ( E(Y|G,alpha))) + E_G( Var_alpha(E(Y|G,alpha)) + E_G( E_alpha( Var(Y|G,alpha))  )
    ##        = Var_G ( G*E( exp(alpha) ) ) + E_G( Var_alpha( G*exp(alpha) )) + E_G( E_alpha( exp(alpha)*G*(G+1)   ))
    ##        = Var_G ( G )*E(exp(alpha))^2 + E_G(G^2)*Var( exp(alpha) ) + E_G( G*(G+1))*E( exp(alpha) )
    ##        = Var(G)*E(exp(alpha))^2    + E(G^2)*Var( exp(alpha) ) + ( E(G^2) + E(G) )*E( exp(alpha) )
    VarY <-     VG*(EexpAlpha^2) +    EG2*VexpAlpha + (EG2 + EG)*EexpAlpha


F_inv_beta2 <- function(ps,aG1,rG1,aG2,rG2,pi)
    quant <- rep(NA,length(ps))
    for (i in 1 : length(ps))
        p <- ps[i]
        G = function (t) pi*pbeta(t,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)+(1-pi)*pbeta(t,shape1=aG2,shape2=rG2) - p
        quant[i] <- uniroot(G,c(0,1000))$root

index.b.each <- function(Y,ID,labelnp,X,betas,aGs,rGs,pis)
    M <- length(aGs)
    ## betas can be vector and X can be a matrix
    if (is.vector(X)) X <- matrix(X,ncol=1);
    ## compute the conditional probability of
    ## observing Y_{i,new+} >= y_{i,new+} given observing Y_{i,pre+}=y_{i,pew+}
    uniID <- unique(ID)
    Npat <- length(uniID)
    probs <- rep(NA,Npat)
    for (ipat in 1 : Npat)
        Yi <- Y[ID==uniID[ipat]]
        Xi <- X[ID==uniID[ipat],,drop=FALSE]
        labelnpi <- labelnp[ID==uniID[ipat]]
        ## step 1: compute y_{i,pre+} and y_{i,new+} for all the patients:
        Ypresum <- sum(Yi[labelnpi==0])
        Ynewsum <- sum(Yi[labelnpi==1])
        if (sum(labelnpi==0)==0 | sum(labelnpi==1)==0 )
            ## no new scans or no pre scans; no way to calculate the prob index!
            probs[ipat] <- NA
        if (Ynewsum==0) ## If y_{i,new+} = 0 then the conditional prob of interest is one for that patient
            probs[ipat] <- 1;
        ## step 2: compute X_{ij}^T beta for all i and j
        rnewsum <- 0
        rpresum <- 0
        for (ivec in 1 : sum(ID==uniID[ipat]))
            rij <- exp(sum(Xi[ivec,]*betas)) ## exp(Xij%*%beta)
            if (labelnpi[ivec]==0) rpresum <- rpresum + rij     ## sum_j exp(Xij%*%beta)
            else if (labelnpi[ivec]==1) rnewsum <- rnewsum + rij
        num  <- 0
        ## step 3: compute the numerator sum_{k=0}^{y_{i,new+}-1} k
        for (k in 0:(Ynewsum-1))
            BoverB <- 0
            for (ih in 1 : M )
                if (pis[ih] == 0) next
                BoverB <- BoverB + pis[ih]*exp(lbeta(rpresum+rnewsum+aGs[ih],k+Ypresum+rGs[ih])-lbeta(aGs[ih],rGs[ih]))
            num <- num + exp(log.choose(rnewsum,n=k))*BoverB
            ##num <- num + gamma(rnewsum+k)/(gamma(rnewsum)*gamma(k+1))*BoverB
        ## step 4: compute denominator 
        den <- 0
        for (ih in 1 : M )
            if (pis[ih] == 0) next
            den <- den + pis[ih]*exp( lbeta(rpresum+aGs[ih],Ypresum+rGs[ih]) - lbeta(aGs[ih],rGs[ih]) )
        probs[ipat] <- 1- num/den

numfun.norm <- function(g,t,Rnp,Rpp,Ypp,ph,ah,rh)

denfun.norm <- function(g,Ypp,Rpp,ph,ah,rh)

index.gammas <- function(Y,ID,labelnp,X,betas,
                         shapes, ## shape
                         scales, ## scale
    M <- length(shapes)
    ## betas can be vector and X can be a matrix
    if (is.vector(X)) X <- matrix(X,ncol=1);
    ## compute the conditional probability of
    ## observing Y_{i,new+} >= y_{i,new+} given observing Y_{i,pre+}=y_{i,pew+}
    uniID <- unique(ID)
    Npat <- length(uniID)
    probs <- rep(NA,Npat);
    for (ipat in 1 : Npat)
        pick <- ID==uniID[ipat]
        Yi <- Y[pick]
        Xi <- X[pick,,drop=FALSE]
        labelnpi <- labelnp[pick]
        ## step 1: compute y_{i,pre+} and y_{i,new+} for all the patients:
        Ypresum <- sum(Yi[labelnpi==0])
        Ynewsum <- sum(Yi[labelnpi==1])
        if (sum(labelnpi==0)==0 || sum(labelnpi==1)==0 )
            ## no new scans or no pre scans; no way to calculate the prob index!
            probs[ipat] <- NA
        if (Ynewsum==0) ## If y_{i,new+} = 0 then the conditional prob of interest is one for that patient
            probs[ipat] <- 1;
        ## step 2: compute X_{ij}^T beta for all i and j
        rnewsum <- 0
        rpresum <- 0
        for (ivec in 1 : sum(ID==ipat))
            rij <- exp(sum(Xi[ivec,]*betas))
            if (labelnpi[ivec]==0) rpresum <- rpresum + rij
            else if (labelnpi[ivec]==1) rnewsum <- rnewsum + rij
        num  <- 0
        ## step 3: compute the numerator sum_{k=0}^{y_{i,new+}-1} k
        for (k in 0:(Ynewsum-1))
            for (ih in 1 : M )
                if (pis[ih] == 0) next
                num <- num + integrate(f=numfun.norm, lower=0, upper=Inf,

        ## step 4: compute denominator 
        den <- 0
        for (ih in 1 : M )
            if (pis[ih] == 0) next
            den <- den +integrate(f=denfun.norm, lower=0, upper=Inf,

        probs[ipat] <- 1 - num/den

numfun.YZ <- function(g,t,Rnp,Rpp,Ypp,ph,mu,sd)

denfun.YZ <- function(g,Ypp,Rpp,ph,mu,sd)

index.YZ <- function(Y,ID,labelnp,X,betas,
                     shape, ## shape
                     scale, ## scale
    ## betas can be vector and X can be a matrix
    if (is.vector(X)) X <- matrix(X,ncol=1);
    ## compute the conditional probability of
    ## observing Y_{i,new+} >= y_{i,new+} given observing Y_{i,pre+}=y_{i,pew+}
    uniID <- unique(ID)
    Npat <- length(uniID)
    probs <- rep(NA,Npat);
    for (ipat in 1 : Npat)
        Yi <- Y[ID==uniID[ipat]]
        Xi <- X[ID==uniID[ipat],,drop=FALSE]
        labelnpi <- labelnp[ID==uniID[ipat]]
        ## step 1: compute y_{i,pre+} and y_{i,new+} for all the patients:
        Ypresum <- sum(Yi[labelnpi==0])
        Ynewsum <- sum(Yi[labelnpi==1])
        if (sum(labelnpi==0)==0 || sum(labelnpi==1)==0 )
            ## no new scans or no pre scans; no way to calculate the prob index!
            probs[ipat] <- NA
        if (Ynewsum==0) ## If y_{i,new+} = 0 then the conditional prob of interest is one for that patient
            probs[ipat] <- 1;
        ## step 2: compute X_{ij}^T beta for all i and j
        rnewsum <- 0
        rpresum <- 0
        for (ivec in 1 : sum(ID==ipat))
            rij <- exp(sum(Xi[ivec,]*betas))
            if (labelnpi[ivec]==0) rpresum <- rpresum + rij
            else if (labelnpi[ivec]==1) rnewsum <- rnewsum + rij
        num  <- 0
        ## step 3: compute the numerator sum_{k=0}^{y_{i,new+}-1} k
        for (k in 0:(Ynewsum-1))
            num <- num + integrate(f=numfun.norm, lower=0, upper=Inf,
                                   ah=shape,rh=scale)$value +
        ## step 4: compute denominator 
        den <- 0
        den <- integrate(f=denfun.norm, lower=0, upper=Inf,
                         ah=shape,rh=scale)$value + integrate(f=denfun.YZ, lower=0, upper=Inf,
        probs[ipat] <- 1 - num/den

rmvnorm <- 
  function (n, mean = rep(0, nrow(sigma)), sigma = diag(length(mean)), 
            method = c("eigen", "svd", "chol"), pre0.9_9994 = FALSE) 
  if (!isSymmetric(sigma, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), 
                   check.attributes = FALSE)) {
    stop("sigma must be a symmetric matrix")
  if (length(mean) != nrow(sigma)) {
    stop("mean and sigma have non-conforming size")
  sigma1 <- sigma
  dimnames(sigma1) <- NULL
  if (!isTRUE(all.equal(sigma1, t(sigma1)))) {
    warning("sigma is numerically not symmetric")
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if (method == "eigen") {
    ev <- eigen(sigma, symmetric = TRUE)
    if (!all(ev$values >= -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) * abs(ev$values[1]))) {
      warning("sigma is numerically not positive definite")
    retval <- ev$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(ev$values), length(ev$values)) %*% 
  else if (method == "svd") {
    sigsvd <- svd(sigma)
    if (!all(sigsvd$d >= -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) * abs(sigsvd$d[1]))) {
      warning("sigma is numerically not positive definite")
    retval <- t(sigsvd$v %*% (t(sigsvd$u) * sqrt(sigsvd$d)))
  else if (method == "chol") {
    retval <- chol(sigma, pivot = TRUE)
    o <- order(attr(retval, "pivot"))
    retval <- retval[, o]
  retval <- matrix(rnorm(n * ncol(sigma)), nrow = n, byrow = !pre0.9_9994) %*% 
  retval <- sweep(retval, 2, mean, "+")
  colnames(retval) <- names(mean)

getS.StatInMed <- function(iseed = "random",
                           rev = 4,
                           dist = "b",
                           mod = 0,
                           probs = seq(0,0.99,0.01),
                           ts = seq(0.001,0.99,0.001),
                           trueCPI = FALSE,
                           Scenario = "SPMS"
    ## mod = 0: generate sample
    ## mod = 1: quantiles of the true populations at given probs
    ## mod = 2: densities of the true populations
    ## mod = 3: parameters of the simulation model
    ## dist = "b","b2","YZ" 
    piTRT <- 0.6736842
    ## if trueCPI == TRUE then returns the most precise conditional probability computed based on the
    ## treatment assignment 
    Npat <- 180; ## upto review 4, Npat=160 in total this number must be divisible by NpatEnterPerMonth

    if (iseed=="random") set.seed(sample(1e+6,1)) else  set.seed(iseed)

    ## The prior for regression coefficients beta

    ## (Intercept) trt010:timeInt1 trt011:timeInt1 trt010:timeInt2 trt011:timeInt2
    ## Estimated based on the 5 IFN-beta trials

    if (Scenario == "full"){
      ## para.full$mu_beta
      mu_beta <- round(c(1.3091326,  0.0150677, -0.7759003, -0.1715055, -1.0394682
                         ## StatInMedFirstSubmission
                         ## 1.3103072,  0.0145406, -0.7758956, -0.1718227, -1.0401282
      ## para.full$Sigma_beta
      Sigma_beta <- matrix(round(c(
                                   0.06093404,    -0.02348381,    -0.05339049,    -0.02575333,    -0.07351022,
                                  -0.02348381,     0.01698531,     0.01337642,     0.01842227,     0.02813052,
                                  -0.05339049,     0.01337642,     0.49999949,     0.04797195,     0.74974055,
                                  -0.02575333,     0.01842227,     0.04797195,     0.02716636,     0.07697036,
                                  -0.07351022,     0.02813052,     0.74974055,     0.07697036,     1.15908970
                                   ## StatInMedFirstSubmission
                                   ##   0.06001687,    -0.02345988,    -0.05568177,    -0.02575713,    -0.07730916,
                                   ## -0.02345988,     0.01706351,     0.01419726,     0.01859172,     0.02936096,
                                   ## -0.05568177,     0.01419726,     0.50037189,     0.04904017,     0.75136313,
                                   ## -0.02575713,     0.01859172,     0.04904017,     0.02754559,     0.07884069,
                                   ## -0.07730916,     0.02936096,     0.75136313,     0.07884069,     1.16294508
      ## para.full$mu_lnD
      mu_lnD <- -0.7731277 ##StatInMedFirstSubmission -0.7565044 
      ## para.full$sd_lnD
      sd_lnD <-0.2559623   ##StatInMedFirstSubmission 0.2608056   
    }else if (Scenario == "SPMS"){
      mu_beta <- round(c(1.25548248,  0.09307017, -0.89594757, -0.01817658, -1.05446830
                         ## StatInMedFirstSubmission
                         ## 1.25680296,  0.09376186, -0.89599224, -0.01692496, -1.05552658
      ## para.SPMS$Sigma_beta
      Sigma_beta <- matrix(round(c(0.017934818,    0.006469281,    -0.03534636,   -0.008756420,    -0.03344118,
                                   0.006469281,    0.017793152,    -0.08635236,   -0.009483972,    -0.11631098,
                                  -0.035346364,   -0.086352363,     0.56018192,    0.070573793,     0.77596421,
                                  -0.008756420,   -0.009483972,     0.07057379,    0.013904651,     0.09328106,
                                  -0.033441184,   -0.116310975,     0.77596421,    0.093281064,     1.10824255
                                   ## StatInMedFirstSubmission
                                   ## 0.017715774,    0.006411256,    -0.03561045,   -0.008621458,    -0.03419703,
                                   ##  0.006411256,    0.017846706,    -0.08644089,  -0.009355102,    -0.11660896,
                                   ## -0.035610451,   -0.086440894,     0.56035742,    0.070343557,     0.77681689,
                                   ## -0.008621458,   -0.009355102,     0.07034356,    0.013857689,     0.09321587,
                                   ## -0.034197026,  -0.116608960,     0.77681689,    0.093215871,     1.10993034
      ## para.SPMS$mu_lnD
      mu_lnD <- -0.4823671  ## StatInMedFirstSubmission-0.5175115
      ## para.SPMS$sd_lnD
      sd_lnD <- 0.3556396 ## StatInMedFirstSubmission 0.3617086 
    if (mod == 3){
      ## return parameter information of selected model
      outputMod3 <- list(mu_beta=mu_beta, Sigma_beta = Sigma_beta,mu_lnD=mu_lnD,sd_lnD=sd_lnD,Scenario=Scenario)
      ## Compute the E(Yij) at baseline for patients from each RE cluster 
      mu.alpha <- mu_beta[1]
      sigma.alpha <- Sigma_beta[1,1]
    if (dist == "b"){
      aG1 <- 3  
      rG1 <- 0.8 
      if (mod %in% c(0,4:6)){
        gs <- rbeta(Npat,aG1,rG1)
        hs <- rep(1,Npat)
      }else if (mod==1){
        ## mod = 1: quantiles of the true populations at given probs
      }else if (mod==2){
        ## mod = 2: densities of the true populations
        return (cbind(ts=ts,
                      dens=dbeta(ts,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)) )
      }else if (mod == 3){
        ## mod = 3: parameters of the simulation model
        c1 <- momBeta(aG1,rG1,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
        outputMod3 <- c(outputMod3,list(K=1,c1=c1,aGs=c(aG1=aG1), rGs=c(rG1=rG1)))

    }else if (dist == "b2"){
      ## mixture of two beta distributions
      ## cluster 1: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(2)*((aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)+1)=3.098636 ## at initial time
      ## cluster 2: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(2)*((aG2+rG2-1)/(aG2-1)+1)=7.037196 ## at initial time
      pi <- 0.3
      aG1 <- 10
      rG1 <- 10
      aG2 <- 20
      rG2 <- 1
      ## generate the initial random effect values of everyone
      if (mod %in% c(0,4:6)){
        hs <- sample(1:2,Npat,c(pi,1-pi),replace=TRUE)
        Npat_dist1 <- sum(hs==1)
        Npat_dist2 <- sum(hs==2)
        gs <- rep(NA,Npat)
        gs[hs==1] <- rbeta(Npat_dist1,aG1,rG1);
        gs[hs==2] <- rbeta(Npat_dist2,aG2,rG2);
      }else if (mod==1){
        return (cbind(probs=probs,
      }else if (mod==2){
        return (cbind(ts=ts,
      }else if (mod == 3){

        c1 <- momBeta(aG1,rG1,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
        c2 <- momBeta(aG2,rG2,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
        outputMod3 <- c(outputMod3,list(
    }else if ( dist == "YZ"){
      pi <- 0.85

      alpha <- exp(-0.5)
      ## a bimodal distribution with 85 % of Gi from a gamma distribution with mean 0.647 and variance 2.374
      scale <- 2.374/0.647*alpha 
      shape <- 0.647^2/2.374
      mu <- 3*alpha
      sd <- sqrt(0.25)*alpha
      ## generate the initial random effect values of everyone
      if (mod %in% c(0,4:6) ){
        hs <- sample(1:2,Npat,c(pi,1-pi),replace=TRUE)
        Npat_dist1 <- sum(hs==1)
        Npat_dist2 <- sum(hs==2)
        gs <- rep(NA,Npat)
        gs[hs==1] <- rgamma(Npat_dist1,shape=shape,scale=scale);
        gs[hs==2] <- rnorm(Npat_dist2,mean=mu,sd=sd);
        gs[gs < 0 ] <- 0
        gs <- 1/(1+gs)
      }else if (mod==1){
        return ("this option is currently not available")
      }else if (mod == 2){
        ts.trans <-1/ts-1
        return (cbind(ts=ts,
                      (pi*dgamma(ts.trans,shape=shape,scale=scale)+(1-pi)*dnorm(ts.trans,mean=mu,sd=sd) )*(1/ts^2)))
      }else if (mod == 3){
        c1 <- momGL(EG=shape*scale,VG=shape*(scale^2),mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha) ## expectation and variance of Y
        c2 <- momGL(EG=mu,VG=sd^2,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
        outputMod3 <- outputMod3 <- c(outputMod3,list(c1=c1,c2=c2,scale=scale,shape=shape,mu=mu,sd=sd,pi=pi,K=2))
    ## return parameter information of selected model
    if (mod == 3) return (outputMod3)
    ## Generate regression coefficients of this dataset
    betFull <- matrix(rmvnorm(n=1,mean=mu_beta,
    trtAss.pat <- sample(0:1,Npat,c(1-piTRT,piTRT),replace=TRUE)
    ## Sequential samples
    ni <- 10
    NpatEnterPerMonth <- 15
    DSMBVisitInterval <- 4 ## months
    ## === necessary for mod= 0, 3 and mod = 4
    ## d contains a full dataset
    days <- NULL
    for (ipatGroup in 1 : (Npat/NpatEnterPerMonth))
        ScandaysForSingleGroup <- ipatGroup:(ipatGroup+ni-1)
        days <- c(days,rep(ScandaysForSingleGroup,NpatEnterPerMonth))
    Y <- XforFit <- XforTCPI <- NULL
    ## timeInt for all patients (used in model fit)
    Xagg <- cbind(rep(1,ni),
    zeros <- rep(0,ni)
    Xplcb <- cbind(Xagg[,1], ## ni = 9
    Xtrt <- cbind(Xagg[,1], ## ni = 9
    for ( ipat in 1 : Npat)
        ## placebo
        if (trtAss.pat[ipat]==0){
          X <- Xplcb 
        }else if (trtAss.pat[ipat]==1) X <- Xtrt ## trt
        ## the number of repeated measures are the same
        ## we assume that the time effects occurs once after the treatments are in effect
        got <- rnbinom(ni,size = exp(X%*%betFull), prob = gs[ipat])         
        Y <- c(Y,got)
        ## XforFit and XforTCPI must be the same if piTRT = 0
        XforFit <- rbind(XforFit,Xagg)
        if (trueCPI) XforTCPI <- rbind(XforTCPI,X)
    colnames(XforFit) <- c("Intercept","timeInt1","timeInt2")

    trtlabel <- factor(rep(trtAss.pat,each=ni),labels=c("plcb","trt"))

    d <- data.frame(Y=Y,
                    gs = rep(gs,each=ni),
                    scan = rep(-1:(ni-2),Npat),
                    ## day contains the day when the scan was taken
                    ## 10 patients enter a trial every month
                    days = days,
                    hs = rep(hs,each=ni),
                    trtAss = trtlabel)

    if (trueCPI){
      d$XforTCPI <- XforTCPI
    if (full) return (d) 
    ## DSMB visit is assumed to be every 4 months
    d <- subset(d,subset= days <= DSMBVisitInterval*rev)
    d$labelnp <- rep(0,nrow(d))
    d$labelnp[ DSMBVisitInterval*(rev-1) < d$days ] <- 1
    ## The first two scans (screening and base-line scans are treated as pre-scans)
    d$labelnp[ d$scan <= 0 ] <- 0
    betPlcb <- betFull[c(1,2,4)]
    ## cat("betFull",betFull)
    if (mod == 0){
      XX <- cbind(d$Intercept,d$timeInt1, d$timeInt2)
      if (dist=="b")
          temp <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=XX,
          if (trueCPI){
            tCPI <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=d$XforTCPI,
        }else if (dist=="b2"){
          temp <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=XX,
          if (trueCPI){
            tCPI <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=d$XforTCPI,
        }else if (dist == "YZ"){
          temp <- index.YZ(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=XX,
                           shape=shape, ## shape
                           scale=scale, ## scale
          if (trueCPI){
            tCPI <- index.YZ(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=d$XforTCPI,
                             shape=shape, ## shape
                             scale=scale, ## scale
      d$betPlcb <- c(betPlcb,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(betPlcb)))
      d$betFull <- c(betFull,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(betFull)))
      d$probIndex <- c(temp,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(temp) ))
      if (trueCPI){
        d$probIndexTRUE <- c(tCPI,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(tCPI) ))

## Used in the first submission to Stat In Med
## getSNormUnblind <- function(iseed = "random",
##                             rev = 4,
##                             dist = "b",
##                             mod = 0,
##                             probs = seq(0,0.99,0.01),
##                             ts = seq(0.001,0.99,0.001),
##                             trueCPI = FALSE,
##                             full=FALSE,
##                             Scenario = "SPMS"
##                             )
##   {
##     ## mod = 0: generate sample
##     ## mod = 1: quantiles of the true populations at given probs
##     ## mod = 2: densities of the true populations
##     ## mod = 3: parameters of the simulation model
##     ## dist = "b","b2","YZ" 
##     piTRT <- 0.6736842
##     ## if trueCPI == TRUE then returns the most precise conditional probability computed based on the
##     ## treatment assignment 
##     Npat <- 180; ## upto review 4, Npat=160 in total this number must be divisible by NpatEnterPerMonth

##     if (iseed=="random") set.seed(sample(1e+6,1)) else  set.seed(iseed)

##     ## The prior for regression coefficients beta

##     ## (Intercept) trt010:timeInt1 trt011:timeInt1 trt010:timeInt2 trt011:timeInt2
##     ## Estimated based on the 5 IFN-beta trials

##     if (Scenario == "full"){
##       ## para.full$mu_beta
##       mu_beta <- round(c(1.3103072,  0.0145406, -0.7758956, -0.1718227, -1.0401282
##                          ##1.31044123,  0.01501563, -0.77578748, -0.17174723, -1.04176877
##                          ),4)
##       ## para.full$Sigma_beta
##       Sigma_beta <- matrix(round(c(
##                                    0.06001687,    -0.02345988,    -0.05568177,    -0.02575713,    -0.07730916,
##                                  -0.02345988,     0.01706351,     0.01419726,     0.01859172,     0.02936096,
##                                  -0.05568177,     0.01419726,     0.50037189,     0.04904017,     0.75136313,
##                                  -0.02575713,     0.01859172,     0.04904017,     0.02754559,     0.07884069,
##                                  -0.07730916,     0.02936096,     0.75136313,     0.07884069,     1.16294508),6)
##                            ,nrow=length(mu_beta),byrow=TRUE)
##                            ## round(c( 0.05220635, -0.02079985, -0.05010230, -0.02297177, -0.06964878,
##                            ##         -0.02079985,  0.01395803,  0.01255353,  0.01580000,  0.02625352,
##                            ##         -0.05010230,  0.01255353,  0.44997693,  0.04404106,  0.67839680,
##                            ##         -0.02297177,  0.01580000,  0.04404106,  0.02295083,  0.07111575,
##                            ##         -0.06964878,  0.02625352,  0.67839680,  0.07111575,  1.05203182),4)
##                            ## ,nrow=length(mu_beta),byrow=TRUE)
##       ## para.full$mu_lnD
##       mu_lnD <- -0.7565044 ##-0.7539186
##       ## para.full$sd_lnD
##       sd_lnD <- 0.2608056   #9.318458e-05
##     }else if (Scenario == "SPMS"){
##       ## para.SPMS$full
##       mu_beta <- round(c(1.25680296,  0.09376186, -0.89599224, -0.01692496, -1.05552658),6)
##       ##1.25549440, 0.09461850, -0.89751584, -0.01645465, -1.05669044),4)
##       Sigma_beta <- matrix(round(c( 0.017715774,    0.006411256,    -0.03561045,   -0.008621458,    -0.03419703,
##                                     0.006411256,    0.017846706,    -0.08644089,  -0.009355102,    -0.11660896,
##                                    -0.035610451,   -0.086440894,     0.56035742,    0.070343557,     0.77681689,
##                                    -0.008621458,   -0.009355102,     0.07034356,    0.013857689,     0.09321587,
##                                    -0.034197026,  -0.116608960,     0.77681689,    0.093215871,     1.10993034),6),
##                            nrow=length(mu_beta),byrow=TRUE)
##       mu_lnD <-  -0.5175115 ##-0.5117792 
##       sd_lnD <-  0.3617086 ## 5.39951e-06
##     }
##     if (mod == 3){
##       ## return parameter information of selected model
##       outputMod3 <- list(mu_beta=mu_beta, Sigma_beta = Sigma_beta,mu_lnD=mu_lnD,sd_lnD=sd_lnD,Scenario=Scenario)
##       ## Compute the E(Yij) at baseline for patients from each RE cluster 
##       mu.alpha <- mu_beta[1]
##       sigma.alpha <- Sigma_beta[1,1]
##     }
##     if (dist == "b"){
##       aG1 <- 3  
##       rG1 <- 0.8 ##0.8
##       if (mod %in% c(0,4:6)){
##         gs <- rbeta(Npat,aG1,rG1)
##         hs <- rep(1,Npat)
##       }else if (mod==1){
##         ## mod = 1: quantiles of the true populations at given probs
##         return(cbind(probs=probs,
##                      quantile=qbeta(probs,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)))
##       }else if (mod==2){
##         ## mod = 2: densities of the true populations
##         return (cbind(ts=ts,
##                       dens=dbeta(ts,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)) )
##       }else if (mod == 3){
##         ## mod = 3: parameters of the simulation model
##         c1 <- momBeta(aG1,rG1,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
##         outputMod3 <- c(outputMod3,list(K=1,c1=c1,aGs=c(aG1=aG1), rGs=c(rG1=rG1)))
##       }

##     }else if (dist == "b2"){
##       ## mixture of two beta distributions
##       ## cluster 1: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(2)*((aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)+1)=3.098636 ## at initial time
##       ## cluster 2: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(2)*((aG2+rG2-1)/(aG2-1)+1)=7.037196 ## at initial time
##       pi <- 0.3
##       aG1 <- 10
##       rG1 <- 10
##       aG2 <- 20
##       rG2 <- 1
##       ## generate the initial random effect values of everyone
##       if (mod %in% c(0,4:6)){
##         hs <- sample(1:2,Npat,c(pi,1-pi),replace=TRUE)
##         Npat_dist1 <- sum(hs==1)
##         Npat_dist2 <- sum(hs==2)
##         gs <- rep(NA,Npat)
##         gs[hs==1] <- rbeta(Npat_dist1,aG1,rG1);
##         gs[hs==2] <- rbeta(Npat_dist2,aG2,rG2);
##       }else if (mod==1){
##         return (cbind(probs=probs,
##                       quantile=F_inv_beta2(ps=probs,aG1,rG1,aG2,rG2,pi=pi)))
##       }else if (mod==2){
##         return (cbind(ts=ts,
##                       dens=(pi*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)+(1-pi)*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG2,shape2=rG2))))
##       }else if (mod == 3){

##         c1 <- momBeta(aG1,rG1,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
##         c2 <- momBeta(aG2,rG2,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
##         outputMod3 <- c(outputMod3,list(
##                                         K=2,c1=c1,c2=c2,
##                                         aGs=c(aG1=aG1,aG2=aG2),
##                                         rGs=c(rG1=rG1,rG2=rG2),
##                                         pi=pi))
##       }
##     }else if ( dist == "YZ"){
##       pi <- 0.85

##       alpha <- exp(-0.5)
##       ## a bimodal distribution with 85 % of Gi from a gamma distribution with mean 0.647 and variance 2.374
##       scale <- 2.374/0.647*alpha 
##       shape <- 0.647^2/2.374
##       mu <- 3*alpha
##       sd <- sqrt(0.25)*alpha
##       ## generate the initial random effect values of everyone
##       if (mod %in% c(0,4:6) ){
##         hs <- sample(1:2,Npat,c(pi,1-pi),replace=TRUE)
##         Npat_dist1 <- sum(hs==1)
##         Npat_dist2 <- sum(hs==2)
##         gs <- rep(NA,Npat)
##         gs[hs==1] <- rgamma(Npat_dist1,shape=shape,scale=scale);
##         gs[hs==2] <- rnorm(Npat_dist2,mean=mu,sd=sd);
##         gs[gs < 0 ] <- 0
##         gs <- 1/(1+gs)
##       }else if (mod==1){
##         return (NULL)
##       }else if (mod == 2){
##         ts.trans <-1/ts-1
##         return (cbind(ts=ts,
##                       (pi*dgamma(ts.trans,shape=shape,scale=scale)+(1-pi)*dnorm(ts.trans,mean=mu,sd=sd) )*(1/ts^2)))
##       }else if (mod == 3){
##         c1 <- momGL(EG=shape*scale,VG=shape*(scale^2),mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha) ## expectation and variance of Y
##         c2 <- momGL(EG=mu,VG=sd^2,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
##         outputMod3 <- outputMod3 <- c(outputMod3,list(c1=c1,c2=c2,scale=scale,shape=shape,mu=mu,sd=sd,pi=pi,K=2))
##       }
##     }
##     ## return parameter information of selected model
##     if (mod == 3) return (outputMod3)
##     ## Generate regression coefficients of this dataset
##     betFull <- matrix(rmvnorm(n=1,mean=mu_beta,
##                                 sigma=Sigma_beta),ncol=1)
##     trtAss.pat <- sample(0:1,Npat,c(1-piTRT,piTRT),replace=TRUE)
##     ## Sequential samples
##     ni <- 10
##     NpatEnterPerMonth <- 15
##     DSMBVisitInterval <- 4 ## months
##     ## === necessary for mod= 0, 3 and mod = 4
##     ## d contains a full dataset
##     days <- NULL
##     for (ipatGroup in 1 : (Npat/NpatEnterPerMonth))
##       {
##         ScandaysForSingleGroup <- ipatGroup:(ipatGroup+ni-1)
##         days <- c(days,rep(ScandaysForSingleGroup,NpatEnterPerMonth))
##       }
##     Y <- XforFit <- XforTCPI <- NULL
##     ## timeInt for all patients (used in model fit)
##     Xagg <- cbind(rep(1,ni),
##                   c(rep(0,2),rep(1,4),rep(0,ni-6)),
##                   c(rep(0,6),rep(1,ni-6)))
##     zeros <- rep(0,ni)
##     Xplcb <- cbind(Xagg[,1], ## ni = 9
##                    Xagg[,2],
##                    zeros, 
##                    Xagg[,3],
##                    zeros)
##     Xtrt <- cbind(Xagg[,1], ## ni = 9
##                   zeros, 
##                   Xagg[,2],
##                   zeros,
##                   Xagg[,3])
##     for ( ipat in 1 : Npat)
##       {
##         ## placebo
##         if (trtAss.pat[ipat]==0){
##           X <- Xplcb 
##         }else if (trtAss.pat[ipat]==1) X <- Xtrt ## trt
##         ## the number of repeated measures are the same
##         ## we assume that the time effects occurs once after the treatments are in effect
##         got <- rnbinom(ni,size = exp(X%*%betFull), prob = gs[ipat])         
##         Y <- c(Y,got)
##         ## XforFit and XforTCPI must be the same if piTRT = 0
##         XforFit <- rbind(XforFit,Xagg)
##         if (trueCPI) XforTCPI <- rbind(XforTCPI,X)
##       }
##     colnames(XforFit) <- c("Intercept","timeInt1","timeInt2")

##     trtlabel <- factor(rep(trtAss.pat,each=ni),labels=c("plcb","trt"))

##     d <- data.frame(Y=Y,
##                     XforFit,
##                     ID=rep(1:Npat,each=ni),
##                     gs = rep(gs,each=ni),
##                     scan = rep(-1:(ni-2),Npat),
##                     ## day contains the day when the scan was taken
##                     ## 10 patients enter a trial every month
##                     days = days,
##                     hs = rep(hs,each=ni),
##                     trtAss = trtlabel)

##     if (trueCPI){
##       d$XforTCPI <- XforTCPI
##     }
##     if (full) return (d) 
##     ## DSMB visit is assumed to be every 4 months
##     d <- subset(d,subset= days <= DSMBVisitInterval*rev)
##     d$labelnp <- rep(0,nrow(d))
##     d$labelnp[ DSMBVisitInterval*(rev-1) < d$days ] <- 1
##     ## The first two scans (screening and base-line scans are treated as pre-scans)
##     d$labelnp[ d$scan <= 0 ] <- 0
##     betPlcb <- betFull[c(1,2,4)]
##     if (mod == 0){
##       XX <- cbind(d$Intercept,d$timeInt1, d$timeInt2)
##       if (dist=="b")
##         {
##           temp <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=XX,
##                                betas=betPlcb,aGs=aG1,rGs=rG1,pis=1)
##           if (trueCPI){
##             tCPI <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=d$XforTCPI,
##                                  betas=betFull,aGs=aG1,rGs=rG1,pis=1)
##           }
##         }else if (dist=="b2"){
##           temp <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=XX,
##                                betas=betPlcb,aGs=c(aG1,aG2),rGs=c(rG1,rG2),pis=c(pi,1-pi))  
##           if (trueCPI){
##             tCPI <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=d$XforTCPI,
##                                  betas=betFull,aGs=c(aG1,aG2),rGs=c(rG1,rG2),pis=c(pi,1-pi))
##           }
##         }else if (dist == "YZ"){
##           temp <- index.YZ(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=XX,
##                            betas=betPlcb,
##                            shape=shape, ## shape
##                            scale=scale, ## scale
##                            mu=mu,sd=sd,pi=pi)
##           if (trueCPI){
##             tCPI <- index.YZ(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=d$XforTCPI,
##                              betas=betFull,
##                              shape=shape, ## shape
##                              scale=scale, ## scale
##                              mu=mu,sd=sd,pi=pi)
##           }
##         }
##       d$betPlcb <- c(betPlcb,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(betPlcb)))
##       d$betFull <- c(betFull,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(betFull)))
##       d$probIndex <- c(temp,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(temp) ))
##       if (trueCPI){
##         d$probIndexTRUE <- c(tCPI,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(tCPI) ))
##       }
##       return(d)
##     }
##   }

getTrueProb <- function(aG1=0.5,rG1=0.5,aG2=3,rG2=0.8,dist="gamma")
    if (dist=="beta")
        ## compute P(G1 < G2) = int_{y1=0}^1 (int_{y2=y1}^1 beta(y2;a2,b2) dy2 )*beta(y1;a1,b1) dy1
        insideIntBeta <- function(y1,a2,b2,a1,b1)
          integrate(dbeta,shape1=a2,shape2=b2,lower=y1, upper=1)$value*dbeta(y1,shape1=a1,shape2=b1)
        return (integrate(insideIntBeta,a2=aG2,b2=rG2,a1=aG1,b1=rG1,lower=0,upper=1)$value)
      }else if (dist=="gamma")
          ## compute P(G1 < G2) = int_{y2=0}^Inf (int_{y1=0}^y1 gamma(y1;a1,b1) dy1 gamma(y2;a2,b2) dy2
          insideIntGam <- function(y2,a2,b2,a1,b1)
              integrate(dgamma,shape=a1,scale=b1,lower=0, upper=y2)$value*dgamma(y2,shape=a2,scale=b2)
          return  (integrate(insideIntGam,

mixgamma <- function(sp1,sc1,sp2,sc2,xs = seq(0,15,0.001),ylim=c(0,2),points=FALSE)
    dg1 <- dgamma(xs,shape=sp1,scale=sc1)
    dg2 <- dgamma(xs,shape=sp2,scale=sc2)
    ys <- (1/2)*dg1+(1/2)*dg2
    if (!points){
           main=paste("The mixture of gamma distributions:\n 1/2*dgamma(shape=",

getM <- function(epsilonM,a_D,r_D,prob)
    ## returns the appropriate truncation number M
    Dbig <- qgamma(prob,shape=a_D,scale=1/r_D)
    return(round(1+ log(epsilonM)/(log(Dbig/(1+Dbig))),0))

Nuniq <-function(test,sampleindex=NULL){
  if (is.null(sampleindex)){
    tt <- apply(test$h1,1,unique)
    tt <- apply(test$h1[sampleindex,],1,unique)
  return( unlist(lapply(tt,length)))

colmeansd <- function (mat, name = NULL, sigDig = 2, sigDigSD = NULL,space=" ",na.rm=FALSE) 
    if (is.vector(mat)) 
        mat <- matrix(mat, ncol = 1)
    if (length(sigDig) == 1) 
        sigDig <- rep(sigDig, ncol(mat))
    else if (length(sigDig) != ncol(mat)) 
        stop("length(sigDig) != ncol(mat)")
    if (length(sigDigSD) == 0)
      sigDigSD <- sigDig
    else if (length(sigDigSD) == 1) 
      sigDigSD <- rep(sigDigSD, ncol(mat))
    else if (length(sigDigSD) != ncol(mat)) 
      stop("length(sigDigSD) != ncol(mat)")
    mea <- colMeans(mat,na.rm=na.rm)
    sdd <- apply(mat, 2, sd,na.rm=na.rm)
    re <- NULL
    MysigDig <- paste("%1.", sigDig, "f", sep = "")
    MysigDigSD <- paste("%1.", sigDigSD, "f", sep = "")
    for (i in 1:ncol(mat)) {
        if (is.na(mea[i])) {
            re <- c(re, "------")
        else {
            re <- c(re, paste(sprintf(MysigDig[i], mea[i]),space, "(", 
                sprintf(MysigDigSD[i], sdd[i], 3), ")", sep = ""))
    if (!is.null(name)) 
        names(re) <- name
    if (is.null(name) & !is.null(colnames(mat))) 
        names(re) <- colnames(mat)

    ## plotting the density of gamma dist'n with given shape and scale
    xs <-seq(xmin,xmax,length.out=1000)
    ys <- dgamma(xs,shape=shape,scale=scale)

    ## plotting the density of gamma dist'n with given shape and scale
    xs <-seq(xmin,xmax,length.out=1000)
    ys <- dgamma(xs,shape=shape,scale=scale)

plotnbinom <- function(size,prob,xmin=0,xmax=30,main="",size2=NULL,prob2=NULL,xlab="")
    ## plotting the density of gamma dist'n with given size and prob
    xs <-xmin:xmax
    ys <- dnbinom(xs,size=size,prob=prob)
    if (!is.null(size2))
        ys <- dnbinom(xs,size=size2,prob=prob2)

plotHistAcf<- function(postsample,up.burnin=3000,mainplot,mainhist,xlim=NULL,col="black",everythin=1)
    samp <- postsample[-(1:up.burnin)]
    samp <- samp[(1:(length(samp)/everythin))*everythin]
    med <- median(samp)
    if (is.null(xlim))
        hist(samp,main=paste(mainhist," median:",round(med,3),sep=""))
        hist(samp,main=paste(mainhist," median:",round(med,3),sep=""),
    ci <- round(quantile(samp,prob=c(0.025,0.975)),2)

plotGs <- function(vec,main,xlim=c(0,8),upto=10,length.out=1000,breaks=seq(0,15,0.001),ylim)
    med <- round(median(vec),3)
    mea <- round(mean(vec),3)
         main=paste(main," mean: ",mea," median: ",med,sep=""),
    ## density estimates are obtained at seq(0,upto,length.out=length.out)
    estden <- density(vec,kernel = "gaussian",from=0,to=upto,n=length.out)

## ##=== Meta analysis function === ##
## rigamma <- function (n, shape, scale) 
##   {
##     if (shape > 0 & scale > 0) 
##       1/rgamma(n = n, shape=shape, scale=1/scale)
##     else stop("rigamma: invalid parameters\n")
##   }

## metaUnivGibb <- function(ys,
## ### a vector of length Nstudy, containing the observed estimates
##                          sigmas2,
## ### a vector of length Nstudy, containing the number of patients (or should it be the number of MS scan?) involved to estimate ys
##                          a=1,
##                          b=1,
##                          B=100000)
##   {
##     Nstudy <- length(ys)
##     ## Model:
##     ## ys[istudy] ~ N(mean=theta[istudy],sd=sqrt(sigmas2[istudy]))
##     ## theta_i ~ N(mu,tau2)
##     ## mu ~ unif(-1000,1000)
##     ## tau2 ~ inv-gamma(shape=a,scale=b)
##     ## where i = 1,...,Nstudy and Nstudy is the number of dataset

##     ## In our MS clinical analysis context,
##     ## y_i = hat.beta_i (i=1,..,p) or hat.logaG_i
##     ## informative prior construction
##     ## Y ~ inv-gamma(shape=a,scale=b) then E(Y)=b/(a-1) for a > 1, Var(Y)=b^2/((a-1)^2(a-2)) for a > 2
##     ## a <= 2 => infinite variance 
##     postThetas <- matrix(NA,B,Nstudy)
##     postMu <- rep(NA,B)
##     postTau2 <- rep(NA,B)
##     ## Initialization of unknown parameters
##     thetas <- rep(0,Nstudy)
##     mu <- mean(ys)
##     tau2 <- mean(sigmas2)
##     for (iB in 1 : B)
##       {
##         if (iB %% 5000 == 0) cat("\n",iB, "iterations are done" )
##         ## Step 1: update theta_i
##         for (istudy in 1 : Nstudy)
##           {
##             vari <- 1/(1/sigmas2[istudy]+1/tau2)
##             thetas[istudy]<- rnorm(1,
##                                    mean=(ys[istudy]/sigmas2[istudy] + mu/tau2)*vari,
##                                    sd=sqrt(vari)
##                                    )
##           }
##         mu <- rnorm(1,
##                     mean=sum(thetas)/Nstudy,
##                     sd=sqrt(tau2/Nstudy))
##         tau2 <- rigamma(
##                         1,
##                         shape=(Nstudy/2+a),
##                         scale=sum((thetas-mu)^2)/2+b
##                         )
##         postThetas[iB,] <- thetas
##         postMu[iB] <- mu
##         postTau2[iB] <- tau2
##       }
##     return(list(theta=postThetas,mu=postMu,tau2=postTau2))
##   }

## listMean <- function(listobj,useSample)
##   {
##     if (is.null(useSample))
##       {
##         useSample <- 1: length(listobj)
##       }
##     output <- listobj[[useSample[1]]]
##     for (i in useSample[-1])
##       {
##         output <- output +listobj[[i]]
##       }
##     return (output/length(useSample))
##   }

## metaMultGibb <- function(hat.betas,
##                          ## p by N.study matrix, where p = # covariates 
##                          sigmas2,
##                          ## a list of covariance matrix 
##                          v0="uninfo",
##                          S0=NULL,
##                          B=10000)
##   {
##     ## TheWishart distribution is a multivariate analogue of the gamma distribution
##     Nstudy <- ncol(hat.betas)
##     p <- nrow(hat.betas)
##     sigmas2Inv <- lapply(sigmas2,solve)
##     ## Model:
##     ## hat.betas[[istudy]] ~ mvnorm(mean=betas[,istudy], var=sigmas2[[istudy]])
##     ## betas ~ mvnorm(mean=mu, var=tau2)
##     ## :::: prior :::: 
##     ## mu[i] ~ unif(-1000,1000), i = 1,...,p
##     ## tau2 ~ inv-wishart(v0,S0) <=> solve(tau2) ~ wishart(v0,solve(S0))
##     ## where i = 1,...,Nstudy and Nstudy is the number of dataset

##     ## In our MS clinical analysis context,
##     ## y_i = hat.beta_i (i=1,..,p) or hat.logaG_i

##     ## The default values of hyperparameters
##     ## inverse-wisrt is centered at diag(p) with large variance
##     ## p109 Hogg
##     if (v0=="info"){
##       v0 <- 10
##       S0 <- diag(p)*(v0-p-1) ## Identity matrix
##     }else if (v0=="uninfo"){
##       v0 <- p + 2
##       S0 <- diag(c(0.5,0.10)) ## Identity matrix
##     }

##     ## storages
##     postBetas <- postTau2 <- list()
##     postMu <- matrix(NA,p,B)

##     ## Initialization of unknown parameters
##     betas <- matrix(0,nrow=p,ncol=Nstudy)
##     mu <- rowMeans(hat.betas)
##     tau2 <- listSum(sigmas2)/Nstudy
##     tau2Inv <- solve( tau2 )
##     for (iB in 1 : B)
##       {
##         if (iB %% 5000 == 0) cat("\n",iB, "iterations are done" )
##         ## Step 1: update betas[,istudy]
##         for (istudy in 1 : Nstudy)
##           {
##             vari <- solve(tau2Inv+sigmas2Inv[[istudy]] )
##             betas[,istudy]<- mvrnorm(1,
##                                      mu=vari%*%( tau2Inv%*%mu+sigmas2Inv[[istudy]]%*%hat.betas[,istudy]),
##                                      Sigma=vari
##                                      )
##           }

##         mu <- mvrnorm(1,
##                       mu=rowSums(betas)/Nstudy, 
##                       Sigma=tau2/Nstudy
##                       )

##         ## temp <- 0; for (istudy in 1 : Nstudy) temp <- temp + (betas[,istudy]-mu)%*%t(betas[,istudy]-mu)
##         ## generate sample from Inverse-Wishart distribution
##         Sn <- S0 + (betas-mu)%*%t(betas-mu) ## outer product sum_{istudy} (betas[,istudy]-mu)%*%t(betas[,istudy]-mu)
##         tau2Inv <- matrix(rWishart(n=1,
##                                    df=v0+Nstudy,
##                                    Sigma=solve(Sn)
##                                    ),p,p)

##         postMu[,iB] <- mu
##         postTau2[[iB]] <- tau2 <- solve(tau2Inv)
##         postBetas[[iB]] <- betas
##       }
##     return(list(betas=postBetas,mu=postMu,tau2=postTau2))
##   }

## nbinREDPmix <- function(Y,   ##     A vector of length sum ni, containing responses 
##                         X,   ##     A sum ni by p matrix, containing covariate values. The frist column must be 1 (Intercept)
##                         ID,  ##     A Vector of length sum ni, indicating patients
##                         B = 20000,   ##     A scalar, the number of Gibbs iteration 
##                         M = NULL,    ##     A scalar, the truncation value
##                         labelnp,
##                         dist = 1,      ##     dist == 1 means the base distribution of the random effects are assumed to be 
##                         max_aG = 3.0,    ##     from P0 = gamma(shape=aG,scale=1/rG)
##                         a_r = 3.0,       ##      where aG ~ Unif(0,max_aG ) and 
##                         r_r = 0.2,    ##     rG ~ gamma(shape=a_r,scale=1/r_r)
##                         a_D = 0.5,    ##     small shape a.D and small scale ib.D put weights on both small and large values of D
##                         r_D = 2,      ##      D ~ gamma(shape=a.D,scale=1/r.D)
##                         a_qG = 20.0,     ##     qG ~ beta(shape1=a_qG,scale=r_qG)
##                         r_qG = 1.0,
##                         mu_beta = 0,   ##     hyperpara of beta: beta ~ norm(mu_beta,sd=sigma_beta)
##                         sigma_beta = 5,##     hyperpara of beta: beta ~ norm(mu_beta,sd=sigma_beta) 
##                         burnin = round(B/3),
##                         epsilonM = 0.001,
##                         prob = 0.999,
##                         printfFreq = B
##                         )
##   {

##     ## ==== Description of the parameters in code ====
##     ## g1s:            A vector of length N, containing the random effect 1 values for each pat
##     ## g2s:            A vector of length N, containing the random effect 2 values for each pat
##     ## vs:             A vector of length M, containing the parameters to construct pis
##     ## weightH1(vs):   A vector of length M, containing the probabilities of the categorical distribution of Hi, function of vs
##     ## beta:           A vector of length p, containing the coefficients
##     ## h1s:            A vector of length N, containing the cluster labels of RE1 of each observation, cluster index is between 1 and M+1
##     ## h2s:            A vector of length N, containing the cluster labels of RE2 of each observation, cluster index is between 1 and M+1
##     ## aGs:            A vector of length M, containing the shape parameters of the gamma distribution
##     ## rGs:            A vector of length M, containing the scale parameters of the gamma distribution

##     ## ## === Model ===
##     ## // 1) y_ij | Gij = gij,beta, ~  NB(r_ij,p_i)
##     ## //    where r_ij = exp(t(x_ij)*beta), p_{ij} = 1/(g_ij+1)
##     ## //    gij  = g1i   if j is in pre scan
##     ## //         = g2i   if j is in new scan
##     ## //    and the distribution of g2i is specified as;
##     ## //    g2i  = g1i   with prob qG2
##     ## //         = g*    with prob 1-qG2   (The default value of p.g2 = 0)
##     ## //
##     ## // 2) Gi|ih ~ gamma(shape=aGs[ih],scale=1/rGs[ih])
##     ## //  aGs[ih],ih=1,...,M ~ Unif(0,max_aG )
##     ## //  rGs[ih],ih=1,...,M ~ gamma(shape=a_r,scale=1/r_r)
##     ## //
##     ## // 3) beta[i] ~ normal(0,sigma_beta) i=1,..,p
##     ## // 4) D ~ gamma(shape=a.D,scale=b.D)
##     if (is.null(M)) M = getM(epsilonM=epsilonM,a_D=a_D,r_D=r_D,prob=prob)

##     temID <- ID  
##     N <- length(unique(temID))
##     uniID <- unique(temID)
##     ID <- rep(NA,length(temID))
##     for (i in 1 : length(uniID))
##       {
##         ID[temID == uniID[i]] <- i
##       }
##     ## The patients with labelnp = 1 (no old scans) for all repeated measures
##     ## are treated as lack of new scans and used to estimate beta only.
##     ## skip the computation of H2
##     ## All patients have old scans

##     ## the labelnp of patients only with 1 (new scans) labels are replaced by all 0 (old scans)
##     patwonew <- which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==0),ID,sum)==0)==1)
##     for (i in 1 : length(patwonew)) labelnp[ID == patwonew[i]] <- 0

##     patwoONscan <-  which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==1),ID,sum)==0)==1) 
##     if (length(patwoONscan)==0) patwoONscan <- -999;
##     p <- ncol(X)
##     X <- c(X) ## {xij} = { x_{1,1},x_{2,1},..,x_{Ntot,1},x_{1,2},....,x_{Ntot,p} }
##     mID <- ID-1
##     mpatwoONscan <- patwoONscan - 1
##     maxni <- max(tapply(rep(1,length(ID)),ID,sum))
##     Npat <- length(unique(ID))

##     re <- .Call("res",
##                 as.numeric(Y),           ## REAL
##                 as.numeric(X),           ## REAL
##                 as.integer(mID),         ## INTEGER
##                 as.integer(B),           ## INTEGER
##                 as.integer(maxni),       ## INTEGER
##                 as.integer(M),           ## INTEGER
##                 as.integer(Npat),        ## INTEGER
##                 as.numeric(labelnp),     ## REAL
##                 as.numeric(max_aG),      ## REAL
##                 as.numeric(a_r),         ## REAL
##                 as.numeric(r_r),         ## REAL
##                 as.numeric(a_D),         ## REAL
##                 as.numeric(r_D),         ## REAL
##                 as.numeric(a_qG),        ## REAL 
##                 as.numeric(r_qG),        ## REAL
##                 as.numeric(mu_beta),     ## REAL
##                 as.numeric(sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                 as.integer(mpatwoONscan),## INTEGER
##                 as.integer(dist),        ## INTEGER
##                 as.integer(burnin),      ## INTEGER
##                 as.integer(printfFreq),
##                 package = "lmeNBBayes"
##                 )

##     for ( i in 1 : 5) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,Npat,byrow=TRUE)

##     for ( i in 6 : 9) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
##     re[[10]] <- matrix(re[[10]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)

##     names(re) <- c("h1","h2","g1","g2","j",
##                    "aG","rG","v","weightH1",
##                    "beta","D","qG","AR","prp")

##     para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
##                  sigma_beta = sigma_beta,
##                  M = M,
##                  a_D = a_D,
##                  r_D = r_D,
##                  dist = dist,
##                  burnin = burnin,
##                  a_r = a_r,
##                  r_r = r_r,
##                  a_qG = a_qG,
##                  r_qG = r_qG,
##                  max_aG = max_aG,
##                  patwoONscan=(patwoONscan+1))

##     re$para <- para
##     names(re$AR) <-c("gs", "aG", paste("beta",1:p))
##     re$hs <- re$h1 + 1  
##     re$h2s <- re$h2 + 1 
##     return(re)  
##   }

## nbinREDPmix2 <- function(Y,   ##     A vector of length sum ni, containing responses 
##                          X,   ##     A sum ni by p matrix, containing covariate values. The frist column must be 1 (Intercept)
##                          ID,  ##     A Vector of length sum ni, indicating patients
##                          B = 20000,   ##     A scalar, the number of Gibbs iteration 
##                          M = NULL,    ##     A scalar, the truncation value
##                          labelnp,
##                          dist = 1,    ##     dist == 1 means the base distribution of the random effects are assumed to be 
##                          max_aG = 3.0,    ##     from P0 = gamma(shape=aG,scale=1/rG)
##                          ##a_r = 3.0,       ##      where aG ~ Unif(0,max_aG ) and 
##                          ##r_r = 0.2,    ##     rG ~ gamma(shape=a_r,scale=1/r_r)
##                          a_D = 0.5,    ##     small shape a.D and small scale ib.D put weights on both small and large values of D
##                          r_D = 2,      ##      D ~ gamma(shape=a.D,scale=1/r.D)
##                          a_qG = 20.0,     ##     qG ~ beta(shape1=a_qG,scale=r_qG)
##                          r_qG = 1.0,
##                          mu_beta = 0,   ##     hyperpara of beta: beta ~ norm(mu_beta,sd=sigma_beta)
##                          sigma_beta = 5,##     hyperpara of beta: beta ~ norm(mu_beta,sd=sigma_beta) 
##                          burnin = round(B/3),
##                          epsilonM = 0.001,
##                          prob = 0.999,
##                          printfFreq = B
##                          )
##   {

##     ## ==== Description of the parameters in code ====
##     ## g1s:            A vector of length N, containing the random effect 1 values for each pat
##     ## g2s:            A vector of length N, containing the random effect 2 values for each pat
##     ## vs:             A vector of length M, containing the parameters to construct pis
##     ## weightH1(vs):   A vector of length M, containing the probabilities of the categorical distribution of Hi, function of vs
##     ## beta:           A vector of length p, containing the coefficients
##     ## h1s:            A vector of length N, containing the cluster labels of RE1 of each observation, cluster index is between 1 and M+1
##     ## h2s:            A vector of length N, containing the cluster labels of RE2 of each observation, cluster index is between 1 and M+1
##     ## aGs:            A vector of length M, containing the shape parameters of the gamma distribution
##     ## rGs:            A vector of length M, containing the scale parameters of the gamma distribution

##     ## ## === Model ===
##     ## // 1) y_ij | Gij = gij,beta, ~  NB(r_ij,p_i)
##     ## //    where r_ij = exp(t(x_ij)*beta), p_{ij} = 1/(g_ij+1)
##     ## //    gij  = g1i   if j is in pre scan
##     ## //         = g2i   if j is in new scan
##     ## //    and the distribution of g2i is specified as;
##     ## //    g2i  = g1i   with prob qG2
##     ## //         = g*    with prob 1-qG2   (The default value of p.g2 = 0)
##     ## //
##     ## // 2) Gi|ih ~ gamma(shape=aGs[ih],scale=1/rGs[ih])
##     ## //  aGs[ih],ih=1,...,M ~ Unif(0,max_aG )
##     ## //  rGs[ih],ih=1,...,M ~ gamma(shape=a_r,scale=1/r_r)
##     ## //
##     ## // 3) beta[i] ~ normal(0,sigma_beta) i=1,..,p
##     ## // 4) D ~ gamma(shape=a.D,scale=b.D)
##     if (is.null(M)) M = getM(epsilonM=epsilonM,a_D=a_D,r_D=r_D,prob=prob)

##     temID <- ID  
##     N <- length(unique(temID))
##     uniID <- unique(temID)
##     ID <- rep(NA,length(temID))
##     for (i in 1 : length(uniID))
##       {
##         ID[temID == uniID[i]] <- i
##       }
##     ## The patients with labelnp = 1 (no old scans) for all repeated measures
##     ## are treated as lack of new scans and used to estimate beta only.
##     ## skip the computation of H2
##     ## All patients have old scans

##     ## the labelnp of patients only with 1 (new scans) labels are replaced by all 0 (old scans)
##     patwonew <- which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==0),ID,sum)==0)==1)
##     for (i in 1 : length(patwonew)) labelnp[ID == patwonew[i]] <- 0

##     patwoONscan <-  which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==1),ID,sum)==0)==1) 
##     if (length(patwoONscan)==0) patwoONscan <- -999;
##     p <- ncol(X)
##     X <- c(X) ## {xij} = { x_{1,1},x_{2,1},..,x_{Ntot,1},x_{1,2},....,x_{Ntot,p} }
##     mID <- ID-1
##     mpatwoONscan <- patwoONscan - 1
##     maxni <- max(tapply(rep(1,length(ID)),ID,sum))
##     Npat <- length(unique(ID))

##     re <- .Call("resBeta",
##                 as.numeric(Y),           ## REAL
##                 as.numeric(X),           ## REAL
##                 as.integer(mID),         ## INTEGER
##                 as.integer(B),           ## INTEGER
##                 as.integer(maxni),       ## INTEGER
##                 as.integer(M),           ## INTEGER
##                 as.integer(Npat),        ## INTEGER
##                 as.numeric(labelnp),     ## REAL
##                 as.numeric(max_aG),      ## REAL
##                 ##as.numeric(a_r),         ## REAL
##                 ##as.numeric(r_r),         ## REAL
##                 as.numeric(a_D),         ## REAL
##                 as.numeric(r_D),         ## REAL
##                 as.numeric(a_qG),        ## REAL 
##                 as.numeric(r_qG),        ## REAL
##                 as.numeric(mu_beta),     ## REAL
##                 as.numeric(sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                 as.integer(mpatwoONscan),## INTEGER
##                 as.integer(dist),        ## INTEGER
##                 as.integer(burnin),      ## INTEGER
##                 as.integer(printfFreq),
##                 package = "lmeNBBayes"
##                 )

##     for ( i in 1 : 5) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,Npat,byrow=TRUE)

##     for ( i in 6 : 9) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
##     re[[10]] <- matrix(re[[10]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)

##     names(re) <- c("h1","h2","g1","g2","j",
##                    "aG","rG","v","weightH1",
##                    "beta","D","qG","AR","prp")

##     para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
##                  sigma_beta = sigma_beta,
##                  M = M,
##                  a_D = a_D,
##                  r_D = r_D,
##                  dist = dist,
##                  burnin = burnin,
##                  a_qG = a_qG,
##                  r_qG = r_qG,
##                  max_aG = max_aG,
##                  patwoONscan=(patwoONscan+1))

##     re$para <- para
##     names(re$AR) <-c("gs", "aG", paste("beta",1:p))
##     re$hs <- re$h1 + 1  
##     re$h2s <- re$h2 + 1 
##     return(re)  
##   }

## getSampleOld <- function(
##                       iseed=911,
##                       rev=4,
##                       dist="b",
##                       mod=0,
##                       beta1=0,
##                       probs=seq(0,0.99,0.01),
##                       ts = seq(0,0.99,0.01)
##                       )
## {
##   ## mod = 0: generate sample
##   ## mod = 1: quantiles of the true populations
##   ## mod = 2: densities of the true populations
##   ni <- 11
##   Npat <- 200;
##   ni_rev <- c(5,8,11)[rev-1]
##   set.seed(iseed)
##   ## generate unobservable latent variables gs:
##   if (dist=="g")
##     {
##       ## r.e. mixture of two gamma distributions
##       ## cluster1: E(Y)=exp(0.5)*E(G) = exp(0.5)*sp1*sc1 = 0.4121803
##       ## cluster2: E(Y)=exp(0.5)*E(G) = exp(0.5)*sp2*sc2 = 3.956931
##       pi <- 0.7
##       temp <- rmultinom(1,Npat,c(pi,1-pi))
##       Npat_dist1 <- temp[1,1]
##       Npat_dist2 <- temp[2,1]
##       sp1 <- 0.5
##       sc1 <- 0.5
##       sp2 <- 3
##       sc2 <- 0.8
##       beta0 <- 0.5
##       sampldist1 <- rgamma(Npat_dist1,shape=sp1,scale=sc1)
##       sampldist2 <- rgamma(Npat_dist2,shape=sp2,scale=sc2)
##       gsBASE <- c(sampldist1,sampldist2)
##       gsBASE = 1/(1+gsBASE)
##       if (mod==1)
##         {
##           F_inv_gam <- function(p,sp1,sc1,sp2,sc2,pi)
##             {
##               G = function (t)
##                 pi*pgamma(t,shape=sp1,scale=sc1)+(1-pi)*pgamma(t,shape=sp2,scale=sc2) - p
##               return(uniroot(G,c(0,100))$root)
##             }
##           lq <- length(probs);
##           quan <- rep(NA,lq);
##           for (i in 1 : lq) quan[i] <- F_inv_gam(p=probs[i],sp1=sp1,sc1=sc1,sp2=sp2,sc2=sc2,pi=pi)
##           quan = sort(1/(1+quan))
##           return (rbind(probs=probs,quantile=quan))
##         }else if (mod == 2){

##             ts.trans <-1/ts-1
##             return ((pi*dgamma(ts.trans,shape=sp1,scale=sc1)+(1-pi)*dgamma(ts.trans,shape=sp2,scale=sc2) )*(1/ts^2))
##           }else if (mod == 3){
##             return (list(beta0=beta0,K=2))
##           }
##     }else if (dist== "l")
##       {
##         ## single log-normal distribution
##         ## E(Y)=exp(beta)*E(G)=exp(1)*exp(meanlog+sdlog^2/2)= 5.078419
##         beta0 <- 1
##         meanlog <- -2.5
##         sdlog <- 2.5
##         gsBASE <- rlnorm(Npat,meanlog=meanlog,sdlog=sdlog)
##         gsBASE = 1/(1+gsBASE)
##         quan <- qlnorm(probs,meanlog=meanlog,sdlog=sdlog)
##         if (mod==1){
##           return( 
##                  rbind(probs=probs,
##                        quantile=sort(1/(1+quan))
##                        )
##                  )
##         }else if (mod==2){

##             ts.trans <-1/ts-1
##             return(dlnorm(ts.trans,meanlog=meanlog,sdlog=sdlog)*(1/ts^2))
##           }else if (mod == 3){
##             return (list(beta0=beta0,K=1))
##           }
##       }
##     else if (dist == "b")
##       {
##         ## single beta distribution
##         ## E(1/G) = ...some calculations... = (aG+rG-1)/(aG-1)
##         ## E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_{1/G}=exp(1)*((aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)+1)= 4.238999
##         beta0 <- 1
##         aG1 <- 15.3
##         rG1 <- 8
##         gsBASE <- rbeta(Npat,aG1,rG1)
##         if (mod==1){
##           return( 
##                  rbind(probs=probs,
##                        quantile=qbeta(probs,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)
##                        )
##                  )
##         }else if (mod==2){

##             return (dbeta(ts,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1))

##           }else if (mod == 3){

##             return (list(beta0=beta0,K=1))

##           }
##     }else if (dist == "b2")
##       {
##         ## mixture of two beta distributions
##         ## cluster 1: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(2)*((aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)+1)=3.098636 ## at initial time
##         ## cluster 2: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(2)*((aG2+rG2-1)/(aG2-1)+1)=7.037196 ## at initial time
##         pi <- 0.3
##         temp <- rmultinom(1,Npat,c(pi,1-pi))
##         Npat_dist1 <- temp[1,1]
##         Npat_dist2 <- temp[2,1]
##         beta0 <- 2
##         aG1 <- 13
##         rG1 <- 18
##         aG2 <- 20
##         rG2 <- 1
##         sampldist1 <- rbeta(Npat_dist1,aG1,rG1);
##         sampldist2 <- rbeta(Npat_dist2,aG2,rG2);
##         gsBASE <- c(sampldist1,sampldist2)
##         if (mod==1){
##           F_inv_beta2 <- function(p,aG1,rG1,aG2,rG2,pi)
##             {
##               G = function (t) pi*pbeta(t,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)+(1-pi)*pbeta(t,shape1=aG2,shape2=rG2) - p
##               return(uniroot(G,c(0,1000))$root)
##             }
##           lq <- length(probs);
##           quant <- rep(NA,lq);
##           for (i in 1 : lq) quant[i] <- F_inv_beta2(p=probs[i],aG1,rG1,aG2,rG2,pi=pi)
##           return (rbind(probs=probs,quantile=quant))
##         }
##         else if (mod==2){

##           return ((pi*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)+(1-pi)*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG2,shape2=rG2)) )
##         }else if (mod == 3){
##           return(list(beta0=beta0,K=2))
##         }
##       }
##   else if (dist == "b3")
##     {
##       ## mixture of two beta distributions
##       ## cluster 1: E(Y)=exp(beta)*mu_G=exp(0.5)*((aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)+1)=11.33496
##       ## cluster 2: E(Y)=exp(beta)*mu_G=exp(0.5)*((aG2+rG2-1)/(aG2-1)+1)=5.035284
##       ## cluster 3: E(Y)=exp(beta)*mu_G=exp(0.5)*((aG3+rG3-1)/(aG3-1)+1)=2.000417
##       beta0 <- 1
##       p1 <- 0.4
##       p2 <- 0.1
##       temp <- rmultinom(1,200,c(p1,p2,1-p1-p2))
##       Npat_dist1 <- temp[1,1]
##       Npat_dist2 <- temp[2,1]
##       Npat_dist3 <- temp[3,1]
##       aG1 <- 5
##       rG1 <- 19.5
##       aG2 <- 19.5
##       rG2 <- 19.5
##       aG3 <- 25
##       rG3 <- 0.01
##       sampldist1 <- rbeta(Npat_dist1,aG1,rG1);
##       sampldist2 <- rbeta(Npat_dist2,aG2,rG2);
##       sampldist3 <- rbeta(Npat_dist3,aG3,rG3);
##       gsBASE <- c(sampldist1,sampldist2,sampldist3)
##       if (mod==1)
##         {
##           F_inv_beta3 <- function(p,aG1,rG1,aG2,rG2,aG3,rG3,p1,p2)
##             {
##               G = function (t)
##                 p1*pbeta(t,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)+p2*pbeta(t,shape1=aG2,shape2=rG2)+(1-p1-p2)*pbeta(t,shape1=aG3,shape2=rG3)-p
##               return(uniroot(G,c(0,1000))$root)
##             }
##           lq <- length(probs);
##           quant <- rep(NA,lq);
##         for (i in 1 : lq) quant[i] <- F_inv_beta3(p=probs[i],aG1,rG1,aG2,rG2,aG3,rG3,
##                                                   p1=p1,
##                                                   p2=p2)
##           return (rbind(probs=probs,quantile=quant))
##         }else if (mod==2)
##           {
##             return (p1*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)+p2*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG2,shape2=rG2)+(1-p1-p2)*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG3,shape2=rG3 ))
##           }else if (mod == 3){
##             return( list(beta0=beta0,K=3))
##           }
##     }

##   Y <- NULL
##   for ( ipat in 1 : Npat)
##     {
##       ## the number of repeated measures are the same
##       got <- rnbinom(ni,size = exp(beta0+beta1*(1:ni)), prob = gsBASE[ipat])         
##       Y <- c(Y,got)
##     }
##   cat("beta0",beta0,"\n")

##   d <- data.frame(Y=Y,
##                   X=rep(1,Npat*ni),
##                   ID=rep(1:Npat,each=ni),
##                   gsBASE1 = rep(gsBASE,each=ni),
##                   scan = rep(1:ni,Npat)
##                   )

##   d <- subset(d,subset=scan <= ni_rev)
##   d$labelnp <- rep(c(rep(0,ni_rev-3),rep(1,3)),Npat)

##   return(d)
## }

## DPfitold <- function(Y,   ##   A vector of length sum ni, containing responses 
##                   X,   ##   A sum ni by p matrix, containing covariate values. The frist column must be 1 (Intercept)
##                   ID,  ##   A Vector of length sum ni, indicating patients
##                   B = 105000,     ##     A scalar, the number of Gibbs iteration 
##                   max_aG = 20.0,  ##     from P0 = gamma(shape=aG,scale=1/rG)
##                   mu_beta = NULL,    ##     hyperpara of beta: beta[ibeta] ~ norm(mu_beta[ibeta],sd=sigma_beta[ibeta])
##                   Sigma_beta = NULL, ## Beta24
##                   sigma_beta = NULL, ##    
##                   burnin = 5000,  
##                   printFreq = B,
##                   model=8,
##                   M=NULL,
##                   a_D=1,
##                   r_D=1,
##                   epsilonM=0.01,  ## nonpara
##                   prob=0.9,       ## nonpara
##                   labelnp=NULL, 
##                   sd_eta=0.3,      ## Beta13 and Beta23
##                   initial_beta=0.0,## Beta23
##                   a_qG=1,          ## Beta14 and Beta24
##                   r_qG=1,          ## Beta14 and Beta24
##                   mu_aG = 1.5,        ## Beta24
##                   sd_aG = 0.75,      ## Beta24
##                   mu_rG = 1.5,        ## Beta24
##                   sd_rG = 0.75      ## Beta24
##                   )
##   {
##     Ntot <- length(Y)

##     if (is.vector(X)) X <- matrix(X,ncol=1)
##     pCov <- ncol(X)
##     if (nrow(X)!= Ntot) stop ("nrow(X) != length(Y)")
##     if (length(ID)!= Ntot)  stop ("length(ID)!= length(Y)")

##     if (is.null(sigma_beta)) sigma_beta <- rep(5,pCov)
##     if (is.null(mu_beta)) mu_beta <- rep(0,pCov)
##     if (is.null(labelnp)) labelnp <- rep(0,length(Y))

##     ## if (is.null(M)) M = getM(epsilonM=epsilonM,a_D=a_D,r_D=r_D,prob=prob)
##     ## change the index of ID to numeric from 1 to # patients
##     temID <- ID  
##     N <- length(unique(temID))
##     uniID <- unique(temID)
##     ID <- rep(NA,length(temID))
##     for (i in 1 : length(uniID))
##       {
##         ID[temID == uniID[i]] <- i
##       }

##     p <- pCov
##     if( is.vector(X)) p <- 1 
##     X <- c(X) ## {xij} = { x_{1,1},x_{2,1},..,x_{Ntot,1},x_{1,2},....,x_{Ntot,p} }
##     mID <- ID-1

##     ## The patients with labelnp = 1 (no old scans) for all repeated measures
##     ## are treated as lack of new scans and used to estimate beta only.
##     ## skip the computation of H2
##     ## All patients have old scans

##     ## the labelnp of patients only with 1 (new scans) labels are replaced by all 0 (old scans)
##     patwonew <- which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==0),ID,sum)==0)==1)
##     for (i in 1 : length(patwonew)) labelnp[ID == patwonew[i]] <- 0

##     patwoNS <-  which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==1),ID,sum)==0)==1)
##     if (length(patwoNS)==0) patwoNS <- -999;
##     patwoNS <- patwoNS - 1

##     maxni <- max(tapply(rep(1,length(ID)),ID,sum))
##     Npat <- length(unique(ID))
##     if (model==1)
##       {
##         ##parametric model: gi is constant over time 
##         labelnp <- rep(0,length(Y))    
##         re <- .Call("Beta1",
##                     as.numeric(Y),           ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(X),           ## REAL
##                     as.integer(mID),         ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(B),           ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(maxni),       ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(Npat),        ## INTEGER
##                     as.numeric(labelnp),     ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(mu_aG),
##                     as.numeric(sd_aG),
##                     as.numeric(mu_rG),
##                     as.numeric(sd_rG),
##                     as.numeric(mu_beta),     ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                     as.integer(burnin),      ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(printFreq),
##                     package = "lmeNBBayes"
##                     )

##         re[[3]] <- matrix(re[[3]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
##         re[[4]] <- matrix(re[[4]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
##         names(re) <- c("aG","rG","gPre","beta","AR","prp")
##         para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
##                      sigma_beta = sigma_beta,
##                      burnin = burnin,
##                      max_aG = max_aG
##                      )
##         re$para <- para
##         names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG", paste("beta",1:p))
##         return(re)
##       }
##     else if (model==2)
##       {
##         ## parametric model: gi is allowed to change between new scan g1 and old scan g2 period
##         ##                   g1 and g2 are assumed to be independent
##         re <- .Call("Beta2",
##                     as.numeric(Y),           ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(X),           ## REAL
##                     as.integer(mID),         ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(B),           ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(maxni),       ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(Npat),        ## INTEGER
##                     as.numeric(labelnp),     ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(max_aG),      ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(mu_beta),     ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                     as.integer(burnin),      ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(printFreq),
##                     package = "lmeNBBayes"
##                     )

##         for ( i in 3:4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
##         re[[5]] <- matrix(re[[5]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
##         names(re) <- c("aG","rG","g1s","g2s","beta","AR","prp")
##         para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
##                      sigma_beta = sigma_beta,
##                      burnin = burnin,
##                      max_aG = max_aG
##                      )
##         re$para <- para
##         names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG", paste("beta",1:p))
##         return(re)
##       }
##     else if (model==3)
##       {
##         ## Nonparametric model: gi is constant over time 
##         labelnp <- rep(0,length(Y))
##         if (is.null(M)) M  <- getM(epsilonM=epsilonM,a_D=a_D,r_D=r_D,prob=prob)
##         re <- .Call("Beta12",
##                     as.numeric(Y),           ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(X),           ## REAL
##                     as.integer(mID),         ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(B),           ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(maxni),       ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(Npat),        ## INTEGER
##                     as.numeric(labelnp),     ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(max_aG),      ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(mu_beta),     ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(a_D),  ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(r_D),  ## REAL
##                     as.integer(M),
##                     as.integer(burnin),      ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(printFreq),
##                     package = "lmeNBBayes"
##                     )
##         ## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8720550/how-to-return-array-of-structs-from-call-to-c-shared-library-in-r
##         for ( i in 1:4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
##         for ( i in 5:6 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
##         re[[7]] <- matrix(re[[7]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
##         names(re) <- c("aG","rG","vs","weightH1",
##                        "h1s","g1s",
##                        "beta","D","AR","prp")
##         para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
##                      sigma_beta = sigma_beta,
##                      burnin = burnin,
##                      max_aG = max_aG
##                      )
##         re$para <- para
##         names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG",paste("beta",1:p))
##         return(re)
##       }
##     else if (model==4)
##       {
##         ## nonparametric model: gi is allowed to change between new scan g1 and old scan g2 period
##         ##                      g1 and g2 are assumed to be independent 
##         if (is.null(M)) M  <- getM(epsilonM=epsilonM,a_D=a_D,r_D=r_D,prob=prob)
##         re <- .Call("Beta22",
##                     as.numeric(Y),           ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(X),           ## REAL
##                     as.integer(mID),         ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(B),           ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(maxni),       ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(Npat),        ## INTEGER
##                     as.numeric(labelnp),     ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(max_aG),      ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(mu_beta),     ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(a_D),         ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(r_D),         ## REAL
##                     as.integer(M),           ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(burnin),      ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(printFreq),
##                     package = "lmeNBBayes"
##                     )
##         ## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8720550/how-to-return-array-of-structs-from-call-to-c-shared-library-in-r
##         for ( i in 1:4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
##         for ( i in 5:8 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
##         re[[9]] <- matrix(re[[9]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
##         names(re) <- c("aG","rG","vs","weightH1",
##                        "h1s","h2s","g1s","g2s",
##                        "beta","D","AR","prp")
##         para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
##                      sigma_beta = sigma_beta,
##                      burnin = burnin,
##                      max_aG = max_aG,
##                      M=M,
##                      )
##         re$para <- para
##         names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG", paste("beta",1:p))
##         return(re)
##       }
##     else if (model == 5)
##       {
##         min_prec_eta = 500
##         max_prec_eta = 501
##         re <- .Call("Beta13",
##                     as.numeric(Y),           ## 1REAL
##                     as.numeric(X),           ## 2REAL
##                     as.integer(mID),         ## 3INTEGER
##                     as.integer(B),           ## 4INTEGER
##                     as.integer(maxni),       ## 5INTEGER
##                     as.integer(Npat),        ## 6INTEGER
##                     as.numeric(labelnp),     ## 7REAL
##                     as.numeric(min_prec_eta),   ## 8REAL
##                     as.numeric(max_prec_eta),   ## 9REAL
##                     as.numeric(max_aG),      ## 10REAL
##                     as.numeric(mu_beta),     ## 11REAL
##                     as.numeric(sigma_beta),  ## 12REAL
##                     as.integer(burnin),      ## 13INTEGER
##                     as.integer(printFreq),   ## 14INTEGER
##                     package = "lmeNBBayes"
##                     )
##         ## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8720550/how-to-return-array-of-structs-from-call-to-c-shared-library-in-r
##         ## for ( i in 1:4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
##         for ( i in 4 : 6 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
##         re[[7]] <- matrix(re[[7]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
##         names(re) <- c("aG","rG","prec_eta",
##                        "g1s","etas","g2s",
##                        "beta","AR","prp")
##         para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
##                      sigma_beta = sigma_beta,
##                      burnin = burnin,
##                      max_aG = max_aG
##                      )
##         re$para <- para
##         names(re$AR) <-c("g1s","etas","aG", "rG", "prec_eta",paste("beta",1:p))
##         return(re)

##       }
##     else if (model==6)
##       {
##         ##  nonparametric model,  
##         if (is.null(M)) M  <- getM(epsilonM=epsilonM,a_D=a_D,r_D=r_D,prob=prob)

##         re <- .Call("Beta23",
##                     as.numeric(Y),           ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(X),           ## REAL
##                     as.integer(mID),         ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(B),           ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(maxni),       ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(Npat),        ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(M),           ## INTEGER
##                     as.numeric(a_D),         ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(r_D),         ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(labelnp),     ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(sd_eta),      ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(max_aG),      ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(mu_beta),     ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                     as.integer(burnin),      ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(printFreq),   ## INTEGER
##                     as.numeric(initial_beta),
##                     package = "lmeNBBayes"
##                     )
##         ## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8720550/how-to-return-array-of-structs-from-call-to-c-shared-library-in-r
##         for ( i in 1 : 4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
##         for ( i in 5 : 8 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
##         re[[5]] <- re[[5]]+1 ## "h1s"
##         re[[9]] <- matrix(re[[9]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
##         names(re) <- c("aGs","rGs","vs","weightH1",
##                        "h1s","g1s","g2s","etas"
##                        ,"betas","D",##"prec_eta",
##                        "AR","prp")
##         para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
##                      sigma_beta = sigma_beta,
##                      burnin = burnin,
##                      max_aG = max_aG,
##                      M=M,
##                      ID=ID,
##                      labelnp=labelnp,
##                      patWOnew=patwonew
##                      ) 
##         re$para <- para
##         names(re$AR) <- names(re$prp) <- c("g1s","etas",paste("aG",1:M,sep=""),
##                                            paste("rG",1:M,sep=""),
##                                            paste("beta",1:p,sep=""))##"prec_eta")
##         re$MeanWH <- colMeans(re$weightH1);
##         names(re$MeanWH) <- paste("cluster",1:M)
##         return(re)                
##       }
##     else if (model==7)
##       {

##         ## // Y_ij | Gij = gij ~ NB(size=exp(X_{ij}^T beta),prob=gij)
##         ## // gij = g1 if j is in pre-scan 
##         ## //     = g_new if j is in old-scan 
##         ## // g_new = Ji * g1 + (1-Ji) * g2 
##         ## // Ji ~ ber(qG)
##         ## // qG ~ beta(a_qG,r_qG)
##         ## // g1, g2 ~ beta(aG,rG)
##         ## // beta ~ rnorm(mu_beta,sigma_beta)
##         ## // aG, rG ~ unif(0,max_aG)

##         re <- .Call("Beta14",
##                     as.numeric(Y),           ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(X),           ## REAL
##                     as.integer(mID),         ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(B),           ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(maxni),       ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(Npat),        ## INTEGER
##                     as.numeric(labelnp),     ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(a_qG),
##                     as.numeric(r_qG),
##                     as.numeric(max_aG),      ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(mu_beta),     ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                     ##as.numeric(a_D),         ## REAL
##                     ##as.numeric(r_D),         ## REAL
##                     ##as.integer(M),           ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(burnin),      ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(printFreq),
##                     as.integer(patwoNS),
##                     package = "lmeNBBayes"
##                     )
##         ## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8720550/how-to-return-array-of-structs-from-call-to-c-shared-library-in-r
##         ## for ( i in 1:4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
##         for ( i in 4 : 7 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
##         re[[8]] <- matrix(re[[8]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
##         names(re) <- c("aG","rG","qG",
##                        "gPre","g2s","gNew","js",
##                        "beta","AR","prp")
##         para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
##                      sigma_beta = sigma_beta,
##                      burnin = burnin,
##                      B=B,
##                      max_aG = max_aG,
##                      patwoNS= patwoNS+1
##                      )
##         re$para <- para
##         names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG", paste("beta",1:p))
##         return(re)
##       }
##     else if (model==8)
##       {
##         ## nonparametric model
##         ## // Y_ij | Gij = gij ~ NB(size=exp(X_{ij}^T beta),prob=gij)
##         ## // gij = g1 if j is in pre-scan 
##         ## //     = g_new if j is in old-scan 
##         ## // g_new = Ji * g1 + (1-Ji) * g2 
##         ## // Ji ~ ber(qG)
##         ## // qG ~ beta(a_qG,r_qG)
##         ## // g1, g2 ~ sum_{h=1}^M pi_h beta(aG_h,rG_h)
##         ## // beta ~ rnorm(mu_beta,sigma_beta)
##         ## // aG, rG ~ unif(0,max_aG)
##         ##  nonparametric model,

##         if (is.null(M)) M  <- getM(epsilonM=epsilonM,a_D=a_D,r_D=r_D,prob=prob)
##         if (is.null(Sigma_beta)) Sigma_beta <-  diag(5,pCov)
##         evalue_sigma_beta <- eigen(Sigma_beta, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
##         if (min(evalue_sigma_beta) <= 0) stop("Sigma_beta must be positive definite!")
##         Inv_sigma_beta <- c( solve(Sigma_beta) )

##         re <- .Call("Beta24",
##                     as.numeric(Y),           ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(X),           ## REAL
##                     as.integer(mID),         ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(B),           ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(maxni),       ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(Npat),        ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(M),           ## INTEGER
##                     as.numeric(labelnp),     ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(a_qG),        ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(r_qG),        ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(mu_aG),       ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(sd_aG),       ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(mu_rG),       ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(sd_rG),       ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(mu_beta),     ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(a_D),         ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(r_D),         ## REAL
##                     as.integer(burnin),      ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(printFreq),
##                     as.integer(patwoNS),
##                     package = "lmeNBBayes"
##                     )
##         for ( i in 2 : 7 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
##         for ( i in 8 : 11 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
##         re[[12]] <- matrix(re[[12]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
##         names(re) <- c("qG",
##                        "gPre","g2s","gNew","js","h1s","h2s",
##                        "weightH1","vs","aGs","rGs",
##                        "beta","AR","prp")
##         re$para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
##                         sigma_beta = (Sigma_beta),
##                         burnin = burnin,
##                         M=M,
##                         B=B,
##                         model=model,
##                         mu_aG = mu_aG,
##                         sd_aG = sd_aG,
##                         mu_rG = mu_rG,
##                         sd_rG = sd_rG,
##                         a_D=a_D,
##                         r_D=r_D,
##                         a_qG=a_qG,
##                         r_qG=r_qG,
##                         Npat=N,
##                         Ntot=length(Y),
##                         patwoNS = patwoNS+1,
##                         CEL=Y,
##                         ID=ID
##                         )
##         names(re$AR) <- names(re$prp) <- c(paste("aG",1:M,sep=""),
##                                            paste("rG",1:M,sep=""),
##                                            paste("beta",sep="")
##                                            )
##         re$h1s <- re$h1s + 1
##         re$h2s <- re$h2s + 1
##         re$MeanWH <- colMeans(re$weightH1);
##         names(re$MeanWH) <- paste("cluster",1:M)
##         return(re)

##       }
##   }

## getSample2 <- function(iseed=1,
##                        mod=1, ## mod==2 returns the simulation parameter 
##                        aG1=10,rG1=10,aG2=20,rG2=1)
## {
##   ## The random effect changes its value over time
##   ## 20 % of patients switch their random effect values between pre and new scan period
##   ## By review 2, 80 patients are recruited to the study 
##   Npat <- 100; ## Npat must be divisible by NpatEnterPerMonth

##   beta0 <- 1.5
##   beta1 <- 0.1
##   set.seed(iseed)

##   cat("\n\n beta0",beta0,"beta1",beta1,"\n\n")
##   ## The number of patients entering the study per month
##   DSMBVisitInterval <- 4 ## months

##   ##
##   ## I_{ij} follows a Markov Chain with two states 0/1 with transition probability p_{i0} = 0.9 and p_{i1}=0.1 for i = 0 or 1
##   ## That is I_{ij} is more likely to stay at state 0.
##   ##
##   ## mixture of two beta distributions
##   ## cluster 1: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(1)*((aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)+1)=3.098636 ## at initial time
##   ## cluster 2: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(1)*((aG2+rG2-1)/(aG2-1)+1)=7.037196 ## at initial time
##   Ys <- Gs <- Ispat <- ID <- Is <- NULL

##     cat("\n\n Random effect changes at time 2, at time 3 (DSMB review) and at time 4 \n\n")

##     Ys <- Gs <-Is <- NULL
##     ni <- 6
##     timecov <- c(0,0,1:(ni-2))
##     NpatEach <- 5
##     NpatEach1 <- 2
##     Ispat <- matrix(c(
##                       rep(c(0,0,0,1,1,1),NpatEach),
##                       rep(c(1,1,1,0,0,0),NpatEach),
##                       rep(c(0,0,1,1,1,1),NpatEach1), ## NpatEach 
##                       rep(c(0,0,0,0,1,1),NpatEach1),
##                       rep(c(1,1,0,0,0,0),NpatEach1),
##                       rep(c(1,1,1,1,0,0),NpatEach1),
##                       rep(rep(1,ni),40), ## 40 
##                       rep(rep(0,ni),130) ## 130 reasonabl
##                       ),ncol=ni,byrow=TRUE)
##     Npat <-nrow(Ispat)
##     for (ipat in 1 : Npat)
##       {
##         gs <- ys <- NULL
##         ## random effect corresponding to Ispat[ipat,ivec]==0
##         g0 <- rbeta(1,shape1=aG2,shape2=rG2);
##         g1 <- rbeta(1,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1);
##         for (ivec in 1 : ni)
##           {
##             if (Ispat[ipat,ivec] == 0)
##               {
##                 ys[ivec] <- rnbinom(1,size = exp(beta0+beta1*timecov[ivec]),prob = g0)
##                 gs <- c(gs,g0)
##               }else if (Ispat[ipat,ivec] == 1)
##                 {
##                   ys[ivec] <- rnbinom(1,size = exp(beta0+beta1*timecov[ivec]),prob = g1)
##                   gs <- c(gs,g1)
##                 }
##           }
##         Ys <- c(Ys,ys)
##         Gs <- c(Gs,gs)
##         Is <- c(Is,Ispat[ipat,])
##       }
##     d <- data.frame(Y=Ys,gs=Gs,Is=Is,
##                     ID=rep(1:Npat,each=ni),
##                     days=rep(1:ni,Npat),
##                     X1=rep(1,Npat*ni),
##                     X2=rep(timecov,Npat))

##     d$labelnp <- rep(0,nrow(d))
##     d$labelnp[ 3 < d$days ] <- 1 

##     if (mod== 1)return(d)
##     else if (mod == 2){
##       ## return the parameter values:
##       c1 <- momentsBeta(aG1=aG1,rG1=rG1,beta=beta0)
##       c2 <- momentsBeta(aG1=aG2,rG1=rG2,beta=beta0)
##       REclass <- REclass(d)
##       return (list(c1=c1,c2=c2,beta0=beta0,beta1=beta1,aG1=aG1,rG1=rG1,aG2=aG2,rG2=rG2,REclass=REclass))
##     }

## }

## REclass <- function(d)
##   {
##     d <- data.frame(d)
##     Npat <- length(unique(d$ID))
##     REclass <- rep(NA,Npat)
##     for (ipat in 1 : Npat)
##       {
##         Is_pat <- d$Is[d$ID==ipat]
##         if (identical(Is_pat,c(1,1,1,1,1,1))){REclass[ipat] <- 1}
##         if (identical(Is_pat,c(0,0,0,0,0,0))){REclass[ipat] <- 2}
##         if (identical(Is_pat,c(1,1,0,0,0,0))){REclass[ipat] <- 3}
##         if (identical(Is_pat,c(0,0,0,0,1,1))){REclass[ipat] <- 4}
##         if (identical(Is_pat,c(1,1,1,1,0,0))){REclass[ipat] <- 5}
##         if (identical(Is_pat,c(0,0,1,1,1,1))){REclass[ipat] <- 6}
##         if (identical(Is_pat,c(0,0,0,1,1,1))){REclass[ipat] <- 7}
##         if (identical(Is_pat,c(1,1,1,0,0,0))){REclass[ipat] <- 8}
##       }
##     return(REclass)
##   }

## getSample2 <- function(iseed=1,
##                        mod=1, ## mod==2 returns the simulation parameter 
##                        aG1=10,rG1=10,aG2=20,rG2=1)
## {
##   ## The random effect changes its value over time
##   ## 20n % of patients switch their random effect values between pre and new scan period
##   ## By review 2, 80 patients are recruited to the study 
##   Npat <- 100; ## Npat must be divisible by NpatEnterPerMonth

##   beta0 <- 1.5
##   beta1 <- 0.1
##   set.seed(iseed)

##   cat("\n\n beta0",beta0,"beta1",beta1,"\n\n")
##   ## The number of patients entering the study per month
##   DSMBVisitInterval <- 4 ## months

##   ##
##   ## I_{ij} follows a Markov Chain with two states 0/1 with transition probability p_{i0} = 0.9 and p_{i1}=0.1 for i = 0 or 1
##   ## That is I_{ij} is more likely to stay at state 0.
##   ##
##   ## mixture of two beta distributions
##   ## cluster 1: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(1)*((aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)+1)=3.098636 ## at initial time
##   ## cluster 2: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(1)*((aG2+rG2-1)/(aG2-1)+1)=7.037196 ## at initial time
##   Ys <- Gs <- Ispat <- ID <- Is <- NULL

##     cat("\n\n Random effect changes at time 2, at time 3 (DSMB review) and at time 4 \n\n")

##     Ys <- Gs <-Is <- NULL
##     ni <- 6
##     timecov <- c(0,0,1:(ni-2))
##     NpatEach <- 5
##     NpatEach1 <- 2
##     Ispat <- matrix(c(
##                       rep(c(0,0,0,1,1,1),NpatEach),
##                       rep(c(1,1,1,0,0,0),NpatEach),
##                       rep(c(0,0,1,1,1,1),NpatEach1), ## NpatEach 
##                       rep(c(0,0,0,0,1,1),NpatEach1),
##                       rep(c(1,1,0,0,0,0),NpatEach1),
##                       rep(c(1,1,1,1,0,0),NpatEach1),
##                       rep(rep(1,ni),40), ## 40 
##                       rep(rep(0,ni),130) ## 130 reasonabl
##                       ),ncol=ni,byrow=TRUE)
##     Npat <-nrow(Ispat)
##     for (ipat in 1 : Npat)
##       {
##         gs <- ys <- NULL
##         ## random effect corresponding to Ispat[ipat,ivec]==0
##         g0 <- rbeta(1,shape1=aG2,shape2=rG2);
##         g1 <- rbeta(1,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1);
##         for (ivec in 1 : ni)
##           {
##             if (Ispat[ipat,ivec] == 0)
##               {
##                 ys[ivec] <- rnbinom(1,size = exp(beta0+beta1*timecov[ivec]),prob = g0)
##                 gs <- c(gs,g0)
##               }else if (Ispat[ipat,ivec] == 1)
##                 {
##                   ys[ivec] <- rnbinom(1,size = exp(beta0+beta1*timecov[ivec]),prob = g1)
##                   gs <- c(gs,g1)
##                 }
##           }
##         Ys <- c(Ys,ys)
##         Gs <- c(Gs,gs)
##         Is <- c(Is,Ispat[ipat,])
##       }
##     d <- data.frame(Y=Ys,gs=Gs,Is=Is,
##                     ID=rep(1:Npat,each=ni),
##                     days=rep(1:ni,Npat),
##                     X1=rep(1,Npat*ni),
##                     X2=rep(timecov,Npat))

##     d$labelnp <- rep(0,nrow(d))
##     d$labelnp[ 3 < d$days ] <- 1 

##     if (mod== 1)return(d)
##     else if (mod == 2){
##       ## return the parameter values:
##       c1 <- momentsBeta(aG1=aG1,rG1=rG1,beta=beta0)
##       c2 <- momentsBeta(aG1=aG2,rG1=rG2,beta=beta0)
##       REclass <- REclass(d)
##       return (list(c1=c1,c2=c2,beta0=beta0,beta1=beta1,aG1=aG1,rG1=rG1,aG2=aG2,rG2=rG2,REclass=REclass))
##     }

## }

## getSampleS <- function(iseed=1,propTreat=2/3,RedFactor=0.5,detail=FALSE)
##   {
##     ## The subset of patients in treatment arm experience the treatment effect
##     ## Those with treatment effect decrease the expectation of CEL counts by RedFactor at every time point.
##     ## RedFactor is constant over time.

##     ## propTreat is the proportion of the patients in treatment arm with treatment effect
##     ## if full = TRUE then full dataset is returned and rev is ignored
##     ni <- 8
##     Npat <- 120;
##     i.trt <- c(
##                rep(1,round(Npat*propTreat*0.5)), ## 0.5 because half of the patients receive treatments
##                rep(0,Npat-round(Npat*propTreat*0.5))
##                )
##     pi <- 0.3
##     beta0 <- 1.5
##     beta1 <- -0.05
##     aG1 <- 10
##     rG1 <- 10
##     aG2 <- 20
##     rG2 <- 1

##     ## generate the initial random effect values of everyone
##     hs <- sample(1:2,Npat,c(pi,1-pi),replace=TRUE)
##     Npat_dist1 <- sum(hs==1)
##     Npat_dist2 <- sum(hs==2)
##     gsBASE <- rep(NA,Npat)
##     gsBASE[hs==1] <- rbeta(Npat_dist1,aG1,rG1);
##     gsBASE[hs==2] <- rbeta(Npat_dist2,aG2,rG2);

##     ## generate samples for dist = "b","b3", "g", and "l" (except "b2")
##     Y <- NULL
##     timecov <- c(0,0,(1:(ni-2)))
##     for ( ipat in 1 : Npat)
##       {
##         ## the number of repeated measures are the same
##         ## we assume that the treatment effects occurs once after the screening and baseline
##         got <- rnbinom(ni,size = exp(beta0+beta1*timecov)*RedFactor^(i.trt[ipat]*(timecov>0)), prob = gsBASE[ipat])         
##         Y <- c(Y,got)
##       }
##     ## cat("beta0",beta0,"\n")
##     d <- data.frame(Y=Y,
##                     X1=rep(1,Npat*ni),
##                     X2=rep(timecov,Npat),
##                     labelnp=rep(c(rep(0,2),rep(1,ni-2)),Npat), ## the first two scans are pre-scans 
##                     ID=rep(1:Npat,each=ni),
##                     gsBASE = rep(gsBASE,each=ni),
##                     Treat = rep(1:0,each=(Npat/2)*ni), ## the first half of the patients receive treatment
##                     effectTreat = rep(i.trt,each=ni),
##                     hs = rep(hs,each=ni)
##                     )

##     if (detail)
##       {
##         E1G.1 <- momentsBeta(aG1,rG1,beta0)[3] ## E1G
##         E1G.2 <- momentsBeta(aG2,rG2,beta0)[3]
##         E1G <- E1G.1*pi+E1G.2*(1-pi)

##         E1s<-c(E1G,E1G.1,E1G.2)
##         names(E1s) <- c("Overall","H=1","H=2")
##         for (i in 1 : length(E1s))
##           {
##             noTreatEffect <- (E1s[i]-1)*exp(beta0+beta1*timecov)*RedFactor^(0*(timecov>0))
##             TreatEffect <- (E1s[i]-1)*exp(beta0+beta1*timecov)*RedFactor^(1*(timecov>0))
##             rr <- rbind(noTreatEffect,TreatEffect)
##             colnames(rr) <- timecov
##             cat("\n The expected CEL counts E(Yt)",names(E1s)[i],"\n")
##             print(rr)
##           }
##       }
##     return(d)
##   }

## ## E(K|N,D) digamma(D+N)-digamma(D) ~= D*log(1+N/D) D*log(1+N/D)
## K_N.D <- function(D,N=200) D*log(1+N/D)

## ## E(K|N) = E(E(K|N,D)) where D ~ gamma(shape=aD,scale1/rD)
## ## E(L|N) depends on aD and rD and N
## K_N <- function(aD,rD,N)
##   {
##     f <- function(D,N,rD,aD) log(1+N/D)*exp(-rD*D)*D^aD
##     k <- integrate(f=f,N=N,rD=rD,aD=aD,lower=0,upper=Inf)
##     return(k$value*rD^aD/gamma(aD))
##   }

## K_NisK <- function(aD,rD,N,K)
##   {
##     return(K_N(aD,rD,N)-K)
##   }

## nbinDPREchange <- function(Y,          ##   A vector of length sum ni, containing responses 
##                            X,          ##   A sum ni by p matrix, containing covariate values. The frist column must be 1 (Intercept)
##                            ID,         ##   A Vector of length sum ni, indicating patients
##                            B = 105000, ##     A scalar, the number of Gibbs iteration 
##                            burnin = 5000,  
##                            printFreq = B,
##                            M = NULL,
##                            labelnp, ## necessary if probIndex ==1
##                            epsilonM = 0.01,## nonpara
##                            para = list(mu_beta = NULL,Sigma_beta = NULL,a_D = 0.01, ib_D = 5,max_aG=30)
##                            )
##   {

##     ## This code generate samples from NBRE model with constant random effect ~ DP mixture of Beta
##     if (is.vector(X)) X <- matrix(X,ncol=1)
##     NtotAll <- length(Y)
##     if (nrow(X)!= NtotAll) stop("nrow(X) != length(Y)")
##     if (length(ID)!= NtotAll)  stop("length(ID)!= length(Y)")
##     if (length(labelnp)!= NtotAll)  stop ("labelnp!= length(Y)")

##     dims <- dim(X)
##     Ntot <- dims[1]
##     pCov <- dims[2]
##     ## cat("pCov",pCov)
##     if (is.null(para$mu_beta))
##       {
##         para$mu_beta <- rep(0,pCov)
##       }
##     mu_beta <- para$mu_beta

##     if (is.null(M)) M  <- round(1 + log(epsilonM)/log(para$ib_D/(1+para$ib_D)))
##     if (is.null(para$Sigma_beta)) {
##       para$Sigma_beta <-  diag(5,pCov)
##     }
##     Sigma_beta = para$Sigma_beta
##     evalue_sigma_beta <- eigen(Sigma_beta, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
##     if (min(evalue_sigma_beta) <= 0) stop("Sigma_beta must be positive definite!")
##     Inv_sigma_beta <- c( solve(Sigma_beta) )

##     X <- c(X) ## {xij} = { x_{1,1},x_{2,1},..,x_{Ntot,1},x_{1,2},....,x_{Ntot,p} }

##     ## change the index of ID to numeric from 1 to # patients
##     temID <- ID  
##     N <- length(unique(temID))
##     uniID <- unique(temID)
##     ID <- rep(NA,length(temID))
##     for (i in 1 : length(uniID))
##       {
##         ID[temID == uniID[i]] <- i
##       }
##     mID <- ID-1
##     ## the labelnp of patients only with 1 (new scans) labels are replaced by all 0 (old scans)
##     maxni <- max(tapply(rep(1,length(ID)),ID,sum))
##     Npat <- length(unique(ID))

##     ## the labelnp of patients only with 1 (new scans) labels are replaced by all 0 (old scans)
##     patwonew <- which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==0),ID,sum)==0)==1)
##     for (i in 1 : length(patwonew)) labelnp[ID == patwonew[i]] <- 0

##     re <- .Call("gibbsREchange",
##                 as.numeric(Y),           ## REAL
##                 as.numeric(X),           ## REAL
##                 as.integer(mID),         ## INTEGER
##                 as.integer(B),           ## INTEGER
##                 as.integer(maxni),       ## INTEGER
##                 as.integer(Npat),        ## INTEGER
##                 as.numeric(labelnp),     ## REAL
##                 as.numeric(para$max_aG),
##                 as.numeric(para$mu_beta),     ## REAL
##                 as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                 as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                 as.numeric(para$a_D),
##                 as.numeric(para$ib_D),
##                 as.integer(M),
##                 as.integer(burnin),      ## INTEGER
##                 as.integer(printFreq),
##                 package = "lmeNBBayes"
##                 )

##     ## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8720550/how-to-return-array-of-structs-from-call-to-c-shared-library-in-r
##     ## for ( i in 1:4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
##     for ( i in 1 : 4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
##     for ( i in 5 : 8 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,Npat,byrow=TRUE)
##     re[[9]] <- matrix(re[[9]],B,pCov,byrow=TRUE)
##     names(re) <- c("aGs","rGs","vs","weightH1",
##                    "h1s","h2s","g1s","g2s",
##                    "beta",
##                    "logL","D",
##                    "AR","prp")

##     re$para <- para
##     re$para$M <- M
##     names(re$AR) <-names(re$prp) <- c("aG", "rG","beta","D")
##     return (re)
##   }

## DPfit <- function(Y,          ##   A vector of length sum ni, containing responses 
##                   X,          ##   A sum ni by p matrix, containing covariate values. The frist column must be 1 (Intercept)
##                   ID,         ##   A Vector of length sum ni, indicating patients
##                   B = 105000, ##     A scalar, the number of Gibbs iteration 
##                   burnin = 5000,  
##                   printFreq = B,
##                   model = "nonpara-unif",
##                   M = NULL,
##                   epsilonM = 0.01,## nonpara
##                   prob=0.9,        ## nonpara
##                   labelnp=NULL,
##                   para = list(mu_beta = NULL,Sigma_beta = NULL,a_D = 1, r_D = 1, a_qG = 1, r_qG = 1,
##                     mu_aG = 0,sd_aG = 2, mu_rG = 0,sd_rG = 2, Nclust=NULL),
##                   initBeta=NULL
##                   )
##   {

##     Ntot <- length(Y)

##     ## === prior input check =====## 
##     if (is.vector(X)) X <- matrix(X,ncol=1)

##     if (nrow(X)!= Ntot) stop ("nrow(X) != length(Y)")
##     if (length(ID)!= Ntot)  stop ("length(ID)!= length(Y)")
##     if (is.null(para$a_qG)){
##       para$a_qG <- 1
##       cat("\n a_qG needs to be specified!! set to 1")
##     }
##     a_qG = para$a_qG
##     if (is.null(para$r_qG) ) {
##       para$r_qG <- 1
##       cat("\n r_qG needs to be specified!! set to 1")
##     }
##     r_qG = para$r_qG

##     if (is.vector(X)) X <- matrix(X,ncol=1)
##     pCov <- ncol(X)

##     if (is.null(para$mu_beta))
##       {
##         para$mu_beta <- rep(0,pCov)
##       }
##     mu_beta = para$mu_beta
##     if (is.null(para$Sigma_beta)) {
##       para$Sigma_beta <-  diag(5,pCov)
##     }
##     Sigma_beta = para$Sigma_beta

##     if (is.null(labelnp)) labelnp <- rep(0,length(Y))

##     KK <- para$Nclust
##     if (!is.null(KK)){
##       if (!is.null(para$a_D)) stop("Both KK and a_D are selected! must be one of them...")
##       ## the total number of patients observed by irev^th review
##       NtotID <- length(unique(ID))
##       ## the number of patients whose new scans are observed at the irev^th review
##       NnewID <- length(unique(ID[labelnp==1]))
##       ## parameters
##       para$a_D <- uniroot(f=K_NisK,interval=c(0.003,50),
##                           rD=para$r_D,N=(NtotID+NnewID)*2,K=KK)$root
##     }
##     a_D <- para$a_D
##     if (is.null(M)) M  <- round(1 + log(0.01)/log(5/(1+5)))

##     ## change the index of ID to numeric from 1 to # patients
##     temID <- ID  
##     N <- length(unique(temID))
##     uniID <- unique(temID)
##     ID <- rep(NA,length(temID))
##     for (i in 1 : length(uniID))
##       {
##         ID[temID == uniID[i]] <- i
##       }
##     p <- pCov
##     if( is.vector(X)) p <- 1 
##     X <- c(X) ## {xij} = { x_{1,1},x_{2,1},..,x_{Ntot,1},x_{1,2},....,x_{Ntot,p} }
##     mID <- ID-1

##     ## The patients with labelnp = 1 (no old scans) for all repeated measures
##     ## are treated as lack of new scans and used to estimate beta only.
##     ## skip the computation of H2
##     ## All patients have old scans
##     ## the labelnp of patients only with 1 (new scans) labels are replaced by all 0 (old scans)
##     patwonew <- which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==0),ID,sum)==0)==1)
##     for (i in 1 : length(patwonew)) labelnp[ID == patwonew[i]] <- 0
##     patwoNS <-  which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==1),ID,sum)==0)==1)
##     if (length(patwoNS)==0) patwoNS <- -999;
##     patwoNS <- patwoNS - 1
##     maxni <- max(tapply(rep(1,length(ID)),ID,sum))
##     Npat <- length(unique(ID))

##     evalue_sigma_beta <- eigen(Sigma_beta, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
##     if (min(evalue_sigma_beta) <= 0) stop("Sigma_beta must be positive definite!")
##     Inv_sigma_beta <- c( solve(Sigma_beta) )
##     if (model=="para-constantRE"| model==1)
##       {
##         if (is.null(para$mu_aG )){
##           para$mu_aG <- 0.5
##           cat("\n mu_aG needs to be specified!! set to 0.5")
##         }
##         mu_aG = para$mu_aG
##         if (is.null(para$mu_rG)){
##           para$mu_rG <- 0.5
##           cat("\n mu_rG needs to be specified!! set to 0.5")
##         }
##         mu_rG = para$mu_rG
##         if (is.null(para$sd_aG) ){
##           para$sd_aG <- 2
##           cat("\n mu_rG needs to be specified!! set to 2")
##         }
##         sd_aG = para$sd_aG
##         if (is.null(para$sd_rG)) {
##           para$sd_rG <- 2
##           cat("\n mu_rG needs to be specified!! set to 2")
##         }
##         sd_rG = para$sd_rG
##         ##parametric model: gi is constant over time 
##         labelnp <- rep(0,length(Y))    
##         re <- .Call("Beta1",
##                     as.numeric(Y),           ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(X),           ## REAL
##                     as.integer(mID),         ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(B),           ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(maxni),       ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(Npat),        ## INTEGER
##                     as.numeric(labelnp),     ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(mu_aG),
##                     as.numeric(sd_aG),
##                     as.numeric(mu_rG),
##                     as.numeric(sd_rG),
##                     as.numeric(mu_beta),     ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                     as.integer(burnin),      ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(printFreq),
##                     package = "lmeNBBayes"
##                     )
##         re[[3]] <- matrix(re[[3]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
##         re[[4]] <- matrix(re[[4]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
##         names(re) <- c("aG","rG","gPre","beta","AR","prp")
##         para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
##                      Sigma_beta = Sigma_beta,
##                      B=B,
##                      model="para-constantRE",
##                      burnin = burnin,
##                      mu_aG = mu_aG,
##                      sd_aG = sd_aG,
##                      mu_rG = mu_rG,
##                      sd_rG = sd_rG
##                      )
##         re$para <- para
##         names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG", "beta")
##         return(re)
##       }else if (model=="para"){
##         ## // Y_ij | Gij = gij ~ NB(size=exp(X_{ij}^T beta),prob=gij)
##         ## // gij = g1 if j is in pre-scan 
##         ## //     = g_new if j is in old-scan 
##         ## // g_new = Ji * g1 + (1-Ji) * g2 
##         ## // Ji ~ ber(qG)
##         ## // qG ~ beta(a_qG,r_qG)
##         ## // g1, g2 ~ beta(aG,rG)
##         ## // beta ~ rnorm(mu_beta,sigma_beta)
##         ## // aG, rG ~ lognorm(mu_aG,sd_aG),lognorm(mu_rG,sd_rG)
##         if (is.null(para$mu_aG )){
##           para$mu_aG <- 0.5
##           cat("\n mu_aG needs to be specified!! set to 0.5")
##         }
##         mu_aG = para$mu_aG
##         if (is.null(para$mu_rG)){
##           para$mu_rG <- 0.5
##           cat("\n mu_rG needs to be specified!! set to 0.5")
##         }
##         mu_rG = para$mu_rG
##         if (is.null(para$sd_aG) ){
##           para$sd_aG <- 2
##           cat("\n mu_rG needs to be specified!! set to 2")
##         }
##         sd_aG = para$sd_aG
##         if (is.null(para$sd_rG) ) {
##           para$sd_rG <- 2
##           cat("\n mu_rG needs to be specified!! set to 2")
##         }
##         sd_rG = para$sd_rG
##         re <- .Call("Beta14",
##                     as.numeric(Y),           ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(X),           ## REAL
##                     as.integer(mID),         ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(B),           ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(maxni),       ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(Npat),        ## INTEGER
##                     as.numeric(labelnp),     ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(a_qG),
##                     as.numeric(r_qG),
##                     as.numeric(mu_aG),
##                     as.numeric(sd_aG),
##                     as.numeric(mu_rG),
##                     as.numeric(sd_rG),
##                     as.numeric(mu_beta),     ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                     as.integer(burnin),      ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(printFreq),
##                     as.integer(patwoNS),
##                     package = "lmeNBBayes"
##                     )
##         ## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8720550/how-to-return-array-of-structs-from-call-to-c-shared-library-in-r
##         ## for ( i in 1:4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
##         for ( i in 4 : 7 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
##         re[[8]] <- matrix(re[[8]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
##         names(re) <- c("aG","rG","qG",
##                        "gPre","g2s","gNew","js",
##                        "beta","AR","prp")
##         para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
##                      Sigma_beta = Sigma_beta,
##                      B=B,
##                      model="para",
##                      burnin = burnin,
##                      mu_aG = mu_aG,
##                      sd_aG = sd_aG,
##                      mu_rG = mu_rG,
##                      sd_rG = sd_rG,
##                      a_qG=a_qG,
##                      r_qG=r_qG
##                      )
##         re$para <- para
##         names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG", "beta")
##         return(re)
##       }else if (model=="para-unif"){
##         if (is.null(para$max_aG) )  para$max_aG <- 30
##         max_aG <- para$max_aG
##         ## // Y_ij | Gij = gij ~ NB(size=exp(X_{ij}^T beta),prob=gij)
##         ## // gij = g1 if j is in pre-scan 
##         ## //     = g_new if j is in old-scan 
##         ## // g_new = Ji * g1 + (1-Ji) * g2 
##         ## // Ji ~ ber(qG)
##         ## // qG ~ beta(a_qG,r_qG)
##         ## // g1, g2 ~ beta(aG,rG)
##         ## // beta ~ rnorm(mu_beta,sigma_beta)
##         ## // aG, rG ~ unif(0,max_aG)

##         re <- .Call("Beta14Unif",
##                     as.numeric(Y),           ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(X),           ## REAL
##                     as.integer(mID),         ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(B),           ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(maxni),       ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(Npat),        ## INTEGER
##                     as.numeric(labelnp),     ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(a_qG),
##                     as.numeric(r_qG),
##                     as.numeric(max_aG),
##                     ## as.numeric(mu_aG),
##                     ## as.numeric(sd_aG),
##                     ## as.numeric(mu_rG),
##                     ## as.numeric(sd_rG),
##                     as.numeric(mu_beta),     ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                     as.integer(burnin),      ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(printFreq),
##                     as.integer(patwoNS),
##                     package = "lmeNBBayes"
##                     )
##         ## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8720550/how-to-return-array-of-structs-from-call-to-c-shared-library-in-r
##         ## for ( i in 1:4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
##         for ( i in 5 : 8 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
##         re[[9]] <- matrix(re[[9]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
##         names(re) <- c("aG","rG","qG","logL",
##                        "gPre","g2s","gNew","js",
##                        "beta","AR","prp")
##         para <- list(mu_beta = mu_beta,
##                      Sigma_beta = Sigma_beta,
##                      B=B,
##                      model="para",
##                      burnin = burnin,
##                      max_aG = max_aG,
##                      ## mu_aG = mu_aG,
##                      ## sd_aG = sd_aG,
##                      ## mu_rG = mu_rG,
##                      ## sd_rG = sd_rG,
##                      a_qG=a_qG,
##                      r_qG=r_qG
##                      )
##         re$para <- para
##         names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG", "beta")
##         return(re)
##       }else if (model== "nonpara" | model==8){

##         ## nonparametric model
##         ## // Y_ij | Gij = gij ~ NB(size=exp(X_{ij}^T beta),prob=gij)
##         ## // gij = g1 if j is in pre-scan 
##         ## //     = g_new if j is in old-scan 
##         ## // g_new = Ji * g1 + (1-Ji) * g2 
##         ## // Ji ~ ber(qG)
##         ## // qG ~ beta(a_qG,r_qG)
##         ## // g1, g2 ~ sum_{h=1}^M pi_h beta(aG_h,rG_h)
##         ## // beta ~ mvrnorm(mu_beta,sigma_beta)
##         ## // aG ~lognorm(mu_aG,sd_aG)
##         ## // rG ~ lognorm(mu_rG,sd_rG)
##         ##  nonparametric model,
##         if (is.null(para$mu_aG )){
##           para$mu_aG <- 0.5
##           cat("\n mu_aG needs to be specified!! set to 0.5")
##         }
##         mu_aG = para$mu_aG
##         if (is.null(para$mu_rG)){
##           para$mu_rG <- 0.5
##           cat("\n mu_rG needs to be specified!! set to 0.5")
##         }
##         mu_rG = para$mu_rG
##         if (is.null(para$sd_aG) ){
##           para$sd_aG <- 2
##           cat("\n mu_rG needs to be specified!! set to 2")
##         }
##         sd_aG = para$sd_aG
##         if (is.null(para$sd_rG) ) {
##           para$sd_rG <- 2
##           cat("\n mu_rG needs to be specified!! set to 2")
##         }
##         sd_rG = para$sd_rG
##         if (is.null(para$r_D) ){
##           cat("\n r_D needs to be specified!! set to 1")
##           para$r_D <- 1
##         }
##         r_D = para$r_D
##         re <- .Call("Beta24",
##                     as.numeric(Y),           ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(X),           ## REAL
##                     as.integer(mID),         ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(B),           ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(maxni),       ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(Npat),        ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(M),           ## INTEGER
##                     as.numeric(labelnp),     ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(a_qG),        ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(r_qG),        ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(mu_aG),       ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(sd_aG),       ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(mu_rG),       ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(sd_rG),       ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(mu_beta),     ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(a_D),         ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(r_D),         ## REAL
##                     as.integer(burnin),      ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(printFreq),
##                     as.integer(patwoNS),
##                     package = "lmeNBBayes"
##                     )
##         for ( i in 3 : 8 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
##         for ( i in 9 : 12 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
##         re[[13]] <- matrix(re[[13]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
##         names(re) <- c("qG","D",
##                        "gPre","g2s","gNew","js","h1s","h2s",
##                        "weightH1","vs","aGs","rGs",
##                        "beta","AR","prp")
##         re$para <- list(
##                         burnin = burnin,
##                         M=M,
##                         B=B,
##                         model=model,
##                         Npat=N,
##                         Ntot=length(Y),
##                         para
##                         )
##         names(re$AR) <- names(re$prp) <- c(paste("aG",1:M,sep=""),
##                                            paste("rG",1:M,sep=""),
##                                            paste("beta",sep="")
##                                            )
##         re$h1s <- re$h1s + 1
##         re$h2s <- re$h2s + 1
##         re$MeanWH <- colMeans(re$weightH1);
##         names(re$MeanWH) <- paste("cluster",1:M)
##         return(re)
##       }else if (model=="nonpara-unif"){
##         ## nonparametric model D: is fixed
##         ## // Y_ij | Gij = gij ~ NB(size=exp(X_{ij}^T beta),prob=gij)
##         ## // gij = g1 if j is in pre-scan 
##         ## //     = g_new if j is in old-scan 
##         ## // g_new = Ji * g1 + (1-Ji) * g2 
##         ## // Ji ~ ber(qG)
##         ## // qG ~ beta(a_qG,r_qG)
##         ## // g1, g2 ~ sum_{h=1}^M pi_h beta(aG_h,rG_h)
##         ## // beta ~ mvrnorm(mu_beta,sigma_beta)
##         ## // aG,rG ~ unif(0.0001,max_aG)
##         ##  nonparametric model,
##         if (is.null(para$max_aG) )  para$max_aG <- 30
##         max_aG <- para$max_aG

##         if (is.null(para$max_D))  para$max_D <- 5
##         maxD <- para$max_D 

##         if (is.null(initBeta)) initBeta <- rep(0, pCov)
##         if (is.null(M)) M  <- 10 ## Need to fix this 
##         re <- .Call("Beta24Unif",
##                     as.numeric(Y),           ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(X),           ## REAL
##                     as.integer(mID),         ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(B),           ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(maxni),       ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(Npat),        ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(M),           ## INTEGER
##                     as.numeric(labelnp),     ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(a_qG),        ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(r_qG),        ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(max_aG),
##                     ## as.numeric(mu_aG),    ## REAL
##                     ## as.numeric(sd_aG),    ## REAL
##                     ## as.numeric(mu_rG),    ## REAL
##                     ## as.numeric(sd_rG),    ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(mu_beta),     ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                     as.numeric(maxD),         ## REAL
##                     ## as.numeric(r_D),         ## REAL
##                     as.integer(burnin),      ## INTEGER
##                     as.integer(printFreq),
##                     as.integer(patwoNS),
##                     as.numeric(initBeta),
##                     package = "lmeNBBayes"
##                     )
##         for ( i in 4 : 9 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,N,byrow=TRUE)
##         for ( i in 10 : 13 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
##         re[[14]] <- matrix(re[[14]],B,p,byrow=TRUE)
##         names(re) <- c("qG","D","logL",
##                        "gPre","g2s","gNew","js","h1s","h2s",
##                        "weightH1","vs","aGs","rGs",
##                        "beta","AR","prp")
##         para$mu_aG <- para$mu_rG <- para$sd_aG <- para$sd_rG <- para$a_D <- para$r_D <- NULL
##         re$para <- list(
##                         burnin = burnin,
##                         M=M,
##                         B=B,
##                         model=model,
##                         Npat=N,
##                         Ntot=length(Y),
##                         a_qG=a_qG,
##                         r_qG=r_qG,
##                         max_aG=max_aG,
##                         mu_beta=mu_beta,
##                         Sigma_beta=Sigma_beta,
##                         maxD=maxD
##                         )
##         names(re$AR) <- names(re$prp) <- c(paste("aG",1:M,sep=""),
##                                            paste("rG",1:M,sep=""),
##                                            paste("beta",sep=""),
##                                            "D"
##                                            )
##         re$h1s <- re$h1s + 1
##         re$h2s <- re$h2s + 1
##         re$MeanWH <- colMeans(re$weightH1);
##         names(re$MeanWH) <- paste("cluster",1:M)
##         return(re)

##       }
##   }

## DevRatio <- function(gPre,gNew) ## gPre, gNew must be a matrix of length(useSample) by N
##   {
##     ## The deviation of CEL counts of single patient i from overall cohort at week j could be measured by:
##     ## R_ij=E(Y_ij|G_ij)/E(Y_ij)= r_ij (1-g_ij)/gij * 1/(rij*(mu_{1/G}-1)) = (1-g_ij)/(gij*(mu_{1/G}-1))
##     ## The change in the deviation R_ij at two time point could be measured by
##     ## R_ij/R_ij' = (1-g_ij)/(gij*(mu_{1/G}-1))*(gij'*(mu_{1/G}-1))/(1-g_ij) = g_ij'*(1-g_ij)/(g_ij*(1-g_ij'))
##     ## Hence the deviation ratio between the pre scan period and new scan period is:
##     ## R_inew/R_ipre
##     ## How much patient i increases the deviation from the overall trend between the pre-scan period and new-scan period

##     ## the elemnt-wise operations
##     m1G_1 <- mean(c(1/gPre,1/gNew)) - 1
##     EYGpre <- 1/gPre - 1
##     EYGnew <- 1/gNew - 1

##     CI95_EYGpre <- apply(EYGpre,2,quantile,prob=c(0.5,0.025,0.975)) / m1G_1
##     CI95_EYGnew <- apply(EYGnew,2,quantile,prob=c(0.5,0.025,0.975)) / m1G_1

##     CI95_EYGpre[1,] <- colMeans(EYGpre)
##     CI95_EYGnew[1,] <- colMeans(EYGnew)
##     ##DevMat <- EYGnew/EYGpre ## B-Bburn by N
##     ##CI95 <- apply(DevMat,2,quantile,prob=c(0.5,0.025,0.975))

##     NewPre <-  CI95_EYGnew[1,]/CI95_EYGpre[1,]
##     ##CI95[1,] <- colMeans(DevMat)
##     ##rownames(CI95)[1] <- "mean"
##     rownames(CI95_EYGpre)[1] <- "mean"
##     rownames(CI95_EYGnew)[1] <- "mean"
##     if (!is.null(rownames(gPre)))
##       {
##         names(CI95) <- colnames(gPre)
##         colnames(CI95_EYGpre) <- colnames(gPre)
##         colnames(CI95_EYGnew) <- colnames(gPre)
##       }
##     re <- list(Ratio=NewPre,
##                Rpre=CI95_EYGpre,
##                Rnew=CI95_EYGnew)
##     return (re)
##   }

## test <- function(x,mu,Sigma)
##   {
##     InvSigma <- solve(Sigma)
##     evalue <- eigen(Sigma, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
##     .Call("tempFun",
##           as.numeric(x),
##           as.numeric(mu),
##           as.integer(length(mu)),
##           as.numeric(evalue),
##           as.numeric(c(InvSigma)),
##           package ="lmeNBBayes")
##   }
## infoPriorTrt <- function(info.mean,info.var,p0s,add=0)
##   {
##     ## develop Informative prior under the random sample assumption

##     ## p0s = c(Pr(plcb),Pr(trt))
##     ## Save parameters
##     input <- list(info.mean=info.mean,info.var=info.var,p0s=p0s,add=add)
##     ## The number of 3-month interval during the followup
##     Nint <- 3
##     ## info.mean is a vector of length 1 + Nint*2 containing
##     ## (Intercept) trt010:timeInt1 trt011:timeInt1 trt010:timeInt2 trt011:timeInt2 trt010:timeInt3 trt011:timeInt3
##     ##  alpha       beta_plcb,1     beta_trt,1     beta_plcb,2      beta_trt,2 ,....
##     ## which column of info.var corresponds to coefficients of placebo patients
##     which.plcb <- c(2,4,6)
##     which.trt <- which.plcb + 1
##     ## the first entry of info.mean is intercept coefficient (alpha)
##     m.alpha <- info.mean[1]
##     m.betas.plcb <- info.mean[which.plcb]
##     m.betas.trt <- info.mean[which.trt]
##     m.beta01 <- rep(NA,Nint+1)

##     ## The mean of the intercept term does not change
##     m.tild.beta01[1] <- info.mean[1]
##     s.tild.beta01 <- matrix(NA,Nint+1,Nint+1) ## + 1 for alpha (intercept)
##     ## The variance of the intercept term does not change
##     s.tild.beta01[1,1] <- info.var[1,1]
##     for (itime1 in 1 : Nint)
##       {
##         m.bet0 <- m.betas.plcb[itime1]
##         m.bet1 <- m.betas.trt[itime1]
##         ## Extract the index to pick
##         which.pt <- c(which.plcb[itime1],which.trt[itime1])
##         Sigma <- info.var[which.pt, which.pt]
##         mt <- moments.tildeBeta(mu=c(m.bet0,m.bet1),Sigma=Sigma,p0=p0s)
##         m.tild.beta01[itime1+1] <- mt[1] ## mean tilde.beta[itime1]
##         s.tild.beta01[itime1+1,itime1+1] <- mt[3] ## var(tilde.beta)
##         ## Compute the covariance between tilde.beta and alpha
##         mt <- moments.tildeBeta(mu=c(m.bet0,m.bet1,m.alpha),
##                                 Sigma=info.var[c(which.pt,1), c(which.pt,1)], 
##                                 p0=p0s)
##         s.tild.beta01[1,itime1+1] <- s.tild.beta01[itime1+1,1] <- mt - m.tild.beta01[1]*m.tild.beta01[itime1 + 1]
##         if (itime1 > 1){
##           for (itime2 in 1 : (itime1-1)){
##             m.bet0.2 <- m.betas.plcb[itime2]
##             m.bet1.2 <- m.betas.trt[itime2]
##             which.pt2 <- c(which.plcb[itime2],which.trt[itime2])
##             Sigma <- info.var[c(which.pt,which.pt2), c(which.pt,which.pt2)]
##             mt <- moments.tildeBeta(mu=c(m.bet0,m.bet1,m.bet0.2,m.bet1.2),Sigma=Sigma,p0=p0s) 
##             s.tild.beta01[itime1+1,itime2+1] <- s.tild.beta01[itime2+1,itime1+1] <- mt - m.tild.beta01[itime1]*m.tild.beta01[itime2]
##           }
##         }
##       }
##     print("info.var before any truncation")
##     print(s.tild.beta01)
##     re <- adjustPosDef(mat=s.tild.beta01,zero=add)
##     info.var <- re$adjust.mat;
##     colnames(info.var) <-  rownames(info.var) <- colnames(s.tild.beta01) <- rownames( s.tild.beta01) <- names(m.tild.beta01) <- c("alpha (intercept)",paste("tildeBeta",1:Nint,sep=""))
##     print(paste("eigenvalue of the informative prior variance"))
##     print(eigen(info.var))
##     print(paste("correlation matrix of the informative prior variance"))
##     print(cov2cor(info.var))
##     return(list(info.mean.trt=m.tild.beta01,info.var.trt=info.var,
##                 para=list(input,orig.var=s.tild.beta01),note=re$note))
##   }

## moments.tildeBeta <- function(mu,Sigma,p0s){
##   ## mu = c(mu_{beta_{plcb,t}} mu_{beta_{trt,t}})
##   ## p0s = c( Pr(plcb), Pr(trt) ) 2 by 1
##   ## Sigma = Var(c(beta_{plcb,t},beta_{trt,t})) 2 by 2
##   Ndim <- length(mu)
##   if (length(p0s)==1) p0s[2] <- 1 - p0s[1]
##   else if( sum(p0s)!=1 ) stop("Pr(placebo) + Pr(TRT) must be 1")
##   if (length(p0s)!=2) stop("The length of p0s must be 2, each containing the pr(placebo), pr(trt)")
##   if (dim(Sigma)[1]!=Ndim || dim(Sigma)[2]!=Ndim)
##     stop("The dimension of Sigma does not much with the length of mu")
##   evalue_sigma <- eigen(Sigma, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
##   if (min(evalue_sigma) <= 0) stop("Sigma_beta must be positive definite!")
##   Inv_sigma <- c( solve(Sigma) )
##   if (Ndim==2){
##     ## Compute E(beta.tilde) = int int log(exp(a0)*pi0 + exp(a1)*pi1)*f(a0,a1) da0 da1 where f(x,y) = joint pdf of (mu.beta_{0,t},mu.beta_{1,t})
##     re <- .Call("EYP1or2",
##                 as.numeric(mu), as.numeric(evalue_sigma),
##                 as.numeric(Inv_sigma),
##                 as.numeric(p0s),
##                 package ="lmeNBBayes")[[1]]
##     re[3] <- re[2] - re[1]^2 ## Variance
##     names(re) <-c("E( log[exp(X1)P1+exp(X2)P2] )","E( log[exp(X1)P1+exp(X2)P2]^2 )","Var(log[exp(X1)P1+exp(X2)P2])")
##   }else if (Ndim %in% 3:4){
##     ## If ndim==4 compute E{ log(exp(X1)Pr(A1)+exp(X2)Pr(A2))*log(exp(X1')Pr(A1)+exp(X2')Pr(A2)) }
##     ## mu[1] = placebo beta at time interval k
##     ## mu[2] = trt beta at time interval k
##     ## mu[3] = placebo beta at time interval k'
##     ## mu[4] = trt beta at time interval k'

##     ## If ndim==3 compute E{ X1*log(exp(X1')Pr(A1)+exp(X2')Pr(A2)) }
##     ## mu[1:2] = c(E(beta.t.0), E(beta.t.1))
##     ## mu[3] = E(alpha),
##     ## Sigma[1:2,1:2]= Var(c(beta.t.0,beta.t.1)), Sigma[3,3] = Var(alpha) 
##     re <- .Call("EYPEXP",
##                 as.numeric(mu), as.numeric(evalue_sigma),
##                 as.numeric(Inv_sigma),
##                 as.numeric(p0s),
##                 as.integer(Ndim),
##                 package ="lmeNBBayes")[[1]]
##    if (Ndim == 4) names(re) <- "E( log[exp(X1)P1+exp(X2)P2]*log[exp(X1')P1+exp(X2')P2] )"
##    else if (Ndim == 3) names(re) <- "E( alpha*log[exp(X1')P1+exp(X2')P2] )"
##   }
##   return(re)
## }

## momentsBeta <- function(aG1,rG1,beta)
##   {
##     ## Y ~ NB(size=rij,prob=G)
##     ## G ~ Beta(aG1,rG1)
##     ## E(1/G) = ...some calculations... = (aG+rG-1)/(aG-1)
##     ## E(Y)=exp(beta0)*(mu_{1/G}+1)=exp(1)*((aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)+1)
##     ## Var(1/G) = E(1/G^2) - E(1/G)^2 = (aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)*( (aG1+rG1-2)/(aG1-2) - (aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1) ) = 0.06559506
##     ## Var(Y) = rij*Var(1/G)*(rij+1) + rij*E(1/G)*(E(1/G)-1)
##     ## calculate E(Y), Var(Y), E(1/G), and E(1/G^2) at initial time
##     rij <- exp(beta) ## value of size parmeter at time zero
##     E1G <- (aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)
##     V1G <- (aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)*( (aG1+rG1-2)/(aG1-2) - (aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1) )
##     EY <- rij*(E1G-1)
##     VY <- rij*V1G*(rij+1)+rij*E1G*(E1G-1)
##     return (c(EY=EY,SDY=sqrt(VY),
##               E1G=E1G,V1G=V1G))
##   }

## momentsGL <- function(EG,VG,beta)
##   {
##     ## Y ~ NB(size=rij,prob=1/(G+1))
##     ## G ~ dist(mean=EG,var=VG)
##     rij <- exp(beta)
##     ## E(Y|G) = rij*G
##     ## Var(Y|G) = rij*G*(G+1)
##     ## E(Y)=E(E(Y|G))=rij*E(G)
##     EY <- rij*EG
##     ## Var(Y) = Var(E(Y|G)) + E(Var(Y|G))
##     ##        = Var(rij*G) + E(G*(G+1)*rij)
##     ##        = rij^2*Var(G) + rij*(E(G^2)+E(G))
##     ##        = rij^2*Var(G) + rij*(Var(G)+E(G)^2+E(G))
##     VY <- rij^2*VG + rij*(VG+EG^2+EG)
##     return (c(EY=EY,SDY=sqrt(VY),
##               EG=EG,VG=VG))
##   }

## paralnorm <- function(E,V=15^2){
##   ## E: expectation of log-normally distributed r.v.
##   ## V: variance of log-normally distributed r.v

##   sd <- sqrt(log(V/E+1))
##   mu <- log(E)-sd/2
##   return(list(mu=mu,sd=sd))
## }
## F_inv_gam <- function(p,sp1,sc1,sp2,sc2,pi)
##   {
##     G = function (t)
##       pi*pgamma(t,shape=sp1,scale=sc1)+(1-pi)*pgamma(t,shape=sp2,scale=sc2) - p
##                 return(uniroot(G,c(0,100))$root)
##   }

## getSample <- function(
##                       iseed = 911,
##                       rev = 4,
##                       dist = "b",
##                       mod = 0,
##                       probs = seq(0,0.99,0.01),
##                       ts = seq(0.001,0.99,0.001),
##                       full = FALSE
##                       )
##   {
##     ## mod = 0: generate sample
##     ## mod = 1: quantiles of the true populations
##     ## mod = 2: densities of the true populations
##     ## mod = 3: parameters of the simulation model
##     ## mod = 4: parameters for uninformative prior

##     ## dist = "b","b2","g" 

##     ## if full = TRUE then full dataset is returned and rev is ignored
##     ni <- 11
##     Npat <- 180; ## upto review 4, Npat=160 in total this number must be divisible by NpatEnterPerMonth
##     NpatEnterPerMonth <- 15
##     DSMBVisitInterval <- 4 ## months
##     varInfoP <- c(0.1,0.01)
##     ## === necessary for mod= 0, 3 and mod = 4
##     ## d contains a full dataset
##     days <- NULL
##     for (ipatGroup in 1 : (Npat/NpatEnterPerMonth))
##       {
##         ScandaysForSingleGroup <- ipatGroup:(ipatGroup+ni-1)
##         days <- c(days,rep(ScandaysForSingleGroup,NpatEnterPerMonth))
##       }

##     set.seed(iseed)
##     if (dist=="g") ## need to went through by all mod=0,...,4
##       {
##         ## r.e. mixture of two gamma distributions
##         pi <- 0.7
##         sp1 <- 0.3; sc1 <- 0.5
##         sp2 <- 4; sc2 <- 0.8
##         beta0 <- 0.5
##         beta1 <- 0
##         hs <- sample(1:2,Npat,c(pi,1-pi),replace=TRUE)
##         Npat_dist1 <- sum(hs==1)
##         Npat_dist2 <- sum(hs==2)

##         gsBASE <- rep(NA,Npat)
##         gsBASE[hs==1] <- rgamma(Npat_dist1,shape=sp1,scale=sc1)
##         gsBASE[hs==2] <- rgamma(Npat_dist2,shape=sp2,scale=sc2)
##         gsBASE <- 1/(1+gsBASE)
##         if (mod==1)
##           {
##             lq <- length(probs);
##             quan <- rep(NA,lq);
##             for (i in 1 : lq) quan[i] <- F_inv_gam(p=probs[i],sp1=sp1,sc1=sc1,sp2=sp2,sc2=sc2,pi=pi)
##             quan = sort(1/(1+quan))
##             return (rbind(probs=probs,quantile=quan))

##           }else if (mod == 2){
##             ts.trans <-1/ts-1
##             return ((pi*dgamma(ts.trans,shape=sp1,scale=sc1)+(1-pi)*dgamma(ts.trans,shape=sp2,scale=sc2) )*(1/ts^2))
##           }else if (mod == 3){
##             c1 <- momentsGL(EG=sp1*sc1,VG=sp1*sc1^2,beta=beta0) ## expectation and variance of Y
##             c2 <- momentsGL(EG=sp2*sc2,VG=sp2*sc2^2,beta=beta0)
##             outputMod3 <- list(infoPara = list(mu_beta=c(beta0,beta1),
##                                  Sigma_beta=diag(varInfoP),a_qG=100,r_qG=1),
##                                beta0=beta0,beta1=beta1,K=2,
##                                scales=c(sc1=sc1,sc2=sc2),
##                                shapes=c(sp1=sp1,sp2=sp2),
##                                c1=c1,c2=c2
##                                )
##           }
##       }else if (dist == "b"){
##         beta0 <- 1
##         beta1 <- -0.05
##         aG1 <- 3
##         rG1 <- 0.8
##         gsBASE <- rbeta(Npat,aG1,rG1)
##         hs <- rep(1,Npat)
##         if (mod==1){
##           return( 
##                  rbind(probs=probs,
##                        quantile=qbeta(probs,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)
##                        )
##                  )
##         }else if (mod==2){
##           return (dbeta(ts,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1))
##         }else if (mod == 3){
##           c1 <- momentsBeta(aG1,rG1,beta0)
##           outputMod3 <- list(infoPara = list(mu_beta=c(beta0,beta1),
##                                Sigma_beta=diag(varInfoP),
##                                max_aG=30
##                                ),##a_qG=10,r_qG=1),
##                              beta0=beta0,beta1=beta1,K=1,c1=c1, aGs=c(aG1=aG1),
##                              rGs=c(rG1=rG1))
##         }

##       }else if (dist == "b2")
##         {
##         ## mixture of two beta distributions
##         ## cluster 1: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(2)*((aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)+1)=3.098636 ## at initial time
##         ## cluster 2: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(2)*((aG2+rG2-1)/(aG2-1)+1)=7.037196 ## at initial time
##         pi <- 0.3
##         beta0 <- 1.5
##         beta1 <- -0.05
##         aG1 <- 10
##         rG1 <- 10
##         aG2 <- 20
##         rG2 <- 1

##         ## generate the initial random effect values of everyone
##         hs <- sample(1:2,Npat,c(pi,1-pi),replace=TRUE)
##         Npat_dist1 <- sum(hs==1)
##         Npat_dist2 <- sum(hs==2)
##         gsBASE <- rep(NA,Npat)
##         gsBASE[hs==1] <- rbeta(Npat_dist1,aG1,rG1);
##         gsBASE[hs==2] <- rbeta(Npat_dist2,aG2,rG2);
##         if (mod==1){
##           F_inv_beta2 <- function(p,aG1,rG1,aG2,rG2,pi)
##             {
##               G = function (t) pi*pbeta(t,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)+(1-pi)*pbeta(t,shape1=aG2,shape2=rG2) - p
##               return(uniroot(G,c(0,1000))$root)
##             }
##           lq <- length(probs);
##           quant <- rep(NA,lq);
##           for (i in 1 : lq) quant[i] <- F_inv_beta2(p=probs[i],aG1,rG1,aG2,rG2,pi=pi)
##           return (rbind(probs=probs,quantile=quant))
##         }
##         else if (mod==2){

##           return ((pi*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)+(1-pi)*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG2,shape2=rG2)) )
##         }else if (mod == 3){

##           c1 <- momentsBeta(aG1,rG1,beta0)
##           c2 <- momentsBeta(aG2,rG2,beta0)
##           outputMod3 <-  list(infoPara = list(mu_beta=c(beta0,beta1),
##                                 Sigma_beta=diag(varInfoP),max_aG=30),
##                               beta0=beta0,beta1=beta1,K=2,c1=c1,c2=c2,
##                               aGs=c(aG1=aG1,aG2=aG2),
##                               rGs=c(rG1=rG1,rG2=rG2),
##                               pi=pi
##                               )
##         }
##       }
##     if ( dist == "YZ")
##       {
##         pi <- 0.85

##         alpha <- exp(-0.5)
##         ## logalpha <- -0.5
##         beta0 <- 0.905 ##0.405+0.5 beta - logalpha
##         beta1 <- 0
##         ## a bimodal distribution with 85 % of Gi from a gamma distribution with mean 0.647 and variance 2.374
##         scale <- 2.374/0.647*alpha 
##         shape <- 0.647^2/2.374
##         mu <- 3*alpha
##         sd <- sqrt(0.25)*alpha
##         ## generate the initial random effect values of everyone
##         hs <- sample(1:2,Npat,c(pi,1-pi),replace=TRUE)
##         Npat_dist1 <- sum(hs==1)
##         Npat_dist2 <- sum(hs==2)
##         gsBASE <- rep(NA,Npat)
##         gsBASE[hs==1] <- rgamma(Npat_dist1,shape=shape,scale=scale);
##         gsBASE[hs==2] <- rnorm(Npat_dist2,mean=mu,sd=sd);
##         gsBASE[gsBASE < 0 ] <- 0
##         gsBASE <- 1/(1+gsBASE)
##         if (mod==1)
##           {
##             return (NULL)

##           }else if (mod == 2){
##             ts.trans <-1/ts-1
##             return ((pi*dgamma(ts.trans,shape=shape,scale=scale)+(1-pi)*dnorm(ts.trans,mean=mu,sd=sd) )*(1/ts^2))
##           }else if (mod == 3){
##             outputMod3 <- list(infoPara = list(mu_beta=c(beta0,beta1),
##                                  Sigma_beta=diag(varInfoP),max_aG=30),
##                                beta0=beta0,beta1=beta1,scale=scale,shape=shape,mu=mu,sd=sd,pi=pi,K=2
##                                )
##           }
##       }
##     ## generate samples for dist = "b","b3", "g", and "l" (except "b2")
##     Y <- NULL
##     timecov <- c(0,0,(1:(ni-2)))
##     for ( ipat in 1 : Npat)
##       {
##         ## the number of repeated measures are the same
##         ## we assume that the time effects occurs once after the treatments are in effect
##         got <- rnbinom(ni,size = exp(beta0+beta1*timecov), prob = gsBASE[ipat])         
##         Y <- c(Y,got)
##       }
##     ##cat("beta0",beta0,"\n")
##     d <- data.frame(Y=Y,
##                     X1=rep(1,Npat*ni),
##                     X2=rep(timecov,Npat),
##                     ID=rep(1:Npat,each=ni),
##                     gsBASE = rep(gsBASE,each=ni),
##                     scan = rep(1:ni,Npat),
##                     ## day contains the day when the scan was taken
##                     ## 10 patients enter a trial every month
##                     days = days,
##                     hs = rep(hs,each=ni)
##                     )

##     ## dSMB visit is assumed to be every 4 months
##     if (full) return (d) 
##     d <- subset(d,subset= days <= DSMBVisitInterval*rev)
##     d$labelnp <- rep(0,nrow(d))
##     d$labelnp[ DSMBVisitInterval*(rev-1) < d$days ] <- 1
##     ## The first two scans (screening and base-line scans are treated as pre-scans)
##     d$labelnp[ d$X2==0 ] <- 0

##     if (dist=="b2")
##       {
##         temp <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=cbind(d$X1,d$X2),
##                              betas=c(beta0,beta1),aGs=c(aG1,aG2),rGs=c(rG1,rG2),pis=c(pi,1-pi))
##         d$probIndex <- c(temp,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(temp) ))
##       }else if (dist=="b")
##         {
##           temp <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=cbind(d$X1,d$X2),
##                                betas=c(beta0,beta1),aGs=c(aG1),rGs=c(rG1),pis=c(1))
##           d$probIndex <- c(temp,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(temp)) )
##         }else if (dist=="g"){

##           temp <- index.gammas(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=cbind(d$X1,d$X2),
##                               betas=c(beta0,beta1),
##                               shapes=c(sc1,sc2), ## shape
##                               scales=c(sp1,sp2), ## scale
##                               pis=c(pi,1-pi))
##           d$probIndex <- c(temp,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(temp)) )
##         }else if (dist == "YZ"){
##           temp <- index.YZ(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=cbind(d$X1,d$X2),
##                            betas=c(beta0,beta1),
##                            shape=shape, ## shape
##                            scale=scale, ## scale
##                            mu=mu,
##                            sd=sd,
##                            pi=pi)
##           d$probIndex <- c(temp,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(temp)) )
##           }

##     if (mod==0) return(d)
##     Npat <- length(unique(d$ID))
##     maxDs <- seq(0.01,5,0.01); Ktilde <- 2
##     ekn <- E.KN(maxDs=maxDs,N=Npat)
##     ib_D <- maxDs[min(which(ekn >= Ktilde))]
##     a_D <- 0.0001
##     if (mod==3){

##       outputMod3$infoPara$ib_D <- ib_D
##       outputMod3$infoPara$a_D <- a_D
##       ##outputMod3$infoPara$maxD <- 5
##       return(outputMod3)

##     }else if (mod == 4){
##       mu_beta <- rep(0,irev)
##       Sigma_beta <- diag(rep(5,irev))
##       outputMod4 <- list(
##                          mu_beta=mu_beta,Sigma_beta=Sigma_beta,
##                          ##a_qG=a_qG,r_qG=r_qG,
##                          a_D = a_D, ib_D=ib_D,
##                          ##maxD=5,
##                          max_aG = 30
##                          )
##       return(list(UinfoPara=outputMod4))
##     }
##   }

## Meta <- function(full.mean, full.Sigma, freq=ceiling(B/5),B=10000,tooLarge=1.5,
##                  Jacknife=TRUE){
##   ## function to compute the element-wise confidence intervals of correlation matrix for (beta, logD)
##   ## via bootstrap.

##   ## If the element-wise 95%CI of some elements of the correlation matrix are too large (i.e., larger than tooLarge),
##   ## such estimates are set to 0.
##   ## full.mean: a N by p matrix
##   ## full.Sigma: List with N element, each element is p by p matrix
##   ## freq: The frequency of printing
##   Nstudy <- nrow(full.mean)
##   p <- ncol(full.mean)

##   ## Obtain the point estimates of mean vec. sd vec. and covariances using all the Nstudy

##   if ( Jacknife ){
##     multfull <- mvmeta(full.mean,S=full.Sigma)
##     est.mean <- multfull$coefficient
##     est.sd <- sqrt(diag(multfull$Psi))
##     est.cov <- multfull$Psi
##     est.cor <- cov2cor(est.cov)
##   }else{
##     multfull <- multMeta(hat.betas=t(full.mean),hat.sigmas2=full.Sigma,want.mu=TRUE)
##     est.mean <- multfull$info.mean
##     est.sd <- sqrt(diag(multfull$info.var))
##     est.cov <- multfull$info.var
##     est.cor <- cov2cor(est.cov)
##   }

##   ## Bootstrap starts here!
##   if (Jacknife){
##     ## Storages to correct the bootstrap estimates of mean vec. sd vec. and covariance matrix
##     boot.cor <- matrix(NA,nrow=Nstudy,ncol=p^2)
##     boot.mean <- boot.sd <- matrix(NA,nrow=Nstudy,ncol=p)
##     oneToNstudy <- 1 : Nstudy
##     for (i.remove in 1 : Nstudy)
##       {
##         if (i.remove %% freq == 0) cat("\n sim ",ib)
##         boot.Sigmas <- list()
##         ib.temp <- 1
##         for (ib in oneToNstudy[-i.remove])
##           {
##             ## A list with Nstudy elements containing bootstrap p by p sigmas
##             boot.Sigmas[[ib.temp]] <- full.Sigma[[ib]]
##             ib.temp <- ib.temp + 1
##           }
##         mult <- mvmeta( full.mean[-i.remove,], S=boot.Sigmas)
##         boot.cor[i.remove,] <- (  c(cov2cor(mult$Psi)) - est.cor )^2
##         boot.sd[i.remove,] <- ( sqrt(diag(mult$Psi)) - est.sd )^2
##         boot.mean[i.remove,] <- ( mult$coefficient - est.mean )^2
##       }
##     jSD.boot.cor <- matrix( sqrt((Nstudy-1)*colMeans(boot.cor)),
##                            nrow=p,ncol=p)
##     jSD.boot.sd <- sqrt( (Nstudy-1)*colMeans(boot.sd) )
##     jSD.boot.mean <- sqrt( (Nstudy-1)*colMeans(boot.mean) )

##     untrust <- jSD.boot.cor > 0.25
##   }else{
##     ## Storages to correct the bootstrap estimates of mean vec. sd vec. and covariance matrix
##     boot.cor <- matrix(NA,nrow=B,ncol=p^2)
##     boot.mean <- boot.sd <- matrix(NA,nrow=B,ncol=p)
##     for (ib in 1 : B)
##       {
##         if (ib %% freq == 0) cat("\n sim ",ib)
##         samp.ind <- sample(1:Nstudy,Nstudy,replace=TRUE)
##         boot.Sigmas <- list()
##         for (i in 1 : Nstudy)
##           {
##             pick <- samp.ind[i]
##             ## A list with Nstudy elements containing bootstrap p by p sigmas
##             boot.Sigmas[[i]] <- full.Sigma[[pick]]
##           }
##         ## A Nstudy by p matrix. Each row contains bootstrap mean coefficient vector of length p
##         boot.means <- full.mean[samp.ind,]

##         ## Evaluate the mean vec., sd vec. and correlation matrix based on the bootstrap samples
##         ## mult <- mvmeta(boot.means,S=boot.Sigmas)
##         ## boot.cor[ib,] <- c(cov2cor(mult$Psi))
##         ## boot.sd[ib,] <- sqrt(diag(mult$Psi))
##         ## boot.mean[ib,] <- mult$coefficient
##         mult <- multMeta(hat.betas=t(boot.means),hat.sigmas2=boot.Sigmas,want.mu=TRUE)
##         boot.cor[ib,] <- c(cov2cor(mult$info.var))
##         boot.sd[ib,] <- sqrt(diag(mult$info.var))
##         boot.mean[ib,] <- mult$info.mean
##       }
##     cat("\n")
##     probs <- c(0.025,0.975)
##     CI.mean <- apply(boot.mean,2,quantile,probs=probs)
##     CI.sd <- apply(boot.sd,2,quantile,probs=probs)
##     CI.cor <- apply(boot.cor,2,quantile,probs=probs)
##     CIl.cor <- matrix(c(CI.cor[1,]),  nrow=p, ncol=p)
##     CIu.cor <- matrix(c(CI.cor[2,]),  nrow=p, ncol=p)
##     colnames(CIl.cor) <- rownames(CIl.cor) <- colnames(CIu.cor) <- rownames(CIu.cor) <- colnames(full.mean)
##     untrust <- CIu.cor-CIl.cor > tooLarge
##   }

##   ## The elements of covariance matrix whose bootstrap CI of corresponding correlations are tooLarge
##   ## receive zero estimates

##   est.cov.mod0 <- est.cov
##   est.cov.mod0[untrust] <- 0
##   ## 
##   if (sum(eigen(est.cov.mod0)$values < 0) > 0){
##     note <- "The modified covariance matrix which replaces un-trustable estimates with zero is not positive definite"  
##   }else{
##     note <- "The modified covariance matrix which replaces un-trustable estimates with zero is positive definite"
##   }
##   ## If the modified covariance matrix could be non-positive definite..
##   est.cov.mod <- adjustPosDef(est.cov.mod0)$adjust
##   muM <- muMult(hat.betas=t(full.mean),hat.sigmas2=full.Sigma,info.var=est.cov.mod)
##   est.mean.mod <- muM$info.mean
##   est.sd.mod <- sqrt(diag(est.cov.mod))

##   if (Jacknife){
##         return(
##            list(mean =
##                 list(est=est.mean,jSD = jSD.boot.mean,
##                      est.mod=est.mean.mod),
##                 sd   =
##                 list(est=est.sd,jSD = jSD.boot.sd,
##                      est.mod=est.sd.mod),
##                 cor  =
##                 list(est=est.cor,jSD = jSD.boot.cor,
##                      ## The elements of covariance matrix which
##                      est.mod0 = cov2cor(est.cov.mod0),
##                      est.mod = cov2cor(est.cov.mod)),
##                 cov  =
##                 list(est=est.cov,
##                      est.mod0 = est.cov.mod0,
##                      est.mod = est.cov.mod),
##                 para = list(Nstudy=Nstudy,B=B,tooLarge=tooLarge,note=note))
##            )
##   }else{
##     return(
##            list(mean =
##                 list(est=est.mean,lower=CI.mean[1,],upper=CI.mean[2,],
##                      est.mod=est.mean.mod),
##                 sd   =
##                 list(est=est.sd,lower=CI.sd[1,],upper=CI.sd[2,],
##                      est.mod=est.sd.mod),
##                 cor  =
##                 list(est=est.cor,lower=CIl.cor,upper=CIu.cor,
##                      ## The elements of covariance matrix which
##                      est.mod0 = cov2cor(est.cov.mod0),
##                      est.mod = cov2cor(est.cov.mod)),
##                 cov  =
##                 list(est=est.cov,
##                      est.mod0 = est.cov.mod0,
##                      est.mod = est.cov.mod),
##                 para = list(Nstudy=Nstudy,B=B,tooLarge=tooLarge,note=note))
##            )
##   }
## }

## multMeta <- function(hat.betas,hat.sigmas2,want.mu=TRUE)
##   {
##     ## hat.betas: Ndim by Ndat matrix, each column contains estimated betas from a study, missing values are accepted
##     ## hat.sigmas2: list of size Ndat, each element contains a estimated covariance matrix of estimator beta.
##     ##              The dimensions must agree with the maximum dimension of hat.betas among studies
##     ##              missing values are accepted

##     ## Compute correlation of hat.betas from their covariance matrix
##     corPhi <- lapply(hat.sigmas2,cov2corNA)

##     Ndim <- nrow(hat.betas)
##     Ndat <- ncol(hat.betas)
##     if (is.null(rownames(hat.betas)))  rownames(hat.betas) <- paste("beta",1:nrow(hat.betas),sep="")
##     ro.inv.phi2s <- inv.phi2s <- inv.phi4s <- Q <- bar.betas <- matrix(NA,nrow=Ndim,ncol=Ndim)
##     colnames(inv.phi4s) <- rownames(inv.phi4s) <- colnames(inv.phi2s) <- rownames(inv.phi2s) <-
##       colnames(Q) <- rownames(Q) <- colnames(bar.betas) <- rownames(bar.betas) <- rownames(hat.betas)
##     for (idim1 in 1 : Ndim)
##       {
##         betas <- hat.betas[idim1,] ## A vector of length N-study

##         ## inv.phi2 =|sum_s 1/(SE(h.bet1[s])*SE(h.bet1[s])) sum_s 1/(SE(h.bet1[s])*SE(h.bet2[s])) sum_s 1/(SE(h.bet1[s])*SE(h.bet3[s])) |
##         ##           |sum_s 1/(SE(h.bet2[s])*SE(h.bet1[s])) sum_s 1/(SE(h.bet2[s])*SE(h.bet2[s])) sum_s 1/(SE(h.bet2[s])*SE(h.bet3[s])) |
##         ##           |sum_s 1/(SE(h.bet3[s])*SE(h.bet1[s])) sum_s 1/(SE(h.bet3[s])*SE(h.bet2[s])) sum_s 1/(SE(h.bet3[s])*SE(h.bet3[s])) |
##         ## Extract the SD(hat.beta[idim1]) for each study then obtain the vector of 1/SE(hat.beta[idim1,istudy]) istudy=1,..,Ndat length Ndat
##         inv.phi1s.1 <- 1/sqrt(unlist(lapply(hat.sigmas2,function(x) x[idim1,idim1])))
##         for (idim2 in 1 : Ndim)
##           {
##             ## Extract the var(hat.beta[idim2]) similarly
##             inv.phi1s.2 <- 1/sqrt(unlist(lapply(hat.sigmas2,function(x) x[idim2,idim2])))
##             ## sum_{istudy=1}^{Ndat} 1/[ SE(hat.beta[idim1,istudy])*SE(hat.beta[idim2,istudy])]
##             inv.phi2s[idim1,idim2] <- sum(inv.phi1s.1*inv.phi1s.2,na.rm=TRUE)
##             ## inv.phi2 is Symmetric
##             ## will be used for the computation of var(beta) (out side of this loop)
##             ros <- unlist(lapply(corPhi,function(x) x[idim1,idim2]))
##             ro.inv.phi2s[idim1,idim2] <- sum(ros*(inv.phi1s.1*inv.phi1s.2),na.rm=TRUE)
##             inv.phi4s[idim1,idim2] <- sum((inv.phi1s.1*inv.phi1s.2)^2,na.rm=TRUE)
##             ## Contains bar.beta1 in its diagonal. The off-diagonal entries contain the estimates of bar.beta2 
##             bar.betas[idim1,idim2] <- sum(  betas*(inv.phi1s.1*inv.phi1s.2),na.rm=TRUE)/inv.phi2s[idim1,idim2]
##             ## bar.betas is NOT symmetric
##             ## bar.beta[i,j] = (sum_s h.beta_i[s]/(SE(h.bet_i[s])*SE(h.bet_j[s])) /[sum_s 1/{SE(h.bet_i[s])*SE(h.bet_j[s])}]
##           }
##       }
##     ## Compute the Q-statistics
##     ## (Computation of Q does not require the correlations among variables)
##     for (idim1 in 1 : Ndim)
##       {
##         betas1 <- hat.betas[idim1,]
##         phi1s.1 <- sqrt(unlist(lapply(hat.sigmas2,function(x) x[idim1,idim1])))
##         for (idim2 in 1 : Ndim)
##           {
##             betas2 <- hat.betas[idim2,]
##             phi1s.2 <- sqrt(unlist(lapply(hat.sigmas2,function(x) x[idim2,idim2])))
##             bar.beta1 <- bar.betas[idim1,idim2] 
##             bar.beta2 <- bar.betas[idim2,idim1]

##             Q[idim1,idim2] <- sum( (betas1-bar.beta1)*(betas2-bar.beta2)/(phi1s.1*phi1s.2),
##                                   na.rm=TRUE)
##           }
##       }

##     num <- Q - listSum(corPhi) + ro.inv.phi2s/inv.phi2s
##     den <- inv.phi2s - inv.phi4s/inv.phi2s
##     original.info.var <- num/den
##     ## original.info.var could be NOT positive definite
##     aPD<- adjustPosDef(original.info.var)
##     note <- aPD$note
##     info.var <- aPD$adjust.mat
##     colnames(info.var) <- rownames(info.var) <- rownames(hat.betas)
##     if (want.mu)
##       {
##         muM <- muMult(hat.betas=hat.betas,hat.sigmas2=hat.sigmas2,info.var=info.var)
##         info.mean <- muM$info.mean
##         SEmu <- muM$SEmu
##         ## varHatMu0 <- list()
##         ## nums <- matrix(NA,ncol=Ndat,nrow=Ndim)
##         ## dim.full <- nrow(hat.sigmas2[[1]])
##         ## for (istudy in 1 : Ndat)
##         ##   {
##         ##     sig <- hat.sigmas2[[istudy]]
##         ##     ## reduced matrix that only contains the non missing entries
##         ##     which.notNA <- !is.na(sig[,1])
##         ##     dim.red <- sum(which.notNA)
##         ##     sig.red <- matrix(sig[!is.na(sig)],nrow=dim.red)
##         ##     info.var.red <- matrix(info.var[!is.na(sig)],nrow=dim.red)
##         ##     inv.var <- solve(info.var.red + sig.red)
##         ##     varHatMu0[[istudy]] <- cbind(rbind(inv.var,matrix(NA,nrow=dim.full-dim.red,ncol=dim.red)),
##         ##                                  matrix(NA,nrow=dim.full,ncol=dim.full-dim.red))
##         ##     nums[which.notNA,istudy] <-inv.var%*%hat.betas[which.notNA,istudy]
##         ##   }
##         ## varHatMu <- solve(listSum(varHatMu0))
##         ## info.mean <- c( varHatMu%*%rowSums(nums,na.rm=TRUE))
##         ## SEmu <- sqrt(diag(varHatMu))
##         ## names(SEmu) <-  paste("SE:",rownames(hat.betas))
##         ## names(info.mean) <- rownames(hat.betas)
##       }else{
##         SEmu <- info.mean <- NULL
##       }
##     return(list(info.mean=info.mean,info.var=info.var,SEmu=SEmu,note=note,info.var0=original.info.var))
##   }

## getSNorm <- function(iseed = "random",
##                      rev = 4,
##                      dist = "b",
##                      mod = 0,
##                      probs = seq(0,0.99,0.01),
##                      ts = seq(0.001,0.99,0.001),
##                      trtAss = FALSE,
##                      trueCPI = FALSE,
##                      full=FALSE
##                      )
##   {
##     ## mod = 0: generate sample
##     ## mod = 1: quantiles of the true populations at given probs
##     ## mod = 2: densities of the true populations
##     ## mod = 3: parameters of the simulation model
##     ## dist = "b","b2","YZ" 
##     ## trtASS == FALSE then piTRT = 0 else piTRT = 0.674
##     if (trtAss) piTRT <- 0.6736842 else piTRT <- 0
##     ## if trueCPI == TRUE then returns the most precise conditional probability computed based on the
##     ## treatment assignment 
##     Npat <- 180; ## upto review 4, Npat=160 in total this number must be divisible by NpatEnterPerMonth

##     if (iseed=="random") set.seed(sample(1e+6,1)) else  set.seed(iseed)

##     ## The prior for regression coefficients beta

##     ## (Intercept) trt010:timeInt1 trt011:timeInt1 trt010:timeInt2 trt011:timeInt2
##     ## Estimated based on the 5 IFN-beta trials

##     ## mult.INF$info.mean
##     mu.beta <- round( c(1.38958538,  0.02353943,     -1.07433384,    -0.20072843,  -1.37750990,  -0.65131815),4 )

##     ## mult.INF$info.var
##     Sigma.beta <- matrix(round(c(0.08206687,      0.00000000,      0.00000000,      0.00000000,       0.0000000, -0.04902744,
##                                   0.00000000,      0.03136526,     -0.04367466,      0.00000000,       0.0000000,  0.00000000,
##                                   0.00000000,     -0.04367466,      0.06307239,      0.00000000,       0.0000000,  0.00000000,
##                                   0.00000000,      0.00000000,      0.00000000,      0.03811573,       0.0000000,  0.00000000,
##                                   0.00000000,      0.00000000,      0.00000000,      0.00000000,       0.1427152,  0.00000000,
##                                  -0.04902744,      0.00000000,      0.00000000,      0.00000000,       0.0000000,  0.03012234
##                                  ),4),nrow=length(mu.beta),byrow=TRUE)

##     if (mod == 3){
##       ## return parameter information of selected model
##       outputMod3 <- list(mu.beta=mu.beta, Sigma.beta = Sigma.beta)
##       mu.alpha <- mu.beta[1]
##       sigma.alpha <- Sigma.beta[1,1]
##     }
##     if (dist == "b"){
##       aG1 <- 3  
##       rG1 <- 0.8 ##0.8
##       if (mod %in% c(0,4:6)){
##         gs <- rbeta(Npat,aG1,rG1)
##         hs <- rep(1,Npat)
##       }else if (mod==1){
##         ## mod = 1: quantiles of the true populations at given probs
##         return(cbind(probs=probs,
##                      quantile=qbeta(probs,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)))
##       }else if (mod==2){
##         ## mod = 2: densities of the true populations
##         return (cbind(ts=ts,
##                       dens=dbeta(ts,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)) )
##       }else if (mod == 3){
##         ## mod = 3: parameters of the simulation model
##         c1 <- momBeta(aG1,rG1,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
##         outputMod3 <- c(outputMod3,list(K=1,c1=c1,aGs=c(aG1=aG1), rGs=c(rG1=rG1)))
##       }

##     }else if (dist == "b2"){
##       ## mixture of two beta distributions
##       ## cluster 1: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(2)*((aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)+1)=3.098636 ## at initial time
##       ## cluster 2: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(2)*((aG2+rG2-1)/(aG2-1)+1)=7.037196 ## at initial time
##       pi <- 0.3
##       aG1 <- 10
##       rG1 <- 10
##       aG2 <- 20
##       rG2 <- 1
##       ## generate the initial random effect values of everyone
##       if (mod %in% c(0,4:6)){
##         hs <- sample(1:2,Npat,c(pi,1-pi),replace=TRUE)
##         Npat_dist1 <- sum(hs==1)
##         Npat_dist2 <- sum(hs==2)
##         gs <- rep(NA,Npat)
##         gs[hs==1] <- rbeta(Npat_dist1,aG1,rG1);
##         gs[hs==2] <- rbeta(Npat_dist2,aG2,rG2);
##       }else if (mod==1){
##         return (cbind(probs=probs,
##                       quantile=F_inv_beta2(ps=probs,aG1,rG1,aG2,rG2,pi=pi)))
##       }else if (mod==2){
##         return (cbind(ts=ts,
##                       dens=(pi*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)+(1-pi)*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG2,shape2=rG2))))
##       }else if (mod == 3){

##         c1 <- momBeta(aG1,rG1,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
##         c2 <- momBeta(aG2,rG2,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
##         outputMod3 <- c(outputMod3,list(
##                                         K=2,c1=c1,c2=c2,
##                                         aGs=c(aG1=aG1,aG2=aG2),
##                                         rGs=c(rG1=rG1,rG2=rG2),
##                                         pi=pi))
##       }
##     }else if ( dist == "YZ"){
##       pi <- 0.85

##       alpha <- exp(-0.5)
##       ## a bimodal distribution with 85 % of Gi from a gamma distribution with mean 0.647 and variance 2.374
##       scale <- 2.374/0.647*alpha 
##       shape <- 0.647^2/2.374
##       mu <- 3*alpha
##       sd <- sqrt(0.25)*alpha
##       ## generate the initial random effect values of everyone
##       if (mod %in% c(0,4:6) ){
##         hs <- sample(1:2,Npat,c(pi,1-pi),replace=TRUE)
##         Npat_dist1 <- sum(hs==1)
##         Npat_dist2 <- sum(hs==2)
##         gs <- rep(NA,Npat)
##         gs[hs==1] <- rgamma(Npat_dist1,shape=shape,scale=scale);
##         gs[hs==2] <- rnorm(Npat_dist2,mean=mu,sd=sd);
##         gs[gs < 0 ] <- 0
##         gs <- 1/(1+gs)
##       }else if (mod==1){
##         return (NULL)
##       }else if (mod == 2){
##         ts.trans <-1/ts-1
##         return (cbind(ts=ts,
##                       (pi*dgamma(ts.trans,shape=shape,scale=scale)+(1-pi)*dnorm(ts.trans,mean=mu,sd=sd) )*(1/ts^2)))
##       }else if (mod == 3){
##         c1 <- momGL(EG=shape*scale,VG=shape*(scale^2),mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha) ## expectation and variance of Y
##         c2 <- momGL(EG=mu,VG=sd^2,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
##         outputMod3 <- outputMod3 <- c(outputMod3,list(c1=c1,c2=c2,scale=scale,shape=shape,mu=mu,sd=sd,pi=pi,K=2))
##       }
##     }
##     ## return parameter information of selected model
##     if (mod == 3) return (outputMod3)
##     ## Generate regression coefficients of this dataset
##     betasFull <- matrix(rmvnorm(n=1,mean=mu.beta[-length(mu.beta)],
##                                 sigma=Sigma.beta[-length(mu.beta),-length(mu.beta)]),ncol=1)
##     ## if (mod == 0) print(paste(c("Intercept",
##     ##       "timeInt1.plcb","timeInt1.trt",
##     ##       "timeInt2.plcb","timeInt2.trt"),
##     ##       sprintf("%1.4f",betasFull),collapse=":",sep=""))
##     ## Generate the treatment assignments 0 = placebo 1= trt
##     trtAss.pat <- sample(0:1,Npat,c(1-piTRT,piTRT),replace=TRUE)

##     ##print(trtAss.pat)
##     ##print(piTRT)
##     ## Sequential samples
##     ni <- 10
##     NpatEnterPerMonth <- 15
##     DSMBVisitInterval <- 4 ## months
##     ## === necessary for mod= 0, 3 and mod = 4
##     ## d contains a full dataset
##     days <- NULL
##     for (ipatGroup in 1 : (Npat/NpatEnterPerMonth))
##       {
##         ScandaysForSingleGroup <- ipatGroup:(ipatGroup+ni-1)
##         days <- c(days,rep(ScandaysForSingleGroup,NpatEnterPerMonth))
##       }
##     Y <- XforFit <- XforTCPI <- NULL
##     ## timeInt for all patients (used in model fit)
##     Xagg <- cbind(rep(1,ni),
##                   c(rep(0,2),rep(1,4),rep(0,ni-6)),
##                   c(rep(0,6),rep(1,ni-6)))
##     Xplcb <- cbind(Xagg[,1], ## ni = 9
##                    Xagg[,2],
##                    rep(0,ni), 
##                    Xagg[,3],
##                    rep(0,ni))
##     Xtrt <- cbind(Xagg[,1], ## ni = 9
##                   rep(0,ni), 
##                   Xagg[,2],
##                   rep(0,ni),
##                   Xagg[,3])
##     for ( ipat in 1 : Npat)
##       {
##         ## placebo
##         if (trtAss.pat[ipat]==0){
##           X <- Xplcb 
##         }else if (trtAss.pat[ipat]==1) X <- Xtrt ## trt
##         ## the number of repeated measures are the same
##         ## we assume that the time effects occurs once after the treatments are in effect
##         got <- rnbinom(ni,size = exp(X%*%betasFull), prob = gs[ipat])         
##         Y <- c(Y,got)
##         ## XforFit and XforTCPI must be the same if piTRT = 0
##         XforFit <- rbind(XforFit,Xagg)
##         if (trueCPI) XforTCPI <- rbind(XforTCPI,X)
##       }
##     colnames(XforFit) <- c("Intercept","timeInt1","timeInt2")

##     if (trtAss){
##       trtlabel <- factor(rep(trtAss.pat,each=ni),labels=c("plcb","trt"))
##     }else{
##       trtlabel <- factor(rep(trtAss.pat,each=ni),labels=c("plcb"))
##     }
##     d <- data.frame(Y=Y,
##                     XforFit,
##                     ID=rep(1:Npat,each=ni),
##                     gs = rep(gs,each=ni),
##                     scan = rep(-1:(ni-2),Npat),
##                     ## day contains the day when the scan was taken
##                     ## 10 patients enter a trial every month
##                     days = days,
##                     hs = rep(hs,each=ni),
##                     trtAss = trtlabel)

##     if (trueCPI){
##       d$XforTCPI <- XforTCPI
##     }
##     if (full) return (d) 
##     ## DSMB visit is assumed to be every 4 months
##     d <- subset(d,subset= days <= DSMBVisitInterval*rev)
##     d$labelnp <- rep(0,nrow(d))
##     d$labelnp[ DSMBVisitInterval*(rev-1) < d$days ] <- 1
##     ## The first two scans (screening and base-line scans are treated as pre-scans)
##     d$labelnp[ d$scan <= 0 ] <- 0
##     betsAgg <- c(betasFull[1],
##                  aggBeta(bets=betasFull[2:3],piTRT=piTRT),
##                  aggBeta(bets=betasFull[4:5],piTRT=piTRT))
##     if (mod == 0){
##       XX <- cbind(d$Intercept,d$timeInt1, d$timeInt2)
##       if (dist=="b")
##         {
##           temp <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=XX,
##                                betas=betsAgg,aGs=aG1,rGs=rG1,pis=1)
##           if (trueCPI){
##             tCPI <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=d$XforTCPI,
##                                  betas=betasFull,aGs=aG1,rGs=rG1,pis=1)
##           }
##         }else if (dist=="b2"){
##           temp <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=XX,
##                                 betas=betsAgg,aGs=c(aG1,aG2),rGs=c(rG1,rG2),pis=c(pi,1-pi))  
##           if (trueCPI){
##              tCPI <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=d$XforTCPI,
##                                   betas=betasFull,aGs=c(aG1,aG2),rGs=c(rG1,rG2),pis=c(pi,1-pi))
##           }
##         }else if (dist == "YZ"){
##           temp <- index.YZ(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=XX,
##                            betas=betsAgg,
##                            shape=shape, ## shape
##                            scale=scale, ## scale
##                            mu=mu,sd=sd,pi=pi)
##           if (trueCPI){
##             tCPI <- index.YZ(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=d$XforTCPI,
##                              betas=betasFull,
##                              shape=shape, ## shape
##                              scale=scale, ## scale
##                              mu=mu,sd=sd,pi=pi)
##           }
##         }
##       d$betas <- c(betsAgg,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(betsAgg)))
##       d$probIndex <- c(temp,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(temp) ))
##       if (trueCPI){
##         d$probIndexTRUE <- c(tCPI,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(tCPI) ))
##       }
##       return(d)
##     }
##   }

## ## ========================================================

## Sigma2Cholv <- function(Sigma,loc.0=NULL,loc.SAME=NULL)
## {
##   if ( is.vector(loc.0)) loc.0 <- matrix(loc.0,nrow=1,ncol=4)
##   if ( is.vector(loc.SAME)) loc.SAME <- matrix(loc.SAME,nrow=1,ncol=4)
##   if ( !is.null(loc.SAME)){ if(ncol(loc.SAME)!= 4) stop()}

##   ## transform Sigma2 to vector of length sum(1:q) - Nzero containing the vectorized entries of
##   ## lower-triangle (nonzero) entries of the Cholesky decomposed Sigma
##   q <- nrow(Sigma)

##   Chol <- t(chol(Sigma))
##   if (!is.null(loc.0)){
##     for (irow in 1 : nrow(loc.0))
##       {
##         ir <- loc.0[irow,1]
##         ic <- loc.0[irow,2]
##         ## Sigma is symetric
##         Chol[ir,ic] <- Chol[ic,ir] <-  NA
##     }
##   }
##   if (!is.null(loc.SAME)){
##     for (irow in 1 : nrow(loc.SAME))
##       {
##         ## The Chol[loc.SAME[i,3], loc.SAME[i,4]] <- Chol[loc.SAME[i,1], loc.SAME[i,2] ]
##         ir <- loc.SAME[irow,3]
##         ic <- loc.SAME[irow,4]
##         ## Sigma is symetric
##         Chol[ir,ic] <- Chol[ic,ir] <- - Inf
##       }
##   }

##   ## diagonal entries of the Cholesky decomposed matrix must be positive
##   ## Cholv2Sigma takes exp() for all the diagonal entries
##   ## So Sigma2Cholv which is an inverse function of Cholv2Sigma,
##   ## must take log of all the diagonal entries of Cholvec.NA
##   diag(Chol) <- log( diag(Chol))
##   Cholvec.NA <- c(Chol[lower.tri(Chol, diag = TRUE)])
##   loc.vec.SAME <- Cholvec.NA == -Inf & !is.na(Cholvec.NA)
##   loc.vec.0 <- is.na(Cholvec.NA)
##   return(list(Cholvec=Cholvec.NA[ !loc.vec.SAME & !loc.vec.0],
##               q=q,
##               loc.vec.SAME = loc.vec.SAME,
##               loc.vec.0=loc.vec.0
##               )
##          )
## }

## Cholv2Sigma <- function(Cholvec,
##                         loc.0=NULL,loc.SAME=NULL,
##                         loc.vec.0,loc.vec.SAME,q)
## {
##   if (is.vector(loc.0)) loc.0 <- matrix(loc.0,nrow=1,ncol=2)
##   if (is.vector(loc.SAME))loc.SAME <- matrix(loc.SAME,nrow=1,ncol=4)
##   ## Cholvec: vector of sum(1:q)-Nzero, containing only the nonzero entries of vectored off-diagonal entries of
##   ##          Cholesky decomposed matrix
##   ## loc.0:  Nzero by 2 matrix, containing the location corresponding to zero in Sigma
##   Cholvec.NA <- rep(NA,sum(1:q))
##   Cholvec.NA[ !loc.vec.0 & !loc.vec.SAME ] <- Cholvec

##   Chol <- matrix(0,nrow=q,ncol=q)
##   Chol[lower.tri(Chol, diag = TRUE)] <- Cholvec.NA

##   ## Diagonal entries must be positive definite
##   diag(Chol) <- exp(diag(Chol))

##   ## Set 0 to the selected entries of covariance matrix noted in loc.0
##   if (! is.null(loc.0))
##     {
##       for (irow in 1 : nrow(loc.0))
##         {
##           ir <- loc.0[irow,1]
##           ic <- loc.0[irow,2]
##           if (ic > 1) ic.vec <- 1:(ic-1) else ic.vec <- NULL
##           Chol[ir,ic] <- - sum(Chol[ir,ic.vec]*Chol[ic,ic.vec])/Chol[ic,ic]
##         }
##     }
##   ## Keep the correlation of pairs of each row of Chol[irow,] being the same
##   if (! is.null(loc.SAME))
##     {
##       for (irow in 1 : nrow(loc.SAME))
##         {
##           ir1 <- loc.SAME[irow,1]
##           ic1 <- loc.SAME[irow,2]
##           ir2 <- loc.SAME[irow,3]
##           ic2 <- loc.SAME[irow,4]

##           ## The values located at (ir1,ic1) are copied into (ir2,ic2) 
##           ic1.vec <- 1:ic1
##           if (ic2 > 1) ic2.vec <- 1:(ic2-1) else ic2.vec <- NULL
##           ## Correlation term
##           if ( ir2 %in% c(ir1,ic1) )
##             {
##               if (ir2 == ir1){
##                 not.ir2 <- ic1
##               }else if(ir2 == ic1){
##                 not.ir2 <- ir1
##               } 
##               cor.scale <- sqrt(   sum(Chol[ic2,1:ic2]^2)/sum(Chol[not.ir2,1:not.ir2]^2)  )
##             }else{
##               ## sum(Chol[ir2,1:ir2]^2)*
##               ir2.vec <- (1:ir2)[! (1:ir2 %in% ic2)] 
##               cor.scale <- sqrt(sum(Chol[ic2,1:ic2]^2)/
##                                 (sum(Chol[ir1,1:ir1]^2)*sum(Chol[ic1,1:ic1]^2)))
##             }
##           C  <- cor.scale*(sum(Chol[ir1,ic1.vec]*Chol[ic1,ic1.vec])
##                            - sum(Chol[ir2,ic2.vec]*Chol[ic2,ic2.vec])
##                            )/Chol[ic2,ic2]
##           signC <-sign(C)
##           Chol[ir2,ic2] <- signC*C*sqrt(sum(Chol[ir2,ir2.vec]^2))/sqrt(1-C^2)
##         }
##     }
##     ## Set 0 to the selected entries of covariance matrix
##   while (sum(is.na(Chol)) > 0 )
##     {
##       if (! is.null(loc.0))
##         {
##           for (irow in 1 : nrow(loc.0) )
##             {
##               ir <- loc.0[irow,1]
##               ic <- loc.0[irow,2]
##               if (ic > 1) ic.vec <- 1:(ic-1) else ic.vec <- NULL
##               Chol[ir,ic] <- - sum(Chol[ir,ic.vec]*Chol[ic,ic.vec])/Chol[ic,ic]
##             }
##         }
##     }
##   ## Sigma
##   return(Chol%*%t(Chol))
## }

## Cholv2Sigma <- function(Cholvec,loc.0=NULL,loc.NAs,q)
## {
##   if (is.vector(loc.0)) loc.0 <- matrix(loc.0,nrow=1)
##   ## Cholvec: vector of sum(1:q)-Nzero, containing only the nonzero entries of vectored off-diagonal entries of
##   ##          Cholesky decomposed matrix
##   ## loc.0:  Nzero by 2 matrix, containing the location corresponding to zero in Sigma
##   ## loc.NAs: a vector of Nzero, containing the location corresponding to NA in Cholvec.NA
##   ##          where Cholvec.NA is an augmented vector of Cholvec with length sum(1:q)
##   Cholvec.NA <- rep(NA,sum(1:q))
##   Cholvec.NA[! loc.NAs] <- Cholvec

##   Chol <- matrix(0,nrow=q,ncol=q)
##   Chol[lower.tri(Chol, diag = TRUE)] <- Cholvec.NA
##   diag(Chol) <- exp(diag(Chol))
##   if (! is.null(loc.0))
##     {
##       for (irow in 1 : nrow(loc.0))
##         {
##           ir <- loc.0[irow,1]
##           ic <- loc.0[irow,2]
##           ic.vec <- (1:ic)[! (1:ic %in% ic)]
##           Chol[ir,ic] <- - sum(Chol[ir,ic.vec]*Chol[ic,ic.vec])/Chol[ic,ic]
##         }
##     }
##   ## Sigma
##   return(Chol%*%t(Chol))
## }

## listSum <- function(listobj,burnin=0)
##   {
##     objex <- listobj[[1]]
##     output <- rep(0,length(c(objex)))
##     for (i in (burnin+1) : length(listobj))
##       {
##         lsO <- c(listobj[[i]])
##         lsONA.TF <- !is.na(lsO)
##         output[lsONA.TF] <- output[lsONA.TF] + lsO[lsONA.TF]
##       }
##     return (matrix(output,
##                    nrow=nrow(objex),
##                    ncol=ncol(objex)))
##   }

## meta.rmlk <- function(ini.Psi=NULL,
##                       loc.0=NULL,loc.SAME=NULL,
##                       hat.sigmas2,hat.beta){

##   ## location
##   if (! is.null(loc.SAME)){
##     colnames(loc.SAME) <- c("irow_keep","icol_keep","irow_change","icol_change")
##     if (sum(loc.SAME[,1] <= loc.SAME[,2]) > 0 | sum(loc.SAME[,3] <= loc.SAME[,4]) >0 )
##       stop("The pairs of loc.SAME must be from off-diagonal lower-triangle matrix.")
##   }
##   if (is.null(ini.Psi))
##     { 
##       ini.Psi0 <- multMeta(hat.betas=hat.beta,hat.sigmas2=hat.sigmas2,want.mu=FALSE)$info.var
##       if (!is.null(loc.0)){
##         for (irow in 1 : nrow(loc.0))
##           {
##             ir <- loc.0[irow,1]
##             ic <- loc.0[irow,2]
##             ini.Psi0[ir,ic] <- ini.Psi0[ic,ir] <- 0
##           }
##         ini.Psi <- adjustPosDef(ini.Psi0)$adjust.mat
##       }
##       if (is.null(loc.0) & is.null(loc.SAME)){
##         ini.Psi <- ini.Psi0
##       }
##     }
##   temp <- Sigma2Cholv(Sigma=ini.Psi,loc.0=loc.0,loc.SAME=loc.SAME)
##   opt <- optim(par=temp$Cholvec,
##                fn=profile.nllk,
##                loc.0=loc.0,loc.SAME = loc.SAME,
##                loc.vec.0=temp$loc.vec.0,
##                loc.vec.SAME=temp$loc.vec.SAME,
##                q=temp$q,
##                hat.beta=hat.beta,hat.sigmas2=hat.sigmas2
##                )
##   Psi <- Cholv2Sigma(opt$par,
##                      loc.0=loc.0,
##                      loc.SAME=loc.SAME,
##                      q=temp$q,
##                      loc.vec.0=temp$loc.vec.0,
##                      loc.vec.SAME=temp$loc.vec.SAME)
##   if (!is.null(rownames(hat.beta)))rownames(Psi) <- colnames(Psi) <- rownames(hat.beta)
##   nllk <- opt$value
##   theta <- muMult(hat.betas=hat.beta,
##                   hat.sigmas2=hat.sigmas2,
##                   info.var=Psi,
##                   Ndat = ncol(hat.beta), Ndim=nrow(hat.beta))$info.mean
##   return(list(theta=theta,Psi=Psi,nllk=nllk,loc.SAME=loc.SAME))
## }

## profile.nllk <- function(Cholvec,
##                          hat.beta,
##                          loc.0,loc.SAME,
##                          loc.vec.0,loc.vec.SAME,
##                          hat.sigmas2,
##                          q=nrow(hat.beta),Nstudy =length(hat.sigmas2)
##                          ){
##   ## hat.beta is a q by Nstudy matrix

##   Psi <- Cholv2Sigma(Cholvec=Cholvec,
##                      loc.0=loc.0,loc.SAME=loc.SAME,
##                      loc.vec.0=loc.vec.0,loc.vec.SAME=loc.vec.SAME,
##                      q=q)
##   cat("\n\n Psi");print(Psi)
##   ## Matrix with large condition number is rejected because such matrix is computationally singular 
##   if (rcond(Psi) < 1e-15) return(Inf)
##   ## Update the overall mean with respect to the Psi
##   hat.theta <- muMult(hat.betas=hat.beta,
##                       hat.sigmas2=hat.sigmas2,
##                       info.var=Psi,
##                       Ndat = Nstudy, Ndim=q)$info.mean
##   Sigma.Psi <- lapply(hat.sigmas2,function(x) x + Psi)
##   ## A vector of length Nstudy
##   log.det.Sigma.Psi <- unlist(lapply(Sigma.Psi,function(x) log(det(x))))
##   ## A list of Nstudy elements containing q by q matrix
##   inv.Sigma.Psi <- lapply(Sigma.Psi,solve)
##   ## A vector of length Nstudy
##   det.inv.Sigma.Psi <- unlist(lapply(inv.Sigma.Psi, det))
##   mahara.sum <- 0
##   for (istudy in 1 : Nstudy)
##     {
##       disc <- matrix(hat.beta[,istudy] - hat.theta,ncol=1)
##       mahara.sum <- mahara.sum + t(disc)%*%inv.Sigma.Psi[[istudy]]%*%disc
##     }
##   tem1 <-  (Nstudy*q-q)*log(pi)
##   tem2 <-  sum(log.det.Sigma.Psi)
##   tem3 <-  log(sum(det.inv.Sigma.Psi))
##   nllk <- c( (tem1 + tem2 + tem3 + mahara.sum)/2 )
##   cat("\n nllk:",nllk)
##   return(nllk )
## }

## muMult <- function(hat.betas,hat.sigmas2,info.var,Ndat = length(hat.sigmas2),Ndim=nrow(hat.sigmas2[[1]]))
##   {
##     ## NA is not accepted
##     varHatMu0 <- list()
##     nums <- matrix(NA,ncol=Ndat,nrow=Ndim)
##      for (istudy in 1 : Ndat)
##        {
##          sig <- hat.sigmas2[[istudy]]
##          ## reduced matrix that only contains the non missing entries       
##          varHatMu0[[istudy]] <- inv.var <- solve(info.var + sig)
##          nums[,istudy] <-inv.var%*%hat.betas[,istudy]
##        }
##     varHatMu <- solve(listSum(varHatMu0))
##     info.mean <- c( varHatMu%*%rowSums(nums,na.rm=TRUE))
##     SEmu <- sqrt(diag(varHatMu))
##     names(SEmu) <-  paste("SE:",rownames(hat.betas))
##     names(info.mean) <- rownames(hat.betas)
##     return(list(SEmu=SEmu,info.mean=info.mean))
##   }
## ==============

## gsLabelnp <- function(d,olmeNBB,useSample){
##   ## d: simulated dataset from getSample
##   ## olmeNBB: must be the output of DPfit with model="nonpara"
##   ## This function returns the estimated random effects of patients at each time point.
##   ## the output is a vector of length sum ni
##   ## for example if a patient ipat has 5 scans and the first two are treated as pre-scans and the rest as new-scans,
##   ## then the d$labelnp[d$ID== opat] = 0,0,1,1,1
##   ## the output is output[d$ID==ipat] = gPre,gPre,gNew,gNew,gNew
##   ##            where gPre and gNew are the estimated random effects of patients 
##   ## nonparametric changing random effects
##   Npat <- length(unique(d$ID))
##   nolnp0TF <- tapply(d$labelnp==0,d$ID,sum) == 0 ## TRUE if patients do not have prescans d$labelnp==0
##   nolnp1TF <- tapply(d$labelnp==1,d$ID,sum) == 0 ## TRUE if patients do not have newscans d$labelnp==1
##   patwG2 <- which(! (nolnp0TF|nolnp1TF)) ## patients with both new scans and pre scans
##   gPres <- colMeans(olmeNBB$gPre[useSample,]); gPres_Index <- (1:Npat) - 0.5  ## everyone has g1
##   gNews <- colMeans(olmeNBB$gNew[useSample, olmeNBB$gNew[1,]!= -1000,drop=FALSE]); gNews_Index <- patwG2
##   ## combine gPres_gNews in the right order; in the order how they appear in the dataset d
##   gPres_gNews <- c(gPres,gNews)[order(c(gPres_Index,gNews_Index))]
##   g_long <- repeatAsID(values=gPres_gNews,ID=newCat(d$ID,d$labelnp))
##   return (g_long)
## }

## aggBeta <- function(bets,piTRT)
##   {
##     if (is.vector(bets)) bets <- matrix(bets,nrow=1)
##     log(exp(bets[,1])*(1-piTRT)+exp(bets[,2])*piTRT)
##   }

## rTildeBeta <- function(N.MC=1e+6,piTRT=0.6736842,
##               info.mean,info.var,logDMVN=FALSE){
##   samp <- rmvnorm(n=N.MC, mean = info.mean, sigma = info.var)
##   which.plcb <- seq(2,length(info.mean)-2,2)
##   which.trt <- which.plcb + 1
##   alpha <- samp[,1]
##   betas.plcb <- samp[,which.plcb]
##   betas.trt <- samp[,which.trt]

##   betatilde <- matrix(NA,nrow=N.MC,ncol=length(which.plcb))
##   for (itime1 in 1 : ncol(betatilde))
##     {
##       betatilde[,itime1]<-aggBeta(bets=cbind(betas.plcb[,itime1],
##                                     betas.trt[,itime1]),
##                                   piTRT=piTRT) 
##     }
##   re <- cbind(alpha,betatilde)

##   colnames(re) <- c("alpha",paste("tildeBeta",1:length(which.plcb),sep=""))

##   if (logDMVN){
##     logDs <- samp[,length(info.mean)]
##     re <- cbind(re,logD=logDs)
##   }
##   return(re)
## }

## aggBeta <- function(bets,piTRT)
##   {
##     if (is.vector(bets)) bets <- matrix(bets,nrow=1)
##     log(exp(bets[,1])*(1-piTRT)+exp(bets[,2])*piTRT)
##   }

## getS <- function(iseed = "random",
##                  rev = 4,
##                  dist = "b",
##                  mod = 0,
##                  probs = seq(0,0.99,0.01),
##                  ts = seq(0.001,0.99,0.001),
##                  full = FALSE,
##                  trtAss = FALSE,
##                  trueCPI = FALSE,
##                  IFN=FALSE)
##   {
##     ## mod = 0: generate sample
##     ## mod = 1: quantiles of the true populations at given probs
##     ## mod = 2: densities of the true populations
##     ## mod = 3: parameters of the simulation model
##     ## mod = 4: parameters for uninformative prior
##     ## mod = 5: parameters for informative prior under the placebo assumption
##     ## mod = 6: parameters for informative prior under the random sample assumption
##     ## dist = "b","b2","YZ" 
##     ## trtASS == FALSE then piTRT = 0 else piTRT = 0.674
##     if (trtAss) piTRT <- 0.6736842 else piTRT <- 0
##     ## if full = TRUE then full dataset is returned and rev is ignored
##     ## if trueCPI == TRUE then returns the most precise conditional probability computed based on the
##     ## treatment assignment 
##     Npat <- 180; ## upto review 4, Npat=160 in total this number must be divisible by NpatEnterPerMonth

##     if (iseed=="random") set.seed(sample(1e+6,1)) else  set.seed(iseed)

##     ## The prior for regression coefficients beta
##     if (IFN){
##       ## prior only based on IFN datasets
##       mu.beta <- c( 1.3863398,  0.0283592,  -1.0780041,  -0.1943629, -1.4005187)
##       Sigma.beta <- matrix(round(c( 0.07080114,  -0.03561139,   0.05512568,     -0.03559668,    0.08999295,
##                                    -0.03561139,   0.03365417,  -0.04243730,      0.02763631,   -0.05092112,
##                                     0.05512568,  -0.04243730,   0.06099776,     -0.02992216,    0.08058643,
##                                    -0.03559668,   0.02763631,  -0.02992216,      0.04543372,   -0.03128294,
##                                     0.08999295,  -0.05092112,   0.08058643,     -0.03128294,    0.13064430),4),
##                                  byrow=TRUE,5,5)
##     }else{
##       mu.beta <- c(1.29761146,  0.02762343,  -0.71042449,    -0.16054429,   -0.92415434)
##       Sigma.beta <- matrix(round(c( 0.06839318,   -0.0230865954,    -0.037123180,     -0.02048146,   -0.0697404833,
##                                    -0.02308660,    0.0173408469,    -0.000580806,      0.01097764,    0.0005858456,
##                                    -0.03712318,   -0.0005808060,     0.284828736,      0.02000585,    0.4364152673,
##                                    -0.02048146,    0.0109776373,     0.020005847,      0.02616263,    0.0312899440,
##                                    -0.06974048,    0.0005858456,     0.436415267,      0.03128994,    0.6989128826),4),
##                            byrow=TRUE,5,5)
##     }
##     if (mod == 3){
##       ## return parameter information of selected model
##       outputMod3 <- list(mu.beta=mu.beta, Sigma.beta = Sigma.beta)
##       mu.alpha <- mu.beta[1]
##       sigma.alpha <- Sigma.beta[1,1]
##     }
##     if (dist == "b"){
##       aG1 <- 3  
##       rG1 <- 0.8 ##0.8
##       if (mod %in% c(0,4:6)){
##         gs <- rbeta(Npat,aG1,rG1)
##         hs <- rep(1,Npat)
##       }else if (mod==1){
##         ## mod = 1: quantiles of the true populations at given probs
##         return(cbind(probs=probs,
##                      quantile=qbeta(probs,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)))
##       }else if (mod==2){
##         ## mod = 2: densities of the true populations
##         return (cbind(ts=ts,
##                       dens=dbeta(ts,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)) )
##       }else if (mod == 3){
##         ## mod = 3: parameters of the simulation model
##         c1 <- momBeta(aG1,rG1,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
##         outputMod3 <- c(outputMod3,list(K=1,c1=c1,aGs=c(aG1=aG1), rGs=c(rG1=rG1)))
##       }

##     }else if (dist == "b2"){
##       ## mixture of two beta distributions
##       ## cluster 1: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(2)*((aG1+rG1-1)/(aG1-1)+1)=3.098636 ## at initial time
##       ## cluster 2: E(Y)=exp(beta0)*mu_G=exp(2)*((aG2+rG2-1)/(aG2-1)+1)=7.037196 ## at initial time
##       pi <- 0.3
##       aG1 <- 10
##       rG1 <- 10
##       aG2 <- 20
##       rG2 <- 1
##       ## generate the initial random effect values of everyone
##       if (mod %in% c(0,4:6)){
##         hs <- sample(1:2,Npat,c(pi,1-pi),replace=TRUE)
##         Npat_dist1 <- sum(hs==1)
##         Npat_dist2 <- sum(hs==2)
##         gs <- rep(NA,Npat)
##         gs[hs==1] <- rbeta(Npat_dist1,aG1,rG1);
##         gs[hs==2] <- rbeta(Npat_dist2,aG2,rG2);
##       }else if (mod==1){
##         return (cbind(probs=probs,
##                       quantile=F_inv_beta2(ps=probs,aG1,rG1,aG2,rG2,pi=pi)))
##       }else if (mod==2){
##         return (cbind(ts=ts,
##                       dens=(pi*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG1,shape2=rG1)+(1-pi)*dbeta(ts,shape1=aG2,shape2=rG2))))
##       }else if (mod == 3){

##         c1 <- momBeta(aG1,rG1,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
##         c2 <- momBeta(aG2,rG2,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
##         outputMod3 <- c(outputMod3,list(
##                                         K=2,c1=c1,c2=c2,
##                                         aGs=c(aG1=aG1,aG2=aG2),
##                                         rGs=c(rG1=rG1,rG2=rG2),
##                                         pi=pi))
##       }
##     }else if ( dist == "YZ"){
##       pi <- 0.85

##       alpha <- exp(-0.5)
##       ## a bimodal distribution with 85 % of Gi from a gamma distribution with mean 0.647 and variance 2.374
##       scale <- 2.374/0.647*alpha 
##       shape <- 0.647^2/2.374
##       mu <- 3*alpha
##       sd <- sqrt(0.25)*alpha
##       ## generate the initial random effect values of everyone
##       if (mod %in% c(0,4:6) ){
##         hs <- sample(1:2,Npat,c(pi,1-pi),replace=TRUE)
##         Npat_dist1 <- sum(hs==1)
##         Npat_dist2 <- sum(hs==2)
##         gs <- rep(NA,Npat)
##         gs[hs==1] <- rgamma(Npat_dist1,shape=shape,scale=scale);
##         gs[hs==2] <- rnorm(Npat_dist2,mean=mu,sd=sd);
##         gs[gs < 0 ] <- 0
##         gs <- 1/(1+gs)
##       }else if (mod==1){
##         return (NULL)
##       }else if (mod == 2){
##         ts.trans <-1/ts-1
##         return (cbind(ts=ts,
##                       (pi*dgamma(ts.trans,shape=shape,scale=scale)+(1-pi)*dnorm(ts.trans,mean=mu,sd=sd) )*(1/ts^2)))
##       }else if (mod == 3){
##         c1 <- momGL(EG=shape*scale,VG=shape*(scale^2),mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha) ## expectation and variance of Y
##         c2 <- momGL(EG=mu,VG=sd^2,mu.alpha=mu.alpha,sigma.alpha=sigma.alpha)
##         outputMod3 <- outputMod3 <- c(outputMod3,list(c1=c1,c2=c2,scale=scale,shape=shape,mu=mu,sd=sd,pi=pi,K=2))
##       }
##     }
##     ## return parameter information of selected model
##     if (mod == 3) return (outputMod3)
##     ## Generate regression coefficients of this dataset
##     betasFull <- matrix(rmvnorm(n=1,mean=mu.beta,sigma=Sigma.beta),ncol=1)
##     ## if (mod == 0) print(paste(c("Intercept",
##     ##       "timeInt1.plcb","timeInt1.trt",
##     ##       "timeInt2.plcb","timeInt2.trt"),
##     ##       sprintf("%1.4f",betasFull),collapse=":",sep=""))
##     ## Generate the treatment assignments 0 = placebo 1= trt
##     trtAss.pat <- sample(0:1,Npat,c(1-piTRT,piTRT),replace=TRUE)

##     ##print(trtAss.pat)
##     ##print(piTRT)
##     ## Sequential samples
##     ni <- 11
##     NpatEnterPerMonth <- 15
##     DSMBVisitInterval <- 4 ## months
##     ## === necessary for mod= 0, 3 and mod = 4
##     ## d contains a full dataset
##     days <- NULL
##     for (ipatGroup in 1 : (Npat/NpatEnterPerMonth))
##       {
##         ScandaysForSingleGroup <- ipatGroup:(ipatGroup+ni-1)
##         days <- c(days,rep(ScandaysForSingleGroup,NpatEnterPerMonth))
##       }
##     Y <- XforFit <- XforTCPI <- NULL
##     ## timeInt for all patients (used in model fit)
##     Xagg <- cbind(rep(1,ni),
##                   c(rep(0,2),rep(1,4),rep(0,ni-6)),
##                   c(rep(0,6),rep(1,ni-6)))
##     Xplcb <- cbind(Xagg[,1], ## ni = 9
##                    Xagg[,2],
##                    rep(0,ni), 
##                    Xagg[,3],
##                    rep(0,ni))
##     Xtrt <- cbind(Xagg[,1], ## ni = 9
##                   rep(0,ni), 
##                   Xagg[,2],
##                   rep(0,ni),
##                   Xagg[,3])
##     for ( ipat in 1 : Npat)
##       {
##         ## placebo
##         if (trtAss.pat[ipat]==0){
##           X <- Xplcb 
##         }else if (trtAss.pat[ipat]==1) X <- Xtrt ## trt
##         ## the number of repeated measures are the same
##         ## we assume that the time effects occurs once after the treatments are in effect
##         got <- rnbinom(ni,size = exp(X%*%betasFull), prob = gs[ipat])         
##         Y <- c(Y,got)
##         ## XforFit and XforTCPI must be the same if piTRT = 0
##         XforFit <- rbind(XforFit,Xagg)
##         if (trueCPI) XforTCPI <- rbind(XforTCPI,X)
##       }
##     colnames(XforFit) <- c("Intercept","timeInt1","timeInt2")

##     d <- data.frame(Y=Y,
##                     XforFit,
##                     ID=rep(1:Npat,each=ni),
##                     gs = rep(gs,each=ni),
##                     scan = rep(-1:(ni-2),Npat),
##                     ## day contains the day when the scan was taken
##                     ## 10 patients enter a trial every month
##                     days = days,
##                     hs = rep(hs,each=ni),
##                     trtAss =rep(trtAss.pat,each=ni))

##     if (trueCPI){
##       d$XforTCPI <- XforTCPI
##     }
##     ## DSMB visit is assumed to be every 4 months
##     if (full) return (d) 
##     d <- subset(d,subset= days <= DSMBVisitInterval*rev)
##     d$labelnp <- rep(0,nrow(d))
##     d$labelnp[ DSMBVisitInterval*(rev-1) < d$days ] <- 1
##     ## The first two scans (screening and base-line scans are treated as pre-scans)
##     d$labelnp[ d$scan <= 0 ] <- 0
##     betsAgg <- c(betasFull[1],
##                  aggBeta(bets=betasFull[2:3],piTRT=piTRT),
##                  aggBeta(bets=betasFull[4:5],piTRT=piTRT))
##     if (mod == 0){
##       XX <- cbind(d$Intercept,d$timeInt1, d$timeInt2)
##       if (dist=="b")
##         {
##           temp <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=XX,
##                                betas=betsAgg,aGs=aG1,rGs=rG1,pis=1)
##           if (trueCPI){
##             tCPI <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=d$XforTCPI,
##                                  betas=betasFull,aGs=aG1,rGs=rG1,pis=1)
##           }
##         }else if (dist=="b2"){
##           temp <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=XX,
##                                 betas=betsAgg,aGs=c(aG1,aG2),rGs=c(rG1,rG2),pis=c(pi,1-pi))  
##           if (trueCPI){
##              tCPI <- index.b.each(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=d$XforTCPI,
##                                   betas=betasFull,aGs=c(aG1,aG2),rGs=c(rG1,rG2),pis=c(pi,1-pi))
##           }
##         }else if (dist == "YZ"){
##           temp <- index.YZ(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=XX,
##                            betas=betsAgg,
##                            shape=shape, ## shape
##                            scale=scale, ## scale
##                            mu=mu,sd=sd,pi=pi)
##           if (trueCPI){
##             tCPI <- index.YZ(Y=d$Y,ID=d$ID,labelnp=d$labelnp,X=d$XforTCPI,
##                              betas=betasFull,
##                              shape=shape, ## shape
##                              scale=scale, ## scale
##                              mu=mu,sd=sd,pi=pi)
##           }
##         }
##       d$betas <- c(betsAgg,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(betsAgg)))
##       d$probIndex <- c(temp,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(temp) ))
##       if (trueCPI){
##         d$probIndexTRUE <- c(tCPI,rep(NA,nrow(d)-length(tCPI) ))
##       }
##       return(d)
##     }
##     ## ======= mod == 4, 5 or 6 only get to here ===========
##     Npat <- length(unique(d$ID))
##     maxDs <- seq(0.01,5,0.01); Ktilde <- 2
##     ekn <- E.KN(maxDs=maxDs,N=Npat)
##     ib_D <- maxDs[min(which(ekn >= Ktilde))]
##     a_D <- 0.0001

##     if (mod == 4){
##       ## Uninformative priors 
##       outputMod4 <- list(a_D = a_D, ib_D=ib_D, max_aG = 30)
##       return(outputMod4)
##     }else if (mod== 5){
##       ## ======= mod == 5 or 6 only get to here ===========
##       ## Informative priors under the placebo assumption
##       if (IFN){
##         ## Data is developed based only on IFN
##         info.var <- matrix( round(c( 0.07080114,     -0.03561139,     -0.03559668,
##                                     -0.03561139,      0.03365417,      0.02763631,
##                                     -0.03559668,      0.02763631,      0.04543372
##                                     ),4),nrow=3,ncol=3)
##         info.mean <- c(1.3863398,       0.0283592,      -0.1943629)
##       }else{
##         ## Data is developed based on ALL datasets
##          info.var <- matrix( round(c( 0.06839318,     -0.02308660,     -0.02048146,
##                                      -0.02308660,      0.01734085,      0.01097764,
##                                      -0.02048146,      0.01097764,      0.02616263 
##                                      ),4),nrow=3,ncol=3)
##          info.mean <- c(1.29761146,    0.02762343,    -0.16054429)
##        }
##       modName <- "I.plcb"
##     }else if (mod==6){
##       ## Informative priors under the random sample assumption
##       if (IFN){
##         ## Data is developed based only on IFN
##         info.var <- matrix(round(c(0.070822670, 0.001545587, 0.013108930,
##                                    0.001545587, 0.002311349, 0.004566084,
##                                    0.013108930, 0.004566084, 0.023280450
##                                    ),4),nrow=3,ncol=3,byrow=TRUE)
##         info.mean <- c(1.3864922, -0.5497916, -0.8054787)
##       }else{
##         ## Data is developed based on ALL datasets
##         info.var <- matrix(round(c(0.06840140, -0.03005920, -0.04469143,
##                                   -0.03005920,  0.07694164,  0.11925741,
##                                   -0.04469143,  0.11925741,  0.20175429
##                                    ),4),nrow=3,ncol=3,byrow=TRUE)
##         info.mean <- c(1.2976255, -0.3690132, -0.5293237)
##       }
##       modName <- "I.RS"
##     }

##     if (sum(d$timeInt2) == 0)
##       {
##         pick.ind <- 1:2
##         info.var <- info.var[pick.ind,pick.ind]
##         info.mean <- info.mean[pick.ind]
##       }
##     infoPara <- list(max_aG=30, a_D=a_D, ib_D = ib_D,
##                      mu_beta=info.mean,
##                      Sigma_beta=info.var,
##                      mod=mod,modName=modName)
##     return(infoPara)
##   }

## lmeNBBayes <- function(formula,          ##   A vector of length sum ni, containing responses
##                        data,
##                        ##   A sum ni by p matrix, containing covariate values. The frist column must be 1 (Intercept)
##                        ID,         ##   A Vector of length sum ni, indicating patients
##                        B = 105000, ##     A scalar, the number of Gibbs iteration 
##                        burnin = 5000,  
##                        printFreq = B,
##                        M = NULL,
##                        probIndex = FALSE,
##                        thin =1, ## optional
##                        labelnp=NULL, ## necessary if probIndex ==1
##                        epsilonM = 1e-4,## nonpara
##                        para = list(mu_beta = NULL,Sigma_beta = NULL,max_aG=30),
##                        DP=TRUE,
##                        Reduce=1,
##                        thinned.sample=FALSE,
##                        Ddist=c("MVN","unif"),
##                        proposalSD = NULL
##                        ## Does not matter if DP=FALSE
##                        )
##   {
##     Xmodmat <- model.matrix(object=formula,data=data)
##     covariatesNames<- colnames(Xmodmat)
##     Y <- model.response(model.frame(formula=formula,data=data))
##     ## If ID is a character vector of length sum ni,
##     ## it is modified to an integer vector, indicating the first appearing patient
##     ## as 1, the second one as 2, and so on..

##     ## This code generate samples from NBRE model with constant random effect ~ DP mixture of Beta
##     if (is.vector(Xmodmat)) Xmodmat <- matrix(Xmodmat,ncol=1)
##     NtotAll <- length(Y)
##     if (nrow(Xmodmat)!= NtotAll) stop ("nrow(Xmodmat) != length(Y)")
##     if (length(ID)!= NtotAll)  stop ("length(ID)!= length(Y)")
##     if (!is.null(labelnp) & length(labelnp)!= NtotAll)  stop ("labelnp!= length(Y)")
##     if (thinned.sample & (!is.numeric(thin)) & (!is.numeric(burnin)))
##       stop("If you only want thinned samples, you must give the thinning and burnin parameters")
##     if (thinned.sample & (!Reduce))
##       stop("Non-reduced MCMC must return ALL samples")
##     if (length(Ddist) > 1) Ddist <- Ddist[1]
##     dims <- dim(Xmodmat)
##     Ntot <- dims[1]
##     pCov <- dims[2]
##     if (is.null(proposalSD)) proposalSD <- list() 
##     if (is.null(proposalSD$min$D))    proposalSD$min$D <- 0.02

##     if (is.null(proposalSD$max$D))    proposalSD$max$D <- 2
##     if (is.null(proposalSD$min$aG))   proposalSD$min$aG <- 0.05
##     if (is.null(proposalSD$min$rG))   proposalSD$min$rG <- 0.05
##     if (is.null(proposalSD$max$aG))   proposalSD$max$aG <- 5
##     if (is.null(proposalSD$max$rG))   proposalSD$max$rG <- 5
##     if (is.null(para$max_aG)) para$max_aG <- 30
##     if (DP){
##       if (Ddist == "unif")
##         {
##           if (is.null(para$mu_beta)) para$mu_beta <- rep(0,pCov)
##           if (is.null(para$Sigma_beta)){
##             para$Sigma_beta <- diag(10,pCov)
##           }
##           if (is.null(proposalSD$min$beta)) proposalSD$min$beta <- rep(diag(para$Sigma_beta)/1e+5,pCov)
##           if (is.null(proposalSD$max$beta)) proposalSD$max$beta <- rep(diag(para$Sigma_beta)/1e+3,pCov)
##           if (is.null(para$a_D ) ) para$a_D <- 1e-4
##           if (is.null(para$ib_D) ) para$ib_D <- 0.5
##           if (length(para$mu_beta)!=ncol(Xmodmat))
##             stop("The dimension of the fixed effect hyperparameter is wrong!")
##           if (is.null(M)) M  <- round(1 + log(epsilonM)/log(para$ib_D/(1+para$ib_D)))
##         }else if (Ddist == "MVN"){
##           EX <- 0.5
##           SDX <- 0.5
##           logDpara <- lnpara(EX=EX,SDX=SDX)
##           if (is.null(para$mu_beta)){ ## mu_beta is pCov + 1 length. The last entry corresponding to prior mean of log(D)
##             para$mu_beta <- rep(0,pCov)
##             para$mu_beta[pCov+1] <- logDpara$meanlog
##           }
##           if (is.null(para$Sigma_beta)){
##             para$Sigma_beta <- diag(10,pCov+1)
##             para$Sigma_beta[pCov+1,pCov+1] <- (logDpara$sdlog)^2
##           }
##           atlnD <- length(para$mu_beta)
##           if (is.null(proposalSD$min$beta)) proposalSD$min$beta <- rep(diag(para$Sigma_beta[-atlnD])/1e+5,pCov)
##           if (is.null(proposalSD$max$beta)) proposalSD$max$beta <- rep(diag(para$Sigma_beta[-atlnD])/1e+3,pCov)
##           if (is.null(proposalSD$min$D)) proposalSD$min$D <- rep(diag(para$Sigma_beta[atlnD])/1e+3,pCov)
##           if (is.null(proposalSD$max$D)) proposalSD$max$D <- rep(diag(para$Sigma_beta[atlnD])/1e+3,pCov)
##           if (length(para$mu_beta)!=(ncol(Xmodmat)+1))
##             stop("The dimension of the fixed effect and log(D) hyperparameter is wrong!")
##           if (is.null(M)){
##             for (M in 1 : 1000)
##               {
##                 EpiM <- piM(M=M,
##                             mean.norm=para$mu_beta[pCov+1],
##                             sd.norm=sqrt(para$Sigma_beta[pCov+1,pCov+1]))
##                 if (EpiM < epsilonM ) break
##               }
##           }
##         }
##     }else{
##       ## DP = FALSE
##       if (is.null(para$mu_beta)) para$mu_beta <- rep(0,pCov)
##       if (is.null(para$Sigma_beta))para$Sigma_beta <- diag(10,pCov)
##       if (length(para$mu_beta)!=ncol(Xmodmat))
##         stop("The dimension of the fixed effect hyperparameter is wrong!")
##     }
##     evalue_sigma_beta <- eigen(para$Sigma_beta, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
##     if (min(evalue_sigma_beta) <= 0) stop("Sigma_beta must be positive definite!")
##     Inv_sigma_beta <- c( solve(para$Sigma_beta) )

##     X <- c(Xmodmat) ## {xij} = { x_{1,1},x_{2,1},..,x_{Ntot,1},x_{1,2},....,x_{Ntot,p} }

##     ## change the index of ID to numeric from 1 to # patients
##     temID <- ID  
##     N <- length(unique(temID))
##     uniID <- unique(temID)
##     ID <- rep(NA,length(temID))
##     for (i in 1 : length(uniID))
##       {
##         ID[temID == uniID[i]] <- i
##       }
##     mID <- ID-1
##     ## the labelnp of patients only with 1 (new scans) labels are replaced by all 0 (old scans)
##     maxni <- max(tapply(rep(1,length(ID)),ID,sum))
##     Npat <- length(unique(ID))
##     if (probIndex)
##       {
##         ## the labelnp of patients only with 1 (new scans) labels are replaced by all 0 (old scans)
##         patwonew <- which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==0),ID,sum)==0)==1)
##         for (i in 1 : length(patwonew)) labelnp[ID == patwonew[i]] <- 0
##         patwoNorO <-  which(as.numeric(tapply((labelnp==1),ID,sum)==0)==1)
##         if (length(patwoNorO)==0) patwoNorO <- -1000;
##       }else{
##         labelnp <- rep(0,length(Y))
##       }
##     Btilde <- B
##     if (B %% thin != 0 ) stop("B %% thin !=0")
##     if (burnin %% thin !=0) stop("burnin %% thin !=0")
##     min_proposalSD <- c(aG=proposalSD$min$aG,rG=proposalSD$min$rG,beta=proposalSD$min$beta);
##     max_proposalSD <- c(aG=proposalSD$max$aG,rG=proposalSD$max$rG,beta=proposalSD$max$beta);
##     if (DP)
##       {
##         if (Reduce)
##           {
##             if (Ddist=="unif")
##               {

##                 re <- .Call("ReduceGibbs",
##                             as.numeric(Y),           ## REAL
##                             as.numeric(X),           ## REAL
##                             as.integer(mID),         ## INTEGER
##                             as.integer(B),           ## INTEGER
##                             as.integer(maxni),       ## INTEGER
##                             as.integer(Npat),        ## INTEGER
##                             as.numeric(labelnp),     ## REAL
##                             as.numeric(para$max_aG),
##                             as.numeric(para$mu_beta),     ## REAL
##                             as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                             as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                             as.numeric(para$a_D),
##                             as.numeric(para$ib_D),
##                             as.integer(M),
##                             as.integer(burnin),      ## INTEGER
##                             as.integer(printFreq),
##                             as.integer(probIndex),
##                             as.integer(thin),
##                             as.integer(thinned.sample),
##                             package = "lmeNBBayes"
##                             )
##               }else if (Ddist=="MVN")
##                 {
##                   ##cat("\n para: max_aG",para$max_aG)
##                   ##cat("\n theta:",para$mu_beta)
##                   cat("\n M:",M)
##                   min_proposalSD <- c( min_proposalSD,D=proposalSD$min$D)
##                   max_proposalSD <- c( max_proposalSD,D=proposalSD$max$D)
##                   re <- .Call("ReduceDmvn",
##                               as.numeric(Y),           ## REAL
##                               as.numeric(X),           ## REAL
##                               as.integer(mID),         ## INTEGER
##                               as.integer(B),           ## INTEGER
##                               as.integer(maxni),       ## INTEGER
##                               as.integer(Npat),        ## INTEGER
##                               as.numeric(labelnp),     ## REAL
##                               as.numeric(para$max_aG),
##                               as.numeric(para$mu_beta),     ## REAL
##                               as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                               as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                               as.integer(M),
##                               as.integer(burnin),      ## INTEGER
##                               as.integer(printFreq),
##                               as.integer(probIndex),
##                               as.integer(thin),
##                               as.integer(thinned.sample),
##                               as.double(min_proposalSD),
##                               as.double(max_proposalSD),
##                               package = "lmeNBBayes"
##                               )
##                 }
##             if (thinned.sample){
##               B <- (B - burnin)/thin
##             }
##             for ( i in 13 : 14 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],nrow=B,ncol=Npat,byrow=TRUE)
##             names(re) <- c("aGs","rGs","vs","weightH1",
##                            "condProb","h1s","g1s",
##                            "beta",
##                            "D","logL",
##                            "AR","prp","aGs_pat","rGs_pat")
##           }else{ ## Not Reduce
##             if (Ddist == "unif")
##               {
##                 re <- .Call("gibbs",
##                             as.numeric(Y),           ## REAL
##                             as.numeric(X),           ## REAL
##                             as.integer(mID),         ## INTEGER
##                             as.integer(B),           ## INTEGER
##                             as.integer(maxni),       ## INTEGER
##                             as.integer(Npat),        ## INTEGER
##                             as.numeric(labelnp),     ## REAL
##                             as.numeric(para$max_aG),
##                             as.numeric(para$mu_beta),     ## REAL
##                             as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                             as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                             as.numeric(para$a_D),
##                             as.numeric(para$ib_D),
##                             as.integer(M),
##                             as.integer(burnin),      ## INTEGER
##                             as.integer(printFreq),
##                             as.integer(probIndex),
##                             as.integer(thin),
##                             package = "lmeNBBayes"
##                             )
##                 names(re) <- c("aGs","rGs","vs","weightH1",
##                                "condProb","h1s","g1s",
##                                "beta",
##                                "D","logL",
##                                "AR","prp")
##                 re$para$a_D <- para$a_D
##                 re$para$ib_D <- para$ib_D
##               }
##           }
##         ## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8720550/how-to-return-array-of-structs-from-call-to-c-shared-library-in-r
##         ## for ( i in 1:4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
##         for ( i in 1 : 4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],nrow=B,ncol=M,byrow=TRUE)
##         re[[5]]  <- matrix(re[[5]],nrow=(Btilde-burnin)/thin,ncol=Npat,byrow=TRUE)
##         for ( i in 6 : 7 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],nrow=B,ncol=Npat,byrow=TRUE)
##         re[[8]] <- matrix(re[[8]],nrow=B,byrow=TRUE)[,1:pCov] ## ncol= pCov or pCov + 1
##         if (probIndex)
##           {
##             ## patients with no new scans
##             if (sum(patwoNorO < 0) > 1) patwoNorO <- NULL
##             re$condProb[,patwoNorO] <- NA
##           }else{
##             re$condProb <- NULL
##           }
##         re$para$max_aG <- para$max_aG
##         re$para$M <- M
##         if (Ddist=="MVN")names(re$prp) <- names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG",paste("beta",1:pCov,sep=""),"D")

##       }else{ ## NOT DP

##         if (Reduce)
##           {

##             re <- .Call("Beta1reduce",
##                         as.numeric(Y),           ## REAL
##                         as.numeric(X),           ## REAL
##                         as.integer(mID),         ## INTEGER
##                         as.integer(B),           ## INTEGER
##                         as.integer(maxni),       ## INTEGER
##                         as.integer(Npat),        ## INTEGER
##                         as.numeric(labelnp),     ## REAL
##                         as.numeric(para$max_aG),
##                         as.numeric(para$mu_beta),     ## REAL
##                         as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                         as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                         as.integer(burnin),      ## INTEGER
##                         as.integer(printFreq),
##                         as.integer(probIndex),
##                         as.integer(thin),
##                         as.integer(thinned.sample),
##                         as.double(min_proposalSD),
##                         as.double(max_proposalSD),
##                         package = "lmeNBBayes"
##                         )
##             if (thinned.sample){
##               B <- (B - burnin)/thin
##             }
##           }else{
##             re <- .Call("Beta1",
##                         as.numeric(Y),           ## REAL
##                         as.numeric(X),           ## REAL
##                         as.integer(mID),         ## INTEGER
##                         as.integer(B),           ## INTEGER
##                         as.integer(maxni),       ## INTEGER
##                         as.integer(Npat),        ## INTEGER
##                         as.numeric(labelnp),     ## REAL
##                         as.numeric(para$max_aG),
##                         as.numeric(para$mu_beta),     ## REAL
##                         as.numeric(evalue_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                         as.numeric(Inv_sigma_beta),  ## REAL
##                         as.integer(burnin),      ## INTEGER
##                         as.integer(printFreq),
##                         as.integer(probIndex),
##                         as.integer(thin),
##                         package = "lmeNBBayes"
##                         )
##           }
##         ## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8720550/how-to-return-array-of-structs-from-call-to-c-shared-library-in-r
##         ## for ( i in 1:4 ) re[[i]] <- matrix(re[[i]],B,M,byrow=TRUE)
##         re[[3]] <- matrix(re[[3]],nrow=B,ncol= Npat, byrow=TRUE) ## 
##         re[[4]] <- matrix(re[[4]],nrow=B,byrow=TRUE)[,1:pCov] ## ncol=pCov
##         re[[7]]  <- matrix(re[[7]],nrow=(Btilde-burnin)/thin,ncol=Npat,byrow=TRUE)
##         names(re) <- c("aG","rG",
##                        "g1s",
##                        "beta",
##                        "AR","prp",
##                        "condProb",
##                        "logL"
##                        )
##         if (probIndex)
##           {
##             ## patients with no new scans
##             if (sum(patwoNorO < 0) > 1) patwoNorO <- NULL
##             re$condProb[,patwoNorO] <- NA
##           }
##         re$para$max_aG <- para$max_aG
##         if (Reduce) names(re$prp) <- names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG",paste("beta",1:pCov,sep=""))
##         else{ names(re$prp) <- names(re$AR) <-c("aG", "rG","beta")}
##       }
##     if (thinned.sample){
##       thin <- 1
##       burnin <- 0
##     }

##     if (probIndex)
##       {
##         re$para$labelnp <- labelnp
##         re$condProbSummary <- condProbCI(ID,re$condProb)
##         rownames(re$condProbSummary) <- uniID
##       }
##     re$para$CEL <- Y
##     re$para$ID <- temID ## return original IDs
##     re$para$X <- Xmodmat
##     re$para$Sigma_beta <- para$Sigma_beta
##     re$para$mu_beta <- para$mu_beta
##     names(re$para$mu_beta[1:pCov]) <- rownames(re$para$Sigma_beta[1:pCov,])<-
##       colnames(re$para$Sigma_beta[,1:pCov] ) <- colnames(re$beta) <- covariatesNames
##     re$para$B <- B
##     re$para$burnin <- burnin
##     re$para$thin <- thin
##     re$para$probIndex <- probIndex
##     re$para$Reduce <- Reduce
##     re$para$burnin <- burnin
##     re$para$DP <- DP
##     re$para$thinned.sample <- thinned.sample
##     re$para$formula <- formula
##     class(re) <- "LinearMixedEffectNBBayes"
##     return (re)
##   }

## inpheatmap <- function(mat)
##   {
##     B = nrow(mat)
##     mat <- .Call("map_c",
##                  as.integer(c(mat)),
##                  as.integer(ncol(mat)),
##                  as.integer(B), package = "lmeNBBayes")/B
##     diag(mat) = 1;
##     return(mat);
##   }

## hm <- function(matBN,
##                aveCEL,
##                main="",
##                minbin=0.5)
##   {
##     ## This function is designed to summarize a dataset such that
##     ## the random effects of the first 100 pat are from dist1 and
##     ## the random effects of second 100 pat are from dist2.

##     ## Input is a B by N matrix, each row contains the cluster labels
##     ## Based on this input, first, compute the similarity matrix:
##     inphm <- inpheatmap(matBN)
##     m.hmps <- 1 - inphm
##     ord <- 1:ncol(matBN)

##     ## reorder the patients within dist1/dist2 based on the dissimilarity measure 
##     ## ord <- c(order.dendrogram(as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(m.hmps)))))

##     spacedID <- rep(NA,ncol(matBN))
##     for (i in 1 : ncol(matBN))
##       {
##         if (aveCEL[i]  < 0.5 )
##           spacedID[i] <- ""
##         if (aveCEL[i] >= 0.5 & aveCEL[i]  < 1 )
##           spacedID[i] <- "-"
##         else if (aveCEL[i] >= 1 & aveCEL[i]  < 2 )
##           spacedID[i] <- "--"
##         else if (aveCEL[i] >= 2 & aveCEL[i]  < 3 )
##           spacedID[i] <- "---"
##         else if (aveCEL[i] >= 3 & aveCEL[i]  < 4 )
##           spacedID[i] <- "----"
##         else if (aveCEL[i] >= 4 & aveCEL[i]  < 5 )
##           spacedID[i] <- "-----"
##         else if (aveCEL[i] >= 5 & aveCEL[i]  < 6 )
##           spacedID[i] <- "------"
##         else if (aveCEL[i] >= 6 & aveCEL[i]  < 7 )
##           spacedID[i] <- "-------"
##         else if (aveCEL[i] >= 7 & aveCEL[i]  < 8 )
##           spacedID[i] <- "--------"
##         else if (aveCEL[i] >= 8 & aveCEL[i]  < 9 )
##           spacedID[i] <- "---------"
##         else if (aveCEL[i] >= 9 & aveCEL[i]  < 10)
##           spacedID[i] <- "----------"
##         else if (aveCEL[i] >= 10)
##           spacedID[i] <- "-----------"
##       }
##     rownames(inphm) <- colnames(inphm) <- spacedID
##     ## Finally, plot the levelplot
##     library(lattice)
##     xmins <- c(0.01,0.5,0.01,0.5)
##     xmaxs <- c(0.49,1,0.49,1)
##     ymins <- c(0.5,0.5,0.01,0.01)
##     ymaxs <- c(1,1,0.51,0.51)
##     levelplot(inphm[ord,ord],
##               labels = list(cex=0.01),
##               at = do.breaks(c(minbin, 1.01), 20),
##               scales = list(x = list(rot = 90)),
##               aspect = "iso",
##               colorkey=list(text=3,labels=list(cex=2)),
##               xlab= "",ylab="",
##               region = TRUE, 
##               col.regions=gray.colors(100,start = 1, end = 0),
##               main=paste(main,sep="")
##               ##,par.settings=list(fontsize=list(text=15))
##               )

##     ## The posterior sample of label vector H1s contains the cluster labels.
##     ## The distinct advantage of our DP mixture model is its ability to classify the patients into 
##     ## the un-prespecified number of clusters.
##     ## 
##     ## Given B posterior samples of the label vectors of old scans H_1, for all combinations of the pairs of patients,
##     ## the average times that paired patients belong to the same cluster are recorded to create single Npat by Npat
##     ## similarity matrix. 
##     ## The level map is created with this similarity matrix where 
##     ## both row and column are reordered based on the result of hierarchical clustering on the similarity matrix (1-similarity matrix) 
##     ##
##   }

## proG1LeG2 <- function(gsBbyN,g2sBbyN,beta=TRUE)
##   {
##     if (is.vector(gsBbyN))
##       {
##         gsBbyN <- matrix(gsBbyN,ncol=1)
##         g2sBbyN <- matrix(g2sBbyN,ncol=1)
##       }
##     if(beta)
##       {
##         ## compare gPre >= gNew which is equivalent to 
##         ## (1-gPre)/gPre <= (1-gNew)/gNew
##         temp <- gsBbyN 
##         gsBbyN <-g2sBbyN
##         g2sBbyN <- temp
##       }
##     ##temp <- gsBbyN-g2sBbyN <= 0
##     ## pG1G2 <- colMeans(temp)
##     ##gsBbyN <- apply(gsBbyN,2,sort,decreasing=FALSE)
##     ##g2sBbyN <- apply(g2sBbyN,2,sort,decreasing=FALSE)
##     N <- ncol(gsBbyN)
##     pG1G2 <- colMeans(gsBbyN < g2sBbyN)
##     ## for (ipat in 1 : N)
##     ##   {
##     ##     g1 <- gsBbyN[,ipat]
##     ##     g2 <- g2sBbyN[,ipat]
##     ##     pG1G2[ipat] <-  .Call("pG1LeG2_c",
##     ##                           as.numeric(g1),
##     ##                           as.numeric(g2),
##     ##                           package = "lmeNBBayes"
##     ##                           )
##     ##   }
##     return(pG1G2)
##   }

## tempCmat <- function(A,B){
##   hi <- .Call("tempFun2",
##               as.numeric(c(A)), as.integer(nrow(A)),as.integer(ncol(A)),
##               as.numeric(c(B)), as.integer(ncol(B)),
##               package="lmeNBBayes")[[1]]
##   return(matrix(hi,nrow=Arow,ncol=Bcol))
## }
## tempC <- function(n,mu,Sigma){
##   temp <- eigen(Sigma)
##   evalue <- temp$value
##   evec <- c(temp$vector)
##   S <- matrix(NA,n,nrow(Sigma))
##   for (i in 1 : n)
##     S[i,] <- .Call("tempFun",as.numeric(mu),as.double(evalue),as.double(evec),package="lmeNBBayes")[[1]]
##   return (S)
## }

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lmeNBBayes documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:58 p.m.