
Defines functions residuals.lqm.counts predict.lqm.counts coef.lqm.counts .lqm addnoise logLik.lqm residuals.lqm predict.lqm print.summary.lqm summary.lqm summary.boot.lqm boot.lqm coef.lqm print.lqm

Documented in addnoise boot.lqm coef.lqm coef.lqm.counts logLik.lqm predict.lqm predict.lqm.counts print.lqm print.summary.lqm residuals.lqm residuals.lqm.counts summary.boot.lqm summary.lqm

###            Fit a linear quantile model (continuous and count reponses)
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License or
#  any later version.
#  This program is distributed without any warranty,
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

# lqm functions (independent data)
# (negative) Laplace log-likelihood, gradient and Hessian

"logliki" <- function(theta, x, y, tau, smooth = FALSE, omicron = 0.001) {

n <- length(y)
res <- y - x %*% matrix(theta)

	s <- ifelse(res <= (tau - 1)*omicron, -1, ifelse(res >= tau*omicron, 1, 0))
	w <- as.numeric(1 - s^2)
	W <- diag(w, n, n)
	gs <- s*((2*tau - 1)*s + 1)/2
	cs <- sum(0.25*(1-2*tau)*omicron*s - 0.25*(1-2*tau+2*tau^2)*omicron*s^2)
	res <- matrix(res)
	ans <- as.numeric(1/(2*omicron) * t(res) %*% W %*% res + t(gs) %*% res + cs)
	grad <- -t(x) %*% matrix(1/omicron * W %*% res + gs)
	hess <- 1/omicron * t(x) %*% W %*% x
} else {
	ind <- tau - as.numeric(res < 0)
	ans <- as.numeric(sum(res*ind))
	grad <- -t(x) %*% ind
	hess <- matrix(0, ncol(x), ncol(x))

	ans <- Inf
	grad <- matrix(Inf, ncol(x))

attr(ans, "grad") <- matrix(grad)


"score.al" <- function(theta, x, y, tau, smooth, omicron = 0.001) {

res <- as.numeric(y - x %*% matrix(theta))
n <- length(y)

	s <- ifelse(res <= (tau - 1)*omicron, -1, ifelse(res >= tau*omicron, 1, 0))
	w <- as.numeric(1 - s^2)
	W <- diag(w, n, n)
	gs <- s*((2*tau - 1)*s + 1)/2
	ans <- -t(x) %*% matrix(1/omicron * W %*% res + gs)
} else {
	ans <- -t(x) %*% matrix(tau - as.numeric(res < 0), n, 1)

	ans <- matrix(Inf, ncol(x))



"switch_check" <- function(l0, l1, tol_ll, t0, t1, tol_theta, rule = "1"){

deltal <- abs(l1/l0 - 1)
deltat <- max(abs(t1/t0 - 1))

	"1" = deltal < tol_ll,
	"2" = deltal < tol_ll && deltat < tol_theta


"gradientSi" <- function(theta, x, y, tau, control){

step <- control$loop_step
maxiter <- control$loop_max_iter
omicron <- control$omicron

theta_0 <- theta
ll_0 <- logliki(theta_0, x, y, tau, control$smooth, omicron)
eps <- .Machine$double.eps

for(i in 1:maxiter) {
	if(control$verbose) cat(paste0("  (", i, ") logLik = ", round(ll_0,12), "\n"))
	# line search
	theta_1 <- theta_0 - attributes(ll_0)$grad*step
	ll_1 <- logliki(theta_1, x, y, tau, control$smooth, omicron)
	if(ll_1 > ll_0){
		if(control$verbose) cat("  Decreasing step...\n")
		step <- step*control$beta
	} else {
		rule <- if(control$check_theta) "2" else "1"
		check <- switch_check(ll_0, ll_1, control$loop_tol_ll, theta_0, theta_1, control$loop_tol_theta, rule = rule)
		if(check) break
			theta_0 <- theta_1
			ll_0 <- ll_1
			step <- if(control$reset_step) control$loop_step else step*control$gamma

list(theta = as.numeric(theta_1), grad = attributes(ll_1)$grad, optimum = as.numeric(ll_1), CONVERGE = if(i==maxiter) -1 else i)


"lqm.fit.gs" <- function(theta, x, y, weights, tau, control) {

n <- length(y)
p <- ncol(x)
wx <- x*weights
wy <- y*weights

if(is.null(p)) stop("x must be a matrix")
if(missing(theta)) theta <- lm.fit(as.matrix(wx), wy)$coefficients
if(is.null(control$loop_step)) control$loop_step <- sd(as.numeric(wy))
if(length(tau) > 1) {tau <- tau[1]; warning("Length of tau is greater than 1. Only first value taken")}

if(control$method == "gs1"){
	fit <- .C("C_gradientSi", theta = as.double(theta), as.double(wx), as.double(wy), as.single(tau), as.integer(n), as.integer(p), as.double(control$loop_step), as.double(control$beta), as.double(control$gamma), as.integer(control$reset_step), as.double(control$loop_tol_ll), as.double(control$loop_tol_theta), as.integer(control$check_theta), as.integer(control$loop_max_iter), as.integer(control$verbose), CONVERGE = integer(1), grad = double(p), optimum = double(1))#, PACKAGE = "lqmm")
} else if(control$method == "gs2") {
	fit <- gradientSi(theta, wx, wy, tau, control)

fit$residuals <- y - x%*%matrix(fit$theta)
fit$scale <- weighted.mean(fit$residuals * (tau - (fit$residuals < 0)), weights)
fit$logLik <- n*log(tau*(1-tau)/fit$scale) - 1/fit$scale * fit$optimum
OPTIMIZATION <- list(loop = fit$CONVERGE)

errorHandling(OPTIMIZATION$loop, "low", control$loop_max_iter, control$loop_tol_ll, "lqm")

list(theta = fit$theta, scale = fit$scale, gradient = matrix(fit$grad), logLik = fit$logLik, opt = OPTIMIZATION)


"lqmControl" <- function(method = "gs1", loop_tol_ll = 1e-5, loop_tol_theta = 1e-3, check_theta = FALSE, loop_step = NULL, beta = 0.5, gamma = 1.25, reset_step = FALSE, loop_max_iter = 1000, smooth = FALSE, omicron = 0.001, verbose = FALSE)
if(beta > 1 || beta < 0) stop("Beta must be a decreasing factor in (0,1)")
if(gamma < 1) stop("Beta must be a nondecreasing factor >= 1")
if(loop_max_iter < 0) stop("Number of iterations cannot be negative")

list(method = method, loop_tol_ll = loop_tol_ll, loop_tol_theta = loop_tol_theta, check_theta = check_theta, loop_step = loop_step, beta = beta, gamma = gamma, reset_step = reset_step, loop_max_iter = as.integer(loop_max_iter), smooth = smooth, omicron = omicron, verbose = verbose)


"lqm" <- function(formula, data, subset, na.action, weights = NULL, tau = 0.5, contrasts = NULL, control = list(), fit = TRUE){

if(any(tau <= 0) | any(tau >= 1)) stop("Quantile index out of range")
nq <- length(tau)

Call <- match.call()
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action"), names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")

y <-  model.response(mf, "numeric")
w <- as.vector(model.weights(mf))
if (!is.null(w) && !is.numeric(w)) 
  stop("'weights' must be a numeric vector")
if(is.null(w)) w <- rep(1, length(y))
x <- model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)
dim_theta <- ncol(x)

# Control

if(is.null(names(control))) control <- lqmControl()
    else {
    control_default <- lqmControl();
    control_names <- intersect(names(control), names(control_default));
    control_default[control_names] <- control[control_names];
    control <- control_default
if(is.null(control$loop_step)) control$loop_step <- sd(as.numeric(y))
if(control$beta > 1 || control$beta < 0) stop("Beta must be a decreasing factor in (0,1)")
if(control$gamma < 1) stop("Beta must be a nondecreasing factor >= 1")

# Starting values

theta_0 <- lm.wfit(x = as.matrix(x), y = y, w = w)$coefficients

if(!fit) return(list(theta = theta_0, x = as.matrix(x), y = y, weights = w, tau = tau, control = control))

	if(nq == 1){
		fit <- lqm.fit.gs(theta = theta_0, x = as.matrix(x), y = y, weights = w, tau = tau, control = control)}
	else {
		fit <- vector("list", nq);
		names(fit) <- format(tau, digits = 4);
		for (i in 1:nq) fit[[i]] <- lqm.fit.gs(theta = theta_0, x = as.matrix(x), y = y, weights = w, tau = tau[i], control = control)

term.labels <- colnames(x)

if(nq > 1) {
  fit$theta <- matrix(NA, dim_theta, nq);
  fit$scale <- rep(NA, nq);
 for(i in 1:nq){
    fit$theta[,i] <- fit[[i]]$theta;
    fit$scale[i] <- fit[[i]]$scale
  rownames(fit$theta) <- term.labels;
  colnames(fit$theta) <- format(tau, digits = 4);

class(fit) <- "lqm"

fit$call <- Call
fit$na.action <- attr(mf, "na.action")
fit$contrasts <- attr(x, "contrasts")
fit$term.labels <- term.labels
fit$terms <- mt
fit$nobs <- length(y)
fit$dim_theta <- fit$edf <- dim_theta
fit$rdf <- fit$nobs - fit$edf
fit$tau <- tau
fit$x <- as.matrix(x)
fit$y <- y
fit$weights <- w
fit$levels <- .getXlevels(mt, mf)
fit$InitialPar <- list(theta = theta_0)
fit$control <- control


print.lqm <- function(x, digits = max(6, getOption("digits")), ...){

tau <- x$tau
nq <- length(tau)

if(nq == 1){
  theta <- x$theta
  names(theta) <- x$term.labels
  psi <- varAL(x$scale, tau)

  cat("Call: ")
  cat(paste("Quantile", tau, "\n"))
  cat("Fixed effects:\n")
  print.default(format(theta, digits = digits), print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)

  cat("\nDegrees of freedom:", x$nobs, "total;", x$rdf, "residual\n")
  cat(paste("Residual scale parameter: ",format(x$scale, digits = digits),
          " (standard deviation ",format(sqrt(psi), digits = digits),")","\n",sep=""))
  cat(paste("Log-likelihood (Laplace):", format(x$logLik, digits = digits),"\n"))
  } else {
  theta <- x$theta;
  rownames(theta) <- x$term.labels;
  colnames(theta) <- paste("tau = ", format(tau, digits = digits), sep ="")

  cat("Call: ")
  cat("Fixed effects:\n");
  print.default(format(theta, digits = digits), print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
  cat("\nDegrees of freedom:", x$nobs, "total;", x$rdf, "residual\n")



coef.lqm <- function(object, ...){

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
ans <- object$theta

if(nq == 1){
  names(ans) <- object$term.labels



boot.lqm <- function(object, R = 50, seed = round(runif(1, 1, 10000)), startQR = FALSE){

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
obsS <- replicate(R, sample(1:object$nobs, replace = TRUE))
npars <- object$dim_theta

control <- object$control
control$verbose <- FALSE

if(nq == 1){
	bootmat <- matrix(NA, R, npars);
	colnames(bootmat) <- object$term.labels
	FIT_ARGS <- list(theta = object$theta, tau = tau, control = control)
	for(i in 1:R){
		a <- table(obsS[,i])
		s <- as.numeric(names(a))
		FIT_ARGS$x <- as.matrix(object$x[s,])
		FIT_ARGS$y <- object$y[s]
		FIT_ARGS$weights <- as.numeric(a)
		FIT_ARGS$theta <- if(!startQR) lm.wfit(x = FIT_ARGS$x, y = FIT_ARGS$y, w = FIT_ARGS$weights)$coefficients
		fit <- try(do.call(lqm.fit.gs, FIT_ARGS), silent = TRUE)
		if(!inherits(fit, "try-error")) bootmat[i,] <- fit$theta
} else {
	bootmat <- array(NA, dim = c(R, npars, nq), dimnames = list(NULL, object$term.labels, paste("tau = ", format(tau, digits = 4), sep ="")));
	FIT_ARGS <- list(control = control)
	for(i in 1:R){
		a <- table(obsS[,i]);
		s <- as.numeric(names(a));
		for (j in 1:nq){
			FIT_ARGS$x <- as.matrix(object$x[s,])
			FIT_ARGS$y <- object$y[s]
			FIT_ARGS$weights <- as.numeric(a)
			FIT_ARGS$theta <- if(startQR) object[[j]]$theta else lm.wfit(x = FIT_ARGS$x, y = FIT_ARGS$y, w = FIT_ARGS$weights)$coefficients
			FIT_ARGS$tau <- tau[j]
			fit <- try(do.call(lqm.fit.gs, FIT_ARGS), silent = TRUE)
			if(!inherits(fit, "try-error")) bootmat[i,,j] <- fit$theta

class(bootmat) <- "boot.lqm"
attr(bootmat, "tau") <- tau
attr(bootmat, "estimated") <- object$theta
attr(bootmat, "R") <- R
attr(bootmat, "seed") <- seed
attr(bootmat, "npars") <- npars
attr(bootmat, "indices") <- obsS
attr(bootmat, "rdf") <- object$rdf



summary.boot.lqm <- function(object, alpha = 0.05, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...){

tau <- attr(object, "tau")
nq <- length(tau)

est <- attr(object, "estimated")
npars <- attr(object, "npars")
rdf <- attr(object, "rdf")
R <- attr(object, "R")

nn <- c("Value", "Bias", "Std. Error", "Lower bound", "Upper bound", "Pr(>|t|)")
if(nq == 1){
	bias <- est - apply(as.matrix(object), 2, mean)
	Cov <- cov(as.matrix(object))
	stds <- sqrt(diag(Cov))
	lower <- est + qt(alpha/2, R - 1)*stds
	upper <- est + qt(1 - alpha/2, R - 1)*stds
	tP <- 2 * pt(-abs(est/stds), R - 1)
	ans <- cbind(est, bias, stds, lower, upper, tP)
	colnames(ans) <- nn
	printCoefmat(ans, signif.stars = TRUE, P.values = TRUE)
else {
	bias <- est - apply(object, 3, colMeans)
	Cov <- apply(object, 3, function(x) cov(as.matrix(x)))
	if(npars == 1) Cov <- matrix(Cov, nrow = 1)
	stds <- sqrt(apply(Cov, 2, function(x, n) diag(matrix(x, n, n, byrow = TRUE)), n = npars))
	lower <- est + qt(alpha/2, R - 1)*stds
	upper <- est + qt(1 - alpha/2, R - 1)*stds
	tP <- 2*pt(-abs(est/stds), R - 1)
	for(i in 1:nq){
	if(npars == 1){
		ans <- c(est[i], bias[i], stds[i], lower[i], upper[i], tP[i]);
		ans <- matrix(ans, nrow = 1)
	} else {ans <- cbind(est[,i], bias[,i], stds[,i], lower[,i], upper[,i], tP[,i])}
	rownames(ans) <- rownames(est)
	colnames(ans) <- nn;
	cat(paste("tau = ", tau[i], "\n", sep =""))
	printCoefmat(ans, signif.stars = TRUE, P.values = TRUE)


summary.lqm <- function(object, method = "boot", alpha = 0.05, covariance = FALSE, ...){

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
theta <- object$theta
x <- object$x
y <- object$y
n <- nrow(x)
npars <- object$dim_theta
rdf <- object$rdf

nn <- c("Value", "Std. Error", "lower bound", "upper bound", "Pr(>|t|)")

if(method == "boot"){
B <- boot.lqm(object, ...)
R <- attr(B, "R")
	if(nq == 1){
		Cov <- cov(as.matrix(B))
		stds <- sqrt(diag(Cov))
		tP <- 2*pt(-abs(theta/stds), R - 1)
		lower <- theta + qt(alpha/2, R - 1)*stds
		upper <- theta + qt(1 - alpha/2, R - 1)*stds
		ans <- cbind(theta, stds, lower, upper, tP)
		colnames(ans) <- nn
		} else {
		Cov <- apply(B, 3, function(x) cov(as.matrix(x)))
		if(npars == 1) Cov <- matrix(Cov, nrow = 1)
		stds <- sqrt(apply(Cov, 2, function(x, n) diag(matrix(x, n, n, byrow = TRUE)), n = npars))
		tP <- 2*pt(-abs(theta/stds), R - 1)
		lower <- theta + qt(alpha/2, R - 1)*stds
		upper <- theta + qt(1 - alpha/2, R - 1)*stds
		ans <- vector("list", nq)
		Cov.array <- array(NA, dim = c(npars,npars,nq))
		for(i in 1:nq){
			if(npars == 1){
			ans[[i]] <- matrix(c(theta[i], stds[i], lower[i], upper[i], tP[i]), nrow = 1);
			rownames(ans[[i]]) <- rownames(theta)
			colnames(ans[[i]]) <- nn;
			} else {
			ans[[i]] <- cbind(theta[,i], stds[,i], lower[,i], upper[,i], tP[,i])
			rownames(ans[[i]]) <- rownames(theta)
			colnames(ans[[i]]) <- nn;
			Cov.array[,,i] <- matrix(Cov[,i], npars, npars)
		Cov <- Cov.array
		dimnames(Cov) <- list(rownames(theta), rownames(theta), format(tau, digits = 4))
if(method == "nid"){
		eps <- .Machine$double.eps^(2/3)
		h <- bandwidth.rq(tau, n, hs = TRUE)
	if(nq == 1){
		if(tau + h > 1 || tau - h < 0) stop("bandwith is too large or tau is too close to 0 or 1")
		theta.up <- update(object, tau = tau + h, evaluate = TRUE)$theta
		#theta.up <- lqm.fit.gs(theta, x, y, object$weights, tau + h, object$control)$theta
		theta.low <- update(object, tau = tau - h, evaluate = TRUE)$theta
		#theta.low <- lqm.fit.gs(theta, x, y, object$weights, tau - h, object$control)$theta
		dyhat <- x %*% matrix(theta.up - theta.low, ncol = 1)
		dens <- pmax(0, (2 * h)/(dyhat - eps))
		fxxinv <- diag(npars)
        fxxinv <- backsolve(qr(sqrt(dens) * x)$qr[1:npars, 1:npars, drop = FALSE], fxxinv)
        fxxinv <- fxxinv %*% t(fxxinv)
        Cov <- tau * (1 - tau) * fxxinv %*% crossprod(x) %*% fxxinv
		dimnames(Cov) <- list(colnames(x), colnames(x))
		stds <- sqrt(diag(Cov))
		tP <- 2*pt(-abs(theta/stds), object$rdf)
		lower <- theta + qt(alpha/2, object$rdf)*stds
		upper <- theta + qt(1 - alpha/2, object$rdf)*stds
		ans <- cbind(theta, stds, lower, upper, tP)
		colnames(ans) <- nn
	} else {
		if(any(tau + h > 1) || any(tau - h < 0)) stop("bandwith is too large or tau is too close to 0 or 1")
		theta.up <- update(object, tau = tau + h, evaluate = TRUE)$theta
		theta.low <- update(object, tau = tau - h, evaluate = TRUE)$theta
		dyhat <- x %*% (theta.up - theta.low)
		Cov.array <- array(NA, dim = c(npars,npars,nq))
		for(i in 1:nq){
			dens <- pmax(0, (2 * h[i])/(dyhat[,i] - eps))
			fxxinv <- diag(npars)
			fxxinv <- backsolve(qr(sqrt(dens) * x)$qr[1:npars, 1:npars, drop = FALSE], fxxinv)
			fxxinv <- fxxinv %*% t(fxxinv)
			Cov <- tau[i] * (1 - tau[i]) * fxxinv %*% crossprod(x) %*% fxxinv
			Cov.array[,,i] <- Cov
		stds <- apply(Cov.array, 3, function(x) sqrt(diag(x)))
		tP <- 2*pt(-abs(theta/stds), object$rdf)
		lower <- theta + qt(alpha/2, object$rdf)*stds
		upper <- theta + qt(1 - alpha/2, object$rdf)*stds
		ans <- vector("list", nq)
		for(i in 1:nq){
			if(npars == 1){
			ans[[i]] <- matrix(c(theta[i], stds[i], lower[i], upper[i], tP[i]), nrow = 1);
			rownames(ans[[i]]) <- rownames(theta)
			colnames(ans[[i]]) <- nn;
			} else {
			ans[[i]] <- cbind(theta[,i], stds[,i], lower[,i], upper[,i], tP[,i])
			rownames(ans[[i]]) <- rownames(theta)
			colnames(ans[[i]]) <- nn;
		Cov <- Cov.array
		dimnames(Cov) <- list(rownames(theta), rownames(theta), format(tau, digits = 4))


if(covariance) object$Cov <- Cov
object$tTable <- ans

class(object) <- "summary.lqm"


print.summary.lqm <- function(x, ...){

tau <- x$tau
nq <- length(tau)

cat("Call: ")

  if(nq == 1){
    cat(paste("Quantile", tau, "\n"))
    printCoefmat(x$tTable, signif.stars = TRUE, P.values = TRUE)
  } else {
    for(i in 1:nq){
      cat(paste("tau = ", tau[i], "\n", sep =""))
      printCoefmat(x$tTable[[i]], signif.stars = TRUE, P.values = TRUE)



predict.lqm <- function(object, newdata, interval = FALSE,
	level = 0.95, na.action = na.pass, ...){

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
lp <- (1 - level)/2
up <- 1 - lp

qrow <- function(x,p) apply(x, 1, function(y) quantile(y, p))

		X <- object$x 
		#yhat <- X%*%as.matrix(object$theta)
	else {
		objt <- terms(object)
		Terms <- delete.response(objt)
		m <- model.frame(Terms, newdata, na.action = na.action, xlev = object$levels)
		if (!is.null(cl <- attr(Terms, "dataClasses"))) .checkMFClasses(cl, m)
		X <- model.matrix(Terms, m, contrasts.arg = object$contrasts)
		#yhat <- X%*%as.matrix(object$theta)

	if(nq == 1){
		yhat <- drop(X %*% object$theta)
		if (interval) {
			lin_pred <- X %*% t(boot.lqm(object, ...))
			low <- qrow(lin_pred, lp)
			upp <- qrow(lin_pred, up)
			yhat <- cbind(yhat, low, upp)
			colnames(yhat) <- c("fitted", "lower", "higher")
	} else {
		yhat <- matrix(X%*%as.matrix(object$theta), ncol = nq)
		if (interval) {
			B <- boot.lqm(object, ...)
			Rboot <- attr(B, "R")
			lin_pred <- matrix(apply(B, 3, function(b,x) x%*%as.matrix(t(b)), x = X), ncol = nq)
			low <- matrix(apply(lin_pred, 2, function(x, R, p) qrow(matrix(x, ncol = R),p), R = Rboot, p = lp), ncol = nq)
			upp <- matrix(apply(lin_pred, 2, function(x, R, p) qrow(matrix(x, ncol = R),p), R = Rboot, p = up), ncol = nq)
			res <- array(NA, dim = c(nrow(X),3,nq), dimnames = list(NULL, c("fitted", "lower", "higher"), format(tau, 4)))
			for(i in 1:nq) res[,,i] <- cbind(yhat[,i],low[,i],upp[,i])
			yhat <- res


residuals.lqm <- function(object, ...){

ans <- as.numeric(object$y) - predict(object)


logLik.lqm <- function(object, ...){

tdf <- object$edf + 1
tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)

  if(nq == 1){
  ans <- object$logLik
  } else {
    ans <- NULL
    for(i in 1:nq) ans <- c(ans, object[[i]]$logLik);
    names(ans) <- as.character(format(tau, digits = 4))

attr(ans, "nobs") <- object$nobs
attr(ans, "df") <- tdf
attr(ans, "class") <- "logLik"


# QR for counts (Machado, Santos Silva)

addnoise <- function(x, centered = TRUE, B = 0.999) 

	n <- length(x)
    if (centered) 
        z <- x + runif(n, -B/2, B/2)
    else z <- x + runif(n, 0, B)

F.lqm <- function(x, cn){

xf <- floor(x)
df <- x - xf
if(df < cn & x >= 1){
	val <- xf - 0.5 + df/(2*cn)
if(any(cn <= df & df < (1 - cn), x < 1)){
	val <- xf

if(df >= (1 - cn)){
	val <- xf + 0.5 + (df - 1)/(2*cn)


lqm.counts <- function (formula, data, weights = NULL, offset = NULL, contrasts = NULL, tau = 0.5, M = 50, zeta = 1e-5, B = 0.999, cn = NULL, alpha = 0.05, control = list()) 
    nq <- length(tau)
    if (nq > 1) 
        stop("One quantile at a time")
    call <- match.call()
    mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    m <- match(c("formula", "data", "weights"), names(mf), 0L)
    mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
    mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
    mf[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
    mt <- attr(mf, "terms")

    y <-  model.response(mf, "numeric")
    w <- as.vector(model.weights(mf))
    if (!is.null(w) && !is.numeric(w)) 
      stop("'weights' must be a numeric vector")
      w <- rep(1, length(y))
    x <- model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)
    p <- ncol(x)
    n <- nrow(x)
	term.labels <- colnames(x)
    if (is.null(offset)) 
        offset <- rep(0, n)
    if (is.null(names(control))) 
        control <- lqmControl()
    else {
        control_default <- lqmControl()
        control_names <- intersect(names(control), names(control_default))
        control_default[control_names] <- control[control_names]
        control <- control_default
    if (is.null(control$loop_step)) 
        control$loop_step <- sd(as.numeric(y))
    if (control$beta > 1 || control$beta < 0) 
        stop("Beta must be a decreasing factor in (0,1)")
    if (control$gamma < 1) 
        stop("Beta must be a nondecreasing factor >= 1")
	if (p == 1) 
        control$loop_tol_ll <- 0.005
    theta_0 <- glm.fit(x = as.matrix(x), y = y, weights = w, offset = offset, family = poisson())$coefficients
	# Add noise
	Z <- replicate(M, addnoise(y, centered = FALSE, B = B))
	# Transform Z
    TZ <- apply(Z, 2, function(x, off, tau, zeta) log(ifelse((x - 
        tau) > zeta, x - tau, zeta)) - off, off = offset, tau = tau, zeta = zeta)
	# Fit linear QR on TZ
    fit <- apply(TZ, 2, function(y, x, weights, tau, control, 
        theta) lqm.fit.gs(theta = theta, x = x, y = y, weights = weights, tau = tau, control = control), x = x, weights = w, tau = tau, control = control, theta = theta_0)
	# Trasform back
    yhat <- sapply(fit, function(obj, x) x %*% obj$theta, x = x)
	yhat <- as.matrix(yhat)
    eta <- sweep(yhat, 1, offset, "+")
    zhat <- tau + exp(eta)
    Fvec <- Vectorize(F.lqm)
    if(is.null(cn)) cn <- 0.5 * log(log(n))/sqrt(n)
    F <- apply(zhat, 2, Fvec, cn = cn)
    Fp <- apply(zhat + 1, 2, Fvec, cn = cn)
    multiplier <- (tau - (TZ <= yhat))^2
    a <- array(NA, dim = c(p, p, M))
    for (i in 1:M) a[, , i] <- t(x * multiplier[, i]) %*% x/n
    multiplier <- tau^2 + (1 - 2 * tau) * (y <= (zhat - 1)) + 
        ((zhat - y) * (zhat - 1 < y & y <= zhat)) * (zhat - y - 
            2 * tau)
    b <- array(NA, dim = c(p, p, M))
    for (i in 1:M) b[, , i] <- t(x * multiplier[, i]) %*% x/n
    multiplier <- exp(eta) * (F <= Z & Z < Fp)
    d <- array(NA, dim = c(p, p, M))
    sel <- rep(TRUE, M)
    for (i in 1:M) {
        tmpInv <- try(solve(t(x * multiplier[, i]) %*% x/n), silent = TRUE)
        if (!inherits(tmpInv, "try-error"))
            {d[, , i] <- tmpInv}
        else {sel[i] <- FALSE}
    dad <- 0
    dbd <- 0
    for (i in (1:M)[sel]) {
        dad <- dad + d[, , i] %*% a[, , i] %*% d[, , i]
        dbd <- dbd + d[, , i] %*% b[, , i] %*% d[, , i]
	m.n <- sum(sel)
    if (m.n != 0) {
		V <- dad/(m.n^2) + (1 - 1/m.n) * dbd * 1/m.n
		V <- V/n
		stds <- sqrt(diag(V))
		} else {
		stds <- NA
        warning("Standard error not available")

    est <- sapply(fit, function(x) x$theta)
    est <- if (p == 1) mean(est) else rowMeans(est)

    qfit <- if (p == 1) {
        tau + exp(mean(eta[1, ]))
    } else {
        tau + exp(rowMeans(eta))

	lower <- est + qt(alpha/2, n - p) * stds
	upper <- est + qt(1 - alpha/2, n - p) * stds
	tP <- 2 * pt(-abs(est/stds), n - p)

	ans <- cbind(est, stds, lower, upper, tP)
	colnames(ans) <- c("Value", "Std. Error", "lower bound", "upper bound", 
	rownames(ans) <- names(est) <- term.labels
	fit <- list()
	fit$call <- call
	fit$na.action <- attr(mf, "na.action")
	fit$contrasts <- attr(x, "contrasts")
	fit$term.labels <- term.labels
	fit$terms <- mt

	fit$theta <- est
	fit$tau <- tau
	fit$nobs <- n
	fit$M <- M
	fit$Mn <- m.n
	fit$rdf <- n - p
	fit$x <- x
	fit$y <- y
	fit$fitted <- qfit
	fit$offset <- offset
	fit$Cov <- V
	fit$tTable <- ans
	fit$levels <- .getXlevels(mt, mf)
	fit$InitialPar <- list(theta = theta_0)
	fit$control <- control

	class(fit) <- "lqm.counts"

coef.lqm.counts <- function(object, ...){

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
ans <- object$theta

if(nq == 1){
  names(ans) <- object$term.labels



predict.lqm.counts <- function(object, newdata, na.action = na.pass, ...) 

tau <- object$tau

		yhat <- drop(object$x %*% object$theta)
	else {
		objt <- terms(object)
		Terms <- delete.response(objt)
		m <- model.frame(Terms, newdata, na.action = na.action, xlev = object$levels)
		if (!is.null(cl <- attr(Terms, "dataClasses"))) .checkMFClasses(cl, m)
		x <- model.matrix(Terms, m, contrasts.arg = object$contrasts)
		yhat <- drop(x %*% object$theta)


residuals.lqm.counts <- function(object, ...){

ans <- as.numeric(object$y) - predict(object)


print.lqm.counts <- function (x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) 
    tau <- x$tau
    nq <- length(tau)
    cat("Call: ")
    if (nq == 1) {
        cat(paste("Quantile", tau, "\n"))
        cat("Fixed effects:\n")
        printCoefmat(x$tTable, signif.stars = TRUE, P.values = TRUE)
    else {

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