
Defines functions extractAll summary.boot.lqmm extractBoot.boot.lqmm boot.lqmm print.summary.lqmm summary.lqmm logLik.lqmm residuals.lqmm predint.lqmm predict.lqmm ranef.lqmm coef.lqmm print.lqmm VarCorr.lqmm covHandling theta.z.dim lqmm errorHandling lqmmControl

Documented in boot.lqmm coef.lqmm covHandling errorHandling extractAll extractBoot.boot.lqmm logLik.lqmm lqmm lqmmControl predict.lqmm predint.lqmm print.lqmm print.summary.lqmm ranef.lqmm residuals.lqmm summary.boot.lqmm summary.lqmm theta.z.dim VarCorr.lqmm

###            Fit a linear quantile mixed model
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License or
#  any later version.
#  This program is distributed without any warranty,
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

# lqmm functions (hierarchical data)

"Tfun" <- function(n, type = "pdSymm") {

val <- 0;

	if(type == "pdIdent"){
		val <- matrix(diag(n), ncol = 1)
	if(type == "pdDiag"){
		val <- sapply(1:n, function(x, n) {z <- matrix(0,n,n); z[x,x] <- 1; z}, n = n)
	if(type == "pdSymm"){
		val <- apply(diag(n*(n+1)/2), 2, invTfun, n = n, type = type)
	if(type == "pdCompSymm"){
		A <- matrix(1, n, n);
		diag(A) <- rep(0, n);
		val <- if(n > 1) cbind(as.vector(diag(n)), as.vector(A)) else 1


"invTfun" <- function(x, n, type = "pdSymm") 

val <- NULL

	if(type == "pdCompSymm"){
		val <- matrix(x[2], n, n);
		diag(val) <- rep(x[1], n)

    if(type == "pdSymm"){
		dim(x) <- NULL
		val <- matrix(0, n, n)
		val[lower.tri(val, diag = TRUE)] <- x
		hold <- val
		hold[upper.tri(hold, diag = TRUE)] <- 0
		val <- val + t(hold)



## Use `SparseGrid' version 0.8.1 (Jelmer Ypma)

"createLaguerre" <- function(rule, q, k)

	laguerre <- function(k){
		odd <- (k %% 2) > 0
				{val <- gauss.quad(n = (k - 1)/2, kind = "laguerre");
				val$nodes <- c(-rev(val$nodes),0,val$nodes);
				val$weights <- c(rev(val$weights),0,val$weights)}
			else {val <- gauss.quad(n = k/2, kind = "laguerre");
				val$nodes <- c(-rev(val$nodes),val$nodes)
				val$weights <- c(rev(val$weights),val$weights)

if(rule == "product"){
	QUAD <- laguerre(k)
	QUAD$nodes <- permutations(n = k, r = q, v = QUAD$nodes, set = FALSE, repeats.allowed = TRUE);
	QUAD$weights <- apply(permutations(n = k, r = q, v = QUAD$weights, set = FALSE, repeats.allowed = TRUE), 1, prod)

if(rule == "sparse"){
	QUAD <- suppressWarnings(createSparseGrid(laguerre, dimension = q, k = k, sym = TRUE))
	QUAD$weights <- QUAD$weights*2



"quad" <- function(q, k, type = c("normal","robust"), rule = 1){

if(!(rule %in% 1:4)) {warning(paste("Rule ", rule, " not recognised. Rule 1 used (see details in '?lqmm'", sep = "")); rule <- 1}

if(rule == 1){

	odd <- (k %% 2) > 0
	if(type == "normal")
		{QUAD <- gauss.quad.prob(k, type);
		if(odd) QUAD$nodes[floor(k/2)+1] = 0; # ensure middle value is 0
		QUAD$nodes <- permutations(n = k, r = q, v = QUAD$nodes, set = FALSE, repeats.allowed = TRUE);
		QUAD$weights <- apply(permutations(n = k, r = q, v = QUAD$weights, set = FALSE, repeats.allowed = TRUE), 1, prod)
	if(type == "robust")
		QUAD <- createLaguerre(rule = "product", q = q, k = k)
} else if(rule == 2){

	if(k > 25) stop("This rule is for k < 25 only")

	if(type == "normal")
		QUAD <- createSparseGrid(type = "GQN", dimension = q, k = k)
	if(type == "robust")
		QUAD <- createLaguerre(rule = "sparse", q = q, k = k);
} else if(rule == 3){

	if(k > 25) stop("This rule is for k < 25 only")
	QUAD <- createSparseGrid(type = "KPN", dimension = q, k = k)
	if(type == "robust")
		warning("Nested rule for integral with Laguerre weights not implemented. Gaussian weights used")

} else {

	if(k > 25) stop("This rule is for k < 25 only")
	rule <- 2
	if(type == "normal"){
		QUAD <- createSparseGrid(type = "GQN", dimension = q, k = k);
		if (length(QUAD$weights) > k^q) {
			QUAD <- createProductRuleGrid(type = "GQN", dimension = q, k = k);
			rule <- 1;

	if(type == "robust"){
		QUAD <- createLaguerre(rule = "sparse", q = q, k = k)
		if (length(QUAD$weights) > k^q) {
			QUAD <- createLaguerre(rule = "product", q = q, k = k);
			rule <- 1;

attr(QUAD, "rule") <- rule
attr(QUAD, "dimension") <- q
attr(QUAD, "k") <- k




"loglik.t" <- function(theta, sigma, x, y, z, weights, Tq, V, W, tau, p, q, m, M, N, Kq, minn, maxn){

if(length(theta) != (p + m)) stop("Check length theta")

ans = .C("C_ll_h", theta = as.double(theta), as.double(x), as.double(y), as.double(z), as.double(weights), as.double(Tq), as.double(V), as.double(W),	as.double(sigma), as.single(tau), as.integer(p), as.integer(q), as.integer(m), as.integer(M), as.integer(N), as.integer(Kq), as.integer(minn-1), as.integer(maxn), loglik = double(1))#, PACKAGE = "lqmm")


"loglik.s" <- function(sigma, theta, x, y, z, weights, Tq, V, W, tau, p, q, m, M, N, Kq, minn, maxn){

if(length(theta) != (p + m)) stop("Check length theta")

ans = .C("C_ll_h", theta = as.double(theta), as.double(x), as.double(y), as.double(z), as.double(weights), as.double(Tq), as.double(V), as.double(W),	as.double(sigma), as.single(tau), as.integer(p), as.integer(q), as.integer(m), as.integer(M), as.integer(N), as.integer(Kq), as.integer(minn-1), as.integer(maxn), loglik = double(1))#, PACKAGE = "lqmm")



"lqmm.fit.df" <- function(theta_0, x, y, z, weights, cov_name, V, W, sigma_0, tau, group, control){

if(length(tau) > 1) {tau <- tau[1]; warning("Length of tau is greater than 1. Only first value taken")}

x <- as.matrix(x)
z <- as.matrix(z)
V <- as.matrix(V)
W <- as.matrix(W)

p <- ncol(x)
q <- ncol(z)
m <- theta.z.dim(cov_name, q)
#cov_type <- cov.sel(cov_name)
Tq <- Tfun(n = q, type = cov_name)

N <- nrow(x)
if(length(y) != N) stop("Check dim of x and y")
Kq <- nrow(V)

ns <- as.integer(table(group))
M <- length(ns)
minn <- c(1,cumsum(ns[-M])+1)
maxn <- cumsum(ns)

if(length(weights) != M) stop("Length of \"weights\" does not match number of groups")

UP_max_iter <- control$UP_max_iter
if(UP_max_iter == 0) stop("Increase number of maximum iterations", " (", UP_max_iter,")", sep = "")
r <- 0

while(r < UP_max_iter){

if(control$verbose) cat(paste("Upper loop = ", r + 1, "\n",sep=""))

ans <- optim(par = theta_0, fn = loglik.t, sigma = sigma_0, x = x, y = y, z = z, weights = weights, Tq = Tq, V = V, W = W,	tau = tau, p = p, q = q, m = m, M = M, N = N, Kq = Kq, minn = minn, maxn = maxn, control = list(maxit = control$LP_max_iter, abstol = control$LP_tol_ll, trace = control$verbose))

if(control$verbose) cat(paste("(", r+1, ")", " logLik = ", round(-ans$value,3), "\n",sep =""))

theta_1 <- ans$par

opt_s <- optimize(f = loglik.s, interval = c(.Machine$double.eps, 1e3*sigma_0), theta = theta_1, x = x, y = y, z = z, weights = weights, Tq = Tq, V = V, W = W, tau = tau, p = p, q = q, m = m, M = M, N = N, Kq = Kq, minn = minn, maxn = maxn)

sigma_1 <- opt_s$minimum

delta <- abs(sigma_1 - sigma_0)

if (delta < control$UP_tol) {
	} else {
	 r <- r + 1;
	 theta_0 <- theta_1;
	 sigma_0 <- sigma_1}


low_loop <- ans$convergence

if (r  < UP_max_iter) upp_loop <- r + 1
if (r  == UP_max_iter & UP_max_iter > 0) upp_loop <- -1
if (r  == UP_max_iter & UP_max_iter == 0) upp_loop <- -2
low_loop <- if (low_loop == 1)  -1 else as.numeric(ans$counts[1])
OPTIMIZATION <- list(low_loop = low_loop, upp_loop = upp_loop)

errorHandling(OPTIMIZATION$low_loop, "low", control$LP_max_iter, control$LP_tol_ll, "lqmm")
errorHandling(OPTIMIZATION$upp_loop, "upp", control$UP_max_iter, control$UP_tol, "lqmm")

list(theta = theta_1, scale = sigma_1, logLik = -ans$value, opt = OPTIMIZATION)



"lqmm.fit.gs" <- function(theta_0, x, y, z, weights, cov_name, V, W, sigma_0, tau, group, control){

if(length(tau) > 1) {tau <- tau[1]; warning("Length of tau is greater than 1. Only first value taken")}

x <- as.matrix(x)
z <- as.matrix(z)
V <- as.matrix(V)
W <- as.matrix(W)

p <- ncol(x)
q <- ncol(z)
m <- theta.z.dim(cov_name, q)
#cov_type <- cov.sel(cov_name)
Tq <- Tfun(n = q, type = cov_name)

N <- nrow(x)
if(length(y) != N) stop("Check dim of x and y")
Kq <- nrow(V)

ns <- as.integer(table(group))
M <- length(ns)
minn <- c(1,cumsum(ns[-M])+1)
maxn <- cumsum(ns)

if(length(weights) != M) stop("Length of \"weights\" does not match number of groups")

if(is.null(control$LP_step)) control$LP_step <- sd(as.numeric(y))
UP_max_iter <- control$UP_max_iter
if(UP_max_iter == 0) stop("Increase number of maximum iterations", " (", UP_max_iter,")", sep = "")
r <- 0

while(r < UP_max_iter){

if(control$verbose) cat(paste("Upper loop = ", r + 1, "\n",sep=""))

ans <- .C("C_gradientSh", theta = as.double(theta_0), as.double(x), as.double(y), as.double(z), as.double(weights), as.double(Tq), as.double(V), as.double(W),
		as.double(sigma_0), as.single(tau), as.integer(p), as.integer(q), as.integer(m), as.integer(M), as.integer(N),	as.integer(Kq), as.integer(minn-1),
		as.integer(maxn), as.double(control$LP_step), as.double(control$beta), as.double(control$gamma), as.integer(control$reset_step),
		as.double(control$LP_tol_ll), as.double(control$LP_tol_theta), as.integer(control$check_theta), as.integer(control$LP_max_iter),
		as.integer(control$verbose), low_loop = integer(1), double(1), grad = double(p + m), opt_val = double(1))#, PACKAGE = "lqmm")

theta_1 <- ans$theta
grad <- ans$grad

opt_s <- optimize(f = loglik.s, interval = c(.Machine$double.eps, 10*sigma_0), theta = theta_1, x = x, y = y, z = z, weights = weights, Tq = Tq, V = V, W = W, tau = tau, p = p, q = q, m = m, M = M, N = N, Kq = Kq, minn = minn, maxn = maxn)

sigma_1 <- opt_s$minimum

delta <- abs(sigma_1 - sigma_0)

if (delta < control$UP_tol) {
	} else {
	 r <- r + 1;
	 theta_0 <- theta_1;
	 sigma_0 <- sigma_1}


if (r  < UP_max_iter) upp_loop <- r + 1
if (r  == UP_max_iter & UP_max_iter > 0) upp_loop <- -1
if (r  == UP_max_iter & UP_max_iter == 0) upp_loop <- -2
OPTIMIZATION <- list(low_loop = ans$low_loop, upp_loop = upp_loop)

errorHandling(OPTIMIZATION$low_loop, "low", control$LP_max_iter, control$LP_tol_ll, "lqmm")
errorHandling(OPTIMIZATION$upp_loop, "upp", control$UP_max_iter, control$UP_tol, "lqmm")

list(theta = theta_1, scale = sigma_1, gradient = grad, logLik = -ans$opt_val, opt = OPTIMIZATION)



lqmmControl <- function(method = "gs", LP_tol_ll = 1e-5, LP_tol_theta = 1e-5, check_theta = FALSE, LP_step = NULL, beta = 0.5, gamma = 1, reset_step = FALSE, LP_max_iter = 500, UP_tol = 1e-4, UP_max_iter = 20, startQR = FALSE, verbose = FALSE){

if(beta > 1 || beta < 0) stop("Beta must be a decreasing factor in (0,1)")
if(gamma < 1) stop("Beta must be a nondecreasing factor >= 1")
if(LP_max_iter < 0 || UP_max_iter < 0) stop("Number of iterations cannot be negative")

list(method = method, LP_tol_ll = LP_tol_ll, LP_tol_theta = LP_tol_theta, check_theta = check_theta, LP_step = LP_step, beta = beta, gamma = gamma, reset_step = reset_step, LP_max_iter = as.integer(LP_max_iter), UP_tol = UP_tol, UP_max_iter = as.integer(UP_max_iter), startQR = startQR, verbose = verbose)


errorHandling <- function(code, type, maxit, tol, fn){

txt <- switch(type, low = "Lower loop", upp = "Upper loop")

if(code == -1) warning(paste(txt, " did not converge in: ", fn, ". Try increasing max number of iterations ", "(", maxit, ") or tolerance (", tol,
")\n", sep =""))
if(code == -2) warning(paste(txt, " did not start in: ", fn, ". Check max number of iterations ", "(", maxit, ")\n", sep =""))


lqmm <- function(fixed, random, group, covariance = "pdDiag", tau = 0.5, nK = 7, type = "normal", rule = 1, data = sys.frame(sys.parent()), subset, weights, na.action = na.fail, control = list(), contrasts = NULL, fit = TRUE)
Call <- match.call()
if(any(tau <= 0) | any(tau >= 1)) stop("Quantile index out of range")
nq <- length(tau)

if(!is.data.frame(data)) stop("`data' must be a data frame")
if(!(type %in% c("normal","robust"))) stop("type must be either `normal' or `robust'")

# check arguments
if(!inherits(fixed, "formula") || length(fixed) != 3) {
	stop("\nFixed-effects model must be a formula of the form \"y ~ x\"")
if(!inherits(random, "formula") || length(random) != 2) {
	stop("\nRandom-effects model must be a formula of the form \" ~ x\"")

groupFormula <- asOneSidedFormula(Call[["group"]])
group <- groupFormula[[2]]
## extract data frame with all necessary information

mfArgs <- list(formula = asOneFormula(random, fixed, group), data = data, na.action = na.action)
if(!missing(subset)) {
	mfArgs[["subset"]] <- asOneSidedFormula(Call[["subset"]])[[2]]
if(!missing(weights)) {
	mfArgs[["weights"]] <- weights
mfArgs$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
dataMix <- do.call("model.frame", mfArgs)
origOrder <- row.names(dataMix)	# preserve the original order
for(i in names(contrasts)) contrasts(dataMix[[i]]) = contrasts[[i]]

## sort the model.frame by groups
grp <- model.frame(groupFormula, dataMix)

## ordering data by groups
ord <- order(unlist(grp, use.names = FALSE))
grp <- grp[ord,,drop = TRUE]
dataMix <- dataMix[ord, ,drop = FALSE]
revOrder <- match(origOrder, row.names(dataMix)) # putting in orig. order
ngroups <- length(unique(grp))

## obtaining model matrices and vectors
y <- eval(fixed[[2]], dataMix)
mmr <- model.frame(random, dataMix)
mmr <- model.matrix(random, data = mmr)
# Likelihood weights
if(!missing(weights)) weights <- model.weights(dataMix)[!duplicated(grp)]
if(!missing(weights) && is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1,ngroups)
if(missing(weights))  weights <- rep(1,ngroups)
# keeping the contrasts for use in predict
contr <- attr(mmr, "contr")
mmf <- model.frame(fixed, dataMix)
Terms <- attr(mmf, "terms")
auxContr <- lapply(mmf, function(el)
	if (inherits(el, "factor") && length(levels(el)) > 1) contrasts(el))
contr <- c(contr, auxContr[is.na(match(names(auxContr), names(contr)))])
contr <- contr[!unlist(lapply(contr, is.null))]
mmf <- model.matrix(fixed, data = mmf)

## define dimensions
cov_name <- covariance
if(type == "robust" & !(cov_name %in% c("pdIdent","pdDiag"))) stop("Gauss-Laguerre quadrature available only for uncorrelated random effects.")
dim_theta <- integer(2)
dim_theta[1] <- ncol(mmf)
dim_theta[2] <- ncol(mmr)
dim_theta_z <- theta.z.dim(type = cov_name, n = dim_theta[2])

## Check if product rule quadrature is computationally heavy

if(rule == 1){
	if(dim_theta[2] > 4 && nK > 11) {
	warning(paste("For current value of \"nK\" the total number of quadrature knots is ", nK^dim_theta[2], sep = ""))

## Quandrature nodes and weights
QUAD <- quad(q = dim_theta[2], k = nK, type = type, rule = rule)

## Control
if(is.null(names(control))) control <- lqmmControl()
    else {
    control_default <- lqmmControl();
    control_names <- intersect(names(control), names(control_default));
    control_default[control_names] <- control[control_names];
    control <- control_default
if(is.null(control$LP_step)) control$LP_step <- sd(as.numeric(y))
method <- control$method
if(method == "gs" & cov_name == "pdCompSymm") {method <- "df"; cat("Switching to Nelder-Mead optimization \n")}

# Starting values
theta_z <- if(type == "normal") rep(1, dim_theta_z) else rep(invvarAL(1, 0.5), dim_theta_z)
lmfit <- lm.wfit(x = mmf, y = y, w = rep(weights, table(grp)))
theta_x <- lmfit$coefficients

		q_close <- if(nq == 1) tau else 0.5
		fit_rq <- lqm.fit.gs(theta = theta_x, x = as.matrix(mmf), y = y, weights = rep(weights, table(grp)), tau = q_close,
                control = lqmControl(loop_step = sd(as.numeric(y))));
		theta_x <- fit_rq$theta;
		sigma_0 <- fit_rq$scale
	} else {
		sigma_0 <- invvarAL(mean(lmfit$residuals^2), 0.5)
theta_0 <- c(theta_x, theta_z)

## Create list with all necessary arguments
FIT_ARGS <- list(theta_0 = theta_0, x = as.matrix(mmf), y = y, z = as.matrix(mmr), weights = weights, V = QUAD$nodes, W = QUAD$weights, sigma_0 = sigma_0, tau = tau, group = grp, cov_name = cov_name, control = control)

if(!fit) return(FIT_ARGS)

## Estimation
	if(method == "gs"){
	   if(nq == 1){
		  fit <- do.call(lqmm.fit.gs, FIT_ARGS)}
     else {
      fit <- vector("list", nq);
      names(fit) <- format(tau, digits = 4);
      for (i in 1:nq){
		    FIT_ARGS$tau <- tau[i];
			fit[[i]] <- do.call(lqmm.fit.gs, FIT_ARGS)
	if(method == "df"){
		if(nq == 1){
		  fit <- do.call(lqmm.fit.df, FIT_ARGS)}
		else {
			fit <- vector("list", nq);
			names(fit) <- format(tau, digits = 4);
			for (i in 1:nq){
				FIT_ARGS$tau <- tau[i];
				fit[[i]] <- do.call(lqmm.fit.df, FIT_ARGS)

nn <- colnames(mmf)
mm <- colnames(mmr)

if(nq > 1) {
  fit$theta_x <- matrix(NA, dim_theta[1], nq);
  fit$theta_z <- matrix(NA, dim_theta_z, nq);
 for(i in 1:nq){
    fit$theta_x[,i] <- fit[[i]]$theta_x <- fit[[i]]$theta[1:dim_theta[1]];
    fit$theta_z[,i] <- fit[[i]]$theta_z <- fit[[i]]$theta[-(1:dim_theta[1])]
  rownames(fit$theta_x) <- nn;
  colnames(fit$theta_x) <- colnames(fit$theta_z) <- format(tau, digits = 4);
else {
  fit$theta_x <- fit$theta[1:dim_theta[1]];
  fit$theta_z <- fit$theta[-(1:dim_theta[1])]

fit$call <- Call
fit$nn <- nn
fit$mm <- mm
fit$nobs <- length(y)
fit$dim_theta <- dim_theta
fit$dim_theta_z <- dim_theta_z
fit$edf <- fit$dim_theta[1] + fit$dim_theta_z
fit$rdf <- fit$nobs - fit$edf
fit$df <- dim_theta[1] +  dim_theta_z + 1
fit$tau <- tau
fit$mmf <- as.matrix(mmf)
fit$mmr <- as.matrix(mmr)
fit$y <- y
fit$revOrder <- revOrder
fit$weights <- weights
fit$contrasts <- contr
fit$group <- grp
attr(fit$group, "name") <- as.character(groupFormula[[2]])
fit$ngroups <- ngroups
fit$QUAD <- QUAD
fit$type <- type
fit$rule <- rule
fit$InitialPar <- list(theta = theta_0, sigma = sigma_0)
fit$control <- control
fit$cov_name <- cov_name
#attr(fit$cov_name, "cov_type") <- cov.sel(cov_name)
fit$mfArgs <- mfArgs
fit$mtf <- terms(fixed)
fit$mtr <- terms(random)
fit$xlevels <- list(fixed = .getXlevels(fit$mtf, mfArgs), random = .getXlevels(fit$mtr, mfArgs))

class(fit) <- "lqmm"

theta.z.dim <- function(type, n){
		"pdIdent" = 1,
		"pdDiag" = n,
		"pdCompSymm" = if(n == 1) 1 else 2,
		"pdSymm" = n*(n+1)/2)

covHandling <- function(theta, n, cov_name, quad_type){

	if(cov_name %in% c("pdIdent","pdDiag")){
		if(quad_type == "robust"){
			sigma <- theta;
			if(any(sigma < 0)){
				warning("Not positive-definite variance-covariance of random effects.");
				sigma[sigma < 0] <- .Machine$double.eps
			sigma <- varAL(sigma, 0.5);
		} else {
			sigma <- theta;
			if(any(sigma < 0)){
				warning("Not positive-definite variance-covariance of random effects.");
				sigma[sigma < 0] <- .Machine$double.eps
			sigma <- sigma^2;

	if(cov_name == "pdCompSymm"){
		if(quad_type == "robust"){
			stop("Not implemented yet: Gauss-Laguerre quadrature requires uncorrelated random effects.")
		} else {
			sigma <- as.matrix(invTfun(x = theta, n = n, type = cov_name));
			sigma <- sigma%*%sigma;
				warning("Not positive-definite variance-covariance of random effects.");
				sigma <- make.positive.definite(sigma)

	if(cov_name == "pdSymm"){
		if(quad_type == "robust"){
			stop("Not implemented yet: Gauss-Laguerre quadrature requires uncorrelated random effects.")
		} else {
			sigma <- as.matrix(invTfun(x = theta, n = n, type = cov_name));
			sigma <- sigma%*%sigma;
				warning("Not positive-definite variance-covariance of random effects.");
				sigma <- make.positive.definite(sigma)


VarCorr.lqmm <- function(x, sigma = NULL, ...){

tau <- x$tau
nq <- length(tau)

theta_z <- x$theta_z
dim_theta <- x$dim_theta
q <- dim_theta[2]
cov_name <- x$cov_name
type <- x$type
mm <- x$mm

	if(nq == 1){
		sigma <- covHandling(theta = theta_z, n = q, cov_name = cov_name, quad_type = type);
		if(cov_name == "pdIdent") {sigma <- rep(sigma, q); names(sigma) <- mm}
		if(cov_name == "pdDiag") {names(sigma) <- mm}
		if(cov_name == "pdCompSymm") {rownames(sigma) <- colnames(sigma) <- mm}
		if(cov_name == "pdSymm") {rownames(sigma) <- colnames(sigma) <- mm}
	} else {
		sigma <- vector("list", nq);
		names(sigma) <- format(tau, digits = 4);
		for(i in 1:nq){
			sigma[[i]] <- covHandling(theta = theta_z[,i], n = q, cov_name = cov_name, quad_type = type)
			if(cov_name == "pdIdent") {sigma[[i]] <- rep(sigma[[i]], q); names(sigma[[i]]) <- mm}
			if(cov_name == "pdDiag") {names(sigma[[i]]) <- mm}
			if(cov_name == "pdCompSymm") {rownames(sigma[[i]]) <- colnames(sigma[[i]]) <- mm}
			if(cov_name == "pdSymm") {rownames(sigma[[i]]) <- colnames(sigma[[i]]) <- mm}



print.lqmm <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...){

tau <- x$tau
nq <- length(tau)

if(nq == 1){
  theta_x <- x$theta_x
  names(theta_x) <- x$nn
  sigma <- VarCorr(x)
  psi <- varAL(x$scale, tau)

  cat("Call: ")
  cat(paste("Quantile", tau, "\n"))

  cat("Fixed effects:\n")
  print.default(format(theta_x, digits = digits), print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
  cat("Covariance matrix of the random effects:\n")
  print.default(format(sigma, digits = digits), quote = FALSE)

  cat(paste("Residual scale parameter: ",format(x$scale, digits = digits),
          " (standard deviation ",format(sqrt(psi), digits = digits),")","\n",sep=""))
  cat(paste("Log-likelihood:", format(x$logLik, digits = digits),"\n"))
  cat(paste("\nNumber of observations:", length(x$y), "\n"))
  cat(paste("Number of groups:", x$ngroups, "\n"))
} else {
  theta_x <- x$theta_x
  colnames(theta_x) <- paste("tau = ", format(tau, digits = digits), sep ="")
  rownames(theta_x) <- x$nn
  Scale <- sapply(x[1:nq], function(z) z$scale)
  psi <- varAL(sigma = Scale, tau = tau)
  sigma <- VarCorr(x)
  ll <- sapply(x[1:nq], function(z) z$logLik)

  cat("Call: ")
  cat("Fixed effects:\n")
  print.default(format(theta_x, digits = digits), print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
  cat("Covariance matrix of the random effects:\n")
  for(i in 1:nq){
  cat(paste("tau = "), tau[i], "\n", sep = "")
  print.default(format(sigma[[i]], digits = digits), quote = FALSE)
  cat("Residual scale parameter: ")
  cat(paste(format(Scale, digits = digits), " (tau = ", tau, ") ", sep = ""))
  cat("Log-likelihood: ")
  cat(paste(format(ll, digits = digits), " (tau = ", tau, ") ", sep = ""))
  cat(paste("\nNumber of observations:", length(x$y), "\n"))
  cat(paste("Number of groups:", x$ngroups, "\n"))




coef.lqmm <- function(object, ...){

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
ans <- object$theta_x

if(nq == 1){
names(ans) <- object$nn



ranef.lqmm <- function(object, ...){

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
group <- object$group
M <- object$ngroups
BLPu <- vector("list", M)
q <- object$dim_theta[2]
mmr.l <- split(object$mmr, group)
sigma <- VarCorr(object)
cov_name <- object$cov_name

if(cov_name %in% c("pdIdent","pdDiag")){
  if(nq ==1) sigma <- diag(x = sigma, nrow = length(sigma))
    else for(j in 1:nq) sigma[[j]] <- diag(x = sigma[[j]], nrow = length(sigma[[j]]))

if(nq == 1){
  psi <- varAL(object$scale, tau)
  INV <- lapply(mmr.l, function(x, a, b, q) {x <- matrix(x, ncol = q); n <- nrow(x); y <- x%*%a%*%t(x) + diag(b, n); solve(y)}, a = sigma, b = psi, q = q)
  GZ <- lapply(mmr.l, function(x, a, q) {x <- matrix(x, ncol = q); a%*%t(x)}, a = sigma, q = q)
  RES <- split(object$y - object$mmf%*%matrix(object$theta_x) - meanAL(0, object$scale, tau), group)
  for(i in 1:M){
    BLPu[[i]] <- GZ[[i]]%*%INV[[i]]%*%matrix(RES[[i]])
ans <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(BLPu), ncol = q, byrow = TRUE));
rownames(ans) <- unique(group);
colnames(ans) <- object$mm;
} else {
  ans <- vector("list", nq)
  for(j in 1:nq){  
    tmp <- object[[j]];
    psi <- varAL(tmp$scale, tau[j])
    INV <- lapply(mmr.l, function(x, a, b, q) {x <- matrix(x, ncol = q); n <- nrow(x); y <- x%*%a%*%t(x) + diag(b, n); solve(y)},
                                      a = sigma[[j]], b = psi, q = q)
    GZ <- lapply(mmr.l, function(x, a, q) {x <- matrix(x, ncol = q); a%*%t(x)}, a = sigma[[j]], q = q)
    RES <- split(object$y - object$mmf%*%matrix(tmp$theta_x) - meanAL(0, tmp$scale, tau[j]), group)
      for(i in 1:M){
        BLPu[[i]] <- GZ[[i]]%*%INV[[i]]%*%matrix(RES[[i]])
   ans[[j]] <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(BLPu), ncol = q, byrow = TRUE));
   rownames(ans[[j]]) <- unique(group);
   colnames(ans[[j]]) <- object$mm;
 names(ans) <- format(tau, digits = 4)

predict.lqmm <- function(object, newdata, level = 0, na.action = na.pass, ...){

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
q <- object$dim_theta[2]
if(!level %in% c(0,1)) stop("level must be either 0 (population-averaged) or 1 (conditional)")

if (!missing(newdata)) {
	## check newdata
	if(!inherits(newdata, "data.frame")) stop("'newdata' must be a data frame")
	if(!all(attributes(object$mtf)$term.labels %in% names(newdata))) stop("newdata must have all terms in 'fixed' formula from main call")
	if(!all(attributes(object$mtr)$term.labels %in% names(newdata))) stop("newdata must have all terms in 'random' formula from main call")

	## ordering data by groups
	groupFormula <- asOneSidedFormula(attr(object$group, "name"))
	grp <- model.frame(groupFormula, newdata)
	origOrder <- row.names(newdata)
	ord <- order(unlist(grp, use.names = FALSE))
	grp <- grp[ord,,drop = TRUE]
	newdata <- newdata[ord, ,drop = FALSE]
	revOrder <- match(origOrder, row.names(newdata)) # putting in orig. order

	## create data frames 
	mtf <- object$mtf
	mtr <- object$mtr
	mtf <- delete.response(mtf)
	mf <- model.frame(formula(mtf), newdata, na.action = na.action, drop.unused.levels = TRUE, xlev = object$xlevels[['fixed']])
	mr <- model.frame(formula(mtr), newdata, na.action = na.action, drop.unused.levels = TRUE, xlev = object$xlevels[['random']])
	if (!is.null(cl <- attr(mtf, "dataClasses"))) 
		.checkMFClasses(cl, mf)
	if (!is.null(cl <- attr(mtr, "dataClasses"))) 
		.checkMFClasses(cl, mr)
	object$mmf <- model.matrix(formula(mtf), mf)
	object$mmr <- model.matrix(formula(mtr), mr)

	object$group <- grp
	object$revOrder <- revOrder
group <- object$group
M <- object$ngroups

if(nq == 1){
  FXD <- object$mmf%*%matrix(object$theta_x)
} else {
  FXD <- object$mmf%*%object$theta_x

if(level == 1){
	RE <- ranef(object)
	mmr.l <- split(object$mmr, group)
	if(nq == 1){
		RE.l <- split(RE, unique(group))
		for(i in 1:M){
			u <- as.numeric(RE.l[[match(names(mmr.l)[i], names(RE.l))]])
			RND <- rbind(RND, matrix(as.numeric(mmr.l[[i]]), ncol = q)%*%matrix(u, nrow = q))
		} # for i
	} else {
		RND <- matrix(NA, length(object$y), nq)
		for(j in 1:nq){
			RE.l <- split(RE[[j]], unique(group))
			tmp <- NULL
			for(i in 1:M){
				u <- as.numeric(RE.l[[match(names(mmr.l)[i], names(RE.l))]])
				tmp <- rbind(tmp, matrix(as.numeric(mmr.l[[i]]), ncol = q)%*%matrix(u, nrow = q))
			} # for i
		RND[,j] <- tmp
		} # for j
	} # else nq
} # if level

if(level == 0) {
	colnames(FXD) <- format(tau, digits = 4)
	ans <- FXD[object$revOrder,]
if(level == 1) {
	ans <- FXD + RND
	colnames(ans) <- format(tau, digits = 4)
	ans <- ans[object$revOrder,]

predint.lqmm <- function(object, level = 0, alpha = 0.05, R = 50, seed = round(runif(1, 1, 10000))){

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(object$tau)
p <- object$dim_theta[1]
m <- object$dim_theta_z

B <- boot(object, R = R, seed = seed)
tmp <- object

if(nq == 1){
	yhat <- matrix(NA, object$nobs, R)
	for(i in 1:R){
		tmp$theta <- B[i,1:(p+m)]
		tmp$theta_x <- B[i,1:p]
		tmp$theta_z <- B[i,(p+1):(p+m)]
		tmp$scale <- B[i,(p+m+1)]
		yhat[,i] <- predict(tmp, level = level)
	LB <- apply(yhat, 1, quantile, probs = alpha/2)
	UB <- apply(yhat, 1, quantile, probs = 1 - alpha/2)
	ans <- data.frame(yhat = predict(object, level = level), lower = LB, upper = UB, SE = apply(yhat, 1, sd))
} else {
	ans <- list()
	for(j in 1:nq){
		tmp$tau <- tau[j]
		yhat <- matrix(NA, object$nobs, R)
		for(i in 1:R){
			tmp$theta <- B[i,1:(p+m),j]
			tmp$theta_x <- B[i,1:p,j]
			tmp$theta_z <- B[i,(p+1):(p+m),j]
			tmp$scale <- B[i,(p+m+1),j]
			yhat[,i] <- predict(tmp, level = level)
		LB <- apply(yhat, 1, quantile, probs = alpha/2)
		UB <- apply(yhat, 1, quantile, probs = 1 - alpha/2)
		ans[[j]] <- data.frame(yhat = predict(tmp, level = level), lower = LB, upper = UB, SE = apply(yhat, 1, sd))
	names(ans) <- format(tau, digits = 4)



residuals.lqmm <- function(object, level = 0, ...){

object$y[object$revOrder] - predict(object, level = level)


logLik.lqmm <- function(object, ...){

tdf <- object$edf + 1
tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)

  if(nq == 1){
  ans <- object$logLik
  } else {
    ans <- NULL
    for(i in 1:nq) ans <- c(ans, object[[i]]$logLik);
    names(ans) <- as.character(format(tau, digits = 4))
attr(ans, "nobs") <- object$nobs
attr(ans, "df") <- tdf
attr(ans, "class") <- "logLik"


summary.lqmm <- function(object, method = "boot", alpha = 0.05, covariance = FALSE, ...){

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)
object$logLik <- logLik(object)
object$aic <- AIC(object)
est <- extractAll(object)
nn <- object$nn
rdf <- object$rdf
ddf <- object$dim_theta[1] - 1
npars <- object$dim_theta[1] + object$dim_theta_z + 1

coln <- c("Value", "Std. Error", "lower bound", "upper bound", "Pr(>|t|)")

  if(method == "boot"){
    B <- boot.lqmm(object, ...)
	R <- attr(B, "R")
    if(nq == 1){
		Cov <- cov(as.matrix(B), use = "na.or.complete")
		stds <- sqrt(diag(Cov))
		tP <- 2*pt(-abs(est/stds), R - 1)
		lower <- est + qt(alpha/2, R - 1)*stds
		upper <- est + qt(1 - alpha/2, R - 1)*stds
		ans <- cbind(est, stds, lower, upper, tP)
		colnames(ans) <- coln
		ans <- ans[c(nn),,drop=FALSE]
    } else {
		Cov <- apply(B, 3, function(x) cov(as.matrix(x), use = "na.or.complete"))
		stds <- sqrt(apply(Cov, 2, function(x, n) diag(matrix(x, n, n, byrow = TRUE)), n = npars))
		tP <- 2*pt(-abs(est/stds), R - 1)
		lower <- est + qt(alpha/2, R - 1)*stds
		upper <- est + qt(1 - alpha/2, R - 1)*stds
		ans <- vector("list", nq)
		names(ans) <- tau
		Cov.array <- array(NA, dim = c(object$df,object$df,nq))
		  for(i in 1:nq){
			ans[[i]] <- cbind(est[,i], stds[,i], lower[,i], upper[,i], tP[,i]);
			rownames(ans[[i]]) <- rownames(est)
			colnames(ans[[i]]) <- coln;
			ans[[i]] <- ans[[i]][c(nn),,drop=FALSE]
			Cov.array[,,i] <- matrix(Cov[,i], object$df, object$df)
		Cov <- Cov.array
		dimnames(Cov) <- list(rownames(attr(B, "estimated")), rownames(attr(B, "estimated")), format(tau, digits = 4))
	if(method == "nid"){
if(covariance) object$Cov <- Cov
object$tTable <- ans
object$B <- B
class(object) <- "summary.lqmm"


print.summary.lqmm <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...){

tau <- x$tau
nq <- length(tau)

cat("Call: ")

  if (nq == 1) {
    cat(paste("Quantile", tau, "\n"))

    cat("Fixed effects:\n")
    printCoefmat(x$tTable, signif.stars = TRUE, P.values = TRUE)
  } else {
    for (i in 1:nq) {
      cat(paste("tau = ", tau[i], "\n", sep = ""))
      cat("Fixed effects:\n")

      printCoefmat(x$tTable[[i]], signif.stars = TRUE, P.values = TRUE)

    paste(format(x$aic, digits = digits), " (df = ", attr(x$logLik, "df"), ")", sep =""),
    quote = FALSE

boot.lqmm <- function(object, R = 50, seed = round(runif(1, 1, 10000)), startQR = FALSE){

if(startQR) warning("Standard errors may be underestimated when 'startQR = TRUE'")

tau <- object$tau
nq <- length(tau)

ngroups <- object$ngroups
group_all <- object$group
group_unique <- unique(group_all)
obsS <- replicate(R, sample(group_unique, replace = TRUE))
dim_theta_z <- object$dim_theta_z

npars <- object$dim_theta[1] + dim_theta_z + 1
dimn <- c(object$nn, paste("reStruct", 1:dim_theta_z, sep=""), "scale")

control <- object$control
control$verbose <- FALSE

FIT_ARGS <- list(x = as.matrix(object$mmf), y = object$y, z = as.matrix(object$mmr), cov_name = object$cov_name,
            V = object$QUAD$nodes, W = object$QUAD$weights, group = group_all, control = control)

if(nq == 1){

  FIT_ARGS$theta_0 <- object$theta;
  FIT_ARGS$sigma_0 <- object$scale;
  FIT_ARGS$tau <- object$tau;

  bootmat <- matrix(NA, R, npars);
  colnames(bootmat) <- dimn

  for(i in 1:R){
    group_freq <- table(obsS[,i]);
    sel_unique <- group_unique%in%names(group_freq);
    w <- rep(0, ngroups); w[sel_unique] <- group_freq;
    FIT_ARGS$weights <- w;
		lmfit <- lm.wfit(x = as.matrix(object$mmf), y = object$y, w = rep(w, table(group_all)))
		theta_x <- lmfit$coefficients
		theta_z <- if (object$type == "normal")
			rep(1, dim_theta_z)
				else rep(invvarAL(1, 0.5), dim_theta_z)
		FIT_ARGS$theta_0 <- c(theta_x, theta_z)
		FIT_ARGS$sigma_0 <- invvarAL(mean(lmfit$residuals^2), 0.5)

	if(control$method == "gs") fit <- try(do.call(lqmm.fit.gs, FIT_ARGS), silent = TRUE)
	if(control$method == "df") fit <- try(do.call(lqmm.fit.df, FIT_ARGS), silent = TRUE)
    if(!inherits(fit, "try-error")) bootmat[i,] <- c(fit$theta , fit$scale)
} else {

  bootmat <- array(NA, dim = c(R, npars, nq), dimnames = list(NULL, dimn, paste("tau = ", format(tau, digits = 4), sep ="")));

  for(i in 1:R){
    group_freq <- table(obsS[,i]);
    sel_unique <- group_unique%in%names(group_freq);
    w <- rep(0, ngroups); w[sel_unique] <- group_freq;
    FIT_ARGS$weights <- w;
    for (j in 1:nq){
			FIT_ARGS$theta_0 <- object[[j]]$theta;  
			FIT_ARGS$sigma_0 <- object[[j]]$scale
		} else {
			lmfit <- lm.wfit(x = as.matrix(object$mmf), y = object$y, w = rep(w, table(group_all)))
			theta_x <- lmfit$coefficients
			theta_z <- if(object$type == "normal")
				rep(1, dim_theta_z) else rep(invvarAL(1, 0.5), dim_theta_z)
			FIT_ARGS$theta_0 <- c(theta_x, theta_z)
			FIT_ARGS$sigma_0 <- invvarAL(mean(lmfit$residuals^2), 0.5)

		FIT_ARGS$tau <- object$tau[j];

		if(control$method == "gs") fit <- try(do.call(lqmm.fit.gs, FIT_ARGS), silent = TRUE);
		if(control$method == "df") fit <- try(do.call(lqmm.fit.df, FIT_ARGS), silent = TRUE);
		if(!inherits(fit, "try-error")) bootmat[i,,j] <- c(fit$theta , fit$scale)

class(bootmat) <- "boot.lqmm"
attr(bootmat, "tau") <- tau
attr(bootmat, "estimated") <- extractAll(object)
attr(bootmat, "R") <- R
attr(bootmat, "seed") <- seed
attr(bootmat, "nn") <- object$nn
attr(bootmat, "npars") <- npars
attr(bootmat, "indices") <- obsS
attr(bootmat, "dim_theta") <- object$dim_theta
attr(bootmat, "dim_theta_z") <- object$dim_theta_z



extractBoot.boot.lqmm <- function(object, which = "fixed"){

tau <- attr(object, "tau")
nq <- length(tau)
nn <- attr(object, "nn")
dim_theta <- attr(object, "dim_theta")
dim_theta_z <- attr(object, "dim_theta_z")

ind.f <- 1:dim_theta[1]
ind.r <- (dim_theta[1] + 1):(dim_theta[1] + dim_theta_z)
ind.s <- dim_theta[1] + dim_theta_z + 1

  if(which == "fixed"){
    if(nq == 1){
      ans <- as.matrix(object[,c(ind.f,ind.s)])
    } else {
      ans <- object[,c(ind.f,ind.s),]
  if(which == "random"){
    if(nq == 1){
      ans <- as.matrix(object[,ind.r])
    } else {
      ans <- object[,ind.r,]


summary.boot.lqmm <- function(object, alpha = 0.05, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...){

est <- attr(object, "estimated")
R <- attr(object, "R")
tau <- attr(object, "tau")
nq <- length(tau)
nn <- attr(object, "nn")
npars <- attr(object, "npars")
coln <- c("Value", "Std. Error", "lower bound", "upper bound", "Pr(>|t|)")
if(nq == 1){
  Cov <- cov(as.matrix(object))
  stds <- sqrt(diag(Cov))
  tP <- 2*pt(-abs(est/stds), R - 1)
  lower <- est + qt(alpha/2, R - 1)*stds
  upper <- est + qt(1 - alpha/2, R - 1)*stds
  ans <- cbind(est, stds, lower, upper, tP)
  colnames(ans) <- coln
  ans <- ans[c(nn,"scale"),]
  cat(paste("Quantile", tau, "\n"))
  printCoefmat(ans, signif.stars = TRUE, P.values = TRUE)
else {
  Cov <- apply(object, 3, function(x) cov(as.matrix(x)))
  stds <- sqrt(apply(Cov, 2, function(x, n) diag(matrix(x, n, n, byrow = TRUE)), n = npars))
  tP <- 2*pt(-abs(est/stds), R - 1)
  lower <- est + qt(alpha/2, R - 1)*stds
  upper <- est + qt(1 - alpha/2, R - 1)*stds
  for(i in 1:nq){
    ans <- cbind(est[,i], stds[,i], lower[,i], upper[,i], tP[,i]);
    rownames(ans) <- rownames(est)
    colnames(ans) <- coln;
    ans <- ans[c(nn,"scale"),]
    cat(paste("tau = ", tau[i], "\n", sep =""))
    printCoefmat(ans, signif.stars = TRUE, P.values = TRUE)



extractAll <- function(object){

nq <- length(object$tau)

dim_theta_z <- object$dim_theta_z
dimn <- c(object$nn, paste("reStruct", 1:dim_theta_z, sep=""), "scale")
  if(nq == 1){
  ans <- c(object$theta, object$scale);
  names(ans) <- dimn
  } else {
  val <- NULL
  for(i in 1:nq) val <- c(val, object[[i]]$scale)
  ans <- rbind(object$theta_x, object$theta_z, val);
  rownames(ans) <- dimn


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lqmm documentation built on April 6, 2022, 5:09 p.m.