# These functions are the top-level interface functions that are exposed to the user of the package.
#' Fit a Left-truncated mixture model (LTMM)
#' @param x data vector
#' @param G number of components
#' @param distributions densities to combine
#' @param trunc left truncation point (optional)
#' @param EM_init_method initialization method for EM algorithm
#' @param EM_starts number of random starts for initialization of EM algorithm. (only for G > 1)
#' @param init_pars initial parameter values (list of length G)
#' @param init_pi manually specified initial component proportions (for init_method=specified)
#' @param init_classes manually specified initial classes. will overwrite init_pars and init_pi
#' @param one_group_reps number of random starts for each numerical optimization in 1-component model
#' @param eps stopping tolerance for EM algoithm
#' @param maximum number of iterations of EM algorithm
#' @param verbose print information as fitting progresses?
#' @param parallel fit models in parallel?
#' @param cores number of processes used for parallel computation. if NULL detect.cores() used
#' @param save_each_fit save each model as it is produced, in a time-stamped directory (safer)
#' @description This function fits a family of finite mixture models using every combination of the left-truncated
#' lognormal, gamma, and weibull distributions.
#' @references Blostein, Martin & Miljkovic, Tatjana. (2019). On modeling left-truncated loss data using mixtures of distributions. Insurance Mathematics and Economics. 85. 35-46. 10.1016/j.insmatheco.2018.12.001.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' x <- secura$Loss
#' fits_GL <- ltmmCombo(x, G = 2, distributions = c('gamma', 'lognormal'), trunc = 1.2e6)
#' summary(fits_GL)
#' }
#' @return An ltmmCombo model object, with the following properties:
#' \describe{
#' \item{x}{Copy of the input data}
#' \item{distributions}{The selected distributions}
#' \item{combos}{List of all combinations of distributions considered}
#' \item{all.fits}{List of all ltmm fit objects}
#' \item{all.bic}{Vector of BIC values for each model}
#' \item{}{The best ltmm fit by BIC}
#' \item{best.bic}{The best BIC value of all fits}
#' \item{best.bic.combo}{The combination of distributions used for the best fit by BIC}
#' \item{all.aic}{Vector of AIC value for each model}
#' \item{}{The best ltmm fit by AIC}
#' \item{best.aic}{The best AIC value of all fits}
#' \item{best.aic.combo}{The combination of distributions used for the best fit by AIC}
#' \item{all.ll}{Vector of log-likelihood value for each model}
#' \item{summary_table}{Table summarizing the AIC, BIC, LL, and risk measures for each fitted model}
#' }
#' @export
ltmmCombo <- function(x, G, distributions = c("lognormal", "gamma", "weibull"), trunc = NULL,
EM_init_method = "emEM", EM_starts = 5, init_pars = NULL, init_pi = NULL,
init_classes = NULL, one_group_reps = 50, eps = 1e-6, = 1000,
verbose = FALSE, parallel = FALSE, cores = NULL, save_each_fit = FALSE) {
combos <- gtools::combinations(length(distributions), G, distributions, repeats.allowed = T)
if (save_each_fit) {
results.dir <- paste0("fits-", gsub(" ", "-", gsub("-|:", "", Sys.time())))
dir.create(results.dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
if (parallel) {
verbose <- FALSE
if (is.null(cores))
cores <- parallel::detectCores()
all.fits <- parallel::mclapply(1:nrow(combos), function(i) {
expr = {
w <- ltmm(x, G, combos[i,], trunc, EM_init_method, EM_starts, init_pars[[i]],
init_pi[[i]], init_classes, one_group_reps, eps,, verbose)
if (save_each_fit)
saveRDS(w, file.path(results.dir, paste0("fit_", i, ".rds")))
error = function(w) {
list(bic = Inf, aic = Inf, ll = -Inf, error=w, densities=combos[i,])
}, mc.cores = cores)
} else {
all.fits <- lapply(1:nrow(combos), function(i) {
expr = {
w <- ltmm(x, G, combos[i,], trunc, EM_init_method, EM_starts, init_pars[[i]],
init_pi[[i]], init_classes, one_group_reps, eps,, verbose)
if (save_each_fit)
saveRDS(w, file.path(results.dir, paste0("fit_", i, ".rds")))
}, error = function(w) {
list(bic = Inf, aic = Inf, ll = -Inf, error=w, densities=combos[i,])
all.bic <- sapply(all.fits, getElement, 'bic')
best.bic.ind <- which.min(all.bic)
all.aic <- sapply(all.fits, getElement, 'aic')
best.aic.ind <- which.min(all.aic)
all.ll <- sapply(all.fits, getElement, 'll')
all.VaR <- function(p = 0.05)
sapply(all.fits, function(fit) fit$VaR(p))
all.ES <- function(p = 0.05)
sapply(all.fits, function(fit) fit$ES(p))
summary_table <- data.frame(bic = all.bic,
aic = all.aic,
ll = all.ll,
Var_95 = tryCatch(all.VaR(0.05), error = function(e) NA),
Var_99 = tryCatch(all.VaR(0.01), error = function(e) NA),
ES_95 = tryCatch(all.ES(0.05), error = function(e) NA),
ES_99 = tryCatch(all.ES(0.01), error = function(e) NA))
summary_table <- cbind(unname(combos), summary_table)
names(summary_table)[1:G] = paste0("G", 1:G)
output <- list(
x = x,
G = G,
distributions = distributions,
combos = combos,
all.fits = all.fits,
all.bic = all.bic, = all.fits[[best.bic.ind]],
best.bic = all.bic[best.bic.ind],
best.bic.combo = combos[best.bic.ind,],
all.aic = all.aic, = all.fits[[best.aic.ind]],
best.aic = all.aic[best.aic.ind],
best.aic.combo = combos[best.aic.ind,],
all.ll = all.ll,
summary_table = summary_table
class(output) <- "ltmmCombo"
if (save_each_fit)
saveRDS(output, file.path(results.dir, "all_fits.rds"))
# Main function for fitting an individual model:
# ltmm = "Left Truncated Mixture Models"
#' Fit a Left-truncated mixture model (LTMM)
#' @param x data vector
#' @param G number of components
#' @param distributions densities to combine
#' @param trunc left truncation point (optional)
#' @param EM_init_method initialization method for EM algorithm
#' @param EM_starts number of random starts for initialization of EM algorithm. (only for G > 1)
#' @param init_pars initial parameter values (list of length G)
#' @param init_pi manually specified initial component proportions (for init_method=specified)
#' @param init_classes manually specified initial classes. will overwrite init_pars and init_pi
#' @param one_group_reps number of random starts for each numerical optimization in 1-component model
#' @param eps stopping tolerance for EM algoithm
#' @param maximum number of iterations of EM algorithm
#' @param verbose print information as fitting progresses?
#' @description This function generates a mixture model combining left-truncated lognormal,
#' gamma, and weibull distributions
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' x <- secura$Loss
#' fit <- ltmm(x, G = 2, distributions = c('gamma', 'gamma', 'weibull'), trunc = 1.2e6)
#' summary(fit)
#' plot(fit)
#' }
#' @return An ltmm model object, with the following properties:
#' \describe{
#' \item{x}{Copy of the input data}
#' \item{distributions}{The selected distributions}
#' \item{trunc}{The left truncation value, if specified}
#' \item{fitted_pdf}{The probability density function of the fitted model}
#' \item{fitted_cfd}{The cumulative density function of the fitted model}
#' \item{VaR}{The value-at-risk of the fitted model (function with p taken as onl yargument)}
#' \item{ES}{The expected shortfall of the fitted model (function with p taken as onl yargument)}
#' \item{G}{The number of components in the model}
#' \item{Pi}{The estimated probabilites of component membership}
#' \item{Pars}{The estimated model parameters}
#' \item{ll}{The log-likelihood of the fitted model}
#' \item{bic}{The BIC of the fitted model}
#' \item{aic}{The AIC of the fitted model}
#' \item{id}{The MAP component membership for each observation}
#' \item{iter}{The number of iterations until convergence for the EM algorithm}
#' \item{npars}{The total number of model parameters for the fitted model}
#' \item{ll.history}{The value of log-likelihood at each iteration of the EM algorithm}
#' }
#' @export
ltmm <- function(
x, # data vector
G, # number of components
distributions, # density of each component (if length = 1, density of all components)
trunc = NULL, # left truncation point (optional)
EM_init_method = "emEM", # initialization method for EM algorithm
EM_starts = 5, # number of random starts for initialization of EM algorithm. (only for G > 1)
init_pars = NULL, # manually specified initial parameter values (for init_method=specified)
init_pi = NULL, # manually specified initial component proportions (for init_method=specified)
init_classes = NULL, # manually specified initial classes. will overwrite init_pars and init_pi
one_group_reps = 50, # number of repetitions for each numerical optimization
eps = 1e-6, # stopping tolerance for EM algoithm = 1000, # maximum number of iterations for EM algorithm
verbose = FALSE # print information as fitting progresses?
) {
if (G != 1 && length(distributions) == 1)
distributions = rep(distributions, G)
if (!all(distributions %in% c("normal", "lognormal", "gamma", "weibull", "gompertz", "burr", "inv_burr")))
stop("Invalid choice of density.")
# create density functions
f_list <- lapply(distributions, create_trunc_pdf, trunc=trunc)
# record names
attr(f_list, "names") <- distributions
# package EM options
EM_options <- list(eps = eps, =, verbose = verbose)
if (G == 1) {
if (is.null(init_pars))
init_pars <- generate_initial_pars(x, distributions)[[1]]
Pars <- single_group_mle(x, f_list[[1]], distributions, trunc, init_pars, one_group_reps, verbose)
ll <- log_likelihood(x, f_list, Pars, Pi = 1)
npars <- length(unlist(Pars))
n <- length(x)
# make single-component fit match multi-component fits:
EM_result <- list(
G = 1, Pi = 1, Pars = Pars,
ll = ll,
bic = -2 * ll + npars * log(n),
aic = -2 * ll + npars * 2,
id = rep(1, n),
iter = 1,
npars = npars,
ll.history = ll
} else {
if (EM_init_method == "spec")
initial <- list(Pars = init_pars, Pi = init_pi)
initial <- initialize_EM(x, G, EM_starts, distributions, f_list, EM_init_method, init_classes, verbose)
if (verbose)
cat("Beginning EM iterations.\n\n")
EM_result <- EM(x, initial$Pars, initial$Pi, f_list, EM_options)
if (verbose)
cat("\nModel fitting completed.\n\n")
# create fitted pdf
fitted_pdf <- function(X) sapply(X, function(y)
sum(sapply(1:G, function(g)
EM_result$Pi[g]*f_list[[g]](y, EM_result$Pars[[g]]))))
# create fitted cdf
cdf_list <- lapply(distributions, create_trunc_cdf, trunc=trunc)
fitted_cdf <- function(X) sapply(X, function(y) {
sum(sapply(1:G, function(g)
EM_result$Pi[g]*cdf_list[[g]](y, EM_result$Pars[[g]])))
VaR <- create_VaR_func(x, trunc, fitted_pdf, fitted_cdf)
ES <- create_ES_func(x, trunc, fitted_pdf, fitted_cdf, VaR)
fitted_pdf = fitted_pdf,
fitted_cdf = fitted_cdf,
VaR = VaR,
ES = ES),
class = "ltmm")
#' Create an ltmm model object given data and parameters
#' @param x data vector
#' @param distributions densities to combine
#' @param trunc left truncation point (optional)
#' @param Pars list of length G of parameter values
#' @param Pi vector of length G of component proportions
#' @param npars Can optionally be used to overwrite the number of free parameters (used in the
#' calculation of AIC & BIC), if the model has additional constraints
#' @description This function is useful for omparing models produced using the ltmix package
#' to models fit using other, or for computing fit criteria and risk measures for
#' a known set of parameters.
#' @return An ltmm model object
#' @export
createLtmmObj <- function(x, distributions, trunc, Pars, Pi, npars = NULL) {
G <- length(Pi)
n <- length(x)
if (G != 1 && length(distributions) == 1)
distributions = rep(distributions, G)
f_list <- lapply(distributions, create_trunc_pdf, trunc=trunc)
ll <- log_likelihood(x = x, Pars = Pars, Pi = Pi, trunc = trunc, distributions = distributions)
# create fitted pdf
fitted_pdf <- function(X) sapply(X, function(y)
sum(sapply(1:G, function(g)
Pi[g]*f_list[[g]](y, Pars[[g]]))))
# create fitted cdf
cdf_list <- lapply(distributions, create_trunc_cdf, trunc=trunc)
fitted_cdf <- function(X) sapply(X, function(y) {
sum(sapply(1:G, function(g)
Pi[g]*cdf_list[[g]](y, Pars[[g]])))
VaR <- create_VaR_func(x, trunc, fitted_pdf, fitted_cdf)
ES <- create_ES_func(x, trunc, fitted_pdf, fitted_cdf, VaR)
if (is.null(npars))
npars <- length(unlist(Pars))
aic <- -2 * ll + npars * 2
bic <- -2 * ll + npars * log(n)
id <- sapply(x, function(x0) {
which.max(sapply(1:G, function(i) f_list[[i]](x0, Pars[[i]])))
distributions = distributions,
trunc = trunc,
fitted_pdf = fitted_pdf,
fitted_cdf = fitted_cdf,
VaR = VaR,
ES = ES,
G = G,
Pi = Pi,
Pars = Pars,
ll = ll,
bic = bic,
aic = aic,
id = id,
iter = 0,
npars = npars,
ll.history = ll ),
class = "ltmm")
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