
Defines functions alpha.fd.multidim

Documented in alpha.fd.multidim

#' Compute a set of alpha functional indices for a set of assemblages
#' This function computes a set of multidimensional space based indices of 
#' alpha functional diversity. The user can choose which functional indices to
#' compute.
#' @param sp_faxes_coord a matrix of species coordinates in a chosen
#'   functional space. Species coordinates have been retrieved thanks to
#'   \code{\link{tr.cont.fspace}} or \code{\link{quality.fspaces}}.
#' @param asb_sp_w a matrix linking weight of species (columns) and a
#'   set of assemblages (rows).
#' @param ind_vect a vector of character string of the name of
#'   functional indices to compute. \strong{Indices names must be written in
#'   lower case letters}. Possible indices to compute are: 'fide', fdis',
#'   'fmpd', 'fnnd', 'feve', 'fric', 'fdiv', 'fori' and 'fspe'. Default: all 
#'   the indices are computed.
#' @param scaling a logical value indicating if scaling is to be done
#'   (TRUE) or not (FALSE) on functional indices. Scaling is used to be able to
#'   compare indices values between assemblages. Default: scaling = TRUE.
#' @param check_input a logical value indicating whether key features the 
#'   inputs are checked (e.g. class and/or mode of objects, names of rows 
#'   and/or columns, missing values). If an error is detected, a detailed 
#'   message is returned. Default: `check.input = TRUE`.
#' @param details_returned a logical value indicating whether the user
#'   want to store details. Details are used in graphical functions and thus
#'   must be kept if the user want to have graphical outputs for the computed
#'   indices.
#' @param verbose a logical value indicating whether progress details should be
#'   printed in the console. If `FALSE` does not provide percent progress when
#'   computing diversity indices.
#' @return The following list is returned: \itemize{
#'  \item \emph{functional_diversity_indices} matrix containing indices values
#'  (columns) for each assemblage (rows)
#'  \item \emph{details} list: a \strong{asb_sp_occ} data.frame of species
#'  occurrences in each assemblage ; a \strong{asb_sp_relatw} matrix of
#'  relative weight of species in each assemblage ; a \strong{sp_coord_all_asb}
#'  list of matrices of species coordinates along functional axes for species
#'  present in each assemblage ; a \strong{vert_nm_all_asb} list of vectors of
#'  species names being vertices of the convex hull for each assemblage ; a
#'  \strong{mst_all_asb} list of data.frames summarizing link between species 
#'  in the minimum spanning tree of each assemblage ; a
#'  \strong{grav_center_vert_coord_all_asb} list of vectors of coordinates of
#'  the vertices gravity center for each assemblage ; a
#'  \strong{mean_dtogravcenter_all_asb} list of vectors containing mean 
#'  distance to the species gravity center for each assemblage ; a
#'  \strong{dist_gravcenter_global_pool} vector containing the distance of each
#'  species to the gravity center of all species from the global pool ; a
#'  \strong{dist_nn_global_pool} data.frame showing the distances of each
#'  species from the global pool to its nearest neighbor ; a
#'  \strong{nm_nn_all_asb} data.frame containing the name of each nearest
#'  neighbor of each species present in a given assemblage ; a
#'  \strong{dist_nn_all_asb} data.frame containing distance of each species
#'  present in a given assemblage to its nearest neighbor.}
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load Species*Traits dataframe:
#' data('fruits_traits', package = 'mFD')
#' # Load Assemblages*Species dataframe:      
#' data('baskets_fruits_weights', package = 'mFD')
#' # Load Traits categories dataframe:
#' data('fruits_traits_cat', package = 'mFD')  
#' # Compute functional distance 
#' sp_dist_fruits <- mFD::funct.dist(sp_tr         = fruits_traits,
#'                                   tr_cat        = fruits_traits_cat,
#'                                   metric        = "gower",
#'                                   scale_euclid  = "scale_center",
#'                                   ordinal_var   = "classic",
#'                                   weight_type   = "equal",
#'                                   stop_if_NA    = TRUE)
#' # Compute functional spaces quality to retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#' fspaces_quality_fruits <- mFD::quality.fspaces(
#'   sp_dist             = sp_dist_fruits, 
#'   maxdim_pcoa         = 10,
#'   deviation_weighting = 'absolute',
#'   fdist_scaling       = FALSE,
#'   fdendro             = 'average')
#' # Retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#' sp_faxes_coord_fruits <- fspaces_quality_fruits$details_fspaces$sp_pc_coord
#' # Compute alpha diversity indices
#' alpha_fd_indices_fruits <- mFD::alpha.fd.multidim(
#'   sp_faxes_coord   = sp_faxes_coord_fruits[, c('PC1', 'PC2', 'PC3', 'PC4')],
#'   asb_sp_w         = baskets_fruits_weights, 
#'   ind_vect         = c('fdis', 'fmpd', 'fnnd', 'feve', 'fric', 'fdiv', 
#'                        'fori', 'fspe'),
#'   scaling          = TRUE, 
#'   check_input      = TRUE, 
#'   details_returned = TRUE)
#' # Retrieve alpha diversity indices table
#' fd_ind_values_fruits <- alpha_fd_indices_fruits$functional_diversity_indices
#' fd_ind_values_fruits

alpha.fd.multidim <- function(sp_faxes_coord, asb_sp_w, 
                              ind_vect = c("fide", "fdis", "fmpd", "fnnd", 
                                           "feve", "fric", "fdiv", "fori", 
                                           "fspe"), scaling = TRUE, 
                              check_input = TRUE, details_returned = TRUE,
                              verbose = TRUE) {
  ## check_input if asked:
  if (check_input) {
    if (any(!ind_vect %in% c("fide", "fdis", "fmpd", 
                             "fnnd", "feve", "fric", "fdiv", "fori", 
                             "fspe"))) {
      stop("Indices names are wrong. Please check and rewright them ", 
           "following the function help.")
    if (any(!(colnames(asb_sp_w) %in% rownames(sp_faxes_coord)))) {
      stop("Mismatch between names in species*weight and species*coordinates ", 
           "matrix. Please check.")
  ## create outputs with NULL objects so work even if
  ## not all ind computed:
  asb_sp_occ <- NULL 
  asb_sp_relatw <- NULL
  asb_sp_faxes_coord <- NULL
  asb_vert_nm <- NULL
  pool_vert_nm <- NULL
  asb_mst <- NULL
  asb_G_coord <- NULL
  mean_dist_G <- NULL
  sp_dist_O <- NULL
  asb_nm_nn_pool <- NULL
  dist_nn_pool <- NULL
  asb_nm_nn_asb <- NULL
  asb_dist_nn_asb <- NULL
  O_coord <- NULL
  vert_nm_all_asb <- list() 
  pool_vert_nm <- NULL
  mst_all_asb <- NULL
  grav_center_vert_coord <- NULL
  mean_dtogravcenter_all_asb <- NULL
  special_sp_global_pool <- NULL
  centroid_global_pool <- NULL
  nm_nn_global_pool <- NULL
  dist_nn_global_pool <- NULL
  nm_nn_all_asb <- NULL
  dist_nn_all_asb <- NULL
  ## build matrices and vectors to store values to
  ## compute indices or ...  ... get outputs (used in
  ## graphical functions):
  sp_faxes_coord <- as.data.frame(sp_faxes_coord)
  # If asb_sp_w is not a df, convert it:
  asb_sp_w <- as.data.frame(asb_sp_w)
  # compute vertices names of the global pool for outputs:
  pool_vert_nm    <- vertices(sp_faxes_coord, check_input = TRUE)
  # build a matrix to store indices values for each
  # assemblage:
  if ("fide" %in% ind_vect) {
    asb_ind_values <- matrix(NA, nrow(asb_sp_w), (length(ind_vect) - 1))
  } else {
    asb_ind_values <- matrix(NA, nrow(asb_sp_w), length(ind_vect))
  rownames(asb_ind_values) <- rownames(asb_sp_w)
  if ("fide" %in% ind_vect) {
    colnames(asb_ind_values) <- ind_vect[!ind_vect %in% c("fide")]
  } else {
    colnames(asb_ind_values) <- ind_vect
  # create a list to store vertices identities if
  # fric or fdiv computed:
  # for each asb:
  vert_nm_all_asb <- list()
  # for the global pool:
  vert_nm_pool <- NULL
  # create a list to store coordinates of species per
  # assemblage to use it...  ... in output so it can
  # be then used in graphical functions:
  sp_coord_all_asb <- list()
  # create a list to store mst per assemblage if feve
  # computed to use it...  ... in output so it can be
  # then used in graphical functions...  ... created
  # in general loop for graphical issue:
  mst_all_asb <- list()
  # create a list to store a vector for each
  # assemblage with coordinates ...  ...of the
  # gravity center of vertices if fdiv computed...
  # ... created in general loop for graphical issue:
  grav_center_vert_coord <- list()
  # create a list to store the mean distance of
  # species of an assemblage to...  ... the gravity
  # center of species present in the assemblage...
  # ... created in general loop for graphical issue:
  mean_dtogravcenter_all_asb <- list()
  # create a list to store the identity of the
  # nearest neighbor (fnnd) for ...  ... each species
  # in a given assemblage if fnnd is computed...  ...
  # created in general loop for graphical issue:
  nm_nn_all_asb <- list()
  # create a matrix to store the distance to the
  # nearest neighbour (fnnd) for ...  ... each
  # species in a given assemblage if fnnd is
  # computed...  ... created in general loop for
  # graphical issue:
  dist_nn_all_asb <- matrix(NA, nrow(asb_sp_w), nrow(sp_faxes_coord))
  rownames(dist_nn_all_asb) <- rownames(asb_sp_w)
  colnames(dist_nn_all_asb) <- rownames(sp_faxes_coord)
  dist_nn_all_asb <- as.data.frame(dist_nn_all_asb)
  # create a list to store names of nearest neighbor
  # in the global pool ...  ... for each species of a
  # given assemblage:
  nm_nn_global_pool <- list()
  # create an empty dataframe that will contain the
  # distance to the nearest...  ... neighbor of the
  # global pool for each species of the global
  # pool... ... created in general loop for graphical
  # issue:
  dist_nn_global_pool <- data.frame()
  # create an empty dataframe that will contain the
  # distance to the...  centroid of the global pool
  # for each species of the global pool...  ...
  # created in general loop for graphical issue:
  special_sp_global_pool <- data.frame()
  # create of a matrix to store fide values used to
  # compute fdis values:
  fide_asb <- matrix(NA, nrow(asb_sp_w), ncol(sp_faxes_coord))
  rownames(fide_asb) <- rownames(asb_sp_w)
  colnames(fide_asb) <- paste0("fide", sep = "_", colnames(sp_faxes_coord))
  # compute distance between species in the global
  # pool for scaling and ...  ... fori computation
  dist_sp <- as.matrix(stats::dist(sp_faxes_coord, method = "euclidean"))
  dist_sp[which(dist_sp == 0)] <- NA
  # retrieve a matrix with relative weight of species
  # per assemblage to use it...  ... in output so it
  # can be then used in graphical functions:
  relat_w_all_asb <- asb_sp_w
  relat_w_all_asb <- apply(relat_w_all_asb, 1, function(x) x / sum(x))
  # retrieve a matrix of presence/absence of species
  # per assemblage:
  asb_sp_w <- as.matrix(asb_sp_w)
  asb_sp_summary <- asb.sp.summary(asb_sp_w)
  asb_sp_occ <- asb_sp_summary$asb_sp_occ
  # retrieve species richness per assemblage and add
  # it to the indices matrix:
  asb_sprichn <- apply(asb_sp_occ, 1, sum)
  asb_sprichn <- as.matrix(asb_sprichn)
  rownames(asb_sprichn) <- rownames(asb_sp_w)
  colnames(asb_sprichn) <- "sp_richn"
  asb_ind_values <- as.data.frame(asb_ind_values)
  asb_sprichn <- as.data.frame(asb_sprichn)
  asb_ind_values <- cbind(asb_sprichn, asb_ind_values)
  ## compute indices for each assemblage: loop on
  ## assemblages to compute if asked fdis, fmpd, fnnd,
  ## feve, fric, fdiv:
  for (n in (1:nrow(asb_sp_w))) {
    k <- rownames(asb_sp_w)[n]
    # retrieve information on species belonging to
    # assemblage named k to... ... compute indices:
    sp_filter <- sp.filter(k, sp_faxes_coord, asb_sp_w)
    sp_faxes_coord_k <- sp_filter$`species coordinates`
    sp_faxes_coord_k <- data.matrix(sp_faxes_coord_k)
    asb_sp_w_k <- sp_filter$`species weight`
    asb_sp_w_k <- data.matrix(asb_sp_w_k)
    asb_sp_relatw_k <- sp_filter$`species relative weight`
    asb_sp_relatw_k <- data.matrix(asb_sp_relatw_k)
    # fill the matrix of species coordinates for all
    # assemblages:
    sp_coord_all_asb[[k]] <- sp_faxes_coord_k
    # fide:
    if ("fide" %in% ind_vect) {
      # compute fide value and store in the fide matrix:
      fide <- fide.computation(asb_sp_relatw_k, 
                               sp_faxes_coord_k, k, check_input = check_input)
      fide_asb[k, ] <- fide
    # fide and fdis:
    if ("fdis" %in% ind_vect) {
      # compute fide value and store in the fide matrix:
      fide <- fide.computation(asb_sp_relatw_k, 
                               sp_faxes_coord_k, k, check_input = check_input)
      fide_asb[k, ] <- fide
      fdis <- fdis.computation(asb_sp_relatw_k, 
                               sp_faxes_coord_k, fide_asb = NULL, 
                               k, check_input = check_input)
      # fill the matrix of indices:
      asb_ind_values[k, "fdis"] <- fdis
    # fric:
    if ("fric" %in% ind_vect) {
      if (check_input) {
        if (nrow(sp_faxes_coord_k) <= ncol(sp_faxes_coord_k)) {
          stop("Number of species should strictly be higher than the number ", 
               "of axes to compute the convex hull. It is not the case for ", 
               k, ". Remove this assemblage or decrease the number of ", 
               "functional axes. FRic can not be computed here.")
      fric <- fric.computation(sp_faxes_coord_k, 
                               check_input = check_input)
      fric_value <- fric$fric
      asb_ind_values[k, "fric"] <- fric_value
      vert_nm_all_asb[[k]] <- fric$vertices_nm
    # fdiv:
    if ("fdiv" %in% ind_vect) {
      if (check_input) {
        if (nrow(sp_faxes_coord_k) <= ncol(sp_faxes_coord_k)) {
          stop("Number of species should strictly be higher than the number ", 
               "of axes to compute the convex hull. It is not the case for ", 
               k, ". Remove this assemblage or decrease the number of ", 
               "functional axes. FDiv can not be computed here.")
      # retrieve vert_nm values if fric computed before:
      if ("fric" %in% ind_vect) {
        vert_nm <- fric$vertices_nm
      } else {
        vert_nm <- NULL
      # compute fdiv value:
      fdiv <- fdiv.computation(sp_faxes_coord_k, 
                                 asb_sp_relatw_k, vert_nm = vert_nm, 
                                 k, check_input = check_input)
        # scale and fill the matrix if scaling:
        fdiv_value <- fdiv$fdiv
        # fill the matrix:
        asb_ind_values[k, "fdiv"] <- fdiv_value
        # fill the vertices list if no fric computed:
        if (!"fric" %in% ind_vect) {
          vert_nm_all_asb[[k]] <- fdiv$details$vertices_nm
        # fill the list of gravity center coordinates for
        # each assemblage:
        grav_center_vert_coord[[k]] <- fdiv$details$B_coord
        # fill the list of mean distance to gravity center
        # of species present...  ... in each assemblage:
        mean_dtogravcenter_all_asb[[k]] <- fdiv$details$mean_dtoB
    # feve:
    if ("feve" %in% ind_vect) {
      if (check_input) {
        if (nrow(sp_faxes_coord_k) < 3) {
          stop("There must be at least 3 species to compute feve.")
      # compute feve value and fill the matrix of indices
      # if no scaling:
      feve <- feve.computation(asb_sp_relatw_k, 
                               sp_faxes_coord_k, k, check_input = check_input)
      feve_value <- feve$feve
      asb_ind_values[k, "feve"] <- feve_value
      # get the mst for the assemblage and fill the mst
      # list of all assemblages:
      feve_mst <- feve$mst
      mst_all_asb[[k]] <- feve_mst
    # fmpd:
    if ("fmpd" %in% ind_vect) {
      # compute fmpd value and fill the matrix of indices
      # if no scaling:
      fmpd <- fmpd.computation(asb_sp_relatw_k, 
                               sp_faxes_coord_k, k, check_input = check_input)
      asb_ind_values[k, "fmpd"] <- fmpd
    # fnnd:
    if ("fnnd" %in% ind_vect) {
      # compute fmpd value and fill the matrix of indices
      # if no scaling:
      fnnd <- fnnd.computation(asb_sp_relatw_k, 
                               sp_faxes_coord_k, k, check_input = check_input)
      # fill the matrix with the fnnd value:
      fnnd_value <- fnnd$fnnd
      asb_ind_values[k, "fnnd"] <- fnnd_value
      # retrieve data to use for outputs: a list for nms
      # (because can have several nn) and a df for
      # distances (because only one nn dist):
      nms_all <- list(fnnd$details$nm_nn_k)
      names(nms_all) <- k
      nm_nn_all_asb[k] <- nms_all
                      c(rownames(sp_faxes_coord_k))] <- fnnd$details$dist_nn_k
    # fori:
    if ("fori" %in% ind_vect) {
      # compute the minimal distance to the nearest
      # neighbor for each...  ... species in the global
      # pool:
      dist_nn_global_pool <- apply(dist_sp, 1, 
                                   min, na.rm = TRUE)
      fori <- fori.computation(dist_nn_global_pool, 
                               asb_sp_relatw_k, k, check_input = check_input)
      # create a list to store the identity of the nn for
      # each species of...  ...the assemblage:
      nm_nn_gp <- list()
      # compute identity to the nearest neighbor in the
      # gp for plots...
      for (i in (1:nrow(sp_faxes_coord_k))) {
        ref_sp <- rownames(sp_faxes_coord_k)[i]
        dist_nn_sp_gp <- dist.nearneighb(sp_faxes_coord, ref_sp)
        nms <- list(dist_nn_sp_gp$`nearest neighbour identity`)
        names(nms) <- ref_sp
        nm_nn_gp[ref_sp] <- nms
      # retrieve data to use for outputs: a list for nms
      # (because can have several nn) and a df for
      # distances (because only one nn dist):
      nms_all_gp <- list(nm_nn_gp)
      names(nms_all_gp) <- k
      nm_nn_global_pool[k] <- nms_all_gp
      dist_nn_global_pool <- as.data.frame(dist_nn_global_pool)
      # fill the indices output:
      asb_ind_values[k, "fori"] <- fori
    # fspe:
    if ("fspe" %in% ind_vect) {
      # compute specialization of each species in the
      # global pool i.e. distances to the
      # centroid of the global pool of species:
      # coordinates of the gravity center of the
      # vertices:
      centroid_global_pool <- apply(sp_faxes_coord, 
                                    2, mean)
      special_sp_global_pool <- apply(sp_faxes_coord, 
                                      1, function(x) {
                                        (sum((x - centroid_global_pool)^2))^0.5
      # compute fspe value:
      fspe <- fspe.computation(asb_sp_relatw_k, 
                               special_sp_global_pool, k, 
                               check_input = check_input)
      asb_ind_values[k, "fspe"] <- fspe
    if (verbose) {
      message(paste0(k, sep = " ", "done ", round((n/nrow(asb_sp_w)) * 
                                                  100, digits = 1), "%"))
  }  # end loop on assemblages
  ## scale indices if asked:
  if (scaling == TRUE) {
    # if fdis computed:
    if ("fdis" %in% ind_vect) {
        # compute distance between species in the global
        # pool for scaling:
        asb_ind_values$fdis <- asb_ind_values$fdis / (max(
                                                    dist_sp, na.rm = TRUE) / 2)
    # if fric computed:
    if ("fric" %in% ind_vect) {
      # compute convhulln volume for the global pool:
      gp_convhulln <- fric.computation(sp_faxes_coord, 
                                       check_input = check_input)

      # if fric of gp can be computed (otherwise = "NA"):
      # and if fric of each assemblage can be computed:
      asb_ind_values$fric <- asb_ind_values$fric / gp_convhulln$fric
    # if fmpd computed:
    if ("fmpd" %in% ind_vect) {
      mean_dist_sp <- apply(dist_sp, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
      asb_ind_values$fmpd <- asb_ind_values$fmpd / (max(
                                                  mean_dist_sp, na.rm = TRUE))
    # if fnnd computed:
    # scale fnnd value and fill the matrix of indices
    # if scaling:
    if ("fnnd" %in% ind_vect) {
      dist_nn <- list()
      for (i in (1:nrow(sp_faxes_coord))) {
        ref_sp <- rownames(sp_faxes_coord)[i]
        dist_nn_sp <- dist.nearneighb(sp_faxes_coord, ref_sp)
        dist_nn[ref_sp] <- 
        dist_nn_sp$`distance of the reference species to its nearest neighbour`
      asb_ind_values$fnnd <- asb_ind_values$fnnd / (max(unlist(dist_nn), 
                                                      na.rm = TRUE))
    # if fori computed:    
    if ("fori" %in% ind_vect) {
      asb_ind_values$fori <- asb_ind_values$fori / max(dist_nn_global_pool)
    # if fspe computed:
    if ("fspe" %in% ind_vect) {
      asb_ind_values$fspe <- asb_ind_values$fspe / max(special_sp_global_pool)
  ## create a matrix linking fide values and other
  ## indices:
  asb_ind_values_all <- asb_ind_values
  if (("fide" %in% ind_vect) | ("fdis" %in% ind_vect)) {
    asb_ind_values_all <- cbind(asb_ind_values_all, fide_asb)

  ## construct the return list:
  if (details_returned) {
    return_list <- list("functional_diversity_indices" = asb_ind_values_all, 
          "details" = list(
            sp_faxes_coord = as.matrix(sp_faxes_coord),
            asb_sp_occ = asb_sp_occ, 
            asb_sp_relatw = t(relat_w_all_asb), 
            asb_sp_faxes_coord = sp_coord_all_asb, 
            asb_vert_nm = vert_nm_all_asb, 
            pool_vert_nm = pool_vert_nm,
            asb_mst = mst_all_asb, 
            asb_G_coord = grav_center_vert_coord, 
            asb_mean_dist_G = mean_dtogravcenter_all_asb, 
            pool_sp_dist_O = special_sp_global_pool, 
            pool_O_coord = centroid_global_pool,
            asb_nm_nn_pool = nm_nn_global_pool, 
            asb_dist_nn_pool = dist_nn_global_pool, 
            asb_nm_nn_asb = nm_nn_all_asb, 
            asb_dist_nn_asb = dist_nn_all_asb))
  } else {
    return_list <- list("functional_diversity_indices" = asb_ind_values_all)
}  # end function

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mFD documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:25 a.m.